December - final - Barony of Aneala

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The Vine ~ Vol. 14, Issue 8 (December A.S. XLII / 2007)

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The VineThe VineThe VineThe Vine

December December December December AS XLIIAS XLIIAS XLIIAS XLII

The The The The Newsletter oNewsletter oNewsletter oNewsletter offff the the the the

Barony of Aneala Barony of Aneala Barony of Aneala Barony of Aneala Volume 14 Volume 14 Volume 14 Volume 14 Issue Issue Issue Issue 8888

Her Excellency, Baroness Jane, at the

Baronial Championship weekend.

The Vine ~ Vol. 14, Issue 8 (December A.S. XLII / 2007)

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Calendar A.S. XLII 2007/08 & A.S. XLIII 2008/09

Date Event Group

December 2007 9 Archery Event Dragons Bay

16 Yule War & BBQ Abertridwr

January 2008 12 ~ 13 Twelfth Night ���� Shire of Agaricus (Southern & SW Sydney, NSW)

19 An Italian Carnivale Aneala

February 1 ~ 6 Canterbury Fayre Southron Gaard, (Christchurch, NZ)

29 UWA Open Day St Basil

March 2 ~ 3 Hyde Park Fair Demo Aneala

15 Newcomers’ Feast St Basil

16 Newcomers’ Tourney Aneala

20 ~ 24 Rowany Festival Rowany (Sydney, NSW)

29 ~ 30 Cancer Foundation Walk for Life Aneala

April Perth Medieval Fayre Aneala

May 1 AS XLIII ~ Happy New Year!

4 Baroness’s Fighter Auction Aneala

30 May ~ 2 Jun Pencampwr Gan Abertridwr Abertridwr

July 4 ~ 6 Mid-Winter ���� Aneala

���� Indicates Kingdom event. Note: Local events cannot clash with Kingdom events without express permission from the Crown.

Calendar 2 Dragons Bay Archery Event 13

MISSIVES & CONTRIBUTIONS An Italian Carnivale 14

From the Baron & Baroness 3 REFERENCE INFORMATION

From the XIIth Night Steward 4 Regnum 15

From the Seneschal 4 Guilds in Aneala 16

Officers Needed 5 Regular Activities 17

From the SCA Australia Committee 6, 7 Merchants 18

Council Minutes 8 ~ 10 On-line Resources 19

Arts and Sciences 11 (Yet More) Pictures from the Anealan Championship


EVENTS About The Vine 20

Scheduled Events Summary 12

The Vine ~ Vol. 14, Issue 8 (December A.S. XLII / 2007)

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From the Baron & Baroness

Right trusty and well-beloved gentles, we greet you well and hope that the Yuletide season finds you in good health and cheer. As this year draws to a close, we would like to express our appreciation of those who have made it so enjoyable for us and for the populace as a whole. It is thanks to Event Stewards and their teams of assistants that we have had such a splendid progression of events this year, and we thank them particularly for their efforts. Thanks must also be given to all those who have attended events and provided us with the pleasure of their company, and in this spirit we encourage all members of our dear populace to come along and enjoy the revelries that the coming year brings. Amongst these will be the Midwinter Coronation - yes, it shall be in Aneala! Congratulations to Mistress Rhianwen and all those who helped to assemble the bid for this event, which will undoubtedly prove to be a magnificent spectacle. There is much to be done in preparation for this Royal occasion, and any assistance shall be greatly appreciated by the stewarding team. Please contact Mistress Rhianwen to put your talents at her disposal! Lastly, we warmly congratulate our Cousins in Bosenberg on the registration of their Shire's name. In closing, we wish you all a joyous and relaxing Christmas season, and we look forward to your company again in what promises to be a very busy but extremely rewarding year ahead.

We remain

Yours in service,

Lachlahn Jane

Baron Baroness

The Vine ~ Vol. 14, Issue 8 (December A.S. XLII / 2007)

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From the XIIth Night Steward

To all and singular greetings from the Autocrat of An Italian Carnivale, our 12th Night celebrations

Be it known and please pass on this information that you are required to book with a $10 deposit to come to this event. Due to the late timing of bookings and the non-attendance of those booked the following will be imposed: Bookings without deposit are not bookings and are only expressions of interest . If I do not have enough bookings by the end of December to validate this event it will be cancelled . Please note that if you book and do not attend your deposit is forfeit to cover expenditure outplayed on your behalf. Yours in service to Crown and Kingdom Muirghein

From the Seneschal

The 5th of December is International Volunteers Day, and as Aneala’s Seneschal, I would like to say thank you to all those fine members of the populace who continually put in the hard yards to make Aneala great. Aneala means Brightly Shining and it is the motto of our group; it’s those who hold offices, run events and act as support crew that make things happen that epitomize that brightly shining part of our game. I am continually humbled by the sheer amount of work and love put into this group. I thank you all.

Some more good news; we have the privilege of hosting the July Investiture of the King and Queen of Lochac. What a great amount of fun this will be; the game as it is meant to be, full of pomp and ceremony, high feasts and spectacular tournaments. It’s a weekend away with all the catering provided. Talk to Viscountess Rhianwen or Baroness Catherine to contribute to the event.

Think about writing to Their Majesties about those who you see doing good work. Please copy the Baron and Baroness so they can support your nomination. I very rarely say what they should get, just what people are doing. Also with Midsummer approaching you might like to write to the peerage councils if you think someone deserves a peerage. A copy to the King and Queen with this letter is always a good idea.

On a closing note, I am stepping down from this office as soon as we get word from the Kingdom Seneschal as to which of the candidates will replace me. This will probably be at Midsummer. I know you will all give my successor all your support. Keep up the good work.

I remain yours in Service of the Dream

The Honourable Sir Kane Greymane Viscount, Knight & Pelican Seneschal of Aneala

The Vine ~ Vol. 14, Issue 8 (December A.S. XLII / 2007)

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Officers Needed

The Barony is always looking for people who are willing to contribute some of their time and energy to the service of all. CHATELAINE The Chatelaine plays in an important role in looking after newcomers to the group. LISTS OFFICER The lists Officer is responsible for recording the results of tournament combat in the Barony. In many ways the Lists Officer is a historian for the group. REEVE I would like to hand on the office of Baronial Reeve for MidSummer's feast, and to that end will be looking for a replacement to take on these duties. Reeve is not a hard office if you know how to read a bank statement and use a calculator. If you are interested please email Baroness Catherine de Arc (contact details in Regnum) to discuss the duties of the office in further detail.

Senora Catalina de Gata, Reeve DEPUTY CONSTABLE The Office of Constable is responsible for signing-in people at events, and for collecting site fees. The Constable also collects property lost at events. Please note that this position is advertised with the idea that, once comfortable and well-versed in the office, the Deputy would assume the full Baronial Constable’s position.

Mistress Rhianwen ni Dhiarmada, Constable MARSHALL The Marshall is responsible for the supervision and safety of all combat that occurs at events within the Barony. If you are interest in any of these offices, please contact the Seneschal at, or on 9314 2506.

The Vine ~ Vol. 14, Issue 8 (December A.S. XLII / 2007)

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From the SCA Australia Committee

Greetings and Salutations gentle cousins from Sir Kane Greymane in my capacity as a Director of the SCA Australia Limited, the OZIBOD. Over the last year or so the committee has been struggling with a number of issues, the core of which is bringing the mundane structure of SCA Australia into the 21st century. We have for some time tried to run the SCA Australia as if it did not have any real function in the game we play. This idea has long been in the minds of the populace and is an artefact from when we first incorporated in South Australia. Today's world of Not-for-Profit organisations is a mile away from this belief. The SCA Australia Ltd has to be able to defend the SCA if it gets sued. At the moment any legal defence would almost certainly bankrupt the corporation and close down the SCA in Australia. The SCA Inc in the USA is currently being sued over a child molestation issue, so we need to consider possible fallout from this and plan for it. We need to restructure our membership costs to build in a financial buffer for any such occurrence, whether it’s an issue similar to that affecting the SCA Inc or something else. This means that memberships need to rise from $45 to $50. Associate membership will stay at $30. College members will be able to claim a discount on their membership to the value of the university SCA club fee. All memberships will come with E-Pegasus but if you want a hard copy posted out this will be extra to your membership type. It is estimated that we need between $50k and $70k to fight a legal Battle. At the moment we have $10k. These changes and other initiatives being considered should bring in about $5k to $7K per year. While not enough in the short term, at least we will be working towards the amount we need. The Board has also looked at the way memberships are processed and to stream line this process we have moved all memberships to a 1st of May - 31st of April time period, these days chosen as they tie in with the SCA year. This means that anyone with a current membership expiring in 2007 will need to buy a 6 month membership once to take it to the 1st of May 2008. Those with a 2008 expiry before May will have their membership extended till the 1st of May. From the 1st of May 2008 new members joining before 1 November will pay a full year membership while those joining after 1 November will buy a 6 month membership. Multiple year memberships will also be offered for up to 5 years. Membership cards will be altered to show a valid to date. Changes to membership for combat related activities - It is a mundane inevitability that we as a group will need to tighten our membership requirements for armoured combatants and rapier combatants, archers, and siege weapons operators. The SCA is currently the only weapons group that does not require membership for weapons related activities. As a recent incidence in Victoria has shown, mundane authorities will not recognise fighter authorisation cards as proof of membership for the purposes of exemption to the weapons legislation. Therefore for the protection of our members who carry restricted weapons in states where legislation restricts SCA weapons (in particular Victoria, and Queensland for crossbows, and for those members travelling to these states to participate in combat related activities) the minimum membership that will be recognised by authorities for weapons exemption will be associated membership. This change is to come into effect for those fighters affected as of the 1st May 2008. Unauthorised trainees will not require membership, only signed Indemnities, unless they carry restricted weapons outside of fighter practices. As a national organisation we need nationally consistent policies. Therefore a minimum membership requirement for all authorised armoured combatants and rapier combatants, archers, and siege weapons operators must be brought into existence Australia- wide as part of our mundane legal obligations. Accordingly we propose that, at the next annual membership renewal date in 2009, a national policy of minimum membership requirement for this group be brought into force. The full new membership structure follows on the next page and a chart of the new membership structure is also attached.

continued next page

The Vine ~ Vol. 14, Issue 8 (December A.S. XLII / 2007)

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The SCA Australia board recognises that the new membership structure and requirements will cause strain for some members. But these changes are essential if we are to move the SCA from an amateur group into a national semi-professional body akin to all other national interest groups and therefore able to protect the future of our mundane organisation; contribute to relevant policy development and be able to take advantage of opportunities to draw on any Federal or State funding initiatives. Although this structure and pricing have been accepted by the Board of Directors, we would like to hear from you if you have any concerns about the changes. Please write to the Board of the SCA Australia Ltd at I can also be contacted by e-mail; or by phone (08) 9314 2506 (after hours). I remain a servant of the Dream Sir Kane Greymane Viscount Knight & Pelican On behalf of the Board of Directors, SCA Ltd

Life membership Given by the SCAA Holds a vote on motions of the SCAA Name on roll of honour Special membership card Not required to pay for membership Counts towards a membership service Token (to follow) E-Pegasus Contributing membership A vote on motions of the SCAA Name on roll of honour Special membership card (gold leaf) Email advice on when minutes published A ‘thank you’ letter from the Chairman Counts towards a membership service Token (to follow) E-Pegasus Voting member Needed to hold any SCA or SCAA office A vote on motions of the SCAA Voting members card Counts towards a membership service Token (to follow) E-Pegasus Associate member Needed to participate in SCA combat related activities No voting rights Basic membership card E-Pegasus Family member Spouse, and children under 18 of a voting member No voting rights Basic membership card E-Pegasus

College membership (voting) Normal price discounted with Student Guild membership receipt Needed to hold SCA or SCAA office A vote on motions of the SCAA Voting members card Counts towards a membership service Token (to follow) E-Pegasus College membership (Associate) Normal price discounted with Student Guild membership receipt No voting rights Needed to participate in combat related activities Basic membership card E-Pegasus Corporate membership No voting rights Allows 5 members of the corporation to get member discounts to SCAA events A letter of appreciation from the chairman The ability to have links from SCAA web site to their web site Able to advertise in Pegasus (paid) Roll of honour E-Pegasus Service Tokens Membership cards for people with continuous membership for 5, 10, 15 and 20 years will have a logo to demonstrate their service. Members reaching each milestone will receive a pilgrim badge token to display. Members reaching each milestone will have their name printed in Pegasus and on an honour roll on the SCAA web site Local groups will be encouraged to toast members who reach these milestones at events.

From the SCA Australia Committee (continued)

The Vine ~ Vol. 14, Issue 8 (December A.S. XLII / 2007)

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Barony of Aneala Council Minutes 16 November 2007 Present: Lachlahn Ioseph of Dunbar, Jane Grenville, Nathan Blacktower, Catalina de Gata, Catherine de Arc, Keridwen de Domus Vesania, Donnchardh Bailey, Walter MacMahon, Rhianwen Ni Dhaimarda, David de Saxby, Jonathon Makebliss Apologies: Kane Greymane, Maidiu Ruadh Meeting opened at 1932. Arts Building Room 109 UWA. Treasurers Report current balance $6,253.82 Past events: 12th of August Tournament of the Rose Prospero ab Aqua No report. Reeve reported $92 Profit 28th September to 1st October

Anealan Championship Rhianwen

46 attended, $900 profit 27th of October Ball D’Aneala Catherine De Arc North Perth Town Hall View Street North Perth 33 Dances, $4 Loss. 12 people who booked failed to attend. Cub Demo Kane Greymane Went well, much praise from organisers, all who took part had a good time. Future Events: 24 of November Ye Olde Quiz Night Aneala North Perth Town Hall View Street North Perth Hall opens 6.30pm. Quiz starts at 7pm Costumed Event. Cost $12 Non members $10 members. Under 16 half price. 30 booked Steward Catherine De Arc 2nd December Toys for Tots Aneala Oak Lawn UWA. Site opens 0900hrs, Event opens 1000hrs, Cost a toy for a child each, pot luck dish to share. Food donations welcome. All donations to St Vincent De Paul. Steward: Rhianwen ni Dhiarmada 16th December War Abertridwr Wandi Progress Association Oval Steward: Andre Montsegur 19th of January An Italian Carnival Aneala Wilson Hall, Braibrise Road Wilson Event opens 5pm pavilions must be up by 1645 hrs. Cost members $25, non-members $30, under 16 half price under 5 Free This is a masked outdoor event see details in the Vine Steward: Muirghein ni Ghrainne

continued next page

The Vine ~ Vol. 14, Issue 8 (December A.S. XLII / 2007)

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Continued from previous page 29th February UWA O’DAY St Basils Details yet to be confirmed Book date in diary Steward: Walter MacMahon 2nd & 3rd March Hyde Park Fair Demo Aneala Hyde Park Vincent Street North Perth 9am till 6pm both days Book date in diary Steward: Lachlahn Ioseph of Dunbar 15th of March New Comers Feast St Basils Steward: Sofie 16th March New Comers Tourney Aneala Steward: Nathan Black Tower 29th to 30th of March Cancer Foundation Walk for Life Aneala Steward: Lachlahn Ioseph of Dunbar 5th of April Perth Medieval Fayre Aneala Premier opportunity to recruit for the SCA Steward: Kane Greymane 4th of May Baroness’s Fighter Auction Aneala Steward: Jane Grenville 30th May to 2nd of June Pencampwr Gan Abertridwr Abertridwr Wandi Progress Association Hall De Haer Drive Wandi Steward: Heath MacKay 4th to 6th of July Lochac Mid Winter Aneala Steward: Rhianwen Ni Dhaimarda / Catherine de Arc General Business Promotional Boards Rhianwen Roll up display screens $300 each—On going Champions Rapier Prospero Ordered from Dark wood Armoury $800 plus import costs. Promised for 3 weeks time. Officers Badges Catalina All but 2 have arrived. Negotiations on these two ongoing Loaner Armour Kane 3 quotes presented Decision to have a workshop to make gambesons Before purchasing loaner armour. A process to have it at training to be organised. Viscountess Rhianwen to liaise with Lake Monger School re storage.

continued next page

The Vine ~ Vol. 14, Issue 8 (December A.S. XLII / 2007)

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Continued from previous page Anealan War Banner Rhianwen On Going Officer Succession On Going Kane All officers should be seeking out people to take over their office, officers are encouraged to ask people they think suitable directly rather than advertising generally. Information on succession management of volunteers for groups can be found at the Australian Sports Commission Clubs site. Offices Available Various Officers Reeve, Chatelaine, A&S, Constable, Lists and Marshal 2 Applications for Seneschal have been received. Baronial Blue Tent de Saxby Repairs finished. Item completed Well done de Saxby Designs to be Painted on the Baronial Tent Catherine Anyone with ideas for designs to beautify the Baronial Pavilion are to give their ideas to Baroness Catherine. Suspended until tent is back from manufacturer. Baronial Ceremonial Carving Set Nathan Knife $90 Approved Fork $70. Approved Woodworkers guild to be approached to make box. Donnchardh offered to donate wood and to make carving board. (Old Carving set found during equipment relocation) Trailer Discussion was held over pending clarification of assets ruling from SCA Australia Ltd. On going.

New Business

People not showing when booked and not paying. 1. Bookings must have a deposit. 2. Steward to chase up no payments. 3. Council to make decision on debt write off. 4. now shows to be in event report. 5. Seneschal to quietly discuss behaviour with repeat offenders.

Smoking at events Steward to allocate and advertise a designated smoking area. Smokers are to clean up their own butts.

Recruiting A meeting is to be held at Keridwen de Domus Vesania & Donnchardh Bailey’s home on Sunday the 30th of December After Training.

New membership Structure See Pegasus for details. Please write to the SCA Australia at with comments.

Next meeting UWA Law G07, Lecture Room 2. 7pm for 7.30pm Friday the 21st of December 2007. Meeting closed at 2246hrs.

The Vine ~ Vol. 14, Issue 8 (December A.S. XLII / 2007)

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Kingdom A&S Competitions

Twelfth Night Coronation XLII (2008) Banners in the style of the War of the Roses (either side) Footwear and / or accessories - hose, stocking, garter, shoes, etc Roman & Byzantine Garb Book Accessories A Preserved item (eg Meat, fruit) Cooks’ Guild

May Crown XLIII (2008) Favours - stitches, painting, etc must be documented Period Arrows - includes Quarrels & Bolts Household Item - open - any item used in a home 600 - 1600AD

Midwinter XLIII (2008) Sonnets in Praise of the Queen Illumination in the style of the Manesse Codex Men's & Boy's Clothes - 1300's onward - any country

November Crown XLIII (2008) Woodcuts Parade (Ceremonial) Shields Dance ~ La Volta - video entries accepted; must be received 2 weeks prior by KMoAS

Twelfth Night Coronation XLIII (2009) Beauty Treatments ~ lotions, potions & creams ~ as some are toxic research papers are acceptable (this is a 2 part competition ~ research paper or product Earrings ~ open 600 to 1600AD Biscuits ~ up to and including 1609

Baronial A&S Competitions

An Italian Carnivale (Jan 2008) Open Arts and Sciences Steward’s prize for Best pre-1600 Mask

These are the A&S competitions currently on the calendar. I particularly wish to draw your attention to the competitions for Lochac Midwinter next year, which will be held in Aneala. This is a great opportunity to get your work seen without risking it in transit and you have plenty of time to prepare.

An Opportunity! Are you looking for something more in the SCA? Are you interested in creating things? Have you considered becoming an Arts and Sciences Minister? The Arts and Sciences office is not especially difficult or demanding. You will be closely involved with everyone who is working on arts and sciences projects (almost everyone in the SCA at some point in time) and with Baronial A&S projects. You get your name in The Vine, and a shiny (almost) new officer’s medallion. If you become Aneala’s new A&S Minister you will be expected to: Be a member Report to the Lochac A&S Minister, the Anealan Seneschal and the Baron and Baroness every three months. This is quite simple and pro-forma reports are available. Arrange A&S competitions throughout the year. Attend council regularly so you know what is going on and what events you might need to organise A&S activities at. Keep an eye on the various regular A&S activities that are already happening so that you can report on them. In addition, you may wish to run workshops, regular classes, or a weekend of classes on a specific topic or a vast array of topics; you might want to put together an A&S newsletter or add to the articles on the Anealan website; or you might have other new and interesting ideas for encouraging the arts and sciences in Aneala. If you think you might have an interest in this office please ask me about it or speak to the Seneschal or the Baron and Baroness. You can also check out the A&S Minister’s Page on the Lochac website for more information about the office.!

Catherine de Arc

Arts & Sciences Minister

Arts & Sciences

The Vine ~ Vol. 14, Issue 8 (December A.S. XLII / 2007)

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Dragons Bay Archery EventDragons Bay Archery EventDragons Bay Archery EventDragons Bay Archery Event DateDateDateDate Sunday 9 December PlacePlacePlacePlace Wandi Progress Association De Haer Rd Wandi TimeTimeTimeTime 10am Site opens 10:30am Event Starts, 5pm close CostCostCostCost $6.00 non members, $4.00 members, pages 6 to 16 half price and those under 6 are free - Family concessions available. StewardStewardStewardSteward Genevieve Du Montfluer (Fiona) 0419 966 246 or Come one come all to bear witness and participate in the Shire of Dragons Bay’s inaugural Archery Event, share a pot luck lunch with friends new and old; observe the slaying of the wild beast’s and the scurrying to and fro as the hedgehogs and other small creatures flee for their lives from stray arrows. Share in the merriment as the sky gives back the arrows in clout shooting. This once in a life time event will never be repeated (cause it’s the Inaugural event) so come share with us the creation of a new chapter of the SCA on the Western Shores and its first event. There will be IKAC and fun shooting ranges available.

Yule War & BBQYule War & BBQYule War & BBQYule War & BBQ

DateDateDateDate Sunday 16 December PlacePlacePlacePlace Wandi Progress Association De Haer Rd Wandi TimeTimeTimeTime 12 noon Set-up 1pm War starts 6pm Barbeque 9pm Event closes CostCostCostCost $7 members, $10 non-members children under 16 half-price Sausage-in-a-bun supplied, BYO steak, salad, drinks and seating. StewardStewardStewardSteward Andre de Montsegur (08) 9398 0247 or 0408 942 820 War will take place from 1pm to 5pm on the Oval, featuring Teams, Mixed Combat, Scenarios, and an Agincourt Run. Please contact the Steward before the event if you wish to be authorised

An Italian CarnivaleAn Italian CarnivaleAn Italian CarnivaleAn Italian Carnivale DateDateDateDate Saturday 19 January 2008 PlacePlacePlacePlace Wilson Hall Braibrise Rd, Wilson TimeTimeTimeTime Site opens 3:30pm Hall open from 5pm Event starts 5:00pm CostCostCostCost $25 members $30 non-members Under 16 half price, under 5 free StewardStewardStewardSteward Muirghein ni Ghrainne (08) 9440 0235 or 0407 719 994 by 10 January 2008 ($10 deposit)DeputyDeputyDeputyDeputy Lady Sorcha (south of the river) 0488 900 026

See page 18 for more details.

Scheduled Events

The Vine ~ Vol. 14, Issue 8 (December A.S. XLII / 2007)

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Unto the populace I send Greetings and SalutationsUnto the populace I send Greetings and SalutationsUnto the populace I send Greetings and SalutationsUnto the populace I send Greetings and Salutations

Come one come all to bear witness and participate in the Shire of Dragons Bay’s Archery Event, share a pot luck lunch with friends new and old; observe the slaying of the wild beasts and the scurrying to and fro as the hedgehogs and other small creatures flee for their lives from stray arrows. Share in the merriment as the sky gives back the arrows in clout shooting. Come share with us the creation of a new chapter of the SCA on the Western Shores and its first event. There will be. IKAC and fun shooting ranges available.

When;When;When;When; Sunday, 9tth December

WhereWhereWhereWhere; ; ; ; Wandi Hall, De Haer Rd, Wandi.

Cost;Cost;Cost;Cost; $6.00 non members, $4.00 members, pages 6 to 16 half price and those under 6 are free - Family concessions available.

Site is open from 10.00am Event starts at 10.30am and ends 5.00pm

Steward;Steward;Steward;Steward; Genevieve Du Montfluer (Fiona) 0419966246

This is a Garbed event and some loaner garb will be available;This is a Garbed event and some loaner garb will be available;This is a Garbed event and some loaner garb will be available;This is a Garbed event and some loaner garb will be available; if you require loaner if you require loaner if you require loaner if you require loaner garb please contact Genevieve Du Montfluer.garb please contact Genevieve Du Montfluer.garb please contact Genevieve Du Montfluer.garb please contact Genevieve Du Montfluer.

No dragonflies will be harmed when the hedgehogs and other small creatures flee for their lives ☺

The Vine ~ Vol. 14, Issue 8 (December A.S. XLII / 2007)

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Come join in the Masked street fair, and enjoy dancing, games and general frivolity incognito. (Did I mentions MASKS?) Attendance at a carnivale called for ALL to wear masks so that rank and identity could be hidden from all (just think of the mischief you can get up to wearing a MASK). Noble folk especially hid their identity so they could relax and enjoy themselves.

The event opens at 5pm, continuing until 10pm, when we must all scatter afore the Guard takes our revels to the cells.

Pavilions will be set up; however, you will need to bring your own seating, and, as always, something to eat off and drink out of. Hmm … in summer, liquid to drink is also good.

If you wish to raise your personal pavilion or banner you can either be on site from 3:30pm to raise it yourself, or give it Mistress Muirghein (north of the river) or Lady Sorcha (south of the river) BEFORE the day. If you choose to raise your pavilion yourself be aware that the stewarding team will tell you where you can put it.

Note that NO pavilions or banners may be raised after 4:45pm

Also note that we will not have access to the hall proper until 5pm.

DateDateDateDate 19 January 2008 PlacePlacePlacePlace Wilson Hall Braibrise Rd, Wilson TimeTimeTimeTime Site opens 3:30pm (hall open from 5pm) Event starts 5:00pm CostCostCostCost $25 members $30 non-members Under 16 half price, under 5 free StewardStewardStewardSteward Muirghein ni Ghrainne (08) 9440 0235 or 0407 719 994 by 10 January 2008 ($10 deposit) DeputyDeputyDeputyDeputy Lady Sorcha (south of the river) 0488 900 026

The Vine ~ Vol. 14, Issue 8 (December A.S. XLII / 2007)

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King & Queen of LochacKing & Queen of LochacKing & Queen of LochacKing & Queen of Lochac Hugh and Therasa

Baron & Baroness of AnealaBaron & Baroness of AnealaBaron & Baroness of AnealaBaron & Baroness of Aneala Lachlahn Ioseph of Dunbar 0401 694 450

Jane Grenville 0403 003 041

Champion of the SwordChampion of the SwordChampion of the SwordChampion of the Sword : : : : Champion of the BowChampion of the BowChampion of the BowChampion of the Bow : : : :

Champion of the RapierChampion of the RapierChampion of the RapierChampion of the Rapier : : : : Bard of AnealaBard of AnealaBard of AnealaBard of Aneala ::::

Prospero ab Aqua Jehan de Benne Donnchadh Baillie Catherine de Arc

Anealan Baronial Officers

Seneschal Seneschal Seneschal Seneschal

Sir Kane Graymane (08) 9314 2506

Herald Blackwing PersuviantHerald Blackwing PersuviantHerald Blackwing PersuviantHerald Blackwing Persuviant

Prospero ab Aqua 0409 200 415

Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve

Catalina de Gata 0423 198 462


Nathan Blacktower (08) 9249 5670


Rhianwen ni Dhiarmada (08) 9314 2506

Arts & SciencesArts & SciencesArts & SciencesArts & Sciences

Catherine de Arc (08) 9249 5670


David de Saxby (08) 9458 8251

Rapier Marshal Rapier Marshal Rapier Marshal Rapier Marshal

Catalina de Gata 0423 198 462

Acting Hospitaller Acting Hospitaller Acting Hospitaller Acting Hospitaller

Sir Kane Graymane (08) 9314 2506

List KeeperList KeeperList KeeperList Keeper

Maithu Ruathe 0415 400 722

Canton of Abertridwr Canton of Abertridwr Canton of Abertridwr Canton of Abertridwr Seneschal Seneschal Seneschal Seneschal

Kilic ibn Sungur ibn al Kazganci al-Turhani (08) 9455 7002

College of St Basil College of St Basil College of St Basil College of St Basil the Great the Great the Great the Great Seneschal Seneschal Seneschal Seneschal

Catherine de Herdwyk 0415 435 928

Subsidiary Groups

The Vine ~ Vol. 14, Issue 8 (December A.S. XLII / 2007)

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Guilds in Aneala

The Royal Guild of Defence The Royal Guild of Defence The Royal Guild of Defence The Royal Guild of Defence for combat with civilian weapons

Catalina da Gata -

The ColleThe ColleThe ColleThe College of Scribes ge of Scribes ge of Scribes ge of Scribes for calligraphy and illumination

Muirghein ni Ghrainne - 9440 0235

The Guild of the Silver Rondel The Guild of the Silver Rondel The Guild of the Silver Rondel The Guild of the Silver Rondel for dancing and playing music for dancing

Catherine de Arc - 9249 5670.

The Worshipful Company of Broiderers The Worshipful Company of Broiderers The Worshipful Company of Broiderers The Worshipful Company of Broiderers for embroidery

Muirghein ni Ghrainne - 9440 0235

The Guild of Cooks The Guild of Cooks The Guild of Cooks The Guild of Cooks cooking & non-alcoholic beverages

Master Kilic -

The TailorsThe TailorsThe TailorsThe Tailors, Haberdashers and Mercers Guild, Haberdashers and Mercers Guild, Haberdashers and Mercers Guild, Haberdashers and Mercers Guild making of garments and accessories

Catalina da Gata -

The Brewers, VintnerThe Brewers, VintnerThe Brewers, VintnerThe Brewers, Vintners and Imbibers Guilds and Imbibers Guilds and Imbibers Guilds and Imbibers Guild alcoholic beverages

Healfdene Westfara - 0418 920 034

The Fibre GuildThe Fibre GuildThe Fibre GuildThe Fibre Guild for spinning, weaving, felting, and braiding

Catherine de Arc - 9249 5670.

The Herb and Garden GuildThe Herb and Garden GuildThe Herb and Garden GuildThe Herb and Garden Guild gardening and herbalism

Alessandra Torrigiani d’Arezzo

The Vine ~ Vol. 14, Issue 8 (December A.S. XLII / 2007)

Page 17

Fighter Training & Fighter Training & Fighter Training & Fighter Training & ArcheryArcheryArcheryArchery

Sunday 10am to 12pm

Lake Monger Primary, Dodd St, Wembley Contact Nathan: (08) 9249 5670


Calligraphy & Illumination Contact Muirghein: (08) 9440 0235


Monday nights

Contact Catherine de Arc (08) 9249 5670

Baronial Baronial Baronial Baronial MeetingMeetingMeetingMeeting

3rd Friday of each month from 7:30pm UWA Arts Lecture Room 9

Contact Lachlahn: 0401 694 450

GeneralGeneralGeneralGeneral Arts &Arts &Arts &Arts & SciencesSciencesSciencesSciences

1st & 3rd Tuesday of the

month from 7pm,

Arts Lecture Room 9, UWA, Contact Catherine de Arc (08) 9249 5670

Dance PracticeDance PracticeDance PracticeDance Practice

2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month from 7pm

Arts Lecture Room 9, UWA,

Contact Catherine de Arc (08) 9249 5670.


Monday nights

Contact Jane on 0403 003 041


1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month from 7:30pm

Arts Lecture Room 9, UWA, Contact Prospero: 0409 200 415

College of St. Basil TrainingCollege of St. Basil TrainingCollege of St. Basil TrainingCollege of St. Basil Training Tuesdays and Thursdays

4pm to 6 or 7pm Oak Lawn, UWA

Contact Catherine de Herdwyk 0415 435 928

Abertridwr Training & Abertridwr Training & Abertridwr Training & Abertridwr Training & Open HouseOpen HouseOpen HouseOpen House

Wednesdays from 6pm The Bastion

Kane: 9314 2506

Regular Activities

Or, Where to Go, & What to Do, in the Barony of Aneala when not at an event

The Vine ~ Vol. 14, Issue 8 (December A.S. XLII / 2007)

Page 18


Disclaimer Neither The Vine, The Barony of Aneala nor The Society for Creative Anachronism endorses the products or services offered here. These free advertisements are provided as a service to our readers, and appear only when space permits.

MOTTESTONE AMOURIES Contact D’Gaunt - 0417 917 133

Opening Specials:

Standard Basket Hilts $40 rrp $50

Mitten Gauntlet look Shield Guards $30 rrp $40

and announcing a brand new line

*Murkins $60 rrp $70 per pair

(strap articulated demi-gauntlets to upgrade and disguise your gumbies).


The Hall of

Antiquities Makers of Products and Replicas

From History and Fantasy!

Brad & Sue Morris

Phone: (08) 9304 4303

Mobile: 0423 981 084


Purveyors of munitions-grade armour and re-enactor supplies, Historic Armouries invite you to look through their web site:

New stock added regularly.

“If you don’t see what you’re looking for, ask, and we’ll endeavour to get it for you.”

Your Advertisement here

The Vine ~ Vol. 14, Issue 8 (December A.S. XLII / 2007)

Page 19

On~line Resources 3

Group Sites Barony of Aneala

(Perth, Western Australia)

Canton of Abertridwr (South of Perth, WA)

College of St Basil the Great (University of WA)

Incipient Shire of Bosenberg (Southwest of Western Australia)

Kingdom of Lochac (Australia and New Zealand)

SCA Corporate site (World-wide)

E~mail Lists

Aneala ~ General discussion

Send an email message to containing the text: Subscribe populace in the body of the message.

Incipient Shire of Bosenberg Visit


Local SCA Photographers The Vine, the Barony of Aneala and the SCA do not control web-sites other than their own, and so offer no

warranty as to the suitability or content of external sites. You visit these sites at your own risk.

Maria of Heybridge

Andre de Montsegur


David de Saxby

Aneala ~ Official announcements

Send an email message to containing the text: Subscribe announce in the body of the message.

Pre-incipient Shire of Dragons Bay (South of Abertridwr and north of Bosenberg)

SCA Corporate site (Australia)

Pre-incipient Shire of Dragons Bay

Western Shores (SCA groups west of the Nullarbor)

Canton of Abertridwr

The Vine ~ Vol. 14, Issue 8 (December A.S. XLII / 2007)

Page 20

(Yet more) Pictures from the Championship Weekend

Left to right: Lady Arlette Mortimer, Lord Jehan de Benne, Senora Catalina de Gata and Lord Guntar von Kaiserburg.

About The Vine

About The Vine This is Volume 14, Issue 8 (December A.S. XLII / 2007) of The Vine, the newsletter of the Barony of Aneala. It is available from the Chronicler at and from PO Box 7124 Karawara WA 6152. The Vine is not an official publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) and does not delineate SCA policy. The official newsletter for the Society in Australia is Pegasus, which is available from the Registrar at Submission Guidelines Advertising, including event flyers, should be in text, Word, Publisher or similar format. PDFs are not preferred; please send original source documents instead. If in doubt, contact the Chronicler for more information. Copyright Official articles from Society Officers, event flyers and calendar information may be reprinted without further permission in newsletters and other publications of branches of the SCA. All copyright in original articles or art herein belongs with the respective contributors, who must approve all re-use. Please contact the Chronicler for all enquiries regarding re-publication of articles and artwork from The Vine. The Vine may use clip art from a variety of sources. If your art is featured here without your credit and/or permission, contact us, and we will properly credit you, or cease use of the art. Some artwork herein is © Carol Hansen of The photographs on the front and rear covers are by David de Saxby. You can see more of his SCA photography at: Disclaimer The Vine, the Barony of Aneala and the SCA do not control web-sites other than their own, and so offer no warranty as to the suitability or content of external sites. You visit these sites at your own risk. Thanks Thanks, as always, to Mistress Rhianwen for producing and mailing the print version of The Vine.

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