Cultural Cuisines

Post on 01-Nov-2014



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  • 1.
    By: Robert Komejan, AnjaineSaldhi
  • 2. Overview
    Enjoy spending time cooking
    Busy lives lead to less time cooking, we want to bring the fun back in making supper
    Provide you with the cooking instructions and some history about the dish
  • 3. Persona
    Occupation: Working Monday to Friday as a sales representative in the health care industry
    Age 28 years old, Female / Male
    Status: Married / No children
    Income Level: $60,000-$70,000
    Hobbies and Interests: Eating healthy, going to the gym, Yoga, music, TV series, and going for walks
  • 4. List of Blog Posts
    Italy - Easy Italian Turkey Lasagna with Italian veggies
    Asian - Beef with Green Beans and Rice Curry
    France Easy Dessert from France Chocolate mousse
    Mexico How to prepare grilled chicken Quesadilla
    Canada The Great Canadian Omelette
  • 5. List of Blog Posts
    Indian Easy to Prepare Indian ShahiPaneer Recipe
    Holland The Netherlands NasiGoreng
    German German Dessert How to make Black Forest Cake
    Sweden How to create Swedish Pancakes
    Norway Making Norwegian Sweet Soup
  • 6. Facebook Page
    Facebook page was linked
    To our blog, and Twitter page
    Weekly posts featuring new
    recipe ideas
    Generated 17 likes
  • 7. Twitter
    Twitter blog roll Following
    Cultural Cuisines through the
    Weekly updates featuring
    Links about our new recipes
    35 following, 39 followers
  • 8. You Tube Channel
    Featured Videos about culture
    and cooking
    Videos were updated daily
    Stay-on-top of trends in the
    What's hot New shows
    Is it Trendy enough For our blog?
  • 9. Summary of Blog Performance
    Google Analytics
    Unique visitors The majority of the visitors on our site were new to the site, we had very little repeat visitors
    Bounce rate was low for the first few weeks, starting at 33.33%, ranging to 62% near the end
    Goal 1 Average time on site 1 minute, we accomplished this goal 33 times
    Goal 1 Pages per visit 2, we accomplished this goal
  • 10. Summary of Blog Performance
    Ice Rocket
    Over 87% viewers from Canada
    Referrals sites:45% from the globe and mail
    Final ranking 6000
  • 11. Summary of Blog Performance
    We used twitter to up-date our followers on our weekly posts
    They could get up dates from the Twitter page
    Our blog featured a twitter button, once clicked on it directed our viewers to our twitter page
  • 12. Summary of Blog Performance
    Established on-line presents
    Recorded 17 likes
    Linked each post on Facebook which gave fans weekly updates
    Provided live-links to direct them to the site
  • 13. Summary of Blog Performance
    Daly blog roll featuring cooking videos with recipes
    Linked web site with updated video roll
  • 14. Summary of Blog Performance
    Hub Spot Graders
    Website Grader: 28
    Traffic Rank: Top 87.29%
    Blog Grade: 44
  • 15. Business Review Key Learning
    SEO helps attract and engage people to our blog
    It makes it easier for people to search related topics and find our blog on the web
  • 16. Summary of Blog Performance
    Hub Spot Graders
    Website Grader: 28
    Traffic Rank: Top 87.29%
    Blog Grade: 44
  • 17. Business Review Key Learning
    SEO helps attract and engage people to our blog
    It makes it easier for people to search related topics and find our blog on the web
    Posting links on discussion board like, The Globe and Mail
    Commenting on reputable blogs, with established followers
  • 18. Facebook
    How we used it:
    Post comments on reputable Facebook cooking pages
    Like cooking Facebook pages, and trendy TV shows
    Post pictures and links to hot topics
    Encourage users to share their favourite recipes
    How we can improve:
    Attract more people to the page by updating and posting more frequently
    Discussions about ideas on how to live healthier
    Weight loss competition, Best of recipes
  • 19. Twitter
    How we used it:
    Sent regular notifications to viewers about the blog
    Follow other cooking groups and people interested in cooking
    Provide links to videos and news that have information about the blog
    How we can improve:
    Have more people follow us that are reputable chefs
    Follow more people in the cooking industry and have them follow us
    Tweet about more being active and staying healthy
    Use the HootSuite pre scheduled comments more effectively
    Re-Tween reputable tweets
  • 20. YouTube
    How we used it:
    Add credibility to the blog
    Add links to videos on the Facebook page that relate to dishes from the country that we have chosen
    Offer links to other healthy recipe making videos to provide viewers with more options
    How we can improve:
    Create videos on the dishes that we posted
    Send videos to friends and tell them to like the videos
    Monitor the YouTube videos that are shown on the blog to ensure that they are related to the topic
  • 21. Indicated Actions
    The following changes need to be made to ensure better performance of our blog:
    Frequently provide more updates and information related to the culture of the blog posts
    Comment and link together different reputable cooking blogs
    Create videos on the dishes that we posted
    Weekly newsletters on ways to stay fit and healthy living on a budget
  • 22.
  • 23. Recommendations
    Offer posts in different languages
    Advertise with Payper click ads, banner ads on Life and Health web sites
    Post comments on on-line communities that share recipes
    In order to engage our audience to our website, we will offer a contest with a prize for the winner( e.g. Whoever uploads the best cooking video, gets a dinner made by us)
  • 24. Blog
    Provide more seasonal recipes for each culture
    Interact with other cooking blogs by posting comments
    Organize recipes with sub-headings (e.g. stir-fry, chicken)
    Feature contests rewarding the best tasting recipes with cookware
    Feature gadgets that are cooking specific
    Best of recipes for all occasions (e.g. first date, meet the parents, holidays, summers days, BBQ)
    5 star ratings on each dish
  • 25. Search Engine Optimization
    Google searches incorporate words that are listed in recipes
    Feature recipes that used words from Google webmaster with the lowest competition
    Linking our social media sites together
    Ensure that key words are used to make the title tag because it catches the audiences attention first
    Incorporate key words in the body text
    Get credibility by commenting on other cooking blogs that are more established and in turn getting them to comment on our blog to establish a link to their site and ours
  • 26. Display
    Top 10 Sites
  • 27. Pay Per Click
    Display ads - to advertise on various sites and get a larger target market
    Key words - ensure that our site comes up high on Google
    Cost per click - monitor and pay when someone views our site
    We can also keep track of the competition and figure out what we need to do to improve
  • 28. Social Media
    Upload news and latest information on Facebook
    Follow more people and gain a larger fan base on Twitter
    Create a YouTube channel and increase the number of videos that are created
    Encourage audience participation and monitor the progress constantly
  • 29. Affiliate Marketing
    This does apply to our business
    Find out what is trendy within a country and focus a dish around that (e.g. Since soccer is popular around Holland, we would create a dish that tradition for soccer games)
    Have a popular icon from each country to represent or comment on our blog (e.g. Fabio or Charlie Sheen)
  • 30. Press Release
    We will release a press release quarterly
    It will cover topics such as healthy eating and active living
    Feature events around major cities that will encourage visitors to attend
    Post discussion boards about recipe ideas
  • 31. Email Marketing
    We will send out monthly
    newsletters to our audience
    updating them about new
    The newsletter will have
    specials, recipes that are
    coming up, additional links, and
    more information about us
  • 32. Mobile Marketing
    Create an application that provides recipes for the Iphone/ Blackberry that drives people to our site (Calorie search engine)
    Create other applications for a younger audience that includes games focused around cooking (e.g. Word search)
    Create an application that provides a dish for the country that is searched
  • 33. Rationale
    By looking at the results that we gathered from the tracking tools, it can be seen that the blog will perform better if we:
    Create a PPC campaign including text ads, key words, and cost per click
    Create display ads that can be viewed from several websites
    Improve on the social media campaigns, including Facebook and Twitter
    Include Email and Mobile marketing to target more people
    Release press releases on a regular basis to keep people up to date
  • 34. Rationale
    Post topics on discussion boards
    Comment on other reputable food blogs
    Forum on-line communities that share recipe ideas
    Feature food festivals
    Feature a health nut recipe section

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