Custom Wordpress theme Thomas Smith, Chris Gorrod, Sam Paisley & Kathleen Jackson.

Post on 21-Dec-2015






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team no nameCustom Wordpress theme

Thomas Smith, Chris Gorrod, Sam Paisley & Kathleen Jackson

IntroductionWe are going to talk about:

What our project isWhat Wordpress is and why people use itPHP within WordpressAllocated roles of team membersConclusion

What is our project?Create a customisable Wordpress theme

Built from scratchCoded using PHPAdding customise optionsCreate tutorials on how to create a customisable


What is Wordpress?Online blogging platformCustomisable themes

Why use Wordpress?Easy, modifiable file structureCMS (Content Management System)Add or edit widgets without modifying PHP or HTML Custom themesCustom pluginsUsed by over 30 million websites so far.Over 13% of the ‘biggest’ websites and 8.5% of ALL

websites currently online - are run by Wordpress!

Coding themes for WordpressPHPBasic file structure:

index.php comments.php screenshot.png Style.css

Wordpress PluginsSome of the most downloaded Wordpress Pluginsare:All In One SEO PackGoogle XML SitemapsContact Form 7Nextgen StatsWPTouch IPhone ThemeGoogle Analyticator

Proposed Designs

Project PlanningTalk about time-scale, plans, Gantt charts etc.Deadlines?

PlansWhat we will do:

Research into the best optimised layout for the themeWire frames for designsResearch into PHP

Final TutorialsTalk about HOW the final tutorial will be made.

What it will be about?Where? On a Wordpress blog

Group CommunicationHow the group communicates.How we manage workHow we manage absence

Team RolesThomas – Project Manager, CodeChris - Mark-up, DesignSam - CodeKathleen – Code, Documentation

Belbin Roles?

ConclusionCreate a customisable Wordpress themeCreate tutorials on what we have done and basic PHPCoded with PHPWe will compare our product to those already available

and review our performance in the report.

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