
DE-MYSTIFYING SOCIAL MEDIA For Mortgage Loan Originators

Two keys to a loan officer’s success:


How do you gain & nurture relationships?

The old way.


• Cold calling• Advertising• “Pressing Palms” • Emails• Letters


• Facebook • Twitter• LinkedIn

Cold Calling


• Cold calling• Advertising• “Pressing Palms” • Emails• Letters


• Facebook • Twitter• LinkedIn



• Cold calling• Advertising• “Pressing Palms” • Emails• Letters


• Facebook • Twitter• LinkedIn

“Pressing Palms”


• Cold calling• Advertising• “Pressing Palms” • Emails• Letters


• Facebook • Twitter• LinkedIn



• Cold calling• Advertising• “Pressing Palms” • Emails• Letters


• Facebook • Twitter• LinkedIn


The new way.


• Cold calling• Advertising• “Pressing Palms” • Emails• Letters


• Facebook • Twitter• LinkedIn



• Cold calling• Advertising• “Pressing Palms” • Emails• Letters


• Facebook • Twitter• LinkedIn



• Cold calling• Advertising• “Pressing Palms” • Emails• Letters


• Facebook • Twitter• LinkedIn


WHY Social Media For Loan Originators?

Continued instability in the housing market


Getting approved for a home loan is still tougher

than before the market crashed in 2007

Borrowers need higher credit scores, less debt,

and full documentation of finances

WHAT THIS MEANS for Loan Originators

Small pool of loan ready borrowers

Heavy competition for qualified applicants

Adding social media to your networking strategy ensures that, when the time comes, it won’t be a matter of which Loan Originator to choose, but

which loan to select.

Navigating Social NetworksLINKEDIN. FACEBOOK. TWITTER

LinkedIn: A professional networking site with 332 million users worldwide. Use it for your personal and professional brand.

LinkedIn Features to help Grow Your Network

LinkedIn ConnectedUse this app to sync your connections and

calendars, remind you of important events in your

connections lives. Use this feature to quickly scan

for information on a contact you are about to meet.

Who’s ViewedYour Profile

Gain transparency into who is checking you out!

You can also see their company information, and

ask to connect.

LinkedIn GroupsJoining industry related LinkedIn Groups not only

allows you to network, but also add to the

conversation with like-minded individuals.

InMailSend messages to people to whom you are

not yet connected.

LinkedIn Do’s & Don’ts

DO treat your profile as a digital resume; images should be tasteful and appropriate,

as should all of your updates and comments.

DON’T ask to connect to people you don’t know. Seek introductions from colleagues,

or try to engage with them in LinkedIn Groups first.

DO write a personal message when asking to connect, instead of using the default “I’d like

to add you to my LinkedIn Network.”

DON’T be overly promotional. Share content, add to conversations, start discussions

in groups – remember the 80/20 rule!

DO keep your profile active. LinkedIn recommends posting at least once per day, during

business hours. Peak times are 12:00pm, and between 5:00 and 6:00pm.

DON’T Use hashtags or @ symbols – reserve those for other social networks.

DO tag colleagues, influencers, and companies you follow in relevant posts – it’s a great way

to stay top of mind with people or brands you’re trying to cultivate for business.

Facebook: A social networking site with 1 billion users worldwide.Use it to connect in a more personal way with business contacts and customers

– but keep it professional!

Facebook Features to help Grow Your Network

Facebook AdvertisingFor as little as $20 for a week, create a Facebook

Offer, a Page Like Ad, or a Promoted Post.

Facebook also offers a wide range of targeting

options so you reach the borrowers and realtors

you’re seeking out.

Facebook GroupsA group can be public and open to anyone, or

closed with members needing an invitation to join.

This is a great option if you want an open forum with

your clients without the public nature of a Facebook

business page.

Call To Action ButtonThe CTA button is brand spankin’ new to Facebook

pages, and allows brands to drive specific actions

directly from their page. Page admins now have

seven options to choose from, including:

Book Now, Contact Us, Use App, Play Game, Shop

Now, Sign Up

Facebook Do’s & Don’ts

DO treat your profile as a digital resume; images should be tasteful and appropriate,

as should all of your updates and comments.

DON’T ask to connect to people you don’t know. Seek introductions from colleagues,

or try to engage with them in LinkedIn Groups first.

DO respond to feedback from your audience in a timely fashion – even the negative stuff! Best practice is to respond within an hour if possible, and certainly no later than 24 hours. It is

especially important to respond to negative feedback publicly, but try to take the conversation offline as quickly as possible.

DON’T buy Likes. While it might be tempting to pad your page with fake fans, it won’t do anything for your engagement or reach. The less people engage with your content, the less likely it is that you will appear in newsfeeds. Social media is a marathon, not a sprint – grow your

audience organically, even if it take a little longer.

DO post and comment from within your GREMLN account so that all activity is

archived for audit purposes.

DON’T let your profile or Page go dark. Post at least 1-2 times a day, between 1pm and 4pm.

DO include your Facebook information on business cards, marketing materials,

and email signatures.

Twitter: the real-time communications network where users send 140 character messages called tweets. With 288 million monthly active users, and 500 million tweets sent per day, making a splash on Twitter can be challenging unless you utilize some of its best features

Twitter Features to help Grow Your Network

# HashtagsUsing trending or industry hashtags (the # sign on

your keyboard) is the easiest way to cut through the

noise and get your content in front of people you

care about.

Twitter SearchSearch for specific tweets, users, or conversations

using keywords or hashtags to monitor company

mentions, your personal Twitter handle, or have

conversations with clients.

TweetChatParticipate in real-time hashtag conversations on

TweetChat from your desktop or mobile device.

TweetChat isn’t for the hard sell – be conversational

and establish yourself as a thought leader!

Twitter Do’s & Don’ts

DO post regularly. The best times to post on Twitter are Monday-Thursday, 9am-3pm.

DON’T #hashtag #every #word or #makehashtagsreallylong.

DO tag influencers in retweets of their content

DON’T forget to use images or videos – tweets with images get twice the

engagement of those without images.

DO tweet on weekends! While weekdays are peak times, a study by Dan Zarella found that

click-through rates were higher on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.

DON’T set auto-reply on your account. If someone takes the time to reach out,

respond to that user personally!

DO be courteous and say thanks to people for retweets, follows, and favorites.

DON’T tweet proprietary or confidential company or client information.

DO post appropriate third-party content. Check your bank’s social media policy

for specifics on approved content.

Key Take Aways• Social media isn’t in lieu of, but in ADDITION TO in-person networking

• Maintain professional image

• Avoid compliance violations

• Benefits outweigh the risk

Check out GREMLN Social Guardian in action – schedule a demo!


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