Cybernetic Serendipity, reloaded

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Cybernetic Serendipity, reloaded

2015.10.25 NACT International SymposiumDominique Chen (Dividual Inc. / NPO Commonsphere)

Agenda / 議題

1) to layout an overview of the history of Cybernetics


2) to image the future (and desirable) state of Cybernetic Serendipity


Mechanical Computation



Smart phones






cyber -


Cybernetic Serendipity realized by the Internet

and penetrated in the Society

Cybernetics is acting as a feedback system for Humanity


reviewing the subject: Cybernetics 解題:サイバネティクス

• computational control of systems related to human being人間に関係するシステムの計算機的制御

• “How can man and machine can coexist?”人間と機械はどのように共存できるのか?

heteronomous system (von Neumann) autonomous system (Wiener)

principle matching (identical) fitting (coherence)

mode of organization

input/outputmapping function

operational closure,behavior specific to the system

mode of interaction

world defined by instruction and representation emergence of meaning

F. Varela : “Autonomie et Connaissance – Essai sur le Vivant” (Eds. du Seuil, Paris, 1988), P222

New and Old Problem

كتاب الجمع والتفريق بحساب الهند Algoritmi de numero Indorum


Alan Turing John von Neumann

Norbert Wiener

“It is the purpose of Cybernetics to develop a language and techniques that

will enable us indeed to attack the problem of control and communication in

general, but also to find the proper repertory of ideas and techniques to

classify their particular manifestations under certain concepts. “

Norbert WienerHuman Use of Human Being (1950) p17

milestones of Cybernetics discussionsサイバネティクスの標石

• N.Wiener and the Macy Conference: Von Neumann, Wiever, Shannon

• Heinz von Foerster : Observing Systems (Observing Observation)

• Maturana=Varela : Autopoiesis theory (Life systems)

• Ernst von Glasersfeld: Radical Constructivism

• N. Luhmann : Social System Sociology

• E. Thompson : Enactivism theory

• all deal with the problem of evolving system of communicationすべてコミュニケーション・システムの進化と関係する

• TECHNIUM by Kevin Kellymodern cybernetic comprehension of technology 現代におけるサイバネティックな技術論

reviewing the subject: Serendipity 解題:セレンディピティ

• Happy Accidents / Chance Discoveries幸せな邂逅 / 機会の発見

• Nowadays Happy C.S. includes:

• Greater accessibility to knowledge base via Search Engines, Wikipedia, Open Educational Resources, Q&A

• Greater matching of social and personal opportunities: Social Networking Services, Crowdfunding, Crowdsourcing, Market place, Open Source Software / Content

reviewing the subject: Serendipity 解題:セレンディピティ

• some momenta of UnHappy Accidents不幸せな邂逅のいくつかの事例

• Facebook+Twitter : Arab Spring ~ DAESH (IS)

• E. Snowden case : PRISM (NSA / Five Eyes)

• Flash Crash of 2.45 (2010) : High Frequency Trading Algorithms of Wall Street 高頻度取引アルゴリズム

• Ad Tech’s influence on users minds (e.g. Facebook experiment) 広告技術がユーザーの意識に及ぼす影響(Facebook実験など)

• Accidental Bombing by Assault Drones 爆撃ドローンによる誤爆 

“At present nothing prevents our thinking of this. We may dream of the time when the machine à gouverner may come to supply - whether for good or evil - the

present obvious inadequacy of the brain when the latter is concerned with the

customary machinery of politics. ” Père Dubarle,

cited in : Norbert WienerHuman Use of Human Being (1950) p180

“Its real danger, however, is the quite different one that such machines, though helpless by themselves, may be used by a human being or a block of human beings to increase their control over the rest of the human race or that political leaders may attempt to control their populations

by means not of machines themselves but through political techniques as narrow and indifferent to human possibility as if they

had, in fact, been conceived mechanically.”

Norbert WienerHuman Use of Human Being (1950) p181

“The great weakness of the machine - the weakness that saves us so far from being dominated by it - is that it cannot yet take into account the vast range of probability that characterizes the human situation.”

Norbert WienerHuman Use of Human Being (1950) p181

“The same methods that today just manipulate what we want to buy could

tomorrow be used to control which news outlets we follow, whose opinions we

trust, and even which politicians we vote for. ”

Murray Shanahan The Technological Singularity (2015)

Cybernetic Serendipity?

Cybernetic Complexity?

Cybernetic Uncertainty?

Cybernetic Chaos?

Media information technologies have changed the human perception of reality


What is the state of expression in the information society?


“Nous ne manquons pas de communication, au contraire nous en

avons trop, nous manquons de création. Nous manquons de résistance au présent. La création de concepts fait appel en elle-même à une forme future, elle appelle une

nouvelle terre et un peuple qui n’existe pas.”

G. Deleuze, F.Guattari「Qu’est-ce que la Philosophie」(1996)

[Leonardo Magazine, 2001]

• The media reception of Cybernetic Serendipity was on the whole extremely favorable. In a review symptomatic of much press coverage, the Evening Standard enthused: "Where in London could you take a hippy, a computer programmer, a ten-year-old schoolboy and guarantee that each would be perfectly happy for an hour without you having to lift a finger to entertain them?" [7] The Guardian agreed that it "lured into Nash House people who would never have dreamed of attending an ICA exhibition before" [8]. Cybernetic Serendipity promised fun for the whole family, not just an elite of art connoisseurs. “Children, scientists and the simply curious could spend fascinated hours in this world of computer art" [9]. The press celebrated the exhibition as an event that "guaranteed to fascinate anyone from toddling age to the grave" [10]. Even the writer in The Lady felt compelled to urge that "one must go to the present exhibition at the INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ARTS ... not to understand in the least what is going on but to experience that particular tingle which is inherent in an act of threshold-crossing” [11]. Art critic Jonathan Benthall declared that Cybernetic Serendipity would be remembered as a "landmark," not least due to its "breeziness and catholicity” [12]. Others agreed: "For breaking new ground, revealing new fields of experiment, seminal importance, sheer hard work and enormous organization, the exhibition Cybernetic Serendipity… is arguably the most important exhibition in the world at the moment” [13]. According to Brent McGregor, “the status of the event was such that Umberto Eco came from Italy to view its wonders” [14]

• (…) to make chance discoveries in the course of using cybernetic devices, or, as the Daily Mirror put it at the time, to use computers “to find unexpected joys in life and art”.

transformation of expression / 表現行為の変容

• Evolution of authorship 作者性の変化

• massively online multiple authorship & derivative creation作者の集団化と派生創作

• => OpenSourceSoftware, Wiki, Git/GitHub, CC, SNS

• computational creation using big dataビッグデータを利用した計算機による創作


分散バージョン管理Distributed version control diagram

Data is the medium,

and History is recorded

by, and within the network

œuvre X

œuvre D œuvre


œuvre L

œuvre M

œuvre J

œuvre N

œuvre Q

œuvre P

œuvre A

œuvre H

œuvre I

œuvre E

œuvre F

œuvre G

œuvre B

œuvre C

“coopération entre les cerveaux” “脳の協働” (Gabriel Tarde)

Présent 現在

consommation 消費

Auteurs 作者

Lecteurs 読者

Auteurs 作者

Lecteurs 読者

Future 未来

coopération 協働

Auteurs 作者

Lecteurs=Editeurs 読者=編集者

Future 未来

coopération 協働

Lecteurs=Editeurs 読者=編集者

Lecteurs=Editeurs 読者=編集者

Future 未来

coopération 協働

Créateurs クリエイター

Créateurs クリエイター

Future 未来

coopération 協働

Créateurs クリエイター

Créateurs クリエイター

Future 未来

conversation 会話

Man=Machine System

“Bio is the New Digital” Nicholas Negropontecited in: Joi Ito (ed) (2015)

Before/After Internet: Human Evolution on the Net

“A being that never had to face these biological inconveniences, whether it was a technologically enhanced human or an

AI, would lack the basis for truly understanding human suffering. ”

Murray Shanahan The Technological Singularity (2015)

“Is there a compromise position between conservative anthropocentrism and

posthuman fundamentalism? ” Murray Shanahan

The Technological Singularity (2015)

Cybernetics is a tool to actively observe and construct human essences



Perspective for a Happier Cybernetic Serendipity より幸福なサイバネティック・セレンディピティへの展望

• Cybernetics as Philosophy of the Information Era情報時代の哲学としてのサイバネティクス

• Digital Literacy : how to increase our autopoietic aspect (i.e. creativity) of each psychic system (read: “human”)デジタル・リテラシー:個別の心的システム(人間)の自己創出性(創造性)をどう増幅するか

• create means of Creative Communication, not mechanical communication機械的なコミュニケーションではなく、創造的なコミュニケーションの方法を作ること

Fear leads to obscurantism , precaution does not. And enthusiasm leads to


Happy Cybernetic Serendipity!

Before/After Internet: Human Evolution on the Netネットで進化する人類:ビフォア/アフター・インターネット(KADOKAWA)Joi Ito, Kevin Slavin, Dominique Chen, Sputniko!, Hiroya Tanaka, Naotaka Fujii (2015)

10/28(水) 刊行予定

The Technological SingularityシンギュラリティMurray Shanahan (MIT Press, 2015)


Cybernetic Serendipity, reloaded

2015.10.25 NACT International SymposiumDominique Chen (Dividual Inc. / NPO Commonsphere)

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