December 2010

Post on 19-Mar-2016






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Monthly Magazine of First Baptist Church



Name Date Of Birth

Brand, Mrs. Ester 12/1

Capehart, Miss Abby 12/1

Miller, Mr. Michael 12/1

Vaughan, Miss Jayde 12/1

Daylor, Mr. Lawrence (Larry) 12/4

Hall, Mrs. Juana 12/5

Morris, Mrs. Julie 12/5

Purdy, Mrs. Charity 12/8

Schwandt, Mr. Tim 12/8

Capehart, Mr. Grady 12/9

Leach, Mrs. Cheryle 12/9

Dormire, Mr. Reid 12/10

Dunn, Mr. Jerry 12/10

Singmaster, Miss Amy 12/10

Singmaster, Mrs. Beverly 12/10

Voss, Mr. Larry W. 12/14

Golay, Mrs. Suzanne 12/15

Patton, Mr. Logan 12/19

Krauleidis, Mrs. Melba 12/20

Bain, Miss Elizabeth 12/21

Kasper, Mrs. Colleen 12/21

Swan, Mr. Virgil 12/21

Huffmire, Mrs. Karen 12/22

Miller, Miss Mallory 12/23

Warden, Miss Hannah 12/25

Tarter, Mr. Nickolas (Nick) 12/26

Jacobson, Ms. Karen 12/28

Seat, Mrs. Delcie 12/28

Spillman, Miss Cali 12/28

Dyess, Mrs. Mary Jane 12/30

Dolezal, Miss Savannah 12/31

Ingram, Mr. Kaylee 12/31

Wolff, Mr. Caleb 12/31

Decmeber Birthdays

The Benevolence Committee has asked us

to bring mittens, gloves, socks, and

stocking caps to be put on a

Christmas tree and donated to the school to

be used for kids that can’t afford them.

Please bring them by Sunday Dec. 12th

We will be remembering our Homebound with a basket of fruit, lotion, Kleenex,

sugar free jello and sugar free puddings. If you could help with this please bring either a donation or the items to the

Church by December 12th.

The Senior Adults Luncheon for December

12:00p It’s the Green Team.

We will have lunch and then see a Christmas themed movie.

So come and enjoy the fellowship and a good movie.




Christmas Counts Counting down the days until

Christmas! Just about every kid does

it, even the big kids! I remember my

mom made a homemade calendar that

we could count the days down until

Christmas. I think she still has it.

She cut out the shape of a tree from

some green felt, then she made

twenty-five little pockets, and then

made twenty-five little "ornaments"

to go on the tree. Now she sewed

everything. When I made one for my

family a few years back, I just used

glue! Mine probably won't last as

long though. There are many

types of similar calendars used to

count the days down. We get excited

to see just a few days left. Getting

closer and closer to Christmas. We

have such anticipation and

excitement about Christmas. But,

admittedly, it's mostly centered

around getting presents. We should

try this year, because there's no better

time than right now, to find ways to

prepare our hearts and our kids hearts

for what Christmas really means.

We're celebrating the most incredible

event in history-the birth of our

Savior, Jesus.

Using the idea of a calendar,

take a 11x17-inch paper and draw a

Christmas tree shape. Or cut one out

from green construction paper and

attach it to the paper. Now cut out

twenty-five star shapes. Put a small

number on each of the stars, from one

to twenty-five. As your child starts to

count down the days until Christmas,

they will take the first star on the first

day of December. Have them write

or draw something on that star that

they can thank God for. Once

they're done, they can attach their star

to their tree. They can do the same

thing for each day, as they count the

days until Christmas. So by the time

Christmas arrives, they will have

twenty-five things that they have

thanked God for.

What a great way to start

Christmas day! Encourage your kids

to save the top of the tree for their

last star and encourage them to write

Jesus on that star. Jesus is what we

should be most thankful for!

Merry Christmas! by Pam Isaac

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Robin Andrew

Dinner Baked

Pot. Chili


D-Now launch

Party 6:30p

2 3


Breakfast with

Santa 8:00a to





Speak 10:45a









7 8






9 10

Senior Adult


The Green




World Showcase

Livestock Show



Senior Adults

To the


At Emmanuel




Mary Jane




17 18


Tim and






20 21


Kara Levings





Office Closed





26 27 28 29

No Services


Office Closed


First Baptist Church Perry

December 2010

Disciple Now Weekend

Call the Office to make your reservation.


7 7

The Falls Creek Cabin is well on it’s way to being built. We WILL BE needing

your help this Winter to finish the work. Watch for more details on when the

drywall, painting, cleaning, and prep will be started.

Will you consider a donation? Naming opportunities STILL AVAILABLE!!!

Will you consider a monthly pledge? Your gift can help save eternity for

thousands of youth, young adults, men and women as they gather at camp

using our cabin. Falls Creek Total Project Cost $750,000 Construction Loan from Exchange Bank $450,000 $300,000 Pledges and Donations given to date $144,385

Remaining to Pay $155,615

It’s Going UP!!!!! The New Falls Creek Cabin



Preparing for Christmas

It’s beginning to look a lot like

Christmas, or that’s what we will be

saying in only a few days. What are

your plans for Christmas? Are you

going to be traveling to see family, or

are they coming to see you. That’s what

I look forward to most, and that’s

getting together with family and friends.

I love the parties, programs, and special

events on TV and in the churches and

schools. I love to decorate my house

and the yard. Why do we do that? Why

do we go to all that trouble. As I get

older I think about maybe trying to do a

little less, but along comes a grandson

and I know I’ll probably just keep doing

the same things or more.

When we prepare for one of our

loved ones birthdays, we take a lot of

time to think about what we can do to

celebrate their birthday. We plan the

gifts and plan the party. We figure out

what they like and decorate accordingly.

I think that Jesus' birthday should

take a lot of preparation and thought

also. I talked to one person that said

they don’t celebrate Christmas, even

though they are a Christian. They said

the Bible doesn’t talk about celebrating

birthdays. There’s only one birthday

mentioned in the Bible and John the

Baptist had to lose his head for a present

for that one.

Well, does that mean we

shouldn’t celebrate Jesus’ birthday at

Christmas? I think that we should

celebrate Christmas, but not forget the

reason for the season. We can use this

time to teach our young ones what the

true meaning is and why we go to all

this trouble.

It’s easy to get involved in

shopping, decorating, and preparing all

that food. This is the time to use every

opportunity to think and teach about

how Jesus came as a little baby. That’s

when we need to emphasize that Jesus

was really a human being, not just a

plastic or glass baby in a nativity. We

need to think about this also as grown-

ups. I think we can tend to think about

things happening so long ago, and not

that it actually happened. We have to

accept by faith that the Bible is true, and

it says that Jesus was a real live baby.

That baby grew into the man that was

going to give his life for me and you, so

that we can have eternal life in heaven

with God. There’s no other way that

can happen, than to accept that fact and

believe on Jesus. As the old saying

goes, you can take that one to the bank.

It’s real and it’s a fact.

So in wrapping it up, no pun

intended, I think it’s great to celebrate

Jesus’ birthday and look forward to it

every year. Remember, Jesus is the

reason for the season†

by Illa Moore


The Meaning of the Nativity Posted by: Bob Kauflin 05 Dec, 2006 Yesterday afternoon I took Julie and our two youngest daughters to see The Nativity Story. Although

the movie has mostly received not-so-great reviews (too slow, not very creative, etc.) I thought it was very well

done and enjoyed it. Mary and Joseph were well chosen for their parts and did a credible job capturing the

differing emotions that would accompany their unique situation. Although I wondered if 21st century parent-teen

relational conflict was read back into the story…

I’m always affected when I see biblical characters and stories believably portrayed in movies. I

understand that except for the creative license taken with certain elements, the story is based on truth. It’s not

simply a nice kid’s story that adults can enjoy. More to the point, this particular story offers hope to every person

in the world. I’d recommend it for your family or seeing it with some friends.

People can be affected by different aspects of Christmas. The twinkling lights, the parties, the smell of holiday

cookies, the prospect of snow, the gift giving, the gift getting, the general feeling of good will towards others, the

helping of the hurting and downtrodden. But both as individual Christians and as churches, we have the

privilege, joy, and responsibility of sharing the greatest reason to celebrate this time of year. God has taken on

flesh. The almighty God has become a baby to redeem us. What better news do we have to offer? What better

hope can we bring? What better solution can we offer for the suffering, problems, and confusion in the world?

A Savior has come. His name is Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins (Mt. 1:21). That’s why

when I’m looking for songs to sing this time of year, I seek out songs that clearly portray the meaning of the

nativity. I don’t want people to walk away from our meetings with simply a "good Christmasy feeling." I don’t

want people to think that the church is just like the world, only a little more religious. Nor do I want the folks in

our church to be more affected by sentimentality than the greater and more joyful reality of what Christmas

means. We have amazing news to share. Christmas is one more opportunity to consider along with our family,

friend, and neighbors that God has provided a way for us to be forgiven for our sins and know him.

I’ve mentioned that Sovereign Grace released a Christmas CD this year called "Savior: Celebrating the Mystery

of God Become Man." We’ve been playing it at our house, and it’s a regular reminder of why we celebrate.

Here’s one of the songs, composed by my good friend, Mark Altrogge. It’s called "Emmanuel."

We have come today to worship

We have come to praise the One

Who came down into our darkness

Born a lowly virgin’s son

You who did not come with splendor

Pomp and strength and majesty

You who came to us in weakness

Born to us in poverty

Emmanuel, Emmanuel, Emmanuel

In You alone we hope and trust

Jesus, Savior, God with us


We were blind and lost and godless

Wandering a trackless waste

Then hope arose, a glorious beacon

Like the star the wise men chased

Down from heaven came a Savior

Born a child, so small and frail

Taking up our pain and troubles

Conquering where we had failed

You who with a word created

Sun and moon and seas and sand

Lay there sleeping in a manger

Cradled by Your mother’s hand

You who made the mighty forests

Would lie down upon a tree

Fastened there with nails for sinners

Would bleed and die to set us free

Emmanuel. God with us. How gracious God has


Submitted by Stan Andrew

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