December 3, 2012 - Superintendent's update to the Board

Post on 29-Jan-2018






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Superintendent’s Update

Visit to Macdonald Elementary

Paul Martin Visits Britannia

Queen Mary’s Seismic Upgrade

Farewell to Retiring Staff

United Way Pancake Breakfast

Adult Education Forum

Grad Dialogue

On November 22nd about 60 people participated in a Ministry of Education Grad Dialogue to consider directions for future graduation programs.

Windermere Gingerbread

Prime Minister’s Award Winner

Nelson Elementary Open House

Visit to Seymour Elementary

Hastings Elementary Project Chef

Windermere C3 Conference

Good Schools Project

How do we know that schools are doing a good job?

What are the purposes and long term goals of schooling?

Measurable outcomes may be the least significant results of learning (Linda McNeil at Rice U. via Alfie Kohn)

Upcoming events

• December 4 – Tour of Alternative Ed Secondary Programs

• December 6 - Hastings/Tillicum Community School 17th Annual Inner City Community Christmas Dinner

• December 7 - Workshop BBQ for United Way

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