

Meredith Meredith


There is no Copyright on this book.

It belongs to all of us.

You are free to

pass it on.

Anyway enjoy it, it is fascinating stuff.

Who knows you might

learn a thing

or two.



Meredith Meredith © 2015


Hi again,

If you are a fan of Stars Wars you may find this difficult to

accept; the adamic you is not a “space” man and never will be. I

don’t care how many movies they make about mankind

conquering the “final frontier” it will never happen because it

impossible. The adamic you was not designed to function in a

gravity free and vacuum free (airless) environment.

Our planet is enveloped by a radiation belt that is 60,000

kilometres wide called the Van Allen belt that keeps us securely

imprisoned on this planet. Then there are cosmic rays and solar

flares everywhere in space that is just as fatal. It would seem to

me that someone purposely put us here to recover something

we lost in our journey.

Besides the closest potentially inhabitable planet according

to NASA is 13 light years away. That does not sound like much

until you learn that a light year is 9.5 trillion kilometres (5.88

trillion miles).

Meredith Meredith © 2015


Do you have any idea how long it will take us to travel that

distance at just a quarter of the speed of light. The short answer

is impossible! The long answer is more than 200,000 years. That

is why we need to look after this home we have because we don’t

have an alternative. The day that mankind finally accepts this

simple truth will be our “Independence Day.”

If you have watched this epic movie you will know this

yearning in all of us to be free. We were created to be free and

true freedom begins with a return to the simple truth of life. And

you won’t find it in the academic institutions of the world

because they are so obvious that a child can discover it.

Unfortunately we live in a society where everything thrives

off “complication” and “sophistication” and “commercialisation”

that has made us lose sight of the real purpose of life - to feel.

We must return to the elementary things of life if we are to return

home. Let me tell you a story about my dear mother that always

challenges me to go back to the basics.

Meredith Meredith © 2015


It was a family outing with my mother long ago during one

Easter show (an annual Easter event in my city) where my mother

did something out of the ordinary that surprised me. She decided

to challenge gravity, she braved a ride on one of those roller

coasters that goes upside down while in her late sixties.

A crazy thing to do and she paid for it. She suffered nausea

from the ride but she told me she loved it because it made feel

her childhood again. Perhaps you have had a similar experience.

This world is full of thrills, both manmade and natural, all for the

reason of feeling. Thus, why we have entertainment.

The gift and capacity to enjoy music, movies, books, operas,

games, even rollers coasters etc. has but a single supreme

purpose. Here it is again; to teach you how to feel. I like watching

movies especially dramas and listening to variety of songs from

classical to rock to RNB. I love how these gifts make me feel, how

they stir my emotions, especially if the song or movie has a

meaningful message.

Meredith Meredith © 2015


The other day I watched a movie that made me both cry and

laugh which seldom happens to me. Afterwards I thought about

the experience and I realised how good it was to cry and laugh –

I was feeling. The next day I went out with a mate whom I have

not seen for a while and we did not get back until 4.00 in the

morning. It has been years since I did that. In short I had a great

time. I had forgotten the feeling of innocent male fun.

Of course there is a limit to the “wild thing” but now and

then it is good to let go and see how you go. I am no advocating

we get disorderly, stupid or outrageously drunk. No, what I am

saying it is OK to feel with a limit. What I am suggesting is that

now and then we should do that thing which once use to make

you feel, as long as it is not hurting others or yourself or harming

our friends and our home.

We have become so mind centred “intelligent” and

development centred “futuristic” that everything we do must

make sense, be orderly, planned, and polite etc. Let go!

Meredith Meredith © 2015


What am I suggesting? Clean and innocent fun. I mean stuff

like hiking, mountain climbing or even driving a Harley Davidson

etc. If that is what you must do to start feeling again.

Do you realise it is the angelic you that is wanting the thrill

and not the human you. The adamic you is quite reserved, it

wants the comfortable and drama free life. The adamic you will

stay at home, plant a garden, and mow the lawn. Remember this

person is earthly and homely because he or she is made from the

dust of the earth, whereas the angelic you is made from “the

stuff” that stars are made.

Your counterpart, the angelic you was not created to stay

put. This person wants the adventure and the challenge. It

constantly wants to test the limits and set new limits. It does not

understand the confinement of a body that is earth bound. This

angel simply wants to take off. Why do you think people share

the common experience of flying and floating in dreams and

visions because that is what angels do.

Meredith Meredith © 2015


This is part of the battle I spoke of earlier. The daily conflict

in our being of two natures or persons wanting two different

things at the same time. One person wants quiet, the other wants

noise, one wants to sleep, the other wants to stay up all night,

one wants to dance and the other wants to read, one wants to

sing and the other wants to think, one wants to drive fast, the

other wants to slow down, and many more such contrasts.

I have always wondered why people do crazy things and

even die as a result of it. Do you know how many people have

died attempting to climb Mount Everest? Have a guess? Over 250

people. Has that stopped people from climbing Mount Everest,

absolutely not! More than 200 angels attempt the feat every year.

Infact it is now big business to climb the mount or should I say

conquer the mountain.

This also explains why video games have become a

phenomenal success grossing billions of dollars a year in sales in

spite of the negative and harmful effects it has on our children.

Meredith Meredith © 2015


This is the closest experience to the “angelic thing” that we

can create without leaving our comfort zone. The problem is as

you know is that it is an artificial experience providing no real

benefit to the adamic you that wants peace and fulfilment. If the

game is violent or pornographic (evil) then it also harms the

angelic you. Of course if the game is a challenge like a sport or

course way of points then it is harmless. This brings me to an

ancient question. What is the purpose of evil?

In the light of the truths that I have explained in this book,

the purpose of evil is to make us feel. Let us be reminded again

that people are not born evil and that evil is the result of the bad

choices that we make. Note: the opposite of evil is not good.

Good is the opposite of bad. The opposite of evil is holy. Both

evil and holy many religious books teach are opposite forces,

expressed in the teaching of yang - yin, yetzer ra - yetzer tov,

heaven - hell etc. Both evil and holy are there to make us feel. To

be continued in the next day.

Thank you for reading thus far.

This is an ongoing book.

Please see next Day.


BbbBOOKComposed Compiled Edited Published

By Meredith Meredith

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