Deception Island, Antarctica, harbors a diverse assemblage Island Fungi.pdf · Deception Island, Antarctica, harbors a diverse assemblage

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Deception Island, Antarctica, harbors a diverseassemblage of wood decay fungi

Benjamin W. HELD*, Robert A. BLANCHETTE

Department of Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota, 495 Borlaug Hall, 1991 Upper Buford Circle, St. Paul,

MN 55108, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:

Received 4 October 2016

Received in revised form

21 November 2016

Accepted 22 November 2016

Available online 8 December 2016

Corresponding Editor:

John Dighton





Fungal diversity

Historic preservation

Polar biology

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 612 625 6231E-mail address: (B.W. Heª 2016 British Mycological Society

a b s t r a c t

Very little is known about fungal diversity in Antarctica as compared to other biomes and

how these important organisms function in this unusual ecosystem. Perhaps one of the

most unusual ecosystems is that of Deception Island; an active volcanic island part of

the South Shetland Islands of the Antarctic Peninsula. Here we describe the fungal diver-

sity associated with historic wood from structures on the island, which reveals a diverse

fungal assemblage of known wood decay fungi as well as the discovery of undescribed spe-

cies. The major group of wood decay fungi identified were species of Cadophora and as

shown in previous studies in other geographic regions of Antarctica, they caused a soft-

rot type of decay in the introduced woods. Additionally, unlike other areas of Antarctica

that have been studied, filamentous basidiomycetes (Hypochniciellum spp. and Pholiota

spp.) were also identified that have different modes of degradation including brown and

white rot. Matches of fungal sequences to known species in temperate regions likely intro-

duced on building materials indicates human influences and volcanic activity have greatly

impacted fungal diversity. Lahars (mudslides from volcanic activity) have partially buried

many of the structures and the buried environment as well as the moist, warm soils pro-

vided conditions conducive for fungal growth that are not found in other regions of Antarc-

tica. The diverse assemblage of decay fungi and different forms of wood decomposition

add to the difficulty of conserving wooden structures at these important polar heritage


ª 2016 British Mycological Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction structures still exist on the island today and are listed as His-

Deception Island, part of the South Shetlands, is a small Ant-

arctic island with unique ecological characteristics, unusual

geological features and a rich historical past. The island is

an active volcano that has a flooded caldera with narrow en-

trance to the interior (Fig 1). Early sealers and whalers utilized

this geologic feature for protection from the open ocean when

they visited the island as early as 1820. Historic wooden


. Published by Elsevier L

toric Sites and Monuments. Hektor whaling station (Norwe-

gian) on Whalers Bay was established in 1911 as a land

based operation and numerous factory whaling ships used

the harbour in subsequent years. Later, in 1944 following the

crash of the whale oil market, the British used the site and

added a wooden building called Base B. Following that, the

British Antarctic Survey (BAS) used the site as a base for aerial

surveys of the Peninsula, at which time a runway was made

td. All rights reserved.

Fig 1 e Map of Antarctica (left) and Deception Island (right) showing the sites where samples were collected.

146 B. W. Held, R. A. Blanchette

and airplane hangar built. Many buildings, structures, and

remnants from the whaling station and later activities on

the island are still present today in varying stages of deteriora-

tion and are protected as an Antarctic Historic Site or Monu-

ment (HSM-71), under the Antarctic Treaty.

Pendulum Cove, approximately 4 km north of Whalers Bay

is the location of an additional historic site, the Chilean re-

search base, Presidente Pedro Aguirre Cerda Station (Fig 1).

This station was built in 1955 and used until 1967 when it

was destroyed by volcanic activity. While very little of the sta-

tion is remaining, the site and remaining structures are pro-

tected as an Antarctic Historic Site and Monument (HSM-76).

The geological history of the Island includes an eruption of

the volcano approximately 10000 years ago that created Port

Foster and the interior bay (Olsacher 1956). Numerous other

eruptions have occurred, including several during the past

two centuries that have changed the topography of the island

significantly. Subsequently, ash has covered glaciers, which

occupy 57 % of the island. Many areas on the island have geo-

thermal activity that produce fumaroles, heated soils, and

steaming beaches. These unusual environmental conditions

in the polar environment provide a unique opportunity formi-

crobial activity to take place that is not seen in other parts of

Antarctica. Investigations on the island also provide an oppor-

tunity for comparative analysis of microbial diversity with

other areas of Antarctica where wood and other introduced

nutrient sources have been deposited, such as the historic ex-

pedition huts of the Ross Sea and historic structures on the

Antarctic Peninsula. Compared to temperate biomes, very lit-

tle is known about fungal diversity and decomposition in po-

lar environments. However, previous research on fungal

diversity and degradation of wooden structures and artifacts

in Antarctica has shown that fungi are important decom-

posers despite the extreme environment (Held et al. 2005;

Arenz et al. 2006; Duncan et al. 2006; Held et al. 2006; Arenz &

Blanchette 2009; Arenz et al. 2010; Blanchette et al. 2010). The

only type of wood decay previously found occurring in Antarc-

tica has been classified as a soft rot caused by Ascomycota and

occurs primarily in wood that is in contact with soil on Ross

Island (Blanchette et al. 2004; Arenz et al. 2006; Held et al.

2006; Blanchette et al. 2010) and on the Antarctica Peninsula

(Arenz & Blanchette 2009). The common types of decay in

temperate and tropical areas, brown and white rot caused by

basidiomycetes, have not previously been found.

The study objectives were to identify fungi associated with

and causing decay of historic wood onDeception Island and to

further understand themicrobial diversity and decomposition

processes that exist in this unusual polar environment where

soil temperatures range from freezing to 90 �C. This work also

provides a unique opportunity to investigate alien fungi pre-

sumably introduced on building materials into a polar envi-

ronment. In addition to advancing knowledge of fungal

biology and ecology in Antarctica, the outcomes of this study

will provide needed information on the fungi causing decay in

historic wooden structures and will benefit conservation

strategies to protect these valuable cultural resources.

Materials and methods

Samples were collected from wooden structures and artifacts

atWhalers Bay and PendulumCove, Deception Island (62�570S,60�380W) that appeared to be decayed and in various stages of

decomposition. Small segments (approximately 1 mm �0.5 mm) of wood were collected and placed in sterile plastic

bags and kept cool while transporting them back to the labo-

ratory. Under sterile conditions in the laboratory, the wood

samples were cut and placed onto the following types of

Diverse wood decay fungi in Antarctica 147

growth media: malt extract agar (1.5 % Difco malt extract),

malt extract agar (1.5 %) amended with 0.5 g of streptomycin

sulphate and a semi-selective medium used to culture basid-

iomycetes (2.0 % Difco malt extract, 0.2 % yeast extract,

0.006% benlatewith 0.2 % lactic acid and 0.001% streptomycin

sulphate added after autoclaving) (Worrall 1991). Isolations

weremade from 188 samples fromWhalers bay (Hektor whal-

ing station, Base B, and BAS hangar) and 30 from the Chilean

base. Isolates were cultured at 8 and 20 �C for several weeks

after which transfers were made to another plate to obtain

pure cultures. DNA was extracted from fungal cultures using

an adapted chloroform procedure (Arenz & Blanchette 2011).

The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of ribosomal

DNA was targeted for PCR amplification with the primers

ITS1 þ ITS4 and LROR þ LR5 for large subunit amplification

(White et al. 1990). PCR amplifications were done using Ampli-

taq Gold PCRMaster-mix (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA)

and 1 ml of template DNA using the following parameters:

94 �C for 5 min, 35 cycles of 94 �C for 1 min, 50 �C for 1 min,

72 �C for 1 min, and a final extension step of 5 min at 72 �C.PCR amplicons were visualized on a 1 % agarose gel using

SYBR green 1 (Life Technologies, Grand Island, NY) prestain

and a Dark Reader DR45 transilluminator (Clare Chemical Re-

search, Denver, CO). Primers used for PCR were used for se-

quencing reactions on a ABI Prism 377 automated DNA

sequencer using a ABI PRISM Dye Terminator Cycle Sequenc-

ing Ready reaction kit (Applied Biosystems).

Consensus sequences were assembled using Geneious 9.0

(Kearse et al. 2012) and compared to those in GenBank using

BLASTn for identification. Multiple sequence alignments

were done using the MAFFT v7.222 (Katoh & Standley 2013)

alignment plugin in Geneious R9. Phylogenetic treeswere con-

structed using the MrBayes 3.2.6 plugin (Huelsenbeck &

Ronquist 2001) in Geneious R9 where 1 100000 MCMC genera-

tions were used with a sampling frequency every 200 genera-

tions and burn-in length of 100 000. The appropriate

substitution model was selected using jModelTest 2.1.10

(Darriba et al. 2012) according to Corrected Akaike Information

Criterion (AICc).

Decay studies using fungal cultures isolated from sam-

ples were carried out in microcosms over a 16 week period.

Isolates were selected after sequencing and identification

from BLAST searches. Glass filters (55 mm) were sterilized

by autoclaving and placed in 100 mm petri plates containing

media. A malt yeast agar (2 % malt extract agar, 0.2 % yeast

extract) was used for the basidiomycete cultures and a mini-

mal selective media for soft rot fungi (Worrall et al. 1991) was

used for the Ascomycota cultures. Wafers measuring

1.5 � 1.5 � 0.3 cm were cut from sound birch (Betula sp.)

and pine (Pinus sp.) wood blocks and dried at 105 �C for

24 h and weighed to determine dry weight. Wafers were

then hydrated and sterilized by autoclaving before placing

on glass filters in decay microcosms. Plugs (0.4 mm) were

transferred from growing fungal cultures and placed on the

medium surface adjacent to the filter. After a 16 week incu-

bation period, 10 wafers from each treatment were removed

and oven dried to determine biomass loss. Two wafers from

each treatment were not oven dried and used for micromor-

phological study.

The methods for the decay study using Ascomycota were

the same as the Basidiomycota study but a different medium

was used. Instead of malt yeast agar, a minimal media con-

sisting of 1.5 g NH4NO3, 2.5 g KH2PO4, 2 g K2HPO4, 1 g

MgSO4e7H2O, 2.5 g glucose and 0.1 g thiamine per litre was

used (Abrams 1948; Worrall et al. 1991). In addition, instead

of using water to hydrate wafers, a solution of same ingredi-

ents as the medium exclusive of the agar was used. The incu-

bation period was also 16 weeks.

Wood samples for fungal decay observations were pre-

pared for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) by infiltrating

with a 25 % TBS� Tissue FreezingMedium� (Triangle Biomed-

ical Sciences, Durham, NC, U.S.A.) under vacuum followed by

mounting on brass stubs, freezing at �20 �C and sectioning in

a cryostat freezing microtome. Samples were cut transversely

to prepare a clean surface for examination. Cut samples were

thawed and rinsed several times in water, air dried before

mounting on aluminium stubs with carbon tape and coated

with gold using a sputter coater. Samples were viewed using

a Hitachi S3500N scanning electron microscope to determine

characteristics of decay and signatures of fungal colonization

in the cell wall structure.


Fungal isolation attempts from samples collected at Decep-

tion Island yielded 326 isolates from 218 samples. The major-

ity (79 %) of the isolates belonged to the Ascomycota and were

comprised of 53 taxa, followed by 11 taxa (24 %) in the Basidio-

mycota and four Zygomycota taxa (6 %). Some of themost rel-

atively abundant Ascomycota were Cadophora (29 %),

Phialocephala (10 %), LecythophoraeConiochaeta (9 %), Cosmospora

(8 %), and Phoma (8 %). Within the Cadophora group, several

species were found including Cadophora fastigiata/melinii

(55 %), Cadophora malorum (22 %), Cadophora luteo-olivaceae

(9 %), and undescribed species C. sp. NH1-2 (13 %) and C. sp.

5R24-1 (2 %). Among the most relatively abundant genera in

the Basidiomycota were Hypochniciellum (55 %), Pholiota

(18 %), Cerinosterus (11 %), and Tulasnella (8 %). In addition,

there were 15 taxa (ten Ascomycota, four Basidiomycota,

and one Zygomycota) that matched at or below 97 % sequence

identity with described taxa. LSU sequences were used in ad-

dition to ITS sequences for Hypochniciellum isolates because

the nearest percent sequence identity for ITS BLAST searches

was a 85 %match toAmyloathelia crassiuscula. However, BLAST

searches using LSU sequence data showed a 99 % sequence

identity to Hypochniciellum molle for which ITS sequence is

not in GenBank. Due to the fact that the LSU region does not

resolve species effectively and that reference sequences of

the ITS region for this or other Hypochniciellum species were

unavailable, the species of the isolatewe cultured remains un-

certain. However, phylogenetic analysis of LSU sequences re-

veal the isolates most closely resemble H. molle in this gene

region (Fig 2). Analysis of the ITS gene region from Pholiota

spp. sequences form several clades that are different from

other known species. One clade is comprised of isolates exclu-

sively from the Chilean base that group with Pholiota multicin-

gulata. The second clade has both an isolate from the Chilean

Fig 2 e Bayesian tree constructed using LSU Basidiomycota sequences showing Hypochniciellum spp. and related genera.

GenBank accession numbers follow known isolates. Posterior probabilities are shown at branches. Jaapia argillaceawas used

as the outgroup. Scale bar [ substitutions per site.

148 B. W. Held, R. A. Blanchette

base (2Di94-5) in addition toWhalers Bay (isolated from Biscoe

house, Di267-2). A second isolate from Biscoe house, Whalers

Bay (2Di41-2) does not group with any other isolates from De-

ception Island or known isolates in GenBank (Fig 3).

Some of the most common genera among all Ascomycota

and Basidiomycota isolated were Cadophora (20 %), Hypochni-

ciellum (13 %), Phialocephala (7 %), Cosmospora (5 %), Phoma

(5 %), Pholiota (4 %), Lecythophora/Coniochaeta (6 %), and Cerinos-

terus (3 %). Most of the taxa isolated from the Chilean base

samples (separated by approx. 4 km) were also isolated from

Whalers Bay, with the exception of Arthrobotrys superba, Copri-

nellus micaceus, Helotiales sp., Sistotrema brinkmannii, and Sor-

dariomycetes sp. (Table 1). However, many that were

isolated fromWhalers Bay were not isolated from the Chilean


Analysis of historic wood at these sites indicated that de-

cay fungi are active and extensive decay was present in

many of the historic woods, which consisted of a combina-

tion of pine (Pinus sp.) and spruce (Picea sp.). Much of the

wood that is near the soil or buried in the soil is severely de-

graded. However, significant decay is also occurring in many

areas well above the ground (Fig 4). This occurred extensively

on the north side of the Biscoe House and also in the wooden

boats on Whalers Bay beach. Microscopic observations of

decayed wood samples indicated that three major types of

wood decay were found in samples taken at Whalers Bay

and Pendulum Cove: white, brown, and soft rot. Soft and

brown rots were observed at both locations, while white rot

decay was identified in wood samples from only at the Chil-

ean base site and in all cases it was found in wood just be-

neath the soil surface.

Laboratory decay studies showed substrate weight losses

for Pholiota sp. 131-2, Pholiota sp. 80-3, Jaapia argillacea, Conio-

phora puteana, Hypochniciellum sp. Di283-3, Hypochniciellum sp.

Di17-1 ranged from 14 to 32 % in pine and 34 to 64 % in birch,

while Cerinosterus luteoalbus did not show weight loss (Fig 5).

Scanning electron microscopy of decayed samples showed

that Pholiota spp. caused a white rot, degrading all cell wall

material (Fig 6). The decay caused by J. argillacea is unusual be-

cause it appears to cause a white rot type of decay in pine and

more closely resembles a brown rot decay pattern in birch.

Hypochniciellum spp. and C. puteana cause a brown rot type of

decay with decay patterns similar to other brown rot fungi

found in temperate areas that degrade cellulose and hemicel-

lulose (Fig 6).

Laboratory decay studies showed mass losses for Phialo-

cephala dimorphospora, Lecythophora hoffmannii, Lecythophora

sp., Mollisia minutella, Mollisia cinera, Phoma herbarum, Cosmo-

spora vilior on birch (Betula sp.) ranged from 1.8 to 21.2 % and

on pine (Pinus sp.) from 1.8 to 2.6 % (Fig 7). Scanning electron

microscopy analysis revealed unique decay processes in

four of the species tested, excluding C. vilior, for which no

Table 1 e List of taxa isolated in this study including the best BLAST match with percent identity and overall nucleotideoverlap of the ITS gene region.

Best BLASTn match Percent identity Overlap # of samples GenBank accession #

Whalers Bay Chilean station


Acremonium atrogriseum (AB540569) 99 515/518 6 e KC514842

Antarctomyces psychrotrophicus (AJ133431) 99 465/469 2 e KC514843

Arthrobotrys superba (EF445988) 98 539/547 e 1 KC514844

Arthrinium sacchari (EF076712) 95 466/491 1 e KC514845

Ascocoryne solitaria (HM152545) 100 520/520 1 e KC514846

Ascomycete sp. HK-S209 (AM084476) 99 459/461 1 e KC514847

Ascomycota sp. PV Wi 0b (EU740392) 99 447/451 5 e KC514848

Cadophora fastigiata (AY781232) 99 495/496 18 3 KC514850

Cadophora luteo-olivaceae (GU212374) 100 522/522 6 e KC514851

Cadophora malorum (GU212434) 100 512/512 12 2 KC514852

Cadophora melinii (JN689950) 99 461/465 14 e KC589024

Cadophora sp. NH1-2 (AY371513) 100 468/468 6 2 KC514853

Cadophora sp. 5R24-1 (DQ317330) 100 468/468 1 e KC514854

Cladophialophora minutissima (EF016384) 99 488/490 1 e KC514855

Coniochaeta ligniaria (AY198390) 99 532/535 2 7 KC514856

Cosmospora vilior (GU726751) 97 506/524 15 2 KC514857

Exophiala xenobiotica (KC311483) 100 516/516 1 e KC514859

Fungal endophyte sp. ECD-2008 (EU686037) 99 476/480 2 e KC514860

Geomyces sp. JZ-174 (HQ637306) 99 520/523 6 1 KC514864

Helotiales sp. NK251 (FR846472) 96 413/432 e 3 KC514865

(continued on next page)

Fig 3 e Bayesian tree constructed using ITS sequences of Pholiota spp. GenBank accession numbers are in parentheses.

Posterior probability values are shown at nodes. Stropharia ambigua was used as the outgroup. Scale bar [ substitutions per


Diverse wood decay fungi in Antarctica 149

Table 1 e (continued )

Best BLASTn match Percent identity Overlap # of samples GenBank accession #

Whalers Bay Chilean station

Helotiales sp. PIMO_102 (HQ845745) 99 466/469 1 e KC514866

Helotiales sp. MMW-2013a (JX001640) 100 443/443 1 e KC514870

Holwaya mucida (DQ257357) 95 496/517 2 e KC514867

Hormonema dematioides (AY253451) 100 581/581 1 e KC514868

Hyaloscypha aureliella (EU940229) 99 352/358 1 e KC514869

Lecythophora hoffmannii (AY805566) 100 456/456 9 2 KC514871

Leptodontidium elatius (AY805569) 99 470/472 3 e KC514872

Neostagonospora elegiae (KF251164) 98 549/563 1 e KC514877

Mollisia cinerea (AY259135) 97 515/531 1 e KC514849

Mollisia sp. aurim650 (DQ069036) 98 482/491 4 2 KC514873

Oidiodendron truncatum (AF062809) 99 513/522 2 e KC514875

Phaeosphaeria sp. (HQ324780) 97 492/510 2 e KC514876

Phialocephala dimorphospora (AF486121) 99 449/455 22 1 KC514878

Phialophora lagerbergii (AF083197) 99 474/478 2 e KC514879

Phoma cladoniicola (JQ238623) 96 530/554 3 e KC514883

Phoma herbarum (AY293800) 100 501/501 8 e KC514880

Phoma sp. 2 (AF218789) 99 565/566 9 e KC514881

Pochonia sp. LS-2013 (KC626045) 100 525/526 2 e KC514858

Pseudeurotium sp. olrim976 (AY787729) 100 432/432 2 e KC514882

Pyrenopeziza sp. KUS-F52417 (JN033413) 97 444/459 2 e KC514874

Sordariomycetes sp. (JQ761957) 100 467/467 e 2 KC514861

Thelebolus microsporus (DQ028268) 99 451/452 2 e KC514885

Ulocladium atrum (AF229486) 100 480/480 1 e KC514886

Uncultured Clathrosphaerina clone (HQ212333) 97 506/519 1 1 KC514887

Uncultured Helotiales (FN565271) 98 523/536 1 2 KC514888

Uncultured Lachnum clone 6_h03 (HQ211775) 99 512/519 2 e KC514889

Uncultured Phaeosphaeriaceae (JF449593) 100 523/523 1 e KC514884

Uncultured Sordariomycetes clone (FJ475724) 98 499/512 1 e KC514890

Uncultured Thelebolales clone (GU910625) 99 521/526 1 e KC514892

Xenopolyscytalum pinea (HQ599581) 99 470/474 1 e KC514893

Xylariales sp. (KP297401) 95 443/464 7 e KC514891


Hypochniciellum molle (GU187667)a 99 866/867 40 4 KC514894

Cerinosterus luteoalbus (AY618667) 100 446/446 7 2 KC514894

Coniophora puteana (AM946631) 100 1295/1295 1 e KC514900

Coprinellus micaceus (HM240519) 96 619/647 e 1 KC514901

Hyphodontia radula (GQ411525) 99 561/564 1 e KC514902

Hypochnicium sp. WY-DT1 (KP980549) 97 509/523 1 e KC514903

Jaapia argillacea (GU187524) 98 560/566 1 e KC514904

Pholiota multicingulata (HQ533029) 95 628/660 4 9 KC514905

Pholiota multicingulata (HQ533029) 97 860/863 1 KC514906

Postia pelliculosa (JX090101) 99 558/560 1 e KC514907

Sistotrema brinkmannii (DQ899094) 99 568/569 e 1 KC514908

Tulasnella violea (DQ457643) 99 485/487 6 e KC514909


Mortierella alpina (FJ161918) 100 595/595 10 7 KC514910

Mortierella parvispora (EU484279) 100 567/567 1 e KC514911

Mortierella amoeboidea (GU559984) 99 531/532 2 3 KC514912

Mortierella sarnyensis (FJ161927) 97 460/477 1 e KC514913

a Large subunit sequences were used for these isolates because ITS sequences were not in GenBank for this species.

150 B. W. Held, R. A. Blanchette

decay was evident. Lecythophora sp., M. minutella, and P. her-

barum caused a Type 2 soft rot decay, in which the secondary

wall layers of the wood cells were eroded, leaving only the

middle lamella remaining. L. hoffmannii, P. dimorphospora,

and M. cinera form cavities in the S2 region of the cell wall,

indicative of a Type 1 soft rot decay. These cavities were lo-

cated within the secondary wall and the middle lamella was

not affected (Fig 8).


Basidiomycota component

A diverse fungal assemblage was found associated with wood

decomposing the historic structures and artifacts on Decep-

tion Island. This includes fungi in the Basidiomycota that

Fig 4 e The historic structures on Deception Island. Upper left; several structures showing buildings in various stages of

decomposition. Upper right; the side of the Biscoe House, a building at Whalers Bay on Deception Island, showing extensive

decay of wall boards and other timbers. Lower left; remnants of a structure that served as a dispensary/store that has been

severely damaged by volcanic activity. Lower right; the remains of what was once the Chilean research base, Presidente

Pedro Aguirre Cerda Station.

Diverse wood decay fungi in Antarctica 151

cause a white and brown rot type of wood decay. The occur-

rence of white and brown rot fungi in Antarctica is quite

unique and has not been previously reported on continental

or maritime Antarctica. However, other studies have reported

decay attributed to saprotrophic Basidiomycota from sub-

Antarctic Islands (Pegler 1980; Smith 1984). Fungi isolated

fromDeception Island sites were, 79 % Ascomycota, 15 % Basi-

diomycota, and 6 % Zygomycota as compared to 82 %

Fig 5 e Weight losses of birch and pine wood wafers after

decay in the laboratory by species of Basidiomycota isolated

from Deception Island, Antarctica.

Ascomycota, 15 % Basidiomycota, and 3 % Zygomycota found

on the Antarctic Peninsula (Arenz & Blanchette 2009) and 75 %

Ascomycota, 21 % Basidiomycota, and 1 % Zygomycota at Ross

Island (Arenz et al. 2006). While the distribution of phyla rep-

resented are generally consistent among these polar loca-

tions, there are important differences. Most significantly,

nearly all of the Basidiomycota isolated from the previous

studies in Antarctica were comprised of yeasts whereas the

Basidiomycota from Deception Island were filamentous

wood decay fungi. In addition, Deception Island lies in an

area that is considered maritime Antarctic, which is charac-

terized as having a cold, moist climate and mean monthly

air temperatures of >0 �C for 3e4 months of the year

(Aleksandrova 1980; Smith 1984) and 560 mm of precipitation

per year. While Ross Island has a colder, drier climate where

there are no months with the average temperature >0 �Cand only 190 mm of precipitation per year. Pegler et al. (1980)

reported Trametes versicolor (which causes a white rot type of

decay) on wood brought to South Georgia that was used in

the whaling station there. Since the wood was introduced, it

is likely that the fungus was brought in with the wood, and

this fungus is not endemic. However, other decomposer basid-

iomycetes have been found that presumably exist naturally in

bryophyte and grass ecosystems. Smith (1994) reported 37

Basidiomycota on South Georgia including species of Collybia,

Galerina, Omphalina, and Coprinus associated with plant litter.

Fig 6 e Scanning electronmicrographs of transverse sections of samples from the Basidiomycota decay study showing decay

patterns produced by tested fungal strains. (A) Pine wood decayed by Jaapia argillacea showing complete disintegration of the

cell walls characteristic of a white rot (bar[ 125 mm). (B) Birch wood decayed by Jaapia argillacea showing alteration of the cell

wall and loss of cell structure (bar [ 50 mm). (C) Hypochniciellum sp. causing a brown rot on birch wafers showing fibre cell

walls that have been weakened and collapsed from the loss of cellulose (bar [ 100 mm). (D) Typical white rot decay occurring

on birch caused by Pholiota sp. showing all cell wall layers attacked (bar [ 50 mm).

152 B. W. Held, R. A. Blanchette

Omphalina antarctica, found on Deception Island, was the first

described Basidiomycota from maritime Antarctica and was

associated with mosses (Singer 1957). In temperate and

some tropical areas, filamentous decomposer Basidiomycota

are themost common types of decay fungi found and in those

biomes the Basidiomycota out compete and exclude soft rot

fungi (Rayner & Boddy 1988). At Deception Island, conditions

suitable for growth of Basidiomycota may be abated enough

Fig 7 e Weight losses in birch and pine wood wafers fol-

lowing 16 weeks of decay in the laboratory using various

DSE fungi isolated from Deception Island, Antarctica.

by the extreme environment to allow soft rot fungi to compete

for the same resources.

The dominant species of Basidiomycota isolated from sam-

ples in this study is a species of the brown rot fungus, Hypo-

chniciellum sp. Arenz & Blanchette (2009) also isolated

a similar fungus (referred to as fungal species BB1) from

wood at Wordie House, another historic site on Winter Island

on the Antarctic Peninsula. Fruiting bodies of this species

were not observed in any areas where samples were taken.

Mattsson et al. (2010) showed that Hypochniciellum molle was

the dominant decay fungus identified in wood from structures

on the Arctic archipelago Svalbard. It has also been reported

as causing deterioration in buildings in Norway and Germany

(Alfredsen et al. 2005; Schmidt & Huckfeldt 2011), on driftwood

in Iceland (Hallgrimsson & Hauerslev 1995) and sporadically

distributed in Italy (Bernicchia et al. 2008). It appears that

this fungus is adapted to cold environments and may play

an important role in nutrient cycling in many Polar Regions.

An adaptive strategy of H. molle in cold climates may be the

production of thick walled chlamydospores which likely aid

in dispersal and survival. Its noted occurrence in Norway sug-

gests the funguswas introduced fromNorway to Deception Is-

land since much of the lumber used to build the original

Norwegian Hektor whaling station originated from Norway.

Microcosm studies showed that this fungus causes a brown

rot and extensive biomass can be degraded during relatively

short laboratory incubation periods. With the abundance of

Fig 8 e Scanning electron micrographs of transverse sections from historic wood showing decay patters of various DSE re-

lated fungi after growing on wood wafers (birch) in a microcosm decay experiment. (A) An example of a Type 2 soft rot decay

where cell walls are eroded leaving the middle lamella intact (arrows) caused by Lecythophora sp. (bar [ 25 mm). (B) Type 1

soft rot cavities formed in the S2 layer of the secondary wall caused by Lecythophora hoffmanii (bar [ 25 mm). (C) Type 2 soft

rot caused by Phoma herbarum (bar [ 25 mm). Arrows indicate areas where the secondary cell has been eroded to the middle

lamella. (D) Phialocephala dimorphospora causing a Type 1 soft rot, showing numerous cavities in cell walls (bar [ 50 mm).

Diverse wood decay fungi in Antarctica 153

brown rot found at Deception Island and from the frequency

with which this fungus was isolated, our study suggests that

this fungus is a major cause of the brown rot decay taking

place on the Island.

Fruiting of several other Basidiomycota (Pholiota spp. and

Omphalina spp.) have been previously reported on Deception

Island (Singer 1967), which indicates that conditions can be

conducive for some Basidiomycota to complete their life cycle.

Singer (1967) described a Pholiota sp. fruiting body growing on

one of the half buried wooden boats at the beach in Whalers

Bay. This area is adjacent to thermally heated soil and water,

which may have contributed to conditions favourable for

fruiting. No fruiting bodies were observed during our field

events to Deception Island for these studies. Based on past ob-

servations of fruiting bodies, it is interesting that Pholiota spp.

was infrequent from samples in Whalers Bay, but was domi-

nant at the Chilean base. Likely, this fungus was also intro-

duced to Deception Island with building materials for the

Chilean base. Its activity strictly below the soil surface indi-

cates that the below ground conditions are conducive on the

island for continued fungal growth. The phylogenetic analysis

reported here suggests three different species of Pholiota are

present which indicates this fungus may have been intro-

duced several different times.

Other Basidiomycota decay fungi that were isolated

matched fungi that are commonly found in temperate re-

gions. Hypochnicium sp. and Hyphodontia radula are known

to cause a white rot type of decay (Gilbertson et al. 1975;

Larsson et al. 2006), Coniophora puteana and Postia pelliculosa

are both brown rot fungi that belong to genera that cause

significant problems in wooden structures and are impor-

tant decomposer fungi in temperate regions. These species

were each isolated from only one sample and do not appear

to be prevalent on Deception Island. Tulasnella violea was

also isolated infrequently and is a cosmopolitan genus

found in many temperate areas that has saprotrophic and

mycorrhizal characteristics (Preussing et al. 2010).

Once thought to be a species complex, a recent study dem-

onstrated that the corticioid genus Jaapia is in fact comprised

of two species; Jaapia argillacea and Jaapia ochroleuca (Telleria

et al. 2015). Jaapia argillacea, the species isolated at Deception

Island, has a wide distribution in Europe but is also considered

a rare species (Nannfeldt & Eriksson 1953). As with the other

Basidiomycota that have been isolated from the wood at De-

ception Island, they possibly were introduced with the

wooden materials brought to the island. However, the rarity

of J. argillacea in Europe suggests that its introduction from

Europe may be unlikely and additional investigation on the

distribution of Jaapia may resolve its origin. The wood decay

produced by J. argillacea in laboratory decay studies reveals

an unusual pattern. Observations from scanning electron mi-

croscopy, shows a decay pattern in pine that resembles the

characteristics of a white rot and in the birch wood the decay

appears different and resembles that of a brown rot. It is

154 B. W. Held, R. A. Blanchette

uncharacteristic for a single fungal species to cause both

a white and brown rot. However, a recent study involving ge-

nome analysis suggests that the white and brown rot dichot-

omy may not be as delineated as previously thought (Riley

et al. 2014). In this study, J. argillaceawas one of the fungi tested

and it showed that it has CAZymes typical of a white rot but

lacks class II peroxidases which is a characteristic found

among brown rot fungi. Additional studies, including chemi-

cal analyses of degraded cell wall components, are needed

to determine the different wood constituents being metabo-

lized by this fungus.

Ascomycota component

Cadophora species were the most commonly isolated fungi

from wood at Deception Island. The relative abundance of

Cadophora spp. obtained in this study was similar to the

amount found at other Antarctic Peninsula and Ross Island

sites where other investigations studied fungi from historic

wooden structures. The difference at Deception Island, how-

ever, is that the diversity of species of Cadophora is greater

than other Antarctic locations and several possible new spe-

cies were isolated. This supports previous research showing

the predominance of Cadophora spp. functioning as important

decomposer fungi in polar environments (Blanchette et al.

2004; Arenz et al. 2006; Held et al. 2006; Arenz & Blanchette

2009; Arenz et al. 2010; Blanchette et al. 2010; Farrell et al.

2011). While Cadophora malorum, Cadophora fastigiata, and

Cadophora luteo-olivaceae have been identified in other biomes,

their identification in this study points to the proclivity of this

group to thrive in polar environments especially, when wood

is present as a primary nutrient source. Most of the known

Cadophora species identified (C. fastigiata (also referred to as

Cadophora melinii), C. luteo-olivaceae, and C. malorum) in this

study have been shown to cause a Type 1 soft rot decay in

wood, in which fungal hyphae create cavities in the S2 layer

of the wood cell wall by enzymatic degradation. Based on pre-

liminary observations, it appears that there are differences in

size of cavities produced by the different species and sub

groups within the Type 1 soft rot group. More precise mea-

surements are needed to characterize the different forms of

soft rot found and whether this may be attributed to aggres-

siveness of different species. Further research is needed

with several strains of each species to confirm this. Some

soft rot fungi also cause another form of degradation referred

to as Type 2 in which the cell walls are eroded from the inside

of the lumen toward the middle lamella.

A large component of fungi isolated from wood at Decep-

tion Island was similar to genera that have been classified by

other investigators as dark septate endophytes (DSE) associ-

ated with plant roots. These include species of Coniochaeta,

Lecythophora, Leptodontium, Mollisia, Phialocephala, and Phoma.

DSE’s are generally categorized as endophytic fungi having

dematiaceous septate hyphae and are restricted to plant roots.

They are primarily Ascomycota, have a wide host range, and

have been identified in amany ecosystems ranging from polar

to tropical regions (Jumpponen & Trappe 1998; Jumpponen

2001). The broad geographic and host range for these fungi

suggests that they have low host specificity (Porras-Alfaro &

Bayman 2011). Indeed, a mutualistic relationship has been

identified between the much studied DSE Phialocephala fortinii

in Pinaceae, Cyperaceae, Ericaceae, Salicaceae, and Rosaceae

(Jumpponen 2001) and they have been identified in roots of

nearly 600 plant species. Unlike true mycorrhizal fungi, DSE

frequency in roots does not decrease with an increase in lati-

tude (Upson et al. 2008). Instead, a high incidence of DSE have

been found in roots of plants in numerous polar regions that

have been studied (Christie & Nicolson 1983; Treu et al. 1996;

Laursen et al. 1997; Ormsby et al. 2007; Upson et al. 2008) and

appear to be the most widespread root-fungal association at

these sites (Newsham et al. 2009). The abundance of DSE in

high stress polar environments has led to the hypothesis

that they confer tolerance to adverse conditions and lead

some to hypothesize that they may be more important to

healthy ecophysiology functioning in plants than previously

realized (Rodriguez et al. 2009). The delineation of DSE species

is not well defined, either ecologically or taxonomically, and

their function has not been well studied. They are most com-

monly isolated from healthy plants but differ from mycorrhi-

zal fungi in that they do not form arbuscules or coils in host

roots to obtain nutrients (Newsham et al. 2009).

The study reported here reveals that many fungi classified

as DSE can be found associated with decaying wood, but the

more typical niche on Deception Island could be association

with local flora (mosses and grasses). Plants found in this

area consist of herb-lichen-moss formations with only two

vascular plants found on the island: a pearlwort, Colobanthus

quitensis and a grass Deschampsia antarctica (Smith 1984). DSE

fungi have been found associated with these two plants in dif-

ferent areas (Upson et al. 2009). Flora diversity on Deception Is-

land is exceptional for a polar location with 18 species of

bryophytes and lichen that have not been found elsewhere

in Antarctica as well as two species which appear to be en-

demic. In addition, the island has the largest known commu-

nity of Antarctic pearlwort (Deception Island Management

Group 2002). Studies have shown that several genera of DSE

fungi (Cadophora, Leptodontium, Lecythophora, and Phialocephala)

were capable of decomposing bryophyte material (Day &

Currah 2011).

Decay studies reported here with DSE species that were

isolated from Deception Island show they are efficient de-

composers of wood, capable of functioning solely as sapro-

trophs. Although Menkis et al. (2004) reported species

belonging to the DSE genus Phialocephala isolated from

a wide range of ecological niches, including healthy root

tips, decayed coarse roots, live healthy looking stems, decom-

posing stumps, and finewoody debris, the saprophytic nature

of this group of fungi is often overlooked. The capability to

live as a saprotroph as well as an endophyte suggests they

have highly specialized functions and pronounced ecological

plasticity. In polar environments where spore production,

dispersal, and colonization of new substrates may be diffi-

cult, fungi with endophytic capabilities would be able to col-

onize the plant over a long period of time and then capture

resources quickly once the plant tissue dies (Jumpponen

et al. 1998; Porras-Alfaro & Bayman 2011). As saprotrophs, it

appears that this group of fungi employ different decomposi-

tionmechanisms as seen in different patterns of decay (Fig 8).

Mollisia, Lecythophora, Phialocephala, and Phoma spp. all cause

a soft rot type of decay, but they vary between soft rot Type

Diverse wood decay fungi in Antarctica 155

1 and Type 2 in birch wood. Very little biomass loss occurred

on pine, suggesting that these fungi have specific require-

ments for certain woods (preference for hardwood vs. coni-

fer) for decay to occur.

Anthropogenic effects

For nearly two centuries, there have beenmany opportunities

for alien fungi to be introduced to Deception Island. The

strong anthropogenic effects over the past decades and those

continuing today with tourists visiting the sites, has undoubt-

edly impacted the fungal diversity and ecology on the island.

The likely avenue for many of the introductions of wood

degrading fungi was the timber and wood used for buildings

and for the wooden boats, barrels, and other items that

came from Europe, South America, and other countries. The

presence of both brown and white rot types of wood decay

at this location and not at other Antarctic locations suggests

the environment at Deception Island influenceswhat alien or-

ganisms survive. The introduction of Basidiomycota decom-

poser fungi is also confirmed by the fact that these fungi are

considered forest fungi and found decaying woody substrates,

which did not exist on Deception Island before human activ-

ity. Additionally, previous research has shown that fungal

abundance of Antarctic soils is most positively correlated

with the percent of organic carbon compared to other soil

characteristics (Arenz & Blanchette 2011). The high degree of

fungal diversity associatedwith historic wood at Deception Is-

land indicates that the large organic carbon input on the is-

land from whaling and other activities is likely a driving

factor for fungal abundance.

In addition to cellulosic nutrient sources brought to the is-

land for buildings and other materials associated with the

whaling activities, there are also many reports of live domes-

tic animals that were housed on the island (Smith 1996). In the

early 1900’s pigswere kept at thewhaling station (Hacquebord

1992) as well as an occasional sheep or cow for a food source

(Scott Polar Research Institute Archives, unpublished data).

The Chilean Base had anywhere from 30 to 60 sheep brought

to the station every year in addition to hens and an occasional

pig or cow (Smith 1996). Hay and corn was also brought to feed

the animals (Smith 1996). Whale processing byproducts

(Hacquebord 1992) and various animal populations provided

a large input of nutrients that would greatly aid decomposi-

tion by fungi, in an otherwise nutrient lacking volcanic soil.


These findings show that all three known types of wood decay

(white, brown, and soft rot) are active and causing extensive

decay in the historic wooden structures and other wooden ar-

tifacts at Deception Island, Antarctica. This is in contrast to

only soft rot fungi identified in wood at other locations in Ant-

arctica. It also appears that brown and white rot Basidiomy-

cota were brought in with the wood and building materials

and have flourished. The dynamic nature of the ecosystem

of Deception Island with soils that range in temperature

from freezing to 90 �C and the large amount of wood present

at the site providing a carbon source apparently allows many

of the introduced fungi to survive. The input of wood also ap-

pears to have influenced the indigenous population of fungi

such as the DSE types found in native plants to expand their

saprophytic existence and colonize the introduced wood.

The fungi colonizing the historic woods are causing extensive

decay that will gradually result in the loss of the historic


There are many fungal isolates from this study which re-

main unidentified or with poor matches to sequences in Gen-

Bank, which suggests that some of these isolates are new

species and may be indigenous to Antarctica. Cadophora spp.

were the dominant group isolated from Deception Island as

well as other previously studied sites in Antarctica, which fur-

ther suggests this group of fungi plays an important role in de-

composition and nutrient cycling in cold ecosystems.

Additional studies focussing on fungal soil communities

and plant-associated fungi would aid in understanding how

alien fungi brought to Deception Island has affected fungal

populations and ecosystem functioning.


The authors would like to thank Brett Arenz and Andy Graves

for assistance in collecting samples, the staff and crew of the

LawrenceM. Gould research vessel. This research is supported

by National Science Foundation grant #0537143.

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