CWG look and Design

Post on 14-Jan-2015






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An alternative view at


The 19th Commonwealth Games, hosted by our capital, get the Indian Idiom of design.

The design system for the Look of the Games created by Idiom, India’s most vibrant and progressive design organization. The design had to aspire to global standards, while creating a distinctly Indian Idiom.

And what could that be? A design that is vibrant, festive, celebratory and inclusive. And yet not flippant but truly deep. The elements that created the design system.

IDENTITYThe identity of the games examines the chakra that 24 spokes, with 24 values. It indi-cates forward movement to the uniformed eye but the values are something that we are not even aware of.

The questions the identity raises are that - can we please be aware and proud of our values. Can we reach higher, each one of us – reach for the stars. Forward movement is no longer enough, only if we each reach higher, can we win accolades, medals, suc-cess for ourselves. And when we reach higher, India moves higher. We can’t be passive observers, commentators on the fence; we have to be active participants.

DESIGN KITThe look kit consists of visual elements that jump at us from Delhi architecture and our Indian lifestyle. Jaalis, arches are deconstructed and reconfigured. Ambis, design clusters are the ‘tadka’ on the look. While a bit of subgraphics capture rising energized sportsmen, artistic performers, against a backdrop of Delhi architects.

The logo has also been deconstructed as a graphic signature element that gets em-bedded in public memory. The design elements come together as a complex system to create the look of the games.

LOOK PALETTEPurples, greens and pinks – make a distinct and new Games brand palette. Purple is the new youth color, the pink is for a feminine India and the greens signal the intent to hold a green games.

PICTOGRAMSThe games pictograms are inspired by the graphic & simple sanjhi art. We chose Sanjhi because it is an indigenous art from, used to tell stories. Where paper arts are used for decoration, celebration and to seek blessings.

However, we are aspiring for global standards. So, we studied the best pictograms ever (repeatedly) the pictograms of the Munich Olympics and mapped the actions of our figures on the geometry of the Munich pictograms but retained the craft aspect, and more importantly the ‘lungis’ that were worn in akhadas traditionally.

GAMES MASCOTShera, the great Indian tiger is the proud mascot of the 19th Commonwealth Games. The tiger or the ‘sher’ represents bravery, speed and courage. Idiom did not recom-mend or develop Shera, but when Idiom inherited Shera and while we felt that he was conceptually the most appropriate mascot, he needed to be cooler, sportier, fitter - so that he would be aspirational and yet friendly and cute. Kids must love him, our sports-men must be inspired by his confident body language.We gave him: * cool sneakers, * a proud ‘chaati’, * a confident air.Shera truly represents the youthfulness of our country. Shera is confident and cool, like the youth of our country. Who are constantly preparing, constantly playing and who’s endgame is to win, for India. Shera embodies values that the nation is proud of majesty, power, charisma, intelligence and grace. His athletic prowess, courage and speed are legendary. He is also a reminder of the fragile environment he lives in and our responsibility towards the protection of this ecosystem.Shera is an important part of the Games Look And Shera has been developed playing all sports, equally: And several other renditions, so that he becomes alive and becomes more personal and interacts with the city, the visitors and participants, welcoming and guiding them at different touch points. VALUE PROGRAMS DESIGNEach of the programs like * Volunteers Programme * Environment Programme * Cul-tural Programme * and even the * Games Village or the * Business Club have been given their own identities and Look kits, that while creating their own spirit and identity, create a truly diverse yet integrated look of the games. LOOK OF THE GAMESFor the past two years, the countdown to the games has been marked by a set of events, like countdown events, the Queens Baton Relay. Each of these, leading up to the games have created the iconic Look of the games. Which has then gone on to dress

up the entire city. From pole pennants, to barricades, to large facades, like the NDMC building façade or the facades of the games venues the look has been seamlessly ap-plied and today, the Look is everywhere! TEAM SPIRITIdiom design and consulting won the identity project, in a competitive pitch and went on to create the logo and stayed on until the launch of the logo. Another RFP, resulted in our pitching for the games design and look. Our ‘maksad’ / motive was our sense of responsibility and commitment to both our profession and to the nation. When we have created a ‘design organisation’ for the country and if we want to create a design indus-try right here, can we really just sit around and let international design houses define the look and spirit of our games. Its easier to engage with corporates but challenges are there for the taking! Our biggest challenge was to set up a system where we could work flawlessly, without missing a beat, without any loss in quality, between Delhi and Bangalore over a long duration, where I needed to be personally involved, as Principal Designer as I had given my word. When the logo was created, I was in Delhi with a small team and we were thinking, designing, animating, demonstrating application across the city, in real time, with every new design option in a race, both against time and other national and international firms. We set up our Delhi office where a large team of designers continued to work on the project with support from our Bangalore campus.Here our ability to set up a ‘design organisation’ came in handy. We had a dedicated team of designers working out of the OC office to ensure faster deliveries. I continued to stay involved. I found my lead designer in Harpavan Cheema. Who could hold his own, take suggestions and ideas and yet maintain design integrity. Chitra Sarwara, the senior design manager on the project has been holding the elements and the project together and Idiom Mohammad Javed, Chief Operating Officer has ensured that our team in Delhi is comfortable and that we/they can focus on the work and not have to worry about anything else. Sunil Nair is the skilled hand who has been developing all the rising sportsmen, Shera and all the subgraphics that you see in the game. But the look is not a design job but a production and there is a large and vibrant team that has given its time and skills at various stages.Across two cities, across a spirited, young and united India. SONIA MANCHANDA COFOUNDER AND PRINCIPAL DESIGNER IDIOM DESIGN AND CONSULTING

OF THE GAMESIt was important for Idiom to win this design business and the honor of creating the design and look for the Commonwealth Games was something that we were not going to lose, neither against the best national or international design companies. Since then, a unique design and look has been developed and is being applied across the city, across all points of contact.

The logo for the Delhi Commonwealth Games is inspired by the Chakra, the national symbol of freedom, of unity and power. Spiralling upwards, it depicts the growth of India into a proud, vibrant nation, her billion people coming together to fulfill their true destinies. India’s journey from tradition to modernity, her economic transformation into a super power…reaching out to the world and leading the way, even as she enthusiastically embraces all the 71 CGA nations and territories of the commonwealth to become one and host the best ever commonwealth games. In India. In Delhi. In 2010.



The visual identity concept is inspired by the Indian Flag and the 24 values represented by the 24 spokes of the Ashoka Chakra.

The Ashoka Chakra of the Indian Flag has 24 spokes, each of which represents an essential quality in a human being. While we all believe in them, this is a wonderful opportunity to revive these qualities in ourselves. The logo brings the Chakra alive, spiralling out of its embryonic form, gathering energy and momentum to become a young, emergent and resurgent India. A billion people reaching out to become ONE in the spirit of the Games.





The original 29 color logo has been developed in simpler versions too : 4-5-6-7 colors to facilitate easy replication and production across different mediums.


Games word marks are representative brand marks that will get used across the branding program, replacing the need of a logo. Word marks were developed around Delhi and the event. Each word mark had a branding element Signature mark seen in the ‘O’ – included in it for the brand to own it.

Variations were developed keeping in mind different applications, space constraints and brand strategy.


Everywhere you look in Delhi, you see a legacy of arches and jaalis. These classic shapes have been picked from the cultural heritage and history of the city and the country as seen in architecture, textiles and motifs. These typical forms have been refined and celebrated, such that they are a tessellating element that grows from single to four sided shape and is the key element for holding and framing the Games brand elements such as Logos, Pictograms, and programs. The jaalis play with the signature element (that is a ‘memory’ of the logo) to create a rich and vibrant dress up and look for the city.


Forms inspired by our culture, our celebration and heritage have been stylized to add an Indian touch to the Look. Rangoli pattern that also resembles tie-n-die pattern, Ambis and star burst become highlights for different applications across city and venues.


Logo signature element. Dynamic, energetic form that is constant reminder of the games.


The colour palette for the Delhi 2010 look programme combines two of the distinctive colours of the Delhi 2010 Emblem with the official colours of the Commonwealth Games.Green: The colour that represents life, energy and high spirits. With a spring in your step, face every challenge and overcome hurdles with radiance and gusto. Purple: Combining the stable and calming aspects of blue with the mystical qualities of pink, this colour satisfies the need for reassurance, while adding a hint of mystery and excitement. Pink: This colour has also been introduced to the palette adding an element of surprise and luxury to the Games look programme. It plays to the crowd and truly reflects India in all it’s resplendent glory. Red Yellow & Blue: Commonwealth Games colours, representing the ‘Trinity of Values’ that symbolise the games; unifying Humanity, (Red) giving all athletes a chance to realise their Destiny (Yellow) and promoting Equality (Blue).


Our national animal and the symbol of the new roaring and rearing India- Shera was the appropriate Mascot to lead this feisty event.

However, he has come far ahead of where he was when he was unveiled 4 years ago!


The most visible face of the XIX Commonwealth Games 2010 Delhi, Shera truly represents the modern Indian. He is an achiever with a positive attitude, a global citizen but justifiably proud of his nation’s ancient heritage, a fierce competitor but with a true spirit of sportsmanship. He is also a ‘large-hearted gentleman’ who loves making friends and enthusing people to ‘come out and play’.


The Mascot of the Games playing each of the 17 sports.


The mascot become more personal and interacts with the city, the visitors and participants welcoming and guiding them at different touch points of the campaign.



Pictograms are inspired by the graphic and simple sanjhi art.Sanjhi: A folk art used to tell stories, to decorate places for celebrations. A word derived from sajja, sajavat. An art that is unconsciously still used across the country during celebrations.Where paper cutouts were used like stencils, as decorations themselves or to make rangolis.

The pictograms use a simple classic geometry and Sanjhi styling.


In ancient India, in sports and martial practice, the men wore lungis - a stretch of fabric that was tied around the waist and legs. The pictograms celebrate Indian sporting culture and the living Indian sporting traditions.As an example: the pictures are of Kalarippayattu practitioners, a Dravidian martial art from Kerala, India. Possibly one of the oldest fighting systems in existence, which is still practiced. It includes strikes, kicks, grappling, preset forms, weaponry and healing methods. Some of the choreographed sparring in kalari payat can be applied to dance. Some traditional Indian dance schools still incorporate kalarippayattu as part of their exercise regimen.


Games brand has in its umbrella a plethora of activities, each an initiative to draw participation of people. Obviously each of these had to have its own identity and look and collaterals… but all still associated and belonging to the family of D2010.


The Delhi 2010 Games brand has to reflect the sporting, celebratory and cultural aspect of our nations. Images for each have been stylized in a graphic and modern manner to bring out these aspects. 17 sports, Our cultural dance and performances, our architectural landmarks have gone into creating a palette of sub graphics that can be mixed and used across the Games Look.


The Delhi 2010 Games brand has to reflect the sporting, celebratory and cultural aspect of our nations. Images for each have been stylized in a graphic and modern manner to bring out these aspects. 17 sports, Our cultural dance and performances, our architectural landmarks have gone into creating a palette of sub graphics that can be mixed and used across the Games Look.


The Delhi 2010 Games brand has to reflect the sporting, celebratory and cultural aspect of our nations. Images for each have been stylized in a graphic and modern manner to bring out these aspects. 17 sports, Our cultural dance and performances, our architectural landmarks have gone into creating a palette of sub graphics that can be mixed and used across the Games Look.




LOOK - Competition VENUE


We at Idiom are a big multi-disciplinary team who have been working on the Common Wealth Games project for the past three years, from our two cells - at Delhi and at Bangalore!




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