Curs Practic Engleza 2010

Post on 26-Nov-2014






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I. Informaii generale1.1. Date de identificare a cursului Date de contact ale titularului de curs: Nume: Asit. drd. Tegla Camelia-Daniela Birou: Cab.10, Departamentul LSS, Horea nr.7 Telefon: 0264/530724 Fax: E-mail: Consultaii: joi, 10-12 Date de identificare curs i contact tutori: Numele cursului Curs practic de limba engleza Codul cursului Anul, Semestrul anul 1, semestrele 1,2 Tipul cursului - obligatoriu Pagina web a cursului Tutori: Adresa e-mail tutori:

1.2.Condiionri i cunotine prerechizite Cursul este conditionat de deinerea de cunotine de limba englez care situeaya studentul la nivel B1, conform grilei de autoevaluare a Cadrului comun european de referinta a limbilor: Competene A A2 B1 B2 C C21 1 nelegereasc ulta re nelegerecitire Vorbireconversaie Vorbireexprimare Scriere







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Trebuie avut n vedere faptul c nscrierea la examenul de licena la finalul ciclului bachelor este conditionat de susinerea i promovarea unui test de competene lingvistic ntr-o limba de circulaie internaional. Pentru aceasta, studenii au la ndemn dou variante: a. Susinerea unui test n cadrul facultii, care se finalizeaz, n caz de promovare, cu acceptul de nscriere la (i numai) la licen; b. Susinerea Testului de competen lingvistic ALPHA, la Centrul Alpha al UBB, care se soldeaz cu obinerea unu certificat de competen lingvistic ce atest nivelul de cunotine al candidatului. Condiionarea nscrierii la licen este obinerea a minimum 20 puncte din totalul de 30 posibile. 1.3.Descrierea cursului Este un curs cu obiective specifice care vizeaz achiziia de cunotine i dezvoltarea deprinderilor de limb strin ca instrument de formare i informare academic i profesional. Tipologia programului de nvare are n vedere crearea unui profil de utilizator cu competene axate pe studiul limbajelor de specialitate. n acest sens, studenii i vor dezvolta capacitatea de contientizare a strii actuale a cunotinelor i deprinderilor, se vor deprinde s-i fixeze obiective reale i realiste, s-i selecteze n mod autonom materialele 2

i s se autoevalueze. Pentru aceasta, catedra LSS a elaborat o program care a utilizat ca documente de baz Cadrul European Comun de Referin pentru limbi i documentele referitoare la Politica lingvistic a UBB. 1.4.Organizarea temelor n cadrul cursului Cursul este organizat n doua module, corespunznd celor doua semestre de studiu., cate 14 intalniri/ semestru. 1.5.Formatul i tipul activitilor implicate de curs Parcurgerea i promovarea cursului presupune completarea i rezolvarea exerciiilor i temelor precizate n pachetul de studiu precum si redactarea si prezentarea unor proiecte individuale in timpul semestrului. 1.6.Materiale bibliografice obligatorii 1. SIDE, RICHARD WELLMAN, GUY: Grammar & Vocabulary For Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency,Longman, 2001

2. Camelia Tegla (coord.), Cristina Felea, Vlad Mezei English B2 C1, Social Sciences and Sport, SeriaAutodidact (coord. Liana Pop), Cluj, Ed. Echinox, 2009 3. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Longman, 2003Prodromou, L., Grammar and Vocabulary for First Certificate, Longman, 2001 5. 6.

Lucrrile menionate la bibliografia obligatorie se gsesc i pot fi mprumutate de la Biblioteca British Council si Biblioteca Departamentului de LSS, sau pot fi accesate pe internet la adresele indicate. 1.7. Materiale i instrumente necesare pentru curs Derularea activitilor prevzute necesit accesul studenilor la urmtoarele resurse: - calculator conectat la internet (pentru a putea accesa bazele de date si resursele electronice suplimentare dar i pentru a putea participa la secvenele de formare interactiv on line) - imprimant (pentru tiprirea materialelor suport, a temelor redactate, a studiilor de caz) - acces la resursele bibliografice (ex: abonament la Biblioteca British Council) - acces la echipamente de fotocopiere 1.8. Calendarul cursului Pe parcursul semestrelor 1 si 2, n care se studiaz disciplina de fa, sunt programate patrusprezece ntlniri/ semestru fa n fa cu toi studenii; ele sunt destinate soluionrii, nemediate, a oricror nelmuriri de coninut sau a celor privind sarcinile individuale. 1.9. Politica de evaluare i notare Evaluarea final se va realiza pe baza unui examen scris desfurat n sesiunea de la finele semestrului 1, respectiv 2. Nota final se compune din: a. punctajul obinut la acest examen n proporie de 70% (7 puncte) b. evaluarea proiectului de semestru 30% (3 puncte). 3

1.10. Elemente de deontologie academic n caz de fraud sau plagiat, vezi poziia UBB. 1.11. Studeni cu dizabiliti: Titularul cursului i exprima disponibilitatea, n limita constrngerilor tehnice si de timp, de a adapta coninutul i metodelor de transmitere a informaiilor precum i modalitile de evaluare (examen oral, examen on line etc) n funcie de tipul dizabilitii cursantului. Altfel spus, avem n vedere, ca o prioritate, facilitarea accesului egal al tuturor cursanilor la activitile didactice si de evaluare. 1.12. Strategii de studiu recomandate: Se recomand studenilor o planificare foarte riguroas a secvenelor de studiu individual, coroborat cu secvene de dialog, mediate de reeaua net, cu titularul de disciplin. Lectura fiecrui modul i rezolvarea la timp a lucrrilor de evaluare garanteaz nivele nalte de nelegere a coninutului tematic i totodat sporesc ansele promovrii cu succes a acestei discipline.

Modulul 1 si 2 Scopul i obiectivele Obiective: formarea i dezvoltarea competenelor de comunicare oral i scris ale studenilor (limbaj general i de specialitate) precum i a deprinderilor de studiu academic, informare i comunicare de profil. Aceste obiective se vor atinge prin: - exploatarea textelor de interes general i de specialitate prin formarea de deprinderi i strategii de lectur, de dezbatere/comentariu academic, i dezvoltarea i fixarea limbajului de specialitate; - abordarea gramaticii limbii engleze, insistnd asupra categoriile gramaticale i structurilor preponderent folosite n limbajul de specialitate i asupra sintaxei propoziiei i a frazei, n contextul comunicrii generale i de specialitate (scrise i orale); - traduceri/retroversiuni n vederea exersrii limbajului fundamental i de specialitate, punerea n practic a competenei/performanei de comunicare; - redactri - genuri ale scrisului academic: fia de lectur, rezumat, recenzie, eseu descriptiv/argumentativ, interpretare de date.


MODULE IINTRODUCTION THE SKILL AND PRACTICE OF READING 1. The reading process Though reading is often considered a passive skill, research in the field of psycholinguistics has demonstrated that it is actually a highly complex process of interaction between the reader and text. For example, it has been shown that the reader does not decode the text in his first language in an orderly, linear fashion, word after word, but rather his eyes move rapidly over the page, going forward and backward as he perceives meaningful groups of words and relates these to the non-verbal information at his disposal (that is, to his knowledge of the world and topic of the written text), thereby deriving meaning from the text. Reading thus can be seen as the processing of information. The reader brings to the text his own store of information deriving from his native culture, education, personal experience, and, normally some specific knowledge of the written text. At the same time, the reader possesses a linguistic competence, including knowledge of words, of how these words are deployed according to the linguistic system in order to form sentences, and the rhetorical pattern and linguistic conventions which characterize different types of text. Furthermore, in an ideal situation, the reader approaches a text with a genuine motivation to read and a reading purpose. Whatever the text, he will also have some expectations or predictions regarding its content and how the text is likely to be organized depending on its genre. As he reads, these predictions are confirmed or not confirmed by the text. Depending of his reason for reading, he will use one or more specific strategies. 2. Reading strategies When we read in our own language we use often unconsciously a variety of reading strategies and techniques depending on the text and our reason for reading. There are four principal styles of reading: Skimming involves moving your eyes rapidly over the page or pages in order to get a general idea of what the text is about, focusing on certain key words or phrases. Scanning, instead, is a strategy we use when we seek specific pieces of information in a text, such as names, dates, statistics, or whether a particular topic is treated. Here our expectations are heightened by our awareness of certain lexical fields or other textural features which are likely to signal the presence of the information we are looking for. Intensive reading is the style we use when we wish to have a very clear and complete understanding of the written text. This implies a careful de-codification of the writers discourse, usually with the aim of comprehending not only the literal meaning of the text, but also the writers deeper purpose, his position or other eventual text subtleties. Extensive reading is the term we use to describe the strategies called into play when we read longer


texts either for pleasure or for information, and may involve all the strategies previously mentioned, which the reader applies according to the individual text and his interest in its various parts. Thus, the reading style we apply to any given text should be a function of the type and content of the text on the one hand, and our reading purpose on the other. It is important to use these strategies appropriately and flexibly: obviously not all texts need to be read intensively, though language learners often apply only this strategy to texts in foreign languages. In reading English for academic purposes, for example, it will often suffice to have a general idea of whether certain information is contained in an article and, if so, where, so that it might be consulted at a later date. On the other hand, information which is of interest may be located quickly and selected passages focused upon for the purpose of extracting and annotating specific information. (Source: Jordan, R.R, Academic Writing Course, Collins, London 1993)

Unit 1: Get a Glimpse on PsychologyIf the human brain were so simple that we could understand it, we would be so simple that we couldn't. Emerson M. Pugh

Psychology is the study of the mind, along with such aspectsof mind as perception, cognition, emotion, and behaviour. In some ways, it has only been around since the late 1800's, when people like Wilhelm Wundt, William James, and Sigmund Freud separated it from its various mother disciplines such as biology, philosophy, and medicine. But in other ways, it has been around as long as human beings have been discussing human beings. I suspect that cavemen and cavewomen probably sat around the fire talking about the same things we do: How come their kids are weird, why can't men and women get along better, what's with those folks from the next valley, how come old Zook hasn't been the same since that rock hit him, and what do dreams really mean. Today, psychology tries to be a science. Science is the effort to study a subject with an explicit promise to think as logically and stick to the empirical facts as tightly as is humanly possible. Other sciences -chemistry, physics, biology, and so on -- have had great success this way. Our cave-person ancestors would be astounded at our understanding of the world around us! But the subject matter of psychology (and the other human sciences) is harder to pin down. We human beings are not as cooperative as some green goo in a test tube! It is a nearly impossible situation: To study the very thing that studies, to research the researcher, to psychoanalyse the psychoanalyst. So, as you will see, we still have a long way to go in psychology. We have a large collection of theories about this part of being human or that part; we have a lot of experiments and other studies about one particular detail of life or another; we have many therapeutic techniques that sometimes work, and sometimes don't. But there is a steady progress that is easy to see for those of us with, say, a half century of life behind us. We are a bit like medicine in that regard: Don't forget that it wasn't really that long ago 6

Specialist Vocabularybehaviour cognition discipline emotion empirical experiment lobotomize

mind perception psychology research science theory therapeutic

when we didn't have vaccines for simple childhood diseases, or anaesthesia for operations; heart attacks and cancer were things people simply died of, as opposed to things that many people survive; and mental patients were people we just locked away or lobotomized! Some day -- sooner rather than later, I think -- we will have the same kinds of understanding of the human mind as we are quickly developing of the human body. The nice thing is you and I can participate in this process!Source: Adapted from: General Psychology by Dr. C. George Boeree Shippensburg University



to be astounded at to die of to lock away to pin down to stick to

Unusual wordsZook goo

SECTION I: Vocabulary ActivitiesWord charts, like the oval diagram below, help students condense and organize data about multiple traits, facts or attributes associated to a single topic. A. These definitions, as they appear in the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, fit the words in the chart below. Match them with the words by writing the corresponding letter next to them, according to the model.


EMOTION = J. a strong human feeling such as love, hate or anger

A. the process of knowing, understanding, and learning something

B. an area of knowledge or teaching that is studied at a universityC. the thing that a person or an animal does D. based on scientific testing or practical experience, not on ideas E. a scientific test done to find out how something reacts under certain conditions, or to find out if a particular idea is true; a process in which you test a new idea or method to see if it is useful or effective F. serious study of a subject, in order to discover new facts or test new ideas G. knowledge about the world, especially based on examining, testing, and proving facts H. an idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain something about life or the world, especially an idea that has not yet been proven to be true I. to remove surgically part of someones brain in order to treat their mental problems J. a strong human feeling such as love, hate or anger










B. Use your dictionary to translate the following phrases:to be astounded at = to die of = to lock away = to pin down = to stick to =

SECTION II: Language FocusAcademic textual functions, such as reporting, are signalled by characteristic language uses of tense and aspect. When reporting findings or significant aspects of peoples work, we use The Present Simple. The Past Simple is used when referring to the procedures used in individual studies. A. Read the following excerpts from two research reports and fill in with the appropriate form of the verb in brackets, according to the academic textual functions used in each of them. 1. Mood disorders (to affect _1) around forty four million Americans each year. The two most common mental disorders (to be _2) depression and bipolar disease. There are several factors which researchers (to believe_3) contribute to mental disorders. Some researchers (to think _4) that the most severe mood disorders (to be caused_5) by imbalances in the brains chemical activity. Researchers also (to assume _6) the environment can play a part in mood disorders and it may run in families. Some mood disorders (to prove _7) to be easier to diagnose due to the symptoms that the patient (to display _8), while others may be a little more difficult and (to require_9) more testing due to the mood disorder going unrecognized. The good news (to be_10) that with the proper medication and psychotherapy a person afflicted with a mood disorder can go on and live a productive life.(Source: Adapted from:

2. The most famous experiment Milgram (to conduct _1) was also his most controversial. The issue (to deal _2) with the people's right to know on what he/she is being studied. On the surface, the experiment (to look _3) legit and totally scientific. Two people (to be brought _4) in at a time and each would draw from a hat. One would be the teacher, one the learner. After going over exactly how the shock treatment (to work _5), the teacher (to go _6) to his control panel and the learner (to be hooked up _7) to electrodes. The teacher would first read lists of paired words then (to ask _8) the learner to pair up the now separated words. For each wrong answer the learner (to give _9), an increasing dose of electricity (to be given _10).


(Source: Adapted from:

B. Identify the tenses of the verbs underlined in the following fragment and match them to the uses suggested in the table below: The research of consciousness, or states of awareness, has provided numerous interesting and influential studies. Sleep, dreams, and hypnosis are states of awareness that have intrigued psychologists because they relate to the quality of psychological interaction with the environment. States of awareness change constantly, which produces changes in behavior. Studies in this area have made great contributions to the understanding of psychology. Researchers pursuing answers about states of awareness discovered Rapid Eye Movement sleep and how it relates to dreaming. Rosalind Cartwright, a leading researcher in this area, takes the study of consciousness to another level by suggesting that people may be able to control what they dream about. Many psychologists have theorized about why people dream. Sigmund Freud believed that dreams were windows to your unconscious; that your greatest unfulfilled wishes and fears would be expressed symbolically in your dreams. Freud's view has been highly influential, and psychotherapists still use dream interpretation during therapy.(Source: Adapted from:



USE An action that was begun in the past and continues into the present/ An action that happened in the unspecified past/ A recent action that has a present effect. Actions that happened at a defined moment in the past. Habitual activities - States

SECTION III: Text StructureResearchers communicate their results and help accumulate knowledge through conference papers, reports, on-line journals and print journals. A research paper is a true academic writing that requires inquiry into the existing literature on the topic of study and personal thoughts as compared to the established experts in the field. A research report has several sections (Title, Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion and References) and each section provides information about the process of elaboration.Research Report Title The title of the report must be short and descriptive. Try to use around 15 words. Abstract The abstract is a very important section of a research paper because it may be the only part people read. Therefore, it should help a person decide whether to read the paper or not. The purpose of this section is to provide a brief and comprehensive summary of the study. It should include a brief description of the problem being investigated, the methods used, the results and their implications, written in a concise, specific and accurate manner B. The information in the following paragraph has been jumbled. Listen to the recording, rearrange it, and rewrite it in order to provide a coherent abstract. Attitudes toward the Use of Animals in Psychological Research and Education: Results from a National Survey of Psychologists by S.Plous Wesleyan University


Abstract: In general, the attitudes of psychology majors closely resembled the attitudes of practicing psychologists. This article reports the results of a national survey in which psychology majors were asked about the use of animals in psychological research and teaching. Opposition to the use of animals was greatest among women, among students at selective schools, and among students living in the Northeast/ Mid-Atlantic region of the country. Students tended to (a) support animal experiments involving observation or confinement, but disapprove of studies involving pain or death; (b) support mandatory pain assessments and the federal protection of rats, mice, pigeons and reptiles; and (c) support the use of animals in teaching, but oppose an animal laboratory requirement for the psychology major.



Unit 2: Pestalozzi, Father of Modern PedagogyThe principal goal of education is to create men who are capable of doing new things, not simply of repeating what other generations have done. Jean Piaget

SECTION I: VOCABULARY ACTIVITIES Born in Zurich, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746 - 1827) took up Rousseau's ideas and explored how they might be developed and implemented. His early experiments in education ran into difficulties but he persisted and what became known as the 'Pestalozzi Method' came to fruition in his school at Yverdon.. Instead of dealing with words, he argued, children should learn through activity and through things. They should be free to pursue their own interests and draw their own conclusions. I wish to wrest education from the outworn order of doddering old teaching hacks as well as from the new-fangled order of cheap, artificial teaching tricks, and entrust it to the eternal powers of nature herself, to the light which God has kindled and kept alive in the hearts of fathers and mothers, to the interests of parents who desire their children grow up in favour with God and with men. (Pestalozzi quoted in Silber 1965: 134) Pestalozzi goes beyond Rousseau in that he sets out some concrete ways forward based on research. He tried to reconcile the tension, recognized by Rousseau, between the education of the individual (for freedom) and that of the citizen (for responsibility and use). His initial influence on the development of thinking about pedagogy owes much to a book he published in 1801: How Gertrude Teaches Her Children. He wanted to establish a 'psychological method of instruction' that was in line with the 'laws of human nature. As a result he placed a special emphasis on spontaneity and selfactivity. Children should not be given ready-made answers but should arrive at answers themselves. To do this their own powers of seeing, judging and reasoning should be cultivated, their self-activity encouraged (Silber 1965: 140). The aim is to educate the whole child - intellectual education is only part of a wider plan. He looked to balance, or keep in equilibrium, three elements - hands, heart and head. William H. Kilpatrick in his introduction to Heinrich Pestalozzi (1951) The Education of Man - Aphorism has summarized six principles that run through Pestalozzi's efforts around schooling. Personality is sacred. This constitutes the inner dignity of each individual. As 'a little seed... contains the design of the tree', so in each child is the promise of his potentiality. 'The educator only takes care that no untoward influence shall disturb nature's march of developments'. Love of those we would educate is 'the sole and everlasting foundation' in which to work. 'Without love, neither the physical nor the intellectual powers will develop naturally'. So kindness ruled in Pestalozzi's schools: he abolished flogging - much to the amazement of outsiders. To get rid of the 'verbosity' of meaningless words Pestalozzi developed his doctrine of Anschauung - direct concrete observation, often inadequately called 'sense perception' or 'object lessons'. No word was to be used for any purpose until adequate Anschauung had preceded. The thing or distinction must be felt or observed in the concrete. Pestalozzi's followers developed various sayings from this: from the known to the unknown, from the simple to the complex, from the concrete to the abstract. To perfect the perception got by the Anschauung the thing that must be named, an appropriate action must follow. 'A man learns by action'. Out of this demand for action came an emphasis on repetition - not blind repetition, but repetition of action following the Anschauung.Source: Adapted from


New Vocabulary doddering flogging everlasting hacks to kindle outworn to pursue sole untoward verbosity to wrest Phrasal verbs to set out to run into to run through to take up Phrases to come to fruition to draw conclusions to get rid of smth. to grow up in favour with Compound words new-fangled ready-made self-activity Prefixes reconcile implement inadequately entrust outsiders Suffixes education responsibility achievement psychologica l spontaneity kindness meaningless

A. Use your dictionary to look up the underlined word or phrase in each of the following sentences. Find the definition that best fits the context and write it next to each sentence. Model: His early experiments in education ran into difficulties. to run into = to start to experience a difficult situation 1. The 'Pestalozzi Method' came to fruition in his school at Yverdon. to come to fruition = 2. They should be free to pursue their own interests and draw their own conclusions. to pursue = 3. The educator only takes care that no untoward influence shall disturb nature's march of developments. untoward = 4. To get rid of the 'verbosity' of meaningless words Pestalozzi developed his doctrine of Anschauung. verbosity = 5. Love of those we would educate is 'the sole and everlasting foundation' in which to work. sole = B. Adding a suffix to a noun, verb or an adjective we can obtain new nouns or adjectives. In the table below there are several adjectives and nouns which were obtained like this. Mention the word formation process, according to the model: Original Word develop Category VERB Suffix -ment New Word development education fruition responsibility achievement psychological spontaneity kindness meaningless intellectual activity Category NOUN

C. There are three forms of compound words: the closed form (headquarters), the hyphenated form (sit-in) and the open form (post office). Match the words in column A with those in column B to form a new word. A. B. eye distance middle throw heart president estate class stopping back full single real half life freeze check dry time child else fore

elect minded shadow learning moon sister

like in where catching

Model: eye + catching = eye-catching


SECTION II: Language FocusReported Speech When we report statements that were made in the past we change the tense of the original (direct) speech. When we report things that are timeless, such as scientific theories, we can keep the verb in the Present Simple. There are some verbs which introduce the Reported Speech: said, told, affirmed, admit, allege, etc. A. Reformulate these sentences. Use the reporting verbs given and make all the necessary changes. Model Pestalozzis early experiments ran into difficulties. It is said that Pestalozzis early experiments had run into difficulties. 1. A man learns by action. Pestalozzi affirmed 2. He tried to reconcile the tension between the education of the individual and that of the citizen. It is asserted ... 3. Kilpatrick has summarised six principles of Pestalozzis theory of education. The author stated 4. Without love, neither the physical nor the intellectual powers will develop naturally. Pestalozzi alleged ... 5. The educator must encourage childrens self-activities. He argued ... When reporting, we may also use clauses: a that clause reporting a statement, a wh clause reporting a wh question or exclamation, a clause with if or whether reporting a polar question, or an infinitive clause reporting a directive. B. Rearrange the jumbled words to make coherent sentences inside the first and last words given. Model constitutes infers personality that inner dignity the each of He infers that personality constitutes the inner dignity of each individual. 1. children whether special or attention wondered be should given She .. not. 2. what noticed change an had their in extraordinary occurred They ... behaviour. 3. Pesatlozzis when asked learn we about would We . method. 4. they meaningless insisted not use should He .. words. 5. was that of method observation admitted direct the I .. useful. C. Read the text below and insert the word which best fits each space. Choose from the list below: report conducted education assigned satisfaction private attend choice standards range

Parents of children who _____(1) private schools are more satisfied with their schools than parents of children in public _____(2) settings, according to a new report from the National Center for Education


Statistics, while parents whose children attend the public school of their _____(3) are more satisfied than those whose children attend an _____(4) public school. Released in August, the _____(5) is based on telephone interviews with parents _____(6) in the first half of 2007 on a wide _____(7) of topics: school satisfaction, parental involvement in schools, school-parent communication, _____(8) with teachers, discipline and homework levels. While the specific numbers varied, more _____(9) school parents than public school parents were very satisfied with teachers, academic _____(10), discipline, and school/parent interaction.(Source: Adapted from, Parent satisfaction higher in private schools, September 16, 2008)

SECTION III: Text StructureResearch Report Introduction and Method Introduction The main purpose of this section is to tell your reader why you performed the study. In other words, you have to inform the reader of the research question and indicate why it is important and how it is unique when compared to previous studies. Method This section includes detailed descriptions of the sample, the materials, instruments, and the procedures so that the reader understands that the information provided is valid and reliable. A. You will read an excerpt from a research report. Six sentences have been removed from this text. Choose from the sentences A-G the one which fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0)Introduction Stress is a part of everyday life (Weiten, 2001). 0 D. Without stress life would be dull; however, we must learn to cope with all forms of stress to prevent it affecting our psychological and physical health (Weiten, 2001). Kohn, Lafreniere & Gurevich (as cited in Weiten, 2001) found that routine daily hassles can have a significant effect on our mental health. 1 ___. Also, Holmes & Rahe (as cited in Weiten, 2001) and others have found that changes in life, positive or negative, require adjustment. During this time of adjustment, one may be more susceptible to stress. More changes in one's life may increase one's susceptibility to stress. However, not all life experiences are stressful. Social support is very important to reducing stress (House, Landis & Umberson, 1988). 2 ___. According to Davis, Morris & Kraus (1998), there is an inverse correlation between social support and mental health. 3___. Exercise provides an opportunity to release frustrations and increases resistance to stress, while sleep deprivation decreases it. When deprived of sleep, one might under-perform on cognitive tasks, which itself may increase stress levels (Weiten, 2001). Work stress is another important factor that has been the subject of much research. Weiten (2001) noted that "pressure has turned out to be more strongly related to measures of mental health than the SSRS" (p. 534), a measure of life change. A heavy workload, a hectic work schedule, a poor work environment, and low job security are all factors that can cause stress at work (Weiten, 2001). 4 ___. This study was designed to replicate past research and investigate the correlations between stress and daily hassles; social support; life experiences; exercise; sleep; and work levels. Method Participants There were 30 participants in this study, 15 men and 15 women. 5 ___. The mean age was 30.4. Participants were attending school, work, or both. Materials Information was gathered using the Hassles Scale (Delongis, Folkman, & Lazarus, 1988), Life Experiences Survey (Sarason, Johnson, & Siegel, 1978), Stress Test (Weiten, 2001), and Social Support Scale (Weiten, 2001) Participants were also asked to report their average hours of work or school per week, average hours of sleep per night, and average hours of exercise per week. Procedure Each participant was asked to complete the questionnaire package. Confidentiality was emphasized and participants were asked not to include their names. 6 ___Source: Adapted from: The Effects of Daily Life on Stress Levels by Chad Clippingdale & Shannon Birk


A. The researchers then scored the tests and correlated the results using the Pearson product-moment correlation. B. When one spends longer hours exposed to these factors, stress levels may become greater. C. Having someone to listen and give empathy helps to justify our feelings and makes us feel better. D. We experience stress each day, sometimes positively and sometimes negatively. E. Although minor hassles alone may not be stressful, many hassles may build up and overwhelm an individual, causing stress. F. Exercise and getting a good night sleep are also very important to coping with stress. G. Ages ranged from 13 to 59.

Unit 3: Autism and CommunicationTo effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide in our communication with others. Anthony Robbins


Autism is a complex neurobiological disorder that typically lasts throughout a person's lifetime. It is part of a group of disorders known as autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Today, 1 in 150 individuals are diagnosed with autism, making it more common than paediatric cancer, diabetes, and AIDS combined. It occurs in all racial, ethnic, and social groups and is four times more likely to strike boys than girls. Autism was first identified in 1943 by Dr. Leo Kanner of Johns Hopkins Hospital. At the same time, a German scientist, Dr. Hans Asperger, described a milder form of the disorder that is now known as Asperger Syndrome. These two disorders are listed in the DSM IV as two of the five developmental disorders that fall under the autism spectrum disorders. The others are Rett Syndrome, PDD-NOS, and Childhood Disintegrative Disorder. All of these disorders are associated with rigid routines and repetitive behaviours, such as obsessively arranging objects or following very specific routines, but the most important characteristic is that they impair a person's ability to communicate and relate to others. The capacity to acquire and use language is a key aspect that distinguishes humans from other organisms. Language acquisition starts in infancy and it is the process by which humans acquire the capacity to perceive, produce and use words to understand and communicate. A child's acquisition of language can be broken down into different segments: phonology, which is a person's use of speech sounds; syntax - the rules of grammar; semantics, which refers to a person's ability to understand and create the meaning of language; pragmatics - the ability to use language for the purpose of communication. Breaking down language into these different segments allows professionals to clarify to what extent and which aspects of the language and communication of a child with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is impaired. Children with an ASD often fail to communicate using speech or any other type of language, for example eye-contact, hand gestures, body language. If a child does not wish to communicate intentionally, they will not explore their ability to vocalise, learn new sounds or listen to the language spoken around them. This will ultimately result in a delay in their language acquisition. Without this means of communication, a child will find it difficult to express themselves. A child with an ASD may not see any reason to communicate with other people and, consequently, without a reason there is no point in communicating or no need to communicate. Children with an ASD may also remove themselves from situations that require communication, limiting their opportunities to communicate. Without opportunities there cannot be a development in communication.Source: Adapted from, Society Speech and Language Therapy The National Autistic

Specialist Vocabulary acquire communication impair occur phonology pragmatics repetitive behaviour relate rigid routines semantics spectrum strike syntax vocalise Acronyms AIDS ASD DSM PDD-NOS Antonyms pair impair integrate disintegrate order disorder Compounds eye-contact lifetime neurobiological Phrases to break down into to fall under Word family integrate integral integration integrative disintegrate disintegration disintegrative


SECTION I: Vocabulary ActivitiesA prefix is placed at the beginning of a word to modify or change its meaning. dis- shows an apposite or negative and, in verbs, it shows the stopping or removing of a condition. A. Add the prefix dis- to the following words. Use a dictionary to find their meaning. Model: appear disappear to become impossible to see any longer

ability approval associate believe compose integrate junction order pleased qualify regard satisfaction trust

graceful reputable

............................................... B. Match the following words with the most suitable definition. Model: 0. explore = K 0. explore = K 1. capacity 2. vocalize 3. delay 4. strike 5. spectrum 6. occur 7. disintegrate 8. routine 9. impair 10. acquisition A. to damage something or make it not as good as it should be B. someones ability to do something C. to happen or exist in a particular place or situation D. the process by which you gain knowledge or learn a skill E. when something does not happen or start when it should do F. to break up, or make something break up, into very small pieces G. to make a sound or sounds with your voice H. to damage or harm someone or something I. the usual order in which you do things, or the things you regularly do J. a complete range of opinions, people, situations, etc. going from one extreme to its opposite K. to discuss or think about something carefully

C. Follow the link to find what these acronyms stand for. Choose the ones that are the most suitable to the text above.


Model: ASD = autism spectrum disorders AIDS = CDD = DSM = PDD-NOS =

SECTION II: Language FocusReported Speech Other ways of reporting include using nouns such as: argument, assertion, comment, denial, explanation, observation, remark, statement, etc. A. The words in the following sentences have been jumbled. Rearrange them within the first and last words given, in order to make coherent sentences. All the sentences contain reporting nouns. Charles Aussilloux, Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of Montpellier, and his team studied the patterns of autism in the population of Languedoc, France. Below, there are reported some of the results of his research. Model: was a to clearer of provide argument study major the picture The major argument of the study was to provide a clearer picture of autism. 1. first his of that observations the was evolutions autistic of were persons One . different. 2. about remark the autistic possibility of to autonomously was people live His .. encouraging. 3. was great of comment the importance on the environmental influence Of . factors. 4. autism related the was important similarities statement to Aspergers and between Another .. Syndrome. 5. of the emphasized major autistic role normal assertion the in contact development of human Aussillouxs .. children.(Source: Adapted from

B. Complete the second sentence so that it has the similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. You must use between two and five words. Do not change the word given. Model You should focus more on the topic, the teacher told me. advised The teacher advised me to focus more on the topic. 1. Reading more articles in a foreign language is good for you too, she said. recommended She more articles in a foreign language. 2. You wrote a very good research report! the professor told her. congratulated The professor ...a very good research report. 3. Dont leave your room after dark. This is not a safe area, our instructor told us. warned Our instructor .....our room after dark. 4. If you copy the review, you will be accused of plagiarism, said the lecturer. threatened The lecturer if I copied the review. 5. Dont forget to bring your project, my colleague told me. reminded My colleague... my project. When reporting emotions or impressions we may use certain adjectives. C. Match the adjectives (A-F) with the faces (1-6) Model: 6 F A. concerned; worried; alarmed; afraid; uneasy


B. angry; infuriated; outraged; annoyed; irritated C. bored; uninterested; fed up; jaded 1 2 3 D. content; blissful; cheerful; joyful; delighted E. depressed; miserable; unhappy; disheartened F. surprised; astonished; amazed; taken aback 4 5 6

SECTION III: Text StructureResearch Report Results, Discussion and References Results The main purpose of this section is to offer your readers a summary of what you found and to give a description of the techniques used in the research, of each analysis and the results obtained Discussion In this section you must discuss and interpret your data for the reader, tell them about the implications of your findings and make recommendations References This section is at the end of your paper and contains the information necessary for your reader to find any source that you cite in the report.

Social Sciences use the APA formatting and style to cite sources.A. Read the information contained in this section of a research report and fill in with the missing figures. Results Pearson product-moment correlations were computed to measure the relationship between stress levels and the other factors studied. The following table presents the findings. Table 1 n = 30 Correlations between Stress & Various Stress Factors Daily hassles, life experiences, and hours of Factors Stress work were all significantly correlated with Daily Hassles .47** stress. This indicates significant positive Social support relationships exist between these factors and Life experiences .42* stress levels. As hassles, life experiences or Weekly exercise work hours increase, so does stress. Hrs of sleep The correlation between social support and Hrs of work .39* stress was r = -.35 (p

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