Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering - ECE/CISweile/ELEG648Spring06/...Scattering from a Circular Cylinder Scattering from a Wedge 2.5-D Problems D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation

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Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Daniel S. Weile

Department of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Delaware

ELEG 648—Radiation and Scattering in CylindricalCoordinates

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering


1 Cylindrical RadiationSources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations

2 ScatteringScattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering


1 Cylindrical RadiationSources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations

2 ScatteringScattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Sources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations


1 Cylindrical RadiationSources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations

2 ScatteringScattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Sources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations

Two-Dimensional Sources

Two-dimensional radiation is created by sourcesindependent of z.The simplest such source (akin to a Hertzian Dipole) is aninfinite filament.Such a current radiates TMz .

Consider a filamentary current I on the z-axis. Since itsradiation is

1 Independent of φ,2 Independent of z, and3 Outwardly traveling,

the magnetic vector potential must be of the form

Az = µCH(2)0 (kρ)

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Sources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations

Radiation from a Filament

Now, we must have



Hφρdφ = I

NowH =

1µ∇× A


Hφ = −C∂



0 (kρ)]= kCH(2)

1 (kρ).

For small ρ, we have

H(2)1 (kρ)→ kρ



D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Sources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations

Radiation from a Filament

Substituting this into our equation,

kC limρ→0





)ρdφ = I


2π = I

so finally

C =14j

and we have the

Magnetic Vector Potential

Az =µI4j

H(2)0 (kρ)

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Sources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations

Fields of a FilamentGiven Az we can easily compute

Filamentary Fields

Ez =−k2I4ωε

H(2)0 (kρ)

Hφ =kI4j

H(2)1 (kρ)

Using large argument approximations, we can find

Far Fields

Ez = −ηkI



Hφ = kI



D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Sources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations


Near the source, E and H are not in phase and have a complexrelationship.

Far from the source, E and HAre in phase,Have ratio η, andDecrease as ρ−

12 .

The total radiation (per unit length) must be independent ofradius (which can be proven directly). Therefore, we can use thefar field expression to compute the power:

P = −2π∫


EzH∗φρdφ = −2π∫









8πkρ2πρ =


D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Sources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations

Two-Dimensional Notation

To proceed further, it is useful to define

ρ = xux + yuy

ρ′ = x ′ux + y ′uy

The distance between these points is

|ρ− ρ′| =√

(ρ− ρ′) · (ρ− ρ′)

=√ρ2 + (ρ′)2 − 2ρ · ρ′

=√ρ2 + (ρ′)2 − 2ρρ′ cos(φ− φ′)

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Sources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations

Radiation Due to a Filament

The radiation due to a current I at the origin we have seen is

Az =µI4j

H(2)0 (kρ).

Therefore, if the current is located at ρ′, we have

Filamentary Radiation

Az(ρ) =µI4j

H(2)0 (k |ρ− ρ′|)

Similarly, a filamentary magnetic current K at ρ′ radiates

Fz(ρ) =εK4j

H(2)0 (k |ρ− ρ′|)

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Sources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations


1 Cylindrical RadiationSources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations

2 ScatteringScattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Sources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations

Green’s Function

If a current density Jz(ρ) is independent of z, we can think of itas a bundle of filaments with current Jz(ρ)dS. Then we havethe

General Formulas for Two-Dimensional Radiation

Az(ρ) =µ



′)H(2)0 (k |ρ− ρ′|)dS′

Fz(ρ) =ε



′)H(2)0 (k |ρ− ρ′|)dS′

From here, the fields can be computed in the usual way.

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Sources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations

Far FieldsIn the far field, we can make the standard approximation

|ρ− ρ′| → ρ− ρ′ cos(φ− φ′)

Similarly, for x →∞,

H(2)0 (x)→


e−jx .

Combining these (and remembering to use a simpler approximationin the denominator) we have

The Far Field

Az(ρ) = µe−jkρ√8jπkρ


′)ejkρ′ cos(φ−φ′)dS′

Fz(ρ) = εe−jkρ√8jπkρ


′)ejkρ′ cos(φ−φ′)dS′

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Sources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations

Far Fields

We can compute the far fields using the definitions of Aand F.The results are similar to three-dimensional results.

Relationship Between E and H

Eφ = ηHz Ez = −ηHφ

Far Electric Fields

Eφ = −jωηFz

Ez = −jωAz

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Sources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations


1 Cylindrical RadiationSources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations

2 ScatteringScattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Sources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations

Plane Wave Expansion

We often want to express plane waves in cylindrical wavefunctions. The result must be

Finite at the origin, and2π-periodic.


e−jx = e−jρ cosφ =∞∑


To find the an, use orthogonality


e−jρ cosφe−jmφdφ =∞∑




D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Sources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations

Plane Wave Expansion

Using orthogonality


e−jρ cosφe−jmφdφ = 2πamJm(ρ)

The integral on the right-hand side is well-known

Jn(x) =jn


e−jx cosφe−jmφdφ

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Sources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations

Plane Wave Expansion

Substituting this in, we find

am = j−m

and finally

The Plane Wave Expansion of Cylindrical Waves

e−jx = e−jρ cosφ =∞∑


How might this formula be modified for waves travelling in otherdirections?

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Sources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations

The Addition Theorem

We are also interested in expanding the field of a filamentwith respect to a different center.We have seen that a filamentary current I located at ρ = ρ′

radiates a field with Az = µψ with

ψ(ρ, φ) =I


0 (k |ρ− ρ′|).

We can think of the current generating this field as acurrent sheet, confined to the ρ = ρ′ cylinder, with

Jz(φ) =Iδ(φ− φ′)


where the denominator ensures that∫ 2π

0Jz(φ)ρdφ = I

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Sources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations

The Addition Theorem

We can expand the field inside and outside the tube of current:

ψ(ρ, φ) =


n=−∞a−n Jn(kρ)ejnφ for ρ < ρ′


a+n H(2)

n (kρ)ejnφ for ρ > ρ′

Since Ez ∝ ψ, ψ must be continuous at ρ′. Thus

a−n Jn(kρ′) = a+n H(2)

n (kρ′).

This is solved if we let

a−n = H(2)n (kρ′)an

a+n = Jn(kρ′)an

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Sources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations

The Addition Theorem

We now have

ψ(ρ, φ) =



n (kρ′)Jn(kρ)ejnφ for ρ < ρ′


anJn(kρ′)H(2)n (kρ)ejnφ for ρ > ρ′


Hφ = −∂ψ∂ρ




anH(2)n (kρ′)J ′n(kρ)ejnφ for ρ < ρ′



(2)′n (kρ)ejnφ for ρ > ρ′

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Sources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations

The Addition Theorem

From boundary conditions, we have

Hφ(ρ = ρ′+)− Hφ(ρ = ρ′−) = Jz

We thus have



(2)′n (kρ′)− H(2)

n (kρ′)J ′n(kρ′)]ejnφ = Jz

The standard Wronskian formula gives

Jn(kρ′)H(2)′n (kρ′)− H(2)

n (kρ′)J ′n(kρ′) =


D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Sources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations

The Addition Theorem

Therefore, plugging in,



anejnφ =Iδ(φ− φ′)


We can now find the an using orthogonality:




ejnφe−jmφdφ = I


δ(φ− φ′)e−jmφdφ

4jam = Ie−jmφ′

am =I4j


D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Sources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations

The Addition Theorem

We thus find that the field of a filament can be expanded asAz = µψ with

ψ(ρ, φ) =



H(2)n (kρ′)Jn(kρ)ejn(φ−φ′) for ρ < ρ′



Jn(kρ′)H(2)n (kρ)ejn(φ−φ′) for ρ > ρ′

Equating our earlier expression, this gives

The Addition Theorem

H(2)0 (k |ρ− ρ′|) =



(2)n (kρ′)ejn(φ−φ′) for ρ < ρ′


Jn(kρ′)H(2)n (kρ)ejn(φ−φ′) for ρ > ρ′

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems


1 Cylindrical RadiationSources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations

2 ScatteringScattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

TM Scattering by a Circular Cylinder

Consider a PEC cylinder of radius a.Let it be excited by a z-polarized incident wave

E iz = E0e−jkx = E0e−jkρ cosφ

Using our plane wave expansion, we may write

E iz = E0



The total field is of course

Ez = E iz + Es

z ;

it must vanish on the surface of the cylinder.

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

TM Scattering from a Circular Cylinder

We may expand the scattered field as

Esz = E0


j−nanH(2)n (kρ)ejnφ

The total field on the surface of the cylinder is thus

Ez = E0


j−n[Jn(ka) + anH(2)

n (ka)]

ejnφ = 0

Thereforean = − Jn(ka)

H(2)n (ka)

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

TM Scattering from a Circular Cylinder

We may expand the scattered field as

Esz = E0


j−nanH(2)n (kρ)ejnφ

The total field on the surface of the cylinder is thus

Ez = E0


j−n[Jn(ka) + anH(2)

n (ka)]

ejnφ = 0

Thereforean = − Jn(ka)

H(2)n (ka)

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

TM Scattering from a Circular Cylinder, Current

From here we can find any information about the scattering wewant. For instance

Jz = Hφ|ρ=a =1












j−n[J ′n(ka) + anH(2)′

n (ka)]






n (ka)J ′n(ka) + Jn(ka)H(2)′n (ka)

] ejnφ

H(2)n (ka)

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

TM Scattering from a Circular Cylinder, Current

Using the Wronskian relation, we find

The Surface Current

Js(φ) =−2E0




H(2)n (ka)

For a thin wire, the first term dominates and we can even write

I = 2πE0

jωµ log ka

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

TM Scattering from a Circular Cylinder, Scattered Field

Of course, the exact scattered field is given above:

Esz = E0


j−nanH(2)n (kρ)ejnφ

Using the far field formula for Hankel Functions, we find the

Scattered Far Field

Esz = E0e−jkρ




We may treat the other polarization in the same way.

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

Scattering due to Filamentary Excitation

We can also consider the scattering due to a current I locatedat ρ′. In this case, the incident field is

E iz =


H(2)0 (k |ρ− ρ′|)



H(2)n (kρ′)Jn(kρ)ejn(φ−φ′) for ρ < ρ′

We can write the scattered field in the form

Esz =−k2I4ωε


cnH(2)n (kρ′)H(2)

n (kρ)ejn(φ−φ′)

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

Scattering due to Filamentary Excitation

From the preceding, it is obvious that

cn = − Jn(ka)

H(2)n (ka)

The final solution is thus the

Total Field from Filamentary Scattering

Ez =k2I4ωε


H(2)n (kρ>)

[Jn(kρ<) + cnH(2)

n (kρ<)]


Hereρ< = min(ρ, ρ′) ρ> = max(ρ, ρ′)

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems


Our answer is symmetrical with respect to the substitutionρ↔ ρ′ and φ↔ φ′. Why?

The coefficients cn are the same as the an from the lastproblem. Why? How can we assure they are the same forevery problem?It is often said this problem is a generalization of the planewave scattering problem. Why? How can we recover theplane wave solution from this one?How else might we approach the solution to this problem?

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems


Our answer is symmetrical with respect to the substitutionρ↔ ρ′ and φ↔ φ′. Why?The coefficients cn are the same as the an from the lastproblem. Why?

How can we assure they are the same forevery problem?It is often said this problem is a generalization of the planewave scattering problem. Why? How can we recover theplane wave solution from this one?How else might we approach the solution to this problem?

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems


Our answer is symmetrical with respect to the substitutionρ↔ ρ′ and φ↔ φ′. Why?The coefficients cn are the same as the an from the lastproblem. Why? How can we assure they are the same forevery problem?

It is often said this problem is a generalization of the planewave scattering problem. Why? How can we recover theplane wave solution from this one?How else might we approach the solution to this problem?

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems


Our answer is symmetrical with respect to the substitutionρ↔ ρ′ and φ↔ φ′. Why?The coefficients cn are the same as the an from the lastproblem. Why? How can we assure they are the same forevery problem?It is often said this problem is a generalization of the planewave scattering problem. Why?

How can we recover theplane wave solution from this one?How else might we approach the solution to this problem?

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems


Our answer is symmetrical with respect to the substitutionρ↔ ρ′ and φ↔ φ′. Why?The coefficients cn are the same as the an from the lastproblem. Why? How can we assure they are the same forevery problem?It is often said this problem is a generalization of the planewave scattering problem. Why? How can we recover theplane wave solution from this one?

How else might we approach the solution to this problem?

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems


Our answer is symmetrical with respect to the substitutionρ↔ ρ′ and φ↔ φ′. Why?The coefficients cn are the same as the an from the lastproblem. Why? How can we assure they are the same forevery problem?It is often said this problem is a generalization of the planewave scattering problem. Why? How can we recover theplane wave solution from this one?How else might we approach the solution to this problem?

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems


1 Cylindrical RadiationSources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations

2 ScatteringScattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

Scattering from a Wedge

Now we look at filamentaryscattering from a wedge.The wedge is composed oftwo half planes φ = α andφ = 2π − α.The filament carriescurrent I and is located at(ρ′, φ′).




ρ� φ�

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

A Different Approach

We can write the

Total Electric Field

Ez =∑ν

aνJν(kρ<)H(2)ν (kρ>) sin[ν(φ′ − α)] sin[ν(φ− α)]

The dependence on ρ and φ is clear enough.How can I just write a dependence on ρ′ and φ′?Since Ez(α) = Ez(2π − α) = 0,

ν = νm =mπ

2(π − α)

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

Expansion of the Current

The current can be thought of as a cylindrical sheet current(A/m) with an impulsive distribution:

Jz = Iδ(φ− φ′)


This current can be expanded in a Fourier series in the usualway:

Jz =I

(π − α)ρ′∞∑


sin νm(φ′ − α) sin νm(φ− α)

From boundary conditions, this current is related to the field by

Jz = Hφ(ρ′+)− Hφ(ρ


D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

Scattering from a Wedge

From the usual equations we can find

Hφ =




aνm H(2)νm (kρ′)J ′νm

(kρ) sin νm(φ′ − α) sin νm(φ− α) ρ < ρ′



aνm H(2)′νm (kρ′)Jνm(kρ) sin νm(φ

′ − α) sin νm(φ− α) ρ > ρ′

Using the Wronskian, we can write

Jz = − 2ωµπρ′


aνm sin νm(φ′ − α) sin νm(φ− α)

Equating the two expressions for Jz we find

aνm = − ωµπI2(π − α)

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

Plane Wave Scattering from a Wedge

We can generalize our solution to plane wave scattering bytaking the limit as the limit as the source recedes. The originalincident field was

E iz =−k2I4ωε

H(2)0 (k |ρ− ρ′|)

Using the large argument approximation and the far fieldapproximation of |ρ− ρ′| we write

E iz = −ωµI



e−jkρ′ejkρ cos(φ−φ′)

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

Plane Wave Scattering from a Wedge

This can be written as

E iz = E0ejkρ cos(φ−φ′)


E0 =−ωµI




Why is E0 dependent on ρ?

For large ρ′ our solution is

Ez =



anjνmJνm(kρ) sin νm(φ′ − α) sin νm(φ− α)

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

Plane Wave Scattering from a Wedge

This can be written as

E iz = E0ejkρ cos(φ−φ′)


E0 =−ωµI




Why is E0 dependent on ρ? For large ρ′ our solution is

Ez =



anjνmJνm(kρ) sin νm(φ′ − α) sin νm(φ− α)

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

Plane Wave Scattering from a Wedge

Plugging in for I and an we find

The Total Field

Ez =2πE0

π − α


jνmJνm(kρ) sin νm(φ′ − α) sin νm(φ− α)

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems


1 Cylindrical RadiationSources of Cylindrical RadiationGreen’s Function and Far FieldWave Transformations

2 ScatteringScattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

2.5 Dimensions?

2.5 dimensions is a “term of art,” not an actual physicaldescription.The geometry of the problem is assumed two-dimensional.The source, however, may be three dimensional.The problems are attacked by superposition (i.e. FourierMethods).

Suppose (∂2

∂x2 +∂2

∂y2 +∂2

∂z2 + k2)ψ = 0

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

The General Approach

Since the boundaries are independent of z, we can define ψ interms of

A Superposition

ψ(x , y , z) =1


ψ(x , y , kz)ejkzzdkz

Substituting into the Helmholtz equation, we find that[∂2

∂x2 +∂2

∂y2 + (k2 − k2z )

]ψ = 0

We define (as usual) k2ρ = k2 − k2

z .

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

A Filament

Suppose we have a filament of current I(z).We of course have a TMz field, Az = µψ.The wave function can be written in the form

ψ =1


f (kz)H(2)0 (kρρ)dkz .

Here, then, the transform of the function is

ψ = f (kz)H(2)0 (kρρ).

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

A Filament

The azimuthal magnetic field is

Hφ = −∂ψ∂ρ

= −kρf (kz)H(2)′0 (kρρ).

Now, by Ampère’s law,


∮Hφd` = I

For small ρ,

Hφ = kρf (kz)d






f (kz)

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

A Filament


∮Hφd` = 2πρ


f (kz) = I


f (kz) =I4j

Finally, we find the

2.5-D Filament Solution

ψ =1




√k2 − k2



D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

Another Way

We can always make a line current out of dipoles. We thus have

The Spatial Approach

ψ =


I(z ′)e−jk√ρ2+(z−z′)2

4π√ρ2 + (z − z ′)2

dz ′

Now, suppose we choose I(z ′) = I`δ(z ′). Then

ψ = I`e−jkr


Also, we have I(kz) = I`, since the Fourier Transform of thedelta function is unity.

D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

Cylindrical RadiationScattering

Scattering from a Circular CylinderScattering from a Wedge2.5-D Problems

A New Identity

Plugging this transform into the 2.5-D solution,

ψ =I`




√k2 − k2



Setting these two expressions to each other, we find

An Identity






√k2 − k2



D. S. Weile Cylindrical Radiation and Scattering

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