DDD, CQRS and testing with ASP.Net MVC

Post on 15-Jan-2017






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DDD, CQRS & Testingwith ASP.Net




Just to introduce myself…• I’m Andy Butland• Blog (sporadically) at

http://web-matters.blogspot.it/• Find here a copy of slides and links to various

resources• Contact: abutland73@gmail.com / @andybutland• I work for Zone – www.thisiszone.com - a digital

agency where I’m head of .NET development• We develop web sites and applications using

ASP.Net MVC and CMS platforms such as Umbraco and EPiServer

• We’re primarily UK based, in London and Bristol• But I’m lucky enough to live…

… here, in Bassano del Grappa, Italy

And what are we talking about…• We’ll be discussing some practices I follow when

building web applications using ASP.Net MVC• Digested and adapted from various opinions• Adopting best practices but in a practical way• For me at least… leads to a nicely organised,

testable and maintainable code base

Standing on the shoulders…• Much of what follows comes from various

speakers, bloggers and writers in the .Net community

• Finally read “Domain Driven Design” by Eric Evans• Rob Conery questioned some of practices around use of

repositories• Blog series on DDD, CQRS and other MVC practices from

Jimmy Bogard and Gabriel Schenker at lostechies.com • Julie Lerman’s articles on DDD with Entity Framework at

MSDN• Adam Tibi’s implementation of a CQRS pattern using the

IoC container Ninject was heavily borrowed for my own use






DDD with ASP.Net MVC and Entity Framework

CQRS using a mediator pattern Wrap up and Q&A

Unit testing our model, queries and commands

1. DDD with ASP.Net MVC and Entity Framework

Domain driven design (DDD)• Close replication of the real-world, business

problem• Focussed on an appropriate area of application

responsibility – the “bounded context”• Sharing of domain knowledge and vocabulary

between business experts, developers and, importantly, the software itself – the “ubiquitous language”

A rich domain model• In essence, a DDD approach looks to push more

logic and behaviour to the application’s core model classes

• Contrasted with an “anaemic” domain model• Consider the domain as an “API” that you provide to the rest

of the application – providing appropriate access points and retaining control

• Lean more on code and less on SQL/data access• More expressive, easier to write and maintain – and test• But careful balance needed as can’t forget performance

Control via the constructor• Avoid a public, parameterless, default constructor

• Prevents the instantiation of invalid objects by application code via the {} syntax, e.g.var product = new Product { Name = “Test product” };

private Question(){ Options = new List<QuestionOption>();}

public Question(string code, string text, int orderInSection, QuestionSection section, QuestionType type) : this(){ Code = code; Text = text; OrderInSection = orderInSection; Section = section; Type = type;}

EF requires a parameter-less

constructor, but it can be private.

By requiring the rest of the application to only call this constructor, we can

ensure we have a valid initialisation of an instance.

Control of property access• Use private property setters to prevent direct

access to properties• Prevents the modification of an instance into an invalid

state• Instead provide validated methods to allow related property

values to be set together, ensuring a consistent state is maintained

public int? NumericalMin { get; private set; }

public int? NumericalMax { get; private set; }

public void SetNumericalRange(int min, int max){ if (min > max) { throw new ArgumentException( “Max parameter must be greater than the min parameter."); }

NumericalMin = min; NumericalMax = max;}

Properties can’t be set directly

Instead a method must be called, which can validate and ensure related

properties are populated together.

Move behaviour into the model• Where possible implement business logic in the

domain model objects• Object graph must be populated sufficiently to support the

behaviour• Being POCO classes, there are no dependencies that

complicate unit testing

public int GetMaximumAvailableScore(){ if (Type.Id == (int)QuestionTypeId.MultipleSelect) { return Options.Sum(x => x.Score); } else if (Type.Id == (int)QuestionTypeId.SingleSelect) { return Options.Max(x => x.Score); } else { return 0; }}

Logic can be encapsulated in


[TestMethod]public void Question_GetMaximumScoreForMultiSelect_ReturnsCorrectValue(){ // Arrange var question = CreateMultiSelectQuestion();

// Act var maxScore = question.GetMaximumAvailableScore();

// Assert Assert.AreEqual(8, maxScore);} … which can be

easily unit tested.

2. CQRS using a mediator pattern

Command Query Responsibility Segregation• In essence, CQRS involves a separation between

read and write operations in an application• At scale we may have separate models – one

highly cached and de-normalised for reads, and a strict, validated model for writes

• Related concepts – “event sourcing”, “eventual consistency” – may be appropriate in certain situations

• Even for small to medium scale applications though, CQRS has benefits over a more typical CRUD style

Benefits of CQRS• “Slices over layers” – breaking down application

by features rather than technical tiers• More meaningful data operations over CRUD

using the “ubiquitous language”• e.g. “ShipOrderCommand” versus

“SaveOrder(Order order)”• Single, discrete transactions with the ORM• More… but smaller, more focussed and single

responsibility principle adhering classes

MVC CQRS Pattern: Reads







Retrieve domain model objectsvia the Entity Framework context

Map to view model using AutoMapper

View model passed tostrongly typed view

Query passed as a GET parameterto the controller action method:• Might be a simple Id• Or something more

complex for a search feature


Controller calls query dispatcherpassing query.Appropriate query handler is foundfrom view model and query types(using Ninject)

MVC CQRS Pattern: Writes






Retrieve and update domain model objectsand persist via the EF context

Simple command result is returned (success flag, error message and - sometimes - return data).

Command may be POSTed as a parameter to the controller action method or created within the method


Controller calls command dispatcherpassing command.Appropriate command handler is foundfrom command type(using Ninject)

MVC CQRS Pattern: Validated Writes






Map to domain model objectsand persist via the Entity Framework context

Simple command result is returned

Validated view model is mapped to command


Controller calls command dispatcherpassing command.Appropriate command handler is foundfrom command type(using Ninject)


View model is model bound to controller action method from form POST and validated.

In case of validation error, view model is re-populated and returned to view.

public abstract class BaseController : Controller{

public BaseController(IQueryDispatcher queryDispatcher, ICommandDispatcher

commandDispatcher){ QueryDispatcher = queryDispatcher; CommandDispatcher = commandDispatcher;}


Base controller has injected dependencies for dispatching

queries and commands.

All controllers inherit from this.

private static void RegisterServices(IKernel kernel){


kernel.Bind(x => x .FromAssembliesMatching(“MyApplication.dll")

.SelectAllClasses().InheritedFrom(typeof(IQueryHandler<,>)) .BindAllInterfaces());

kernel.Bind(x => x .FromAssembliesMatching(“MyApplication.dll")

.SelectAllClasses().InheritedFrom(typeof(ICommandHandler<>)) .BindAllInterfaces());


Resolved using Ninject IoC container

Which also handles the convention based matching of

the appropriate handler to each query and command

public interface IQueryDispatcher{ Task<TResult> Dispatch<TParameter, TResult>(TParameter query) where TParameter : IQuery where TResult : IQueryResult;}

The query dispatcher has a single method that takes two type parameters: the query definition and the query


It takes the query definition as the argument and

asynchronously returns the result.

public class QueryDispatcher : IQueryDispatcher{ private readonly IKernel _kernel;

public QueryDispatcher(IKernel kernel) { _kernel = kernel; }

public async Task<TResult> Dispatch<TParameter, TResult>(TParameter query)

where TParameter : IQuery where TResult : IQueryResult { var handler = _kernel.Get<IQueryHandler<TParameter, TResult>>(); return await handler.Retrieve(query); }}

The implementation retrieves the appropriate handler based on the type parameters from the services registered with the Ninject IoC container.

public interface ICommandDispatcher{ Task<CommandResult> Dispatch<TParameter>(TParameter command)

where TParameter : ICommand;}

Similarly the command dispatcher has a single method

that takes a single type parameters: the command


It takes the command definition as the argument,

asynchronously process it and return a status result.

public class CommandDispatcher : ICommandDispatcher{ private readonly IKernel _kernel;

public CommandDispatcher(IKernel kernel) { _kernel = kernel; }

public async Task<CommandResult> Dispatch<TParameter>(TParameter command)

where TParameter : ICommand { var handler = _kernel.Get<ICommandHandler<TParameter>>(); return await handler.Execute(command); }}

The implementation retrieves the appropriate

handler based on the type parameter from the

services registered with the Ninject IoC container.

public class CommandResult{ public bool Success { get; set; }

public string Message { get; set; }

public object Data { get; set; }}

The simple command result usually just returns the status of

the command.

On occasion it’s useful to return some data, most often the Id of

a newly generated record.

public async Task<ViewResult> Details(DetailsViewModelQuery query){ var vm = await QueryDispatcher.Dispatch<DetailsViewModelQuery,


return View("Details", vm);}

The controller action method is very thin, delegating

immediately to the query dispatcher to create the view


The query definition may be as simple as the

Id of the record to retrieve.

public class DetailsViewModelQueryHandler : IQueryHandler<DetailsViewModelQuery, DetailsViewModel>{

public async Task<DetailsViewModel> Retrieve(DetailsViewModelQuery query)

{ValidateArguments();Context = Context ?? new ApplicationDbContext();

var result = new DetailsViewModel(); var question = await Context.Questions .SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == query.Id); Mapper.Map(question, result);

return result;} Query handler queries the EF

context and maps the domain model object to the view model.

EF context is instantiated or

passed in via the constructor for


[HttpPost][ValidateAntiForgeryToken]public async Task<RedirectToRouteResult> SignUpForActivity

(SignUpParticipantCommand command){ command.ParticipantId =

User.Identity.GetUserId(); command.AddedOn = DateTime.Now; var commandResult = await CommandDispatcher.Dispatch(command); if (commandResult.Success) { TempData["SignUpMessage"] = "Thank you for signing up. "; } else { // Handle failure of operation

} return RedirectToAction("Details", new {id = command.ActivityId, });}

Command is model bound from form post,

with additional details set in code.

Again controller action method delegates to the

command dispatcher execute the command.

public class SignUpParticipantCommandHandler : ICommandHandler<SignUpParticipantCommand>{ public async Task<CommandResult> Execute

(SignUpParticipantCommand command) { ValidateArguments(command);

Context = Context ?? new ApplicationDbContext();

var result = new CommandResult(); var activity = await Context.Activities .SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == command.ActivityId); var participant = await Context.Participants .SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == command.ParticipantId);

if (activity != null && participant != null) {


Related entity details are retrieved.

if (Context.ActivityParticipants .SingleOrDefault(x => x.Activity.Id == command.ActivityId && x.Participant.Id == command.ParticipantId) == null) { if (activity.NumberOfPlaces > Context.ActivityParticipants .Count(x => x.Activity.Id == command.ActivityId)) { var activityParticipant = new ActivityParticipant(activity, participant, command.AddedOn); Context.ActivityParticipants.Add(activityParticipant); await Context.SaveChangesAsync(); result.Success = true; } else { result.Success = false; result.Message = "There are not enough places remaining"; } ...

Further checks are made on the validity of the

command before execution.

} else { result.Success = false; result.Message = "Participant is already signed up"; } } else { result.Success = false; result.Message = "Participant and/or activity not found"; }

return result; }}

Appropriate results with status and error details

are provided to the calling code.

[HttpPost][ValidateAntiForgeryToken]public async Task<ActionResult> Edit(EditViewModel vm){ if (ModelState.IsValid) { var command = new AddOrEditCommand(); Mapper.Map(vm, command); var commandResult = await CommandDispatcher.Dispatch(command); if (commandResult.Success) { var newId = (int)commandResult.Data; // Do stuff with the generated Id of if we need to... return RedirectToAction("Index"); } }

return View("Edit", vm);}

View model is model bound and

validated. If something fails, return to view.

If validation passes, map the view model to

a command object.

3. Unit testing our model, queries and commands

Applying unit testing• By moving logic into our domain model we’ve

already made that easier to test• These have no dependencies so can simply be

instantiated with a known state before performing the operations under test

• With the use of the CQRS mediator pattern, our thin controllers mean there’s little value in testing them

• But we still have a logic that we should put under test in our query and command handlers

• These handlers are closely tied to data access code, specifically the use of Entity Framework

Unit testing Entity Framework• Testing with a database

• Slow• Brittle - as hard to maintain a known, isolated data

set for tests• Testing with in-memory objects

• Of limited value as LINQ to Objects != LINQ to Entities

• Using Effort – an in-memory database generated on the fly - written and maintained by Tamas Flamich

• http://effort.codeplex.com/ • Fast• Mimics true behaviour of EF very closely

Unit testing with Effort• Install via NuGet: PM> Install-Package Effort• Instantiate an empty, memory backed EF context• Seed the context with a known set of data

• Can use EF API for this• Or for faster tests and with less code, load from CSV

files• Create an instance of the query or command

handler, passing in the in-memory context• Execute the query or command• Assert the query result is as expected or the

command operations have persisted

[TestClass]public class RoomViewModelQueryHandlerTests : BaseDataTest{ [TestMethod] public void SampleTest() { // Arrange SetUpContextAndTestData(); var handler = new RoomViewModelQueryHandler(Context); var query = new RoomViewModelQuery { Id = 1 };

// Act var result = handler.Retrieve(query).Result;

// Assert Assert.AreEqual("Kitchen", result.RoomDescription); }}

Instantiate handler passing in in-memory,

seeded context

Retrieve the result (the view


Assert the view model properties

public abstract class BaseDataTest{ protected ProductEntities Context { get; private set; }

protected void SetUpContextAndTestData() { InitContext(); SeedData(); }

private void InitContext() { var connection = Effort.EntityConnectionFactory .CreateTransient("name=ProductEntities"); Context = new ProductEntities(connection); }


Connection to in-memory representation of EDMX

meta-data created.

An alternative method supports the code-first


private void SeedData() { var categories = new List<Category> { new Category { Id = 1, Description = "Kitchens", }, new Category { Id = 2, Description = "Bedrooms", }, };


Context.SaveChanges(); }}

Data seeded using EF API (or CSV files can be used)

4. Wrap-up and Q&A

In summary• Even with a “light-touch” of architectural patterns

we have an application that provides• Rich domain model or core• Data access separated into discrete read and write

operations, adhering to the single responsibility principle

• Testable logic and data access code• Whilst these patterns can be taken a lot further

where warranted, even for small-medium scale applications there’s value in their use

Lastly, some thanks…• To my colleagues at Zone

• Numerous discussions, questions and advice as we’ve evolved techniques and technologies over the years

• To everyone sharing knowledge, opinions and techniques

• Blogs, forum threads, talks and other community contributions that have influenced the thinking behind our work and this presentation

• Looking forward to more discussions this afternoon!

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