
CSE 136 - Lecture 7

Presentation Overview MVC (Model, View, Controller) ASP.NET MVC 3.0

Routing in detail Controller in detail View in detail





Same Model?

Not alwaysgood



Presentation Layer

It’s what users see Handling complicated page flows Two components of the presentation

layer User Interface - What you see &

interacting with Presentation Model/Logic - Data flow

between the business logic and presentation layer

Presentation model vs Business model

What are the objects in the GUI gannt-chart

class schedule{ string name;

DateTime start;DateTime end;

int x, y, bar_length; int CalculatePoints() { … } // etc...}

List<schedule> project = new List<schedule>();

GUI specific

GUI can startdeveloping

without BLL data

Data objects from BL layer may be different

class schedule{

DateTime start;DateTime end;

string name; }

DTO on both PLand BLL to transferdata between them

MVC - Model View Controller

Create three distinct objects Model, View, and Controller

HTMLprocess user's




MVC in desktop application environment.

update address event [update] buttonevent handler.Verify user input

actual update tothe object anddatabase

update completed

reload data from model

MVC - Pro and Con

Pro Decoupling – GUI/CSS developers do their

job, C# developers code the Controller, model and tests

You can test the logical flow by a test program to talk to the Controller directly

Con View has intimate knowledge of the Model

(when page refresh)


Uses .NET Framework Compiled Multi-language (C#, VB, C++, etc) Host under CLR Code execution (i.e. Garbage collection) Object-oriented AJAX development

ASP.NET - Page Class Functions

Request - Handle request from user Request.QueryString.Get("pid"); Request.Form.Get("first_name"); HttpCookie myCookie = Request.Cookies["user_id"];

Response - Handle response to user Response.Redirect("newpage.aspx"); Response.Cookies.Add(myHttpCookie);

Server - URL encode/decode Server.URLEncode(url1);

Application - Application variables (name/value pair) Application["imageDir"] = ""; <img src="<%= Application["imageDir"]%>/images/1.gif">

Session - Storage per user. It Expires/times out Session["first_name"] = "John";


Powerful Routing System Good for search engine Friendly URL (copy & paste)

Builds on ASP.NET platform object oriented multiple languages

Easy to develop (debugging) Easy to deploy (going live, updates)

MVC Architecture 1


controller Model DatabaseStorage


MVC Architecture 2

controller ModelRequest



BL ServiceDomainModel


ViewmodelResponse html


Some companiesUse the same model

MVC Web - Directories

Directory Purpose

/Controllers Where you put Controller classes that handle URL requests

/Models Where you put classes that represent and manipulate data

/Views Where you put UI template files that are responsible for rendering output

/Scripts Where you put JavaScript library files and scripts (.js)

/Content Where you put CSS and image files, and other non-dynamic/non-JavaScript content

/App_Data Where you store data files you want to read/write.

Expand the /Views directory


Several template files within them were added by default


custom directory

common to all

Site master files(header, footer, leftnav, etc)

MVC Web - Routing

Open the file / Global.asax.cs

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) {

routes.IgnoreRoute("{resource}.axd/{* pathInfo}");

routes.MapRoute( "Default", "{controller}/{action}/{id}", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" } );


protected void Application_Start() {

RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); }

optional route name

any controller you create

any method in the controller

default value

MVC Web - Routing example

routes.MapRoute( "Default", "{controller}/{action}/{id}", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" } );

(Default value)

The following URLs will match the above routing definition








{controller = "Home", action="Index", id=""}

{controller = "Students", action="Index", id=""}

{controller = "Students", action="Details", id="1"}

{controller = "Students", action="Edit", id="1"}

{controller = "Books", action="Index", id=""}

{controller = "Books", action="List", id=""}

Later, you may add more routing to parse: / DailySpecial/7-1-2011

routes.MapRoute( "Specials", "DailySpecial/{date}", new { controller = "Special", action = "" } );

MVC Web - Routing orderParse the URL: / DailySpecial/July_1

routes.MapRoute( "Specials", "DailySpecial/{date}", new { controller = "Special", action = "" } );

routes.MapRoute( "Default", "{controller}/{action}/{id}", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" } );

{controller="DailySpecial", action="7-1-2011

If you reversed the MapRoute order and parse / DailySpecial/July_1

routes.MapRoute( "Default", "{controller}/{action}/{id}", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" } );

routes.MapRoute( "Specials", "DailySpecial/{date}", new { controller = "Special", action = "" } );

This will never be reached

MVC Web - more Routing

Receiving Parameter Values in Action Methods

routes.MapRoute(null, "Catalog/{color}",new { controller = "Products", action = "List" }


In the ProductsController file:

public ActionResult List(string color){

// Get a list of products with given color

} No paramspecified

routes.MapRoute(null, "Catalog/{color}",new { controller = "Products", action = "List", color =

UrlParameter.Optional });

MVC Web - Generate URL

Generating Outgoing URLs

@Html.ActionLink("See all books", "List", "Books")

Action/method Controllerbecomes

<a href="/Books/List">See all books</a>

@Html.ActionLink("CSE Books", "List", "Books", new {subject="CSE", page=1 }, null)

Generating Outgoing URLs (with parameters)


<a href="/Books/List?subject= CSE&page=1">CSE Books</a>

MVC Web - controller 1


Receiving user input

moving the user around between different UI views

A bridge between the Web and your presentation model

Controller Background:

All Controllers Implement IController

MVC Framework comes with a standard base class for controllersSystem.Web.Mvc.Controller which implements IController on your behalf

[OutputCache(Duration=600, VaryByParam="*")]public class DemoController : Controller{

public ViewResult ShowGreeting(){

ViewData["Greeting"] = "Hello, world!";return View(" MyView");



10 min: reuse the viewcontent

ViewData is another wayto pass data to the View

Controller code tends to followa basic pattern:

Receiving Input data(get/post) and Process DataOutput View/Data/File

MVC Web - controller 2

Controller Receiving Input Data

query string values

form values

parameters parsed from the incoming URL (routing)

There are three main ways to access that data

(1) Extract it from a set of context objects

string oldProductName = Request.Form["c ity"];

(2) Using Action Method Parameterspublic ActionResult ShowWeatherForecast(string city){}

(3) Invoking Model Binding Manually in an Action Method

public ActionResult SubmitEditedProduct(Student s){}

Passed from theview

MVC Web - controller input 1

(1) Extract it from a set of context objects

Request.QueryString NameValueCollection GET variables sent with this request

Request.Form NameValueCollection POST variables sent with this request

Request.Cookies HttpCookieCollection Cookies sent by the browser with this request

Request.HttpMethod string The HTTP method (verb, e.g., GET or POST) used for this request

Request.Headers NameValueCollection The full set of HTTP headers sent with this request

Request.Url Uri The URL requested

Request.UserHostAddress string The IP address of the user making this request

RouteData.Route RouteBase The chosen RouteTable.Routes entry for this request

RouteData.Values RouteValueDictionary Active route parameters (either extracted from the URL, or default values)

HttpContext.Application HttpApplicationStateBase Application state store

HttpContext.Cache Cache Application cache store

HttpContext.Items IDictionary State store for the current request

HttpContext.Session HttpSessionStateBase State store for the visitor’s session

User IPrincipal Authentication information about the logged-in user

TempData TempDataDictionary Temporary data items stored for the current user (more about this later)

MVC Web - controller input 2

(2) Using Action Method Parameters

public ActionResult ShowWeatherForecast(string City, DateTime forDate){

// instead of using Request.Form like following, use parameters// string city = Request.Form["city"];// DateTime forDate = DateTime.Parse(Request.Form["forDate"]);


"City" variable (case sensitive)

To supply values for your parameters, theMVC Framework scans severalcontext objects to find matching key/value pairs

Request.QueryString /index.aspx?id=12345

Request.Form <input type=text name="City">

RouteData.Values /Catalog/Red


MVC Web - controller output 1

Output View/Data/File

Commonly used - Return a View

public ViewResult Index(){

return View("Homepage");}

Commonly used - Redirect to a new page

public RedirectToRouteResult SaveRecord(int itemId, string newName){

// … some process ...return RedirectToAction("Index");


Commonly used - Any action result

public ActionResult GiveMePlainText(){

return Content("This is plain text", "text/plain");}

Return a pdf file

public FilePathResult DownloadReport(){

string filename = @"c:\files\ somefile.pdf";return File(filename, "application/ pdf", "AnnualReport.pdf");


MVC Web - controller output 2

Output View/Data/File (JavaScript)

return JSON data

[HttpPost]public JsonResult WeatherData(){

var citiesArray = new[] {new CityData { city = "London", temperature = 68 },new CityData { city = "Hong Kong", temperature = 84 }


// [{"city":"London","temperature":68},{"city":"Hong Kong","temperature":84}]return Json (citiesArray);


return JavaScript

public JavaScriptResult SayHello(){

return JavaScript("alert('Hello, world!');");}

MVC Web - controller output 3

we have seen

// /Students/Create public ActionResult Create() {

StudentInfo student = new StudentInfo(100, "", "", ""); return View(student); }

*** ActionResult is an abstract of ViewResult

what's the difference between ViewResult and View

public ViewResult Index(){

return View("Homepage"); }

*** The Controller.View() method creates and passes a ViewResult objectto the ASP.NET MVC framework, which calls ViewResult.ExecuteResult()method to create the content

public ViewResult Index(){

return View("Homepage");// same as...return new ViewResult { ViewName = "Homepage" };


MVC Web - controller output 4

Controller output summary

MVC Web - View 1

WebFormViewEngine - The MVC Framework's built-in view engine.

Built on the existing Web Forms stack. Includes

Server controls (i.e., grid controls)

master pages (i.e., Views/shared/ site.master)

Visual Studio designer (drag & drop controls)

providing some additional ways to generate HTML (Html.Textbox())

Very simple view example:

@{ViewBag.Title = "Home Page";


<p> Welcome to CSE 136 MVC sample project..</p>

MVC Web - View 2

HTML Helpers

String-based HTML Helpers

MVC Web - View 3

HTML HelpersStrongly Typed Input Controls (improved syntax, that's all)

MVC Web - View 4

HTML Helpers

Rendering Links and URLs

not a link

not a link

not a link

defined route name in global.asax.cs

MVC Web - View 5

HTML HelpersRendering Drop-Down & listMultiselect

MVC Web - View 6

HTML HelpersRendering Forms

@using(Html.BeginForm("MyAction", "MyController")) {... form elements go here ...



<form action="/ MyController/ MyAction" method="post">... form elements go here ...


MVC Web - View 7Passing ViewData to View

Example of your class definition:

public class Person{

public string Name { get; set; }public int Age { get; set; }


In your controller:

public ViewResult Index(){

ViewData["message"] = "Hello World!";ViewData["personA"] = new Person { Name = "Maggie", Age = 2 };return View("SomeView");

} pass the class objectPerson to the view

In your " SomeView" page:

@{ Person a = ViewData["personA"]; }Name : @a.NameAge : @a.Age

MVC Web - View 8

Partial Views A Web Forms user control (i.e., an ASCX

file) Compiled as a class that inherits from

ViewUserControl (which in turn inherits from UserControl, the base class for all Web Forms user controls)

Break time

MVC Model will be in the demo


Service Layer code MVC tutorial MVC 136 solution – debugged mode

Model (including service call) View (including ascx) Site.Master Controller Unit Test

Review question

What are the 5 page class functions? Does the routing order matter? Where is the controller receiving its input value from? When do you use ViewData[“”]? What is the keyword to access the view model?

Your assignment

Due next Thursday GUI Implementation using ASP.NET MVC

3.0 Model, view, controller MVC Tests Write DTO between SL and PL in

Presentation Layer Must implement one user control (ascx)

of some kind (see 136 sample mvc3 project)

Use simple CSS if possible


.NET : Architecting Applications for the Enterprise

MVC 3.0

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