CURRICULUM VITAE Dimitar Ouzounov - Chapman University · CURRICULUM VITAE Dimitar Ouzounov Education: Doctor’s degree in Geophysics, The Schmidt Institute of ... for cross-disciplinary

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Dimitar Ouzounov Updated: Oct 30, 2016 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________    


CURRICULUM VITAE Dimitar Ouzounov Education: Doctor’s degree in Geophysics, The Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Moscow, Russia, (1990) Present Position: Associate Professor, Chapman University, Orange, CA Previous Positions: Sensor Scientist at NASA GSFC/SSAI, MD Research Professor at George Mason University, VA

IN BRIEF Dr. Ouzounov, a research scientist with more than 25 years of experience, is well recognized for cross-disciplinary and innovative problem solving in Geophysics, Geospace observations, and Hazards. Dimitar currently works as Associate Professor in Geophysics at the Center of Excellence in Earth Systems Modeling & Observations (CEESMO), Chapman University, and Orange, CA. As a member of NASA Goddard Geodynamics team he developed original methodology for detecting thermal transient radiation in atmosphere to study the Earth major geodynamics processes from space. In the geophysics, he is recognized for applying an inter-disciplinary sensor-web methodology for time-dependent assessment of earthquake hazards. In the field of Earth Science research he contributed in the development of new paradigm for end-to end approach in Disaster Management Applications. In 2004 Dimitar became a Guest-investigator for the CNES/DEMETER satellite mission to study EM signal in relation to earthquake and volcanoes. Same year he joined an international team of scientists studying the processes of earth’s lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere coupling to bring a new understanding of the geodynamics- atmosphere interactions. At the International Space Science Institute, Bern-Beijing he is co-lead of team of recognized scientists, studying the earth geospheres coupling associated with lithosphere processes, earthquake phenomena and other major natural hazards. At the Chapman University Dimitar works with graduate students in the fields of geodynamics, earth radioactivity and geospace observations. Dimitar taught graduate classes on Natural Hazards and Space Technologies at the Chapman University (2008-13) and at NASA DEVELOP (2007-12). As guest lecturer for the International Space University (France) and Chiba University (Japan) he thought courses on Natural Disaster and is accredited guest professor at the Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona. Dr. Ouzounov has published over 150 publications and is working on 3 science books on the physics of pre-earthquake processes in collaboration with other scientists. Dimitar has won NASA and international grants. He has served on and chaired multiple science panels, international committees, and science-working groups. As an invited speaker he attended UN, UNISDR, Kansai Forum (Japan), International school of Physics (Italy) and NASA conferences. He is a member of AGU, JpGU, EGU, SSA, ESC, IASPEI, IUGG and coordinates various international initiatives on utilizing space-borne observations for earthquake hazard mitigation.

Main Scientific Interests Earth systems science, Earthquake science, Natural disasters, Earth lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere coupling, Geodynamics and Climate

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Books & Book Chapters

1. Ouzounov D, S.Pulinets, K.Hattori, P.Taylor (Editors), Pre-Earthquake Processes: A Multi-disciplinary Approach to Earthquake Prediction Studies, AGU/Wiley 35x pp (in review, 2017)

2. Pulinets S.A., Ouzounov D.P., Davidenko D.V. Earthquake Prediction is Possible!? Integral technologies of multiparameter monitoring the geoeffective phenomena within the framework of integrated lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere coupling model, Moscow, Trovant Publ., 2014, 144 p (in Russian)

3. Ouzounov, D; Pulinets, SA; Davidenko, DA; Kafatos, M; Taylor, PG; 2013, Space-borne observations of atmospheric pre-earthquake signals in seismically active areas. Case study for Greece 2008-2009,Thales, Special book in honor of Prof. Emeritus Michael E. Contadakis, Ed. D. Arabelos, C. Kaltsikis, S. Spatalas, IN Tziavos, ZITI publishing, Greece, 259-265 , ISBN: 978-960-89704-1-0

4. Ouzounov D, Pulinets S Hattori K, Kafatos M, Taylor P: Atmospheric Signals Associated with Major Earthquakes. A Multi-Sensor Approach.. Electromagnetic Phenomena Associated with Earthquakes, Edited by Hayakawa, Masashi, 01/2011; Transworld Research Network.

5. Pulinets S., D. Ouzounov: Satellite Technologies have no alternative. On the problem of the natural and technogenic disasters monitoring. FIAG Proceedings, issue 89, 01/2010: pages 173-185; Fiodorov Institute of Applied Geopysics. (in Russian)

6. Ouzounov D., S. Habib and S. Ambrose A (2008) Multisensor approach analyzing atmospheric signals for possible earthquake precursors. Application of Remote Sensing for Risk Management, In the book “Risk Wise”, International Disaster and Risk Conference (IDRC) Davos, Switzerland, Tudor Rose, 162-165

7. Ouzounov D, S Habib, F Policelli, P Taylor: Learning new methodologies to deal with large disasters: Near space monitoring of thermal signals associated with large earthquakes. Elements of Life, 01/2007: pages 90-92; World Meteorological Organization.

8. Gonzales L., Ouzounov D.,D. Nickless and G. Leptoukh (2006) HDFLook - multifunctional HDF-EOS tool for MODIS and AIRS data processing at GES DISC DAAC. In the book “Earth Science Satellite Remote Sensing: Data, Computational Processing, and Tools”, Vol 2, Springer-Verlag, 190-201

9. Alexandrov S., Ouzounov D (1991) Adaptive methods for noise tomography, In the book “Physical properties of the geophysical method. Nontraditional geophysics,” Academy of Sciences, Russia, Moscow, 151-165 (in Russian)

Journal Publications

9. Parrot M. , V. Tramutoli , Tiger J.Y. Liu , S. Pulinets, D. Ouzounov, N. Genzano, M. Lisi , K. Hattori , A. Namgaladze (2016) Atmospheric and ionospheric coupling phenomena related to large earthquakes , NHESS-2016-172(in review)

10. Cui Y., D. Ouzounov, N. Hatzopoulos , J. Du (2016) Satellite observation of CH4 and CO and their abnormal variability associated with Wenchuan MS 8.0 and Lushan MS 7.0 earthquakes, in China, Chemistry and Geology, (in review)

11. Ouzounov, D., S. Pulinets, and D. Davidenko 2015, Revealing pre- earthquake signatures in atmosphere and ionosphere associated with 2015 M7.8 and M7.3 events in Nepal. Preliminary results, arXiv:1508.01805

12. Pulinets, S. A., D. P. Ouzounov, A. V. Karelin, and D. V. Davidenko 2015, Physical bases of the generation of short-term earthquake precursors: A complex model of ionization-induced geophysical processes in the lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere system, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 55, 521-38

13. Fu, CC; Wang, PK; Lee, LC; Lin, CH; Chang, WY; G. Giuliani, D. Ouzounov, 2015, Temporal variation of gamma rays as a possible precursor of earthquake in the Longitudinal Valley of eastern Taiwan, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 2015, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2015.04.035

14. Ouzounov, D., S. Pulinets, A. Romanov, A. Romanov, K. Tsybulya, D. Davidenko, M. Kafatos, and P. Taylor 2011, Atmosphere-ionosphere response to the M9 Tohoku earthquake revealed by multi-instrument space-borne and ground observations: Preliminary results, Earthquake Science 24, 557-564

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15. Pulinets, S. and D. Ouzounov 2011, Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling (LAIC) model - An unified concept for earthquake precursors validation, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 41, 371-382,

16. Ouzounov, D., K. Hattori, and J. Y. Liu 2011, Validation of Earthquake Precursors- VESTO, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 41, 369-70

17. Ouzounov, D., S. Pulinets, K. Hattori, M. Kafatos, and P. Taylor 2011, Atmospheric Response to Fukushima Daiichi NPP (Japan) Accident Reviled by Satellite and Ground observations, arXiv:1107.0930

18. Ouzounov D. S.Pulinets, K.Hattori, M, Kafatos, P.Taylor (2011) “Atmospheric Signals Associated with Major Earthquakes. A Multi-Sensor Approach, in the book “Frontier of Earthquake short-term prediction study”, M Hayakawa, (Ed), Japan, 510-531

19. Dimitar Ouzounov, Sergey Pulinets, Alexey Romanov, Alexander Romanov, Konstantin Tsybulya, Dimitri Davidenko, Menas Kafatos, Patrick Taylor, 2011, Atmosphere-Ionosphere Response to the M9 Tohoku Earthquake Revealed by Joined Satellite and Ground Observations. Preliminary results. arXiv:1105.2841

20. Laverov N., Pulinets S., Ouzounov D (2011) Use of thermal ionization effect for remote diagnostics of radioactive contamination of the environment. Doklady Earth Sciences, Vol. 441, Part 1, 1560–1563 (in Russian)

21. Боярчук К. А., Туманов М. В., Панфилова Е. И., Милосердова Л. В., Карелин А. В., Пулинец С. А., Ouzounov D,. , 2013, Дистанционный мониторинг обстановки окружающей среды вокруг атомных электростанций с космических аппаратов , (Remote monitoring of the situation of the environment around nuclear power plants with spacecraft) Геоматика, 2013, № 1 (in Russian)

22. Боярчук К. А., Тертышников А. В., Пулинец С. А Ouzounov D.П., Карелин А.В, 2013, Единая концепция обнаружения признаков подготовки сильного землетрясения в комплексной системе Литосфера-Атмосфера-Ионосфера-Магнитосфера (Signs of preparation of strong earthquake in the complex system of Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere) Гелиогеофизические исследования, 2013, 4 (in Russian)

23. Давиденко Д.В., Пулинец С.А., Ouzounov D. , 2012, Обнаружение Аномальных Возмущений В Атмосфере И Ионосфере Перед Култукским Землетрясением 27 Августа 2008 (Detection of abnormal perturbations in the atmosphere and ionosphere before Kultuk Earthquake August 27, 2008) Года Труды Главной геофизической обсерватории им. А.И. Воейкова, 2012, № 567 (in Russian)

24. Пулинец С. А Ouzounov D.П., Карелин А.В Боярчук К. А., Тертышников А. В, И.А. Юдин, 2012, Единая концепция обнаружения признаков подготовки сильного землетрясения в комплексной системе Литосфера-Атмосфера-Ионосфера-Магнитосфера( Unified concept for strong earthquake preparation in a complex system lithosphere – atmosphere-ionosphere), Космонавтика & ракетостроение, № 68 (in Russian)

25. Лаверов Н.П., Пулинец С.А., Ouzounov D, 2011, Использование Теплового Эффекта Ионизации Атмосферы Для Дистанционной Диагностики Радиоактивного Заражения Окружающей Среды (Using a thermal effect ionization of the atmosphere for remote diagnostics Radioactive contamination of the environment) DOKLADY AKADEMII NAUK, 2011, № 2 (in Russian)

26. Pulinets S. and D.Ouzounov (2011) Satellite technology has no alternative. On the problem of monitoring natural and man-made disasters. Proceedings of the Institute of Aplied Geophysics, 89, 102-118 (in Russian)

27. Pulinets, S. A., A. A. Romanov, Y. M. Urlichich, A. A. Romanov,L. N. Doda, and D. Ouzounov 2009, The first results of the pilot project on complex diagnosing earthquake precursors on Sakhalin, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 49, 115-123,

28. Bondur V., S. A. Pulinets, D. Ouzounov, 2008, Effects of the Large-Scale Atmosphere Vortical Processes on the Ionosphere (Katrina Example), Earth Studies from Space, No.6, p. 3-11

29. Hua, X.-M., J. Pan, D. Ouzounov, A. Lyapustin, Y. Wang, K. Tewari, G. Leptoukh, and B. Vollmer 2007, A Spatial Prescreening Technique for Earth Observation Data, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 4, 152-156,

30. Freund, F. T., A. Takeuchi, B. W. S. Lau, A. Al-Manaseer, C. C. Fu, N. A. Bryant, and D. Ouzounov 2007, Stimulated infrared emission from rocks: assessing a stress indicator, eEarth 2, 7-16,

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31. Ouzounov, D., D. Liu, K. Chunli, G. Cervone, M. Kafatos, and P. Taylor, 2007, Outgoing long wave radiation variability from IR satellite data prior to major earthquakes, Tectonophysics 431, 211-220,

32. Hua X., J.Pan, D.Ouzounov, G.Leptoukh, A.Lyapuystin ,Y,Wang, B.Volmer , 2007.A Spatial Pre-Screening Technique for Earth Observation Data, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 4, No1, January, pp.152-156

33. Parrot, M. and D. Ouzounov 2006, Surveying the Earth’s Electromagnetic Environment From Space, EOS Transactions 87, 595-595,

34. Ouzounov, D., N. Bryant, T. Logan, S. Pulinets, and P. Taylor 2006, Satellite thermal IR phenomena associated with some of the major earthquakes in 1999 2003, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 31, 154-163,

35. Pulinets, S. A., D. Ouzounov, A. V. Karelin, K. A. Boyarchuk, and L. A. Pokhmelnykh 2006, The physical nature of thermal anomalies observed before strong earthquakes, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 31, 143-153,

36. Pulinets S., D. Ouzounov, A. Karelin, K. Boyarchuk, L. Pokhmelnykh, 2006. The Physical Nature of Thermal Anomalies Observed Before Strong Earthquakes, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 31, 143-153

37. Pulinets S., D. Ouzounov L. Ciraolo, R. Singh, G. Cervone, A. Leyva, M.Dunajecka, Karelin, K. Boyarchuk, 2006. Thermal, Atmospheric and Ionospheric Anomalies Around the time of Colima M7.8 Earthquake of January 21, 2003, Annales Geophysicale, 24, 835-849

38. Freund F., A. Takeuchi, W. S. Lau, A. Al-Manaseer, C. Fu, N.Bryant, D. Ouzounov, 2007, Stimulated infrared emission from rocks: Assessing a stress indicator, eEarth, 2, 7-16

39. Ouzounov D., N. Bryant, T. Logan, S. Pulinets, P.Taylor, 2006. Satellite thermal IR phenomena associated with some of the major earthquakes in 1999-2004, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 31,154-163

40. Savtchenko, A., D. Ouzounov, S. Ahmad, J. Acker, G. Leptoukh, J. Koziana, and D. Nickless 2004, Terra and Aqua MODIS products available from NASA GES DAAC, Advances in Space Research 34, 710-714,

41. Ouzounov, D., A. Savtchenko, G. Leptoukh, B. Zhou, D. Ostrenga, C. Deroo, and L. Gonzalez 2004, GES DAAC tools for accessing Terra and Aqua MODIS data, Advances in Space Research 33, 1109-1113,

42. Ouzounov, D. and F. Freund 2004, Mid-infrared emission prior to strong earthquakes analyzed by remote sensing data, Advances in Space Research 33, 268-273,

43. Ouzounov, D., Taylor, P., Bryant, N., Pulinets, S., Liu, J.-Y., Yang, K.-S. Near space tracking of EM phenomena associated with the main earthquakes (2004) International Astronautical Federation - 55th International Astronautical Congress 2004, 2, pp. 1175-1182.

44. Savchenko, D. Ouzounov, S.Ahmad, J.Acker, G. Leptoukh, J.Koziana, and D. Nickless, 2004.Terra & Aqua MODIS Products Available From NASA GES DAAC, Adv. Space Res., 33(4), pp. 710-714

45. Ouzounov D., A. Savtchenko, G. Leptoukh, B. Zhou, D. Ostrenga, C.Deroo and L.Gonzalez, 2004. GES DAAC tools for accessing Terra and Aqua MODIS data, Adv. Space Res., 33(7), pp. 1109-1113

46. Ouzounov, D., Taylor, P., Bryant, N., Pulinets, S., Liu, J.-Y., Yang, K.-S. (2004) Near space tracking of EM phenomena associated with the main earthquakes, International Astronautical Federation - 55th International Astronautical Congress 2004, 2,1175-1182.

47. Singh, R. P. and D. Ouzounov 2003, Earth processes in wake of Gujarat earthquake reviewed from space, EOS Transactions 84, 244-244

48. Savtchenko, A., Ouzounov, D., Gopalan, A., Yuan, D., Nickless, D., Ostrenga, D. ,2003, MODIS Data from Terra and Aqua Satellites International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 5, pp. 3028-3030.

49. Leptoukh, G., Ouzounov, D., Savtchenko, A., Ahmad, S., Lu, L., Pollack, N., Liu, Z., Johnson, J., Qin, J., Cho, S., Li, J.Y., Kempler, S., Teng, B., Gonzalez, L. HDF/HDF-EOS Data Access, Visualization and Processing Tools at the GES DAAC (2003) International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 6, pp. 3571-3573.

50. Savtchenko, A., Ouzounov, D., Gopalan, A. MODIS data from Terra and Aqua satellites. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IGARSS (2003) Proceedings, 5, pp. 3028-3030

51. Leptoukh, G., Ahmad, S., Eaton, P., Hegde, M., Kempler, S., Koziana, J., Ostrenga, D., Ouzounov, D., Savtchenko, A., Serafino, G., Sharma, A.K., Zhou, B.GES DAAC tools for

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accessing and visualizing MODIS data (2002) International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 6, pp. 3202-3204.

52. Ahmad, S., Ouzounov, D., Leptoukh, G., Serafino, G., Kempler, S. Highlights of MODIS products (2002) International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 4, pp. 2299-2301

53. Qu, J.J., Serafino, G., Teng, B., Ouzounov, D., Pollack, N., Chiu, L. Responding to the challenge of producing and distributing MODIS data at the NASA/GES DISC via the Remote Sensing Information Partners (RSIP) program (2002) International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 6, pp. 3208-3210.

54. Kilifarska, N. A. and D. P. Ouzounov 2002, Spatial-time simulation of the upper ionosphere reaction on geomagnetic disturbances, Advances in Space Research 29, 1011-1015,

55. Kilifarska, N. A. and Ouzounov, D. , 2001. Theoretical modeling of FoF2 andHmF2 ionospheric parameters during a strong magnetic disturbance, J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 106 , No. A12, p. 30,415-30,427

56. Leptoukh, G., Ahmad, S., Eaton, P., Koziana, J., Ouzounov, D., Savtchenko, A., Serafino, G., Sharma, A., Sikder, M., Zhou, B.MODIS data ingest, processing, archiving and distribution at the Goddard earth sciences DAAC (2001) International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 5, pp. 2286-2288.

57. Alexandrov S., Ouzounov D. ,1992. Optimal methods for spatial analysis of noise seismic sources. Part II. Resolution studies. Volcanology and seismology, Russia, No1, pp.83-93

58. Alexandrov S.I., Ouzounov D. et al.,1992. Seismic radiation of Sofia seismic zone. Part II. The polarization-kinematics analysis of experimental data. Bulgarian geophysical journal., v.XVIII, No2, Sofia, BAS,pp.32-40.

59. Ouzounov D., 1994. The Scientific Achievements of Dimiter Zidarov in Geophysics. Review, Bulgarian Geophysical Journal, v. XX, No 2, pp.4-14. (in Bulgarian)

60. Dineva S., D.Michailov, D.Sokerova, E.Botev, Ouzounov D., S.Popov ,(1994) Project for Local Seismological Microearthquake Network in Provadia Zone (NE Bulgaria), XXIV General Assembly of European Seismology Commission, 19-24 September, p.121-130, Athens, Greece.

61. Ouzounov D., Dineva S., Michailov D., Petrov L (1992) Investigation of spectral and spatial microseismic noise characteristics around KOZLODUY NPP (Bulgaria), XXIII General Assembly of European Seismology Commission, Activity Report 1990-1992 & Proceedings, Vol.1, pp.167-170, Prague, Czechoslovakia.

62. Ouzounov D.P. (1992) One possibility for structural heterogeneities localization in the Earth crust by the method of seismic noise tomography, XXIII General Assembly of European Seismology Commission, Activity Report 1990-1992 & Proceedings, Vol.1, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 163-166

63. Alexandrov S.I., Ouzounov D.P. (1991) Methods of noise tomography. III-th Scientific Geotomography Meeting, Ekaterinenburg, Russia, 67-70

Reports and Interviews

● NHK- 2012 Japanese Broadcasting Co, Documentary, MEGA EARTHQUAKE 3 ● Earth Sky. March 11, 2012: Will Japan’s big quake in 2011 lead to more earthquake predictability? ● Homeland Security News Wire, Sept 8, 2011, Earthquake prediction, a holy grail of science ● VOA news, June 6, 2011, Scientists Exploring Quake Warning Signals ● Physics World, May 26, 2011,Tohoku quake coincided with sky'anomalies' ● KQED News, May 19, 2011, Study Suggests Atmospheric Changes Signaled Japan's Monster

Quake ● Live Science, May 18, 2011, Japan Earthquake Was 'In the Air' Days Before, Scientist Claims ● CS Monitor, May, 2011, Japan earthquake: Big, shallow quakes have a warning signal, say

researchers ● MIT Technology Review, 2011, Atmosphere Above Japan Heated Rapidly Before M9 Earthquake ● EARTH, April 7, 2009, Earthquake prediction: Gone and back again ● Chapman Magazine, 2010, Member of the Big Idea’s club: ”Forecasting the big one”


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75. Ouzounov D, Sergey A Pulinets, Manuel Hernandez-Pajares , Alberto Garcia Alberto Garcia Rigo, Dmitry Davidenko, Nikolaos Hatzopoulos and Menas Kafatos, 2015, Transient Effects in Atmosphere and Ionosphere preceding the two 2015 M7.8 and M7.3 Earthquakes in Nepal, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts NH32B-05

76. Ouzounov D, S.Pulinets, D.Davidenko, M. Hernández-Pajares, A. García-Rigo, N. Hatzopoulos, M. Kafatos (2015) Transient Effects in Atmosphere and Ionosphere preceding the two 2015 M7.8 and M7.3 Earthquakes in Nepal, AGU Fall Meeting, 14-18 December 2015 in San Francisco, USA

77. Pulinets S, Andrzej Krankowski, Manuel Hernandez-Pajares, Jann-Yenq Liu, Katsumi Hattori, Dmitry Davidenko and Dimitar Ouzounov , 2015, GPS Technologies as a Tool to Detect the Pre-Earthquake Signals Associated with Strong Earthquakes, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts NH21C-1846

78. Ching-Chou Fu, Lou-Chuang Lee, Tsanyao F Yang, Peng-Gang Wang, Tsung-Kwei Liu, Vivek Walia, Cheng-Hong Chen, Cheng-Horng Lin, Tzu-Hua Lai, Gioacchino Giuliani and Dimitar Ouzounov, 2015, Radon and gamma rays anomalies observed in northern Taiwan: a possible connection with the seismicity near the subduction zone, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , NH21A-1813

79. Calderon S, Dimitar Ouzounov, George C Anagnostopoulos, Sergey A Pulinets, Dmitry Davidenko, Vassilios K Karastathis, and Menas Kafatos, 2015, Temporal-Spatial Pattern of Pre–earthquake Signatures in Atmosphere and Ionosphere Associated with Major Earthquakes in Greece, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts

80. Ouzounov, D., S. Pulinets, K. Hattori, L. Lee, T. Liu, and M. Kafatos 2015, Prospective Validation of Pre-earthquake Atmospheric Signals and Their Potential for Short-term Earthquake Forecasting, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 17, 7840

81. Liu, J.-Y., Y.-I. Chen, C.-C. Huang, M. Parrot, S. Pulinets, and D. Ouzounov 2015, Spatial analyses on seismo-ionospheric precursors observed by GIM TEC and DEMETER during the 2008 M8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, EGU Assembly Conference Abstracts 17, 6951

82. Ouzounov, D., V. Tramutoli, S. Pulinets, T. Liu, C. Filizzola, N. Genzano,M. Lisi, L. Petrov, and M. Kafatos 2015, Multi-sensor Integration of Space and Ground Observations of Pre-earthquake Anomalies Associated with M6.0, August 24, 2014 Napa, California, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 17, 6014

83. Pulinets, S., D. Ouzounov, and Laic Team 2015, Validation of LAIC model within the framework of ISSI project Multi-instrument space-borne observations and validation of the physical model of the Lithosphere-Atmosphere -Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 17 5927

84. Parrot, M., K. Hattori, T. Liu, A. Namgaladze, D. Ouzounov, S. Pulinets, and V. Tramutoli 2015, Events related to lithosphere-atmosphere -ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling observed by DEMETER, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 17, 1302

85. Ouzounov D, S. Pulinets, Dmitry Davidenko, D Ouzounov: Revealing pre-earthquake signatures in atmosphere and ionosphere associated with 2015 M7.8 and M7.3 events in Nepal. Preliminary results. 2nd International Workshop on Earthquake Preparation Process: Observation, Validation, Modeling, Forecasting (IWEP2 2015), Japan; 05/2015

86. Ouzounov D., Geo Space Observation of Natural and Anthropogenic Processes, International conference Satellite-2015, Houston, TX, Aug 17-19

87. Ouzounov D, Pulinets S, Kafatos M, Testing New Geospace Technologies for Alerting Large Earthquakes: An Integrated Approach of Space and Ground Observations, International conference Satellite-2015, Houston, TX, Aug 17-19

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88. Ouzounov D., K. Hattori, S.Pulinets, T. Mogi, 2015, Validation of Pre-earthquake Atmospheric Signals and Their Connection with Major Seismicity in Japan, Japan Geoscience Union, Chiba, Japan, May 24-28

89. Ouzounov D., K. Hattori, M.Kafatos, S. Ke, X.Shen, T , 2015, Space-borne observations of pre-earthquake atmospheric signals associated with major seismicity in Xinjiang, China (2008-2014), Japan Geoscience Union, Chiba, Japan, May 24-28

90. Ouzounov D, S. Pulinets, Ke Sun, Xuhui Shen , M. Kafatos : 2015, Space-borne observations of pre-earthquake atmospheric signals associated with major seismicity in Xinjiang, China (2008-2014) Japan Geoscience Union, Chiba, Japan, May 24-28

91. Ouzounov D, G. de la Pomerai, S. Pulinets, K. Hattori, M. Kafatos (2016) Testing new technologies for forecast warnings of large earthquake events: The complexity of the new challenges. UNISDR Science and Technology conference on the implementation of the Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction 2015-2030, 27-29 January 2016 | Geneva, Switzerland

92. Ouzounov D, L.C. Lee, J.Y. Liu, C.H Chen, S. Pulinets, M. Kafatos, (2016) Multi parameters observations of pre-earthquake signals associated with M6.4 of Feb 05, 2016 in Taiwan. Preliminary results. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016; 22th May – 26th May, 2016, Chiba, Japan (Invited)

93. Ouzounov D. and K. Hattori, Prospective validation of physical-based precursors and their potential for short–term earthquake forecasting. Case study for Japan 2014-2016, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016; 22th May – 26th May, 2016, Chiba, Japan

94. Dimitar Ouzounov1, Yeju Cui1,2, Nikolaos Hatzopoulos1Multi-parameter satellite geochemistry for validation of atmospheric pre-earthquake signals associated with major seismicity. Case study for Xinjiang, China and Baja, California, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016; 22th May – 26th May, 2016, Chiba, Japan

95. Ouzounov D., K.Hattori, S.Pulinets, L. Petrov, Observation of transient signatures in atmosphere and ionosphere prior to the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake in Japan. Preliminary results. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016; 22th May – 26th May, 2016, Chiba, Japan

96. Ouzounov D., K.Hattori, S.Pulinets Prospective utilizing pre-earthquake signals for short-term prediction studies. What we have learned from2016 Kumamoto earthquake in Japan?- . 3nd International Workshop on Earthquake Preparation Process: Observation, Validation, Modeling, Forecasting (IWEP3 2016) Chiba University Japan

97. Pulinets S. and D. Ouzounov Earthquake precursors in atmosphere and ionosphere. A review and future prospects. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2016 Vienna | Austria | 17–22 April 2016 (Invited)

98. Ouzounov D., S. Pulinets, D. Davidenko, M. Hernández-Pajares, A. García-Rigo, L. Petrov, N. Hatzopoulos, M. Kafatos, Pre–earthquake signatures in atmosphere/ionosphere and their potential for short-term earthquake forecasting. Case studies for 2015, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2016 Vienna | Austria | 17–22 April 2016

99. Ouzounov D , ,S.Pulinets, X. Zhang V.Tramutoli, T. Liu , K.Hattori , M. Parrot, J. Shi, X.Shen, Z. Xiao, Y. Yan , L. Wu, Z. Zeren, S. Zhao , Validation of Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Concept During Large Scale Earthquakes , 2nd CSES Workshop Aug 23-25, 2016, Beijing

100. Ouzounov D , ,S.Pulinets, X. Zhang V.Tramutoli, T. Liu , K.Hattori , M. Parrot, J. Shi, X.Shen Geospheres Interaction During Large-scale Natural Disasters EMSEV Meeting , Lanzhou, China, Aug 26-Sept2, 2016

101. Ouzounov D, S.Pulinets, K.Hattori , T.Liu , and M.Kafatos ,An interdisciplinary approach of utilizing pre-earthquake signals for short-term prediction studies, 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Trieste, Italy, 2016, ESC2016-401-1, 2016

102. Pulinets S. and D.Ouzounov , Lithosphere-Atmosphere Interface as a background for physical explanation of short-term precursors 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Trieste, Italy, 2016, ESC2016-569-1

103. Pulinets S, Andrzej Krankowski, Manuel Hernandez-Pajares, Jann-Yenq Liu, Katsumi Hattori, Dmitry Davidenko and Dimitar Ouzounov , 2015, GPS Technologies as a Tool to Detect the Pre-Earthquake Signals Associated with Strong Earthquakes, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts NH21C-1846

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104. Ching-Chou Fu, Lou-Chuang Lee, Tsanyao F Yang, Peng-Gang Wang, Tsung-Kwei Liu, Vivek Walia, Cheng-Hong Chen, Cheng-Horng Lin, Tzu-Hua Lai, Gioacchino Giuliani and Dimitar Ouzounov, 2015, Radon and gamma rays anomalies observed in northern Taiwan: a possible connection with the seismicity near the subduction zone, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , NH21A-1813

105. Calderon S, Dimitar Ouzounov, George C Anagnostopoulos, Sergey A Pulinets, Dmitry Davidenko, Vassilios K Karastathis, and Menas Kafatos, 2015, Temporal-Spatial Pattern of Pre–earthquake Signatures in Atmosphere and Ionosphere Associated with Major Earthquakes in Greece, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts

106. Ouzounov, D., S. Pulinets, K. Hattori, L. Lee, T. Liu, and M. Kafatos 2015, Prospective Validation of Pre-earthquake Atmospheric Signals and Their Potential for Short-term Earthquake Forecasting, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 17, 7840

107. Liu, J.-Y., Y.-I. Chen, C.-C. Huang, M. Parrot, S. Pulinets, and D. Ouzounov 2015, Spatial analyses on seismo-ionospheric precursors observed by GIM TEC and DEMETER during the 2008 M8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, EGU Assembly Conference Abstracts 17, 6951

108. Ouzounov, D., V. Tramutoli, S. Pulinets, T. Liu, C. Filizzola, N. Genzano,M. Lisi, L. Petrov, and M. Kafatos 2015, Multi-sensor Integration of Space and Ground Observations of Pre-earthquake Anomalies Associated with M6.0, August 24, 2014 Napa, California, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 17, 6014

109. Pulinets, S., D. Ouzounov, and Laic Team 2015, Validation of LAIC model within the framework of ISSI project Multi-instrument space-borne observations and validation of the physical model of the Lithosphere-Atmosphere -Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 17 5927

110. Parrot, M., K. Hattori, T. Liu, A. Namgaladze, D. Ouzounov, S. Pulinets, and V. Tramutoli 2015, Events related to lithosphere-atmosphere -ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling observed by DEMETER, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 17, 1302

111. Ouzounov D, S. Pulinets, Dmitry Davidenko, D Ouzounov: Revealing pre-earthquake signatures in atmosphere and ionosphere associated with 2015 M7.8 and M7.3 events in Nepal. Preliminary results. 2nd International Workshop on Earthquake Preparation Process: Observation, Validation, Modeling, Forecasting (IWEP2 2015), Japan; 05/2015

112. Ouzounov D., Geo Space Observation of Natural and Anthropogenic Processes, International conference Satellite-2015, Houston, TX, Aug 17-19

113. Ouzounov D, Pulinets S, Kafatos M, Testing New Geospace Technologies for Alerting Large Earthquakes: An Integrated Approach of Space and Ground Observations, International conference Satellite-2015, Houston, TX, Aug 17-19

114. Ouzounov D., K. Hattori, S.Pulinets, T. Mogi, 2015, Validation of Pre-earthquake Atmospheric Signals and Their Connection with Major Seismicity in Japan, Japan Geoscience Union, Chiba, Japan, May 24-28

115. Ouzounov D., K. Hattori, M.Kafatos, S. Ke, X.Shen, T , 2015, Space-borne observations of pre-earthquake atmospheric signals associated with major seismicity in Xinjiang, China (2008-2014), Japan Geoscience Union, Chiba, Japan, May 24-28

116. Ouzounov D, S. Pulinets, Ke Sun, Xuhui Shen , M. Kafatos : 2015, Space-borne observations of pre-earthquake atmospheric signals associated with major seismicity in Xinjiang, China (2008-2014) Japan Geoscience Union, Chiba, Japan, May 24-28

117. Ouzounov D., Pulinets S, Kafatos, M (2015) An Integrated Geo Space & Ground Approach for monitoring large earthquakes, SafeChania 2015: The Knowledge Triangle in the Civil Protection Service, Chania, Crete, Greece, 10-14 June

118. Ouzounov D, S. Pulinets, K. Hattori, L.Lee, J. Liu, P. Kalenda Progress in Multi parameter observation of pre-earthquake signals and their connection with major seismicity/ XXVI IUGG General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, June 22-July 2, 2015.

119. Ouzounov D, S. Pulinets, K. Hattori, M.Parrot, V.Tramutoli, J. Liu, 2015, Cross–disciplinary observation of pre-earthquake signals and their validation. The LAIC approach / XXVI IUGG General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, June 22-July 2, 2015.

120. Ouzounov D, V.Tramutoli, S. Pulinets, K. Hattori, J. Liu, M.Kafatos, 2015, Multi-parameter Integration of Space and Ground Observations for Detection Pre-earthquake Anomalies:

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Case of M6 Napa, CA and other earthquakes in 2014 / XXVI IUGG General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, June 22-July 2, 2015

121. Ouzounov, K. Hattori, S.Pulinets, T. Mogi, 2015, Validation of Pre-earthquake Atmospheric Signals and Their Connection with Major Seismicity, Japan Geph. Union, Japan, May 24-28

122. Fu, C. C., P. G. Wang, L. C. Lee, C. H. Lin, G. Giuliani, D. Ouzounov 2014, Temporal Variations of Gamma-Ray for Detecting Crustal Activity Changes in the Longitudinal Valley, Eastern Taiwan, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A3858

123. Sun, K., D. Ouzounov, S. A. Pulinets, X. Shen, and M. Kafatos 2014,Atmospheric Responses to Pre-earthquake Processes Revealed by Satellite and In-situ Observations. Case Study for XinJiang, China (2008-2014), AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A3854

124. Kalenda, P., L. Neumann, and D. Ouzounov 2014, Rock Deformation Measurements and Connection with Major Seismicity, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A3845

125. Kafatos, M., G. A. Papadopoulos, V. K. Karastathis, G. Minadakis, D. Ouzounov, S. A. Pulinets, V. Tramutoli, and K. Tsinganos 2014, A Strategy for Short-Term Earthquake Forecasting Based on Combined Ground and Space-Based Observations, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 7

126. Ouzounov, D., S. A. Pulinets, K. Hattori, T. Mogi, and M. Kafatos 2014, Multi-parameter Observations and Validation of Pre-earthquake Atmospheric Signals, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts

127. Pulinets, S. A. and D. Ouzounov 2014, Multi-Instrument Observations and Validation of LAIC, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts

128. Ouzounov, D., M. Kafatos, L. Petrov, S. A. Pulinets, J. Y. Liu, Y. C. Su, and S. Chen 2014, Space and Ground observations of Pre-earthquake Anomalies. Prospective/Retrospective Testing for M6.0 August 24, 2014 South Napa, CA, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 4942

129. Boyarchuk, K., A. Karelin, and M. Tumanov 2014, Studies of atmosphere radio- sounding for monitoring of radiation environments around nuclear power plants, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 16, 10992

130. Kalenda, P. and D. Ouzounov 2014, Case Studies for Japan, Mexico and Taiwan based on joint pre-earthquake signal observations: Case studies for 2013, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 16, 7029

131. Pulinets, S., D. Ouzounov, M. Hernandez-Pajares, K. Hattori, and Garcia-Rigo 2014, Geo-Space observation of atmospheric environmental effects associated with 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 16, 4452

132. Ouzounov, D., S. Pulinets, V. Tramutoli, L. Lee, T. Liu, K. Hattori, and M. Kafatos 2014, Testing new methodologies for short -term earthquake forecasting: Multi-parameters precursors, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 16, 3054

133. Pulinets, S. and D. Ouzounov 2014, Effects of atmospheric dusty plasma generated by natural radioactivity on the atmosphere thermodynamics and electrodynamics, 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 40, 2650

134. Boyarchuk, K., M. Tumanov, and A. Karelin 2014, Remote sensing of chemical and physical processes in the atmosphere caused by the presence of radioactive ionization source, 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 40, 395

135. Ouzounov D., S. Pulinets, V. Tramutoli, T. Liu, K.Hattori, M.Parrot, A.Namgaladze, D.Solomentsev: Validation of Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere coupling concept by geo space observation of natural and anthropogenic processes. General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS), 2014 XXXIth URSI; 10/2014

136. Kalenda P., Ouzounov D, Bobrovskiy, Neumann, Boborykina, Nazarevych, šebela, Kvetko, Shen W.-B, 2014, Multiparameter observations of precursors before strong earthquakes., International Scientific Spring (March 10-14), Islamabad, Pakistan

137. Pulinets S., D. Ouzounov, 2014, Effects of atmospheric dusty plasma generated by natural radioactivity on the atmosphere thermodynamics and electrodynamics. 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2-10 August 2014 Moscow, Russia, Abstract C5. 2-27-14

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138. Pulinets, S. , D. Ouzounov, 2014, Effects of atmospheric dusty plasma generated by natural radioactivity on the atmosphere thermodynamics and electrodynamics, 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. 2-10 August 2014, in Moscow, Russia, Abstract C5. 2-27-14,40, 2650

139. Ouzounov, D., Pulinets, S.; Tramutoli, V.; Liu, Tiegen; Hattori, Katsumi; Parrot, Michel; Namgaladze, Alexander; Solomentsev, Dmitry; 2014, Validation of Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere coupling concept by geo space observation of natural and anthropogenic processes, General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS), Beijing, China

140. Tramutoli, V.; Jakowski, Norbert; Pulinets, S.; Romanov, Alexey; Filizzola, Carolina; Shagimuratov, Irk; Pergola, Nicola; Ouzounov, D.; Papadopulos, Gerassimos; Genzano, Nicola, 2014, From Pre-earthquakes to Equos: how to exploit multi-parametric observations within a novel system for time-dependent assessment of seismic hazard (t-dash) in a pre-operational civil protection context. Second European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (2ECEES) /European Seismology Commission, Turkey, 24-29

141. Ouzounov, D, Pulinets S., M.C.Kafatos, 2014, Interdisciplinary approach towards pre-earthquake processes: Observations, validation and testing, Second European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology /European Seismology Commission (2ECEES) Turkey, Aug 24-29

142. Kafatos M. D.Ouzounov, S.Pulinets, 2014, Space and Ground Observations for Earthquake Monitoring, European Commission Space & Security Conference, Athens, 19-20 June

143. Ouzounov D., 2014, Satellite and ground based multi-sensor networking for observation of pre-earthquake anomalies. Validation studies for M6+ in China (2008-2014). 1st CSES Satellite Workshop, Beijing, China, Nov 13-15 2014

144. Ouzounov D., Pulinets S, Kafatos, M, 2014, Testing new methodologies for alerting large earthquakes, IDRC Davos 2014: 5th International disaster and risk conference, Davos, Switzerland, 24-28 Aug 2014

145. Pulinets S., Ouzounov D S, 2014, Physical background for multi parameter approach in earthquake precursors monitoring, IDRC Davos: 5th International disaster and risk conference, Davos, Switzerland, 24-28 Aug 2014

146. Ouzounov. D, S.Pulinets, K.Hattori, T.Mogi, M.Kafatos, 2014, Evaluation of Pre-earthquake Atmospheric Signals and Their Connections with Major Seismicity, Asia Oceania Geoscience Society (AOGS), Sapporo, Japan, July28-1, IG27-A015

147. Tsutsumi R.,C. Yoshino, K.Hattori, D. Ouzounov ; 2014; Monitoring on Crustal Activities Using MODIS Data: Application to Lava and Large Earthquake Activities, Oceania Geoscience Society (AOGS), Sapporo, Japan, July28-1, IG27-A014,

148. Ouzounov, D., S. A. Pulinets, V. Tramutoli, L. Lee, J. G. Liu, K. Hattori, and M. Kafatos 2013, From integrated observation of pre-earthquake signals towards physical-based forecasting: A prospective test experiment, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A8

149. Kafatos, M., D. P. Ouzounov, and S. A. Pulinets 2013, Prospective testing of atmospheric pre-earthquake signal alerts and their relation to seismicity, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1610

150. Anagnostopoulos, G., D. Ouzounov, S. Pulinets, M. Kafatos, and D. Efthymiadis 2013, Geospace variations measured by satellites before severe thunderstorms in Athens (June 27, 2010): An-unexpected sequence of events, 11th Hellenic Astronomical Conference 13-13

151. Ouzounov, D. P., S. A. Pulinets, and M. Kafatos 2013, Evaluation of Pre-earthquake Atmospheric Signals and Their Connection with Earthquakes Case Studies for Japan, Mexico and Taiwan, AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts A7

152. Pulinets, S., D. Ouzounov, K. Boyarchuk, and N. Laverov 2013, Remote sensing applications for diagnostics of the radioactive pollution of the ground surface and in the atmosphere, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 15, EGU2013

153. Ouzounov, D., S. Pulinets, V. Tramutoli, L. Lee, T. Liu, M. Hayakawa, K. Hattori, M. Kafatos, and P. Taylor 2013, Integrated observation and analysis of pre-earthquake related signals over major geohazard sites, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 15, EGU2013

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154. Kalenda, P., D. Ouzounov, V. Bobrovskiy, L. Neumann, O.Boborykina, A.Nazarevych, S.Sebela, J. Kvetko, and W.-B. Shen 2013, Multi-parameter observation of pre-earthquake signals and their potential for short –term earthquake forecasting, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 15, EGU2013

155. Ouzounov D., Menas Kafatos (2013) Multi-parameter observations of a atmospheric pre-earthquake signals and their validation, SCEC CSEP Workshop on Testing External Forecasts and Predictions. USC, May 7-8, 2013

156. Anagnostopoulos, G; Ouzounov, D; Pulinets, S; Kafatos, M; Efthymiadis, D; Geospace variations measured by satellites before severe thunderstorms in Athens (June 27, 2010): An-unexpected sequence of events, 11th Hellenic Astronomical Conference,1,13-13,2013

157. Ouzounov, D. P., S. A. Pulinets, D. Davidenko, K. Hattori, M. Kafatos, and P.Taylor 2012, Multi-sensor observations of earthquake related atmospheric signals over major geohazard validation sites, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A5

158. Tramutoli, V., and 19 colleagues 2012, Dynamic Assessment of Seismic Risk (DASR) by Multi-parametric Observations: Preliminary Results of PRIME experiment within the PRE-EARTHQUAKES EU-FP7 Project, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A2

159. Soto-Pinto, C. A., A. A. Arellano-Baeza, and D. P. Ouzounov 2012, Development of a technique for long-term detection of precursors of strong earthquakes using high-resolution satellite images, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1612

160. Anagnostopoulos, G. C., D. P. Ouzounov, S. A. Pulinets, D. A. Efthymiadis, and M. Kafatos 2012, Studying atmosphere/ionosphere processes associated with seismicity. What we learned from the severe thunderstorm in Greece, June 27, 2010, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1603

161. Papadopoulos, G. A., D. P. Ouzounov, S. A. Pulinets, and M. Kafatos 2012, An evaluation of the multidisciplinary precursors preceding the L’Aquila earthquake (Mw=6.3) of 6 April 2009, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1600

162. Tramutoli, V., and 19 colleagues 2012, Learning from the experience: preliminary results of integration experiments within PRE-EARTHQUAKES EU-FP7 Project., EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 14, 12507

163. Ouzounov, D., S. Pulinets, G. Papadopoulos, V. Kunitsyn, I. Nesterov, M. Hayakawa, K. Mogi, K. Hattori, M. Kafatos, and P. Taylor 2012, From multi-sensors observations towards cross-disciplinary study of pre-earthquake signals. What have we learned from the Tohoku earthquake?, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 14, 10234

164. Pulinets, S., D. Ouzounov, G. Giuliani, K. Tsybulya, and I. Yudin 2012, Results of short-term earthquake precursors multi-parameter monitoring during preparation phase of Van earthquake as manifestation of the crust, surface, atmospheric and ionospheric processes synergy, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 14, 9424

165. Ouzounov D., S. Pulinets, M. Parrot, J.Y. Liu, K. Hattori, M. Kafatos, P. Taylor Multi-Parameter Observation And Detection Of Pre-Earthquake Signals In Seismically Active Areas, EFP1-O11, 33rd General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission 19-24 August 2012, Moscow

166. Tramutoli V, S. Inan, N. Jakowski, S. Pulinets, A. Romanov, C. Filizzola, I. Shagimuratov, N. Pergola, N. Genzano, M. Lisi, E. Alparslan, V. Wilken, K. Tsybulia, A. Romanov, R. Paciello, M. Balasco, I. Zakharenkova, D. Ouzounov, G. A. Papadopoulos, M. Parrot (2012) Learning from the Experience: Preliminary Results of Integration Experiments Within PRE-EARTHQUAKES (EU-FP7) Project, IWG14-D2-PM2-P-017,AOGS – AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly, 13- 17 August 2012, Singapore

167. Ouzounov D., S. Pulinets, K. Hattori, JY Liu, TY Yang, M.Parrot, M.Kafatos, P. Taylor Inter-Disciplinary Validation of Pre Earthquake Signals. Case Study for Major Earthquakes in Asia (2004-2010) and for 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, WG14-D3-PM2-Leo4-004, AOGS – AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly, 13- 17 August 2012, Singapore

168. Tramutoli, V.S. Inan, N. Jakowski, S. Pulinets, A. Romanov, C. Filizzola, I. Shagimuratov, N. Pergola, N. Genzano, M. Lisi, E. Alparslan, V. Wilken, K. Tsybulia, A. Romanov, R. Paciello,

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M. Balasco, I. Zakharenkova, D. Ouzounov, G. A. Papadopoulos, M. Parrot (2012) Learning from the experience: preliminary results of integration experiments within PRE-EARTHQUAKES EU-FP7 Project.EGU2012-12507

169. Ouzounov D, S. Pulinets, K. Hattori, M. Parrot, J.Y. Liu , T. F. Yang, A. Arellano-Baeza, M. Kafatos, P. Taylor, (2012) Validation Of Atmosphere/ Ionosphere Signals Associated With Major Earthquakes By Multi-Instrument Space-Borne And Ground Observations, WE2.13.2, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, Munich, Germany

170. Ouzounov D, From multi-parameter observations towards interdisciplinary framework for earthquake early warnings. A Sensor Web approach, 2012, Highly specialized seminars «Eugene P. Wigner» 11th seminar: Earthquakes Early Warning rom Space, Erice, Sicily, Italy, Oct 21 – 24

171. Ouzounov D., S. Pulinets , G. Papadopoulos , V. Kunitsyn , K. Hattori , M. Kafatos, P. Taylor , 2012, Multi-sensors observations of pre-earthquake signals. What we learned from the Great Tohoku earthquake?, IUGG (IAGA-IASPEI-IAVCEI) Inter Association Working Group on Electromagnetic Studies of Earthquakes and Volcanoes (EMSEV), Gotemba Kogen Resort, Gotemba, Japan, October 1-4, 2012

172. Ouzounov D.From satellite multi-sensor observations towards interdisciplinary framework for earthquake early warnings, 2012, Kansai Science Forum, Osaka, Japan, Sept 28-29

173. Ouzounov D., M. Parrot, S.Pulinets, J. Y. Liu, K. Hattori, M. Kafatos, G.Anagnostopoulos, H. Jhuang, Chum-Li, K. Ohyama, S. Kon, P.Taylor, Space-borne and Ground Observations of Ionospheric/Atmospheric Signals Associated with Major Earthquakes 2nd International DEMETER Worshop, October 10-12, 2011, CNES, Paris, France

174. Soto-Pinto, C. A., A. A. Arellano-Baeza, and D. P. Ouzounov 2011, Evolution in the lineament patterns associated to strong earthquakes revealed by satellite observations, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1542

175. Fisher, S. W., M. Kafatos, D. P. Ouzounov, and S. A. Pulinets 2011,Energies associated with the mega earthquakes: Case studies for Sumatra of 2004/2005 and Great Tohoku of 03.11, 2011, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A6

176. Pulinets, S. A., D. P. Ouzounov, G. A. Papadopoulos, A. Rozhnoi,G. C. Anagnostopoulos 2011, Multi-Parameter Precursory Activity Before L’Aquila Earthquake Revealed by Joint Satellite and Ground Observations, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A2

177. Ouzounov, D. P., S. A. Pulinets, J. G. Liu, K. Hattori, P. Kalenda, W. Shen, V. S. Bobrovskiy, C. Windsor, M. Kafatos, and P. T. Taylor 2011, Utilizing new methodologies to study major earthquakes: Multi-parameter observation of pre-earthquake signals from ground and space, AGU Meeting Abstracts 1

178. Ouzounov, D. P., S. A. Pulinets, V. Palchinskas, M. Kafatos, and P. T. Taylor 2011, Thermal Satellite and GPS/TEC Observations of Atmospheric Process during the time of M5.8 Mineral, Virginia Earthquake of August 23, 2011.Prelimenary results, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2243

179. Ouzounov D (2011) Integrated Observation and Analysis of Atmospheric Signals Associated with Major Earthquakes, European Union/F7 Pre Earthquake Project Kick off meeting: Potenza (Italy), March 15-16

180. Ouzounov D, S. Pulinets, K. Hattori, M. Parrot, J.Y. Liu, T. F. Yang, A.A. Arellano-Baeza, M. Kafatos,P. Taylor (2011) Progress in Multidisciplinary Validation of Earthquake Atmospheric Signals by Joint Satellite and Ground Based Observations , The XXV IUGG General Assembly , Melbourne, Australia 28 June - 7 July 2011

181. Ouzounov D. (2011) Application of Remote Sensing Technologies for Disaster Risk Management: Multi sensor approach of analyzing atmospheric signals associated with major earthquakes SCEC-NASA Workshop: Evaluating Ground-Based & Space-Based Methods of Earthquake Forecasting, USC, CA; July 25-27

182. Ouzounov D. S.Pulinets, M. Kafatos (2011) Rapid Transient Phenomena In Atmosphere-Ionosphere Associate With The March 11th 2011 M9 Tohoku Earthquake, Observed By Joint Space And Ground Observations, AOGS 8TH Annual Meeting, 8 -12 Aug , Taipei, Taiwan.

183. Ouzounov D., K.Hattori, S. Pulinets, J.Y. Liu, M. Parrot , M. Kafatos, P. Taylor, F.Yang , K. Oyama , S. Kon (2011) Validation Of Atmospheric Signals Associated with Major Earthquake’s by Synergy af Multi-parameter Space and Ground, AOGS 8TH Annual Meeting, 8 -12 Aug 2011, Taipei, Taiwan.

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184. Ouzounov D. (2011) Multidisciplinary Approach for Earthquake Atmospheric Precursors Validation, DHS/Naval Postgraduate School Workshop on Remote Sensing Techniques for Improved Earthquake Warning, Monitoring, & Response, Monterey, CA; January 25-27

185. Ouzounov D (2011) Integrated Observation and Analysis of Atmospheric Signals Associated with Major Earthquakes, European Union/F7 Pre Earthquake Project Kick off meeting: Potenza (Italy), March 15-16

186. Prasad, A. K., P. Chan, H. M. El-Askary, N. Hatzopoulos, J. Kim, X. Liu, D. P. Ouzounov, S. K. Park, C. Tremback, and M. Kafatos 2010, An Integrated Modeling and Observing System for Hazards and Regional Climate Simulations, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A2

187. Policelli, F., R. Brakenridge, D. P. Ouzounov, J. Sun, D. A. Slayback, and L. Fatoyinbo 2010, Remote Sensing Based Flood Mapping for Disaster Management Applications, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1247

188. Taylor, P. T., D. P. Ouzounov, and S. W. Fisher 2010, Validation of Atmospheric Signals Associated with Major Seismicity, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1334

189. Ouzounov, D. P., and 10 colleagues 2010, Multidisciplinary Approach for Earthquake Atmospheric Precursors Validation by Joint Satellite and Ground Based Observations, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A8

190. Pulinets, S. A. and D. P. Ouzounov 2010, LAIC Model Development and Validation by Natural Processes Connected with Ionization, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A4

191. Kafatos, M., H. M. El-Askary, G. Galanis, N. Hatzopoulos, X. Liu, D. P. Ouzounov, A. K. Prasad, and C. Tremback 2010, An Integrated Modeling and Observing System with Near Real-Time Applications, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1276

192. Kafatos, M., D. Ouzounov, S. Pulinets, K. Hattori, J. Liu, M. Parrot, and P. Taylor 2010, Multi Sensor Approach of Validating Atmospheric Signals Associated with Major Earthquakes, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 12, 14184

193. Ouzounov, D., S. Pulinets, M. Parrot, and K. Tsybulya 2010, Atmospheric Processes Associated with the M7.0 Haiti Earthquake of January 12th, 2010, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 12, 12939

194. Pulinets, S., D. Ouzounov, G. Giuliani, L. Ciraolo, and P. Taylor 2010, Atmosphere awakening prior to Abruzzo, Italy, M6.3 Earthquake of April 6, 2009 revealed by joined satellite and ground observations, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 12, 12869

195. Ouzounov D., S.Pulinets, K.Hattori, Y.J.Liu, M.Parrot, P.Taylor (2010) Validating of Atmospheric Signals Associated with some of the Major Earthquakes in Asia (2003-2009), Eos Trans. AGU, 91(26), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl., 22–25 June 2010, Taipei, Taiwan, Abstract S34A-03

196. Pulinets, S , Ouzounov, D , Ouyang, S, Chen, G, 2010, Atmospheric thermal instability associated with some of major earthquakes in China (2003-2008) Eos Trans. AGU, 91(26), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl., 22–25 June 2010, Taipei, Taiwan

197. Ouzounov D. (2010) Multi Sensor Approach of Studying Earthquake Related Atmospheric Signals, International Workshop “Early Warnings Using Space Technology”, Sept 9-12, Beijing, China

198. Ouzounov D., S.Pulinets, M.Parrot, K. Hattori, J.Y. Liu, M.Kafatos, P.Taylor (2010) Study of Natural Hazards by a Joint Satellite and Ground Based Survey of Earth’s Electromagnetic Environment, EMSEV Workshop, October 3-6, Chapman University, CA, USA

199. Ouzounov, D. P., S. A. Pulinets, J. G. Liu, K. Hattori, P. T. Taylor, and M. Kafatos 2009, Validation of atmospheric signals associated with major earthquake activities. A statistical study, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1

200. Pulinets, S. A., D. P. Ouzounov, G. G. Giuliani, L. Ciraolo, and P. T. Taylor 2009, Atmosphere and radon activities observed prior to Abruzzo M6.3 earthquake of April 6, 2009, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A7

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201. Ouzounov, D. P., S. A. Pulinets, and M. Parrot 2009, Atmospheric Processes Associated with the M8.0 Samoan Earthquake of September 29, 2009, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2087

202. Ouzounov, D., S. Pulinets, M. Parrot, J. Y. Liu, K. Hattori, S. Habib, P. Taylor, and M. Kafatos 2009, Validation of EM Signals Associated with Major Earthquakes by Joint Analysis of Space and Terrestrial Data, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 11, 5820

203. Ouzounov D., S.Pulinets, K.Hattori, J-Y Liu, M. Parrot, M. Kafatos, S. Habib, F. Policelli, and P. Taylor (2009) Multi sensor approach of validating EM atmospheric signals associated with major earthquakes. 2009 International Workshop on Validation of Earthquake Precursors by Satellite, Terrestrial and other Observations (VESTO), Chiba University, March 26-28, Japan

204. Klimenko M, V.Klimenko, B. Zhao, I.Zakharenkova, D. Ouzounov (2009) About the possible mechanism of formation of earthquake ionospheric precursors in Wenchuan, 11th Scientific Assembly, International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) , August 23–30, 2009, Sopron, Hungary.

205. Ouzounov D., S.Pulinets, M.Kafatos, P.Taylor (2009) Interdisciplinary Framework to Reveal Earthquake Precursory Phenomena in Seismically Active Areas, The International Disaster and Risk Conference (IDRC), Chengdu 2009 China, 13-15 July 2009

206. Ouzounov D., S.Pulinets, M.Parrot,K. Hattori, J.Y. Liu G.Cervone, S. Habib, F. Policelli, P.Taylor, (2008): Multisensor Approach for Monitoring Atmospheric Signals: Learning new Methodologies to Support Earthquake Hazard Applications SPIE Europe. Cardiff, Wales, Sept 13-17.

207. Ouzounov D., S.Pulinets, K.Hattori, J-Y Liu, M. Parrot, M. Kafatos, S. Habib, F. Policelli, and P. Taylor (2009) Multi sensor approach of validating EM atmospheric signals associated with major earthquakes. 2009 International Workshop on Validation of Earthquake Precursors by Satellite, Terrestrial and other Observations (VESTO), Chiba University, March 26-28, Japan

208. Fisher, S., K. Sulia, D. Ouzounov, F. Policelli, and M. Ferrucci 2008, Data Exploration of Atmospheric Thermal Signals over Regions of Tectonic Faulting and Earthquake Processes, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1833

209. Ouzounov, D., S. Pulinets, P. Taylor, N. Bryant, G. Cervone, M. Kafatos, and S. Habib 2008, Verification of Atmospheric Signals Associated with Major Seismicity by Space and Terrestrial Observations, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A6

210. Ouzounov, D., G. Cervone, S. Habib, and S. Pulinets 2008, Learning new Methodologies to Deal with Large Disasters: Multi Sensor Web System for Natural Hazard Applications, 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 37, 2313

211. Cervone, G., D. Ouzounov, P. Franzese, and S. Pulinets 2008, Analysis of SST variations for Hurricane Katrina Using the WRF mesoscale model., 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 37, 480

212. Ouzounov, D, P. Coronado, Rainer Ressl Landsat 5, LDCM, NPOESS, International Workshop - Antenna Chetumal: Use of remote sensing data for environmental and civil security applications in Mexico, 22 to 25, April, 2008, Mexico-City

213. Pulintets. S., D. Ouzounov , 2008, New Approach in Support of Short-Term Earthquake Prediction Based on the LAIC Model. Seismology Society of America. Annual meeting, April 14-18, Santa Fe, NM, 2008

214. Ouzounov D, Multisensor Approach of Analyzing Atmospheric Signals and Search for Possible Earthquake Precursors, International Workshop on Seismo-Electromagnetic Observation Satellite, JAXA Sagamihara Campus, JapanFebruary 29, 2008

215. Ouzounov D, S. Habib , G.Cervone , F. Policelli, P.Taylor, Multi Sensor Web System for Natural Hazard Applications, ISU'S 12th Annual International Symposium: "Space Solutions to Earth's global challenges", Strasbourg, 20 - 22 February 2008

216. Pulinets S and D. Ouzounov, 2008, Estimation of energetic effectiveness of the ionization in creation of thermal anomalies before earthquakes based on OLR measurements, URSI, Chicago, 7-16

217. Pulinets S. and D.Ouzounov, (2008): New Approach for Search of Short-term Earthquake Precursors based on the LAIC model (v.2008), I U G G (IAGA-IASPEI-IAVCEI) Inter Association Working Group on Electromagnetic Studies of Earthquakes and Volcanoes (EMSEV), Siniaa, Romania,

218. Ouzounov D., S.Pulinets, M. Parrot,K. Hattor , J.Y. Liu, G.Cervone, S. Habib, F. Policelli, P.Taylor, (2008): Surveying the natural hazards by Joint satellite and ground based analysis

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of earth's electromagnetic environment. ), I U G G (IAGA-IASPEI-IAVCEI) Inter Association Working Group on Electromagnetic Studies of Earthquakes and Volcanoes, EMSEV, Sinaia, Romania,

219. Ouzounov D, S.Pulinets , P.Taylor , M.Kafatos , S.Habib, (2008):Verification of Atmospheric Signals Associated with Major Seismicity. A Sensor Web Approach International Workshop on Space and Lithosphere Environment Changes in Asia" Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tuskuba, Ibaragi. Japan, Nov 13-15

220. Ouzounov D., S.Pulinets, M.Kafatos, P.Taylor (2009) Interdisciplinary Framework to Reveal Earthquake Precursory Phenomena in Seismically Active Areas, The International Disaster and Risk Conference (IDRC), Chengdu 2009 China, 13-15 July 2009

221. Ouzounov D., S.Pulinets, M.Parrot,K. Hattori, J.Y. Liu G.Cervone, S. Habib, F. Policelli, P.Taylor, (2008): Multisensor Approach for Monitoring Atmospheric Signals: Learning new Methodologies to Support Earthquake Hazard Applications SPIE Europe. Cardiff, Wales, Sept 13-17

222. Ouzounov D, Multisensor Approach of Analyzing Atmospheric Signals and Search for Possible Earthquake Precursors, 2008, Seismo-Electromagnetic Observation Satellite Symposium , Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA, Sagamihara Campus, Japan February 29 - March 1,

223. Ouzounov D. , S.Pulinets, P.Taylor, M.Kafatos, S.Habib, 2008, Verification of Atmospheric Signals Associated with Major Seismicity. A Sensor Web Approach, 2nd International Workshop on Space and Lithosphere Environment Changes in Asia (IWSLEC) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Japan, Nov 10-14

224. Ouzounov D, S.Ambrose, S.Habib, F. Policelli , 2008, Application of Remote Sensing Technologies for Disaster Risk Management: Mutisensor approach of analyzing atmospheric signals and search for possible earthquake precursors, International Disaster and Risk Conference (IDRC), Aug. 24 - 29, 2008, in Davos, Switzerland

225. Pullinets, S., M. Kafatos, G. Cervone, D. Ouzounov, and R. P. Singh 2007, Energies associated with the Sumatra Earthquakes of December 26, 2004 and March 28, 2005, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 4

226. Ouzounov, D., S. Pulinets, L. Ciraolo, G. Cervone, M. Kafatos, M. Parrot, and P. Taylor 2007, Joint Evaluation of EM Signals Detected Around the Time of Major Earthquakes, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2

227. Pulinets, S., D. Ouzounov, and V. Tramutoli 2007, LAIC Model - a New Source of Information for Seismo-Tectonics, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 5

228. Normile, C., M. Zuhurudeen, J. Wang, S. Risman, D. Ouzounov, F. Policelli, N. Reisner, and M. Perekupka 2007, Data Exploration Study of Atmospheric TIR Signals Associated with Tectonic Faulting and Earthquake Processes, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1320

229. Pulinets, S. A. and D. Ouzounov 2007, Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling model: Fundamentals and recent developments, AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 10

230. Ouzounov, D., S. Pulinets, G. Cervone, M. Kafatos, M. Parrot, and P. Taylor 2007, Evaluation of earthquake alarms based on detecting EM signals during the period of major earthquakes in Mexico from 2001-2006, AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 6

231. Pulinets, Ouzounov, Tramutoli, LAIC Model – a New Source of Information for Seismo-Tectonics, 2. S41D-05, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, Dec 09-14, 2007, San Francisco, CA

232. Ouzounov D., S. Habib , F.Policelli, G.Cervone, 2007, Multi Sensor Web System for Natural Hazard Applications ,SPIE Remote Sensing 2007, Florence, Italy,17-21 September 2007

233. Pulinets S., D. Ouzounov, A. Karelin, K.Boyarchuk, 2007, Progress in Understanding of Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling, IUGG, Peruga, Italy, July 2-13, 2007

234. Ouzounov D., K. Hattori, S.Pulinets, M.Kamogawa, M. Nishihashi, M.Parrot, and J.Y. Liu ,2007, Joint Satellite and Ground Based EM observation and Search for Earthquake Precursors,, IUGG, Peruga, Italy, July 2-13, 2007

235. Ouzounov D., S.Pulinets, G.Cervone, M.Kafatos, M.Parrot, P.Taylor, 2007, Multisensor Approach of Analyzing Atmospheric/Ionospheric EM Signals Connected with Major Earthquake Activities, IUGG, Peruga, Italy, July 2-13, 2007

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236. Ouzounov D, S. Habib, F. Policelli, P.Taylor, 2007, Learning new methodologies to deal with large disasters: Multisensor approach of analyzing atmospheric signals and search for possible earthquake precursors, 32nd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, June 25 - 29, 2007 o San José, Costa Rica

237. Ouzounov D, Recent Research In Monitoring Earthquakes by using multisenssor satellite and ground data, 2007, 5th International Workshop on Remote Sensing Applications to Natural Hazards Sept 10-11, George Washington University, DC

238. Ouzounov D., S. Habib, F. Policeli, P. Taylor , 2007, Learning new methodologies to deal with large disasters: Multisensor approach of analyzing atmospheric signals and search for possible earthquake precursors.Presentation Paper, 5th International Workshop on Remote Sensing Applications to Natural Hazards Sept 10-11, George Washington University, DC

239. Cervone, G., D. Ouzounov, M. Kafatos, S. Pulinets, J. Radsikovsky, S. Habib, and F. Policelli 2006, Integrated Sensor Web Approach for Natural Hazard Applications, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A7

240. Ouzounov, D., S. Pulinets, L. Ciraolo, G. Cervone, M. Kafatos, P. Taylor, M. Parrot, F. Li, and K. Hattori 2006, Analysis of GPS Total ElectronContent (TEC) and Satellite Electromagnetic Data of Atmospheric Processes Related to the Northern Sumatra Earthquake Swarms of Dec 2004-Apr 2005,AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 8

241. Pulinets, S., D. Ouzounov, and L. Doda 2006,Lithosphere- Atmosphere-Ionosphere coupling. Main principles and practical validation., AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2

242. Pulinets, S., D. Ouzounov, G. Cervone, M. Kafatos, P. Taylor, M. Parrot, and J. Radzikowski 2006, Thermal, Atmospheric and Ionospheric Anomalies around the Time of Some of the Major Earthquakes in California and Mexico in 2003-2004, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A436

243. Taylor, P., D. Ouzounov, N. Bryant, T. Logan, and S. Pulinets 2006, TIR Anomalies Associated with some of the Major Earthquakes in 1999-2003, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1557

244. Freund, F. T., A. Takeuchi, B. W. S. Lau, A. Al-Manaseer, C. C. Fu, N. A. Bryant, and D. Ouzounov 2006, Stimulated infrared emission from rocks: assessing a stress indicator, eEarth Discussions 1, 97-121,

245. Pulinets, S. A., D. Ouzounov, L. Ciraolo, R. Singh, G. Cervone, A. Leyva, M. Dunajecka, A. V. Karelin, K. A. Boyarchuk, and A. Kotsarenko 2006, Thermal, atmospheric and ionospheric anomalies around the time of the Colima M7.8 earthquake of 21 January 2003, Annales Geophysicae 24, 835-849,

246. Ouzounov, D., S. Pulinets, L. Ciraolo, G. Cervone, M. Kafatos, P. Taylor, A.Gwal, and S. Dubey 2006, Thermal Satellite and GPS/TEC Observations of Atmospheric and Ionospheric Process Related to M7.6 Kashmir Earthquake of October 8, 2005, AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 19

247. Ouzounov, D., S. Pulinets, G. Cervone, M. Kafatos, and P. Taylor 2006, New methodology for global earthquake monitoring using joint multi-parameter satellite and in-situ data, 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 36, 671

248. Ouzounov D., S. Pulinets, L.Ciraolo, G.Cervone, M.Kafatos, P. Taylor, Joint GPS and Satellite Measurements of Atmospheric Processes Related to the Northern Sumatra Earthquake Sequence of Dec 2004-Apr 2005, 100th Anniversary Earthquake Conference commemorating the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, SSA centennial meeting, San Francisco, April 18-22, 2006

249. Ouzounov D., S. Pulintes , M.Parrot J. Liu M. Kamogawa K. Hattori,G. Cervone, C.Dunson M. Kafatos J.Radzikowski, and P.Taylor Monitoring Earthquake Activities Using Multi Parameter Electromagnetic Satellite and Ground Based Data, DEMETER International Symposium, “Results of the DEMETER project and of the recent advances in the seismo-electromagnetic effects and the ionospheric physics,” 14–16 June 2006, Toulouse, France.

250. Pulinets S, Ouzounov D., Parrot M. Conjugated near-equatorial effects registered by DEMETER satellite before Sumatra earthquake M8.7 of March 28, 2005; DEMETER International Symposium, “Results of the DEMETER project and of the recent advances in the seismo-electromagnetic effects and the ionospheric physics,” 14–16 June 2006, Toulouse, France.

251. Pulinets S, Ouzounov D. Recent progress in Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere (LAI) coupling model development, DEMETER International Symposium, “Results of the

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DEMETER project and of the recent advances in the seismo-electromagnetic effects and the ionospheric physics,” 14–16 June 2006, Toulouse, France.

252. Ouzounov D., D.Liu, C. Kang , G. Cervone, M. Kafatos, P. Taylor,2006, Emitted Long wave Radiation Variability from IR Satellite Data Prior to Major Earthquakes, West Pacific Geophysical Meeting, Beijing, July 24-27, 2006

253. Ouzounov D., S. Pulinets, L.Ciraolo, G.Cervone, M.Kafatos, P. Taylor, 2006, Joint GPS And Satellite Measurements Of Atmospheric Processes Related To The Northern Sumatra Earthquake Sequence Of Dec 2004-Apr 2005, Seismology Society of America, April 2006, San Francisco, CA

254. Ouzounov, D., Pulinets, S., Cervone, G., Kafatos, M., Ciraolo, L., and Taylor, P., 2006, Joint GPS and Satellite Measurements of Atmospheric Processes Related to the Northern Sumatra Earthquake Sequence of Dec 2004–Apr 2005. SSA Annual meeting, San Francisco,

255. Ouzounov, D., S. Pulinets, G. Cervone, M. Kafatos, L. Ciraolo, M. Parrot,and P. Taylor 2005, Analysis of Near-Surface Atmospheric IonosphericProcesses by Joint Satellite and Ground Measurements Associated with MajorEarthquakes (2003-2004), AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 7

256. Ouzounov, D, Pulintes, S.; Bryant, N.; Taylor, Patrick; Freund, F., Satellite Infrared Radiation Measurements Prior to the Major Earthquakes, Goddard Space Flight Center,2005, NTRS, 20050180420

257. Ouzounov, D; Pulinets, S; Braynt, N; Taylor, P; Freund, F Satellite Infrared radiation measurements prior to the major earthquakes, EGU 2005

258. Ouzounov D., 2005, Progress in Understanding the EM Phenomena Related to Major Earthquakes by Analyzing Multisensor Satellite and Ground Data, IUGG Inter Association Working Group on Electromagnetic Studies of Earthquakes and Volcanoes (EMSEV) 2005 Workshop, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Nov 3-4 2005.

259. Pulinets, S, and D.Ouzounov, 2005, Methodology and techniques for monitoring the short term ionospheric and near infrared precursory activities prior to main earthquake, International Workshop on Early Warning Systems For Earthquake Monitoring By Using Space Technology, Kandilli Observatory,Istanbul, Turkey, 1-2 February 2005

260. Ouzounov D., P. Taylor, N. Bryant, M. Parrot, S.Pulinets, J . Liu, 2005, Near Space Tracking of earthquake EM Phenomena, International Workshop in Seismo-Electromagnetics, Tokyo, Japan, March 12-19,2005.

261. Ouzounov , P. Taylor,M. Parrot, S.Pulinets, J . Liu, G. Steinitz, H. Zafrir, 2005, First results of the multi parameter analysis of EM emission during the major earthquakes by using joint near-space satellite and ground based measurements, 1st DEMETERGuest Investigator Workshop in Seismo-Electromagnetics, Paris, France, May 2-4, 2005.

262. Pulinets S.. Ouzounov, A. Karelin, K. Boyarchuk, 2005, Air Ionization as a Cause of Thermal and Ionospheric Anomalies Before Strong Earthquakes, URSI General Assembly, New Delhi, October

263. Ouzounov, D. Methodology and Techniques for Monitoring the Short Term Ionospheric and Near Infrared Precursory Activities Prior to Main Earthquakes (2005) Proc. of KOERI Early Warning Workshop, Istanbul, Turkey

264. Ouzounov, D., S. Pulinets, G. Cervone, R. Singh, and P. Taylor 2005, Atmospheric processes in reaction of Northern Sumatra Earthquake sequence Dec 2004-Apr 2005, AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 1

265. Savtchenko, A., D. Ouzounov, J. Acker, J. Johnson, G. Leptoukh, J. Qin, H. Rui, P. Smith, and W. Teng 2004, Radiance Data Products at the GES DAAC, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A778

266. Ouzounov, D., P. Taylor, and S. Pulinets 2004, The search for Infraredradiation prior to major earthquakes, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 457

267. Ouzounov, D., T. Logan, N. Braynt, and P. Taylor 2004, Satellite IR thermal measurements prior to the September 2004 earthquakes in central California, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 170

268. Ouzounov, D., P. Taylor, N. Bryant, S. Pulinets, and F. Freund 2004, Thermal emission before earthquakes by analyzing satellite infrared data, AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts A5

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269. Ouzounov, D., and 12 colleagues 2004, MODIS Terra and Aqua Products andData Tools Available from the NASA GES DISC, AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts

270. Ouzounov, D., N. Bryant, C. Filizzola, N. Pergola, P. Taylor, and V. Tramutoli 2004, Advances in analysis of pre-earthquake thermal anomalies by analyzing IR satellite data, 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 35, 3035

271. Ouzounov, D; Taylor, P; Bryant, N; Pulinets, S; Liu, JY; Yang, Kwang-Su, Near Space Tracking of the EM Phenomena Associated with the Main Earthquakes, NASA Center: Goddard Space Flight Center, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 2004 NTRS ID: 20040171517; Report Number: IAC-04-IAF-C.1.06

272. Ouzounov, D.; Logan, T.; Taylor, P Satellite IR Thermal Measurements Prior to the September 2004 Earthquakes in Central California, NASA Center: Goddard Space Flight Center, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 2004,NTRS, 20050147479

273. Savtchenko, A.; Ouzounov, D.; Acker, J.; Johnson, J.; Leptoukh, G.; Qin, J.; Rui, H.; Smith, P.; Teng, W., Radiance Data Products at the GES DAAC, NASA Center: Goddard Space Flight Center, 2004, NTRS ID: 20050070864

274. Ouzounov, D; Taylor, P; Bryant, N, Progress in Understanding the Pre-Earthquake Associated Events by Analyzing IR Satellite Data, NASA Center: Goddard Space Flight Center, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 2004, NTRS 20040171836

275. Ouzounov D., P. Taylor, N. Bryant, S. Pulinets, V. Tramutoli, C. Filizzola, N. Pergola , 2004, Advances in analysis of pre-earthquake thermal anomalies by analysing IR satellite data, 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 18-25 July 2004, Paris, France

276. Ouzounov D. Progress in understanding the pre-earthquake associated events by analyzing IR satellite data, 2004, 4th International Workshop on magnetic, electric and Electromagnetic Methods in seismology and Volcanology,5-9 Sept 2004,La Londe les Maures, France

277. Gopalan, A., D. Nickless, D.Ouzounov, A.Savtchenko, L. Pham, C. Lynnes and Z. Liu, 2004. GES DAAC Services and Tools for the Terra and Aqua MODIS User Community, MODIS Science Team Meeting, July 2004

278. Ouzounov, D., A. Savtchenko, A. Yuan, G. Leptoukh, J. Acker, J. McManus , J. Johnson, D. Nickless , D.Ostrenga , A. Gopalan, S. Shen , Z. Liu , H. Rui, W. Teng, 2004. MODIS Terra and Aqua Products and data Tools Available from the NASA GES DISC, Eos Trans. AGU, 85(17), Jt. Assem. Suppl, Abstract A43A-03.

279. Gopalan, A., J.Johnson, D.Ouzounov, A.Savtchenko, L. Pham, C. Lynnes, S. Berrick, Z. Liu and H.Rui, 2004. HDF/HDF-EOS Tools and Services available at GES DAAC, HDF workshop, October, 2004.

280. Pulinets, S.A., Boyarchuk, K., Karelin, A.V., Ouzounov, D., Singh, R., Leyva, A., Ciraolo, L., Dunajecka, M. (2004) Electromagnetic processes in near ground atmosphere as a source of thermal anomalies before earthquakes. Case study of Colima earthquake M 7.8, January 21(22) 2003 (2004) Extended Abstracts from Fourth International Workshop Magnetic Electric and Electro-magnetic Methods in Seismology Volcanology (MEEMSV) Lalonde les Maures, 43-44

281. Ouzounov D. Earthquakes from near Space ? What New we can tell about the earthquake related Earth-atmosphere interactions processes by analyzing associated events from space, 2008, 36th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meeting, December 1 - 4, Hyatt Regency Reston Town Center, Reston, VA

282. Lynnes, C., and 11 colleagues 2003, Applications of Bayesian Classification to Content-based Data Services, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 13

283. Gonzalez, L., D. Ouzounov, G. Leptoukh, A. Savtchenko, C. Deroo, J. Li, and B. Teng 2003, HDF-EOS HDFLook Data Processing and Visualization Applications at GES DAAC, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 8

284. Ouzounov, D. and F. Freund 2003, Earth-Atmospheric Coupling Before Earthquakes by Analyzing Multi Parameter Satellite Data, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 5

285. Vincenzo, L.; Marianna, B.; Gerardo, C.; Maria, M.; Luciano, T.; Freund, F. T.; Ouzounov, D.; Wan, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Q.; Post, R.; Keefner, J.; Mellon, J.; Al-Manaseer, A.2003, Stimulated IR Emission from the Surface of Rocks during Deformation, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 200

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286. Savtchenko, A., J. Qin, G. Leptoukh, D. Ouzounov, D. Yuan, J. Li, Gopalan, S. Cho, G. Vicente, and B. Teng 2003, Aqua MODIS and AIRS Products Available from NASA GES DAAC, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 571

287. Gopalan, A., G. Leptoukh, A. Savtchenko, and D. Ouzounov 2003, Exploring the feasibility of using the MODIS 1 km by 1 km cloud mask product to generate a lower resolution product suitable for use with other instruments (e.g AIRS) on the EOS-Aqua satellite., AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 562

288. Ouzounov, D., A. Savtchenko, G. Leptoukh, B. Zhou, D. Nickless,D. Ostrenga, A. Gopalan, D. Yuan, and S. Shen 2003, Terra and Aqua MODIS Products and Data Tools Available From NASA GES DAAC, EGS - AGU – EUG Joint Assembly 13515

289. Ouzounov, D, 2003, Earth-atmospheric coupling prior to earthquakes by analyzing remote sensing data, EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly 10604

290. Savtchenko A., J.Qin, G. Leptoukh, D. Ouzounov, D. Yuan, A.Gopalan, J. Li, S.Cho, G.Vicente and B.Teng, 2003, Aqua MODIS and AIRS products available from NASA GES DAAC, Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H32B-0571

291. Ouzounov D, L. Gonzalez, C. Deroo , G. Leptoukh, A. Savtchenko, J.Y. Li, B.Teng, 2003, HDF-EOS HDFLook Data Processing and Visualization Applications at GES DAAC, Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract U41B-0008

292. Lynnes, C., S. Berrick, I. Gerasimov, A. Gopalan, X. Hua,Ouzounov D., R. P. MacHarrie, D. Ouzounov, S. Shen, P. Smith, K. Yang, K. Wheeler, and C. Curry.Singh 2003. Applications of classification to content-based data services. In Proc. AGU 2003 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

293. Ouzounov D., R. P. Singh and F.Freund, Earth-Atmospheric Coupling Before The 2001 Bhuj Earthquake (India) By Analyzing Multisensor Satellite Imagery, IUGG, Sapporo, Japan

294. Ouzounov D., A. Savtchenko, D. Yuan, G. Leptoukh , B. Zhou, J.Acker, J.McManus, D. Nickless, D. Ostrenga, A.Gopalan, and S.Shen, 2003, TERRA and AQUA MODIS products and data tools available from NASA GES DAAC, AGU/EGS, Nice, France.

295. Ouzounov D., 2003, Earth-atmospheric coupling during strong earthquakes by analyzing IR remote sensing data, International Workshop of Earth Systems Interactions, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, Jan 26-29

296. Leptoukh, G., D. Ouzounov, A. Savtchenko, L. Lu, N. Pollack, Z. Liu, J. Johnson, J.C. Qin, S. Cho, J. Li, S. Kempler, W. Teng, and L. Gonzalez, 2003, HDF/HDF-EOS Data Access, Visualization and Processing Tools at the GES DAAC, IGARSS 2003 Meeting at Toulouse, France, July 21-25

297. Savtchenko A. D. Ouzounov, Leptoukh, G., 2003, MODIS Data from Terra and Aqua Satellites, IGARSS 2003 Meeting at Toulouse, France, July 21-25

298. Ouzounov, D; Savtchenko, A; Leptoukh, G; Zhou, B; Nickless, D; Ostrenga, D; Gopalan, A; Yuan, D; Shen, STerra and Aqua MODIS Products and Data Tools Available From NASA GES DAAC,EUG Joint Assambley ,2003, Nice, France, POSTER EAE03-A-13515;

299. Ouzounov D., A. Savtchenko, D. Yuan, G. Leptoukh , B. Zhou, J.Acker, J.McManus, D. Nickless, D. Ostrenga, A.Gopalan, and S.Shen, TERRA and AQUA MODIS products and data tools available from NASA GES DAAC, AGU/EGS, Nice, France, 2003.

300. Savtchenko, A., J. Acker, S. Shen, and D. Ouzounov 2002, Ocean Color and Sea Surface Temperature Data from the NASA GES DAAC: From Heritage to Heuristics, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 184

301. Ouzounov, D., S. Cho, J. Johnson, J. Li, Z. Liu, L. Lu, N. Pollack, J.Qin , A. Savtchenko, and B. Teng 2002, GES DAAC HDF Data Processing and Visualization Tools, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 176

302. Freund, F. T.; Ouzounov, D.; Freund, M. M.; Wan, Z.; Zhang, Q.; Zhang, Y.; Jhabvala, M.; La, A.; McClare, M.; Velle, A. M.; Fei, Y.; Tsay, S.2002, Mid-Infrared Radiation, Electric Charges, and Acoustic Emission During Rock Deformation, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A999

303. Ouzounov, D. and F. T. Freund 2002, Mid-infrared emission prior to the October-November 2002 Earthquake Sequence on the Denali Fault, Alaska analyzed by remote sensing data, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1371

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304. Ouzounov, D. P., F. T. Freund, and P. T. Taylor 2002, Satellite and Ground Tracking of Pre-Earthquake Electromagnetic Activity, AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 4

305. Freund, F. T., M. Jhabvala, A. La, P. Shu, S. Tsay, D. Ouzounov, and Y. Fei 2002, Mid-Infrared Luminescence Observed During Rock Deformation, AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 3

306. Ouzounov, D., S. Ahmad, P. Eaton, J. Koziana, G. Leptoukh, A. Savtchenko, G. Serafino, A. Sharma, M. Sikder, and B. Zhou 2002, GES DAAC Improved Tools for Accessing MODIS Data, AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 7

307. Koziana, J., and 12 colleagues 2002, TERRA and AQUA MODIS products available from GES DAAC, 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 34, 2856

308. Ouzounov, D., and 10 colleagues 2002, GES DAAC tools for accessing TERRA and AQUA MODIS data, 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 34, 2832

309. Ouzounov D. and L. Gonzalez, 2002, Introduction to HDFLook, Second Workshop for Earth Science Satellite Remote Sensing, George Mason University, October 15/22

310. Ouzounov D. and F.Freund, 2002, Mid-infrared emission prior to strong earthquakes analyzed by remote sensing data, COSPAR02, Houston, TX

311. Ouzounov D., S. Ahmad, P. Eaton, J. Koziana, G. Leptoukh, A. Savtchenko, G. Serafino, A.K. Sharma, B. Zhou, 2002, GES DAAC Tools for Accessing TERRA and AQUA MODIS Data , COSPAR02, Houston, TX

312. Ouzounov D., A. Savtchenko, S.Ahmad, G. Leptoukh , J.Koziana, D. Nickless, 2002,Terra & Aqua MODIS Products Available from NASA GES DAAC, COSPAR02, Houston, TX

313. Qu J., G. Serafino, B. Teng, D. Ouzounov, N. Pollack, L. Chiu, 2002,Responding to the Challenge of Producing and Distributing MODIS Data at the NASA/GES DISC via the Remote Sensing Information Partners (RSIP) Program, IGARSS02, Toronto, Canada

314. Ahmad S., J. Koziana, D.Ouzounov, G.Leptoukh, A. Savtchenko, G.Serafino, and A.K. Sharma , 2002, Highlights of MODIS Products, IGARSS02, Toronto, Canada

315. Ouzounov D., G. Leptoukh and F.Freund ,2002, Earth-Atmospheric Coupling Prior to Strong Earthquakes Analyzed by IR Remote Sensing Data, IGARSS02, Toronto, Canada

316. Ouzounov D,. S. Ahmad, P. Eaton, J. Koziana, G. Leptoukh, A. Savtchenko, G. Serafino, A.K. Sharma, M. Skider, J. Qu, and B. Zhou., 2002, GES DAAC Improved Methods And Tools For Accessing MODIS Data, American Meteorological Society, January, Atlanta.

317. Savtchenko A., D. Ouzounov at al., 2002, MODIS level 1B from Goddard DAAC: Advantages and challenges, American Meteorological Society, January, Atlanta.

318. Ouzounov, D., Ahmad, S., Koziana, J., Leptoukh, G., Savtechenko, A., Serafino, G., Sharma, A.K., Qu, J., Gonzalez, L., Deroo, C. ,2002, A new multifunctional GES DAAC data processing and visualization tool for land, ocean and atmosphere MODIS data (2002) Proceeding of AMS Annual Meeting

319. Savtchenko A., D. Ouzounov at al., 2002, MODIS level 1B from Goddard DAAC: Advantages and challenges, American Meteorological Society, January 12-17, Atlanta

320. Ouzounov D,. S. Ahmad, P. Eaton, J. Koziana, G. Leptoukh, A. Savtchenko, G. Serafino, A.K. Sharma, M. Skider, J. Qu, and B. Zhou., 2002, GES DAAC Improved Methods and Tools for Accessing MODIS Data, American Meteorological Society, January 12-17, Atlanta

321. Ahmad S., J. Koziana, D.Ouzounov, G.Leptoukh, A. Savtchenko, G.Serafino, and A.K. Sharma , 2002, Highlights of MODIS Products, IGARSS02, Toronto, Canada

322. Qu J., G. Serafino, B. Teng, D. Ouzounov, N. Pollack, L. Chiu, Responding to the Challenge of Producing and Distributing MODIS Data at the NASA/GES DISC via the Remote Sensing Information Partners (RSIP) Program, IGARSS02, Toronto, Canada, 2002

323. Ouzounov D., A. Savtchenko, S.Ahmad, G. Leptoukh , J.Koziana, D. Nickless, 2002,Terra & Aqua MODIS Products Available from NASA GES DAAC, 29-th COSPAR Assembly/Second Space Congress, Houston, TX

324. Ouzounov D., S. Ahmad, P. Eaton, J. Koziana, G. Leptoukh, A. Savtchenko, G. Serafino, A.K. Sharma, B. Zhou, 2002, GES DAAC Tools for Accessing TERRA and AQUA MODIS Data , 29-th COSPAR Assembly/Second Space Congress, Houston, TX

325. Ouzounov D. and F.Freund, 2002, Mid-infrared emission prior to strong earthquakes analyzed by remote sensing data, 29-th COSPAR Assembly/Second Space Congress, Houston, TX

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326. Ouzounov D., L. Gonzalez, Introduction to HDFLook, Second Workshop for Earth Science Satellite Remote Sensing, George Mason University, October 15-22, 2002

327. Ouzounov, D, Williams, R, Freund, F, Earth-Atmospheric Coupling During Strong Earthquakes by Analyzing MODIS Data Radiance Data Products at the GES DAAC, NASA Center: Ames Research Center, Goddard Space Flight Center, 2001,NTRS 20010125646

328. Freund, F. and D. Ouzounov 2001, Earth-Atmospheric Coupling Prior to Strong Earthquakes Analyzed by IR Remote Sensing Data, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A627

329. Gonzales, L., C. Deroo, D. Ouzounov, S. Ahmad, J. Koziana, G. Leptoukh, A. Savtchenko, G. Serafino, A. Sharma, and J. Qu 2001, A New Multifunctional GES DAAC Data Processing and Visualization Tool for Land, Ocean and Atmosphere MODIS Data, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 41

330. Sharma, A. K., S. Ahmad, P. Eaton, J. Koziana, G. Leptoukh, D. Ouzounov, A.Savtchenko, G. Serafino, M. Sikder, and B. Zhou 2001, TERRA/MODIS Data Products and Data Management at the GES-DAAC, AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 21

331. Ouzounov D., F.Freund, 2001, Ground-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Interactions Related To Earthquakes: How Can Earthscope Help, EARTHSCOPE Workshop, Salt Lake City

332. Leptoukh, G.; Ahmad, S.; Eaton, P.; Koziana, J.; Ouzounov, D.; Savtchenko, A.; Serafino, G.; Sharma, A.; Sikder, M.; Zhou, B. MODIS data ingest, processing, archiving and distribution at the Goddard Earth Sciences DAAC, IEEE 2001 International Volume 5 , 2001 Australia

333. Ouzounov D., F.Freund, R.Williams, 2001, Earth-Atmospheric Coupling during Strong Earthquakes by analyzing MODIS Data, IASPEI/IAGA, Vietnam

334. Ouzounov D., F.Freund, 2001, Ground-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Interactions Related To Earthquakes: How Can Earthscope Help, EARTHSCOPE Workshop, Salt Lake City

335. Kilifarska N, D.Ouzounov, 2001,Ionospheric Response On Geomagnetic Disturbances And Its Modelling, IASPEI/IAGA, Vietnam

336. Leptoukh, G.; Ahmad, S.; Eaton, P.; Koziana, J.; Ouzounov, D.; Savtchenko, A.; Serafino, G.; Sharma, A.; Sikder, M.; Zhou, B. MODIS data ingest, processing, archiving and distribution at the Goddard Earth Sciences DAAC, IEEE 2001 International Volume 5, 2001 Australia

337. Kilifarska, N A, Ouzounov, D P, 2000,Ionospheric Storm Simulation and Thermospheric Composition Reconstruction Using Re-time Measurements of fof2 and hmf2 From a Meridional Chain of VI Stations Spring Meeting, SA32A-02

338. Ouzounov, D P, Williams, R G, Wohlman, R,2000, A Joint Analysis of Earthquake and Lightning Activity, Spring Meeting, S41B-08

339. Ouzounov, D P, Leptoukh, G G, Descloitres, J,2000, MODIS Level-1 Browse Imagery at the GES DAAC Eos Trans. AGU, 81 (48), Fall Meet. Suppl., A21B-14

340. Ouzounov D., R.Williams, (2000) A Joint Analysis of Earthquake and Lightning Activity for Southern California for (1995-99) , International Workshop of Seismo-Electromagnetic, Tokyo, Japan

341. Kilifarska N., D. Ouzounov, 1998, Current State of the Ionospheric Modeling - Problems, Purposes, Accuracy, in: Proceedings of V-th National Conference on "Main problems in solar-terrestrial interactions", 12-13 November, Bulgaria, p.47-48

342. Ouzounov D. P., D. Michailov .S. Dineva,1998, Analysis of Microseismic Signals on the Territory of Bulgaria, XXVI General Assembly of European Seismology Commission, Israel, Aug 22-27

343. Ouzounov D.P.,1997, High Frequency Localization of Seismic Noise Sources Using Scattered Elastic Waves., Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Dec. 8-12

344. Ouzounov D.P,1997, High Frequency Localization of Seismic Noise Sources. XXIX General Assembly of the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior, Thessaloniki, Greece

345. Ouzounov D.P., B.S.Rangelov,1995, Propagation of seismic waves via 2-D medium. A High-frequency approximation. 1st geophysical national conference. 6-10 Nov, Sofia, Bulgaria

346. Ouzounov D.P,1995, Spatial localization of the sources of microseismic noise in the Provadia region (NE Bulgaria). First geophysical national conference. 6-10 November, Sofia, Bulgaria

347. Ouzounov D.P, D.Michailov, S.Dineva ,1995, Spectral characteristics of microseismic noise in Provadia region (NE Bulgaria). First geophysical national conference. 6-10 November 1995, Sofia, Bulgaria

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348. Ouzounov D.P, D.Michailov, S.Dineva, L.Dimitrova,1995, Digital earthquake registration with PDP 11/34 and its PC processing (1990-1995). First geophysical national conference. 6-10 November, Sofia, Bulgaria

349. Ouzounov D.P.,1999, A High Frequency Seismic Tomography Method using Spatial Methods of Reconstruction, XXI General Assembly of International Union of Geology and Geophysics, July 2-14, Boulder, Colorado

350. Kilifarska, D.P. Ouzounov ,1995, Theoretical Modeling Of The Irregularities In Peak Electron Density Planetary Distribution. Comparison Accuracy Estimations. XX General Assembly of European Geophysical Society, Hamburg, Germany

351. Ouzounov D.P.,1995, Microseismic Activity and Its Connection with the Medium Heterogeneity, XX General Assembly of European Geophys. Society, Hamburg, Germany

352. Ouzounov D., S.Dineva, D.Michailov, 1994, Spatial Analysis Of The Microseismic Noise In The Provadia Region (NE Bulgaria), XXIV General Assembly of European Seismological Commission, 19-24 September, Athens, Greece

353. Ouzounov D.P. Informatively of Microseismic Noise in Seismological Investigation of the Earth Crust, XIX General Assembly of European Geophysical Society, France, 1994

354. Dineva S., D.Michailov, D.Sokerova, E.Botev, Ouzounov D., S.Popov , 1994. Project for Local Seismological Microearthquake Network in Provadia Zone (NE Bulgaria), XXIV Assembly of European Seismology Commission, 19-24 Sept, p.121-130, Athens, Greece.

355. Michailov D., Dineva S., Ouzounov D. Petrov L.,1993. Investigation for Increase of the Seismic Safety of the Nuclear Power Plant Belene; Summary. Part I. Preliminary Investigations For Belene NPP Near Site Local Monitoring Network, Geophysical Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, May, p.86.

356. Michailov D., Dineva S., Ouzounov D., Petrov L., 1992. Investigation for Increase of the Seismic Safety of the Nuclear Power Plant Kozloduy; Summary. Part I. Preliminary Investigations For Kozloduy NPP Near Site Local Monitoring Network, Geophysical Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, April, p.81.

357. Ouzounov D.P., Zidarov D.P.,1992, One common solution of the inverse seismic and gravimetric problems. XVII General Assembly of European Geophysical Society, (Annales Geophysicae, Supplement I to vol.10, part. Natural hazards p.106), Edinburgh 6-10 April, UK, I Solid Earth Geophysics,

358. Ouzounov D.P., 1990,Polarization-energy tomography in seismic waves analysis. International symposium of inverse problems for potential fields. Application to geophysics. October 8-13, Sofia, Bulgaria (in Bulgarian)

359. Alexandrov S.I., Ouzounov D.P. ,1991. Methods of noise tomography. III-th Scientific Geotomography Meeting, Ekaterinenburg, Jan 9-12, pp.67-70, Russia (in Russian)

360. Alexandrov S.I., Ouzounov D.P.,1989, Polarization analysis of scattering seismic field. Scientific conference "Application of nontraditional geophysical methods in studying of heterogeneity in earth crust." 14-16 December, Zvenigorod, Russia (in Russian)

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