DDS Smallest

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8/2/2019 DDS Smallest 1/20

8/2/2019 DDS Smallest 2/20

Namaste!aarohadesign degree show 2010Industrial Design Centre, IIT Bombay

When? Where?22-24 June 2010IDC, IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai

26-27 June 2010Nehru Science Centre, Worli, Mumbai

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ProgramsThe prime objective at the IDC is an integratedand interdisciplinary approach in designeducation. There are our programs that are

o ered.

Industrial DesignThe Industrial design programme concentrateson developing skills, knowledge and attitudeamong students to become creative problemsolvers who can e ectively and strategicallyuse di erent design processes and methods.The students learn to correlate technical andergonomic unctions o a product with the realhuman needs. They develop their innovative andaesthetic sensibilities into making a coherentand appropriate product. The students areencouraged to solve socially relevant problems.

During the program, students interact withindustries, institutions and social organizationsduring their project to understand, study,analyze and solve various kinds o existingproblems. The choice and outcome o naldegree projects refect the students aspirationsto change the Indian product scene.

Transportation DesignPublic Services DesignRural Product DesignExhibition DesignInteraction DesignPackaging DesignEnvironmental DesignToy DesignConsumer ProductDesignMedical EquipmentDesign


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Visual CommunicationVisual communication in a developing countrywith its varied cultural heritage has a vital role toplay in the national development. The emphasis

is on meeting the unmet communication needsor the community, or which normally resourcesare not readily available. The programmeenvisages developing graduates with bettermaturity in handling communication designproblems, a deeper understanding o aestheticaspects, and generating methods and processesor solving communication problems.

The students are given opportunities tolearn new skills and to advance their level ounderstanding. They can also specialize in oneo the many areas o visual communicationlike typography, in ormation visualization,interaction design, video/ lm making, exhibitiondesign, animation, photography, etc.

VCCommunication DesignExhibition DesignAnimation DesignFilm DesignMotion GraphicsGraphic DesignInteraction DesignStorytellingMap DesignType DesignTypographyWay- ndingPhotography

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Interaction DesignThe Interaction Design program in IDC strives tocreate people with expertise who will eventuallyemerge as leaders to infuence the uture o

interaction design. Creating graduates withgood analytical abilities, skilled with speci ctechniques, creative in their solutions, sensitivein their approach and knowledgeable aboutcurrent developments in using new emergingtechnologies and exploring new medias.

The program ocuses on interactive medias,mobile communication applications, inter acesor so tware applications, interactive gaming andlearning applications. The program has a speci cocus on the needs o Indian users and the Indianindustry.

INInstructional DesignUsabilityUser Inter ace DesignHuman FactorsUser Experience DesignGame DesignDesign ResearchIn ormationArchitecture & Design

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Design Degree Show 2010Every year, the graduating batch holds theDesign Degree Show (DDS). They proudlypresent to the world their creative exploits. Theexhibition is the harbinger o their arrival into theindustry. The who’s-who o the world o designgather to collaborate and work with the reshtalent that is molded by the Institute.

DDS brings together Indian and InternationalDesign Students and Pro essionals to share thevision o creating a plat orm to pool resources,express, innovate and thereby enable youngminds to progress to the next level.

We cordially invite you to be a part of this festival of design that celebrates its newest entrants and The Design Degree show 2010 acomplete success.


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SponsorshipThe Design Degree show is an annual event,which has overwhelmed its participants with itsenergy and grandeur. No show can be pulled osingle handedly and requires collaboration onvarious levels with pro essionals and individualsrom the industry. Hence, the sponsorship isdivided into ve broad categories, based on anorganization’s interests and aculty.Your participation and contribution towards DDS2010 is eagerly awaited.

Areas where one can sponsor are:1. Exhibition Sponsorship2. The Yearbook3. DDS Dinner4. General Sponsorships5. Seminars


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Benefts:1. One Booth o approximate size o 6’ X 6’ in the

exhibition at Nehru Centre2. One Booth o size 6’ X 6’ at IDC, IIT Bombay.

The Main Sponsor will be able to put theirbanners & exhibit their products i any inthe booth

3. A Double Spread color o page size: 8” X 8”advertisement in DDS 2010 Yearbook

4. Four Panels o Panel Size: 2’ X 6’ soley or theSponsor in the exhibition area at Nehru Centre

5. Four Banners o the Main Sponsor inside IITCampus, o maximum size 3’ x 6’

6. Sponsor logo o size150 pixels X 150 pixelswith clickable link on the DDS 2008 websiteSponsors’ web page.

7. Mention in every DDS 2010 promotional posteraround the Nehru Centre

8. Mention in every DDS 2010 promotionalposter/ teaser and invites printed a ter thesponsorship.

9. Mention in all the publicity and promotionalmaterial including t-shirts.

Please note that the Main Sponsor is to providecontent and design for the panels. They may bedesigned by hosts if desired so by the Sponsor.

1aFull ExhibitionSponsorshipRs.6,00,000

The major expenditure is estimated to be theexhibition at Nehru Centre considering theexhibition area. The Sponsors would take care othis expenditure along with the tea and snacks

during the exhibition.

There can also be a part sponsorship ( seeollowing page) o the exhibition event whereinone sponsor will share hal the cost o theexhibition at Nehru centre.

Sponsorship amount supports:> Panels displaying the works o students and

aculty.> Panel rames supports, backing, suspension

and accessories.> Lunch, tea and snacks during three days o the


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Benefts :1. One Booth o size 6’ X 6’ at IDC, IIT Bombay.

The Main Sponsor will be able to put theirbanners and exhibit their products i any in the

booth2. A Single Spread color o page size: 8” X 8”advertisement in DDS 2010 Yearbook

3. Two Panels o Panel Size: 2’ X 6’ solely or theSponsor in the exhibition area at Nehru Centre

4. Two Banners o the Main Sponsor inside IITCampus, o maximum size 3’ x 6’

5. Sponsor logo o size150 X 150 pixels withclickable link on the DDS 2010 websiteSponsors’ web page.

6. Mention in every DDS 2010 promotional posteraround the Nehru Centre

7. Mention in every DDS 2010 promotionalposter/ teaser and invites printed a ter thesponsorship.

8. Mention in all the publicity and promotionalmaterial including t-shirts.

Please note that the part Exhibition Sponsor isto provide content and design for the panels.They may be designed by hosts if desired so bythe Sponsor.

1bPart ExhibitionSponsorshipRs 3,00,000

Sponsorship amount supports:> Panels displaying the works o students and

aculty.> Panel rames supports, backing, suspension,

accessories and storage acility.> Lunch, tea and snacks during three days o theexhibition.

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Benefts :1. One Banner at the DDS Year Book Counter2. One Booth o size 6’ X 6’ at IDC, IIT Bombay.

The Main Sponsor will be able to put their

banners and exhibit their products i any in thebooth3. Two Banners o the Main Sponsor inside IIT

Campus, o maximum size 3’ x 6’4. A Double Spread color o page size: 8” X 8”

advertisement in DDS 2010 Yearbook5. Sponsor logo o size 150 pixels X 150 pixels

with clickable link on the DDS 2010 websiteSponsors’ web page

6. Space on the consolidated Sponsors Panel inthe exhibition at Nehru Centre

7. Mention in every DDS 2010 promotional posteraround the Nehru Centre

8. Mention in every DDS 2010 promotionalposter/ teaser and invites printed a ter thesponsorship.

9. Mention in all the publicity and promotionalmaterial including t-shirts.

Please note that the Yearbook Main Sponsor isto provide content and design for the panels.They may be designed by hosts if desired so bythe Sponsor.

2aThe YearbookMain SponsorRs. 2,00,000

The yearbook is a compilation o the works othe graduating students. There can be uptotwo sponsors or the yearbook though a listo other sponsors and their contributions will

be mentioned in one page elsewhere in theyearbook.

Sponsorship amount supports> Printing, binding, cover and transport o

approximately 500 yearbooks.

Size o book: 8” x 8”

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Benefts :1. Part o the banner ( with the other yearbook

part sponsor) at the DDS Year BookSales Counter

2. A Single Spread color o page size: 8” X 8”advertisement in DDS 2010 Yearbook3. One Booth o size 6’ X 6’ at IDC, IIT Bombay.

The Year book part Sponsor will be able to puttheir banners and exhibit their products i anyin the booth

4. Sponsor logo o size150 pixels X 150 pixelswith clickable link on the DDS 2010 websiteSponsors’ web page

5. Space on the consolidated Sponsors Panel inthe exhibition at Nehru Centre

6. Mention in every DDS 2010 promotional posteraround the Nehru Centre

7. Mention in every DDS 2010 promotionalposter/ teaser and invites printed a ter thesponsorship.

8. Mention in all the publicity and promotionalmaterial including t-shirts.

Please note that the Yearbook Part Sponsor isto provide content and design for the panels.They may be designed by hosts if desired so bythe Sponsor.

2bThe YearbookPart SponsorRs 1,00,000

There can only be two part sponsors orthe yearbook.

Sponsorship amount supports

> Printing, binding, cover and transport oapproximately 500 yearbooks.

Size o book: 8” x 8”

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Benefts :1. Two Panels o Size: 2’ X 6’ or the sponsor in

IDC, IIT Bombay during DDS 2010 .2. Two Banners o the Main Sponsor inside IIT

Campus, o maximum size 3’ x 6’3. Sponsor logo o size150 pixels X 150 pixelswith clickable link on the DDS 2010 websiteSponsors’ web page

4. Space on the consolidated Sponsors Panel inthe exhibition at Nehru Centre

5. Mention in every DDS 2010 promotional posteraround the Nehru Centre

6. Mention in every DDS 2010 promotional

poster/ teaser and invites printed a ter thesponsorship.

7. Mention in the yearbook list o sponsors

Please note that the DDS Dinner Sponsor is to provide content and design for the panels.They may be designed by hosts if so desired bythe Sponsor.

3The DDSDinnerRs 75,000

The DDS dinner is a plat orm or the students,aculty, sta , Alumni o IDC and pro essionalsrom the industry to interact in ormally. 200Guests are expected at this event.

The sponsorship under this segment is restrictedto one party only.

Sponsorship amount supportsOne grand dinner or 200 guests in IDC at IITBombay

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Benefts1. One Panel o Size: 2’ X 6’ or the sponsor in

IDC, IIT Bombay during DDS 2010.2. Sponsor logo o size150 pixels X 150 pixels

with clickable link on the DDS 2010 websiteSponsors’ web page.3. Space on the consolidated Sponsors Panel in

the exhibition at Nehru Centre4. Mention in every DDS 2010 promotional poster

around the Nehru Centre5. Mention in every DDS 2010 promotional

poster/ teaser and invites printed a ter thesponsorship.

6. Mention in the yearbook list o sponsors

Please note that the DDS General Sponsor is to provide content and design for the panels.They may be designed by hosts if so desired bythe Sponsor.

4aGeneralSponsorshipsRs 50,000

DDS 2010 has other miscellaneous expenses.Your contribution towards these will also be ogreat help.

Sponsorship amount supportsthe costs o mementoes, souvenirs, t-shirts,event management expenses, transport,postage, posters and invites publications

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Benefts1. One Panel o Size: 2’ X 6’ or the sponsor in

IDC, IIT Bombay during DDS 2010 .2. Two Banners o the Sponsor inside IIT

Campus, o maximum size 3’ x 6’3. Sponsor logo o size150 pixels X 150 pixelswith clickable link on the DDS 2010 websiteSponsors’ web page.

4. Space on the consolidated Sponsors Panel inthe exhibition at Nehru Centre

5. Mention in every DDS 2010 promotional posteraround the Nehru Centre

6. Mention in every DDS 2010 promotional

poster/ teaser and invites printed a ter thesponsorship.

7. Mention in the yearbook list o sponsors

Please note that the DDS Friends of IDC Sponsor is to provide content and design for the panels.They may be designed by hosts if so desired bythe Sponsor.

4bFriends o IDCRs 60,000

DDS 2010 holds a design meet where severaldignitaries in the Design eld, Alumni o IDC etc.are invited. It provides a plat orm at IDC or theindustry and the institute to interact.

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Benefts1. One Panel o Size: 2’ X 6’ or the sponsor on the

podium beside the Speaker2. One Panel o Size: 2’ X 6’ or the sponsor in

IDC, IIT Bombay during DDS 2010 .3. Two banners o the Design seminar sponsor inIIT Campus or the ull 3 days

4. Three 1-Minute in ormational A/V through aday and a chance to introduce the Speakersor the day (Prior meeting with the DDSorganisers will be held to discuss the protocol)

5. Space on the consolidated Sponsors Panel inthe exhibition at Nehru Centre

6. Mention in every DDS 2010 promotionalposter around the Nehru Centre

7. Mention in every DDS 2010 promotionalposter/ teaser and invites printed a ter thesponsorship.

8. Mention in the yearbook list o sponsors

Please note that the DDS Design Seminar Sponsor is to provide content and design for the panels. They may be designed by hosts if sodesired by the Sponsor.

5DesignSeminarRs.1,00,000 per day

22-24 June 2010Industrial Design Centre, IIT Bombay

The Design Seminar comprises o talks by

distinguished people rom the industry ollowedby workshops o various kinds. There will be 3 days o seminars.(A detailed list will be circulated when thespeakers are nalized)

Sponsorship amount supports> Travel expense and accomodation o the

speaker.> The lunch and tea or speaker during seminar.> Stationary, tea and snacks or the attendees.> Workshop expenditure.

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Media Coverage inNDTV

Times o India

Hindustan TimesDNAIndian ExpressLoksattaNavbharat Times


Cumulus WebsiteIDC Websiteindependent blogs

DLDate / Location

22-24 June 2010Industrial Design Centre, IIT Bombay

DDS kicks starts with the three days seminars ondesign. Eminent speakers international and romaround the country are invited to take part in theevents. It takes place in IDC situated inside theplush campus o IIT, Bombay.

26-27 June 2010Nehru Science Centre, BombayThe Design Degree show is taken orward post

the three day seminars to the Nehru Sciencecentre, Bombay where a grand size exhibition isput up or everyone to see. Models and panelso individual projects done by students aredisplayed. Simultaneously lms and animationprojects are screened or public viewing.

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In addition to the mentioned locations, we willacknowledge and display all our Major EventSponsors’ logo/s, in order o their contributingrole, in press, web and poster advertisements,

which are planned or circulation. On the evento two or more companies coming orward toSponsor the same event or are contributing thesame Sponsorship amount, they will receiveequal coverage, shall be treated as individualcontributors in all respects.

Sponsorship contributions in cash and kind notbelonging to the above mentioned categories

shall be acknowledged in the DDS 2010 Yearbook.

For clarifcations / urther detailsplease contact:Roshan Lawrence ValderSponsorship Coordinator IDC, IIT Bombaye: +91 9769 303106

WWhy should you sponsor?It would provide a plat orm or you todisseminate and share experiences o youresteemed organization amongst talented youth

and pro essionals rom the design industry.A huge importance is given to publicizing anddrawing students rom all colleges acrossthe country through workshops and talks, inaddition to the exhibition itsel . It will give anorganisation an oppurtunity to interact with theend-users directly- users who may be using yourproduct more than any other. They would includedesign aspirants, students, design pro essionals

and end-consumers.

DDS will be publicised on radio, youthmagazines, blogs and other media, creating anawareness about design and so your presence atall levels across the nation.

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All images and text used are theworks o students o IDC IIT B.

Brochure design by Saurabh Tewari,Visual Communication, IDC IIT B.

Contact:DDS CoordinatorsMandar Sarnaik +91 9833 798432Vallabh Munshi +91 9970 057608

Sponsorship CoordinatorRoshan Valder +91 9769 303106

Industrial Design CentreIndian Institute o Technology BombayPowai, Mumbai 400 076 022 - 2576 7801

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