Deadliest Insects

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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These creatures a small in sizes but can be deadly in many ways.\n\n - PowerPoint PPT Presentation




Insects have been wandering

the Earth since the ancient

times they are one if successful

survivalist in the world. These

creatures a small in sizes but

can be deadly in many ways,

they can be using numbers as

attacks or toxic to kill victims.

Here are some of the deadliest insect in the world

Wasp The Wasp according to scientist

lives along with the dinosaurs

because they found fossils that

similar to the wasps today. The

wasp sting is non-fatal if you were

stung by one wasp but wasp can

be found in groups or colony so mainly a victim can be stung

many times.

The wasp only attacks when

they were disturb and that’s

good news because hundreds

of wasp will swarm the target

and can be a cause of death.

Asian Giant Hornet The Asian giant hornet also

known as the Japanese Giant

hornet is not just for show

because of their size they also

have painful sting. The Asian

giant hornet is considered the

largest hornet in the world.

A stung from this insect is not

fatal but from a multiple stung

can cause a severe multiple

organ failure that can cause


Killer Bee The Killer bee or the “Africanized

bee” is one of the scariest insect

in the world they gather in

colony and can attack in

numbers. Many movies used

these fearful creatures as a

cause of death and it is true because Killer bees will sting you

even when you are dead.

One sting can be non-fatal but

in a multiple stung can cause

death in a minute.

Kissing Bug The Kissing bug is also known in

varieties of names like assassin

bug, triatomines or conenose

bugs. The Kissing bug spread a

well-known disease in northern

Argentina to southern United

State called the “Chagas Disease”.

The kissing bug feeds on their

host animals or human of their

blood and can transmit disease

to both hosts.

Fire Ants The Fire ants attack in numbers

with their toxin a person with

allergic reaction to the toxin can

be seriously fatal. The fire ants

can be a huge problem when it

comes to territories because

they are invasive creatures and

mostly destroy everything in their


In some parts of the world

government spend billions of

dollars just to get rid some of

this creatures.

Mosquito The Mosquito are blood

sucking insects that feeds on

anything with blood. The

mosquito carries a various

disease and parasites that

cause diseases to many countries.

The mosquito carries multiple

diseases like dengue fever,

yellow fever and chikungunya.

These some of the dangerous

and the deadliest insect in the

planet and mostly cannot be


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