Dance Offensive

Post on 02-Mar-2016






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This is about dance



P l a n e t b b o y

D a n c e

oy arthur

World jam evento2 arena London

"Attention to

details" Read page 5


burnoutthe dangers of



"The World Of

Dance Is At Your






Bi o


e w


ot o


oy s

4-7 Everyting you need to know

about the featured bboy in this month issue P l a n e t B b o y

229-10 Read about the crew interview

this month and see what they do.

13-16This Magazine brings you the

lastest pictures of dancer and their moves.

19-22 If you think you have not

seen enough bboys read about these bboys and check out the amazing talents they have.

"Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your

breathing. It's the rhythm of your life. It's the

expression in time and movement, in happiness,

joy, sadness and envy"

Born and

raised in

Ghana till

the age of fifteen, I moved to a little

town called Castleford in England. At

the age of seventeen, music and dance

videos inspired me to pursue break

and street dance. Before I started danc-

ing, PK(PARKOUR) and free-running

is what I did for a year

as a pass time. I merged

my favourite pass times

with dance and that

got me going through

out high school. With no dance coach

I trained everyday, during break , lunch

times and after college with a group of

friends with a background in dance,

we worked hard to become real danc-

ers. Because of the dedication and pas-

sion I had for dance I decided to set

up a dance group in college and this

was to run alongside the courses that

I was doing at the time including Ap-

plied Information Communication and

Technology(ICT) and Photography.

With a few more months of practise

and hard work we had our first suc-

cessful performance in college and the

feedback was good. I therefore carried

on with the group and made a dance

crew out of it and called ourselves the

Freestyle Freaks. You can read more

about the Freestyle Freaks on the fol-

lowing page

mycrews or Facebook. As time went on

with the crew things got better, we per-

formed at many events including char-

ity events and took part in some audi-

tions the most notable one being “Got

to dance” . I led the crew with strong

motivation, creativeness and showed

strong leadership skills through out

the time we spent together. After col-

lege DANCE became part of my life,

I had the passion for it and spent more

time dancing to get even better. I have

continued my education and I am cur-

rently pursuing a degree in Multimedia

at Leeds Met University. I work part

time in a Nandos restaurant and teach

dance at Newcollege in Pontefract,

the same place where I got

my A-level in Photography.

I now have a new crew

called FHL Dance

Crew as my former

crew faded away after more than two

years due to the crew members’ busy

work and University schedules. I am

working hard towards my degree but

my passion and dedication is dance. My

plan for the future is to become a pro-

fessional dancer, I have even enrolled

in a ballet class to build more core

strength to help me become a better

dancer. I also want to enroll in a lead-

ing dance school in London to help me

get better at what I do. For now I just

need to work hard towards my goals.

The life I live outside of

dance also means a lot to

me, I dedicate some of

my time to church because I was born

in a Christian family and always been

a Christian. Some of my time goes to

youth work in my church Abundant

Life church where I serve the youth and

see lives get transformed. I also use my

talent to serve at church events like the

annual ROCKNATIONS event, the

biggest youth ministry in the country.

Every fortnight alongside my fellow

youth leader Tim we facilitate a boys

group where we have fun and spend

time together using God’s word to live

our daily life’s here on earth. Since 2005

I have also taken part in the leader-

ship and sports activities in the camps

and events I go to, including York-

shire Christian Camp and Grapevine.

oy arthurmy life on planet earth

"Dancing is pure energy, with-

out the earthly confines of the

mind's thought processes. Dancing

is freedom."

Three step plan to success

† Step #1: Set your goals. You can’t succeed until you’ve decid-ed where you want to develop your success.

†Step #2: Plan ahead. It’s rare that you’ll reach those goals unless you devise some sort of a plan on how to get there.

† Step #3: Never give up. Use every failure and every naysayer as motivation because in the end when you finally reach your goal, success will be that much sweeter.

I am a dancer.

I twirl, leap, and spin.

I jump, pirouette, and tap.

I am a dancer.

I feel pain and fear.

I feel defeat and failure.

Yet, I keep going.

I smile, I practice, I perform.

I have grace and beauty.

I do not dance because I am happy,

I am happy because I dance.

I hear the applause.

I perform and do my best.

Sometimes I fail.

I don't give up.

For I am a dancer.

I am brave and strong.

I dance not for fame and glory.

But for how I feel inside.

I am happiness, joy, love, and excitement.

Strife, talent, joy.

Determination and beauty.

I am a dancer.

“Nice men marry dancers. Real men become Dancers!”


“What a nice weather we enjoy-ing this morning! Might just wear my vest today. I will think

about that. So am heading to uni now even though my holidays starts today but I want to achieve a good grade this year like my first year. So am go-ing to work hard today and finish off my magazine.Then bowling tonight with the boys.

Hopefully I can gain a highest score then my previous scores which is 171.#Enjoy the days as it comes along

you don’t know what’s round the concern!

“Be open to God given op-portunities to change our way

of thinking about life. Remember that even in the most dark, terrible or destruc-tive place grace is still avail-


“So I have not blog for awhile due to the fact that am busy all the time. But so far my week is been alrite apart from having to pay £91 for my contract that I don’t use thanks to my brother buying games using my sims card. But is life init ….. Happens!Dance was really good, my lil danc-ers are picking up the dance pretty good. Wish I could do more danc-ing but not yet!I feel like am not far from my goals. Is just abit more off hard work would do.Then I can prove people wrong, those who laughed at me and those who look down on me!Work was good tonite didn’t re-ally get busy which was good apart from upsetting a staff which I felt sorry after then I apologies later. I need to watch what I say! Arrgghh!! Anyway good nite peepz” Need inspiration

I need more dance inspiration so am watching step up 2 for the 100th times! Tomorrow I need to make a new routine.

6 7

Fa i t h H o p e L o v e C r e w

FHL Crew is a family of close friends based in West Yorkshire, UK with a common love for dance and the arts. Accomplished dancers, each with their own speciality and style, they bring to the stage a great mix of humour, musicality, high-flying and eye-popping tricks, innovative

choreography, and personality that consistently brings audiences to their feet.

"Dance is your pulse, your heart-

beat, your breathing. It's the

rhythm of your life. It's the expres-

sion in time and movement, in happi-

ness, joy, sadness and envy"

8 9

fhL GaLLery These are a few pictures of the crew member in action


We sTAnD

P O W e r BALAnCe


THeY Are As PeOPLe AnD


WHO THeY Are As DAnCers"

m O v e s

10 11


Why do we dance? We dance because it’s the fastest, most direct route to the truth — not some big truth that belongs to everybody, but the get down and personal kind, the what’s-happening-in-me- right-now kind of truth. This is not always easy for us to access — we have to navigate some very deep past, as well as the probable futures we drum up to feed the fear that drives us round the same circles, day in and

day out. We dance to hook up to the true genius lurk-ing behind all that bullshit — to seek refuge in our originality and our power to reinvent ourselves; to shed the past, forget the future and fall into the moment feet first. You remember being fifteen, possessed by the beat, by

the thrill of music pump-ing loud enough to drown out everything you’d ever known. Of course you do.

We dance to reclaim our brilliant ability to disap-pear in something bigger, something safe, a space without a critic or a judge or an analyst. The beat is

a lover that never disap-points and, like all lovers, it demands 100% surren-der. It has the power to seduce moves we couldn’t dream. It grabs us by the belly, turns us inside out and leaves us abruptly begging for more. The beat is bad, wicked, sick –whatever the word is now.

We dance to fall in love with the spirit in all things, to wipe out memory or transform it into moves that nobody else can make because they didn’t live it. It’s a sacred thing, the beat. We love beats that move faster than we can think, beats that drive us

ever deeper inside, that rock our worlds, break down walls and make us sweat our prayers.

We dance to survive and the beat offers a yel-low brick road to make it through the chaos that is the tempo of our times. Chaos is the way of the mind when it is free-styl-ing , winging its way back to an instinctive, intuitive intelligence, the kind we need to survive — not only the real shit going down, but the massive amount of stuff we in-sist on making up to in-sure our suffering. God provides, and god don’t need no help. God is the dance and the dance is the way to freedom and freedom is our holy work.


“Dance to fall in love with the spirit in all things”


“To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more

beautiful, more powerful”

Since 2008 bboy Arthur and bboy Sam have been dancing together. During all these year

these two bboys have build their dance skills to-gether, encouraging and supporting each other. These bboys have the passion to dance and love with to the fullest. They have been in same dance crews since they started dancing to to-gether, always been to auditions, dance classes, photoshoot and etc. As dancer they always liv-ing to enjoy their dance experience together.

s k i l l s

DAnCe with

Pass i on

s t r e n g t h

Bboy sam

Bboy Arthur

We dance to survive and the beat offers a yellow brick road to make it through the chaos that is the tempo of our times. Cha-os is the way of the mind when it is free-styling , winging its way back to an instinc-tive, intuitive intelligence, the kind we need to survive — not only the real shit going down, but the massive amount of stuff we insist on making up to insure our suffering.

“God provides, and God don’t need no help. God is the dance and the dance is the way to free-dom and freedom is our holy



S p o r t s 4 u

Sports four you is a organisation bringing young youths together to through sports like dance, football, canoeing and also trips to places to kind the youth off the sports and bring them a brighter future. This activities is organised by the Wakefield council who has

selected people in areas to setup a after school activities. The dance is though by FHL dance crew inspiring and motivating them to enjoy the dance classes. So dance is one of the activities the youths do. This is a gallery of them.




‘The dance is strong magic. The dance is a spirit. It turns the body to liquid steel. It makes it vibrate like a guitar. The body can fly without wings. It can sing without voice. The dance is strong magic. The dance is life.- Pearl Primus’

Love SaturdaySo waked up this morning in the sofa at my mates house with a neck pain and feeling achy so am thinking it was last nite party in leeds.So what am I going to do today…..? Well I got a lot go-ing on today. Dance this afternoon as I will be teaching a group of kids who want to build their talent in dance. And I will be dancing with my crew. Hopefully is going to be a productive day at dance. So after dance I got work straight after. Knowing is saturday and people love nandos is going to be busy like new york city.

We dance to fall in love with the spirit in all things, to wipe out memory or

transform it into moves that nobody else can make because they didn’t live it. It’s a sa-cred thing, the beat. We love beats that move faster than we can think, beats that drive us ever deeper inside, that rock our worlds, break down walls and make us sweat our prayers.

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With compelling characters and vibrant dance sequences, PLANET B-BOY is set in

the International world of B-boying the urban dance more commonly known as breakdancing. Weaving between the vivid backdrops of Osaka, Paris, Seoul and Las Vegas, unforgettable images frame the intimate stories of dancers who strug-gle for their dreams despite being mis-understood by larger society and even their own families. An American dancer in Vegas looks for his big break; a Ko-rean son seeks his father’s approval; a twelve-year-old boy in France confronts his family’s racism all the b-boys lives collide in Germany where their skills are put to the ultimate test: the Battle of the Year finals, with crews from 18 nations vying for the title of World Champion. PLANET B-BOY features electrifying dance performances and astonishing displays of power and grace, showing how a street dance from New York has evolved into an inspiring art form for a new generation around the world.

Breaking dancing has evolved

"Dance is

the hidden


of the


20 21

Dance Offensive

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