Curriculum for Spring 2013: Elective · presentation, the group will provide ppt slides for class. Group report outlines (or ppt files)

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Curriculum for Spring 2020: Elective Courses

Advanced Literature and Culture Courses

LC001. English Literature II: Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (Donne through 1789) [英國文學(二)︰十七、十八世紀(唐恩至1789)]

3 credits Prof. Cecilia Liu < > For Sophomores and above Class size: 45 Prerequisite: Introduction to Literature


This course is a study of selected poetry, prose and drama from the 17th and 18th centuries British Literature. Authors to be studied will include Donne, Marvell, Milton, Behn, Dryden, Swift, Congreve, Pope and Johnson. Possible topics include the Reformation, metaphysical and cavalier poetry, scientific empiricism, the Enlightenment, satire, the rise of the novel, and neoclassical and pre-Romantic poetry. In class, we will have lectures, discussions of the assigned texts and group presentations.


授課進度 Course Progress Outline


日期Date 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註


1 02/20 Introduction Eng. Civil War, Restoration, Glorious Revolution and the Age of Reason

2 02/27 John Donne

“The Flea”; “The Good-Morrow”; Song (“Go and Catch a Falling Star”); “The Canonization”; “The Apparition”; “A Valediction Forbidding Mourning”; Holy Sonnet: #1, 10, 14; Meditation 17

3 03/05 Ben Jonson “On My First Son”; “Song: To Celia”; Volpone, or The Fox

4 03/12 Bacon, Hobbes, Herbert, Herrick Essays and Poems

5 03/19 Andrew Marvell “To His Coy Mistress”; “Bermudas,” “The Definition of


Love,” “The Garden”

6 03/26 John Milton

from The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates; &quot;On Shakespeare,” “Lycidas” From Paradise Lost: Bk 1

7 04/02 Spring Recess

8 04/09 John Milton (Cont.) Selections from Paradise Lost: Bk 2, 4, 5, 9

9 04/16 Midterm

10 04/23 Dryden “MacFlecknoe”; “A Song for St. Cecilia’s Day” “An Essay of Dramatic Poesy”

11 04/30 Aphra Behn Oroonoko, or The Royal Slave

12 05/07 William Congreve

The Way of the World

13 05/14 Daniel Defoe Selections from Roxana: “The Cons of Marriage” and Moll Flanders

14 05/21 Jonathan Swift

Selections from Gulliver’s Travel Part I Lilliput; Part II Brobdingnag; Part III Laputa, Struldbruggs, etc.

15 05/28 Jonathan Swift Selections from Gulliver’s Travel Part IV, and “A Modest Proposal”

16 06/04 Alexander Pope and Samuel Johnson

“The Rape of the Lock” Johnson: “The Vanity of Human Wishes,” “The Preface to Shakespeare”

17 06/11 Samuel Johnson and James Bowell

Johnson: “The Vanity of Human Wishes,” “The Preface to Shakespeare” Boswell: Selections from The Life of Samuel Johnson

18 06/18 Final Exam

教學方法 Pedagogical


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 30 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 20 個 案 研 討 0 服 務 學 習 0 問題導向學習 0 競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 0 專 題 實 作 10 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 0 對 話 教 學 法 40 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 0 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0


課程教材 Course Material

The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt, et al. 9th ed. Vol.1. New York: Norton, 2012. Handouts

教科書 The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt, et al. 9th ed. Vol.1. New York: Norton, 2012.

參考書目 Reference





方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %

課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報告 0 個案分析報告撰

寫 0

專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 0 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 20 期末考 20 隨堂考(小考) 15 書面報告(含小組或個人) 0 課堂參與 5 心得或作業撰寫 25 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 15 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0

其他 0 說明:Quizzes, attendance 小考、課堂出席率 15/5% Group project (oral/written) 小組報告 15% 4 Journals, class participation 閱讀月誌與課堂討論參與度 25% Midterm & final exams 期中、期末考 @20%


1. Punctuality and regular attendance with preparation: Absences and lateness are strongly discouraged. 4 unexcused absences will constitute reason for failing this course. Two points of the term grade will be deducted after the third absence. 2. Class participation: Finish the assigned reading and be prepared to ask questions and discuss in class. Put away your cellphone in class. Active participants will get extra points. 3. Group project: in-class oral presentation [not exceeding 30 minutes] on assigned topics about the background or critical analysis to the assigned readings, and after the oral report, turn in a group written paper. 4. Reading journals before/after class: One entry [1-2 typed page(s), single spaced] every three weeks on the assigned reading. In the journal, write down a) what you think about the assigned reading, b) any question you have about it, c) your experience of visiting relevant web sites, d) what you have discussed—reflections, insights—in your study group. Please hand it in on TronClass website. Late assignments will not be graded. You will automatically fail this course if you plagiarize.


5. Study group: Form a group of three/four by yourselves and meet once a week outside of class to discuss, answer the questions on the assigned reading, and give a presentation in class. 6. Occasional quizzes, midterm, and final exam.

LC002. American Literature I: Colonial Period to 1865 [美國文學史(一)︰殖民時期至 1865

年] 3 credits Prof. Cecilia Liu < > For Sophomores and above Class size: 45


This course surveys the development of American literature from the seventeenth century through the Civil War. It seeks a balance among various genres—fiction, poetry, autobiography, oratory, essay—and among various perspectives on American life. In this semester, our discussions will focus on close analysis of texts while lectures will introduce individual authors and related historical issues (for example, the American Revolution, slavery, the Civil War) and cultural movements (like Puritanism and Transcendentalism). Serious students in this course can expect to gain knowledge of an important body of literature, an understanding of American culture and identity, skills in literary analysis, and a framework for future reading. Literary analysis here will be a process of close reading to discover: 1) the unique voice, technique, and accomplishment of individual literary works; 2) their reflection of and participation in broader cultural and social movements; 3) their relevance to readers today.


授課進度 Course Progress Outline


日期Date 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註


1 02/17


Film: The Crucible (based on the play by Arthur Miller)

2 02/24 Colonial Period: Letters/ Accounts

Columbus, Harriot, Bradford, Winthrop

3 03/02 Bradstreet & Taylor Bradstreet, “The Author to Her Book,” “Before the Birth of One


of Her Children,” “To My Dear and Loving Husband,” “A Letter to Her Husband, Absent upon Public Employment,” “In Memory of My Dear Grandchild Elizabeth Bradstreet” Taylor, Meditations 8; “Upon Wedlock, and Death of Children,” “Upon a Wasp Chilled with Cold,” “Huswifery”

4 03/09 Mary Rowlandson

Rowlandson: Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, Opening narrative, First, Second, Third, and Twentieth Removes

5 03/16


Edwards: “Personal Narrative”; “A Divine and Supernatural Light”; “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” Franklin: “The Way to Wealth”; Selections from Autobiography

6 03/23 Crèvecoeur, Paine, Jefferson, Wheatley

Crèvecoeur: Letters from an American Farmer, Letter III “What Is An American”; Paine: “The Crisis, No.1” Jefferson: from The Autobiography of Thomas Jefferson Wheatley: “On Being Brought from Africa to America”, “To the Right Honorable William, Earl of Dartmouth”

7 03/30 Spring Break No Class

8 04/06 American Renaissance: Irving, Cooper, and Hawthorne

Irving, “Rip Van Winkle” Cooper, from The Pioneers, Chapter III Hawthorne, “My Kinsman, Major Molineux”

9 04/13 Midterm Exam Midterm Exam

10 04/20 UNIT THREE: TRANSCENDENTALISM Emerson and Bryant

Emerson: Nature, Introduction, Chapters I, IV, V, VII, VIII; “The American Scholar”; “Each and All”


Bryant: “To a Waterfowl”

11 04/27 Thoreau: Walden Thoreau: Walden, Chapter 1; Chapters 2, 5, 17, 18

12 05/04 Unit Four: Other American Romantics Poe

Unit Four: Other American Romantics Poe: “To Helen,” “The Raven”; “Annabel Lee”; “The Fall of the House of Usher”; “The Tell-Tale Heart”; “The Philosophy of Composition”

13 05/11 Hawthorne

Hawthorne: “Rappaccini’s Daughter”; “My Kinsman, Major Molineux”; The Scarlet Letter (introduction)

14 05/18 Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Cont’d)

15 05/25 Whitman Song of Myself; Preface to Leaves of Grass;”Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking”

16 06/01 Dickinson Poems #214, 258, 328, 341, 448, 449, 465, 501, 712, 754, 986, 1078, 1624

17 06/08 Melville “Bartleby, the Scrivener”

18 06/15 Final Exam

教學方法 Pedagogical Methods

方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 30 影 片 欣 賞 10 討 論 30 個 案 研 討 0 服 務 學 習 0 問題導向學習 0 競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 0 專 題 實 作 0 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 0 對 話 教 學 法 30 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 0 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0

課程教材 Course Material

Baym, Nina, ed. Norton Anthology of American Literature. Shorter 8th ed. New York: Norton, 2012.

教科書 Baym, Nina, ed. Norton Anthology of American Literature. Shorter 8th ed. New York: Norton, 2012.

參考書目 Reference

Online sources Handouts




方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %

課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報告 0 個案分析報告撰

寫 0


專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 0 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 30 期末考 30 隨堂考(小考) 10 書面報告(含小組或個人) 0 課堂參與 5 心得或作業撰寫 10 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 15 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0

其他 0


PARTICIPATION / PRESENTATION. Students should read and prepare the texts assigned for each class meeting before the beginning of class. Class time will involve a combination of lecture, discussion, and presentation. The class will divide into groups to prepare and present answers to study questions, which will be distributed for some readings. Each group (4 members) needs to sign up for two presentation topics. At the time of the presentation, the group will provide ppt slides for class. Group report outlines (or ppt files) are expected to be put online (TronClass). Quizzes will also count toward your class participation grade. Because this is a survey course, we will not try to cover every aspect of every assigned text. Nevertheless, students are expected to read and study all the texts and express comments online. On exams and in essays students are encouraged to go beyond what we have said in class. ATTENDANCE and promptness are essential to this course. Absences, or persistent lateness, will hurt your grade. Students with more than three unexcused absences will fail this course. Send me an email explaining any absence beforehand, if possible, or as soon as possible after the missed class. If you have been sick and seek professional care, please show me the sick leave application right after you come to class.

LC003. Contemporary Chinese Fiction [當代小說選讀]

2 credits Ms. Yen-zhen Wu <> For Sophomores and above Class size: 45

Please see p.61 for the course description.

Advanced Language Studies Courses

LS001. Technology-Assisted Instruction & Presentation [科技輔助教學與簡報]

3 credits


Dr. Bichu Chen < > For Juniors and above Class size: 25


The course “Technology Assisted Instruction & Presentation” has the following features. - Primarily provide students with hands-on practice of technology assisted presentation and instructional media. -The themes and multimedia covered in this course include offline and online tools, filming and editing tools, instructional tools, etc. -Design multimedia lesson plans and produce multimedia materials. -The final project will require students in using software, platform, online materials, and other tools to produce a project. -Themes or topics for projects are NOT limited to language learning. -Technology as a way to learning by exploring and constructing meaningful materials. -An overview of important issues -Part of this course fits curriculum goals for Language Studies and/or Capstone Courses; this course will guide you to fulfill Learning Outcome Demonstration (LOD). --This is a project-based course.


授課進度 Course Progress Outline


日期Date 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註


1 02/21 Orientation Ice-breaking activity What is e-Learning? * This syllabus is

subject to change. 2 02/28 Presentation Skills Holiday No Class

3 03/06 Presentation Skills Presentation skills

4 03/13 Presentation Skills Duty Assignment Plan draft

5 03/20 Software and task design; Instruction & learning strategies

6 03/27 Software and task design Infographics

Plan draft

7 04/03 Using Online Tools No class, Holiday

8 04/10 Infographics & Online No Class- Good Friday「救


Tools 主受難紀念」(Celebration of the Lord’s Passion

9 04/17 FJU Midterm Week Specific Plan: Online Meeting

10 04/24 Group Tutorial

11 05/01 Group Tutorial

12 05/08 Group Tutorial Using Online Tools Online Homework

13 05/15

Assessment: levels test, rating scales, etc.; Using Online Tools Web 2.0

Platform, SNS

14 05/22 Web 2.0 Platform, SNS

15 05/29 Reflections and Final Presentation

16 06/05 Reflections and Final Presentation Final Report

17 06/12 Reflections and Final Presentation Final Report

18 06/19 Survey, self & peer assessment

教學方法 Pedagogical


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 20 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 15 個 案 研 討 0 服 務 學 習 0 問題導向學習 10 競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 0 專 題 實 作 10 電 子 教 學 25 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 5 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 0 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 15 其 他 0

課程教材 Course Material

e-Learning materials Films Chosen Tech Tools

教科書 1. Hard copy - TBA. 2. e-materials (The links will be provided to you later.)

參考書目 Reference

Lewis, G. (2009). Bringing Technology into the Classroom. Oxford University

Windeatt, Scott, David Hardisty, and David Eastment. The Internet. Oxford University Press, 2000. Print.


學習評量Learning 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %


Evaluation 課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報

告 5 個案分析報告撰寫 0

專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 20 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 0 期末考 0 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小組或個人) 0 課堂參與 20 心得或作業撰寫 25 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 15 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 10

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0

其他 5


Attendance Please come to class each time and on time. Each unexcused absence will result at least a 3% deduction from the final grade. Leaves with excused up to three times lead to large score deduction. According to the university regulation, more than three unexcused absences result in a failed grade for the course. If you are or will be absent for medical or personal leaves, please inform me in advance and show evidence (e.g. medical certificate or receipt). Other Class Policy -- Students have to attend weekly lectures, participating class and on-line discussions, writing and carrying out e-Learning lesson plans and produce e-Learning materials. -- Taking part in individual and group projects will assist students to put theories into practice. These projects will involve students in using software, platform, online materials, and other e-Learning tools. -- Only one late assignment is allowed and it will result in deduction of scores; any other late assignment will lead to in a score of zero. Grading 1. In-class and On-line Participation & Attendance 2. Individual and Group Projects (software and platform- material design, peer review, written/oral reports, different types of e-documents and participation) 3. Other Required Assignments, Activities & Quizzes 4. Assessment & Surveys

LS002 . TESOL and Cross-Cultural Communication: Service Learning IV [英語教學與跨文

化溝通服務學習(四)] 2 credits Dr. Lydia Tseng <>


For Freshmen and above Class size: 15

Course Description: This course offers students two important learning experiences by participating in a cross-cultural service learning project. The first one concerns applying theories of TESOL and cross-cultural communication to pedagogic practice in a local elementary school. The second learning opportunity involves developing cross-cultural competency by working with a group of American college students (Saint Vincent College, US) for one English Summer Camp. This collaboration will challenge students to learn about the ways people from different cultural backgrounds think, communicate, and behave based on the value systems, worldviews, and implications that ground them. The first part of this course will focus on building awareness of the integration of culture into English language teaching and learning. The second part will emphasize knowledge, building frameworks from established theories of TESOL and cross-cultural communication for critical analysis and cross-cultural teaching and learning. The third phase of the course will focus on building the skills needed to apply their knowledge to address issues of cross-cultural adaption and social integration including issues involving ethnic, racial, gender, and class differences in actual pedagogic practice. All the students taking this course must attend 2020 FJU-SVC summer camp on English teaching and cross-cultural communication in Guo-Tai elementary school from June 21 to June 24, 2020 (June 21: Orientation Meeting, June 22~24: Guo-Tai summer camp, tentative schedule) Types of Class Tasks: TESOL/Cross-cultural workshop (including guest speaker’s workshops), class discussion (including face-to-face, asynchronous, synchronous discussions), classroom observation, teaching demo, peer review, critical analysis and reflection. Tentative Schedule We will meet on weekly basis, but for some weeks, we will have guest speakers’ workshops, classroom observation & teaching demo sessions. Details will be discussed among course participants and finalized later. Learning Evaluation/Assessment

(1) participation, discussion (F2F & online) (2) group and individual assignments: group projects & worksheets (written, oral,


digital) (3) classroom observation & teaching demo (4) SVC project portfolio: lesson plans, group project on aspects of Taiwanese

culture, performance in Guo-Tai camp and tours, individual report on SVC project (observation, description, critical reflection, and evaluation)

**Juniors and seniors: if you’d like to take this course for fulfilling the graduation threshold requirement (learning outcome presentation), please inform Lydia in advance. If you plan to do so, you have to submit one individual written report, digital video, and deliver a presentation in 108-02 dept.’s service learning & internship presentation (LOD presentation).

Advanced writing: Required courses for Seniors. Please take one of the followings.

AW001. Commercial Correspondence in English [商務英文]

2 credits Dr. Cindy Lee <> For Seniors only Class size: 27 Prerequisite: CC III

AW002. Chinese-English Translation [專業寫作:中英翻譯] 2 credits Fr. Daniel Bauer < > For Seniors only Class size: 27 Prerequisite: CC III

The purpose of this course in Chinese-English translation is (1) to give students practical experience in translating a variety of brief texts, primarily taken from Chinese newspapers, into English; (2) to become familiar with important ideas or theories traditionally associated with translation (for example, equivalent effect, audience reception, fidelity in translation); (3) sharpen English language skills. Students can expect 8 individual assignments (2 pages minimum in length, to be revised according to the advice of the instructor). Students will also make about 3 individual presentations on the assignments, each about 5 minutes in length, discussing the particular


challenges and solutions with which they are struggling in their translation homework. Instead of relying on a single textbook, the instructor will assemble a workbook for student use that offers various choices for translation from week to week. He will occasionally distribute handouts, and offer regular brief lectures on theories of translation. In the beginning of the course, students will form themselves into groups of 5 - 6 each, simply to help organize dates for presentations. The first assignment will be a 2 page review students write of a short translation already published in the Taipei Chinese Pen. The instructor will loan copies of the Pen to students. 7 translations (2 pages) follow as assignments (a few of which the individual student will 'present on' during class sessions). In addition, there will be a mid-term and a final exam. Grading plan: mid-term and final exams = 20% . . . 8 individual assignments = 10% each / / Final grades will involve points subtracted or added for class participation. Important: personal coaching on the individual translation assignments will be part of many class plans for up to 15 minutes per class. Arrival on time each week for all students is therefore essential. Questions? Please email Father Bauer / Bau Shen-fu at or call land line telephone 2905-3522.

AW003. Journalistic Writing & Department Magazine II [系刊製作與寫作(二)]

2 credits Dr. Donna Tong < > & Ms. Lynn Chou< > For Seniors only Class size: 27 Prerequisite: CC III

The course will provide an introduction to journalistic writing and magazine production including sourcing reliable information, cultivating multiple sources, writing news stories following industry standards for publication, establishing and uploading an online news edition, as well as soliciting, managing, editing, writing stories, creating and designing layout, working with sponsors, and advertising the magazine.


Continuing from Fall semester, students will continue work on the online News Edition which will showcase their understanding and application of news journalism principles and writing style. Students will also continue work on the annual department Magazine, culminating in a print edition at the end of May/beginning of June, and complementary online edition at the end of the semester. In order to streamline the three publications, editors-in-chief and section editors will be self-selected and voted on as necessary to manage the different foci. The department magazine will require fund-raising; each section editor is responsible for raising $1000 NT by the end of Fall semester to help publication in Spring.

Professional Training Courses

PT001. Cross Cultural Communication: Global Understanding Project [跨文化溝通:國際連

線專題] 2 credits Dr. Doris Shih < > For Freshmen and above Class size: 15

This course provides a format for students to learn about other cultures without traveling. This is part of the Global Academic Initiatives directed by East Carolina University (ECU), USA. This program has received the 2016 NAFSA Senator Paul Simon Spotlight Award, 2014 QS Reimagine Education Award, and 2008 IIE Andrew Heiskell Award in USA. In this semester, we will connect with two countries, depending on the arrangement of ECU, through live video and chat technology (for countries connected in different semesters in the past: USA, India, Russia, Mexico, Japan, Peru, and Switzerland). Discussion topics ranging from college life, family structure, the meaning of life, health care, food and nutrition, to stereotypes and prejudices. Class sessions include discussion in both small groups and one-to-one chat with reflective journaling/papers and/or oral presentations afterwards. Besides international connecting sessions, local sessions (which means only local class session without videoconferencing) are also held to integrate and synthesize information gained in the global sessions. Participating students from different cultures also read each other’s newspapers to learn what is current, timely, and to get real exposure to what is going on in their partners’ cultures. We will also learn cultural and communication theories.


Meeting Time: In this course, we will have local weeks and international connection weeks. For local

weeks, we will discuss some cross-cultural learning theories and methods. For international weeks, we will meet with our partner school via videoconference and text-chat.

Time: Wednesday 8:10am-10:00am Classroom: SF 901 *Please bring your own laptop to class on connection sessions if you have your own laptop (for IceChat chats and/or Google Hangout).

Requirements and grading based on: Attendance (must be on time to connect with foreign schools) 1 Individual Paper One or multiple collaborative projects with foreign partner(s) Oral Presentations Journals Participation (in-class and intercultural discussions; pre-and post connection

surveys, etc.)

PT002. English-Chinese Translation I [英中翻譯(一)] 2 Credits Ms. Gretchen Lee < > For Juniors and above Class size: 30


課想加選者遞補。 COURSE OBJECTIVE AND DESCRIPTION translation n. 1. the act or an instance of translating. 2. a written or spoken expression of the meaning of a word, speech,

book, etc, in another language. (The Concise Oxford English Dictionary)

An introduction to English to Chinese translation, this 2-credit elective course aims to provide students with a proper attitude and approach toward translation. We want to cover the two meanings that the term translation encompasses. We will focus on translation as a process and a product. In other words, we aim not only to explore how a translator takes the English source text, analyzes it and then transfers it into a text in target language, Chinese, but also examine the translation work of various subjects and styles produced by


the translator. Students will get hands-on experience of translation, prepare themselves to be good translators by taking the initiative to practice and problem-solve on their own, and solidify their understanding of translation through continual revision and discussion throughout the semester. They will learn to read and deal with different types of English texts, learn to turn them into appropriate Chinese, and learn to profit from their problems and mistakes. REQUIREMENTS AND EVALUATION Students are expected to come to class on time, meet the deadline for each assignment, and participate in the class discussion actively. In addition to assignments that cover various areas (business, film translation, journalistic translation, literary translation, and scientific and technical translation), the course demands a couple of journals in which students comment on either selected or free topics on translation. A term paper together with oral presentation will be conducted at the end of the semester.

Translation Assignments 45% Reading Journals and Quizzes 20% Oral Report and Term Paper 20% In-class Participation and Peer Evaluation 15%

TEXTBOOK AND REFERENCE Handouts are available at EngSite.

PT003. Annual Play I [年度大戲(一)]

3 credits Dr. John Basourakos < > For Sophomores and above Class size: 50

This course is a survey of practice in all phases of play production, including acting, play choice, directing, staging, casting, make-up, costume design, lighting and scenic design. Most of the class time will be devoted to the intensive readings and discussions of a selected play text (to be announced in class) as well as in active participation in theatre exercises intent on developing voice, movement, and role-playing. During this creative process, students will reflect on and then analyse their work, evaluate the process, and critique their development as theatre artists. Theatre production will focus on the following important elements: (1) developing co-operation as a group; (2) building confidence in each other as performers; (3) building awareness of the immediate environment; (4) building a


sense of attention to detail; and (5) developing an appreciation of the art form of play production. In addition to weekly classes, students will be expected to participate in rehearsals scheduled outside of school time.

PT004. EAP: TOEFL & IELTS [學術英文:托福與雅思]

2 credits Mr. Kenneth Chyi <> For Juniors and above Class size: 45


This is an Advanced English for Academic Purposes course with the TOEFL (iBT) and IELTS exam practice. In this course, you will develop the language skills needed for the exams, improving your test-taking skills in English. The course starts with an introduction to the exam formats, and you will also be provided with opportunities to take practice tests. (NOTICE: this course will mainly focus on TOEFL. IELTS formats will also be presented.)

授課進度 Course Progress Outline


日期Date 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註

Remark 1 02/18 Course Introduction Course Introduction

2 02/25 TOEFL question types & how to answer :listening. TOEFL exercises

3 03/03 TOEFL question types & how to answer: Reading. TOEFL exercises

4 03/10 TOEFL question types & how to answer: Speaking. TOEFL exercises

5 03/17 TOEFL question types & how to answer: Writing. TOEFL exercises

6 03/24 TOEFL Practice Exam 1 TOEFL exercises

7 03/31 Review Review

8 04/07 Midterm Midterm

9 04/14 TOEFL integrated Skills TOEFL exercises

10 04/21 TOEFL further exercises TOEFL exercises

11 04/28 TOEFL further exercises TOEFL exercises

12 05/05 TOEFL further exercises TOEFL exercises

13 05/12 TOEFL Practice Exam 2 TOEFL exercises

14 05/19 EILTS Introduction EILTS Exercises


15 05/26 Christmas Day Christmas Day

16 06/02 EILTS Introduction EILTS Exercises

17 06/09 Review Review

18 06/16 Final Final

教學方法 Pedagogical


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 40 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 0 個 案 研 討 0 服 務 學 習 0 問題導向學習 30 競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 0 專 題 實 作 0 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 30 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 0 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0

課程教材 Course Material

Educational Testing Service. The Official Guide to the TOEFL iBT with CD-ROM, Third Edition. Educational Testing Service. McGraw-Hill. 2009.

教科書 Phillips, Deborah. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test: iBT Student Book with CD-ROM and Answer Key (Audio CDs required), 2nd Ed. White Plains: Longman. 2007

參考書目 Reference

Phillips, Deborah. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test: iBT Student Book with CD-ROM and Answer Key (Audio CDs required), 3rd Ed. White Plains: Longman. 2014 Sharpe, Pamela. Barron’s TOEFL iBT. Barron’s.



方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %

課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報告 0 個案分析報告撰

寫 0

專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 0 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 20 期末考 20 隨堂考(小考) 20 書面報告(含小組或個人) 0 課堂參與 20 心得或作業撰寫 20 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 0 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0

其他 0

學習規範 A. This class requires: 1. Exams: a midterm and a final 2. Assignments:


a. Assignments. There will be two written assignments for the semester. b. Quizzes B. Language Policy: English is the only language throughout the whole class. C. Be active in class—this is especially important in your presentation and group discussion. D. Perfect attendance is required. If you are absent, you are responsible for the material that we cover in the class. (You have to email to inform the professor of the reason of your absence.) If you miss 3 sessions, then you will automatically fail this course. E. Submitting assignments on time is very important for your grade and progress in language learning. For any late papers, a full grade will be automatically deducted from the final grade of the assignment. That is, B+ will become C+. F. Please do necessary review for the lessons; failure to do so will positively affect your performance.

PT005. Gastronomy: Food, Art and Music [美食文明史] 2 credits Dr. Faith Yang < > For Juniors and above Class size: 40


One cannot live without food and drink. They are essential to our survival. One step ahead - beyond the fact that food and drink fulfill our physical needs – by thinking critically about food and drink, history revealed, different cultural aspects get involved. The objective of this course is to tackle food/drink in world history and to explore the following topics: what can food/drink tell us about a society at a particular time point in the spectrum of human history? What rituals are linked with food and drink? Why? What makes a ‘national cuisine’? What’s the relation between food/drink and national identity? How does globalization influence our eating/drinking habits? With this course, we hope to advance your ability of critical and analytical thinking about eating, drinking, even cooking. Furthermore, we expect that this course will about you to situate food and drink in their historical and cultural context so that you can reflect on the roles played by them in the development of various societies and human civilization. When completing this course, students should formulate understanding of


the role of food/drink over the course of history; ability to conduct independent and in-depth research on an issue pertaining to the history of food/drink; an appreciation of the cultural, social, and political factors that have influenced practices associated with the production and consumption of food/drink.

授課進度 Course Progress Outline


日期Date 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註 Remark

1 02/21 Course Orientation

2 02/28 The Use of Fire: Food in Pre-history

3 03/06 Tastes of Ancient Greece and Rome

4 03/13 Taste and Gastronomy in Imperial China

5 03/20 The Birth of Medieval Islamic Cuisine

6 03/27 Food and Taste in Europe in the Middle Ages

7 04/03 Holiday (Spring Break)

8 04/10 Wine Tasting Session

9 04/17 Mid-term Exam

10 04/24 Food Cinema (I)

11 05/01 Food Fashions in the Renaissance

12 05/08 The Columbian Exchange

13 05/15 Food Innovations from 1800

14 05/22 The Birth of the Restaurant

15 05/29 Food/Drink and the Making of Self- & National Identity

16 06/05 Preserve Biodiversity, Preserve the Planet

17 06/12 Food Cinema (II)

18 06/19 Final Exam

教學方法 Pedagogical


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 25 影 片 欣 賞 5 討 論 20 個 案 研 討 0 服 務 學 習 0 問題導向學習 10 競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 0 專 題 實 作 30 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 10 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 0 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0


課程教材 Course Material

• Course slides • Hand-outs • Webcast

教科書 • Course slides • Hand-outs • Webcast

參考書目 Reference

Civitello, Linda, 2008. Cuisine and Culture: A History of Food and People. John Wiley & Son, Inc.




方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %

課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報告 0 個案分析報告撰

寫 0

專題發表 20 課堂上實作演練 0 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 0 期末考 0 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小組或個人) 20 課堂參與 20 心得或作業撰寫 20 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 20 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0

其他 0


Absenteeism Policy • Credits cannot be earned without decent attendance. • There will be a 5-minute grace period at the beginning of each class. • Tardiness beyond the 5-minute grace period will be classified as “excused” or “unexcused” lateness. • 2 unexcused tardies equal 1 unexcused absence. 3 unexcused absences will lead to failing the course. • Excused absence must be supported by proper documentations.

PT006. Chinese Culture through Foreign Languages: English [中華文化多語談:英語]

3 credits Ms. Gretchen Lee < > For Juniors and above Class size: 45



Upon completion of this course, you are expected to achieve the following objectives. Summarize and explain features of Taiwan. Articulate your understanding of Taiwan. Critique highlighted issues related to Taiwan. Define your identity and/or lack of identity. Develop a panoramic view through exploring various aspects of Taiwanese society. Broaden understanding of Taiwanese cultures through internal examination and analysis. Compare and contrast the main features of Taiwan and those of other countries.

授課進度 Course Progress Outline


日期Date 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註


1 02/21 Overview Orientation and Introduction Unit 1

2 02/28 Holiday No Class

3 03/06 Cultural Identity and Social Network Unit 1

4 03/13 Taiwan Panorama Unit 1

5 03/20 Features of Taiwan Unit 2

6 03/27 Features of Taiwan Unit 2

7 04/03 Spring Break Unit 2

8 04/10 Holiday No Class

9 04/17 Features of Taiwan Unit 2

10 04/24 Features of Taiwan Unit 2

11 05/01 Hometown Projects Unit 3

12 05/08 Hometown Projects Unit 3

13 05/15 Hometown Projects Unit 3

14 05/22 The Pride of Taiwan Unit 5

15 05/29 The Pride of Taiwan Unit 5

16 06/05 Museum Highlights Unit 5

17 06/12 Museum Highlights Unit 5

18 06/19 Review & Wrap-Up Final Oral Exam


教學方法 Pedagogical


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 20 影 片 欣 賞 10 討 論 20 個 案 研 討 0 服 務 學 習 0 問題導向學習 0 競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 0 專 題 實 作 30 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 10 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 10 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0

課程教材 Course Material

Textbook, Online Materials, and Worksheets

教科書 Liu, Amy C. Taiwan A to Z: The Essential Cultural Guide. Taipei: Community Services Center, 2009. Print.

參考書目 Reference

Online Magazines and Websites: Taiwan Panorama , Taiwan Review, Taiwan Today Relevant Links



方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %

課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報告 0 個案分析報告撰

寫 0

專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 0 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 0 期末考 10 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小組或個人) 20 課堂參與 20 心得或作業撰寫 20 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 20 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 10

其他 0


Students are expected to come to class on time, meet the deadline for each assignment, and participate in the class discussion actively. Quizzes will be given to check students’ learning. Attend ance and Pu nctu ality: Students should attend each class on time. Your attendance record will definitely affect your final grade. 1. Three absences—either excused or unexcused—shall result in a failed grade for the course. 2. Each absence will lead to a 3% deduction of the final grade. 3. Arriving late more than three times will count as one absence and each late attendance costs 1 point of the final grade. 4. When you enter into the classroom 20 minutes after the class starts (for each class period), you will be deemed as absent, not late.


PT008. Business English and Translation [商業英語與翻譯] 2 credits Mr. James Loo < > For Juniors and above Class size: 30

This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of how English is used in the workplace; in essence, how to appropriately word one's message in a way that achieves effective communication between client and company. Students would get to see how work emails/other forms of communication are presented, by referring to actual sample emails collated from Taiwanese firms engaging with clients from around the world by way of English as the medium. Translation - mostly from Chinese to English, by virtue of the fact that the message is 'sent' to monolingual (English) clients in the context of the workplace - would deal with information pertaining to the 'host' (Taiwanese) company that needs to be rendered into English for the purpose of establishing business relations with the 'guest' (foreign) company/companies. Students would get a chance to role-play as an employee acting as the window between the 'host' and 'guest' company, in mock situations whereby they would be tasked with engaging with foreign clients using English as the medium.

PT008. Internship in English Teaching I [英語教學實務實習(一)]

2 credits Dr. Li-Tang Yu <> For Freshmen and above Class size: 20

實習單位:佳音英語 2019/11/13(三)~2019/11/30(六) 職缺報名 2019/12/11(三)-2019/12/13(五) 線上筆試、面談 2019/12/18 (三) 試教 2019/12/25(三) 錄取名單公布、簽訂合約 2019/2/3(開學日)-2019/8/31 實習(績優者聘為正職)




MA/BA Courses

MA001. Gender, Sexuality, Race [性別、種族與性向]

3 Credits Dr. Donna Tong < > For Juniors and above Class size: 5

Course Description Who are you? Identity in today’s world is necessarily intersectional, comprising many axes such as social class, gender, sexuality, race, nationality, etc. But how do we understand these different axes? What is gender? What is sexuality? What is race? This course will attempt to address these aspects of identities through different theoretical views, fictional imaginings, and filmic representations. Students will also be tasked to consider these aspects and theories through current events. Required Texts (tentative) Toni Morrison, Beloved Gene Luen Yang, American Born Chinese. jia qing wilson-yang, Small Beauty. Austin Chant, Peter Darling. Nella Larsen, Passing. Selections from: Michael Omi & Howard Winant, Racial Formations Judith Butler, Gender Trouble Michel Foucault, History of Sexuality, Society Must Be Defended Bhabha, Homi K. The Location of Culture Fanon, Franz. Black Skin, White Masks. Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o, Decolonising the Mind. Edward Said, Orientalism. Imani Perry, More Beautiful and More Terrible C. Winter Han, Geishas of a Different Kind: Race and Sexuality in Gaysian America


Course Requirements Attendance: 20% Current Event Report: 10% Presentations: 15% Research proposal: 10% Proposal presentation: 5% Proposal colloquium: 5% Research paper: 30% RP colloquium: 5% ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY. 3 OR MORE ABSENCES WILL LEAD TO FAILING THE COURSE. EACH UNEXCUSED ABSENCE IS -4% OF THE FINAL GRADE. Current Event Report Each student will be tasked to report on a current event related to the course two times during the semester. Presentations Each presentation is 10-minute minimum in length; not to exceed 20 minutes. Non-Fiction Presentation

1. Outline of presentation. 2. Short summary of text – do not

copy directly from the text; you need to put the ideas into your own words.

3. Key concepts related to the theory – focus on 3-4 major ideas and explain them in your own words.

4. Application of the theory to one literary text that we are reading or a film we have watched in the course.

5. Works Cited.

Fiction Text Presentation 1. Short overview of text.

a. Title and author. b. Characters in the text. c. Plot of the text.

2. Key themes/motifs. 3. Textual analysis: select one

particular passage, scene, or moment in the text.

a. Explain how that particular passage connects to the whole text.

b. What is significant about the selected passage?

i. Is something crucial revealed about the characters?

ii. Is something important revealed about a specific theme


or motif? c. Relation to theory. i. What kind of theoretical concepts

can be seen in the text or that can be applied to better understand the text?

4. Works Cited. Proposal + Presentation Each student will compose, submit, and present a research proposal. Introduction – Background/Context + Tentative Thesis Research Questions Theoretical Framework/Methodology Literature Review Bibliography Proposal Colloquium All students will participate in the colloquium on research proposals. Every student must pose relevant questions and suggestions about peers’ proposals in a Google Document. These documents will be available to all students for the purpose of revising their proposals and research plans. Research Paper + Presentation MA students 3000 word research paper on an instructor-approved topic using at least two of the non-fiction texts and including at least three non-fiction sources not included in the class. Each student must prepare a 10-15 minute presentation on his or her research paper to be given on the last day of class. Please follow the guidelines you have learned about presenting and public speaking. Do not simply read your research paper. BA students need to prepare a 1500-2200-word (5-8 pages) research paper on any of the literary texts, or on a literary or filmic text with the instructor’s approval and using at least one of the non-fiction texts. The research paper must include at least two non-fiction sources not included in the class. RP Colloquium


Deadlines & Late Paper Policy Unless deadlines are changed verbally in class or over email, the due dates for assignments and presentations are as indicated in sign-up sheets and the schedule. No late papers will be accepted without arrangements made one week prior to the due date with the instructor. Conduct, Plagiarism, Cheating

Attendance is MANDATORY. Excused absences are accepted for medical or family emergency with appropriate documentation. Three tardies equal one absence. Tardiness past 20 minutes after class has begun is counted as one absence. 3 or more absences will lead to failing the course.

Any act of plagiarism or cheating will lead to failing the course. Paper Format & Submission • Font: Times New Roman 12 point size. • Spacing: double-spaced text. • Margins: 1-inch all around. At the end of each essay, students are required to have the WORD COUNT written. For example: Word count: 1079. Headings must have the student’s name, ID #, course, and date, with the assignment and title that corresponds with the content of the essay.

All essays must be submitted in hard copy with an electronic copy sent through email to

Heading- single-spaced Name ID # Course title


Text – d bl d

Times N

ew R

oman 12-point Font

1-inch margins


Paragraph indented


<> on the due date. The subject heading must have your name and the assignment: Your Name – Assignment. Example: John Cho – Fairytale Rewrite. Your electronic file must be named appropriately: ID# Your Name – Assignment. Example: 722096031 Jane Doe – PR1.docx (Personal Reflection = PR 1). Schedule DATE ASSIGNMENT


02/24 Welcome! Intro; race & racial formation; Rachel Dolezal & Yi-Fen Chou/ Michael Derrick Hudson; Dear White People (2014)

Omi & Winant Racial Formation intro + Part II (1-18, 103-158)

03/02 Critical race theory, Who Killed Vincent Chin? (1987) or Better Luck Tomorrow (2003)

Foucault Society Must Be Defended Lecture 4 + 11; Foucault History of Sexuality Part 2 + 5

03/09 Foucault & biopolitics; history, sovereignty, race

Morrison Beloved p.1-158; Shulevitz “Is Trauma Genetic?”

03/16 MA students – Pro-Sem Paper #1 proposal

Case of Margaret Garner; intersectionality; science of suffering; racial melancholia

Morrison Beloved p.159-324

03/23 Racial melancholia & mourning; Beloved (1998)

Butler Gender Trouble Ch. 1 + 2, Tourjee “Why Do Men Kill Trans Women?”

03/30 Sex/Gender + Bodies That Matter; Andreja Pejic & Caitlyn Jenner

Halberstam In a Queer Time and Place Ch.1-2 (1-46)

04/06 MA students – Pro-Sem Article Review Proposal

Sex/Gender + Sexuality; Boys Don’t Cry (1999) or Ma Vie en Rose (1997)

Perry More Beautiful & More Terrible intro, Ch. 1, Ch. 2 (1-56)

04/13 MA students – Pro-Sem Paper #1

Un/intentional racism, microaggressions; Noma Dumezweni as Hermione

Murphy, Shadowing the White Man’s Burden Intro + Ch. 1 (1-57)


04/20 Fairytale/Myth Rewrite

Whiteness and (cultural) capital; Finishing the Game (2007)

Lee Native Speaker p. 1-131

04/27 Neo-Yellow Peril & racial scapegoating: Officer Peter Liang, Sherry Chen, Dr. Xiaoxing Xi

Lee Native Speaker p. 131-349

05/04 Research Proposal

Article Review

Research Proposal/Article Review Presentation

Alexie True Diary

05/11 MA students – Pro-Sem Paper #2 proposal

Is trauma genetic? (reprised); The Business of Fancydancing (2002) or Reel Injun (2009)

Butler Kindred p. 1-160, Houston “Mapping Brutality”

05/18 Case of Zong massacre; Belle (2013)

Butler Kindred p. 160-264

05/25 Playing the race card & other nonsense

Foucault History of Sexuality Part 1 + 3

06/01 Systems theory & sexuality (+ race, gender, etc.)

Chin Bite Hard, Wilde Picture of Dorian Gray

06/08 “Gayasian” & rice queens; The Wedding Banquet (1993)

Chin Bite Hard, Han Geisha of a Different Kind Intro + Ch. 1 + 3 (1-56, 93-126)

06/15 Intersectionality (reprised)

06/22 Pro-Sem Paper #2 Research Paper RP Presentation

Research Paper Symposium

MA002. Trauma Narratives and Filmic Adaptations [創傷敘事與電影改編]

3 Credits Dr. Kate Liu < > For Juniors and above Class size: 5

Objectives: By the end of this course, students should be able to 1) Understand the main issues discussed in trauma narratives; 2) Analyze and compare trauma narratives presented in novels and in films by paying


close attention to both the narrative/filmic techniques, and their intertextual mediation; 3) Explain the differences between the adapted and adaptations in terms of social and historical backgrounds in order to think of one’s own ways of adapting traumas and trauma narratives. Descriptions Traumas, like dreams, tell us stories about ourselves, stories we may find hard to take at first, impossible to ignore, but life-enriching in the long run. Apart from their individual relevancies, collective traumas also tell stories about our society and world. As the stories are told repetitively, however, we may also settle ourselves with some simplified versions about historical traumas that seek to close the wounds and muffle their voices. This may happen in some filmic adaptations of traumas, since films need to aim at larger groups of global audience. However, do filmic adaptations of traumas, or the adaptations of traumas “in” the films, necessarily involve simplification or easy resolution of traumas? This is a question we pose in this class as we read novels about traumas and watch their filmic adaptations. More specifically, the class covers both the novels and their filmic adaptations under three large categories: 1) global ramifications of World War II traumas, 2) post-generation’s survival and adaptions of their parents’ traumas, and 3) perpetrators’ traumas. It is hoped that with our reading and analysis, we develop a sophisticated view of traumas and adaptations. Tentative Outline 1 INTRODUCTION


2 A. Global Networks of World War II Traumas 1) Holocaust — Fugitive Pieces Film by Jeremy Podeswa

3-5 Novel by Anne Michaels 6 2) Dresden and 911 — Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Film by Stephen Daldry 7-9 Novel by Jonathan Safran Foer 10 B. Post-Generation’s Survival and Adaptations of Civil Wars

1) Lebanese Civil War: L’Incendies Film by Denis Villeneuve


11 Play by Wajdi Mouawad 12 Mid-Term: Paper or Adaptation Proposal

Adoration (2008) by Atom Egoyan 13 C. Understanding Perpetrators

1) Israel-Palestinian conflicts -- The Attack Film by Ziad Doueiri

14-15 Novel by Yasmina Khadra 16 Waltzing with Bashir (2008) 17 2) Dehli Gang Rape Deepa Mehta (2016) Anatomy of Violence 18 Paper/Adaptation Presentation Requirements & Grading Policy: 1. Class Participation: 10% active class discussion attendance:

2. Class Presentation and Assignment: 30% leading a one-hour discussion of the filmic adaption with questions and

quotations introducing one theoretical article on adaptation script writing exercises

3. final research paper or film script writing 60% Theoretical References ❶ Adaptation

Hutcheon, Linda. A Theory of Adaptation. Routledge, 2006. ❷ Trauma: Definitions and History

Luckhurst, Roger. Part 1. The Trauma Question. NY: Routledge, 2008. Kaplan, E. Ann. “‘Why Trauma Now?’ Freud and Trauma Studies,” Trauma Culture:

The Politics of Terror and Loss in Media and Literature (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2005), pp. 24–41.

❸ Trauma: Acting Out and Working Through La Capra, Dominick. “Trauma, Absence, Loss.”,_trauma, _absence,_loss.pdf

“Interview for Yad Vashem.” <>

both in Writing History, Writing Trauma. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.


❹: History and Postmemory; Traumatic and Narrative Memory Hirsch, Marianne. “The Generation of Postmemory.” Poetics Today 29:1 (Spring 2008):

103-128. ❺ (Im)possibility of Witness and Empathy

Laub, Dori. “Bearing Witness, or the Vicissitudes of Listening.” Testimony: Crises of Witnessing in Literature, Psychoanalysis, and History. Shoshana Felman and Dori Laub. New York and London: Routledge,1992: 57-74.

---. “An Event Without A Witness.” Testimony: Crises of Witnessing in Literature, Psychoanalysis, and History. Shoshana Felman and Dori Laub. New York and London: Routledge,1992: 75-92.

Kaplan, E. Ann. “Empathy and Trauma Culture: Imaging Catastrophe.” In Peter Goldie and Amy Coplan, eds. Philosophical and Psychological Approaches to Trauma. London and New York: Oxford University Press, 2011: 255-276.

❻ Embodying and Archiving Trauma Derrida, Jacque. Archive Fever: A Freudian Impression. Trans. Eric Prenowitz. U of

Chicago P, 1998. Boulter, Jonathan. “Introduction.” Melancholy and the Archive: Trauma, History and

Memory in the Contemporary Novel. Continuum International Publishing, 2011. ❼ Precarious Life & Traumatic Community

Butler, Judith. Precarious Life: The Power of Mourning and Violence. Reprint edition. Verso Books, 2006.

Judith Butler, “Why Preserve the Life of the Other?” <>

Buelens, Gert, Samuel Durrant & Robert Eagleston, eds. The Future of Trauma Theory: Contemporary Literary and Cultural Criticism. NY: Routledge, 2013.

MA003. Discourse Analysis: Power, Ideology, and Technology [言談分析:權力、意識形態

與科技] 3 Credits Dr. Lydia Tseng < > For Juniors and above Class size: 5


This course provides an introduction to the analysis of discourse. Discourse here is defined as the study of the organization of language above the sentence level, but also as any manifestation of language in use in context. The course aims to enable the students to better understand the nature of


text at different modalities (spoken, written, visual), and to develop sensitivity to the ways which speakers and writers communicate to achieve particular goals in context, and to adopt relevant tools to analyze sets of discourse. A wide range of issues are addressed in the field of discourse analysis, and in this course, key issue which will or may be discussed include power, culture, ideology, technology, teaching and learning. It is impossible to cover all approaches of discourse analysis, but several important ones will be introduced; for example, conversation analysis, classroom discourse analysis, pragmatics analysis, narrative analysis, and critical discourse analysis. It is hoped that by reading original and recent work in these areas, students can develop a critical awareness of questions related to power, ideology, and agency as reproduced in different social contexts and events, particularly computer mediated communication (CMC), intercultural communication, curriculum development, newspaper texts, classroom talk, negotiations in workplace (e.g. business cooperation, tourist or catering industry), and others. Students will be given the opportunity to work as a group for undertaking the discourse analysis project, will be encouraged to collect, analyze, and interpret their own data by applying the particular analytical approach.


授課進度 Course Progress Outline


日期Date 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註 Remark

1 02/20 Orientation/Course overview: Needs analysis, grouping

2 02/27 An overview of discourse analysis What is discourse?

3 03/05 Guest Speaker’s Talk on variational pragmatics

4 03/12 (1)Collecting data (2) Transcribing spoken discourse

(1) Data collection (2) Spoken discourse: transcription

5 03/19

(1) An initial orientation of approaches to discourse analysis (2) Discourse, society, and

(1) What is discourse analysis/DA (spoken, written, multimodal discourse) (2) Journal articles reading & discussion: DA & computer-mediated


technology: computer-mediated communication


6 03/26

(1) Discourse, society, and culture: intercultural communication (2) Discourse and genre (I): written genre

(1) Journal articles reading and discussion:DA & intercultural communication (2) Discourse and genre(I): genre theories

7 04/02

(1) Discourse and genre (II): spoken genre (2) Discourse analysis & multimodality: texts in social networking sites (e.g. FB, blogs, wiki)

(1) Discourse and genre (II): genre family, network (2) Discourse analysis & multimodal communication

8 04/09

(1) Discourse analysis & ideology (2) Workshop: writing up data analysis

(1) Discourse analysis: power, ideology--newspaper/magazine as an example (2) Workshop: writing up data analysis

9 04/16

Midterm exam week (1) Workshop on doing discourse analysis (2) Individual conference

(1) Workshop on doing discourse analysis (2) Individual conference on the end-of-semester discourse analyis project: topic & outline

10 04/23 Discourse and pragmatics (I)

Discourse and pragmatics (I): theories and principles

11 04/30 Discourse and pragmatics (II)

Discourse and pragmatics (II): analysis workshop (G1)

12 05/07 Conversation analysis (I)

Conversation analysis (I): theories and principles

13 05/14

(1) Conversation analysis (II) (2) Classroom discourse analysis

(1) Conversation analysis (II): analysis workshop (G2) (2) Classroom discourse analysis: theories and analysis workshop (G3)

14 05/21 Critical discourse analysis (I)

Critical discourse analysis (I): theories and principles

15 05/28 (1) Critical discourse analysis (II) (2) Narrative analysis (I)

(1) Critical discourse analysis (II): analysis workshop (G4) (2) Narrative analysis (I): theories and principles

16 06/04 (1) Narrative analysis (II) (2)

(1) Narrative analysis (II): analysis workshop (G5)


Review (2) Review

17 06/11 Final discourse analysis project

Final discourse analysis project sharing and discussion

18 06/18 Final discourse analysis project

Final discourse analysis project sharing and discussion

教學方法 Pedagogical


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 50 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 25 個 案 研 討 10 服 務 學 習 0 問題導向學習 0 競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 0 專 題 實 作 10 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 0 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 0 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 5 其 他 0

說明:lectures, discourse analysis workshops, student projects & presentations, guided group discussions, individual conferences

課程教材 Course Material

Key References Paltridge, B. (2006). Discourse Analysis. Continuum. London. Cameron, D. (2001). Working with Spoken Discourse. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage. Hoey, M. (2001) Textual Interaction: An Introduction to Written Discourse Analysis. London and New York. Routledge.

教科書 Paltridge, B. (2006). Discourse Analysis. Continuum. London.

參考書目 Reference

Other Recommended Readings Fairclough, N. (2006). Analysing Discourse: Textual Analysis for Social Research. London & New York: Routledge. Gee, J. P. (2005). An Introduction to Discourse Analysis: Theory and Method. New York: Routledge. McCarthy, M. (1991). Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. Miller, T. (1997). Functional Approaches to Written Texts: Classroom Application. United States Information Agency, Washington, D.C. Tischer, S., Meyer, M., Wodak, R., and Vetter, E. (2000) Methods of Text and Discourse Analysis. London, Thousand Oaks & New Delhi: Sage. Wodak, R. (2001). Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis. Longman: Sage. Related Handouts: will be distributed in class.


學習評量Learning 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %


Evaluation 課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報

告 0 個案分析報告撰寫 0

專題發表 20 課堂上實作演練 0 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 0 期末考 0 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小組或個人) 30 課堂參與 20 心得或作業撰寫 0 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 30 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0

其他 0 說明:a. Verbal responses in guided group discussions and oral reports in class (20%) b. Guided group discussions/presentations (30%) c.Journals (30%): students will need to write journals on assigned topics. Topics vary, mainly including: summary of key issues in course materials/journal articles, lectures, in-class group discussions, and writing-up the preliminary analysis of some data sets. d.Final project, individual/pair presentations of mini discourse analysis assignment (20%) Students have to follow APA conventions and guidelines of academic writing. Plagiarism is FORBIDDEN, and will lead to the failure of the course.


Class Requirements and Policies A. Attendance 1.You should attend all classes. If you are absent for more than FOUR times without acceptable reasons, you are forbidden to take the final exam. 缺席四次以上者 (含曠課, 病假,事假等), 即給予扣考!!! 2.You are expected to be punctual. Being late 10 minutes will seriously affect your class performance as well as your final score. THREE lates will be counted as one unexcused absence. 請務必準時上課,三次遲到即算一次缺席!!! 3. ANY in-class writing, presentation or quizzes given when you were absent CAN NOT BE MADE UP!除請公假與特殊狀況, 課堂寫作測驗與報告, 不允許補交/補考!!! B. In-class Participation Preparation and active participation in class are required for completing this course. You will be given several chances to work with your groupmates—please help with each other, and make sure everyone contributes efforts to work on the team projects. If a member of the group did not participate in doing group assignment, his or her name should not be


placed on the assignment and s/he will not receive the group grade. C. Course Announcements Important announcements will be announced in class. If you are late and miss them, it is your responsibility to make sure you know them! Also, urgent notices will be sent to your school e-mails or posted on the e-learning platform. Make sure you check i-CAN website and your school e-mail account regularly. D. Homework 1. Unless I specify it (allow you to hand-write), assignments/exercises should be typed (1.5 or double spacing), and submitted ON TIME. Late assignments are usually not accepted unless with legitimate reasons. Late submission will receive penalties, which affect your overall performance/grade. 2. You must obey the principles of academic honesty. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in a ZERO score of your work. Please do your work always by your own!

MA004. Statistics for Language [語言統計]

3 Credits Dr. Doris Shih < > For Juniors and above Class size: 5

Do you know that when we talk about Bell Curve in the statistics class, it’s actually more than just a bell shape?? Or how to tell which class made more progress, Reading Group A or Reading Group B? Or who speaks more Taiwanese, students in the College of Foreign Languages or students in the College of Science and Engineering? Or what is actually tested in a cloze test? Or how to determine rates of language change over time? Or how to tell the frequency of vocabulary? Or that actually we can manipulate numbers to let them look sensible??? (That’s why there is a book entitled How to Lie with Statistics!) This course will give you a very basic introduction to statistics (descriptive statistics and inferential statistics) in the study of language. We will cover the purpose of using statistics, the concept of probability, basic types of statistical tests, and the presentation and interpretation of numbers for language study. This course will help you conduct your thesis study by using the quantitative analysis methods (If you are a graduate student already). If you are still an undergraduate student, it will help prepare you for graduate school in TESOL, linguistics, advertising, education, and business, and help you read professional articles and even newspaper reports which draw on statistics, and help you conduct research in many fields. Besides the in-class lectures, interactions, and exercises, we will watch a set of videos introducing basic statistic concepts and some hands-on


practices on one of the popular statistical analysis program, SPSS, and also a free program, R Commander (We are not learning R, the programming language for statistical computing. We will learn R Commander briefly, which is a basic graphical user interface for R). Grading: 1. Participation………………………………………………………………… 5% 2. Attendance 3. Exercises & Assignments……………………………………………………


4. Quizzes………………………………………………………………………. 12% 5. Group Presentation………………………………………………………….


6. Midterm …………………………………………………………………….. 15% 7. Final Exam………………………………………………………………….. 25% MA005. World English(es) [世界英文]

3 Credits Dr. Tammy Hsu<> For Juniors and above Class size: 5


This course is designed to assist you in enhancing four language skills in English. Being abel to utilize resources presented in English and get your messages acroos in English in production forms, such as writing and speaking, requires understandings of English use in the contemporary world in addition to requisite skills in English. You will be introduced to the global spread of English and its function as an international language or lingua franca, which shapes the way you use and deal with English. Then you’ll be trained in using the linguistic resources to organize ideas, read articles on various topics, write effectively and speaking with confidence.


授課進度 Course Progress Outline


日期Date 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註

Remark 1 02/19 Intro to the course Pre-instruction survey; syllabus

2 02/26 Words and pictures


3 03/04 Love and attraction

4 03/11 Food and health

5 03/18 Review

6 03/25 Design and engineering

7 04/01 Human Journey

8 04/08 Conversation Challenges

9 04/15 Review

10 04/22 Song and Dance

11 04/29 Investigations

12 05/06 Reputations

13 05/13 Review

14 05/20 Sicnece frontiers

15 05/27 Green living

16 06/03 Quality of life

17 06/10 Review

18 06/17 Final

教學方法 Pedagogical


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 10 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 20 個 案 研 討 10 服 務 學 習 0 問題導向學習 20 競 賽 遊 戲 10 專 家 演 講 0 專 題 實 作 0 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 30 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 0 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0

課程教材 Course Material

1. Maclntyre, Paul. (2010). Reading Explorer 4.Heinele, Cengage Learning. 2. Supplemantal materials.

教科書 1. Maclntyre, Paul. (2010). Reading Explorer 4.Heinele, Cengage Learning. 2. Supplemantal materials.

參考書目 Reference

1. Maclntyre, Paul. (2010). Reading Explorer 4.Heinele, Cengage Learning. 2. Supplemantal materials.





方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %

課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報告 0 個案分析報告撰

寫 0

專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 20 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 0 期末考 0 隨堂考(小考) 10 書面報告(含小組或個人) 20 課堂參與 20 心得或作業撰寫 0 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 30 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0

其他 0


Class Policies Attendance: Class attendance is necessary and no more than three excused absences are allowed. Make-up Exams: They will only be allowed for students with excused absences. Note that the make-up exams do not include graded speeches.

MA006. Academic Writing [學術寫作]

3 Credits Dr. Joseph Murphy<> For Juniors and above Class size: 5


Overview This course trains students in the fundamentals of academic writing about literature. To this end, the course objectives are to develop skills in the following: 1) writing a short critical essay on literature of three genres (poetry, fiction, drama); and a comparison of two works of fiction; 2) correctly paraphrasing, quoting, and citing according to MLA style; 3) accurately summarizing a scholarly article, and writing a review of criticism that summarizes, compares and evaluates two scholarly articles on the same text; 4) writing a longer critical essay including original interpretation and secondary sources.



授課進度 Course Progress Outline


Week 日期Date 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註


1 02/17

Introduction: Analyzing Literature I. Writing about Poetry Dickinson, “Because I could not stop for Death—” Frost, “Mending Wall,” “Birches” Stevens, “Of Modern Poetry”

2 02/24

Short Critical Essay: purpose, structure, strategies Quoting and paraphrasing Topic sentences and paragraphs Introduction and thesis statement Conclusions

3 03/02

Short Critical Essay: purpose, structure, strategies Quoting and paraphrasing Topic sentences and paragraphs Introduction and thesis statement Conclusions

Essay 1.1 (poetry) Use library databases to retrieve two scholarly articles on poems covered in Unit 1; read articles

4 03/09

Scholarly articles: poetry Article Summary: purpose, structure, strategies Outlining

Essay 1.2 (poetry)

5 03/16 II. Writing about Fiction O’Connor, “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”

Summary 1.1 (poetry article)

6 03/23 Scholarly articles: O’Connor Review of Criticism: purpose, structure, strategies

Essay 2.1 (O’Connor) Use library databases to retrieve two scholarly articles on O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”; read articles


7 03/30 Scholarly articles: O’Connor Review of Criticism: Purpose, structure, strategies

Summary 1.2

8 04/06 Literary Comparison and Influence Hiromi Goto, “Camp Americana”

Essay 2.2 (O’Connor) Review of Criticism 1 (O’Connor articles)

9 04/13 Literary Comparison Hiromi Goto, “Camp Americana”

Literary Comparison 1 (O’Connor and Goto)

10 04/20 Literary Comparison Hiromi Goto, “Camp Americana”

Review of Criticism 2 (O’Connor articles)

11 04/27 III. Writing about Drama Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest

12 05/04 Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest

Literary Comparison 2 (O’Connor and Goto)

13 05/11 Scholarly articles: Wilde

Essay 3.1 (Wilde) Use library databases to retrieve two scholarly articles on Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest; read articles

14 05/18 Scholarly articles: Wilde Summary 2.1 (Wilde article)

15 05/25 Discussion: Final Paper Essay 3.2 (Wilde)

16 06/01 Individual Conferences Final Paper (1)

17 06/08 Individual Conferences Summary 2.2

18 06/15 Final Paper Presentation Final Paper (2)




方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 70 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 0 個 案 研 討 0 服 務 學 習 0 問 題 導 向 學 習 0 競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 0 專 題 實 作 0 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 0 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 0

實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 30 其 他 0

課程教材 Course Material

Required Text MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 8th ed. MLA, 2016. BRING TO CLASS EVERY WEEK.

教科書 Required Text MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 8th ed. MLA, 2016.



參考書目 Reference

Online resources: Purdue Online Writing Lab: MLA Style Center:

教學平台網址 無



方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %

課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報告 0 個案分析報告撰

寫 0

專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 0 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 0 期末考 0 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小組或個人) 80 課堂參與 20 心得或作業撰寫 0 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 0 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0

其他 0 說明:Requirements and Grading Critical essays20% Summaries10% Review of Criticism15% Literary Comparison15% Final Paper20% Participation20%


Writing assignments --3 Critical Essays (about 800-900 words; 2 drafts). Make a focused argument about some aspect of an assigned literary work. This essay should contain your own close reading of the text; secondary sources are not required and, if used, should be kept to a minimum. Include some direct quotations, properly cited according to MLA style. --2 Summaries (about 500 words; 2 drafts) of scholarly articles; --1 Review of Criticism (about 1000 words; 2 drafts). Summarize, evaluate, and compare the arguments of two scholarly articles on the same text. Include some direct quotations, properly cited according to MLA style.


--1 Literary Comparison (about 800-1000 words; 2 drafts) of Flannery O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” and Hiromi Goto’s “Camp Americana” --1 Final Paper (about 2700-3000 words; 2 drafts). An extended work of literary analysis on a text or texts of your choice, referring to at least 2 secondary sources (e.g., literary criticism, theory, biography, history). The subject of this essay could be one of the works studied in this course, or another work approved by the teacher. Class participation. Students must come to class prepared to discuss: 1) the literary or critical reading for that day; 2) their own written work; 3) the written work of other class members. Regular attendance is required; contact the teacher regarding any absence.

MA007. Game-based programming [遊戲運用及程式設計]

3 Credits Ms. Lynn Chou< > For Juniors and above Class size: 20


This course aims to develop students’ programming skills and increase students’ motivation in programming learning via game-based programming tools such as Scratch, CoSpaces Edu., and various open educational resources. Students will be guided to create eCards and AR/ VR game stories in a peer collaboration environment. It is hope that, first of all, through visualized programming environments, students’ story-telling skills and logic thinking ability could be developed; and also, through problem-based learning/ pair programming learning strategies, students’ confidence and enjoyment levels of programming could be both enhanced.


授課進度 Course Progress Outline


日期Date 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註


1 02/21 Course Intro.

Introduction of programming, Scratch, Cospaces Edu. 課程介紹 程式設計前測

課程介紹 程式設計前測 Activity Pair programming


2 02/28 No class

3 03/06 Everyone can code 建立任務導向學習環境 個別練習

4 03/13 Write a good story 1.認識遊戲與文化藝術 2.視角特徵 3.遊戲與學習


5 03/20 Story writing

Knowing Scratch Coding commands 文本選擇 起承轉合重點摘要

小組討論 透過 Google 3D Toonastic 將文本摘要從文字意境轉化為實體意象

6 03/27 Knowing 3D coding environment

Class42 介面說明與操作

事件/ 動作 邏輯/ 數學

7 04/03 Spring break No class

8 04/10 preparing for your project storyboard/ flowchart

9 04/17 Midterm

Proposal Group/ individual project proposal

10 04/24 Midterm

Proposal Group/ individual project proposal

11 05/01 Knowing CoSpaces Edu. & merge cube CoSpaces 程式教學 I

1.工具介面解說 a.Environment 設定 b.Media 上傳設定 c.Actor 參數設定 VR 操作解說

12 05/08 Merge cube Event & Action

CoSpaces 程式教學 II

3 Coding types 1. Sequential 2. Loop 3. If-else

13 05/15 preparing materials CoSpaces 程式教學 III

1.Event 事件設定 2.Action 動作設定 3.Control flow (loops, if, other) 控制流設定

14 05/22 Logic and Math CoSpaces 程式教學 IV

1.Merge cube Transitions 轉場設定 2.Camera 攝影機設定

15 05/29 Fuction CoSpaces 程式教學 V 1.Logic 邏輯設定 2.Math 數學設定


3.Function 功能設定

16 06/05 Q&A

17 06/12 Final Presentation

18 06/19 Final Presentation

教學方法 Pedagogical


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 10 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 20 個 案 研 討 0 服 務 學 習 0 問題導向學習 10 競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 20 專 題 實 作 20 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 20 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 0 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 0 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0

課程教材 Course Material

Scratch Introduction Scratch Tutorial: CoSpaces Edu. Introduction: CoSpaces Edu.Tutorial Introduction:


CoSpaces Edu. Introduction: CoSpaces Edu.Tutorial 自製教材

參考書目 Reference

Online programming classes




方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %

課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報告 0 個案分析報告撰

寫 0


專題發表 20 課堂上實作演練 20 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 0 期末考 0 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小組或個人) 20 課堂參與 10 心得或作業撰寫 10 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 20 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0

其他 0


Please come to class each time and on time. This is respect to yourself and your classmates. Each unexcused absence will result a 3% deduction from the final grade. If you are or will be absent for medical or personal reasons, please inform me in advance and show evidence (e.g. medical excuse notes). According to the university regulation, more than three unexcused absences or six excused absences result a failed grade for the course. I will provide a sign-in sheet for you to sign your name. Please do not sign for other people. I will be checking the handwritings. Class attendance and participation, in-class presentation on reading (done in groups), and in-class exercise 30% Class participation is required. Your participation will be assessed through your contributions to class discussions and idea sharing in class. This includes responses to the reading assignments, facilitating and contributing to discussions, and engaging in in class activities. Some projects in this course will be completed in teams. Individual who fails to contribute fairly to any of the group projects will receive a lower score than the group score. Midterm group/ individual project proposal 35% Each group/ individual provides your proposal of your final project – game story (e.g. turn Pride and Prejudice or Frankenstein into a game) using VR tool – CoSpaces Edu. Materials include game design, storyboard, and flowchart. Time: 10 min. PPT presentation. Individual’s score within each group varies based on your contribution. Final group/ individual project presentation 35% Each group/ individual presents your final project. It must align your game design, increase readers’ motivation, and include assessment function. Time: 10 min. PPT presentation + Demo. Users’ interactivity and feedback will be evaluated. Individual’s score within each group varies based on your contribution.

MA008. Translation Studies [翻譯研究]

3 Credits Dr. Doris Chang < > For Seniors


Class size: 6


Course Objectives: This course aims to provide students introductory survey of major theories and applications in the emerging field of Translation Studies. We shall explore main issues concerning translation studies after a brief survey of translation theories before the 20th century. Basing on student interests, we may explore major translation theories such as equivalence theory, functional theories, polysystem theory, cultural turn of translation study, and then focus on the recent development of translation technology and corpus-based translation studies. To strike a balance between translation theories and practices, we will put the theories into practice to examine their validity and effectiveness. We will also counter-balance the strong emphasis on western translation theories with the insights shared by Asian scholars. Tentative topics are listed below in the syllabus and shall be decided with the class in the first class meeting.

先修課程 None, but prior experiences with translation/interpretation would be a plus.

授課進度 Course Progress Outline


日期Date 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註 Notes

1 02/20 Introductions 1.Your expectations 2.Orientation Qs 3.Let’s design the course together

2 02/27 Topic I: Main Issues of Translation Studies

3 03/05 Topic II: Machine Translation and Global English (Raley)

4 03/12 Topic III Translation Theory before the 20th Century (Munday Chpt 2)

5 03/19 Topic IV Equivalence and Equivalent Effect (Munday Chpt 3)

6 03/26 Topic V Studying Translation Product & Process (Munday Chpt 4)

7 04/02 Theory Application

Functional Theories of Translation (Munday Chpt 5) Case Study 1: Coillie, Jan Van. “Character Names in Translation: A Functional Approach” (Coillie 2006: 123-140)

8 04/09 Topic VI Discourse and Register Analysis Approaches (Munday Chpt 6)

9 04/16 Theory Application

System Theories (Munday Chpt 7) Sample Essays: Pascua-febles, Isabel “Translating Cultural References: The


Language of Young People in Literary Texts.” [polysystem theory application] (Coillie 2006: 111-121)

10 04/23 Theory Application

Varieties of Cultural Studies in TS (Munday Chpt 8) 1. Translation of Cultural and Creative Industries 文創產業翻譯 2. Discussions of a Sample Essay: Lefevere “Translation Practice(s) and the Circulation of Cultural Capital: Some Aeneids in English” (1998: 41-56)

11 04/30 Theory Application

The Role of the Translator (Munday Ch9) Case Study 4: Lathey, Gillian. “The Translator Revealed: Didacticism, Cultural Mediation and Visions of the Child Reader in Translators’ Prefaces” (Collie 2006: 1-18)

12 05/07 Topic VIII-1

New Directions from the New Media: (Munday Ch 11) Crowd-sourcing & Audio-visual Translation

13 05/14 Topic VIII-2 CAT, MT: Translation in the Age of AI

14 05/21 Topic VIII-3 Corpus-based Translation Studies: Theory

15 05/28 Topic VIII-4 Corpus-based Translation Studies: Application

16 06/04 Topic XI

Translation and Globalization (Munday Chpt. 11) Reading: Cronin “Translation and the Global Economy” “Globalization and New Translation Paradigms” (2003: 8-75)

17 06/11 Topic X

1.Research and Commentary Projects (Muday Chpt. 12) 2. Translators’ Forum: Future Prospects of Translation Studies

18 06/18 Final Final Paper Presentations & Discussions

教學方法 Pedagogical


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 20 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 20 個 案 研 討 20 服 務 學 習 0 問題導向學習 0 競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 0 專 題 實 作 20 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 0 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 0 實 作 教 學 10 個 別 指 導 10 其 他 0

課程教材 Course Material

Mundy, Jeremy. Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications. 4th ed. New York: Routledge, 2016.


教科書 Mundy, Jeremy. Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications.

4th ed. New York: Routledge, 2016. Mundy, Jeremy. 李德鳳編譯。《翻譯學導論:理論與實踐》。

參考書目 Reference

Baker, Mona and Babriela Saldanha, eds. Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies.

Basnet, Susan, and Andre Lefevere. Constructing Cultures: Essays on Literary Translation. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 1998. Print.

Coillie, Jan Van, and Walter P. Verschueren, eds. Children’s Literature in Translation. Manhester: St. Jerome P, 2006. Print.

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方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %

課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報告 0 個案分析報告撰

寫 0

專題發表 20 課堂上實作演練 0 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 0 期末考 0 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小組或個人) 30 課堂參與 20 心得或作業撰寫 0 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 30 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0

其他 0 說明: 1. 20% 課堂參與 In-class Discussions of Translation Theories and Practices 2. 30% 翻譯理論口頭報告 Two Reports on major approaches to translation studies that interest you 3. 20% 譯作專題發表 Two Translation Practices (E-C, C-E): translate texts that interest you 4. 30% 期末論文 One Final Term Paper (turn a midterm reflection paper into a final paper)


1. Attendance, class participation and discussions: Attendance is required. 3 unexcused absences will constitute reason for failing this course. Grades will be lowered after the third absence. Three lates equal one absence. Sick leaves require a doctor’s document and official leaves require prior request for permission. 請準時出席上課.缺席課程三分之一或曠課三次依校規須扣考.病假須醫師證明,事假公假須事先申請核可

2. To ensure that all your assignments are collected and recorded safely, please turn in your assignments to TronClass on time. Do not send them to the instructor’s mailbox as they may get lost or jammed. Please contact the instructor or TA in advance if you encounter problems. 請準時上傳作業

3. The department requires a zero tolerance policy against plagiarism—copying other people’s ideas or sentences without proper documentation. Plagiarized texts will result in zero or even failing of the course. If you find something useful online and want to use it, please check the following explanation about plagiarism and how to avoid it. 抄襲之作業以零分計算

4. Please feel free to schedule conferences with the instructor for your reports one week before your presentations.歡迎隨時與老師約談討論報告內容

5. Please feel free to let the instructor know earlier if you have comments or


suggestions so that we can adjust the course in time according to your need/preferences. Please do not wait until the end of the semester for it would be too late to do anything.有問題歡迎及時反映,以便及時解決,請勿等到期末

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