Customer Service Reenergized - The Ritz-Carlton Leadership ... · components of customer service. Every customer interaction impacts your brand, and each employee can help move your

Post on 15-Feb-2019






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Transcript (301) 547-4806

No matter how long employees have worked in the service industry, they can always benefi t by going back to the basics. Your employees must be experts in the

fundamentals of customer service—offering genuine, caring service consistently. This highly interactive program focuses on The Ritz-Carlton fi ve golden rules as well as the essential components of customer service. Every customer interaction impacts your brand, and each employee can help move your organization down the path of service excellence.

Program Highlights By reviewing the most important skills of customer service, you will be prepared to consistently meet the expectations of your customers.

You will be introduced to The Ritz-Carlton road map for:

• Practicing etiquette, civility and manners to promote a positive and engaged environment for customers and colleagues

• Determining when to apply extra effort in order to create personalized service

• Accepting personal accountability and responsibility for the success of your team

• Understanding how your appearance and communication skills impact your organization’s brand

• Embracing safety, conservation, and cleanliness to create a hygienic and accident-free workplace

The Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center speakers have led training sessions, spoken at conferences, and given keynotes to audiences around the world. Their presentations are practical and memorable because they share stories that exemplify how to apply the principles of The Ritz-Carlton to your organization.

Length of PresentationPresentations can be three hours or up to two consecutive hours

Who Should Attend?Non-Managerial Staff

Optional DebriefA One-Hour Debrief may be added on to select presentations for an additional cost.

Customer Service Reenergized (301) 547-4806

Program Outline This course contains four major sections:

1. Discretionary Effort – Regardless of your role, you hold your brand in the palm of your hand. You have a choice to make every interaction you have with customers and each other a moment of magic, neutrality or abject misery. Your strength is in your discretionary effort.

2. World-Class Service – The five golden rules for providing world-class service are:1. Be a team player2. Great first impressions3. Pay attention to what you say and how you say it4. Be a positive ambassador5. Think cleanliness, safety, and conservation

3. Consistency in Service – The most important word in service is always. We can’t say we are going to provide great service on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays or when we are feeling well. One of the most important things we can do in service is to listen actively to our customers.

4. Workplace Etiquette and Manners – • Telephone, voice mail, speakerphone etiquette• Workplace manners• Keeping confidentiality• Setting yourself up for more success with your boss

Client Testimonial

“The Ritz-Carlton programs have been a solid foundation for our organization’s ongoing efforts around providing exceptional customer service!”

“The Ritz-Carlton training was full of intentional efforts that do not require extreme time or resources, yet the results are very impactful for our staff and customers. Our leadership team experienced two days of rejuvenation, refocused thinking and a renewed readiness to serve! I would highly recommend the training for an organization, large or small, that really wants to be their best.”

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