Curriculum for Spring 2013: Elective; Sherman Alexie Journal 5 17 06/12 Native American writing Final Exam Review Review 18 06/19

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Curriculum for Spring 2019: Elective Courses

Advanced Literature and Culture Courses

LC001. English Literature IV: Modern and Postmodern (1901-present) [英國文學(四)︰現

代及後現代時期(1901起)] 3 credits Prof. Cecilia Liu < > For Sophomores and above Class size: 45 Prerequisite: Introduction to Literature


In this course, we will read the works of major authors classified by the term “modern” and “postmodern” in the twentieth century English literature. You should relax and let the words and images form the impression in your minds, not force meaning out of them. In your reading, you might try to assume the mood that Woolf describes in The Mark on the Wall: “I want to think quietly, calmly, spaciously, never to be interrupted, never to have to rise from my chair, to slip easily from one thing to another, without any sense of hostility, or obstacle. I want to sink deeper and deeper, away from the surface, with its hard separate facts” (Norton 2146). However, you should be aware that postmodern texts consciously disorient the reader, shaking off the soft blanket of chronological, straightforward storytelling in favor of a harsher, more forbidding narrative style. The reader is led through multiple shifts in consciousness, chronology, and geography, often without a chapter break, let alone a comment like “Fifty years earlier,” to guide the way.


授課進度 Course Progress Outline


日期Date 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註 Remark

1 02/18 Introduction to the course: the historical and literary background Modernism

2 02/25 Conrad: Heart of Darkness

3 03/04 Conrad: Heart of Darkness

4 03/11 W. B. Yeats & T.S. Eliot: poems


5 03/18 Virginia Woolf

6 03/25 James Joyce

7 04/01 No class

8 04/08 Samuel Beckett

9 04/15 Midterm

10 04/22 Harold Pinter & “The Comedy of Menace”

11 04/29 Peter Shaffer

12 05/06 Caryl Churill

13 05/13 postmodern text

14 05/20 postmodern text

15 05/27 postmodern text

16 06/03 postmodern text

17 06/10 postmodern text

18 06/17 Final Exam

教學方法 Pedagogical


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 20 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 20 個 案 研 討 0 服 務 學 習 0 問題導向學習 0 競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 0 專 題 實 作 0 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 30 對 話 教 學 法 30 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 0 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0

課程教材 Course Material

The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt, et al. 9th ed. Vol.2. New York: Norton, 2012.

教科書 The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt, et al. 9th ed. Vol.2. New York: Norton, 2012.

參考書目 Reference

The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt, et al. 9th ed. Vol.2. New York: Norton, 2012.




方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %

課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報告 0 個案分析報告撰

寫 0

專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 0 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 20 期末考 20 隨堂考(小考) 10


書面報告(含小組或個人) 0 課堂參與 10 心得或作業撰寫 20 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 20 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0

其他 0


Participation/preparation. Students should read and prepare the texts assigned for each class meeting before the beginning of class. Class time will involve a combination of lecture, discussion, and presentation. Quizzes will also count toward your class participation grade. Because this is a survey course, we will not try to cover every aspect of every assigned text. Nevertheless, students are expected to read and study all the texts and express comments online. On exams and in essays students are encouraged to go beyond what we have said in class. Attendance and promptness are essential to this course. Absences, or persistent lateness, will hurt your grade. Students with more than three unexcused absences will fail this course. Send me an email explaining any absence beforehand, if possible, or as soon as possible after the missed class. If you have been sick and sought professional care, please give me the sick leave application right after you come to class. An unexcused absence will lead to a lower grade and three unexcused absences will lead to the failure of this course. Group presentations: 3-4 people form a group. Each group needs to sign up for at least one presentation topic. At the time of the presentation, the group will provide ppt slides to class. In order to enhance interaction between the presentation group and audience, another group will be assigned to ask the group questions. Students who ask questions and respond to the teacher’s questions in class will get extra points. After the presentation, group report outlines and ppt files are expected to be put online. This course observes all rules of academic integrity. Please learn to document your sources well in your group report. You will immediately fail this course if you plagiarize.

LC002. American Literature II:. 1865 to present [美國文學史(二)︰1865 年至當代]

3 credits Dr. Donna Tong < > For Juniors and above Class size: 45

課程學習目標 This course encompasses American literature chronologically from the


Civil War to the contemporary period. This span will include discussion of artistic and literary movements such as realism, naturalism, modernism, postmodernism, and multiculturalism while examining and considering pivotal and relevant historical moments and events. Throughout our studies of selected American literary texts, we will analyze and interpret the different experiences and constructions of identity represented in these literary works. Literature is essentially about the human experience, about representing humanity. We will question and challenge how this humanity is conveyed, how it was relevant during the era of publication, and how it might still be relevant today despite the span of time and distance, literally, symbolically, and culturally. Some themes you are asked to consider in reading any of these works: how is the self being defined? What is the relationship between the individual and the larger society? How are men and women being represented as men and women? How different ethnicities and races represented and what are the larger implications of these representations?


授課進度 Course Progress Outline


日期Date 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註

Remark 1 02/20 Intro Nathaniel Hawthorne

2 02/27 American Romanticism Edgar Allan Poe

3 03/06 American Gothic; detective story Sherlock (BBC)

Henry David Thoreau Journal 1

4 03/13 American Transcendentalism

Abraham Lincoln; Harriet Beecher Stowe

5 03/20 Civil War; Abolitionist literature

03/18Discussion questions Civil War David Walker; Frederick Douglass

6 03/27 African American slave narratives

W.E.B. DuBois Journal 2

7 04/03 Double consciousness; color line Midterm Exam Review

Zora Neale Hurston; Jean Toomer; Langston Hughes; Alice Walker

8 04/10 HOLIDAY Review


9 04/17 Midterm Exam Walt Whitman; Emily Dickinson

10 04/24 Harlem Renaissance; Naturalism

Kate Chopin; Charlotte Perkins Gilman

11 05/01 Women’s writing; feminism

Gertrude Stein; Jack London Journal 3

12 05/08 Modernism; Existentialism

Robert Frost; William Carlos Williams; Ezra Pound; T.S. Eliot; E.E. Cummings

13 05/15 Imagism

Gwendolyn Brooks; Allen Ginsberg; Anne Sexton; Adrienne Rich; Sylvia Plath; Audre Lorde

14 05/22 Confessional Poetry Sui Sin Far; Maxine Hong Kingston; Li-Young Lee Journal 4

15 05/29 Asian American writers

Gloria Anzaldua; Sandra Cisneros

16 06/05 Chicano/a writing; borderlands

Leslie Marmon Silko; Louise Erdrich; Sherman Alexie Journal 5

17 06/12 Native American writing Final Exam Review


18 06/19 Final Exam Have a good summer vacation! ♡

教學方法 Pedagogical


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 20 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 20 個 案 研 討 20 服 務 學 習 0 問題導向學習 0 競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 0 專 題 實 作 0 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 20 對 話 教 學 法 10 樣 本 觀 察 10 校 外 參 訪 0 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0

課程教材 Course Material

Baym, Nina, et al, eds. Norton Anthology of American Literature, Shorter 7th Edition. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2008. Print.

教科書 Baym, Nina, et al, eds. Norton Anthology of American Literature, Shorter 7th Edition. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2008. Print.

參考書目 Reference

Presentations In your group of 2-3 students, you will need to work with your classmates to prepare two presentations. For each presentation, your group must select a leader to be in charge of the presentation. Your group must prepare a Powerpoint file that will be shown in class and sent electronically to the instructor for credit on the assignment.





方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %

課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報告 0 個案分析報告撰

寫 0

專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 0 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 20 期末考 30 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小組或個人) 0 課堂參與 20 心得或作業撰寫 0 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 20 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 10

其他 0


Attendance & Participation Presentations Journals Midterm Exam Final Exam *ATTENDANCE: MORE THAN 3 UNEXCUSED ABSENCES IS A FAIL Conduct, Plagiarism, Cheating Attendance is MANDATORY. Excused absences are accepted for medical or family emergency with appropriate documentation. Three tardies equal one absence. Tardiness past 20 minutes after class has begun is counted as one absence. More than 3 absences will lead to failing the course. Paper Format & Submission •Font: Times New Roman 12 point size. •Margins: 1-inch all around. •Spacing: double-spaced text. At the end of each essay, students are required to have the WORD COUNT written. For example: Word count: 1079. Headings must have the student’s name, ID #, course, and date, with the assignment and title that corresponds with the content of the essay. All essays must be submitted in hard copy with an electronic copy sent through email to <> on the due date.


LC003. Romantic and Victorian Poetry [浪漫與維多利亞時期詩作研究] 3 credits Dr. Paul Bellew < > For Juniors and above Class size: 45 Prerequisite: Introduction to Literature


The Romantic and Victorian periods make up a “long” 19th century—beginning in the late 1700s and extending into the early 1900s. Even so, this might not seem like a long time give the extensive history of English literature. Yet many of the most famous poets of English literary history are found in these periods—like William Wordsworth, Percy Shelley, John Keats, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and Alfred Tennyson to name just a few. Then what was so special about the Romantic and Victorian periods? For one, these periods saw increased modernization, technological development, and scientific innovation as the British Empire rose to its highpoint. Amidst these developments, social roles changed dramatically, and many people advocated for progress. It was also a time of experimentation in poetry as well—both in terms of form and content. This course will exam the poetry of these two periods, charting a course through the long century focusing on both canonical figures and less familiar figures. This course will develop skills in critical reading and interpretation, build understanding in an important period in English literature, and develop skills in argumentative writing.


授課進度 Course Progress Outline


日期Date 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註 Remark

1 02/22 Introductions, reading poetry, traditional verse forms Romanticism

2 03/01 William Blake Romanticism

3 03/08 William Wordsworth Romanticism

4 03/15 Samuel Taylor Coleridge Romanticism

5 03/22 George Gordon, Lord Byron Romanticism

6 03/29 Percy Shelley Romanticism

7 04/05 John Keats Romanticism


8 04/12 Letitia Elizabeth Landon (L.E.L.) Victorian

9 04/19 Felicia Hemans Victorian

10 04/26 John Clare Victorian

11 05/03 Elizabeth Barrett Browning Victorian

12 05/10 Robert Browning Victorian

13 05/17 Matthew Arnold Victorian

14 05/24 Christina Rossetti Victorian

15 05/31 Dante Gabriel Rossetti; Algernon Charles Swinburne Victorian

16 06/07 George Meredith Victorian

17 06/14 Gerard Manley Hopkins Victorian

18 06/21 A. E. Housman Victorian

教學方法 Pedagogical


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 30 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 70 個 案 研 討 0 服 務 學 習 0 問題導向學習 0 競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 0 專 題 實 作 0 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 0 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 0 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0

課程教材 Course Material

Lecture, Readings, Discussion

教科書 TBA 參考書目 Reference


教學平台網址 無



方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %

課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報告 0 個案分析報告撰

寫 0

專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 0 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 10 期末考 10 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小組或個人) 0 課堂參與 10 心得或作業撰寫 60 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 0 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0


其他 10


Due Dates Unless deadlines are changed verbally in class or over email, the due dates for assignments and presentations are as indicated in sign-up sheets and the schedule. No late papers will be accepted without arrangements made one week prior to the due date with the instructor. Without prior arrangements, late papers will receive ZERO points. Academic Honesty Any act of plagiarism or cheating will lead to failing the course. Attendance and Participation Attendance is required. If you have three or more absences, you will fail this course. Be on time to class and be prepared to contribute to class discussion. 3 or more unexcused absences will lead to failing the course. Three tardies equal one absence. Tardiness past 20 minutes after class has begun is counted as one absence. Participation is also required. You be scored on how often and how effectively you contribute to class discussion. This means you must do the reading and offer questions and comments in class.

LC004. Modern Interpretation of Chinese Narrative Poetry [古典敘事詩的現代詮釋] 2 credits Ms. Yen-zhen Wu <> For Sophomores and above Class size: 45

Please see p.72 for the course description.

Advanced Language Studies Courses

LS001. Technology Assisted Instruction & Presentation [英語教學概論]

3 credits Dr. Ya-Li Wu< > For Juniors and above Class size: 45 ※project-based course



This course aims to train students to explore the current issues of English teaching in Taiwan, understand second language teaching methods (e.g., the Direct Method, the Audio-Lingual Method, Total Physical Response, and Content-based Instruction, Task-based Language Teaching), and know how to choose appropriate teaching methods for their English learners. In addition, students will learn how to teach English for specific purposes, such as business English, Tourism English, or legal English.


授課進度 Course Progress Outline


日期Date 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註 Remark

1 02/21 Orientation Getting to know each other

2 02/28 Holiday No Class

3 03/07 The Grammar-Translation Method

Ch 2 The Grammar-Translation Method

4 03/14 The Direct Method Ch 3 The Direct Method

5 03/21 The Audio-Lingual Method

Ch 4 The Audio-Lingual Method

6 03/28 Spring Break No Class

7 04/04 The Silent Way Ch 5 The Silent Way

8 04/11 Desuggestopedia Ch 6 Desuggestopedia

9 04/18 Community Language Learning

Ch 7 Community Language Learning

10 04/25 Total Physical Response Ch 8 Total Physical Response

11 05/02 Communicative Language Teaching

Ch 9 Communicative Language Teaching

12 05/09 Content-based Instruction Ch 10 Content-based Instruction

13 05/16 Task-based Language Teaching

Ch 11 Task-based Language Teaching

14 05/23 Multiple Intelligences Multiple Intelligences

15 05/30 English for Specific English for Specific

16 06/06 English for Specific English for Specific

17 06/13 Oral presentation Oral presentation

18 06/20 Oral presentation Oral presentation


教學方法 Pedagogical


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 30 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 20 個 案 研 討 0 服 務 學 習 30 問題導向學習 0 競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 0 專 題 實 作 0 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 0 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 0 實 作 教 學 20 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0

課程教材 Course Material

Larsen-Freeman, Diane & Anderson, Marti. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching (3rd ed.). Oxford, Oxford University Press, (2011).

教科書 Larsen-Freeman, Diane & Anderson, Marti. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching (3rd ed.). Oxford, Oxford University Press, (2011).

參考書目 Reference

•Hutchinson, Tom & Waters, Alan (1987). English for Specific Purposes: A Learning-Centered Approach (Cambridge Language Teaching Library) (13th Ed) Cambridge University Press. •Tricia Hedge (2000). Teaching and learning in the language classroom (Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers Series) 1st Ed. Oxford University Press.

教學平台網址 無



方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %

課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報告 0 個案分析報告撰

寫 0

專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 0 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 0 期末考 0 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小組或個人) 0 課堂參與 20 心得或作業撰寫 40 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 40 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0

其他 0


Sick Leave: If you do not feel well and cannot attend a class, please tell me before or after the class. Then, provide me with a doctor’s prescription later. You also need to discuss how you make up the missed class with me. If you are absent from a class without explanation, your final grade will be deducted. If you are absent from classes without explanation more than 3 times, your final grade will be deducted 10%. Lateness: Please come to class on time in order to maintain the high quality of other students’ learning. If you are late more than 15 minutes for a class,


you will be considered being absent from the class. If you have 3 absences, your final grade will be deducted 10%. If you have a reason for your absence, please explain it to me after class. Late for submitting assignments: If you cannot submit your assignments on time, please explain your reason to me. If you submit an assignment late without explanation, the grade of the assignment will be automatically deducted 10%.

LS002. Technology-Assisted Instruction & Presentation [科技輔助教學與簡報]

3 credits Dr. Bichu Chen< > For Juniors and above Class size: 28 ※project-based course


The course “Technology Assisted Instruction & Presentation” has the following features. - Primarily provide students with hands-on practice of technology assisted presentation and instructional media. -The themes and multimedia covered in this course include offline and online tools, filming and editing tools, instructional tools, etc. -Design multimedia lesson plans and produce multimedia materials. -The final project will require students in using software, platform, online materials, and other tools to produce a project. -Themes or topics for projects are NOT limited to language learning. -Technology as a way to learning by exploring and constructing meaningful materials. -An overview of important issues -Part of this course fits curriculum goals for Language Studies and/or Capstone Courses; this course will guide you to fulfill Learning Outcome Demonstration (LOD). --This is a project-based course.


授課進度 Course Progress Outline


日期Date 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註 Remark


1 02/22 Orientation What is e-Learning? * This syllabus is subject to change.

2 03/01 Presentation Materials

3 03/08 Developing A Technology Plan; Using Offline Tools

Presentation skills

4 03/15 Using Offline Tools Duty Assignment Plan draft

5 03/22 Software and task design; Instruction & learning strategies

6 03/29 Software and task design; Discussions/Films Plan draft

7 04/05 Using Online Tools No class, Holiday

8 04/12 Using Online Tools Online Homework

9 04/19 FJU Midterm Week Domain-specific Plan

10 04/26 Assessment: levels test, rating scales, etc.

11 05/03 Assessment: levels test, rating scales, etc.; Using Online Tools

12 05/10 Using Online Tools Online Homework

13 05/17 Web 2.0 Platform, SNS

14 05/24 Web 2.0 Platform, SNS

15 05/31 Reflections and Final Presentation Final Report

16 06/07 Reflections and Final Presentation No class, Holiday

17 06/14 Reflections and Final Presentation Final Report

18 06/21 Survey, self & peer assessment 0521

教學方法 Pedagogical


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 20 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 15 個 案 研 討 0 服 務 學 習 0 問題導向學習 10 競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 0 專 題 實 作 10 電 子 教 學 25 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 5 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 0 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 15 其 他 0

課程教材 Course Material

e-Learning materials Films Chosen Tech Tools


教科書 1. Hard copy - TBA. 2. e-materials (The links will be provided to you later.)

參考書目 Reference

Lewis, G. (2009). Bringing Technology into the Classroom. Oxford University Windeatt, Scott, David Hardisty, and David Eastment. The Internet. Oxford University Press, 2000. Print.




方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %

課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報告 5 個案分析報告撰

寫 0

專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 20 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 0 期末考 0 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小組或個人) 0 課堂參與 20 心得或作業撰寫 25 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 15 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 10

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0

其他 5


Attendance Please come to class each time and on time. Each unexcused absence will result at least a 3% deduction from the final grade. Leaves with excused up to three times lead to large score deduction. According to the university regulation, more than three unexcused absences result in a failed grade for the course. If you are or will be absent for medical or personal leaves, please inform me in advance and show evidence (e.g. medical certificate or receipt). Other Class Policy -- Students have to attend weekly lectures, participating class and on-line discussions, writing and carrying out e-Learning lesson plans and produce e-Learning materials. -- Taking part in individual and group projects will assist students to put theories into practice. These projects will involve students in using software, platform, online materials, and other e-Learning tools. -- Only one late assignment is allowed and it will result in deduction of scores; any other late assignment will lead to in a score of zero. Grading 1. In-class and On-line Participation & Attendance


2. Individual and Group Projects (software and platform- material design, peer review, written/oral reports, different types of e-documents and participation) 3. Other Required Assignments, Activities & Quizzes 4. Assessment & Surveys

LS003. TESOL and Cross-Cultural Communication: Service Learning III [英語教學與跨文化

溝通服務學習(三)] 2 credits Dr. Lydia Tseng< > For Freshmen and above Class size: 20 ※project-based course


This course is linked with 2019 FJU-SVC service-learning project. FJU-SVC Guo-Tai camp will take place on June 24-25. Orientation: June 23, 2019. This offers students two important learning experiences by participating in a cross-cultural service learning project. The first one concerns applying theories of TESOL and cross-cultural communication to pedagogic practice in a local elementary school. The second learning opportunity involves developing cross-cultural competency by working with a group of American college students (Saint Vincent College, US) for one English Summer Camp. This collaboration will challenge students to learn about the ways people from different cultural backgrounds think, communicate, and behave based on the value systems, worldviews, and implications that ground them. NOTE: Students can select this course for working on their LOD presentation.

先修課程 NA

授課進度 Course Progress Outline


日期Date 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註 Remark

1 02/19 Orientation

2 02/26 Recruitment of service learning team


3 03/05 Introduction: Getting to know each other

4 03/12 TESOL: approaches and strategies (1)

5 03/19 TESOL: approaches and strategies (2)

6 03/26 TESOL: approaches and strategies (3)

7 04/02 Holiday: Spring Break

8 04/09 TESOL: micro-teaching practice (1)

9 04/16 TESOL: micro-teaching practice (1)

10 04/23 Cross-cultural communication (1)

11 04/30 Cross-cultural communication (2)

12 05/07 Cross-cultural communication (3)

13 05/14 TESOL & Cross-cultural communication (1) : Curriculum design

14 05/21 TESOL & Cross-cultural communication : Instructional materials design(2)

15 05/28 TESOL & Cross-cultural communication :Teacher and learner identities (3)

16 06/04 Teaching practicum: pilot-research-study guided teaching (1)

17 06/11 Teaching practicum: pilot-research-guided teaching (2)

18 06/18 Teaching practicum: pilot-research-study guided teaching (3)

教學方法 Pedagogical


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 0 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 10 個 案 研 討 30 服 務 學 習 30 問題導向學習 0 競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 10 專 題 實 作 20 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 0 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 0 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0

課程教材 Course Material

Compiled handouts prepared by the instructor.

教科書 Compiled handouts prepared by the instructor.

參考書目 Reference

Butin, D. W. (2005). Service-learning in higher education [electronic resource] : critical issues and directions.New York : Palgrave


Macmillan. Bryant, A. J. (2011) Integrating service-learning into the university classroom. Sudbury, Mass. : Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

教學平台網址 無



方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %

課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報告 0 個案分析報告撰

寫 0

專題發表 80 課堂上實作演練 0 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 0 期末考 0 隨堂考(小考) 0

書面報告(含小組或個人) 20 課堂參與 0 心得或作業撰寫 0

口頭報告(含小組或個人) 0 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0

其他 0


1.Please be punctual for classes and stay till the class ends. Coming to class 20 minutes late counts as absence. Authorized absences, such as sickness, official activities, and emergencies require proven documents (e.g. doctor’s notes, official letter, etc.) for the instructor’s official approval. Proven documents should be given to the instructor for “granting” authorized absences within 2 weeks. 請於請假當日起兩週內出示證明給授課老師,超過期限則不予請假! The grading policy regarding attendance is illustrated below: Lateness or early leave -0.5 (per class) Excused absence with proof -0.5 (per class) Unexcused absence or absence without proof -1 (per class) Full attendance + 3% of the final grade 2.If you are absent for more than FOUR times without acceptable reasons, you are forbidden to take the final exam. 缺席四次以上者 (含曠課), 即給予扣考!!! 3. Please don’t deal with your private things during class (e.g. reading materials unrelated to the course, listening to music, using your laptop, iPad or smart phone, writing assignments for the other courses, etc.). Otherwise, you will lose 1 point each time. 4. Chatting without permission or sleeping and snoring during class is not allowed, and will make you lose 1 point each time.



This course offers students two important learning experiences by participating in a cross-cultural service learning project. The first one concerns applying theories of TESOL and cross-cultural communication to pedagogic practice in a local elementary school. The second learning opportunity involves developing cross-cultural competency by working with a group of American college students (Saint Vincent College, US) for one English Summer Camp. This collaboration will challenge students to learn about the ways people from different cultural backgrounds think, communicate, and behave based on the value systems, worldviews, and implications that ground them.

先修課程 NA

授課進度 Course Progress Outline


日期Date 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註 Remark

1 02/19 Orientation

2 02/26 Recruitment of service learning team

3 03/05 Introduction: Getting to know each other

4 03/12 TESOL: approaches and strategies (1)

5 03/19 TESOL: approaches and strategies (2)

6 03/26 TESOL: approaches and strategies (3)

7 04/02 Holiday: Spring Break

8 04/09 TESOL: micro-teaching practice (1)

9 04/16 TESOL: micro-teaching practice (1)

10 04/23 Cross-cultural communication (1)

11 04/30 Cross-cultural communication (2)

12 05/07 Cross-cultural communication (3)

13 05/14 TESOL & Cross-cultural communication (1) : Curriculum design

14 05/21 TESOL & Cross-cultural communication : Instructional materials design(2)

15 05/28 TESOL & Cross-cultural communication :Teacher and learner identities (3)


16 06/04 Teaching practicum: pilot-research-study guided teaching (1)

17 06/11 Teaching practicum: pilot-research-guided teaching (2)

18 06/18 Teaching practicum: pilot-research-study guided teaching (3)

教學方法 Pedagogical


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 0 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 10 個 案 研 討 30 服 務 學 習 30 問題導向學習 0 競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 10 專 題 實 作 20 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 0 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 0 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0

課程教材 Course Material

Compiled handouts prepared by the instructor.

教科書 Compiled handouts prepared by the instructor.

參考書目 Reference

Butin, D. W. (2005). Service-learning in higher education [electronic resource] : critical issues and directions. New York : Palgrave Macmillan. Bryant, A. J. (2011) Integrating service-learning into the university classroom. Sudbury, Mass. : Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

教學平台網址 無



方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %

課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報告 0 個案分析報告撰

寫 0

專題發表 80 課堂上實作演練 0 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 0 期末考 0 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小組或個人) 20 課堂參與 0 心得或作業撰寫 0 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 0 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0

其他 0


1.Please be punctual for classes and stay till the class ends. Coming to class 20 minutes late counts as absence. Authorized absences, such as sickness, official activities, and emergencies require proven documents (e.g. doctor’s notes, official letter, etc.) for the instructor’s official approval. Proven


documents should be given to the instructor for “granting” authorized absences within 2 weeks. 請於請假當日起兩週內出示證明給授課老師,超過期限則不予請假! The grading policy regarding attendance is illustrated below: Lateness or early leave -0.5 (per class) Excused absence with proof -0.5 (per class) Unexcused absence or absence without proof -1 (per class) Full attendance + 3% of the final grade 2.If you are absent for more than FOUR times without acceptable reasons, you are forbidden to take the final exam. 缺席四次以上者 (含曠課), 即給予扣考!!! 3. Please don’t deal with your private things during class (e.g. reading materials unrelated to the course, listening to music, using your laptop, iPad or smart phone, writing assignments for the other courses, etc.). Otherwise, you will lose 1 point each time. 4. Chatting without permission or sleeping and snoring during class is not allowed, and will make you lose 1 point each time.

Advanced writing: Required courses for Seniors.

Please take one of the followings. AW001. Journalistic Writing II [新聞英文寫作(二)]

2 credits Ms. Katy Lee <> For Seniors only Class size: 27 Prerequisite: CC III


This course is designed to give students practical writing instructions in journalistic report writing. Students are encouraged to improve their writing skills even when facing deadlines. Besides writing methods, students are advised not to use poorly structured sentences which could kill readers’ interests. Students will read current news clips and discuss the writing skills of stories. Lectures of how to write a newsworthy story which would grab the attention of readers. Story writing practice in and outside of classroom. News report assignments would on campus events as practical exercises. Newspapers, magazines and electronic media samples of reporting would be discussed and put into individual and group work.


先修課程 CC III

教學方法 Pedagogical


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 20 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 20 個 案 研 討 0 服 務 學 習 0 問題導向學習 0 競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 0 專 題 實 作 0 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 20 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 0 實 作 教 學 20 個 別 指 導 20 其 他 0

說明:This course is designed to give students practical writing instructions in journalistic report writing. Students are encouraged to improve their writing skills even when facing deadlines. Besides writing methods, students are advised not to use poorly structured sentences which could kill readers’ interests. Students will read current news clips and discuss the writing skills of stories. Lectures of how to write a newsworthy story which would grab the attention of readers. Story writing practice in and outside of classroom. News report assignments would on campus events as practical exercises. Newspapers, magazines and electronic media samples of reporting would be discussed and put into individual and group work.

課程教材 Course Material

Morenberg, Max & Jeff Sommers. The Writer’s Options: Lessons in Style and Arrangement 8th ed. New York: Longman 2010.

教科書 Itule, Bruce D. and Douglas A. Anderson. News Writing and Reporting for Today’s Media. USA: McGraw-Hill International Editions, 2000.

參考書目 Reference

Morenberg, Max & Jeff Sommers. The Writer’s Options: Lessons in Style and Arrangement 8th ed. New York: Longman 2010.




方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %

課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報告 0 個案分析報告撰

寫 20

專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 20 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 20 期末考 20 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小組或個人) 20 課堂參與 0 心得或作業撰寫 0 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 0 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0

其他 0 說明:Attendance is MANDATORY. Excused absences are accepted for medical or family emergency with appropriate documentation. Three tardiness equal to one absence. Tardiness past 20 minutes after class has


begun is counted as one absence. Three absences will lead to zero percentage points for attendance and participation. As part of your participation grade, there will be quizzes on different information that you have learned throughout the semester. No make-up quizzes will be administered in the case of unexcused absences.


Attendance is MANDATORY. Excused absences are accepted for medical or family emergency with appropriate documentation. Three tardiness equal to one absence. Tardiness past 20 minutes after class has begun is counted as one absence. Three absences will lead to zero percentage points for attendance and participation. As part of your participation grade, there will be quizzes on different information that you have learned throughout the semester. No make-up quizzes will be administered in the case of unexcused absences

AW002. Chinese-English Translation [專業寫作:中英翻譯] 2 credits Fr. Daniel Bauer < > For Seniors only Class size: 27 Prerequisite: CC III

The purpose of this course in Chinese-English translation is (1) to give students practical experience in translating a variety of brief texts, primarily taken from Chinese newspapers, into English; (2) to become familiar with important ideas or theories traditionally associated with translation (for example, equivalent effect, audience reception, fidelity in translation); (3) sharpen English language skills. Students can expect 8 individual assignments (2 pages minimum in length, to be revised according to the advice of the instructor). Students will also make about 3 individual presentations on the assignments, each about 6 minutes in length, discussing the particular challenges and solutions with which they are struggling in their translation homework. Instead of relying on a single textbook, the instructor will assemble a workbook for student use that offers various choices for translation from week to week. He will occasionally distribute handouts, and offer regular brief lectures on theories of translation. In the beginning of the course, students will form themselves into groups of 5 - 6 each, simply to help organize dates for presentations. The first assignment will be a 2 page review students write of a short translation already published in the Taipei Chinese Pen. The


instructor will loan copies of the Pen to students. 7 translations (2 pages) follow as assignments (a few of which the individual student will 'present on' during class sessions). In addition, there will be a mid-term and a final exam. Grading plan: mid-term and final exams = 20% . . . 8 individual assignments = 10% each / / Final grades will involve points subtracted or added for class participation. Important: personal coaching on the individual translation assignments will be part of many class plans for up to 15 minutes per class. Arrival on time each week for all students is therefore essential. Questions? Please email Father Bauer / Bau Shen-fu at or call land line telephone 2905-3522.

AW003. Business English Writing II [商務英文(二)]

2 credits Ms. Jennifer Hsiang <> For Seniors only Class size: 27 Prerequisite: CC III


This course will expose students to the basics of written English communication in business and to assist them in the development of the skills needed to write good business communications. The contents of this course include a good deal of background information, writing principles, related commercial terminologies, the courteous wording, and various sample letters study.

先修課程 CC III

授課進度 Course Progress Outline


日期Date 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註 Remark

1 02/18 Orientation 上課內容,評分方式

Orientation 上課內容,評分方式

2 02/25 Sales Letter (advanced) 進階銷售信函 老師補充

3 03/04 Complaint Letter 抱怨信函寫作 Unit 7


4 03/11 How to deal with complaints 處理抱怨 Unit 7

5 03/18 Employment Application (1/2) 英文履歷表寫作 (上)

Unit 15

6 03/25 Employment Application (2/2) 英文履歷表寫作 (下)

Unit 15

7 04/01 Memo Writing 備忘錄寫作 Unit 14

8 04/08 學校調整放假 學校調整放假

9 04/15 Midterm 期中考 Midterm 期中考

10 04/22 Midterm review 期中考檢討

Midterm review 期中考檢討

11 04/29 Collection Letter (1/2) 催收信函寫作 (上) Unit 6

12 05/06 Collection Letter (2/2) 催收信函寫作 (下) Unit 6

13 05/13 Business Contract (1/3) 英文貿易契約之一 老師補充

14 05/20 Business Contract (2/3) 英文貿易契約之二 老師補充

15 05/27 Business Contract (3/3) 英文貿易契約之三 老師補充

16 06/03 Final exam 畢業考 Final exam 畢業考

17 06/10 畢業班已結束課程 畢業班已結束課程

18 06/17 畢業班已結束課程 畢業班已結束課程

教學方法 Pedagogical


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 50 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 20 個 案 研 討 0 服 務 學 習 0 問題導向學習 0 競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 0 專 題 實 作 0 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 0 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 0 實 作 教 學 30 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0

課程教材 Course Material

Commercial Correspondence

教科書 Commercial Correspondence 參考書目 Reference

Commercial Correspondence


學習評量Learning 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %


Evaluation 課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報

告 0 個案分析報告撰寫 0

專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 0 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 30 期末考 30 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小組或個人) 0 課堂參與 0 心得或作業撰寫 40 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 0 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0

其他 0

學習規範 One point will be deducted for each late arrival; two points will be deducted for absence. Five points each week will be deducted for late assignment w/o written approval for leave.

AW004. English Department Student Magazine Production [英文系刊製作] 2 credits Dr. Donna Tong < > For Seniors only Class size: 15 for Department Magazine Prerequisite: Student Magazine Production I & CC III ※project-based course


The course will provide an introduction to magazine production including soliciting, managing, editing, writing stories, creating and designing layout, working with sponsors, and advertising the magazine. In this course, students will be involved in News, Campus Life, Art & Lifestyle, Travel, and Fiction & Poetry sections to create and publish the next volume for The Next Page. New magazine sections may be created dependent on student participation and proposals. Students will be appointed to head each section of the magazine. Each section will also be responsible for soliciting at least one sponsor. All students must participate in fundraising. Each student will be expected to contribute one story to the magazine overall. Each student will be expected to copy-edit 2-3 stories for the


magazine. Students will be appointed to website layout, design, and management.

先修課程 Student Magazine Production I & CC III

教學方法 Pedagogical


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 0 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 25 個 案 研 討 25 服 務 學 習 0 問題導向學習 0 競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 0 專 題 實 作 0 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 50 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 0 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0

課程教材 Course Material

Writer’s Digest: Handbook of Magazine Article Writing, 2nd ed. (pdf) OPTIONAL Adèle Ramet, Writing for Magazines. (pdf) Matthew Ricketson, Writing Feature Stories: How to Research and Write Newspaper and Magazine Articles. (pdf) Vin Maskell and Gina Perry, Write to Publish: Writing Feature Articles for Magazines, Newspapers, and Corporate and Community Publications. (pdf) David E. Sumner and Holly G. Miller, Feature and Magazine Writing, 3rd ed. (pdf)


Writer’s Digest: Handbook of Magazine Article Writing, 2nd ed. (pdf) OPTIONAL Adèle Ramet, Writing for Magazines. (pdf) Matthew Ricketson, Writing Feature Stories: How to Research and Write Newspaper and Magazine Articles. (pdf) Vin Maskell and Gina Perry, Write to Publish: Writing Feature Articles for Magazines, Newspapers, and Corporate and Community Publications. (pdf) David E. Sumner and Holly G. Miller, Feature and Magazine Writing, 3rd ed. (pdf)

參考書目 Reference

Writer’s Digest: Handbook of Magazine Article Writing, 2nd ed. (pdf) OPTIONAL Adèle Ramet, Writing for Magazines. (pdf)


Matthew Ricketson, Writing Feature Stories: How to Research and Write Newspaper and Magazine Articles. (pdf) Vin Maskell and Gina Perry, Write to Publish: Writing Feature Articles for Magazines, Newspapers, and Corporate and Community Publications. (pdf) David E. Sumner and Holly G. Miller, Feature and Magazine Writing, 3rd ed. (pdf)

教學平台網址 無



方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %

課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報告 0 個案分析報告撰

寫 0

專題發表 15 課堂上實作演練 0 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 0 期末考 0 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小組或個人) 0 課堂參與 20 心得或作業撰寫 40 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 25 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0

其他 0


Proposal and Report10% Presentations20% Attendance and Participation20% REQUIRED Writing - 1 story 10% Copy-editing - 2 stories 10% SELECT FOR TOTAL OF 30% Editor in chief25% Section editor20% Copy editing10% for 2 stories Writing 10% per story Design/layout10% Webpage management 10%

Professional Training Courses

PT001. Cross Cultural Communication: Global Understanding Project [跨文化溝通:國際連


線專題] 2 credits Dr. Ya-Li Wu < > For freshmen and above Class size: 15


This course provides students to learn other cultures without traveling. This is part of the Global Academic Initiatives directed by East Carolina University (ECU), USA. This program has received the Senator Paul Simon Spotlight Award in USA. We will connect with two (or possibly three) countries, depending on the arrangement of ECU, through live video and chat technology. In the past, the countries we connected include USA, India, Russia, Mexico, Japan, Peru, and Switzerland. Discussion topics ranging from college life, family structure, the meaning of life, health care, food and nutrition, to stereotypes and prejudices. Class sessions include discussion in both small groups and one-to-one chat with reflective journaling/papers and/or oral presentations afterwards. In addition to international connecting sessions, local sessions which mean only local class sessions without videoconferencing are also held to integrate and synthesize information gained in the global sessions. Participating students from different cultures also read each other’s newspapers to learn what is current, timely, and to get real exposure to their partners’ cultures.

先修課程 Proficient in English speaking. Students need to be able to speak and interact with foreign students via video conferencing.

授課進度 Course Progress Outline


日期Date 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註


1 02/20 Local week: Introduction

•About Global Understanding Project •Using EngSite system Culture and Communication Concepts

2 02/27

Local Week: Get prepared for connection with ECU, USA

•Learn IceChat/Kiwi; Get prepared for connection with ECU, USA •Maybe trial ECU connection

3 03/06 Connection Week: ECU 1 and 2

•Connection with ECU 1: Lecture •ECU 2: College life

4 03/13 Local Week Paradigm Shift


5 03/20 Connection Week: ECU 3 and 4

•Connection with ECU 3: Family and Cultural Traditions •ECU 4: The Meaning of Life and Religion

6 03/27 Connection Week: ECU 5

Connection with ECU 5: Stereotypes and prejudices

7 04/03 No Class Spring Break

8 04/10 Connection Week: ECU 6

Connection with ECU 6: Present Collaborative project

9 04/17 Local Week Midterm week; Summary /Survey on USA; Oral Presentation

10 04/24 Local Week Issues of cyber communication; Introduction and get prepared for connection with 2nd country

11 05/01 Connection Week: another country 1 and 2

Connection with 1: Lecture; 2: College life

12 05/08 Local Week View online speech units: about UK culture

13 05/15 Connection Week: another country 3 and 4

Connection with 3: Family and Cultural Traditions; 4: The Meaning of Life and Religion

14 05/22 Connection Week: another country 5

Connection with 5: Stereotypes and prejudices

15 05/29 Connection Week: another country 6

Connection with 6: Present Collaborative project

16 06/05 Local week Summary/Survey

17 06/12 Local week Oral 1 Presentation 1

18 06/19 Local week Oral 1 Presentation 2; wrap-up

教學方法 Pedagogical


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 20 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 20 個 案 研 討 0 服 務 學 習 0 問題導向學習 0 競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 0 專 題 實 作 0 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 50 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 0 對 話 教 學 法 10 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 0 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0

課程教材 Course Material

Course materials will be posted on EngSite System. ** Please bring your own laptop to class on connection sessions if you have your own laptop (for IceChat/Kiwi text-chats).

教科書 Handouts and Weblinks; Online news

參考書目 Handouts and Weblinks; Online news



教學平台網址 無



方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %

課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報告 0 個案分析報告撰

寫 0

專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 0 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 0 期末考 0 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小組或個人) 30 課堂參與 20 心得或作業撰寫 0 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 20 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 30

其他 0


Sick Leave: If you do not feel well and cannot attend a class, please tell me before or after the class. Then, provide me with a doctor’s prescription later. You also need to discuss how you make up the missed class with me. If you are absent from a class without explanation, your final grade will be deducted. If you are absent from classes without explanation more than 3 times, your final grade will be deducted 10%. Late for submitting assignments: If you cannot submit your assignments on time, please explain your reason to me. If you submit an assignment late without explanation, the grade of the assignment will be automatically deducted 10%.

PT001. English-Chinese Translation II [英中翻譯(二)] 2 Credits Ms. Gretchen Lee < > For Sophomores and above Class size: 30 ※project-based course


This course, organized as a workshop, provides students with a practical and solid training in English to Chinese translation. Students are required to do supplementary readings and in-class exercises, participate in discussions and group work, give written as well as oral reports and feedback, and get hands-on experience of translation.


Through translating and discussing a wide range of authentic texts and analyzing and offering critiques of existing translation, students are able to acquire advanced translation skills, develop their own translation strategies, and learn to generate natural, idiomatic, and faithful translations.


授課進度 Course Progress Outline


日期Date 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註


1 02/18 Unit 1: Introduction and Preview Course Overview

2 02/25 Unit 1: Introduction and Preview Translation Overview

3 03/04 Unit 1: Introduction and Preview Translation Skills

4 03/11 Unit 1: Introduction and Preview Translation Skills

5 03/18 Unit 1: Introduction and Preview Translation Skills

6 03/25 Unit 1: Introduction and Preview Translation Skills

7 04/01 Unit 1: Introduction and Preview Translation Skills

8 04/08 Spring Break No Class

9 04/15 Projects and Practice Project 1

10 04/22 Projects and Practice Project 1

11 04/29 Projects and Practice Project 2

12 05/06 Projects and Practice Project 2

13 05/13 Projects and Practice Project 2

14 05/20 Projects and Practice Project 3

15 05/27 Projects and Practice Project 3

16 06/03 Projects and Practice Project 3

17 06/10 Review and Conclusion Review and Discussion

18 06/17 Review and Conclusion Review and Final Exam

教學方法 Pedagogical


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 20 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 30 個 案 研 討 0 服 務 學 習 0 問題導向學習 0


競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 0 專 題 實 作 50 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 0 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 0 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0

課程教材 Course Material

Reference, Tool Books, and Worksheets

教科書 賴慈芸(譯)(2005)。P. Newmark 著。翻譯教程。臺北:培生教育出版

集團。 參考書目 Reference

Newmark, P. (1988). A textbook of translation. New York: Prentice Hall.




方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %

課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報告 0 個案分析報告撰

寫 0

專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 10 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 0 期末考 10 隨堂考(小考) 10 書面報告(含小組或個人) 0 課堂參與 0 心得或作業撰寫 50 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 20 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0

其他 0


Students are expected to come to class on time, meet the deadline for each assignment, and participate in the class discussion actively. In addition to assignments that cover various areas (business translation, film translation, journalistic translation, literary translation, and scientific and technical translation), the course also demands an oral presentation. Quizzes will be given to check students’ learning. Attendance and Punctuality: Students should attend each class on time. Your attendance record will definitely affect your final grade. (1) Three absences—either excused or unexcused—shall result in a failed grade for the course. (2) Each absence will lead to a 3% deduction of the final grade. (3) Arriving late more than three times will count as one absence and each late attendance costs 1 point of the final grade. (4) When you enter into the classroom 20 minutes after the class starts (for each class period), you will be deemed as absent, not late. Translation Assignments


(1)You can download the assignment questions online. (2)You need to submit the assignment file before the deadline; the due date will be specified clearly once you check the EngSite assignment area.

PT003. Annual Play IV [年度大戲(四)]

3 credits Dr. John Basourakos <> For Sophomores and above Class size: 30


I. Course Description: This course is a survey of practice in all phases of play production, including acting, play choice, directing, staging, casting, make-up, costume design, lighting and scenic design. Most of the class time will be devoted to the intensive readings and discussions of selected play texts, as well as in active participation in theatre exercises intent on developing voice, movement, and role-playing. During this creative process, students will reflect on and then analyze their work, evaluate the process, and critique their development as theatre artists. Theatre production will focus on the following important elements: (1) developing co-operation as a group; (2) building confidence in each other as performers; (3) building awareness of the immediate environment; (4) building a sense of attention to detail; and (5) developing an appreciate of the art form of play production. In addition to class meetings, students will be expected to participate in rehearsals scheduled outside of school time. II. Course Objectives: In this course: a. Students will cultivate an understanding of themselves as creative and

communicative persons. b. Students will develop an appreciation of acting as an interpretive art. c. Students will broaden their views of the theater as a valuable indicator of

culture and life. d. Students will acquire knowledge of a chosen play, of a chosen

playwright, and of his or her cultural context. e. Students will acquire knowledge of play production which they will put

into practice to produce a play.


f. Students will develop and refine their interpersonal and communication skills.

g. Students will develop their problem-solving skills and abilities. h. Students will cultivate their abilities to work with others in a cooperative

and responsible manner.


1. Students who are interested in acting. 2. Students who are interested in the technical aspects of stage production. 3. Students who are interested in learning about staging a play from

choosing the play to staging the final production. 4. Students who are interested in learning about a specific playwright and

about his or her work in depth. 授課進度 Course Progress Outline


日期Date 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註


1 02/21 Introduction to the Course.

Course Syllabus and Course Requirements.

2 02/28 What is Involved in Staging/Producing a Play?

Performance. Production. Theatre Exercises.

3 03/07

The Play and the Playwright. The Social/Historical/Cultural Context. Performance Conventions.

Analysis and discussion of the play to be staged. Dialogue, setting, characterization, movement. Job Assignments.

4 03/14

The Play and the Playwright. The Social/Historical/Cultural Context. Performance Conventions.

Analysis and discussion of the play. Visual effects, setting, props, and costumes.

5 03/21 Scene Study. Performance. Commentary on the Performance.

6 03/28 Scene Study. Performance. Commentary on the Performance.

7 04/04 Spring Break. No Class.

8 04/11 Scene Study. Performance. Commentary on the Performance.

9 04/18 Play Rehearsal.

Blocking. Movement. Voice. Theatre Exercises.


10 04/25 Play Rehearsal.

Blocking. Movement. Voice. Theatre Exercises.

11 05/02 Staging and Design. Costumes and Make-Up.

12 05/09 Staging and Design. Lighting. Sound Effects. Properties.

13 05/16 Play Rehearsal. Dress Rehearsal.

14 05/23 Play Rehearsal. Technical Rehearsal.

15 05/30 Play Rehearsal. Dress and Technical Rehearsal.

16 06/06 Play Rehearsal. Dress and Technical Rehearsal.

17 06/13 Final Performances. Students Perform Their Production of the Play Before an Audience.

18 06/20 Wrap Up of the Course. Discussion of the play production process. Course evaluation.

教學方法 Pedagogical


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 20 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 20 個 案 研 討 0 服 務 學 習 0 問題導向學習 0 競 賽 遊 戲 10 專 家 演 講 0 專 題 實 作 0 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 20 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 20 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 10 校 外 參 訪 0 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0

課程教材 Course Material

Lectures, theatre exercises, readings of play texts and discussions, rehearsals, scene studies, performances.


1. Lee, Robert. Everything About Theatre: A Guidebook of Theatre Fundamentals. Colorado Springs: Meriwether Publishing, 1996. Play (s) to be analyzed and discussed in class will be announced at the beginning of the semester

參考書目 Reference

1. Rodgers, James W. Play Director’s Survival Kit: A Complete Step-By-Step Guide to Producing Theater in Any School or Community Setting. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1997. 2. Bloom, Michael. Thinking Like a Director. New York: Faber & Faber, 2001.

教學平台網址 無




方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %

課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報告 0 個案分析報告撰

寫 0

專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 10 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 0 期末考 0 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小組或個人) 0 課堂參與 30 心得或作業撰寫 20 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 0 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 10

參加競賽 0 展演 30 筆記 0

其他 0


Attendance. 10% Scene Studies.30% Play Rehearsals. 20% Final Production.30% Final Report.10% Attendance for this course is MANDATORY. Students may only be excused for being absent for medical or family emergencies and with appropriate documentation (i.e. a note from a physician in English attesting to the medical reasons behind the absence). 1. If students are late for class twice, they will be marked down as being absent. 2. If students are late for class 5 minutes after class has started, this will be counted as one absence. 3. If students are absent twice in the semester, they will receive zero percentage points for attendance and participation. Any act of plagiarism or cheating will lead to failing the course.

PT004. EAP: TOEFL & IELTS [學術英文:托福與雅思]

2 credits Mr. Kenneth Chyi < > For Juniors and above Class size: 45



This is an Advanced English for Academic Purposes course with the TOEFL (iBT) and IELTS exam practice. In this course, you will develop the language skills needed for the exams, improving your test-taking skills in English. The course starts with an introduction to the exam formats, and you will also be provided with opportunities to take practice tests. (NOTICE: this course will mainly focus on TOEFL. IELTS formats will also be presented.)

先修課程 None.

授課進度 Course Progress Outline


日期Date 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註 Remark

1 02/19 Course Introduction Course Introduction

2 02/26 TOEFL question types & how to answer : listening. TOEFL exercises

3 03/05 TOEFL question types & how to answer: Reading. TOEFL exercises

4 03/12 TOEFL question types & how to answer: Speaking. TOEFL exercises

5 03/19 TOEFL question types & how to answer: Writing. TOEFL exercises

6 03/26 TOEFL Practice Exam 1 TOEFL exercises

7 04/02 Review Review

8 04/09 Midterm Midterm

9 04/16 TOEFL integrated Skills TOEFL exercises

10 04/23 TOEFL further exercises TOEFL exercises

11 04/30 TOEFL further exercises TOEFL exercises

12 05/07 TOEFL further exercises TOEFL exercises

13 05/14 TOEFL Practice Exam 2 TOEFL exercises

14 05/21 EILTS Introduction EILTS Exercises

15 05/28 Christmas Day Christmas Day

16 06/04 EILTS Introduction EILTS Exercises

17 06/11 Review Review

18 06/18 Final Final

教學方法 Pedagogical


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 40 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 0 個 案 研 討 0 服 務 學 習 0 問題導向學習 30


競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 0 專 題 實 作 0 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 30 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 0 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0

課程教材 Course Material

Educational Testing Service. The Official Guide to the TOEFL iBT with CD-ROM, Third Edition. Educational Testing Service. McGraw-Hill. 2009.

教科書 Phillips, Deborah. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test: iBT Student Book with CD-ROM and Answer Key (Audio CDs required), 2nd Ed. White Plains: Longman. 2007

參考書目 Reference

Phillips, Deborah. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test: iBT Student Book with CD-ROM and Answer Key (Audio CDs required), 3rd Ed. White Plains: Longman. 2014 Sharpe, Pamela. Barron’s TOEFL iBT. Barron’s.

教學平台網址 無



方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %

課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報告 0 個案分析報告撰

寫 0

專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 0 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 20 期末考 20 隨堂考(小考) 20 書面報告(含小組或個人) 0 課堂參與 20 心得或作業撰寫 20 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 0 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0

其他 0


A. This class requires: 1. Exams: a midterm and a final 2. Assignments: a. Assignments. There will be two written assignments for the semester. b. Quizzes B. Language Policy: English is the only language throughout the whole class. C. Be active in class—this is especially important in your presentation and group discussion. D. Perfect attendance is required. If you are absent, you are responsible for the material that we cover in the class. (You have to email to inform the professor of the reason of your absence.) If you miss 3 sessions, then you


will automatically fail this course. E. Submitting assignments on time is very important for your grade and progress in language learning. For any late papers, a full grade will be automatically deducted from the final grade of the assignment. That is, B+ will become C+. F. Please do necessary review for the lessons; failure to do so will positively affect your performance.

PT005. Gastronomy: Food, Art and Music [美食文明史] 2 credits Dr. Faith Yang < > For Juniors and above Class size: 40


One cannot live without food and drink. They are essential to our survival. One step ahead - beyond the fact that food and drink fulfill our physical needs – by thinking critically about food and drink, history revealed, different cultural aspects get involved. The objective of this course is to tackle food/drink in world history and to explore the following topics: what can food/drink tell us about a society at a particular time point in the spectrum of human history? What rituals are linked with food and drink? Why? What makes a ‘national cuisine’? What’s the relation between food/drink and national identity? How does globalization influence our eating/drinking habits? With this course, we hope to advance your ability of critical and analytical thinking about eating, drinking, even cooking. Furthermore, we expect that this course will about you to situate food and drink in their historical and cultural context so that you can reflect on the roles played by them in the development of various societies and human civilization. When completing this course, students should formulate understanding of the role of food/drink over the course of history; ability to conduct independent and in-depth research on an issue pertaining to the history of food/drink; an appreciation of the cultural, social, and political factors that have influenced practices associated with the production and consumption of food/drink.

先修課程 N/A


授課進度 Course Progress Outline


日期Date 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註

Remark 1 02/22 Course Orientation

2 03/01 The Use of Fire: Food in Pre-history

3 03/08 Tastes of Ancient Greece and Rome

4 03/15 Taste and Gastronomy in Imperial China

5 03/22 The Birth of Medieval Islamic Cuisine

6 03/29 Food and Taste in Europe in the Middle Ages

7 04/05 Holiday (Spring Break)

8 04/12 Wine Tasting Session

9 04/19 Mid-term Exam

10 04/26 Food Cinema (I)

11 05/03 Food Fashions in the Renaissance

12 05/10 The Columbian Exchange

13 05/17 Food Innovations from 1800

14 05/24 The Birth of the Restaurant

15 05/31 Food/Drink and the Making of Self- & National Identity

16 06/07 Preserve Biodiversity, Preserve the Planet

17 06/14 Food Cinema (II)

18 06/21 Final Exam

教學方法 Pedagogical


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 25 影 片 欣 賞 5 討 論 20 個 案 研 討 0 服 務 學 習 0 問題導向學習 10 競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 0 專 題 實 作 30 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 10 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 0 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0

課程教材 Course Material

• Course slides • Hand-outs • Webcast

教科書 • Course slides • Hand-outs


• Webcast

參考書目 Reference

Civitello, Linda, 2008. Cuisine and Culture: A History of Food and People. John Wiley & Son, Inc.




方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %

課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報告 0 個案分析報告撰

寫 0

專題發表 20 課堂上實作演練 0 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 0 期末考 0 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小組或個人) 20 課堂參與 20 心得或作業撰寫 20 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 20 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0

其他 0


Absenteeism Policy • Credits cannot be earned without decent attendance. • There will be a 5-minute grace period at the beginning of each class. • Tardiness beyond the 5-minute grace period will be classified as “excused” or “unexcused” lateness. • 2 unexcused tardies equal 1 unexcused absence. 3 unexcused absences will lead to failing the course. • Excused absence must be supported by proper documentations.

PT005. Chinese Culture through Foreign Languages: English [中華文化多語談:英語]

3 credits Ms. Gretchen Lee < > For Juniors and above Class size: 40 ※project-based course


Upon completion of this course, you are expected to achieve the following objectives. Summarize and explain features of Taiwan. Articulate your understanding of Taiwan. Critique highlighted issues related to Taiwan.


Define your identity and/or lack of identity. Develop a panoramic view through exploring various aspects of Taiwanese society. Broaden understanding of Taiwanese cultures through internal examination and analysis. Compare and contrast the main features of Taiwan and those of other countries.


授課進度 Course Progress Outline


日期Date 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註


1 02/18 Overview Orientation and Introduction Unit 1

2 02/25 Historical, Geographical, and Taiwan Unit 1

3 03/04 Cultural Identity and Social Network Unit 1

4 03/11 Taiwan Panorama Unit 1

5 03/18 Features of Taiwan Unit 2

6 03/25 Features of Taiwan Unit 2

7 04/01 Spring Break Unit 2

8 04/08 Features of Taiwan Unit 2

9 04/15 Hometown Projects Unit 3

10 04/22 Hometown Projects Unit 3

11 04/29 Hometown Projects Unit 3

12 05/06 Hometown Projects Unit 3

13 05/13 Hometown Projects Unit 3

14 05/20 The Pride of Taiwan Unit 5

15 05/27 The Pride of Taiwan Unit 5

16 06/03 Museum Highlights Unit 5

17 06/10 Museum Highlights Unit 5

18 06/17 Review & Wrap-Up Final Oral Exam

教學方法 Pedagogical


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 20 影 片 欣 賞 10 討 論 20 個 案 研 討 0 服 務 學 習 0 問題導向學習 0 競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 0 專 題 實 作 30


電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 10 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 10 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0

課程教材 Course Material

Textbook, Online Materials, and Worksheets

教科書 Liu, Amy C. Taiwan A to Z: The Essential Cultural Guide. Taipei: Community Services Center, 2009. Print.

參考書目 Reference

Online Magazines and Websites: Taiwan Panorama , Taiwan Review, Taiwan Today Relevant Links




方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %

課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報告 0 個案分析報告撰

寫 0

專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 0 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 0 期末考 10 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小組或個人) 20 課堂參與 20 心得或作業撰寫 20 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 20 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 10

其他 0


Students are expected to come to class on time, meet the deadline for each assignment, and participate in the class discussion actively. Quizzes will be given to check students’ learning. Attendance and Punctuality: Students should attend each class on time. Your attendance record will definitely affect your final grade. 1. Three absences—either excused or unexcused—shall result in a failed grade for the course. 2. Each absence will lead to a 3% deduction of the final grade. 3. Arriving late more than three times will count as one absence and each late attendance costs 1 point of the final grade. 4. When you enter into the classroom 20 minutes after the class starts (for each class period), you will be deemed as absent, not late.


MA/BA Courses MA001. Contemporary American & British Drama [當代英美戲劇]

3 Credits Dr. John Basourakos < > For Juniors and above Class size: 8


Course Description: American and British dramatists have never hesitated from presenting us with a mirror of society in an effort to illuminate and to edify. Through their plays, contemporary American and British playwrights continue to examine the social complexities of American and British life: its individualism, capitalism, regionalism, classism, racism, sexism, and ageism. In this course, we will examine a selection of play texts by such contemporary American and British playwrights as David Mamet, ntozake shange, Maria Irene Fornes, David Henry Hwang, Susan Lori-Parks, Lynn Nottage, and August Wilson, who employ the stage to give voice to political and social issues from both “American” and “British” perspectives. We will also explore how their probing works capture, reflect and even shape our perceptions of the multi-faceted natures of American and British life, as well as critically examine and discuss powerful themes and issues that these plays invite us to question and to reflect upon. Course Objectives: In this course, students will: 1. Students will read and discuss plays which have been written and

performed in the United States and in the U.K. in the last 50 years. Most of the plays cover a wide spectrum of American and British life and ideologies.

2. Students will discuss the content, the form, and the performances of the plays as they define American and British drama and American and British identity.

3. Students will watch and critically respond to film versions and filmed productions of several of the plays that will be discussed in class.



a. A grade of 75 or more in Introduction to Literature or in any other course in literature.

b. An interest in pursuing graduate studies in literature. c. An interest in reading novels.

授課進度 Course Progress Outline


日期Date 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註 Remark

1 02/20 Introduction to the Course.

Course Outline and Course Requirements.

2 02/27 David Mamet. Race.

3 03/06 David Mamet. Oleanna.

4 03/13 August Wilson. Fences.

5 03/20 Caryl Churchill. Cloud Nine.

6 03/27 Caryl Churchill. Vinegar Tom.

7 04/03 Spring Break. No Class.

8 04/10 David Henry Hwang. Golden Child.

9 04/17 Mid-Term Exam. Essay Exam. Closed book in class.

10 04/24 Research Paper Writing. Doing Research and Writing an Analytical Essay.

11 05/01 Maria Irene Fornes. The Conduct of Life.

12 05/08 Lynn Nottage. Ruined.

13 05/15 ntozake shange. for colored girls who have considered suicide when the rainbow is enuf.

14 05/22 Film. for colored girls who have considered suicide when the rainbow is enuf.

15 05/29 Suzan-Lori Parks. In the Blood.

16 06/05 Suzan-Lori Parks. Fucking A.

17 06/12 Suzan-Lori Parks. Venus.

18 06/19 Final Exam. Essay Exam. Closed Book.

教學方法 Pedagogical


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 30 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 30 個 案 研 討 0 服 務 學 習 0 問題導向學習 0 競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 0 專 題 實 作 0 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 0 對 話 教 學 法 20 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 0


實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 20

課程教材 Course Material

Play texts. Film versions of plays. Filmed productions of plays. Hand-outs. Power point presentations.


a. Race by David Mamet. New York: Theatre Communications Group, 2011.

b. Glengarry Glen Ross: A Play by David Mamet. New York: Grove Press, 1993.

c. Fences by August Wilson. New York: Plume, 1986. d. Cloud Nine by Caryl Churchill. New York: Methuen Drama, 2009. e. Vinegar Tom by Caryl Churchill. New York: Methuen Drama, 2009. f. Golden Child by David Henry Hwang. New York: Theatre

Communications Group, 1998. g. Ruined by Lynn Nottage. New York: Theatre Communication

Group, 2009. h. The Conduct of Life by Maria Irene Fornes. New York: PAJ

Publications, 2001. i. How I Learned to Drive bye Paula Vogel. New York: Dramatists

Play Service, 1997. j. The Red Letter Plays by Suzan-Lori Parks. New York: Theatre

Communications Group, 2001. k. Venus by Suzan-Lori Parks. New York: Theatre Communications

Group, 1997.

參考書目 Reference

a. Contemporary American Drama by Annette Saddik. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2007.

b. Performing Asian America: Race and Ethnicity on the Contemporary Stage (Asian American History & Culture) by Josephine Lee. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1997.

c. Contemporary African American Women Playwrights: A Casebook (Casebooks on Modern Dramatists) by Philip C. Kolin. New York: Routledge, 2012.

d. Reimagining American Theatre by Robert Brustein. New York: Hill and Wang, 2003.

e. Staging Masculinity: Male Identity in Contemporary American Drama by Carla J. McDonough. New York: McFarland and Company, 2006.

f. The Cambridge Companion to American Women Playwrights by


Brenda Murphy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. g. 1956 and All That: The Making of Modern British Drama by Dan

Rebellato. London: Routledge, 1999. h. Modern British Drama: The Twentieth Century by Christopher

Innes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.

教學平台網址 無



方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %

課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報告 0 個案分析報告撰

寫 0

專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 0 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 30 期末考 30 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小組或個人) 0 課堂參與 10 心得或作業撰寫 30 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 0 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0

其他 0


Mid-Term Exam. 30% Final Exam. 30% Final Research Paper.30% As this is a university level course, students are expected to behave in a responsible, considerate, and respectful manner towards their professor, and toward each other. Kindly avoid the following behavior: 1. Students who are persistently late. Students who are 5 minutes late

will not be allowed to enter class. 2. Students who consistently skip class periods. A certain percentage will

be deducted from the final grade for every period that is skipped by a student without a valid reason. A valid reason means a certified medical report or a clearly written letter regarding a family crisis (i.e. a death in the family).

3. Students who come to class without the required texts and without writing material. Students who come to class without their texts and writing materials will not be allowed to attend class.

4. Students who disrupt class lectures or class discussions by talking to their classmates will be asked to leave class for the duration of the period.

5. Students who use their mobiles in class. No student will be allowed to leave class to answer a mobile call, under any circumstances. Please turn off your mobiles, your smart-phones, and your notebooks before you enter my class.


6. Students who do not submit assignments on time. No excuses will be tolerated for a late assignment.

7. Students are expected to attend the screening of specific films. A student who leaves class before the film has ended will not be allowed to reenter class.

MA002. American Literature & Visual Art [美國文學與視覺藝術]

3 Credits Dr. Joseph Murphy< > For seniors Class size: 15

What is the relationship between written words and images—between literature and the visual arts (painting, sculpture, photography)? How do literary and visual forms influence each other, and how can the one help us to understand or interpret the other? These are the fundamental questions addressed in this course, with a particular focus on American culture. To this end, the course will pursue three objectives:

1) to examine how writers have portrayed visual artists—their personalities, their artistic visions, and their relationships to society;

2) to study the interconnected developments of the following aesthetic movements in literature and the visual arts: romanticism, realism, impressionism, and postimpressionism;

3) to gain an understanding of ekphrasis, that is, the verbal representation of a visual

image. How does a work of literature, especially a poem, go about representing a painting or sculpture? How, by contrast, does a painting represent a work of literature? These questions will be pursued with special emphasis on American modernism and postmodernism.

This course will introduce many painters and several sculptors and photographers; their names are listed in the schedule. Museum sites are among the best places to search for art images and information. Other recommended websites: Portal to museum sites and other online collections Web Gallery of Art Artchive Excellent collection of video, image, and text resources on art


history Requirements Essay(s) 45% Presentations 20% Class attendance and participation 20% Text commentary 15% Essay(s) Essays in this course should develop a focused argument about one or two of the assigned literary texts. Ideally this argument will connect literature to visual art, or study visual aspects of the text, but other arguments are acceptable in consultation with me. The argument should be supported by ample evidence from the text. Further requirements are adapted to specific student levels. MA students will take the course as either “proseminar” or “seminar.” First-year MA students must fulfill the proseminar requirements; second-year MA students may choose proseminar or seminar (but must complete at least one elective as seminar in the second year). Proseminar students will write a midterm paper (due 11/25) and a final paper (due 01/18) of 1500 words each, with at least one secondary academic source (that is, a published scholarly essay related to your topic) per paper. Seminar students will write one term paper (3000 words, two secondary academic sources, due 01/18). BA students will follow the proseminar paper schedule; however, the length for each BA paper is 1000-1200 words and secondary academic sources are not required. Any student may, with the instructor’s approval, choose to expand a midterm paper into a longer final paper. Presentations, using PowerPoint: 1) Individual presentation on one visual artist, on the week listed in the schedule. Requirements: 15 min. No more than two slides on life of artist; focus on analysis of 4-5 of the artist’s works, as representing the artist’s style and subject matter. 2) Pair presentation on one of the assigned secondary readings marked with an asterisk (*). Requirements: 20-25 min. Summarize the argument, referring to page numbers in the text. If the argument relates to works of visual art, include some images in your PPT. Class participation. Read and prepare the texts assigned for each class meeting before the beginning of class. Come to every class prepared to comment on the assigned readings and visual images. Contact the teacher regarding any absence. Text commentary (about 500 words, single spaced and preferably formatted on one side of a page). Write a commentary on an assigned reading for one class meeting, focusing on a particular passage or specific issue. Include some brief, relevant quotations in your


commentary, with proper MLA citation. Provide copies of your commentary for all class members, and read it in class as a basis for questions and discussion. Commentaries must be emailed to all class members by midnight on the evening prior to the presentation. Tentative Schedule

Date Readings

02/22 UNIT 1: ARTISTS AND WRITERS Introduction Film: Midnight in Paris (2011; Woody Allen, dir.)

03/01 Holiday

03/08 Willa Cather, “Coming, Aphrodite!”

03/15 Henry James, “The Madonna of the Future” Artist: Raphael


Nathaniel Hawthorne, “Drowne’s Wooden Image” W.J.T. Mitchell, “What Is an Image?” New Literary History 15.3 (Spring 1984): 503-37. *Frederick Newberry, “Fantasy, Reality, and Audience in Hawthorne’s ‘Drowne’s Wooden Image.’” Studies in the Novel 23.1 (1991): 28-45. Artist: John Singleton Copley


UNIT 2: AESTHETIC MOVEMENTS Romanticism William Cullen Bryant, “To Cole, the Painter, Departing for Europe” William Cullen Bryant, “Thanatopsis” Nathaniel Hawthorne, “My Visit to Niagara” *Thomas Cole, “Essay on American Scenery” Nathaniel Hawthorne, “The Ambitious Guest,” “The Prophetic Pictures” *Edmund Burke, A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origins of Our Ideas of the Sublime and

Beautiful (excerpts) *William Gilpin, “On Picturesque Beauty” Artists: Thomas Cole, Frederic Edwin Church

04/05 Holiday (Spring Break)


From Romanticism to Realism Walt Whitman, “I Sing the Body Electric,” “Song of Myself” (excerpts) Elizabeth Johns, “America on Canvas, America in Manuscript: Imaging the Democracy.” Breaking Bounds: Whitman and American Cultural Studies. Ed. Betsy Erkkila and Jay Grossman. New York: Oxford UP, 1996. 147-162. Artists: George Caleb Bingham, Winslow Homer



Walt Whitman, “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry,” “There Was a Child Went Forth,” “Years of the Modern,” “Prayer of Columbus” *Elizabeth Johns. “Walt Whitman.” Thomas Eakins: The Heroism of Modern Life. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1991. 144-69. Artist: Thomas Eakins


On Photography and Native Americans

Roland Barthes, Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography (excerpts)

*Susan Sontag, “In Plato’s Cave,” from On Photography

*Alan Trachtenberg, “Ghostlier Demarcations.” Shades of Hiawatha: Staging Indians, Making Americans, 1880-1930.” New York: Hill, 2004. 170-210. Artists: George Catlin, Edward S. Curtis

05/03 Film: Pollock (2000; Ed Harris, dir.) Midterm essay due (proseminar)


From Realism to Impressionism Stephen Crane, “The Open Boat” *James Nagel, “Backgrounds and Definitions: Conrad’s ‘Complete Impressionist.’” Stephen Crane and

Literary Impressionism. University Park: Pennsylvania State UP, 1980. 1-35.

Artists: Childe Hassam, John Singer Sargent, Mary Cassatt


Postimpressionism Gertrude Stein, “Matisse,” “Picasso,” “If I Told Him—A Completed Portrait of Picasso,” “Cézanne” *Wendy Steiner, “Literary Cubism: The Limits of the Analogy.” Exact Resemblance to Exact Resemblance: The Literary Portraiture of Gertrude Stein. New Haven: Yale UP, 1978. 131-60. *Tom Wolfe, The Painted Word. New York: Bantam, 1976. (Ch. 1, 3, 4) Artists: Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso


Ernest Hemingway, “Big Two-Hearted River” *Monika Gehlawat, “Painterly Ambitions: Hemingway, Cézanne, and the Short Story.” Journal of the Short Story in English [Online] 49 (Autumn 2007)

Artist: Paul Cézanne



UNIT 3: EKPHRASIS William Carlos Williams, “Pastoral,” “Spring Strains,” “To a Solitary Disciple,” “The Great Figure,” “The Rose,” “The Red Wheelbarrow,” “Young Sycamore,” “Classic Scene” *Lessing, from Laocoön, Preface, Ch. 1, 2, 3, 16, 17 “Ekphrasis.” Chicago School of Media Theory. Artists: Charles Demuth, Charles Sheeler, Marsden Hartley, Alfred Stieglitz


Holiday William Carlos Williams, Pictures from Brueghel Mina Loy, “Brancusi’s Golden Bird” Frank O’Hara, “Why I Am Not a Painter,” “On Seeing Larry Rivers’ Washington Crossing the Delaware at the Museum of Modern Art” Artists: Pieter Brueghel, Constantine Brancusi, Larry Rivers


Robert Lowell, “For the Union Dead” Kate Daniels, “War Photograph” David Hernandez, “Museum Guard” Monica Youn, “Stealing The Scream” Artist: Augustus Saint-Gaudens

06/21 Review; short presentation on final paper. TBA Final essay due (proseminar/seminar); no late papers accepted

MA003. Research and Practice on Online Communication for Language Teaching and Learning [線上交流語言教學之研究與實務]

3 Credits Dr. Li-Tang Yu < > For Seniors Class size: 10


This course aims to examine theories, pedagogies and tools that facilitate communication for the purpose of second-language learning and teaching. Key concepts that underpin the field of computer-mediated communication for language teaching and learning will be addressed. Furthermore, students will have hands-on practices to apply acquired knowledge and skills by undertaking online English teaching.

先修課程 None


授課進度 Course Progress Outline


日期Date 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註

Remark 1 02/19 Course orientation

2 02/26

Historical background of online communication for language teaching and learning

3 03/05 Learning theories

4 03/12 Online communication tools

5 03/19 Teaching online

6 03/26 Learner experience

7 04/02 Holiday

8 04/09

Inquired issues in online communication for language learning and teaching (1)

9 04/16

Inquired issues in online communication for language learning and teaching (2)

10 04/23

Inquired issues in online communication for language learning and teaching (3)

11 04/30

Inquired issues in online communication for language learning and teaching (4)

12 05/07

Inquired issues in online communication for language learning and teaching (5)

13 05/14

Inquired issues in online communication for language learning and teaching (6)

14 05/21

Inquired issues in online communication for language learning and teaching (7)

15 05/28

Inquired issues in online communication for language learning and teaching (8)


16 06/04

Inquired issues in online communication for language learning and teaching (9)

17 06/11 Student presentation

18 06/18 Student presentation

教學方法 Pedagogical


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 20 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 40 個 案 研 討 0 服 務 學 習 0 問題導向學習 0 競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 0 專 題 實 作 0 電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 0 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 0 實 作 教 學 40 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0

課程教材 Course Material

Research paper from computer-assisted language learning journals.

教科書 Research paper from computer-assisted language learning journals. 參考書目 Reference

Research paper from computer-assisted language learning journals.




方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %

課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報告 0 個案分析報告撰

寫 0

專題發表 0 課堂上實作演練 30 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 0 期末考 0 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小組或個人) 20 課堂參與 30 心得或作業撰寫 10 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 10 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0

其他 0


A. Attendance 1. The students should not apply for a leave of absence from class unless you have justified reasons or under special (wedding, linear relative’s decease, acute/severe illness) or uncontrollable (natural disaster, traffic congestion) circumstances. 2. For sick leave, please email the teacher a sick leave notice as soon as possible. Within ONE week, please give the teacher a copy of the medication bag or receipt with correct stamp of date by accredited hospitals as a valid proof. 3. For personal leave, please notify the teacher with a relevant documentary


proof ONE week prior to your leave. Only with the teacher’s permission, the students can be excused from class. 4. No make-up class activities for absent students unless they have the teacher’s permission. 5. Being late for more than 20 minutes is treated as absence. 6. If the students are absent for more than three times with no valid excuses, they will be flunked. B. In-class Participation 1. Be polite and respectful towards each other. 2. Come to the class on time and stay for the entire class. 3. No food in class. Only drinks with lids are allowed. 4. Turn your phones into the silent mode and hide them from view during class time. 5. Technology facilities are only allowed for class activities. 6. Adhere to University rules regarding online access and usage. C. Course Announcements Important announcements will be made in class and through school e-mail. It is your responsibility to make sure you know them! Also check your school e-mail account regularly. D. Homework 1. Submit assignments on time. Late submission is not allowed unless the students have the teacher’s permission. 2. Plagiarism and cheating on the exam are absolutely not permitted. They are zero tolerance

MA004. Online Learning Community: Relating Theory to Practice [網路社群之語言學習:

理論與實務] 3 Credits Dr. Sherri Wei< > For Seniors Class size: 10

MA005. Game-based programming [遊戲運用與程式設計]

3 Credits Dr. Kate Liu < > & Prof. Lynn Chou <> For Seniors Class size: 10

課程學習目標 This course aims to develop students’ programming skills and increase students’ motivation in programming learning via game-based


programming tools such as Scratch, CoSpaces Edu., and various open educational resources. Students will be guided to create eCards and AR/ VR game stories in a peer collaboration environment. It is hope that, first of all, through visualized programming environments, students’ story-telling skills and logic thinking ability could be developed; and also, through problem-based learning/ pair programming learning strategies, students’ confidence and enjoyment levels of programming could be both enhanced.

先修課程 N/A 授課進度 Course Progress Outline


日期Date 主題 Topic 單元主題 Unit 備註 Remark

1 2/20 Class Intro. Introduction of programming, Scratch, Cospaces Edu.

Activity Pair programming

2 2/27 Everyone can code

One hour of code certificate Game competition

3 3/6 Before getting started Computational thinking Lego


4 3/13 Make a good story

Theme Characters Plots Narrations

Google 3D Toonastic Elementari Game design Flowchart Storyboard

5 3/20 Coding Practice I

Knowing Scratch Coding commands

Programming Journals

6 3/27 Coding practice II

Logic control Boolean logic

Making an eCard

7 4/3 Spring break No class

8 4/10 Knowing CoSpaces Edu.

VR/ AR Interface Background setting Character setting Panorama

Taking a panorama photo Programming Journals

9 4/17 Midterm Group/ individual project proposal

10 4/24 Midterm Group/ individual project proposal

11 5/1 Control setting I

Sound control Logic control Interaction control

Text to audio Google Autodraw


12 5/8 Control setting II

Event control Action control Motion control

13 5/15 Interaction I Game design Narration Level design

14 5/22 Interactions II Physic control Detect actions Camera setting

15 5/29 Interactions III Score design Time setting Dialogue

16 6/5 Quality control Debugging QC checklist

17 6/12 Quality control Debugging QC checklist

18 6/19 Final presentation

Group/ individual project presentation

Science fair

教學方法 Pedagogical


方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method % 講 述 10 影 片 欣 賞 0 討 論 20 個 案 研 討 0 服 務 學 習 0 問題導向學習 10 競 賽 遊 戲 10 專 家 演 講 0 專 題 實 作 20 電 子 教 學 10 體 驗 教 學 20 角色扮演實境教學 0 競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 0 對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 0 實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0

說明: Class attendance and participation, in-class presentation on reading (done in groups), and in-class exercise 30%

Class participation is required. Your participation will be assessed through your contributions to class discussions and idea sharing in class. This includes responses to the reading assignments, facilitating and contributing to discussions, and engaging in in-class activities. Some projects in this course will be completed in teams. Individual who fails to contribute fairly to any of the group projects will receive a lower score than the group score.

Midterm group/ individual project proposal 35% Each group/ individual provides your proposal of your final project – game story (e.g. turn Pride and Prejudice or Frankenstein into a game) using VR tool – CoSpaces Edu. Materials include game design, storyboard, and flowchart. Time: 10 min. PPT presentation. Individual’s score within each group varies based on your contribution. Final group/ individual project presentation 35%

Each group/ individual presents your final project. It must align your game design, increase readers’

motivation, and include assessment function. Time: 10 min. PPT presentation + Demo. Users’ interactivity

and feedback will be evaluated. Individual’s score within each group varies based on your contribution.


課程教材 Course Material

in TronClass


Scratch Introduction Scratch Tutorial:

CoSpaces Edu. Introduction:

CoSpaces Edu.Tutorial Introduction:

參考書目 Reference

Online programming classes

教學平台網址 TronClass



方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %

課堂之前測 0 學生表現側寫報告 0 個案分析報告撰

寫 0

專題發表 20 課堂上實作演練 20 專業團體之證照檢定 0

期中考 0 期末考 0 隨堂考(小考) 0 書面報告(含小組或個人) 20 課堂參與 10 心得或作業撰寫 10 口頭報告(含小組或個人) 20 面試或口試 0 自評與小組互評 0

參加競賽 0 展演 0 筆記 0

其他 0 說 明 : Additional 5% for participating extracurricular programming competitions or getting programming certificates



Attendance and Punctuality Please come to class each time and on time. This is respect to yourself and your classmates. Each unexcused absence will result a 3% deduction from the final grade. If you are or will be absent for medical or personal reasons, please inform me in advance and show evidence (e.g. medical excuse notes). According to the university regulation, more than three unexcused absences or six excused absences result a failed grade for the course. I will provide a sign-in sheet for you to sign your name. Please do not sign for other people. I will be checking the handwritings.


1. The contents of this syllabus are subject to change. 2. Grading Scale: A+=91 and above; A= 87-90; A-=83-86; B+=79-82; B=75-78; B-=70-74; C+=67-69; C=64-66; C-=60-63; D and failing= 59 and below 3. Plagiarism is forbidden. You must obey the principles of academic integrity. Please respect other people’s work. If you quote or refer to certain people’s work, remember to give credit to the author(s). A plagiarized product will result in a 0% of your assignment.

MA005. Academic Writing [學術寫作]

3 Credits Dr. Joseph Murphy < > For Seniors – Advanced Writing credits Class size: 5

Overview This course trains students in the fundamentals of academic writing about literature. To this end, the course objectives are to develop skills in the following: 1) writing a short critical essay on literature of three genres (poetry, fiction, drama); and a comparison of two works of fiction; 2) correctly paraphrasing, quoting, and citing according to MLA style; 3) accurately summarizing a scholarly article, and writing a review of criticism that summarizes, compares and evaluates two scholarly articles on the same text; 4) writing a longer critical essay including original interpretation and secondary sources. Required Text MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 8th ed. MLA, 2016. BRING TO CLASS EVERY WEEK.


Online resources: Purdue Online Writing Lab: MLA Style Center: Requirements and Grading Critical essays 20% Summaries 10% Review of Criticism 15% Literary Comparison 15% Final Paper 20% Participation 20% Writing assignments --3 Critical Essays (about 800-900 words; 2 drafts). Make a focused argument about some aspect of an assigned literary work. This essay should contain your own close reading of the text; secondary sources are not required and, if used, should be kept to a minimum. Include some direct quotations, properly cited according to MLA style. --2 Summaries (about 500 words; 2 drafts) of scholarly articles; --1 Review of Criticism (about 1000 words; 2 drafts). Summarize, evaluate, and compare the arguments of two scholarly articles on the same text. Include some direct quotations, properly cited according to MLA style. --1 Literary Comparison (about 800-1000 words; 2 drafts) of Flannery O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” and Hiromi Goto’s “Camp Americana” --1 Final Paper (about 2700-3000 words; 2 drafts). An extended work of literary analysis on a text or texts of your choice, referring to at least 2 secondary sources (e.g., literary criticism, theory, biography, history). The subject of this essay could be one of the works studied in this course, or another work approved by the teacher. Class participation. Students must come to class prepared to discuss: 1) the literary or critical reading for that day; 2) their own written work; 3) the written work of other class


members. Regular attendance is required; contact the teacher regarding any absence. Paper Format • Font: Times New Roman 12 point • Margins: “Normal” setting • Spacing: double-spaced • Page number in upper right header • Put the word count on a separate line at the end of the essay text, e.g., Word count: 1066 • Works-cited page, if necessary, should be on a separate, final page. • Heading on first page, including name, student #, course and teacher, assignment, and

date, as in the following example:

Jane Doe 123456789

Academic Writing—Dr. Murphy

Essay 1.2

5 October 2018

We Walk the Line: Rethinking Boundaries in Robert Frost’s “Mending Wall”

The central image of “Mending Wall” seems, at a glance, fairly simple: two

neighbors have come, out of tradition, to meet and repair the barrier between their land.

The reason for

For all essays except the Summaries, an outline is required on the first page. The outline should have a heading as in the following example (further details on outlining will be given in class):


Jane Doe 123456789

Academic Writing—Dr. Murphy

Essay 1.2 (Outline)

5 October 2018

Paper Submission Submit all writing assignments as follows:

1) Digital file emailed to by noon on Thursday prior to the Friday designated for that assignment. The subject heading for the email must contain the section, your name, and the assignment. Example: Section A Jane Doe Essay 1.2

2) Digital file uploaded by due date (as above) to Google Drive (link to be announced) Note: Your digital file must be named as follows: ID# Your Name_Assignment#. Example: 123456789 Jane Doe_1_2.docx (J1 = Journal 1). If an outline is required, it should be part of the same file, not a separate file.


Reading/ Topics Writing/Assignments 1 Introduction: Analyzing Literature

I. Writing about Poetry Dickinson, “Because I could not stop for Death—”


Frost, “Mending Wall,” “Birches”



Stevens, “Of Modern Poetry”


2 Short Critical Essay: purpose, structure, strategies


Quoting and paraphrasing Topic sentences and paragraphs Introduction and thesis statement Conclusions

3 Holiday

Essay 1.1 (poetry) Use library databases to retrieve two scholarly articles on poems covered in Unit 1; read articles

4 Scholarly articles: poetry Article Summary: purpose, structure, strategies Outlining

Essay 1.2 (poetry)

5 II. Writing about Fiction O’Connor, “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”

Summary 1.1 (poetry article)

6 Scholarly articles: O’Connor Review of Criticism: purpose, structure, strategies

Essay 2.1 (O’Connor) Use library databases to retrieve two scholarly articles on O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”; read articles

7 Scholarly articles: O’Connor Review of Criticism: Purpose, structure, strategies

Summary 1.2

8 Literary Comparison and Influence Hiromi Goto, “Camp Americana”

Essay 2.2 (O’Connor) Review of Criticism 1 (O’Connor articles)

9 Literary Comparison Hiromi Goto, “Camp Americana”

Literary Comparison 1 (O’Connor and Goto)

10 Review of Criticism 2 (O’Connor articles)

11 III. Writing about Drama Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest

12 Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest Literary Comparison 2 (O’Connor and Goto)

13 Scholarly articles: Wilde Essay 3.1 (Wilde) Use library databases to retrieve two scholarly articles on Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest; read articles


14 Scholarly articles: Wilde Summary 2.1 (Wilde article) 15 Discussion: Final Paper Essay 3.2 (Wilde) 16 Individual Conferences Final Paper (1) 17 Individual Conferences Summary 2.2 18 Final Paper Presentation Final Paper (2)


一、107學年度下學期「古典敘事詩的現代詮釋」(D200222300)與 107學年度


的課程,為維持課程順暢銜接之教學品質。已經選修過 107學年度上學期

「古典抒情詩的現代詮釋」課的同學,可「優先」選修 107學年度下學期


二、初選已選修到「古典敘事詩的現代詮釋」課的同學,請務必參與 2/21(四)

課程說明,保障自身退選的權益。若因故而無法參與者,請務必在 2/18(一)


達選課的意願,和委託分組同學姓名。並且在 3/7(四)前印製好課程講義、




加選,也請務必參與 2/21(四)課程說明。大五延畢生,全程參與課堂說







開課單位 Department/


英國語文學系 學制別 Education




Academic year 107


Semester □


(Fall) ■


(Spring) □


(Entire Year)


Course Title

古典敘事詩的現代詮釋 選別



選修 學分數

Credits 2

擋修課程 無


Medium of


中文 教材語言

Language for




Instructor 吳燕真


Background 兼任/講師

此課程是否符合教師專長 是





























(Issues) 關聯性


(Issues) 關聯性

性別平等 間接相關 環境保護 無關聯性

品德教育 直接相關 環境安全 無關聯性

生命教育 直接相關 智慧財產權 無關聯性

人權教育 間接相關 法制教育 無關聯性

服務學習 無關聯性 生涯教育 無關聯性

家政教育 無關聯性 資訊教育 無關聯性

海洋教育 無關聯性 本土教育(含多元

文化教育) 直接相關

生活防災教育 無關聯性













先修課程 大一國文(或現代小說選讀、當代小說選讀、古典抒情詩的現代詮釋)



授課進度 Course Progress Outline



主題 Topic

單元主題 Unit 備註 Remark

1 02/21 (四)


○課程說明與意見發表 ◎課程安排,將視實際操作情況,作適當調整。

2 02/28 (四)

◎二二八紀念日放假 □分組名單

3 03/07 (四)


4 03/14 (四)

《詩經‧衛風‧氓》 延伸閱讀:《詩經‧邶風‧谷風》

□札記 1

5 03/21 (四)

〈陌上桑〉 延伸閱讀:辛延年〈羽林郎〉

□札記 2

6 03/28 (四)

蔡琰〈胡笳十八拍〉、〈悲憤詩〉 延伸閱讀:范曄《後漢書‧列女傳‧董祀妻傳》

分組報告 1 □札記 3

7 04/04 (四)


8 04/11 (四)

古詩為焦仲卿妻作〉(孔雀東南飛) 延伸閱讀:〈上山採蘼蕪〉

分組報告 2 □札記 4

9 04/18 (四)


影片欣賞:馬楚成「花木蘭」 延伸閱讀:迪士尼「花木蘭」

□電影回饋單 1 □微電影劇本、分工明細

10 04/25 (四)

〈孤兒行〉 延伸閱讀:〈東門行古辭〉

□札記 5

11 05/02 (四)

〈木蘭詩〉 延伸閱讀:徐渭〈雌木蘭替父從軍〉

□札記 6

12 05/09 (四)

白居易〈琵琶行〉 延伸閱讀:元稹〈琵琶歌〉

分組報告 3 □札記 7

13 05/16 (四)

元稹〈連昌宮詞〉 延伸閱讀:韋莊〈秦婦吟〉

分組報告 4 □札記 8

14 05/23 (四)


白居易〈長恨歌〉 延伸閱讀:陳鴻〈長恨歌傳〉

□札記 9

15 05/30 (四)

杜牧〈杜秋娘詩〉 延伸閱讀:杜秋娘〈金縷衣〉

分組報告 5 □札記 10

16 06/06 (四)

馬致遠〈漢宮秋〉 延伸閱讀:王安石〈明妃曲〉二首

分組報告 6 □札記 11

17 06/13 (四)

吳偉業〈圓圓曲〉 延伸閱讀:陸次雲〈圓圓傳〉

□札記 12

18 06/20 (四)

小組微電影放映與課程總結 □電影回饋單 2 □課程回饋意見〈我的「古典敘事詩的現代詮釋」課〉

Office Hours



聯絡方式及辦公室地點 Contact Information







方法 Method % 方法 Method % 方法 Method %

講 述 30 影 片 欣 賞 10 討 論 30

個 案 研 討 0 服 務 學 習 0 問題導向學習 30

競 賽 遊 戲 0 專 家 演 講 0 專 題 實 作 0

電 子 教 學 0 體 驗 教 學 0 角色扮演實境教學 0

競 賽 讀 書 會 0 產 業 實 習 0 自 主 學 習 0

對 話 教 學 法 0 樣 本 觀 察 0 校 外 參 訪 0

實 作 教 學 0 個 別 指 導 0 其 他 0

說明:1.講述 30%:由教師講述相關單元精神與文本,協助學生熟悉主題概念。

2.影片欣賞 10%:選擇與單元或與學生經歷相關的影片,啟發深度思考。

3.討論 30%:課程中以主題為導向提出問題,再由各小組進行相關討論。

4.問題導向學習 30%:在延伸閱讀中除預習札記之外,需思考相關議題。

備註:1.若使用其他教學方法,請自行說明。若所列之教學方法未使用,只需於百分比欄位中填 0。各項總合須

等於 100%



課程教材 Course Material

教師自編 PPT

教科書 1.教師自編講義 2.教師補充文本

參考書目 Reference























方法 Method % 方法

Method %

書面報告(含小組或個人) 10 課堂參與 70

口頭報告(含小組或個人) 10 展演 10


以小組為單位,分組報告。老師評分包含書面資料 10%,口頭報告 10%。

書面資料包含:A.開會記錄 B.呈現計畫書(A.B.各繳交一份給老師)C.講綱(一張 A4 文件統整上台展演的重點,影印發送給同學和老師。)D.回饋單:裁切後發給每一位同學,收集黏貼成 A4 頁面,不可以重疊,交給老師掃瞄。(A.B.C.




以小組為單位,製作微電影。老師評分包含書面資料 5%,微電影 5%。

書面資料包含:A.開會記錄 B.呈現計畫書(分工明細)C.詩作與改編劇本(A.B.C.

需期中 4/18 繳交,遲交扣分。)

微電影原則:①以 15 分鐘為限②不使用侵權的影音檔案③影片需在放映前兩週(6/6 前)放到教師指定 YouTube 帳號。


札記 12 篇,可自選 10 篇書寫,一篇 5 分,共 50%。(報告篇章必寫,沒交扣1 分〉請用 18K 活頁紙「書寫」,嚴禁抄襲,抄襲以零分計算。課前預習札記必須在當次上課「點名時」繳交,上課書寫不予計分。上課遲到者,在補點名時立即繳交,仍予計分。札記包含上課參與準備,凡請假無法參與討論,該篇若當周準時繳交仍會斟酌扣分。其他札記補交,一律不予計分。

電影回饋單 1 篇,一篇 5 分,共 5%。

課程回饋意見 1 篇,一篇 5 分,共 5%。


A+:95%(4.75 分)有思考的啟發性,對生命有體認。

A :90%(4.50 分)有自我創見想法,能夠獨立思考。

B+:80%(4.00 分)善於表達意見,思考議題未深入。

B :70%(3.50 分)有自己的見解,但論題發揮有限。

C+:60%(3.00 分)嘗試表達意見,然取材思考不足。

C :50%(2.50 分)粗略解釋說明,未加以發展陳述。


缺交補交:0 分

其他表現 5%


備註:1.若使用其他評量方法,請自行說明。若所列之評量方法未使用,只需於百分比欄位中填 0。各項

總合須等於 100%





107學年度下學期「古典敘事詩的現代詮釋」選課須知 一、107學年度下學期「古典敘事詩的現代詮釋」(D200222300)與 107學年度上學期「古典抒情詩的現代詮釋」(D200222299)課,乃上下學期系統相關的課程,為維持課程順暢銜接之教學品質。已經選修過 107學年度上學期「古典抒情詩的現代詮釋」課的同學,可「優先」選修 107學年度下學期「古典敘事詩的現代詮釋」課。 二、初選已選修到「古典敘事詩的現代詮釋」課的同學,請務必參與 2/21(四)課程說明,保障自身退選的權益。若因故而無法參與者,請務必在 2/18(一)前寫信到吳燕真老師信箱(具體說明:請假原因,表達選課的意願,和委託分組同學姓名。並且在 3/7(四)前印製好課程講義、詳閱課程規定、上網填寫課程問卷。若無故缺席者,未寫信說明(或寫信請假,卻無法達到以上要求者),請在加退選時間進行退選。 三、初選未選修到「古典敘事詩的現代詮釋」課的同學,若有意在加退選其間加選,也請務必參與 2/21(四)課程說明。大五延畢生,全程參與課堂說明者,可額外由老師人工加簽。非大五延畢生,請自行上網加選,恕不人工加簽。 四、若有未盡之事宜,教師有補充和調整選課須知之責任與義務。 以上四點,敬請配合。 「古典敘事詩的現代詮釋」課程規範 1.請假規定:單一學期 18 週,只能請「四次」假,四次之中只能有一次請假,沒有檢具相關證明(包含生理假)。病假、公假、喪假、婚假,凡依照請假規定請假不扣分,未依請假規定請假,皆扣總分 2分。第四次「未到課」需主動與老師聯絡說明,曠課「四」次,依教育部與學校學則規定,一律零分。 2.點名規定:老師抵達教室,即開始點名,每堂必點。點名結束到第二堂上課前抵達的同學,請在第二堂上課前主動向老師報到,計為第一堂遲到扣 1分。第二堂上課時間才抵達的同學,計為兩堂課都遲到扣 2分。早退未向老師說明得到許可者,依早退時間,決定扣 1分或 2分。 3.作業規定:作業凡請公假、婚假仍需「提前一週」繳交,唯病假、喪假可次週補交。其他作業遲交補交者,視遲交程度斟酌扣分。 4.在上課課程中,請尊重自己與他人發言的權力,別人發言時請專心聆聽,適時回應溝通。 5.未經教師同意,上課不得使用 3C 產品,經善意提醒一次之後沒有改善,即扣總分 1分,每次上課以扣分一次為限。






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