
Defining Terms

Azalyn HickmanPresentation 8G

Medical Terminology 120


A visual exam of the colon


• Mostly an examination of the large bowl and part of the small intestine

• Mostly used to detect colon cancer

Here is the procedure

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• Passage of fresh blood through anus

• Hematochezia is commonly associated with lower gastrointestinal bleeding, but may also occur from a brisk upper GI bleed

HEMATOCHEZIA• Can be a symptom of colon cancer

• Infection of the intestines (such as bacterial enterocolitis)

• Inflammatory bowel disease

• recent trauma

• Large polyps

• the presence of a foreign object

• a lack of proper blood flow to the intestines (bowel ischemia)

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• Surgical procedure to correct a hernia• Hernia- hole or rupture in the abdomen

• For open hernia repair surgery, a single long incision is made in the groin

• Surgical repair is recommended for inguinal hernias that are causing pain or other symptoms and for hernias that are incarcerated


• is the reconnection of two streams that previously branched out, such as blood vessels or leaf veins

• Anastomosis is the connection of two structures. It refers to connections between blood vessels or between other tubular structures such as loops of intestine.

• when part of an intestine is surgically removed, the two remaining ends are sewn or stapled together (anastomosed), and the procedure is referred to as an intestinal anastomosis.

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