Cuaderno de Apuntes Inglés II

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Vicerrectoría Académica Cuaderno de Apuntes – 2011

Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproducción. Derechos reservados AIEP. 1

I. IDENTIFICACIÓN NOMBRE DEL MÓDULO: INGLÉS II UNIDAD DE COMPETENCIA: Al finalizar el módulo los participantes serán capaces de:

Interactuar verbalmente en un nivel básico del idioma inglés, tanto en forma oral como escrita, produciendo mensajes simples referidos al presente simple, pasado simple y futuro, utilizando estructuras sintácticamente correctas y comunicativamente apropiadas.

DURACIÓN: 72 horas pedagógicas II. DESCRIPCIÓN POR ÁREA DE FORMACIÓN Y PRERREQUISITO ÁREA DE FORMACIÓN: básica común UBICACIÓN EN LA MALLA: depende de la carrera PRERREQUISITO: Inglés I III. UNIDADES DE APRENDIZAJE 1ª UNIDAD: Desarrollo de Habilidades Receptivas y Productivas DURACIÓN: 72 horas pedagógicas

Aprendizajes Esperados 1. Expresan gustos y preferencias alimenticias y describen hábitos alimenticios propios y de terceros, aplicando el tiempo verbal

presente simple. 2. Describen deportes que practican y de los que son seguidores, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. 3. Describen talentos y habilidades propios y de terceros, mediante la aplicación del verbo modal can. 4. Solicitan y entregan información sobre planes a futuro, celebraciones, feriados y fechas especiales, aplicando la estructura be +

going to con intención de futuro. 5. Describen enfermedades y problemas de salud comunes aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple, y entregan consejos, ideas o

sugerencias para resolver o aliviar esos problemas, aplicando modo imperativo. 6. Describen tiendas y los principales lugares donde se puede comprar en una ciudad, así como los productos y que se encuentran en

ellos, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. 7. Solicitan y entregan direcciones e instrucciones para llegar a un lugar determinado, aplicando el modo imperativo. 8. Describen actividades realizadas en el pasado reciente, aplicando el tiempo verbal pasado simple. 9. Solicitan y entregan información sobre su historia personal y la de terceros, aplicando el tiempo verbal pasado simple. 10. Utilizan diversas expresiones para dejar y tomar mensajes telefónicos en un contexto dialógico, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente

simple. 11. Planifican actividades con otras personas, generando diálogos para invitar y aceptar o rechazar una invitación, aplicando el tiempo

verbal correspondiente.

Vicerrectoría Académica Cuaderno de Apuntes – 2011

Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproducción. Derechos reservados AIEP. 2


- Iniciar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje a partir de los conocimientos previos de los estudiantes. Esto implica un diagnóstico. - Centrar la docencia en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes, más que en la enseñanza. El estudiante debe ser activo. - Situar y vincular permanentemente los aprendizajes, contenidos y actividades con el contexto social y laboral de los estudiantes y la

carrera que estudian. - Presentación centrada en el alumno por parte del profesor de los diferentes contenidos temáticos, funcionales y gramaticales. - Los alumnos desarrollan diferentes ejercicios de práctica tanto orales como escritos. - Actividades de comprensión de lectura (actividades de pre-reading, while reading, y post-reading, aplicación de vocabulario extraído

del texto en contextos significativos, reforzamiento de ideas centrales del texto a través de actividades guiadas por el profesor, centradas en el alumno).

- Actividades de comprensión auditiva (actividades de pre-listening, while listening, y post-listening). - Consolidación de conocimientos a través de diversos ejercicios guiados por el profesor, con el objetivo de esclarecer y reforzar

contenidos. V. EVALUACIÓN

Las evaluaciones que se aplican en este módulo son del tipo ENAT (Evaluación Nacional Estandarizada). Se aplican tres pruebas escritas y además se evalúa un trabajo final que se desarrolla en parejas, en forma oral:

1. Primera ENAT: First Quiz (prueba escrita, coeficiente 1) 2. Segunda ENAT: Mid-term Exam (prueba escrita, coeficiente 2) 3. Tercera ENAT: Reading Comprehension Test (prueba escrita, coeficiente 1) 4. Trabajo Final: Oral Presentation Activity (trabajo oral en parejas, coeficiente 1)

Además cada docente puede aplicar controles, solicitar trabajos en grupos u otras actividades con nota. De estos trabajos se

obtiene una nota promedio, que corresponde a la nota 6 del módulo. Con las seis (6) notas del semestre se obtiene la nota de presentación a examen. Si esta nota es igual o mayor a 5,5 el estudiante se exime del examen final. El examen final consta de dos partes: una escrita y una oral. La parte escrita del examen final tiene una ponderación de 60% de la nota de examen. La parte oral del examen final tiene una ponderación de 40% de la nota de examen.

VI. BIBLIOGRAFÍA - Richards, Jack : Interchange, Third Edition. Intro Student’s Book with Self-study Audio CD. Cambridge University Press. - Murphy, Raymond : Essential Grammar in Use, Third Edition, Cambridge University Press. - Diccionarios Inglés – Español: Oxford, Collins Cobuild, Longman, Cambridge. Material complementario obligatorio: Cuaderno de Apuntes Inglés II. AIEP

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Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproducción. Derechos reservados AIEP. 3


CLASES 1, 2 Y 3

APRENDIZAJE ESPERADO 1. Expresan gustos y preferencias alimenticias y describen hábitos alimenticios propios y de terceros, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple.

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN CONTENIDOS 1.1. Identifica y nombra los diferentes grupos y alimentos de la

pirámide alimenticia. 1.2. Indica los alimentos que le gustan y aquellos que no le

gustan, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. 1.3. Genera diálogos para preguntar y entregar información

sobre los alimentos que tiene y que necesita comprar, utilizando some / any y sustantivos contables y no contables, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple.

1.4. Describe hábitos alimenticios propios y de terceros, utilizando los adverbios de frecuencia correspondientes, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple.

- La pirámide alimenticia: grupos y alimentos que la conforman - Uso de Some / Any y sustantivos contables y no contables - Uso de adverbios de frecuencia: always / usually / often /

sometimes / hardly ever / never - Tiempo verbal presente simple


There are six groups in the food pyramid:

Fat, oil and sugar

Meat and other protein


Fruit Vegetables


Vicerrectoría Académica Cuaderno de Apuntes – 2011

Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproducción. Derechos reservados AIEP. 4


I. Write the names of the foods. Fruit ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Vegetables ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Grains ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Fat, oil, and sugar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

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Dairy ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Meat and other protein ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Give three examples of each group (different from the previous exercise).

Fat, oil and sugar Meat and other protein Dairy Fruit Vegetables Grains



Countable nouns are things we can count.

Example: one pear two pears three pears

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Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproducción. Derechos reservados AIEP. 6

Countable nouns can be singular or plural. Examples:

Singular Plural An apple I’m eating an apple.

Apples Apples are delicious.

(Specific) (General)


Uncountable nouns are concepts, materials, substances, etc. that are not individual objects, so we can not count them. Uncountable nouns are always singular.

Examples: Jelly I’m eating jelly. (Specific) Jelly is my favorite dessert. (General) Chicken I’m eating chicken. (Specific) Chicken is delicious. (General)


I. Make two lists of foods (countable and uncountable nouns).

Countable Uncountable ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________

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The words some and any are used for countable and uncountable nouns. In general, we use some in affirmative sentences. And

we use any in negative sentences or questions. Examples:

- Do we need any bread for breakfast?

Yes, let’s get some. No, we don’t need any.

- Do we need any oranges for the fruit salad?

Yes, we need some. No, I don’t want any oranges in the salad.


I. Complete these conversations with some or any. Then, practice with a partner. A: Let’s make hamburgers! B: But we have to go to the supermarket first. A: OK. What do we need then? B: Well, let’s see. We need __________ hamburger meat and __________ bread. A: Do we have __________ mayonnaise? B: Yes, we have __________. But we don’t have __________ ketchup. And we need to buy __________ lettuce and __________ tomatoes. A: We should buy __________ onions, too. B: No, I don’t like onions! I don’t want __________ onions in my hamburger. A: OK. Let’s buy __________ cheese instead. A: What do we need for the party? B: Hmm… I think we need __________ potato chips and __________ soda. A: Do we have __________ crackers? B: Yes, we have __________. But we don’t have __________ cheese. A: And we need __________ cookies, too. B: OK. Do we need __________ juice? A: Yes, we don’t have __________.

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II. List the ingredients you need to make these foods.

1. Pizza __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. A potato salad


3. Lasagna


4. Mashed potatoes



□ Breakfast: It is the first meal of the day. □ Lunch: It is the midday meal. □ Dinner: It is the meal we usually eat in the evening.

What time do you usually have breakfast? ___________________________________________________ What do you usually have for breakfast? ____________________________________________________ What time do you usually have lunch? ______________________________________________________ What do you usually have for lunch? ________________________________________________________ Do you ever have dinner? ________________________________________________________________


These adverbs describe the frequency that something happens. They answer the questions “how often” and “do you ever”.

0% 100% Never Hardly ever Sometimes (*) Often Usually Always

Adverbs of frequency come before the verb.

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Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproducción. Derechos reservados AIEP. 9


- Daniel never eats fish. - Susan usually has ice cream for dessert. - I hardly ever eat vegetables.

(*) Sometimes: this frequency adverb can go at the beginning of a sentence, too: Examples:

- Sometimes I have lunch at work. - Sometimes I have coffee for breakfast.


I. Rewrite the sentences, adding the adverbs in the correct places.

1. I eat potato chips. (often) __________________________________________________

2. My dad cooks dinner. (hardly ever) __________________________________________________

3. I have toast for breakfast. (always) __________________________________________________

4. We eat at a restaurant. (usually) __________________________________________________

5. I take sugar in my coffee. (never) __________________________________________________

6. My mom makes delicious desserts. (sometimes) __________________________________________________

II. Answer these questions. Give complete information. Then, practice with a partner. 1. What do you usually eat for breakfast? ________________________________________________________________ 2. What is something you never have for dinner? ________________________________________________________________ 3. What is your favorite drink? ________________________________________________________________ 4. Do you usually drink coffee in the morning? ________________________________________________________________ 5. What time do you usually have lunch? ________________________________________________________________ 6. Do you ever have lunch at a restaurant on weekdays? ________________________________________________________________

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APRENDIZAJE ESPERADO 2. Describen deportes que practican y de los que son seguidores, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple.

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN CONTENIDOS 2.1. Identifica y nombra diferentes deportes y actividades

realizadas al aire libre. 2.2. Indica los deportes que le gustan y aquellos que no le

gustan, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple. 2.3. Genera diálogos para preguntar y entregar información

sobre los deportes que realizan terceros, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple.

2.4. Describe los deportes que practica y de los que es seguidor, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple.

- Deportes y actividades al aire libre - Uso de los verbos play / go + deportes - Preguntas que comienzan con Wh: What / Who / Where / How

often / When / What time - Tiempo verbal presente simple


Some popular sports are:

Depending on the type of sport, we use the actions play or go.

We use play with competitive sports. We use go with sports that end in –ing.

Vicerrectoría Académica Cuaderno de Apuntes – 2011

Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproducción. Derechos reservados AIEP. 11


- They play soccer and go bike riding. - My friends and I usually play baseball on weekends. - My children always go swimming.

SIMPLE PRESENT WH- QUESTIONS Examples: What sports do Chilean people play? They play soccer and go bike riding. When do they play sports? They usually play on weekends. Where do they play soccer? They play in the park. What time do they usually play? Around two in the afternoon. Who do they usually play with? They usually play with their friends. How often do you play soccer? I play once a week.


I. Complete these sentences with play or go.

1. I usually ________________ rugby. 2. My sister sometimes _______________ horse riding. 3. Carla ________________ hockey at school. 4. I sometimes _________________ table tennis with my friends. 5. My friends and I often __________________ running. 6. I always __________________ futsal at the university.

What…? → Questions about things, objects, etc. When…? → Questions about days, months, years, seasons Where…? → Questions about places What time…? → Questions about time Who…? → Questions about people How often…? → Questions about frequency

Vicerrectoría Académica Cuaderno de Apuntes – 2011

Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproducción. Derechos reservados AIEP. 12

II. Complete these conversations. Use your own information. Then, practice with a partner. 1. A: Do you like sports?

B: ___________________________________ 2. A: What sports do you watch on TV?

B: ___________________________________ 3. A: Who do you play sports with?

B: ___________________________________

III. Circle the correct alternative. 1. A: ___________________________________ B: I play tennis and I go swimming.

a) Who do you play sports with? b) What time do you play sports? c) What sports do you play? d) Where do you play sports?

2. A: ___________________________________ B: I play twice a week.

a) What time do you play golf? b) How often do you play golf? c) Where do you play golf? d) When do you play golf?

3. A: ___________________________________ B: I play with some friends.

a) When do you play basketball? b) Who do you play basketball with? c) Where do you play basketball? d) What time do you play basketball?

4. A: ___________________________________ B: On Saturdays.

a) When do you go swimming? b) Where do you go swimming? c) Who do you go swimming with? d) What do you think of swimming?

5. A: ___________________________________ B: We play in the park.

a) Who do you play soccer with? b) What time do you play soccer? c) When do you play soccer? d) Where do you play soccer?

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Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproducción. Derechos reservados AIEP. 13


APRENDIZAJE ESPERADO 3. Describen talentos y habilidades propios y de terceros, mediante la aplicación del verbo modal can.

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN CONTENIDOS 3.1. Identifica y nombra actividades que son consideradas

talentos y habilidades (musicales o artísticas, atléticas, técnicas o mecánicas, entre otras).

3.2. Genera diálogos para preguntar y entregar información sobre los habilidades o talentos de terceros, utilizando el verbo modal can, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple.

3.3. Describe sus talentos y habilidades, así como las actividades en las que no es talentoso, utilizando el verbo modal can en forma afirmativa y negativa según corresponda.

- Talentos y habilidades (musicales o artísticas, atléticas, técnicas o mecánicas, entre otras)

- Uso del verbo modal can para expresar habilidad


We use can to express an ability to do something.


The person has the ability to do a particular activity.


- She can play the guitar. - They can speak French.


The person doesn’t have the ability to do a particular activity.


- He can’t draw very well. - I can’t drive a car.


We want to know if the person has or doesn’t have the ability to do a particular activity.


- Can you use a computer? - Can she dance tango?

What about you? What can you do?

can + not = can’t

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Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproducción. Derechos reservados AIEP. 14


I. Classify these talents or abilities into the four categories in the chart.

Musical or artistic Technical or mechanical Athletic Other













II. Look at the pictures. Write sentences about these people’s abilities, using can or can’t. Then, practice with a partner. 1. ____________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________

do aerobics – dance salsa – fix a computer – make desserts – play cards – play guitar – write software climb a mountain – write poetry – assemble a bicycle – speak a foreign language – play basketball

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4. ____________________________________________

III. Answer these questions. Give short answers. Then, practice with a partner. 1. Can you speak English? _______________________ 2. Can you speak Spanish? _______________________ 3. Can you ride a bike? _______________________ 4. Can you play any musical instruments? _______________________ 5. Can you sing? _______________________ 6. Can you write poetry? _______________________ 7. Can you type very fast? _______________________ 8. Can you play Sudoku? _______________________

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CLASES 6, 7 Y 8

APRENDIZAJE ESPERADO 4. Solicitan y entregan información sobre planes a futuro, celebraciones, feriados y fechas especiales, aplicando la estructura be + going to con intención de futuro.

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN CONTENIDOS 4.1. Informa la fecha exacta de diferentes celebraciones y

feriados, mediante el uso correcto de los números ordinales y meses del año, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple.

4.2. Formula preguntas sobre planes a futuro, utilizando las expresiones de tiempo apropiadas y aplicando la estructura be + going to con intención de futuro.

4.3. Describe planes a futuro propios y de terceros, utilizando las expresiones de tiempo apropiadas y aplicando la estructura be + going to con intención de futuro.

- Fechas: meses del año y números ordinales - Cumpleaños, celebraciones y feriados - Uso de la estructura Be going to con intención de futuro - Expresiones de tiempo para expresar futuro: tomorrow / tonight /

next week / next month, entre otras.



January February March April May June July August September October November December

1st first 2nd second 3rd third 4th fourth

5th fifth 6th sixth 7th seventh 8th eighth 9th ninth

10th tenth

11th eleventh 12th twelfth 13th thirteenth 14th fourteenth

15th fifteenth 16th sixteenth 17th seventeenth 18th eighteenth 19th nineteenth

20th twentieth

21st twenty-first 22nd twenty-second 23rd twenty-third 24th twenty-fourth

25th twenty-fifth 26th twenty-sixth 27th twenty-seventh 28th twenty-eighth 29th twenty-ninth

30th thirtieth 31st thirty-first

When we write dates, we use the month and the corresponding ordinal number.

Examples: 07/31→ July thirty-first 12/05→ December fifth

When we talk about birthdays, we talk about dates. A: When’s your birthday? B: It’s (on) June twenty-fourth.


I. Write these dates. Then, practice with a partner. 1. 02 / 14 ______________________________________________ 2. 10 / 06 ______________________________________________

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3. 08 / 15 ______________________________________________ 4. 04 / 22 ______________________________________________ 5. 03 / 29 ______________________________________________ 6. 11 / 30 ______________________________________________ 7. 09 / 03 ______________________________________________ 8. 01 / 11 ______________________________________________

II. When are these people’s birthdays? Write sentences as in the example. 1. Carolina Urrejola’s birthday is on May eighth_____________________.


2. _________________________________________________________

08/04 3. _________________________________________________________


4. ________________________________________________________


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5. _________________________________________________________ 08/16


We use the structure BE GOING TO to talk about future plans. Examples:

- He is going to work this weekend. (He plans to work this weekend) - They are going to see a movie tonight. (They plan to see a movie tonight)

AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCE: Alice is going to cook dinner. NEGATIVE SENTENCE: She’s not going to have dinner in a restaurant. INTERROGATIVE SENTENCE: Is she going to have dinner with her family?

Yes, she is. No, she’s not.


I. Look at the pictures. What are these people going to do next month?

1. __________________________________________________

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2. __________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________

II. Look at Ann’s calendar. Write sentences about her plans for the month, as in the example.

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1. On June first, she’s going to go to the dentist.___________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________________________ 6. _______________________________________________________________________


What’s your favorite holiday? Why?


Remember that questions starting with a Wh- word need specific information. Examples: A: What are you going to do next vacation? B: I’m going to travel. A: Where are you going to go? B: I’m going to go to Brazil. A: Who’s going to go with you? B: My girlfriend is going to go with me. A: How are you going to get there? B: We’re going to go by plane.


Valentine’s Day February 14th

Labor Day

May 01st

Chilean National Holiday

September 18th

Columbus Day

October 12th


October 31st

Christmas December 25th

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Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproducción. Derechos reservados AIEP. 21

These time expressions are always related to moments in the future:

- Tomorrow - Tonight - Next week - Next month - Next year - Next class - Next semester


I. Create questions, using be going to and the following elements:

1. what / you / cook / tomorrow? _____________________________________________________________

2. who / you / celebrate / your birthday / with? _____________________________________________________________

3. when / your grandparents / visit you again? _____________________________________________________________

4. how / you / go to the institute / tomorrow? _____________________________________________________________

5. what time / your classes / start / tomorrow morning? _____________________________________________________________

6. where / you and your friends / celebrate your birthday? _____________________________________________________________

7. who / your mom / invite to her birthday dinner? _____________________________________________________________

II. Answer these questions. Give complete information. Then, practice with a partner.

1. What do you usually do to celebrate Christmas? _____________________________________________________________

2. When’s Mother’s day? _____________________________________________________________

3. What holiday is in May? _____________________________________________________________

4. Who do you usually celebrate your birthday with? _____________________________________________________________

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III. Look at the activities in parentheses. Are you going to do these activities tomorrow? Answer as in the example.

1. (go to the movies) _I’m not going to go to the movies tomorrow.________________________________ 2. (study for a test) _____________________________________________________________________ 3. (visit your friends) ____________________________________________________________________ 4. (play sports) ________________________________________________________________________ 5. (have lunch at AIEP) __________________________________________________________________ 6. (make your bed) _____________________________________________________________________ 7. (go to the gym) ______________________________________________________________________

IV. Read these situations. Imagine what you are going to do in each case. Write sentences as in the example. 1. Your favorite band comes to Chile. __I’m going to save money for the tickets.______________________ 2. It’s your best friend’s birthday. ___________________________________________________________ 3. You have a difficult test tomorrow. ________________________________________________________ 4. It’s Sunday morning. ___________________________________________________________________ 5. You’re hungry and you can’t cook. ________________________________________________________

V. Answer these questions. Give complete information. Then, practice with a partner.

1. What are you going to do next weekend?


2. What are you going to eat for lunch tomorrow?


3. Where are you going to go next vacation?


4. Are you going to visit your friends this week?


5. Is your mother going to cook dinner for you this evening?


6. Are you going to watch TV tonight?


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CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN CONTENIDOS Del 1.1 al 4.3 - Todos los relacionados con los aprendizajes esperados del 1 al 4

(Repaso para la Primera ENAT)


I. How often do you do these activities? Write sentences about your routine, using the words in box A and the activities in box B.


1. ________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________________ 6. ________________________________________________________

II. Circle the correct alternative.

1. A: ____________________________

B: No, let’s get some.

a) Do we have a chicken for the barbecue? c) Do we have any chicken for the barbecue? b) Do we have some chicken for the barbecue? d) Do we have some? 2. A: What holiday is in December?

B: ____________________________

a) Christmas. It’s on December twelfth. c) Christmas. It is in December twenty-five. b) Christmas. It’s twenty-fourth December. d) Christmas. It’s on December twenty-fifth. 3. A: _____________________________ B: Yes, he’s very talented in the technical area. a) Can your boyfriend play the piano? c) Can your boyfriend repair a TV? b) Can your boyfriend cook? d) Can your boyfriend play soccer?

usually – often – always – hardly ever – never –


- go to the beach - play sports - have beans for dinner - go dancing - surf the Internet - do something to challenge your brain

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4. A: What sports do you usually play? B: ____________________________

a) I play golf and go hiking. c) I go golf and play hiking. b) I play golf and go hike. d) I go golf and hiking. 5. A: ____________________________

B: Tomorrow? I think I’m going to sleep all day long. a) What you are going to do tomorrow? c) What you’re going to do tomorrow? b) What are you going to do tomorrow? d) What you going to do tomorrow? 6. A: ____________________________

B: It’s August. a) What’s the ninth month of the year? c) What’s the second month of the year? b) What’s the eighth month of the year? d) What’s the twelfth month of the year? 7. A: My sister and I ________________ our grandparents this weekend. Do you want to go with us?

B: Sorry, I can’t. a) am going to visit c) is going to visit b) are going to visit d) going to visit 8. A: Can you play sports?

B: ____________________________ a) No, I don’t have any mechanical abilities at all. c) No, I don’t have any athletic abilities at all. b) No, I don’t have any artistic abilities at all. d) No, I don’t have abilities to speak a foreign language. 9. A: What sports do people play in the winter?

B: ____________________________ a) They go skiing and snowboarding at the beach. c) They go skiing and snowboarding in Cajón del Maipo. b) They go swimming at the beach. d) They skiing and snowboarding in Cajón del Maipo.

III. Create appropriate questions for these answers. Then, practice with a partner. 1. A: ______________________________________________________________? B: We play on weekends. 2. A: _____________________________________________________________? B: I go running three times a week. 3. A: _____________________________________________________________? B: I study English with two classmates.

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IV. Complete the sentences with can or can’t. 1. I’m a great dancer. I __________ dance very well. 2. I really love music, but I __________ play any instruments. 3. My mother is a great chef. She __________ prepare delicious dishes. 4. Paul is the new champion. He __________ play soccer really well. 5. I love poems, but I __________ write poetry at all. 6. My little brother has a new bike, but he __________ ride it.

V. Answer these questions. Give complete information. Then, practice with a partner.

1. What do you usually have for breakfast? ______________________________________________________________________. 2. What can you do? ______________________________________________________________________. 3. Where do you play your favorite sport? ______________________________________________________________________. 4. What do you need to make cazuela? ______________________________________________________________________.

VI. Write these dates.

1. 09/11 _____________________________________ 2. 12/30 _____________________________________ 3. 01/16 _____________________________________ 4. 10/15 _____________________________________ 5. 05/10 _____________________________________ 6. 07/20 _____________________________________ 7. 08/23 _____________________________________ 8. 04/18 _____________________________________ 9. 02/26 _____________________________________ 10. 09/09 _____________________________________


CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN CONTENIDOS Del 1.1 al 4.3 - Todos los relacionados con los aprendizajes esperados del 1 al 4


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CLASES 11 Y 12

APRENDIZAJE ESPERADO 5. Describen enfermedades y problemas de salud comunes aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple, y entregan consejos, ideas o sugerencias para resolver o aliviar esos problemas, aplicando modo imperativo.

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN CONTENIDOS 5.1. Identifica y nombra las partes del cuerpo. 5.2. Identifica y nombra enfermedades y problemas de salud. 5.3. Identifica y nombra medicamentos comunes. 5.4. Genera diálogos para preguntar y describir el estado de

salud propio y de terceros, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple.

5.5. Entrega consejos, ideas o sugerencias para resolver o aliviar diferentes problemas de salud, aplicando el modo imperativo.

- Partes del cuerpo - Problemas de salud: headache / stomachache / sore eyes /

backache / sore throat, entre otros - Uso de los verbos Have y Feel en el contexto de problemas de

salud - Uso de adjetivos que expresan estados de ánimo y de salud:

sick / awful / terrible / miserable / fine / great / terrific / fantastic - Medicamentos comunes: antacid / cold pills / eye drops / cough

syrup / muscle cream / aspirin - Expresiones para demostrar empatía: That’s good / I’m glad to

hear that / That’s too bad / I’m sorry to hear that - Uso del modo Imperativo para dar consejos y sugerencias.


Label the parts of the body.

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Some common health problems are:

- A backache - An earache - A headache - A stomachache - A toothache - A cold - A cough - A fever - A sore throat - Sore eyes - The flu When we talk about health problems, we usually use the verb have:


- I have a stomachache. - I have a cough. - I have the flu.

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When we want to describe the way we feel, we usually use adjectives (characteristics) that can be positive or negative:


- I feel great! - I feel sick. - I don’t feel well.

We use the questions “What’s the matter?” and “What’s wrong?” when we notice that another person has a problem. And when we want to know how the other person feels, we can use the questions “How do you feel?” or “How are you?” Examples: A: How are you today? B: I’m not so good. A: Why? What’s the matter? B: I have a sore throat.

There are some expressions that we can use to show that we understand and care about the other person’s problems: - That’s too bad. - I’m sorry to hear that. - That’s good. - I’m glad to hear that. - I hope you feel better soon.

Examples: A: How do you feel? B: I don’t feel well. A: Why? What’s wrong? B: I have the flu. A: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.


Fine Well Great Terrific Fantastic Happy

Sick Awful Terrible Miserable Sad Bad

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I. Look at the pictures. What’s wrong with these people? Give complete information.

1. ____________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________________ 5. ____________________________________________________

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II. Choose sentences from the box to express these ideas in another way.

1. What’s the matter? ____________________________________________________________ 2. I’m homesick. ________________________________________________________________ 3. I have a headache. ____________________________________________________________ 4. I feel sad. ___________________________________________________________________ 5. That’s too bad. _______________________________________________________________

COMMON MEDICATIONS Antacid Aspirin Eye drops Cough drops Cough Syrup

Cold pills Muscle Cream


I. Complete these sentences with the appropriate medication. Then, practice with a partner. 1. I have a terrible backache. I’m going to buy some _____________________. 2. I have a headache, so I’m going to take some ________________________. 3. My eyes are very tired. I need some ________________________________. 4. I have an awful stomachache, so I’m going to take some ________________.

- I miss my family. - I don’t feel happy. - What’s wrong? - I’m sorry to hear that. - My head feels terrible.

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5. I have a terrible cold. I’m going to take some _________________________. 6. Your cough sounds terrible. You need some _________________________.


When we want to give instructions or pieces of advice, or tell another person what to do, we use imperatives:

Rest in bed. Don’t go to work today. Take one pill every night. Don’t drink coffee. Examples: A: I have the flu. B: Rest in bed. And drink lots of orange juice. A: I can’t sleep at night. B: Don’t drink coffee. Drink warm milk and listen to relaxing music.


I. Write two or more pieces of advice for each problem. 1. I have a cold. ____________________________________


2. I have sore eyes. ____________________________________

____________________________________ 3. I have a terrible headache. ____________________________________

____________________________________ 4. I’m homesick. ____________________________________

____________________________________ 5. My job is very stressful. ____________________________________

____________________________________ 6. I can’t lose weight. ____________________________________


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APRENDIZAJE ESPERADO 6. Describen tiendas y los principales lugares donde se puede comprar en una ciudad, así como los productos y que se encuentran en ellos, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple.

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN CONTENIDOS 6.1. Identifica y nombra diferentes tiendas y lugares de una

ciudad. 6.2. Identifica y nombra diferentes productos y servicios. 6.3. Informa los productos que se pueden comprar o los

servicios que se pueden obtener en una tienda o un lugar específico, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple.

6.4. Formula preguntas sobre los lugares en donde pueden adquirir diferentes productos, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple.

- Tiendas y lugares de una cuidad: department store / bank / drugstore / gas station / post office / bookstore, entre otros

- Productos y servicios según tienda o lugar: clothes / money / medicines / gas / stamps / books, entre otros.




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I. Answer these questions. Give complete answers.

1. Where can I buy some aspirin? You can buy aspirin at a drugstore________________________.

2. Where can I buy a cup of coffee? ___________________________________________________ 3. Where can I deposit a check? __________________________________________________ 4. Where can I buy some milk? ___________________________________________________

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5. Where can I buy an English/Spanish dictionary? _____________________________________________________ 6. Where can I buy some gasoline? ___________________________________________________ 7. Where can I buy a pair of jeans? _________________________________________________ 8. Where can I mail a letter? _________________________________________________ CLASES 14 Y 15

APRENDIZAJE ESPERADO 7. Solicitan y entregan direcciones e instrucciones para llegar a un lugar determinado, aplicando el modo imperativo.

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN CONTENIDOS 7.1. Determina la ubicación específica de diversos lugares,

utilizando las preposiciones de lugar apropiadas, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple.

7.2. Formula preguntas sobre la ubicación de diversos lugares existentes en una ciudad aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple.

7.3. Formula preguntas para consultar cómo llegar a un lugar determinado, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple.

7.4. Entrega direcciones e instrucciones para llegar a un lugar específico, teniendo mapas como referencia, aplicando con propiedad el modo imperativo.

- Principales atracciones turísticas a nivel mundial - Uso de preposiciones de lugar para entregar ubicación

específica de lugares de una ciudad: on / on the corner of / across from / next to / between

- Estructuras para pedir direcciones: How do I get to…? / How can I get to…?

- Expresiones para entregar direcciones: walk up / walk down / go up / go down / turn right on / turn left on

- Uso del modo Imperativo para dar direcciones e instrucciones de cómo llegar a un lugar.

PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE The bank is on West Street. The bank is on the corner of West Street and First Avenue. The bank is next to the café.

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The bank is across from the hotel. The café is between the Post Office and the Bank.


I. Look at the map and complete these sentences with the correct prepositions. 1. The Mexican Restaurant is _______________ River Street.

2. The Italian restaurant is ________________ the gym, ____________________ St. Lukes Hospital.

3. The Department store is ________________Appleton Street, ____________________Third and Fourth Avenues.

4. The gas station is ___________________ Third Avenue and River St., ____________________ the movie theater.

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II. What places are these? Read these sentences and try to guess the places. 1. It’s on Appleton Street, across from the library. It’s next to the book store. ___________________________________________

2. It’s on Second Avenue, between River and Appleton Streets. ___________________________________________

3. It’s on River Street, next to the gas station. ___________________________________________

4. It’s next to the drugstore, on the corner of River Street and Fourth Avenue. ___________________________________________


What are some popular tourist attractions in Chile?

__________________________________________________________________ What is your favorite tourist attraction in your city?

__________________________________________________________________ Where is it?


GIVING DIRECTIONS How do I get to the Bank? 1. Walk up / Go up Second Avenue. 2. Turn right on Post Street. 3. The Bank is on the right. 1. 2. 3.

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How do I get to the café? 1. Walk down / Go down Second Avenue. 2. Turn left on Madison Street. 3. The café is on the right. 1. 2. 3.


I. Look at the map on the next page. Tina and Liam need directions to get to the Italian Restaurant and the City Bank. Can you help them?

Tina: “How can I get to the Italian Restaurant? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Liam: “How can I get to the City Bank? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN CONTENIDOS Del 1.1 al 7.4 - Todos los relacionados con los aprendizajes esperados del 1 al 7

(Repaso para la Segunda ENAT)


I. Complete the conversations with the correct Wh- Word. Use what, who, when, where, what time, how. 1. A: _________________do you usually have lunch? B: I usually have lunch at two. 2. A: _________________ do you usually go swimming? B: I go swimming every summer.

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3. A: _________________ do you play golf with? B: I play with my dad. 4. A: _________________ are you going to do next holiday? B: I think I’m going to sleep a lot. 5. A: _________________ are you going to go home today? B: I’m going to drive my car. 6. A: _________________ are you going to go next vacation? B: I’m going to go to my parents’ house in Chillan.

II. Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B

III. Complete the conversations with an appropriate imperative form. Then, practice with a partner.

1. A: I have an earache. B: ________________ to the doctor. 2. A: I have a fever. B: _______________ in bed. 3. A: I have a sore throat. B: _______________ some lemonade with honey. 4. A: I can’t sleep at night. B: _______________coffee at night.

A B 1. Can you play guitar? 2. Can Elisa cook? 3. Can Richard drive a car? 4. Can you use a computer? 5. Can you speak a foreign language? 6. Can Erik and Sonia write? 7. Can Kate dance? 8. Can David draw?

_______ No, he can’t. He always takes the bus. _______ Yes, he can. His portraits are wonderful. _______ No, she can’t. Her coordination is terrible. _______ No, I can’t, but I can sing. _______ Yes, I can. I’m a computer engineer. _______ Yes, she can. Her pasta is delicious. _______ No, they can’t. They are only two years old. _______ Yes, I can. I speak English and French.

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5. A: I can’t lose weight. B: _______________ bread and _____________ exercise. 6. A: I have the flu. B: ______________ go outside and _____________a lot of water.

IV. Look at Patricio’s calendar and answer true (T) or false (F). If the sentence is false, give the correct information.

1. _________On July fifth Patricio is going to celebrate his birthday. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________ On July eighteenth, Patricio is going to have dinner with Lisa’s parents. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. _________ On July twenty-seventh Patricio and Lisa are going to travel to San Pedro. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. _________ Patricio’s birthday is on July second. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

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V. Complete the chart with the correct information.

PROBLEMS SOLUTIONS / ADVICE I have a terrible headache.

I can’t sleep at night.

Drink some herbal tea and don’t eat any heavy foods today.

Take two aspirins and go to the dentist.

I’m homesick.

Use some muscle cream and don’t do exercise today.

Go to the drugstore and buy some medicine. Go to bed and don’t go to work tomorrow.

I have sore eyes.

VI. Look at the map and answer the questions. 1. Where is Macy’s Department Store? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. How can Alice get to the Hospital? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Where is the gas station? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. How can Jim get to the Barber Shop? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN CONTENIDOS Del 1.1 al 7.4 - Todos los relacionados con los aprendizajes esperados del 1 al 7


CLASES 18 Y 19

APRENDIZAJE ESPERADO 8. Describen actividades realizadas en el pasado reciente, aplicando el tiempo verbal pasado simple.

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN CONTENIDOS 8.1. Identifica y nombra diferentes actividades que se realizan

en el tiempo libre. 8.2. Identifica verbos regulares e irregulares. 8.3. Describe actividades que ha realizado en el pasado

reciente, aplicando el tiempo verbal pasado simple. 8.4. Formula preguntas sobre actividades realizadas en el

pasado reciente, aplicando el tiempo verbal pasado simple. 8.5. Menciona actividades que no ha realizado, aplicando el

tiempo verbal pasado simple.

- Actividades que se realizan en el tiempo libre: watch TV / exercise / do the laundry / stay home / see a movie / have fun, entre otras.

- Tiempo verbal pasado simple. - Verbos regulares e irregulares.



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SIMPLE PAST STATEMENTS AND REGULAR VERBS When we talk about past activities, we use the simple past tense and the auxiliary DID. Regular verbs usually end with –ed. Look at the spelling cases. AFFIRMATIVE PAST TENSE NEGATIVE PAST TENSE SPELLING

I studied English in Friday

You watched TV on Saturday night.

He stayed home on Saturday afternoon.

We visited our mother

She shopped for groceries.

They exercised on Sunday morning.

I didn’t study Mathematics.

You didn’t watch TV on Sunday.

He didn’t stay home on Sunday.

We didn’t visit any friends.

She didn’t shop for clothes.

They didn’t exercise on Sunday afternoon.





I. What did Adam do last weekend? Complete the sentences in the paragraph with the correct verb forms.

On Friday evening my friend Sarah ______________ (visit) me and I ______________ (cook) beef and pasta. Sarah ______________ (love) the Spaghetti, but she ______________ (not like) the beef. On Saturday morning I ______________ (clean) my apartment and ______________ (shop) for groceries at the supermarket. In the afternoon I ______________ (call) my friend Josh and ______________ (invite) him to the gym, but he ______________ (not want) to exercise. At night, I ____________________ (watch) a movie on TV, but I _______________ (not like) it. On Sunday, I __________________ (listen) to music and __________________ (study) English.

II. Look at the pictures. What did these people do last weekend? 1. ____________________________________________________________

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2. ____________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________________________ 5. _____________________________________________________________

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IRREGULAR SIMPLE PAST VERBS Notice the irregular simple past forms.


I. Complete the chart with the past tense forms. PRESENT PAST PRESENT PAST BUY _____BOUGHT_______________

COME ____________________________

DRINK ____________________________

EAT ____________________________

FEEL ____________________________

GET UP ____________________________

SIT ____________________________

DO ____________________________

GO ____________________________

HAVE ____________________________

MEET ____________________________

READ ____________________________

SEE ____________________________

SLEEP ____________________________

TAKE ____________________________

WEAR ____________________________

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II. Complete these sentences with the correct irregular verbs. Don’t repeat verbs. 1. Last Saturday I ____________ my friend Carol and we ______________ lunch together.

2. Last week I _____________ to a party and I _________________ a great time.

3. Last Sunday some friends _____________ to my house and we _________________ some beers.

4. Last Friday I ________________ at nine in the morning and I ____________________ my favorite book.

5. Yesterday I ________________ a beautiful dress at a store and I ___________________ it last night at a party!

6. Last night I ________________ my homework and then I ____________________ my favorite movie.



Did you go out this weekend? Yes, I did. I went to an Italian restaurant.

Did you have pizza? No, I didn’t. I had lasagna.


I. Complete these conversations with the correct verb forms.

1. A: _Did_ you have_ (have) a good weekend?

B: Yes, I _did_. I _had_ (have) a great time with my friends.

2. A: __________ you __________ (go) shopping this weekend?

B: No, I ___________. I ___________ (stay) home and I _____________ (see) a movie.

3. A: __________ you ___________ (get up) late last Saturday? B: Yes, I ____________. I _______________ (get up) at noon. 4. A: __________ you ___________ (meet) any friends last weekend? B: No, I _____________, but I _____________ (meet) my sister Laurie and we ______________(drink) a cup of coffee.

II. Answer these questions using the information in parenthesis. 1. Did you read the newspaper this morning? Yes, I did. I read the Washington Post._______________________________________________ (the Washington Post) 2. Did you cook at home yesterday? ______________________________________________________________________________ (Chinese restaurant) 3. Did you talk on the phone last weekend? ______________________________________________________________________________ (my friend Jessica)

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4. Did you see any good movies last vacation? _______________________________________________________________________________ (my favorite movie) 5. Did you buy any groceries last Saturday? _______________________________________________________________________________ (a new bag) 6. Did you see any friends last weekend? ________________________________________________________________________________ (my best friend Samuel)

CLASES 20, 21 Y 22

APRENDIZAJE ESPERADO 9. Solicitan y entregan información sobre su historia personal y la de terceros, aplicando el tiempo verbal pasado simple.

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN CONTENIDOS 9.1. Pronuncia correctamente los años. 9.2. Entrega información básica de su historia personal, como

fecha y lugar de nacimiento, aplicando el tiempo verbal pasado simple.

9.3. Formula preguntas para conocer sobre la historia personal de su interlocutor, aplicando el tiempo verbal pasado simple.

9.4. Describe eventos ocurridos en la vida personal y en la de terceros, aplicando el tiempo verbal pasado simple.

- Información bibliográfica básica: fecha y lugar de nacimiento, primer día de clases, entre otros.

- Pronunciación de años. - Tiempo verbal pasado simple, verbo Be.


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PAST OF BE: WAS – WERE PRESENT OF BE PAST OF BE I’m a student. You’re twenty years old now He’s at high school now. We’re in Chile now They’re doctors.

I was a student. You were eighteen years old. He was at primary school in 2006 We were in Argentina in 2005. They were students.


I was born in Japan.

You were pretty young.

He was eighteen.

We were born the same year.

They were in Japan in 1998.

I wasn’t born in Canada.

You weren’t very old.

He wasn’t in college.

We weren’t born in the same month.

They weren’t in Canada in 1998.

wasn’t = was not weren’t = were not


I. Change these sentences into past tense. Then, practice with a partner.

1. I’m at home. I was at home ______________________________________________ 2. Erika is at the supermarket. ___________________________________________________________ 3. Carl and James are in New York. ___________________________________________________________ 4. You are thirty years old. ___________________________________________________________ 5. My family and I are having lunch. ___________________________________________________________

II. Complete these sentences with the correct verb form. My parents and I live in Chile, but we _____________ (was / were) born in Brazil – we _______________ (wasn’t / weren’t) born in Chile.

My baby sister ______________ (wasn’t / weren’t) born in Brazil. She _____________ (was / were) born in Santiago.

My parents ______________ (was / were) born in Rio de Janeiro, but I _____________ (was / were) in Sao Paulo.

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YEARS 1985 = nineteen eighty-five 19= nineteen, 85 = eighty-five

1970 = nineteen seventy.

1908 = nineteen oh eight.

2009 = two thousand and nine.


When were you born?

Were you born in Brazil?

Where were you born in Brazil?

Was your sister born in Brazil?

What country was she born in?

Were your parents born in Sao Paulo?

Where were they born?

I was born in 1980.

Yes, I was.

I was born in Sao Paulo?

No, she wasn’t.

She was born in Chile.

No, they weren’t.

They were born in Rio de Janeiro


I. Write these years with words. Then, practice with a partner.

1948 _____________________________________

1992 _____________________________________

1825 _____________________________________

1789 _____________________________________

1987 _____________________________________

2001 _____________________________________

II. Complete these questions with was or were. Then answer the questions. 1. _______________ you born in Chile?


2. What city ______________you born in?


3. _______________ your parents born in the same city?


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4. When ______________ your mother born?


5. _______________ you and your family on vacation last weekend?


6. What _______________ your first English teacher’s name?


7. _______________ he/she Chilean?

______________________________________________________ 8. How old _______________ you in 2000?


Wh- questions with did, was and were

Where did you grow up?

When did you come to this city?

Why did you come to live here?

How old were you in 2005?

What was your favorite subject at school?

How was high school?

I grew up in Valparaiso.

I came here in 2005.

Because all my family moved here.

I was fifteen.

It was History and Art.

It was great. I had lots of friends.

EXERCISES I. Write sentences about these people, using the information in the boxes.





Brad Pitt American actor Born in December 18th, 1963 Won a Golden Globe Award in 1996

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_ ____________________________________________________

Shakira Colombian singer and songwriter Born in February 02nd, 1977 Won her first Grammy Award in 2001

Carlos Santana Mexican guitarist Born in July 20th, 1947 Released his first album in 1969

Isabel Allende Chilean novelist Born in August 02nd, 1942 Wrote her first book in 1982

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II. Match the pictures with words from the box.

1. _____________________________ 2. _______________________________ 3. _____________________________

4. _____________________________ 5. _______________________________ 6. _____________________________

III. Bob is talking about his experience at high school. Read the paragraph and answer the questions. Hi, my name is Bob Taylor (the one on the right). I entered Saint Paul School in 1996. My best friends were Nina and Scott. They were really nice guys. I was a good student, but my marks weren’t always excellent. My favorite subjects were Mathematics and Physical Education. I didn’t like history and biology. My favorite teacher was Mrs. Moore. She was my mathematics teacher. She was very strict, but she was also very nice and friendly. I finished high school in 1999 when I was eighteen. I’m almost thirty now, but I can say I had a great time there and I have wonderful memories from school.

1. When did Bob start high school?


2. Who were his best friends?


3. What were they like?


playground – gym – art – lunchroom – science – physical education

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4. Was Bob a bad student?


5. What subjects did he like?


6. Who was Mrs. Moore?


7. Was she serious?


8. When did Bob finish High school?


9. Did Bob have a bad time at high school?


IV. Answer these questions with personal information. Then, practice with a partner. 1. What was your favorite class in elementary school? _________________________________________________________

2. Who was your best friend in high school? _________________________________________________________

3. Was English your favorite class last semester? _________________________________________________________


CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN CONTENIDOS Del 8.1 al 9.4 - Los relacionados a los aprendizajes esperados Nº 8 y 9

Review: Past Tense


I. Choose the correct past tense form.

1. Margaret _____________________ (go – went – were) to the supermarket this morning.

2. Chris and Dennis ____________________ (was – were – go) at work yesterday morning.

3. Carlos _____________________ (were – buy – bought) a new TV last week.

4. I _____________________ (listen – listened – were) to music this morning.

5. My parents _____________________ (wasn’t – don’t stay – weren’t) in Santiago last weekened.

6. My brother and his wife _____________________ (visited – visit – was) me last Sunday.

7. You ________________________ (didn’t study – don’t study – wasn’t) English last night.

8. My family and I _______________________ (see – saw – was) a great movie last Saturday.

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II. Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B.


1. When were you born? 2. Where were you born? 3. Where did you go to school? 4. When did you finish school? 5. How old were you then? 6. Where did your parents grow up? 7. Who was your best friend when you were a child? 8. What was he/she like? 9. Why did you come to this city?

______ I was eighteen years old. ______ She was pretty and very funny. ______ I was born in 1985. ______ Her name was Melissa. ______ I was born in Antofagasta. ______ I wanted to study programming here. ______ I studied at Colegio Santa María. ______ I graduated in 2002. ______ They grew up in Tocopilla.

III. Write appropriate questions to these answers. Then, practice with a partner. 1. A: ____________________________________________________________?

B: She was born in 1986.

2. A: ____________________________________________________________?

B: I went to the beach with my parents.

3. A: ____________________________________________________________?

B: He grew up in a small town by the sea.

4. A: ____________________________________________________________?

B: I was at home with my family.

5. A: ____________________________________________________________?

B: No, I didn’t cook. I had lunch at a restaurant.

6. A: ____________________________________________________________?

B: Yes, I was. I was born in Toronto, Canada.

7. A: ____________________________________________________________?

B: No, it wasn’t. My favorite subject was Computer Science.

8. A: ____________________________________________________________?

B: Yes, we did. My parents and I stayed home and watched TV.

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IV. Answer these questions. Then take turns asking and answering to a partner. 1. Did you stay home last weekend?


2. Who was with you?


3. What did you do on Sunday morning?


4. What did you have for lunch?


5. Was it good?


6. What did you do in the afternoon?


7. Were you alone?


8. What time did you go to bed?



CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN CONTENIDOS Del 1.1 al 9.4 - Texto de lectura (que variará de acuerdo a la Escuela a la que

pertenece la carrera) (Repaso para la Tercera ENAT)


CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN CONTENIDOS Del 1.1 al 9.4 - Texto de lectura (que variará de acuerdo a la Escuela a la que


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APRENDIZAJE ESPERADO 10. Utilizan diversas expresiones para dejar y tomar mensajes telefónicos en un contexto dialógico, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple.

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN CONTENIDOS 10.1. Identifica y nombra Subject & Object pronouns,

reconociendo la diferencia entre ellos. 10.2. Informa donde se encuentran en el momento diferentes

personas, utilizando las frases preposicionales adecuadas al contexto comunicativo, aplicando el tiempo verbal presente simple.

10.3. Realiza llamadas telefónicas, utilizando las expresiones apropiadas, dejando mensajes en caso que corresponda, aplicando el tiempo verbal apropiado.

10.4. Responde llamadas telefónicas, registrando mensajes para terceros en caso que corresponda, aplicando el tiempo verbal apropiado.

- Frases preposicionales para indicar donde se encuentra una persona en el momento: at home / in the shower / at the library / on a trip / in bed, entre otras.

- Uso de Subject & Object pronouns - Expresiones frecuentes en una conversación telefónica: Can I

speak with…? / Do you want to leave a message? / He can’t come to the phone, entre otras.

TELEPHONE CONVERSATIONS Answering machine: Hi. This is the Lewis family. We are not at home right now. Please leave us a message and… Mr. Lewis: Hello? Christopher: Hi, Mr. Lewis? It’s Chris…Uh…Is Sharon there? Mr. Lewis: Oh, hi, Chris. She’s not here – she’s at school. Can she call

you later? Chris: Yes, thanks. Please tell her to call me at my parents’ house. Mr. Lewis: Sure. Just give me the number. Chris: It’s 289-8763. Mr. Lewis: 289-8763. Ok. Chris: Thanks a lot, Mr. Lewis.

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IN AT ON * She’s in the shower. She’s in the kitchen. She’s in bed. She’s in Spain. She’s in Madrid. She’s in the hospital*

She’s at the beach. She’s at her parents’ house. She’s at school. She’s at work. She’s at the bank. She’s at the hospital*

She’s on vacation. She’s on a trip. She’s on her break.

She’s in the hospital (she is hospitalized) She’s at the hospital. (she works there or is visiting someone)



Subject pronouns Object pronouns Can you call me in twenty minutes? Can I call you later? Give him a call tomorrow. Ask her to call me tonight Give me the number, please. I don’t have it Leave us a message, please. Please call them at home.









Subject pronouns execute actions, so they always go before verbs. Example: I call my son every day. Object pronouns receive actions, so they always go after verbs. Example: I call him every day.


I. Complete these telephone conversations. 1. A: Can I talk to Richard, please? B: I’m sorry. He’s not here right now. Can I give ____________ a message? A: Yes, this is Amanda Wilson. Please ask ____________ to call ____________ at my office. B: No problem. Does he have your phone number? A: Yes, he has ____________.

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2. A: Good morning. This is John. Is Carol there, please? B: She’s here, but she is in bed – she’s sleeping. Do you want to leave ____________ a message? A: Yes, can you tell ____________ to call me at home? B: Sure. Just give ____________ your phone number. 3. A: Hi, Suzie. This is your uncle Charles. Are your parents at home? B: I’m sorry. They are at the supermarket. Can you call ____________ in one hour? A: No, I can’t. My family and I are leaving for the airport right now. We are traveling to Mexico and we want to say good-bye. Please tell ____________ to call ____________ at my cell phone. B: Sure, give ____________ your number. A: It’s 7899-4578. B: Ok, have a nice trip. CLASE 27

APRENDIZAJE ESPERADO 11. Planifican actividades con otras personas, generando diálogos para invitar y aceptar o rechazar una invitación, aplicando el tiempo verbal correspondiente.

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN CONTENIDOS 11.1. Identifica y nombra diferentes actividades que se realizan

en el tiempo libre. 11.2. Formula invitaciones a diferentes actividades utilizando

con propiedad las estructuras Do you want to…? / Would you like to…?

11.3. Acepta y/o rechaza invitaciones, utilizando correctamente: la estructura would+verb; la conjunción but; las estructuras have to / need to / want to + verb y los ítemes léxicos adecuados al contexto dialógico.

- Actividades que se realizan en el tiempo libre: go to the movies / go to a concert / see a sports event, entre otras.

- Uso de estructuras para realizar invitaciones: Do you want to…? / Would you like to…?

- Uso de estructuras para aceptar y rechazar invitaciones: I’d love to / I’d like to / I want to / I have to / I need to.


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MAKING AND ACCEPTING AN INVITATION REFUSING AN INVITATION AND MAKING AND EXCUSE A: Do you want to see a movie with me tonight? B: Yes, I’d love to (see a movie with you) A: Would you like to go dancing with me? B: Yes, I’d love to go.

I’d = I would

A: Do you want to go to a concert with me tomorrow? B: I’m sorry, but I can’t. I have to work. I’d like to, but I need to study. Sorry, I want to go to bed early.


I. Complete these conversations with would, want to, have to, or need to. More than one answer is sometimes possible.

1. A: Do you ________________ have dinner with me tonight? B: I’d like to go, but I ________________ stay with my baby sister. 2. A: ________________ you like to go running on Saturday morning? B: I’m sorry, but I ________________ sleep late on Saturday. 3. A: Do you ________________ play poker with some friends on Friday evening? B: I’d really like to, but I ________________ go to bed early. 4. A: ________________ you like to come to a barbecue at my house this Sunday evening? B: I love barbecues, but I can’t. I ________________ go to my brother’s birthday party.

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II. Read the following invitations and give a response according to the instructions in parenthesis. 1. Do you want to go to an Italian restaurant this Saturday night? _______________________________________________________________________ (accept) 2. Would you like to see a classical movie tonight? _______________________________________________________________________ (refuse and make an excuse) 3. Would you like to visit an amusement park this Sunday? _______________________________________________________________________ (refuse and make an excuse) 4. Do you want to play chess with me after classes? ________________________________________________________________________ (accept)

III. Group work. Create unusual excuses for these invitations. Remember to use have to, need to or want to. Here you have some examples.

“Do you want to go hiking on Saturday morning?” I’d like to, but I have to go to my cooking class. I’m so sorry, but I have to wash my dog this weekend.

1. There is a Fashion Show at the park this afternoon. Do you want to go with me? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Would you like to play soccer this afternoon? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. I have tickets to the opera this Friday evening. Do you want to go with me? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. My friends and I are going camping this weekend. Do you want to come with us? _____________________________________________________________________________________________

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CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN CONTENIDOS Del 1.1 al 11.3 - Todos los contenidos en el programa de módulo

(FINAL ACTIVITY: Presentación del profesor. Preparación de las parejas)


CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN CONTENIDOS Del 1.1 al 11.3 - Todos los contenidos en el programa de módulo



CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN CONTENIDOS Del 1.1 al 11.3 - Todos los contenidos en el programa de módulo

Grammar Review → A modo de preparación para los exámenes finales y de repaso general, el profesor realiza un repaso general sobre los aspectos gramaticales más importantes del módulo, para lo cual se utilizan libros de la bibliografía complementaria (Essential Grammar in Use).


CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN CONTENIDOS Del 1.1 al 11.3 - Todos los contenidos en el programa de módulo

(Revisión general del cuaderno de apuntes y repaso para el examen final del módulo.)


CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN CONTENIDOS Del 1.1 al 11.3 - Todos los contenidos en el programa de módulo

Examen final, parte oral (40% de la nota de examen)

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CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN CONTENIDOS Del 1.1 al 11.3 - Todos los contenidos en el programa de módulo

Examen final, parte escrita (60% de la nota de examen)


CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN CONTENIDOS Del 1.1 al 11.3 - Todos los contenidos en el programa de módulo

Examen de Recalificación (Interrogación oral)


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