Post on 02-Oct-2020






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CURRICULUM VITAE - Vincenzo Mancuso





Telephone Office: +34 91 481 6968 Mobile: +34 682 357 169


Nationality Italian

Field of study UNESCO codes: 3307, 3325 WORK EXPERIENCE


September 2010 to present

Name and address of the company Type and field of activity IMDEA Networks Institute – Leganes (Madrid)

Principal subjects-occupational skills covered Research Assistant Professor (Previously known as “Staff Researcher”)


June, 1st 2009 to July, 31st 2010

Name and address of the company Type and field of activity EPI MAESTRO – INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France

Principal subjects-occupational skills covered Post-Doc position for the research in the field of Cellular Wireless Networks.


June, 1st 2005 to May, 31st 2009

Name and address of the company Type and field of activity

Department of Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering – University of Palermo, Italy

Principal subjects-occupational skills covered

Post-Doc position for the research in the field of Telecommunication Engineering. Grant from the MIUR (Italian government department for university and research)


From September, 1st 2006 to January, 31st 2008

Name and address of the company Type and field of activity

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department – George R. Brown School of Engineering - Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA

Principal subjects-occupational skills covered

Visiting Research Scholar, Rice Networks Groups (collaboration topic: wireless mesh networking and MMR)


From January, 26th 2005 to May, 31st 2005

Name and address of the company Type and field of activity Department of Electrical Engineering – University of Palermo, Italy

Principal subjects-occupational skills covered Collaborator for the POLLENS project


From July, 1st 2004 to December, 31st 2005

Name and address of the company Type and field of activity Department of Electronic Engineering – University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

Principal subjects-occupational skills covered

Collaborator in the project IST SATNEX (SATellite communications Network of EXcellence)


From March, 1st to May, 31st 2004

Name and address of the company Type and field of activity

Alenia Spazio (Finmeccanica Group) and University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (at Alenia headquarter in Rome)

Principal subjects-occupational skills covered

Collaborator in the frame of the ESA project “Integrated Resources And QoS Management for DVB-RCS Networks”


From March, 1st to May, 31st 2004

Name and address of the company Type and field of activity

Consorzio Radiolabs, Rome Research in the field of traffic engineering

Principal subjects-occupational skills covered Collaborator, in the frame of IST FIFTH project


From December, 1st 2002 to July, 31st 2003

Name and address of the company Type and field of activity CRES (Centro per la Ricerca Elettronica in Sicilia), Monreale (Palermo), Italy

Principal subjects-occupational skills covered Collaborator for the POLLENS project

COURSES TAUGHT University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain (Department of Telematics)

UC3M.1) Performance evaluation of networks, October 2013 to September 2014 [graduate,

9 hours]. UC3M.2) Wireless Communications, October 2013 to September 2014 [graduate, 4.5 hours]. UC3M.3) Switching (Conmutacion) (undergraduate, 43 hours), January, 28th 2013 to July 27th,

2013. UC3M.4) Switching (Conmutacion), January, 23rd 2012 to July, 22nd 2012 [undergraduate, 43

hours]. UC3M.5) Switching (Conmutacion), February, 3rd 2011 to August, 2nd 2011 [undergraduate,

43 hours].

University of Palermo, Italy (Department of Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering)

UNIPA.1) Electrical Communications, March 2009 to April 2010 [undergraduate, 88 hours].

UNIPA.2) Internet (“Rete Internet”), March 2008 to April 2009 [undergraduate, 62 hours]. UNIPA.3) Electrical Communications, March 2006 to April 2007 [undergraduate, 88

hours]. UNIPA.4) Electrical Communications, March 2005 to March 2006 [undergraduate, 88

hours]. UNIPA.5) Internet (“Rete Internet”), September 2003 to July 2004 [teaching assistant for

prof. G. Bianchi]. UNIPA.6) Wireless Mobile Networks, September 2002 to July 2003 [teaching assistant for

prof. Bianchi]. UNIPA.7) Wireless Mobile Networks, September 2001 to July 2002 [teaching assistant for

prof. G. Bianchi].

3G Systems 3G.1) UMTS, “TLC community: sisTema integrato di Lavoro e formazione Continua” project, University of Catania, Italy; October 12-13, 2005 [undergraduate students].

3G.2) UMTS, “TLC community: sisTema integrato di Lavoro e formazione Continua” project, University of Catania, Italy; October 6, 2005 [undergraduate students].

3G.3) UMTS, “TLC community: sisTema integrato di Lavoro e formazione Continua” project, University of Palermo, Italy; September 22, 2005 [undergraduate students].

3G.4) UMTS, “TLC community: sisTema integrato di Lavoro e formazione Continua” project, University of Palermo, Italy; July, 2005 [undergraduate students].

3G.5) 3rd generation systems, DELTA project, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Palermo, Italy; May 2003 [graduate students].

3G.6) Evolution of telephony: UMTS, ITC Community UMTS project, CRES (Centro per la Ricerca Elettronica in Sicilia), Monreale (Palermo), Italy; March 2003 [graduate students].

3G.7) “Architettura IMS”, ASIC project, Italtel, Carini (Palermo), Italy; October 2007 [graduate students].

2G systems 2G.1) GSM, ITC Community UMTS project, CRES (Centro per la Ricerca Elettronica in Sicilia), Monreale (Palermo), Italy ; August 2003 [graduate students].

2G.2) Evolution of telephony: GPRS, ITC Community UMTS project, CRES (Centro per la Ricerca Elettronica in Sicilia), Monreale (Palermo), Italy; March 2003 [graduate students].

2G.3) Evolution of telephony: GSM, ITC Community UMTS project, CRES (Centro per la Ricerca Elettronica in Sicilia), Monreale (Palermo), Italy; February- March 2003 [graduate students].

QoS and VoIP Q.1) QoS over IP with VoIP applications, MATIT (“Master in Tecnologie dell’Informazione e delle Telecomunicazioni”), CRES (Centro per la Ricerca Elettronica in Sicilia), Monreale (Palermo), Italy; June 2003 [graduate students].

Q.2) Telephony over IP, ASEIT project, CRES (Centro per la Ricerca Elettronica in Sicilia), Monreale (Palermo), Italy; July 2002 [undergraduate students].

Q.3) QoS in Internet, Radio Network Designer Tlc project, CEDEL (Cooperativa sociale Educativa Elis) and CRES (Centro per la Ricerca Elettronica in Sicilia), Monreale (Palermo), Italy;

September 2001 [graduate students]. Q.4) Telephony over IP, ASEIT project, CRES (Centro per la Ricerca Elettronica in Sicilia),

Monreale (Palermo), Italy; July 2001 [undergraduate students].

Network Security S.1) Rules and regulation for Network Security, “TLC community: sisTema integrato di Lavoro e formazione Continua” project, University of Palermo, Italy; July, 2005 [undergraduate students].

Networking N.1) CDN and P2P, ASEIT project, CRES (Centro per la Ricerca Elettronica in Sicilia), Monreale (Palermo), Italy; November 2003 [graduate students].

N.2) Services and Applications, MATIT (“Master in Tecnologie dell’Informazione e delle Telecomunicazioni”), CRES (Centro per la Ricerca Elettronica in Sicilia), Monreale (Palermo), Italy; July 2003 [graduate students].

N.3) Interconnecting LANs, ASEIT project, CRES (Centro per la Ricerca Elettronica in Sicilia), Monreale (Palermo), Italy; May 2003 [graduate students].

N.4) IP Addressing schemes, “IFTS – Tecnico Reti Locali Internetworking con TCP/IP”, IPSIA, Palermo, Italy; March-April 2003 [undergraduate students].

WORK QUALIFICATIONS November 2012 Awarded the “sexenio equivalente” from University Carlos III of Madrid (Spain),

which allows one to be the director of a PhD thesis.

January 21, 2010 Received the French qualification of “Maître de conferences” (Section 27-Informatique, qualification number 10227210274)

June 8, 2006 Received the Italian title of “Cultore della materia” (Qualified to teaching activity) for Telecommunication disciplines (ING/INF03)

July 2001 Italian state professional qualifying examination in engineering (mark: 107/120)

EDUCATION AND TRAINING September 2006 – January 2008

Visitor Post-Doc in the Rice Network Group (RNG) at ECE Department of Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA

February 21, 2005 Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering, Computer Science and Telecommunication Engineering at Department of Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering - University of Palermo, Italy; with a thesis on “Network Edge Support for QoS-aware applications”

July 2004 – December 2005 Grant from European Community for the participation to IST SATNEX (SATellite communications Network of EXcellence), at Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy

October 2004 Visiting researcher at “Institute of Communication Networks and Satellite Communications, Graz University of Technology (TUG)”, Graz (Austria)

July 2001 – June 2004 Ph.D. Student in Electronic Engineering, Computer Science and Telecommunication Engineering at Department of Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering University of Palermo, Italy (Advisor professor: G. Bianchi)

Grant (2001-2004) from the MIUR (Italian government department for university and research) to attend the Ph.D. course.

April 11, 2001 M.Sc. degree summa (110/110) cum laude in Electronics Engineering, major Telecommunications.

Thesis: “Sviluppo di un meccanismo di controllo di ammissione delle connessioni su reti IP a servizi differenziati” (Developping a CAC mechanism for Differentiated Services IP networks”, Advisor prof. G. Bianchi

September 1995 – April 2001 Student at the faculty of Electronic Engineering of the University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy

29 exams, average evaluation: 29.2/30 (4 exams cum laude)

July 1995 High School Certificate from “Liceo classico sperimentale Don Bosco – Villa Ranchibile” (major classical studies). Final mark: 60/60

AWARDS 2015: Awarded the Ramon y Cajal 5-year grant for post-doctoral researchers (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) 2010, 2011, 2012: Awarded a European Union Marie Curie Fellowship (7th Framework Programme, PEOPLE-COFUND) 2001: Grant (2001-2004) from the MIUR (Italian government department for university and research) to attend the Ph.D. course PERSONAL SKILLS AND EXPERTISE

Mother tongue


Other languages Language Spoken Written Reading English Excellent Excellent Excellent French Basic Basic Fluent Spanish Excellent Fluent Excellent

Organisational skills - Participation to Projects

Active projects:

H2020 Flex5Gware (funded by the European Commission – started in July 2015) Flex5Gware targets both network elements and devices and takes into account increased capacity, reduced energy footprint, as well as scalability and modularity, to enable a smooth transition from 4G mobile wireless systems to 5G. The project leverages highly reconfigurable hardware (HW) platforms together with HW-agnostic software (SW) platforms. The achieve its goals, the project will tackle many system design challenges that will be solved through disruptive technologies. E.g., analogue components to enable massive MIMO for mmWave, full duplex radio for 5G waveforms, or reconfigurable SW architectures with interface abstractions for flexible control and management mechanisms across heterogeneous wireless devices and access networks. H2020 FIRE+ MONROE (funded by the European Commission – started in March 2015) Role: Project Technical Manager, WP leader. Project summary: MONROE proposes to design, build and operate an open, European-scale, and flexible platform with multi-homing capabilities to run experiments on operational 3G/4G and WiFi-based Mobile Broadband networks. The platform will be used for the identification of key MBB performance parameters, thus enabling accurate, realistic and meaningful monitoring and assessment of the performance of MBB networks. TIGRE5-CM (October 2014 - September 2017) The project investigates architectures and technologies for the operation and management of 5G networks. The research specifically focuses on the use and integration of SDN concepts for mobile access and core networks. The project is partially funded by the Madrid Regional Government through grant S2013/ICE-2919. HyperAdapt (January 2015 – December 2016) The project studies the intensive use of SDN for making the Internet scalable, manageable, and adaptable at an industry-grade level. A first research line in the project will provide the theoretical foundations that can then be applied to the other two areas we plan to explore. These are intra-domain routing and wireless access solutions, which have high potential impact, because they are the building blocks of the mobile Internet architecture whose traffic demand is currently growing exponentially. H2020 NOTRE (granted in September 2015 in the H2020-TWINN-2015 call; not yet started) The NOTRE twinning network is meant to strengthen and enhance the potential of the newly established Social Computing Research Centre at Cyprus University of Technology for stimulating scientific excellence and innovation capacity in the area of Social Computing. The twinning members of the network are the IMDEA Networks Institute, the University of Genève, the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, and the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf.

Past projects: ICT CROWD (funded by the European Commission – January 2013 – June 2015)

Role: Project Technical Manager, WP2 leader, IMDEA PI. Project summary: Study and design of very dense heterogeneous wireless access networks and integrated wireless-wired backhaul networks. CROWD pursues four key goals: (i) bringing density-proportional capacity where it is needed, (ii) optimising MAC mechanisms operating in very dense deployments by explicitly accounting for density as a resource rather than as an impediment, (iii) enabling traffic-proportional energy consumption, and (iv) guaranteeing mobile user’s quality of experience by designing smarter connectivity management solutions. ICT iJOIN (funded by the European Commission – starts in November 2012) Design of new network operation and management algorithms in the context of RAN-as-a-Service (RANaaS) over 3GPP LTE. The project focuses on evaluating the designing technologies with respect to four quantitative key objectives: (i) system throughput, (ii) energy-efficiency, (iii) cost-efficiency, and (iv) utilisation-efficiency. ICT FLAVIA (funded by the European Commission, 07/2010 to 07/2013; 3.65MEuros) Study and design of flexible programmable interfaces for wireless devices, enabling service customization and performance optimization through software-based exploitation of low- level operations and control primitives. Personal contributes: • Co-responsible for one of the project work packages (WP4). • Experimental study of enriched 802.11 MAC functionalities. • Analysis of mechanisms for supporting streaming applications in 802.11-based

WLANs and mesh networks. • Architectural design of flexible 802.16 and LTE wireless cards. • Development of advanced scheduling systems for 802.16m/LTE base stations E2NET (January 2012 – December 2014) The main objective of this project is the design of algorithms and techniques to reduce the energy consumption of communication systems without significantly affecting the service quality. The project fosters a cross-layer approach that includes algorithms and techniques to be applied at different layers of the network architecture, with main focus on the link, network, transport, and application layers. The project is supported the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), previously known as the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN), through grant TEC2011-29688-C02-01. ANR WiNEM (funded by the French government) Analytical study of the base station mechanisms available for power saving purposes. Personal contributes: • Analysis of the vendor's and operator's strategies aiming at saving power and

reducing pollution by operating cellular networks (e.g., LTE, and HSPA) • Analytical characterization of the power saving mechanisms available in the

standards • Development of a C++ simulator for the validation of the model

TAPs project (funded by an Information Technology Research (ITR) grant from the National Science Foundation, the Texas Advanced Technology Program, and by Intel Corporation) Definition and implementation of architecture and protocols for a high-performance multihop wireless infrastructure. Personal contributes: • Study of QoS mechanisms in MMR • Investigation about scheduling and network management at relay layer • FPGA implementation TFA (Technology For All) Design and deployment of a two-tier Wireless Mesh Network using IEEE 802.11a/b/g. The network is currently running in a suburban area of Houston, it covers a 3 Km2 area and provides free Internet connection to roughly 2000 users. The network is also used as experimental testbed for meshing technologies and mesh protocol design. Personal contributes: • Study of correlation between multihop flows • Analysis of one-hop and two-hop flows “starvation” in TCP and UDP • Analysis of wireless overhead effect on data traffic • Analysis of wireless link’s heterogeneity and its consequence on concurrent data


• Analysis of AODV in a real network • Design of Mesh Nodes location and inter-node connection protocols

IST SatNEX Network of Excellence (funded by the European Commission, 01/2004 to 03/2009; 11.4 MEuros) Integration and spreading of knowledge on satellite technologies and satellite networks, and development of value-added schemes and protocols. Personal contributes: • Responsible for the coordination of activities of the Research Unit University of

Rome “Tor Vergata” • Responsible for research activity in the field of implementation of LLC mechanisms

over LEO satellites and usage of Spanning Trees and VLANs over satellite networks

• Development of a scheme for satellite broadcast/multicast of interactive multimedia contents

IST FIFTH (funded by the European Commission, 09/2002 to 12/2003; 2.6 MEuros) Definition of an integrated telecommunication architecture (satellite + wireless LAN) for the support of broadband multimedia services over high speed trains. Personal contributes: • Analysis of multimedia application support in Vehicular Area Networks (VAN) • New algorithms for elastic buffering and bandwidth sharing in VAN • C++ simulation software for the validation process • Simulative study of multimedia over proxy-based VAN CELTIC IMAGES (funded by the European Commission, 07/2004 to 07/2007) Definition of a framework for supporting multimedia over IP and Next Generation Services through intra-domain and inter-domain signalling. Personal contributes: • Study of QoS mechanisms in DSL-based access networks • Study of a SIP-based signalling architecture for on-demand services • Implementation of SIP-based User Agent for Multimedia over IP

ITEA POLLENS (funded by the European Commission, 07/2001 to 06/2003) Biannual project (2001-2003) on the definition of a middleware platform and its API interfaces for a programmable router. Topics: Differentiated Services IP, deployment of value added services such as Distributed Admission Control, Adaptive QoS, and Content Delivery. Personal contributes: • Cooperation in the project definition • Development of mechanisms for QoS support, in particular of distributed and

scalable measurement based CAC (MBAC) • C++ simulation software for MBAC models validation • Evaluation of MBAC in DiffServ networks MEDIANET (2010-2013) Integration of next generation multimedia services over the future Internet. This work is supported by grant S2009/TIC-1468 from the General Directorate of Universities and Research of the Regional Government of Madrid, Spain. Integrated Resources And QoS Management for DVB-RCS Networks (funded by the European Space Agency) Definition of an infrastructure for the QoS support in satellite networks using DVB-RCS. Personal contributes: • Study of a cross-layer interoperation between IP and DVB-RCS • Mapping of services between IP and DVB-RCS FIRB VICOM (funded by the Italian government, 2002-2005) Study of ad hoc network architectures for mobile computing and VAN. Personal contributes: • Proxy-based networking to support multimedia services in mobile scenarios • Connection management in broadcast scenarios: new schemes and their validation • C++ simulation software for the validation process

FIRB TANGO (funded by the Italian government, 2002-2005; 1.2 MEuros) Development of algorithms and models for IP traffic control Personal contributes: • Study of teletraffic algorithms for self-similar sources • Development of C++ simulation software • Evaluation of PBAC and MBAC schemes with self-similar traffic Responsible for two “Young researchers’ projects” (funded by University of Palermo) • The connection Admission Control in IP networks (2001)

• CAC and traffic behavior in Differentiated Services IP networks (2002)

Organizational skills – Supervision of students

• Supervision of six research assistants at Institute IMDEA Networks, Madrid, Spain.

Syed Asfandyar Gilani, Arash Asadi, Angelos Chatzipapas, Omar Ahmad San José, Christian Vitale, Edgar Arribas.

• Co-supervision of three research assistants at Institute IMDEA Networks, Madrid, Spain.

Andrea Mannocci, Vincenzo Sciancalepore, Shahzad Ali.

• Co-supervision of two master students during their internships at INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France.

Angelos Chatzipapas, Nicaise Choungmo Fofack.

• Co-supervision of two Erasmus students during their internships at Institute IMDEA Networks, Madrid, Spain.

Valerio Perrotta (Univ. of Naples Federico II, 2011), Stylianos Moschos (TEI of Thessaloniki, 2012-13).

• Supervision of two students during her internship at IMDEA.

Giulia Resmini (Politecnico di Milano, Italy, April-August 2014).

Sergio Maeso (UC3M, Spain, April-August 2015).

• Supervision of a Telefonica Talentum Intern during his internship at IMDEA.

David Galera (University of Granada, Spain, December-June 2014).

• Supervision of twelve graduate students for their master thesis in electronics and telecommunication engineering at the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Palermo, Italy.

Luca Troina, “IP Multimedia Subsystem”, co-direction with Dr. I. Tinnirello (2009).

Michele Chiovari, “Analysis of the IEEE 802.16m draft for wideband WiMAX”, co-direction with Dr. I. Tinnirello (2009).

Pasquale Lo Bello, “Network coding”, co-direction with Dr. I. Tinnirello (2009).

Mario Di Salvo, “Connectivity and satellite visibility in the frame of LEO satellite networks”, co-direction with professor L. Alcuri (2006)

Luigi Monica, “Simulation of Spanning Tree protocols over LEO satellite networks”, co-direction with professor L. Alcuri (2006).

Francesco Paolo Spina, “Delayed real time services in LEO satellite networks”, co-direction with Dr. I. Tinnirello (2006).

Fabio Arnó”, Distribution of QoS-guaranteed multimedia services in DVB-S/RCS satellite networks”, co-direction with professor G. Bianchi (2003).

Francesca Lo Piccolo, “Peer to peer networks”, co-direction with professor G. Bianchi (2003).

Simone Di Garbo Santolo, “Influence of transport protocols on the mobile proxy-based distribution of multimedia services”, co-direction with professor G. Bianchi (2003).

Carlo Montalbano, “Algorithms and techniques for the distribution of multimedia services through a mobile proxy”, co-direction with professor G. Bianchi (2003).

Emanuele Leonforte, “Wireless Internet: an alternative architecture for cellular networks”, co-direction with professor G. Bianchi (2002).

Vito Imburgia, “Effects of admission control on the self-similar traffic”, co-direction with professor G. Bianchi and engineer G. Neglia (2002).

• Supervision of seven undergraduate students for their bachelor thesis in telecommunication engineering at the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Palermo, Italy.

Walter Sciarratta, “Wireless networks for biomedical applications”, co-direction with professor L. Alcuri (2009).

Cosimo Di Lisi, “IPTV, an architecture for Internet television”, direction (2008).

Francesco Di Piazza, “Epidemic diffusion in vehicular networks”, co-direction with professor G. Garbo (2006).

Giuseppe Lo Piccolo, “Simulation of delay tolerant services in WiMAX”, co-direction with professor G. Garbo (2006).

Fabrizio Pattavina, “Using the RFID technology for the management of inventories”, co-direction with Dr. F. Saitta (2006).

Francesco Vitrano, “Design of a campus WiFi network”, co-direction with professor L. Alcuri (2006).

Floriana Vaglica, “A guide to wireless network simulation with OPNET”, co-direction with professor G. Mamola (2004).

• Supervision of three master thesis at University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain

Arash Asadi, “Opportunistic cellular communications with clusters of dual-radio mobiles”, 03.10.2012.

Angelos Chatzipapas, “Using Energy Efficient Ethernet (802.3az) in Web Hosting Centers”, 27.09.2012.

Christian Vitale, “Performance Bounds in Coupled Processor Systems”, 28.10.2013.

Organisational skills – Participation on TPCs

TPC member for IEEE PWC2006 conference – 11th International conference on Personal Wireless Communications, Albacete, Spain, September 20 – 22, 2006.

TPC member for IEEE PWC2007 conference – 12th International conference on Personal Wireless Communications, Prague, Czech Republic, September 12 – 14, 2007.

TPC member for IEEE PWC2008 conference – 13th International conference on Personal Wireless Communications, Toulouse, France, October 1 – 3, 2008.

TPC member for IEEE PIMRC 2008 conference – 19th annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Cannes, France, September 15 – 18, 2008.

TPC member for IFIP WMNC’09 conference – 2nd joint IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking conference, Gdansk, Poland, September 9 – 11, 2009.

TPC member for IEEE Globecom 2009 – Wireless Networking Symposium, Honolulu Hawaii, USA, November 30 – December 4, 2009.

TPC member for IEEE Globecom 2010 – Wireless Networking Symposium, Miami, Florida, USA, December 6 – 10, 2010.

TCP member for ICCCN 2010 - 19th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, August 2 – 5, 2010.

TPC member for IFIP WMNC’10 conference – 3rd joint IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking conference, Budapest, Hungary, October 13 – 15, 2010.

TPC member for ACM FOMC 2011- The 7th ACM workshop on Foundations of Mobile Computing (at the ACM Federated Computing Research Conference 2011), June 9, San Jose, CA, USA.

TPC member for IEEE MediaWIN 2011 conference – Workshop on multiMedia Applications over Wireless Networks, Kerkyra (Corfu), Greece, June 28, 2011.

TPC member for IEEE GC'11 - WN (IEEE GLOBECOM 2011 - Wireless Networking Symposium), Houston, TX, USA, December 5 – 9, 2011.

TPC member for IEEE GC'11 – CQRM (IEEE GLOBECOM 2011 - Communications QoS, Reliability, and Modeling Symposium), Houston, TX, USA, December 5 – 9, 2011.

TPC member for IEEE HotMESH 2011 (The 3rd IEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in Mesh Networking), Lucca, Italy, June 20 – 24, 2011.

TPC member for ACM WiNTECH 2011 (The Sixth ACM International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental Evaluation and Characterization), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, September 19, 2011.

TPC member for e-Energy 2012—the 3rd International Conference on Energy-Efficient Computing and Networking, Madrid, Spain, May 9 – 11, 2012.

TPC member for IEEE WoWMoM 2012 (The 13th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks), San Francisco, California, USA, June 25 – 28, 2012.

TPC member for IEEE GreenCom'12 (2012 IEEE Online Conference on Green Communications). September 25 – 28, 2012.

TPC member for MSWiM 2012, the 15th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, Cyprus, October 2012.

TPC member for IET ICWCA’12 (IET International Conference on Wireless Communications and Applications), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 8 – 10, 2012.

TPC member for IoTech2012, International Workshop on Internet of Things Technology and Architectures, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, October 11, 2012.

TPC member for ICTC 2012, International Conference on ICT Convergence, Jeju Island, Korea, October 15 – 17, 2012.

TPC member for MACOM 2012, 5th International Workshop on Multiple Access Communications, Dublin, Ireland, November 19 – 20, 2012.

TPC member for IFIP Wireless Days conference 2012, Dublin, Ireland, November 21 – 23, 2012.

TPC member for IEEE GC’12 - WN (IEEE GLOBECOM 2012 - Globecom 2012 - Wireless Networking Symposium), Anaheim, California, USA, December 3 – 7, 2012.

TPC member for IEEE WoWMoM 2013, Madrid, Spain, May 2013.

TPC member for WiFlex 2013, Kaliningrad, Russia, 4 – 6 September 2013.

TPC member for IEEE PIMRC'13 - MAC and Cross-Layer Design Track, London, UK, 8 – 11 September 2013.

TPC member for the 8th ACM International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental Evaluation and Characterization (WiNTECH 2013), September 30, 2013, Miami, Florida, USA.

TPC member for IEEE online GreenComm’13, October 29 – 31, 2013.

TPC member for IEEE GLOBECOM 2013 - Cognitive Radio and Networks Symposium, December 9 – 13, 2013, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

TPC member for IEEE GLOBECOM 2013 – Wireless Networking Symposium, December 9 – 13, 2013, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

TPC member for MSWiM 2013, the 16th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, November 3 – 8, 2013, Barcelona, Spain.

TCP member for the 11th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access (MobiWAC 2013), November 3 – 8, 2013, Barcelona, Spain.

TCP member for IFIP Wireless Days (Wireless Models and Simulations track), November 13 – 15, 2013, Valencia, Spain.

TCP member for MACOM 2013, the 6th International Workshop on Multiple Access Communications, December 16 – 17, 2013, Vilnius, Lithuania.

TPC member for IEEE WoWMoM 2014, the 15th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, Sydney, Australia, June 16 – 19, 2014.

TPC member for the 7th International Workshop on Multiple Access Communications (MACOM-2014), Halmstad (Sweden) on August 27 – 28, 2014.

TPC member of EuCNC 2014, Bologna, Italy, June 23 – 26, 2014.

TPC member for the 12th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access (MobiWAC 2014), September 21 – 26, 2014, Montreal, Canada.

TPC member for MSWiM 2014, the 17th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, September 21 – 26, 2014, Montreal, Canada.

TPC member for IEEE online GreenCom’14, September 2014.

TPC member for IEEE WoWMoM 2015, June 14 – 17, 2015, Boston, MA, USA.

TPC member for IEEE ICC2015 - Workshop on Cloud-Processing in Heterogeneous Mobile Communication Networks, June 2015 in London, UK.

TPC member for “Workshop on D2D communications” at European Wireless 2015, 20 – 22 May 2015, Budapest, Hungary.

TPC member for the 27th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC-27), September 8 – 10, 2015, Ghent, Belgium.

TCP member for IEEE INFOCOM 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA, April 10 – 15, 2016.

TPC member for SMARTGREENS 2016, April 23 – 25, 2016, Rome, Italy.

TPC member for IEEE WoWMoM 2016, June 21 – 26, 2016, Coimbra, Portugal.

Organisational skills – Chairing conferences and workshops

Local Arrangements Co-Chair for e-Energy 2012—the 3rd International Conference on Energy-Efficient Computing and Networking, Madrid, Spain, May 9 – 11, 2012.

Local Arrangements Co-Chair for IEEE WoWMoM 2013, Madrid, Spain, May 2013.

Track-chair for VTC 2013 Spring (The IEEE 77th Vehicular Technology Conference), Dresden, Germany, May 2013.

Publicity Chair for ACM e-Energy 2013—the 4th International Conference on Energy-Efficient Computing and Networking, Berkeley, California, USA, May 2013.

Organizer of the “CROWD special section” at EW2014, Barcelona, Spain, May 2014.

Publicity chair for ACM e-Energy 2015, July 14 – 17, 2015, Bangalore, India.

Organisational skills – Editorial Boards

Editor for the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications - Series on Green Communications and Networking (JSAC SGCN).

Editor for the IEEE Wireless Communications Special Issue on Device-to-Device (D2D) Communications with Social Awareness (2105 – 2016).

Guest editor for Elsevier PHYCOM Special Issue on D2D Communications (2015).

Organisational skills – Peer review activity


- ACM Computer Communication Review

- ACM Transactions on Computer Systems

- ACM Wireless Networks

- IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking


- IEEE Network Magazine

- IEEE Transaction on Communications

- IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing

- IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

- IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

- IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

- IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed System

- IEEE Wireless Communications

- IEEE Communications Letters

- IEEE Communications Magazine

- IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine

- Elsevier Computer Networks Journal

- Elsevier Computer Communications

- Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems

- Elsevier Information Processing Letters

- Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing

- Elsevier PHYCOM

- Elsevier Telecommunication Systems

- EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking

- International Journal on Computational Science

- Journal of Communications and Networks

- Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies

- Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

- Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering


- 2002: Networking, IEEE Globecom, Net-con

- 2003: IEEE IWQoS

- 2004: IEEE Globecom, IEEE ICC

- 2005: IEEE WCNC, IEEE ICC, IEEE Globecom

- 2006: IEEE Globecom, IEEE WCNC, IEEE ICC, IEEE PWC, VTC2006-Spring, VTC2006-Fall

- 2007: IEEE WCNC, IEEE ICC, IEEE Globecom, IEEE WoWMoM, IEEE Infocom, ACM Mobicom, ACM Mobihoc, IEEE PWC, WiOpt, VTC2007-Spring

- 2008: IEEE ICC, IEEE Infocom, ACM Mobicom, IEEE PWC, IEEE PIMRC, VTC2008-Fall

- 2009: IEEE Infocom, ACM Mobicom, IEEE Globecom, IEEE WMNC, IEEE WCNC

- 2010: IEEE Globecom, ACM Mobihoc, Future Network & Mobile Summit, ICCCN, WiOpt, ISWPC, IFIP Performance


- 2012: ICT 2012, VTC2012-Spring, VTC2012-Fall, IEEE ICDCS 2012, IEEE WoWMoM, e-Energy 2012, IEEE SmartGridComm 2012 Symposium – Demand; MSWiM'12, ICNP 2012; IET ICWCA’12, IEEE Globecom (Workshops: WN and IWM2M), ICTC 2012, IoTech 2012, Wireless Days 2012

- 2013: IEEE Infocom, IEEE WoWMoM, ACM/IEEE MSWiM, ACM MobiWac, ACM WiNTECH, IEEE GreenCom, IEEE Globecom, IEEE PIMRC, IFIP Networking 2013, IFIP Wireless Days, IEEE VTC2013-Spring, IEEE VTC2013-Fall, WiFlex

- 2014: IEEE Infocom, IEEE Greencom online, IEEE WoWMoM, ACM Mobicom, ACM MSWiM, ACM Mobiwac, EuCNC, ICT, NetSciCom, MACOM, CCNC

- 2015: IEEE Infocom, IEEE WoWMoM, ACM Mobihoc, IFIP Networking, IFIP SustainIT, ITC27, IWCPM, CCNC.

Technical skills and expertise Operating Systems: Ms-Dos, Windows 95-98-NT4-2000-XP-Vista-7-8-10, Linux

(Slackware, Red Hat, Suse, openSuse, Debian, Ubuntu), MAC OS X, Android. Server configuration: ftp, http, dhcp, dns, sftp, mysql Wireless Networking: Network card configuration for Windows and Linux, Access

Point configuration, Mesh boxes configuration with IEEE 802.11 on Linux systems, DSL with wireless extensions, WDS, LocustWorld systems

Programming languages: Pascal, C, C++ Script programming: bash, awk, bc Software packages: Microsoft Office, FrontPage, Visio, Matlab, Mathematica, Maple, TeX, Kdevelop Simulation packages: OPNET, Network Simulator Network Tools: Ethereal (Wireshark), Kismet Network Traffic Generators: netperf, iperf, rude, crude


Research activity topics (present)

D2D and opportunistic communications

Context-aware networking

SDN/SDR-based networks

Wireless architecture design

Energy efficiency in data centers

Research activity topics (past) Green Base Stations

Wireless Mesh Networks

Streaming of Delayed Real Time applications in VANs

Characterization and control of IP data traffic

VoIP and QoS-aware networking


- Prof. Giuseppe Bianchi, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Rome, Italy;

- Prof. Edward W. Knightly, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA.


Reading (especially Sci-Fi), Soccer, Cross-country Running, Comparing languages, Travelling.

PUBLICATIONS International journals (with peer review process)

With IMDEA affiliation:

[J.1] J. Arjona, A. Chatzipapas, A. Fernandez Anta, and V. Mancuso, “A Measurement-based Characterization of the Energy Consumption in Data Center Servers”, to appear in IEEE JSAC - Series on Green Communications and Networking (accepted in September 2015). DOI: 10.1109/JSAC.2015.2481198

[J.2] A. Chatzipapas, and V. Mancuso, “An M/G/1 Model for Gigabit Energy Efficient Ethernet Links with Coalescing and Real-Trace-Based Evaluation”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, to appear (accepted in August 2015). DOI: 10.1109/TNET.2015.2477090

[J.3] P. Serrano, P. Salvador, V. Mancuso, and Y. Grunenberger, “Experimenting with Commodity 802.11 Hardware: Overview and Future Directions”, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 2015. DOI: 10.1109/COMST.2015.2417493

[J.4] A. Asadi, V. Sciancalepore, and V. Mancuso, “On the efficient utilization of radio resources in extremely dense wireless networks,” IEEE Communications

Magazine, vol.53, no.1, pp.126-132, January 2015.

[J.5] A. Asadi, Q. Wang, and V. Mancuso, “A Survey on Device-to-Device Communication in Cellular Networks”, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, Vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 1801-1819, Fourth Quarter 2014 (DOI: 10.1109/COMST.2014.2319555).

[J.6] A. Asadi, P. Jacko, and V. Mancuso, “Modeling D2D Communications with LTE and WiFi”, ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, Vol. 42, n.2, September 2014.

[J.7] S. Ali, G. Rizzo, V. Mancuso, V. Cozzolino, M. Ajmone Marsan, “Experimenting with Floating Content in an Office Setting”, IEEE Communications Magazine, special issue on Context-Aware Networking and Communications, June 2014.

[J.8] A. Asadi and V. Mancuso, “DRONEE: Dual-Radio Opportunistic Networking for Energy Efficiency”, Elsevier Computer Communications Journal, Green-Net Special Issue, Vol. 50, September 2014 (online: February 2014).

[J.9] P. Salvador, V. Mancuso, P. Serrano, F. Gringoli, and A. Banchs, “VoIPiggy: Analysis and Implementation of a Mechanism to Boost Capacity in IEEE 802.11 WLANs Carrying VoIP traffic”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, July 2014.

[J.10] A. Asadi, V. Mancuso, “A Survey on Opportunistic Scheduling in Wireless Communications”, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 1671-1688, Fourth Quarter 2013 (DOI: 10.1109/SURV.2013.011413.00082).

[J.11] P. Serrano, P. Patras, A. Mannocci, V. Mancuso, A. Banchs, “Control theoretic optimization of 802.11 WLANs: Implementation and experimental evaluation”, Computer Networks, Volume 57, Issue 1, 16 January 2013, Pages 258-272, ISSN 1389-1286, 10.1016/j.comnet.2012.09.010, (

[J.12] V. Mancuso, A. Chatzipapas, "On IEEE 802.3az Energy Efficiency in Web Hosting Centers", IEEE Communications Letters, September 2012 (DOI: 10.1109/LCOMM.2012.091212.121262).

[J.13] S. Alouf, V. Mancuso, and N. Choungmo Fofack, “Analysis of power saving and its impact on web traffic in cellular networks with continuous connectivity”, Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal (Elsevier), Volume 8, Issue 5, October 2012, Pages 646–661.

[J.14] P. Serrano, A. de la Oliva, P. Patras, V. Mancuso, A. Banchs, “Greening Wireless Communications: Status and Future Directions”, Computer Communications (Elsevier), Special issue: Wireless Green Communications and Networking, Volume 35, Issue 14, 1 August 2012, Pages 1651–1661.

[J.15] V. Mancuso and S. Alouf, "Analysis of power saving with continuous connectivity", International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking (Computer Networks), Special Issue on Green Communication Networks, Volume 56, Issue 10, 5 July 2012, Pages 2481–2493.

[J.16] V. Mancuso and S. Alouf, “Reducing costs and pollution in cellular networks”, IEEE Communications Magazine, special issue on Energy Efficiency in Communications: Part III, August 2011.

[J.17] M. Ajmone Marsan, A. Fernandez Anta, V. Mancuso, B. Rengarajan, P. Reviriego Vasallo, G. Rizzo, "A Simple Analytical Model for Energy Efficient Ethernet," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 15, no. 7, pp.: 773-775, July 2011.

Before joining IMDEA:

[J.18] O. Gurewitz, V. Mancuso, J. Shi, and E.W. Knightly, "Measurement and Modeling of the Origins of Starvation of Congestion Controlled Flows in Wireless Mesh Networks", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 17, issue 6, pp.: 1832-1845, December 2009 (appeared online on July 2009).

[J.19] F.L.C. Ong, X. Liang, P.M.L. Chan, G. Koltsidas, F.N. Pavlidou, N.

Celandroni, E. Ferro, A. Gotta, H. Cruickshank, S. Iyengar, G. Fairhurst, V. Mancuso, “Fusion of Digital Television, Broadband Internet and Mobile Communications - Part I of II: Enabling Technologies”, IJSCN (International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking), vol. 25, pp. 363-407, June 2007.

[J.20] X. Liang, F.L.C. Ong, P.M.L. Chan, R.E. Sheriff, V. Mancuso, G. Koltsidas, F.N. Pavlidou, N. Celandroni, E. Ferro, A. Gotta, H. Cruickshank, S. Iyengar, G. Fairhurst , “Fusion of Digital Television, Broadband Internet and Mobile Communications - Part II of II: Future Service Scenarios”, IJSCN (International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking), vol. 25, pp. 409-440, June 2007.

[J.21] V. Mancuso, G. Bianchi, “Streaming for vehicular users via elastic proxy buffer management”, IEEE Communications Magazine, Volume: 42, Issue: 11, pp. 144-152, November 2004.

Book chapters Before joining IMDEA:

[B.1] “QoS requirements for multimedia services”, chapter 3 of “Resource Management in Satellite Networks Optimization and Cross-Layer Design”, Giambene G. (Ed.), Springer Science, New York NY, may 2007.

[B.2] “Resource Management and Network Layer”, chapter 8 of “Resource Management in Satellite Networks Optimization and Cross-Layer Design”, Giambene G. (Ed.), Springer Science, New York NY, may 2007.

International conferences (with peer review process)

With IMDEA affiliation:

[C.1] C. Vitale, V. Sciancalepore, A. Asadi, and V. Mancuso, “Two-level Opportunistic Spectrum Management for Green 5G Radio Access Networks”, in proceedings of 2015 IEEE Online Conference on Green Communications, November 2015.

[C.2] O. Alay, A. Lutu, D. Ros, R. Garcia, V. Mancuso, M. Ajmone Marsan, and A. Brunström, “MONROE: Measuring Mobile Broadband Networks in Europe”, in proceedings of IRTF & ISOC Workshop on Research and Applications of Internet Measurements (RAIM) in Cooperation with ACM SIGCOMM, Yokohama, Japan, October, 2015.

[C.3] C. Vitale, G. Rizzo, B. Rengarajan, V. Mancuso, “An Analytical Approach to Performance Analysis of Coupled Processor Systems”, in proceedings of ITC27, Ghent, Belgium, September 2015.

[C.4] A. Chatzipapas, D. Pediaditakis, C. Rotsos, V. Mancuso, J. Crowcroft, and A. Moore, “Challenge: Resolving data center power bill disputes: the energy-performance trade-offs of consolidation”, in proceedings of ACM e-Energy 2015, Bangalore, India, July 2015.

[C.5] A. Chatzipapas and V. Mancuso, “Improving the Energy Benefit for 802.3az using Dynamic Coalescing Techniques”, in Proceedings of ICDCS 2015 (short paper), Columbus, Ohio, USA, June 2015.

[C.6] S. Auroux, M. Draexler, A. Morelli, and V. Mancuso, “Dynamic Network Reconfiguration in Wireless DenseNets with the CROWD SDN Architecture”, in Proceedings of EuCNC 2015, Paris, France, June 2015.

[C.7] A. Asadi, V. Mancuso, and P. Jacko, “Floating Band D2D: Exploring and Exploiting the Potentials of Adaptive D2D-enabled Networks”, in Proceedings of IEEE WoWMoM 2015, Boston, MA, USA, June 2015.

[C.8] V. Sciancalepore, I. Filippini, V. Mancuso, A. Capone, and A. Banchs, “A semi-distributed mechanism for Inter-cell Interference Coordination exploiting the ABSF paradigm”, in Proceedings of IEEE SECON 2015, Seattle, WA, USA, June 2015.

[C.9] C. Vitale, G. Rizzo, V. Mancuso, “A Coupled Processors Model for 802.11 Ad Hoc Networks Under Non Saturation”, in Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2015, London, UK, June 2015.

[C.10] M. I. Sanchez, A. Asadi, M. Draexler, R. Gupta, V. Mancuso, A. Morelli, A. de

la Oliva and V. Sciancalepore, “Tackling the increased density of 5G networks; the CROWD approach”, in Proceedings of VTC2015-Spring (5GArch 2015 Workshop), Glasgow, Scotland, UK, May 2015.

[C.11] S. Ali, G. Rizzo, V. Mancuso, M. Ajmone Marsan, “Persistence and Availability of Floating Content in a Campus Environment”, in Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2015, Hong Kong, PRC, April-May 2015.

[C.12] R. Gupta, R. Ford, B. Bachmann, N. Kundargi, A. Ekbal, K. Rathi, V. Mancuso, A. Morelli, S. Rangan, A. Kruppe, A. Asadi, “LabVIEW based Software-Defined Physical/MAC layer architecture for prototyping dense LTE Networks”, in Proceedings of WInnComm 2015, March 2015.

[C.13] C. Vitale, V. Mancuso, and G. Rizzo, “Modelling D2D Communications in Cellular Access Networks via Coupled Processors”, in Proceedings of COMSNETS 2015, Bangalore, India, January 2015 (Awarded with Honourable Mention).

[C.14] R. Gupta, B. Bachman, R. Ford, S. Rangan, A. Morelli, V. Mancuso, N. Kundargi, and A. Ekbal, “DEMO: LabVIEW based framework for prototyping dense LTE networks”, in Proceedings of ACM WiNTECH 2014 (Demo/Poster Session, with associated paper), Maui, Hawaii, USA, September 7, 2014.

[C.15] A. Asadi, P. Jacko, and V. Mancuso, “Modeling Multi-Mode D2D Communications in LTE”, ACM SIGMETRICS MAMA Workshop, Austin, TX, USA, June 2014.

[C.16] R. Gupta, T. Vogel, N. Kundargi, A. Ekbal, A. Morelli, V. Mancuso, V. Sciancalepore, R. Ford, and S. Rangan, “LabVIEW based Platform for prototyping dense LTE Networks in CROWD Project”, in Proceedings of EuCNC 2014, Bologna, Italy, June 2014.

[C.17] J. Arjona, A. Chatzipapas, A. Fernandez Anta, V. Mancuso, “A Measurement-based Analysis of the Energy Consumption of Data Center Servers”, in Proceedings of ACM e-Energy 2014, Cambridge, UK, June 2014.

[C.18] V. Sciancalepore, V.Mancuso, A. Banchs, S. Zaks, and A. Capone, “Interference Coordination Strategies for Content Update Dissemination in LTE-A”, in Proceedings of INFOCOM 2014, Toronto, Canada, April-May 2014.

[C.19] H. Ali-Ahmad, C. Cicconetti, A. de la Oliva, V. Mancuso, M. R. Sama, P. Seite, and S. Shanmugalingam, “An SDN-based Network Architecture for Extremely Dense Wireless Networks”, in Proceedings of 2013 Software Defined Networks for Future Networks and Services (SDN4FNS'13), Trento, Italy, November 2013.

[C.20] S. Ali, G. Rizzo, M. Ajmone Marsan, V. Mancuso, “Impact of Mobility on the Performance of Context-Aware Applications Using Floating Content”, in Proceedings of ICCASA 2013, Phu Quoc, Vietnam, November 25 – 26, 2013.

[C.21] A. Asadi and V. Mancuso, “WiFi Direct and LTE D2D in Action”, in proceedings of Wireless Days’13, Valencia, Spain, 13 – 15 November 2013 (Best paper award runner-up).

[C.22] A. Asadi, and V. Mancuso, “On the Compound Impact of Opportunistic Scheduling and D2D Communications in Cellular Networks”, in proceedings of ACM/IEEE MSWiM'13, Barcelona, Spain, November 3 – 8, 2013.

[C.23] H. Ali-Ahmad, C. Cicconetti, A. de la Oliva, M. Draexler, R. Gupta, V. Mancuso, L. Roullet, and V. Sciancalepore, “CROWD: An SDN Approach for DenseNets”, in proceedings of EWSDN’13, Berlin, Germany, October 10, 2013.

[C.24] H. Ali-Ahmad, C. Cicconetti, M. Draexler, R. Gupta, V. Mancuso, A. Morelli, L. Roullet, M. I. Sanchez, V. Sciancalepore, “The Playground of Wireless Dense Networks of the Future”, in proceedings of FUNEMS 2013 (short paper with poster), Lisbon, Portugal, July 3 – 5, 2013.

[C.25] V. Sciancalepore, V. Mancuso, and A. Banchs, “BASICS: Scheduling Base Stations to Mitigate Interferences in Cellular Networks”, in the proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2013), Madrid, Spain, June 4 – 7, 2013.

[C.26] A. Chatzipapas, and V. Mancuso, “Modelling and real-trace-based Evaluation of Static and Dynamic Coalescing for Energy Efficient Ethernet”, in proceedings of ACM e-Energy 2013, Berkeley, CA, USA, May 2013.

[C.27] A. Asadi, and V. Mancuso, “Energy Efficient Opportunistic Uplink Packet Forwarding in Hybrid Wireless Networks”, in proceedings of ACM e-Energy 2013, Berkeley, CA, USA, May 2013 (Extended abstract/Poster).

[C.28] A. de la Oliva, A. Morelli, V. Mancuso, M. Dräxler, T. Hentschel, T. Melia, P. Seite, C. Cicconetti, “Denser networks for the Future Internet, the CROWD approach”, in proceedings of MONAMI OConS Workshop: Workshop on Open Connectivity Services for the Future Internet, September 2012.

[C.29] V. Mancuso, E. Biton, A. Maeder, P. Rost, N. Andrusier, Y. Weizman, and O. Gurewitz, "On designing next generation MAC for cellular networks using the FLAVIA paradigm ", in proceedings of the 21st Future Network & Mobile Summit (FuNeMS 2012), Berlin, Germany, July 2012.

[C.30] P. Salvador, F. Gringoli, V. Mancuso, P. Serrano, A. Mannocci, A.Banchs, “VoIPiggy: Implementation and evaluation of a mechanism to boost voice capacity in 802.11 WLANs”, in proceedings of INFOCOM 2012, Orlando, FL, USA, March 2012.

[C.31] A. Chatzipapas, S. Alouf, V. Mancuso, “On the Minimization of Power Consumption in Base Stations using on/off Power Amplifiers”, in proceedings of the first IEEE Online Conference on Green Communications (IEEE Greencom 2011), September 26-29, 2011.

[C.32] V. Mancuso, S. Alouf, “Power save analysis of cellular networks with continuous connectivity”, in proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2011), June 20-23, 2011, Lucca, Italy.

[C.33] A. Maeder, V. Mancuso, Y. Weizman, E. Biton, P. Rost, X. Perez-Costa, O. Gurewitz, “FLAVIA: Towards a Generic MAC for 4G Mobile Cellular Networks”, in proceedings of Future Network & Mobile Summit 2011, June 15-17, Warsaw, Poland.

[C.34] F. Campoccia, V. Mancuso, “A fast heuristic for solving the D1EC coloring problem”, in proceedings of WiNA-2010, December 11-13, 2010, Hong Kong SAR, China.

[C.35] F. Campoccia, V. Mancuso, “A heuristic for fast convergence in interference-free channel assignment using D1EC coloring” Computer and Information Sciences Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Volume 62, 2010, pp 183-186, in proceedings of IEEE ISCIS 2010, September 22-24, 2010, London, UK.

Before joining IMDEA:

[C.36] V. Mancuso, O. Gurewitz, A. Khattab and E.W. Knightly, “Elastic rate limiting for spatially biased wireless mesh networks”, in proceedings of INFOCOM 2010, San Diego, CA, USA, March 2010.

[C.37] J. Shi, O. Gurewitz, V. Mancuso, J. Camp and E.W. Knightly, “Measurement and Modeling of the Origins of Starvation in Congestion Controlled Mesh Networks”, in proceedings of INFOCOM 2008, Phoenix, AZ, USA, April 2008.

[C.38] J. Camp, V. Mancuso, O. Gurewitz and E.W. Knightly, “A Measurement Study of Multiplicative Overhead Effects in Wireless Networks”, in proceedings of INFOCOM 2008, Phoenix, AZ, USA, April 2008.

[C.39] V. Mancuso, L. Monica, “CVS: using VLANs to counteract the effect of topology changes in quasi-static mesh access networks”, in proceedings of IEEE CIT2006, Seoul, Korea, September 2006.

[C.40] V. Mancuso, A. Pantò, “A Framework for Delayed Real-Time Services over GEO Satellite Distribution Networks”, in proceedings of IEEE ASMS’06, Munich, Germany, June 2006.

[C.41] V. Mancuso, G. Bianchi, N. Blefari Melazzi, U. Birnbacher, “Switched

Ethernet Networking over LEO Satellite”, in proceedings of IEEE IWSSC’05, Siena, Italy, September 2005.

[C.42] V. Mancuso, G. Bianchi, N. Blefari Melazzi “Streaming Support for Vehicular Networks Using Elastic Proxy Buffers”, in proceedings of IST Mobile Summit 2004, Lyon, France, June 2004.

[C.43] V. Mancuso, M. Gambardella, G. Bianchi, “Improved Support for Streaming Services in Vehicular Networks”, in proceedings of IEEE ICC’04 conference, Paris, France, June 2004.

[C.44] V. Mancuso, G. Bianchi, “An efficient bandwidth sharing scheme for fast multimedia download using proxy servers”, in proceedings of CCCT’03 conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, July 2003.

[C.45] V. Mancuso, G. Neglia and G. Bianchi, “Performance Improvements on Self-Similar Traffic Using Measurement-Based Admission Control”, in proceedings of ICS2002, Hualien, Taiwan, December 2002.

[C.46] G. Bianchi, V. Mancuso and G. Neglia, “On the Self-Similarity of Measurement-Based Admission Controlled Traffic”, in proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2002, Taipei, Taiwan, November 2002.

[C.47] G. Neglia, V. Mancuso, F. Saitta, I. Tinnirello, “A Simulation Study of TCP Performance over Satellite Channels”, proceedings of IAC - The World Space Congress, Houston, Texas, USA, November 2002.

[C.48] G. Bianchi, V. Mancuso, P. Di Francesco, “An API for advanced traffic control in DiffServ routers”, proceeding of Net-Con’2002, Paris, France, October 2002.

[C.49] G. Bianchi, V. Mancuso and G. Neglia, “Is Admission-Controlled Traffic Self-Similar?”, LCNS 2345 – “Networking 2002”, Proc. of IFIP Networking 2002 Conference, Pisa, Italy, May 2002.

[C.50] G. Bianchi, N. Blefari-Melazzi, V. Mancuso, “Endpoint Admission Control over Assured Forwarding PHBs and its performance over RED implementations”, LCNS 2170 – “Evolutionary trends of the internet”, Proc. of IWDC 2001 Conference, Taormina, Italy, September 2001.

White Papers With IMDEA affiliation

[W.1] R. Gupta, B. Bachmann, T. Vogel, N. Kundargi, A. Ekbal, K. Rathi, A. Morelli, V. Mancuso, V. Sciancalepore, R. Ford, and S. Rangan, “LabVIEW Based Platform for Prototyping Dense LTE Networks in CROWD Project”, July 2014.

[W.2] C. Cicconetti (Editor), Radio Access and Spectrum, FP7 - Future Networks Cluster, “5G radio network architecture”, February 2014.

Demos/posters (no peer-reviewed paper associated)

With IMDEA affiliation:

[D.1] A. Asadi, V. Mancuso, and R. Gupta, “A LabView-based platform for Outband D2D communications”, EUCNC 2015, Paris, France, June 2015.

[D.2] R. Gupta, A. Ekbal, A. Nahler, V. Mancuso, A. De La Oliva, A. Morelli, R. Ford, and S. Rangan, “LabVIEW based Platform for prototyping dense LTE Networks”, in Proceedings of GLOBECOM 2014 (Demo session of the Industry Program), Austin, TX, USA, December 10, 2014.

[D.3] A. Morelli, R. Gupta, M. Draexler, H. Karl, V. Mancuso, A. De La Oliva, E. Bizouarn, E. Zeydan, “The CROWD Framework for tackling Challenges of Dense Small Cell Deployments using Software Defined Networking (SDN)”, in Proceedings of GLOBECOM 2014 (presented as poster in the interactive session of the Industry Program), Austin, TX, USA, December 9, 2014.

[D.4] V. Mancuso, C. Vitale, R. Gupta, K. Rathi, and A. Morelli, “A prototyping methodology for SDN-controlled LTE using SDR”, Demo at ETSI workshop on Reconfigurable Radio Systems, Sophia Antipolis, France, December 3 – 4, 2014.

[D.5] A. Morelli et al., “LabVIEW based Platform for prototyping dense LTE Networks in CROWD Project”, EuCNC 2014, Bologna, Italy, June 2014.

PhD thesis [T.1] V. Mancuso, “Network Edge Support for QoS-aware applications”, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Palermo – “Dottorato in Ingegneria Elettronica, Informatica e delle Telecomunicazioni, XVI ciclo” – February 2005.

Internet drafts Before joining IMDEA:

[I.1] V. Mancuso, G. Teresi, L. Alcuri, F. Saitta, “QoS-aware SIP User Agent operation in QoS-supporting networks”, submitted as IETF draft, draft-mancuso-qos_sua-00.txt, September 2006, category: informational, expires March 2007.

[I.2] V. Mancuso, G. Bianchi, N. Blefari Melazzi, “Implicit Signaling over Stateless Networks”, submitted as IETF draft, draft-mancuso-nsis-impl-sign-00.txt, June 2004, category: informational, expires January 2005.

Technical reports With IMDEA affiliation:

[R.1] A. Asadi, P. Jacko, and V. Mancuso, “Cooperative Device-to-Device Communications Achieve Maximum Throughput and Maximum Fairness in Cellular Networks”, IMDEA Networks Institute Technical Report TR-IMDEA-Networks-2014-1, June 2014.

[R.2] A.Asadi, P. Jacko, and V. Mancuso, “Modeling Multi-Mode D2D Communications in LTE”, IMDEA Networks Institute Technical Report, May 2014.

[R.3] J. Arjona, A. Chatzipapas, A. Fernandez Anta, V. Mancuso, “A Measurement-based Analysis of the Energy Consumption of Data Center Servers”, February 2014 (

[R.4] A. Arash, Q. Wang, and V. Mancuso, “A Survey on Device-to-Device Communication in Cellular Networks”, October 2013 (

[R.5] P. Serrano, P. Patras, A. Mannocci, V. Mancuso, and A. Banchs, “Control Theoretic Optimization of 802.11 WLANs: Implementation and Experimental Evaluation”, March 2012 (arXiv:1203.2970).

Before joining IMDEA:

[R.6] J. Shi, O. Gurewitz, V. Mancuso, J. Camp, and E.W. Knightly, Starvation in operational urban mesh networks: Compounding effects of congestion control and medium access, in Rice University Technical Report TREE0709,, June 2007.

[R.7] L. Alcuri, F. Saitta, V. Mancuso, G. Teresi, P. Cassarà, "The Developing of a SIP User Agent", University of Palermo, Technical Report n.244, November 2006.

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