Deepak Ravindran - Innoz

Post on 30-Oct-2014






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Start up, young man!


“tell me a story” -- every child

Born and brought up in a middle class family in Thrissur,Kerala.

At the age of 14, sourced and sold software CDs to my school friends while other kids were busy saving Super Mario’s girlfriend

Made money to buy magazines & computer hardware's. – 100 % Success

First venture :

• Building businesses, since 2002

2002: freelancing/ outsourcing company

2004: e-commerce /deal site - #fail

Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one coming.-Richard Branson

<2008- Present> Founder & CEO , Innoz


{Kasaragod, Kerala}

Computer ScienceLBS College of Engineering

innoz: a rare breed of young minds addicted to innovation

"My model for business is The Beatles: They were four guys that kept each other’s negative tendencies in check; they balanced each other. And the total was greater than the sum of the parts. Great things in business are not done by one person, they are done by a team of people." `Steve Jobs


How to impress a girl?

Answer engine on SMS

Taking risk



1.2 Billion People

900 Million Cellphone

120 Million Internet users



convert 1/6 to percent

16.6666667 percent

Why is an angry bird angry?

The birds are so angry because a group of green pigs stole their eggs.


• 500 million queries over SMS.

• 100 Gb’s of data.• Empowered over 15 MM

distinct users.


It is not easy to mix student life and business but it is definitely not impossible.

10 reasons why college is the best time to launch a start up

The best way to predict the future is to invent it.

That’s the answer to the question of life, universe and everything!

"We don't like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out." -Decca Recording Company rejecting the Beatles, 1962

We were late too..(SMS is dying)15 MM Users | 20 MM $ Revenue

Q: What it takes to be an entrepreneur?

the famous question

E for

An entrepreneur is someone who invented the phrase: ‘I can.’

Why you should be an entrepreneur

Because,It’s the best life it is

Fame FortuneFervor

REMEMBERWith great power comes great responsibility

Most difficult lesson you have learned as an entrepreneur?

It takes a tremendous amount of patience.

"10,000-Hour Rule"the key to success in any field is, to a large extent, a matter of practicing a

specific task for a total of around 10,000 hours.

Practice makes perfect

The best writing is rewriting.

fail fast. fail often.


• You can fail so very often. But you are not a failure until you give up.

• Dealing with failure is easy: Work hard to improve. Success is also easy to handle: You've solved the wrong problem. Work hard to improve.

• I fail everyday!

“Let's make a dent in the universe." — Steve Jobs

Pic: Innoz Headquarters - Bangalore

The team you build is the company you build. ` Vinod Khosla

YAWNNN! TOOMUCH OF GYAN!Last slide coming soon!

Listen to your intuition

if I ever have to give you a career advice

If it’s not a hit, switch.

and keep switching

Inspiration is perishable.

get inspired, every moment

Lessons Learned•Starting up young have enough advantages – chasing dreams with no other commitments and people care more.

•Finding a great team is really crucial, Team should be complimentary in skills, same in attitude. Also gelling the team together is a challenge but the core strength lies in the team.

•Chase a market which is bigger and brighter. Keep the technology minimum so that people can easily understand. Solve a problem.

•Mentorship is extremely important even more than funding for young startups. Lack of experience can only be matched with advises and inspiration from the veterans.

•Practice story telling. Entrepreneurs should be a good story teller. Because when there is a story to the media and people, they will follow you.

•Take external sources of funds only when necessary. Your clients are your biggest investors.

•Partner with the best, partner with big clients- the advantage of partnering with big clients is that we can learn more from them in terms of corporate culture and bring them inside.

•Entrepreneurship cannot be taught. The best way is to experiment. No one stops you in doing it. Be it a success or a failure, the learning curve is worth more than anything.

•End of the day, it’s your dream – your biggest inspiration.



Always remember:




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