DEDICATED TO IGNITING THE SPARK OF GENIUS IN to provide the learners with a strong platform for practical

Post on 24-Apr-2020






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CHILD Since 2014.

The school offers a rich and stimulating curriculum which is specifically

designed to generate the requisite enthusiasm for learning and value it

as a life‐long process. Activities in scholastic & co scholastic domains

are crafted in such a way that children feel promoted to participate,

explore & derive their own conclusions.

“Our guiding Motto is to promote excellence through nurturing

young minds who can render efficient service to the nation”.

At TDIIS pupils are an impressionable age that aims at enriching

cognizance & developing soft skills. We encourage them to explore

their passions and take their own initiative to develop curiosity

and love for learning.

TDI International aims to provide a conducive environment

that fosters confidence, independence and initiative.

The school resorts to most modern pedagogical maxims that are

child centric and promote the concept hands ‐ on learning to be

cherished by young learners forever & ever.

WarmlyRavinder Taneja


CHAIRMANWe warmly welcome you to TDI International School, which is on its way to become a shady boon for

the budding intellectuals. We strongly believe in our efforts to take care of your children in an ambiance

that suits the temperament of modern learners.

We at TDIIS endeavours to maximise their achievements attaching due importance to individual

differences & creating befitting situations that induce self learning. The stakeholders of the school

believe in bolstering students’ confidence & developing their innate qualities in every possible manner .

Our approach is learner centered. This philosophy of education helps facilitators to facilitate learning

& encourage pupils to hone their skills so as to become successful human beings in this world of


I have firm faith in the capabilities of the people associated with the school & I believe that their

invaluable suggestions can take the school to heights.

WarmlyHarender Kumar Sharma


PRINCIPALBesides imparting Learning Skills, TDIIS believes education to be the most important instrument for the transmission of culture and values from generation to generation. Inculcation for a sense of reverence in the young generation for their culture and also a desire successfully to discharge their responsibilities towards their family, society, country and above all towards humanity in general has been avowed aim of TDIIS. It believes in creating not only a successful; social being but also a fully cultured complete individual.The school is striving hard to make best possible efforts to inculcate strong values combining with academics and extra curricular activities in the children. Converting every individual into a self –reliant and independent citizen, the school provides an amalgam of scholastic and co-scholastic activities.No wonder a student harnessed in such an atmosphere has every hope and possibility of becoming a responsible balanced and a mature adult and is able to live in to contribute and to shoulder responsibilities of the society .Children need a supportive environment at home and at school. They need to set goals with in their reach until they gain confidence and determination. At TDIIS our approaches to learning is child centric encouraging activity based learning and inculcating a scientific temper and a spirit of free enquiry. In our curriculum the student is the primary focus and each child is involved in the learning process.

The parents are the most strengthening power in moulding the future of children. Their consistent support empowers us to do more and more.. I pay my gratitude to them for their faith in us.

I am confident enough that the TDIIS students will make themselves stronger day by day adding a new leaf to the grandeur of the school…..We look forward to meeting you.....

Our mission is to bring out the best in every student and

inculcate the values of integrity, dignity and humanity. We

strive to infuse our students with all the positive elements of

life so that they become leaders and carry forward our

country's rich legacies.

Mission :

The school envisions an educational platform where the

learners of the computer era gets ample opportunities

to harness their life skills & tap their untapped potential in a

congenial atmosphere.



We have remote laboratories for different disciplines of science such as Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

Teacher student learning sessions in these labs help them enrich class room activities with interactive

experiments and appealing demonstration. One can also find inquiry learning applications which

enable students in formulating research questions and hypotheses, conducting science experiments

and drawing conclusions

The Physics Lab is structured to support clear and open lines of communication. The lab contains the

required apparatus in sufficient number so that students can observe experiments, collect data, and

analyse it. Working on laboratory equipment and conducting experiments inculcate scientific skills in


Learning by doing is what we follow in Chemistry Lab. The laboratory is well-maintained and possesses

the required chemicals, glassware, reagents and apparatus. Students are taught various scientific

concepts through demonstration and conducting experiments by themselves as we believe that learning

is incomplete without experimentation and observation.

The Biology lab is a wonderful resource site for developing awareness, keen observation, concise

thinking and interest in life sciences. Our Biology lab has an extensive range of scientific models,

permitted specimens, slides, charts, instruments, equipment and apparatus that cater to the scientific

needs of all levels of classes.

Schools play a crucial role in bringing out the best in a child. Through guidance and counselling programmes, our experts are working with students and advice them on how to manage and deal with emotional conflict and personal problems. Many students face psychological problems which affect their studies but timely and proper guidance by our area experts can help combat these issues. We also conduct interactive counselling sessions on career guidance, advice students on selection of courses and career path. This gives students at TDI International a wider choice of selection enabling them to take courses of special interest


Our Library is a handy resource depository for the aspiring students and teachers. It has a bright,

multifunctional space with plenty of seating arrangement, sufficiently equipped with variety of rare

books, encyclopaedias, journals and reference material to help students with extended research. It

also comprises of a rich collection of newspapers, standard books and periodicals. There are plenty

of atlases, educational audio-videos on diverse subjects for in-depth studies.


stOur state of the art Maths Lab is best suited for the 21 century learners with activity based learning

and creates a challenging atmosphere for students to sharpen their mathematical skills. We prepare

the students mentally by providing them with a variety of modern and colourful apparatus making

subject interactive. Learning of mathematical concepts in "Maths lab" can help enhance analytical and

critical thinking of the learners

The computer sessions are monitored and supervised by computer teachers who guide the students.

Besides this, there are a number of LCD Projectors to facilitate the Teaching-cum-learning Process and

making it interactive for the students. In addition to this, the school also provides COACHING FACILITY

facilitated with interactive screens and boards which are directly connected with internet. The school

provides specialized coaching facilities to the meritorious students of the senior classes in order to

prepare them for qualifying NTSE, PET, PMT, NDA AIEEE, IIIT-JEE, CDS entrance tests.



Technology is a boon and forms an integral part of learning

at TDI International School. To cope with the rapidly

changing and emerging needs of the contemporary society

nationally and globally we are imparting high quality

computer education to all our students. The school has well

equipped computer laboratories with computers connected by

LAN with internet facility. There are more than 40 A-grade

sophisticated computers in the lab for individualized operation.

English language laboratories have been innovatively designed to develop the

L.S.R.W. (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing) skills in students. It is

designed to provide the learners with a strong platform for practical training in

the language and enrich english language skills. Our Digital English language

Lab is fitted with ultra modern audio aids that help students to learn the art of

correct pronunciation, accent neutralization and intonation. To nurture English

proficiency TDI offers specific courses by British phoneticians to improve

linguistic communication. It also helps them in preparing for TOEFL and IELTS

Tests for going abroad.

Literary club is committed to tap the effective communication talent among the students; the club is poised to enable the talents with cutting edge. Through this club the school enhances literary creativity and provide an avenue for self expression beyond the school curriculum. The club has initiated competitions in extempore, essay writing creative writing poetry debate skit competition to enhance students reading and writing skills. The best ones get a chance to publish in School Magazines.

The School frequently organizes motivational lectures, seminars and workshops for teachers to further enhance their teaching skills and provide them with the much needed psychological remedial measures for improving their work efficiency. Personality development & memory enhancement programmes are also organized for teachers as well as students on a regular basis.




The School is concerned about the physical fitness of its students by encouraging their willing participation in sports activities. It proudly possesses a huge Sports Complex to organise various g a m e s s u c h a s Vo l l e y b a l l , Basketball, Football, Handball, T.T, Athletics and Skating. Besides this, the school provides top classes facilities for various indoor games like Gymnastics, Badminton, Judo to increase physical competence, health related fitness and to stay physically active for a lifetime.


The School aims at making its students sufficiently cultured, informed and turn into dynamic individuals. There are a plethora of co curricular activities woven into academic timetable during the activities period. The students are encouraged to participate in various academic, cultural and sports activities designed as per their varied instinctive likings and interests. The students are divided into Four Houses which gives them unique opportunities and for creativity and development that caters to child's interest. Class-wise and House wise functions are organized throughout the year in which 100% student participation is mandatory.


The School celebrates the Independence Day, Republic Day, Gandhi Jayanti, Teacher's Day, Grand Parent's Day, Christmas Day, Children's Day and many such events. The Sports Meet is held annually for identifying the potential athletes and players. Each activity gives unique opportunities for creating and development that caters to a child's passion and interest


Besides this, all International Days are also celebrated to transcend all linguistic and regional fervour.

Physical education is an integral part of education of each & every child at TDI International. We believe that students should maintain a balance between academic and social activities so that they gain new experiences, learn to plan set goals and develop culturally and emotionally. At TDI International, we lay emphasis on physical education to revitalizes their energies for the subsequent better performance and achievement. The School provides A-grade creative recreational facilities that include the Nursery Hall, Children's Park and Creativity Hall for satisfying the creative urges of the kids.

Besides enabling the students to excel in academic domains, the School aims at providing them with specialized vocational training as well. Expert guidance is imparted in Information technology, Art & Crafts, Dramatics, Music and Dance to make them capable of achieving success in their chosen sphere of activity.

To encourage and generate the healthy spirit of competition, individual and team awards are liberally given to the outstanding students for winning laurels in scholastic and co-scholastic activities. Scholarships are also given to the meritorious students with high academic achievement, to those who hail from the economically weaker sections of the society and to our student athletes who participate not only at the state but also at the national level in different competitions.


The School is genuinely proud of its well-furnished Staff Apartments to provide quality accommodation to the families of teachers and wardens.



The School cafeteria provides hygienically prepared refreshments at reasonable rates.


TDI International offers opportunity for all grades to take educational excursions to well-known historical places and museums across the country to widen the mental

horizons of its students. The places visited join together with classroom learning. The school also holds exchange programme with leading Educational National and International Schools on a regular basis.



An essential feature for every school, a medical room well equipped to handle medical emergencies with the help of a doctor is available to look after the timely medical care of the boarders. Periodical medical check-ups of the students is carried out and its record is systematically maintained. We have prominent doctors of the town visiting us periodically to deliver lectures on the

health and hygiene for the general awareness and benefit of the students and the staff.


The School has a well furnished Dining Hall with ultra-modernfacilities and highly mechanized kitchen to facilitate quick service and to provide fresh and nutritious and balanced food to the boarders. Proper table manners, quality of food, cleanliness and hygiene are strict ly maintained. Non-vegetarian food is entirely prohibited in the school premises. The hostel warden and residential staff take meals along with the boarders, displaying a sense of community feeling and perfect parity with them.

Smart Class is a one of its kind feature and unique study model initiated by TDIIS. The feature transforms every class into a power house of sophisticated learning, equipped with the benefits of modern technology. As a part of this initiative, students study in the most interactive way and assimilate useful information which a physical book cannot impart. It is a scientifically proven method which allows a student to use considerable part of their brain and access a large portion of their memory. Besides, Smart class enhances the understanding of the concepts easily, without making studies monotonous for students. The Virtual learning experience transforms every classroom into a lively learning platform.


TDIIS students have classified into four vertical Clans named after the four universal elements of Air, Fire, Earth and Water. We constantly endeavour to implant our learners with the attributes of these four significant elements. These 'clans' help the students in understanding the homogeneous nature of Indian society and clan system. Students from different classes unite together to form groups and compete for scholastic, co-curricular and other personality developmental activities. Inter houses activities also prepare the students for inter-school and state level activities.

Four Clans

cultural exchange programme

The motive behind the organisation of cultural exchange program is to learn about various methods of "cooperative learning" & make the teaching system effective. The students get the international exposure & become receptive after meeting the people of various cultures, traditions & beliefs. To encourage this, an Indo-German cultural exchange program was organised at TDI International where a group of German teachers and students were welcomed in the school & hosted by the School teachers & students. There was high level of curiosity among German group and were enthusiastic enough to learn more about India and its culture. As part of the programme, many activities were planned for the visitors during the tenure of their stay at TDI International School. As a result, various aspects of educational systems of both the countries were learned reciprocally by both sides.

We have a School Bank where the boarders can safely deposit their money and make necessary withdrawals when needed. By doing so, they get practical training in banking operations. Keeping an account in the bank is compulsory for all the boarders to ensure safety of the money


The School manages its own fleet of new well maintained vehicles for bringing TDI International Schoolers to the school. The vehicles are also used for official purpose and in case of any emergency. We have adequate luxurious fleet of School buses too, for the to-and-fro of students from the notified area.



The School is proud of its airy, spacious and well-furnished hostels, fitted with all the modern amenities starting from for Grade III. Each hostel is under a strict caring and responsible warden, who keeps in close communication with the parents of the boarders.

The hostels are properly protected with adequate security arrangements including 24/7 CCTV. The wardens ensure that the students properly set their beds, keep their rooms, cupboards and the surroundings neat and clean and attend classes regularly.

Periodical meetings of boarders are held for offering immediate solutions to the problems faced by them. Each hostel is provided with TV sets so that the boarders may listen to the evening news and watch selected informative & educational programmes. Only approved video films, both classical and educational, are shown at regular intervals.

Moreover, the boarders have to follow a fixed schedule of super TDI International School-Studies. Postal facilities are also provided on the campus of the School for the students.


1. st stThe academic session is from the April 1 to the of March 31

2. Advanced registration is compulsory for a new admission to the school

3. It must be noted that mere registration does not guarantee admission, which will chiefly depend on

the combined test given at the time of admission. This consists of a Written Test in English and Maths

to assess the suitability of the pupil for a particular class. The Written Test is followed by the

Personality and Physical-cum-Medical fitness test.

4. Admission fee is to be deposited within a week of the Admission Test, failing which the admission

stands cancelled and the seat is declared vacant.

5. The School Authority reserves the exclusive right to decide the class to which a pupil can be admitted.

1 Proof of the Date of Birth from the Municipality or any other competent authority2 School Leaving Certificate/TC issued by the school last attended or Migration Certificate, (if any)3 Mark sheet of the previous class and School/Board registration Number, (if any)4 Four copies of the passport-size photographs of the child and one photo each of the parent and the guardian or the person authorized5 Medical Certificate from a qualified doctor to certify that the child is medically fit and free from any infectious disease6 A copy of original Passport (for NRIs and foreigners)7 Copy of the Residential permit (foreign-passport holders only)8 Copy of Aadhar CardNote: Particulars of a child will remain the same as mentioned in the SLC issued by the previous school according to the CBSE rules


1 The Principal reserves the right to cancel the admission of a student whose performance and

progress in studies is unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to the interest and prestige of the


2 A student who fails in the same class twice will automatically be removed from the rolls of the school

3 Any student caught using unfair means during an examination will not be retained on the school rolls

4 In case a student stops attending the school without any prior information to the school authorities,

his/her name will be struck off the school rolls after ten consecutive days of absence.

5. Parents are required to give one calendar month's advance written notice & fee to the school

authorities for the withdrawal of their children.


The school prepares students for the All India Secondary School Exam and All India Senior School

Certificate Examination, conducted by C.B.S.E. New Delhi, in Science, Commerce and Humanities

stream Moreover students are assisted to gain effective linguistic skills in English, Hindi whereas

Sanskrit is the third language in accordance with The Language Scheme of the Secondary Education.


1 Parents/Guardians are expected to sincerely observe all the rules and regulations of the school which

may be notified from time to time. In a dispute, the decision of the Principal will be considered final

2 During the stay, Student shall be governed by the Code of Discipline of the school

3 A minimum of 75% attendance is a must for promotion to the next class

4 Smoking and consumption of alcoholic drinks on the premises of the school are strictly prohibited.

Any violation of this rule can invite expulsion from school

5 Every student shall always carry the Identity Card with him/her while in school premises

6 Students' participation in the functions and activities of the School is compulsory

7 All the students shall converse in English only, while in the School Campus

8 All the students shall follow the school dress code in letter and in spirit

9 Any damage to the school property, caused by negligence or mischief shall have to be compensated

by the defaulter. The quantum of such damage done shall be determined by the Principal

10 Retention of any unauthorized and unlawful material is strictly prohibited in the school campus. Fine

will be imposed on the students for violating the school norms. An act of indiscipline may lead to

expulsion of the child from the school

11 No student is allowed to come to school by bike or by car in case he/she does not possess a valid

driving license

12 Change of subjects and sections is not permissible in any case

13 Parents must reach the school within 24 hours of receiving the telephonic call from the school in

case of any emergency or a complaint against their child/children

14 If a child's name is struck off the school rolls for any reason and he/she rejoins the school/hostel/

recreational or sports clubs, etc, in an academic year, he/she will have to pay re-admission charges

along with the fee of gap months

15 The school shall not be responsible for any mis-happening on account of a natural calamity like

earthquake, flood, fire, etc. Although, training in disaster management is given regularly

16 The school shall not be responsible for any injury caused by the student while undertaking any

academic or extracurricular activities in or out of the school e.g. Practical Exam, Sports, trip and

tours etc., nor shall the bear any expenses incurred thereupon

17 The school / hostel rules can be modified at any point during an academic session without any prior

information and these modified rules will be applicable to all old and new admissions

18 The parents shall bear all the charges of correspondence & phone calls made to them on behalf of

their child by School.

19 Persons carrying arms shall not be allowed to enter the school premises in any case

20 Child's academic performance shall never be compared with that of others, however, the school puts

in its sincere efforts for an 'All Round Development of its students

21 All disputes arising out of any clash with the School Authority shall be filed within the territorial

jurisdiction of SONIPAT Only

22 The school shall not be responsible for loss or damage to any board documents, if they are not

collected from the school counter within three months from the date of issue by the board


23 The school strictly condemns extra coaching/ tuition/ professional coaching, etc.

24 The parents must confirm the reliability of the outside transport provider before arranging transport

for child. The school shall not be responsible for it in any case

1 Fees are to be deposited on the quarterly basis i.e. 10thof first month of the quarter April-June,

July-Sept, Oct-Dec and Jan to March on any of the working days from 9AM to 1PM only

2 Fees can be paid in cash or through a D.D. in name of payable at Sonipat

3 Fee once deposited is neither refunded nor adjusted in any case

4 Fees are charged from April irrespective of the date of admission

5 Parents should collect the receipt for every payment of fee and other miscellaneous charges they

make over the fee counter or elsewhere on the school campus

6 Expenses on clothes, books, stationery, maintenance of personal belongings, transport facilities,

participation in extra-curricular activities, etc, will be exclusively borne by parents and is not included

in the curriculum fees

7 The School fee does not include any refundable security or insurance

8 The school & hostel fee will be charged for the entire span of twelve months irrespective of the date

of admission to the school

9 The school, hostel and transport fees are charged for the entire span of twelve months but realized in

four quarterly instalments. If a child stops availing hostel/transport facilities in between a session,

he/she will have to-pay fee for the whole year



1 Home sickness is a natural phenomenon; hence parents are advised to take the child's consent prior

to his/her admission to the hostel

2 Parents should regard hostel as a place highly conducive for attaining excellence in the multifarious

field of education. It should not be deemed as a confinement where pampered children are tamed

and reformed. Hence, this observation should be given due consideration before admitting a child to

the hostel

3 All the boarders are to rigidly abide by the rules and regulations enacted from time to time by the

School Authorities for the maintenance of discipline & decorum.

4 No boarder shall keep more than Rs.500/- as cash with him/her and deposit the same in the School

Bank and can withdraw the desired amount to meet contingencies.

5 No boarder is permitted to borrow or lend money, buy, sell or exchange any article in the school or

hostel campus

6 Boarders shall not keep with them any costly items such as cameras, mobiles, I pad etc. Retention of

any such device shall entail heavy fine

7 A minimum pocket allowance of Rs. 1500/- has to be deposited at the time of admission in the Bank

by the parents for the children who stay in the hostels

8 All belongings of the boarders, including clothes, should be clearly marked with the prescribed

indelible ink for the purpose of identification

9 No boarder can leave the hostel premises without seeking prior written permission by the Warden

and the Principal

10 The School and Hostel Authorities do not take any responsibility, legal or financial, for any injury

caused to a boarder in an accidental mishap

11 Parents/Guardians are advised not to see their children too often as it can disturb them emotionally

12 Periodic reports on students' progress are regularly sent to parents, even then, it is advisable to see

the class-teacher occasionally to discuss and ensure the progress of their children

13 Parents desirous of seeing their child's teacher may come to the school on the second Saturday of

the month between 12 noon and 3 pm. Hence, they should not visit the school any other day to

maintain the decorum and to avoid unnecessary embarrassment

14 Only the parents, the guardians or the authorized persons whose photos have already been

submitted to the Office can see their children/wards

15 A boarder is permitted to go home only three times a year during Summer Vacation, Diwali Holidays

and Session Break in March

16 In case of a boarder's being seriously ill, his/her parents/guardians will be informed on telephone.

All the charges for getting a child hospitalized will be realized from the parents concerned

17 If a boarder leaves the hostel without prior notice or remains absent for more than a month, he/she

will automatically forgo the right of his/her belongings

18 Parents should refer to the booklet, 'Guidelines for Parents' for self-convenience

19 An heir certificate has to be produced in case of dispute over parentage

20 It is the duty of parents to get their child vaccinated timely, if it is required.

21 Admission to the school does not ensure admission to the hostel as well. It depends on vacant seats

available in the hostel.


“TDI International offers a wonderful environment that assists children thrive their on academic, social

and spiritual insights. We are delighted & glad I made the best choice for my kids.”

-Ms. Pooja Grover M/o Navay Grover, Class IV

“We have been extremely impressed with the standard of schooling that our daughter is receiving. The

faculty and staff understand each student is different and thus allows her to learn at their own pace.”

“I think the culture of the school is excellent and it provides children with a wonderfully, nourishing

environment to develop in. The moment you enter the premises; right from the main gate, reception

and the staff affable and very grounded. We would gladly recommend TDI International to any parent

looking for a good school for their children.”

“The school has got a most dedicated, caring and experienced teaching staff a parent could dream of

my child is very happy at TDI International. I strongly recommend TDI International to all & sundry.”

“A happy and joyful school. The approach, learning methods are and focus on making learning a joys

experience. It was the best decision we could have made for our child.”

Thank you for creating an inspiring and edifying environment at school where our children are so happy

to learn and progress. My son never wants to miss his schooleven for a single day. I am now looking

forward to sending my second child to TDI International school.”

-Mr. Anshul Jain F/o Mishika Jain, Class II

-Ms. Jayshree Pandey M/o Arunesh Pandey, Class II

-Ms. Pallavi Soni M/o Prakriti Soni, Class V

-Mr. Pardeep Kumar F/o Satvik, Class IV

-Ms. Navroop M/o Ruhani Salh, Class III



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