CS101 Computer Software. Software Software is... Two main types of software are…

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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Computer Software


• Software is ...

• Two main types of software are…


• Applications (also called Programs) = Instructions for the computer on how to do certain functions under the control of the __________ __________

• Examples Of Applications:

Operating System

• Set of instructions that controls _________


Who cares who runs your device?

Everyone else has to go through them to get to ___.

What does that mean?The tale of _________

How do they make their money?

• Microsoft– Sell _______

• Apple– Sell ________

• Google– Sell _____

Four most popular current desktop operating systems

• 1 Windows– Controls an ____ system

• 2 Macintosh OS X– Controls a ____ system

• 3 Linux– Is an ____ and ____ ___ operating system

Open source = Anyone can have source code– Example is the Ubuntu operating system we will be using in lab

________ OS (Google) is built using Linux

What explains the Mac and Windows Stereotypes?

Is it an ____ or ______ System?

What is an open or closed system?

• _____ = No one owns the rights to making a computer with that operating system installed on the computer.

• ______ = Someone dose own the rights to making a computer with that operating system on the computer.

Windows runs an open system

• Open System =

• Good

• Bad

Macintosh OSX runs a closed system

• Closed system

• Good

• Bad

Why is Chrome OS starting to catch on?

• Open system:– ______– Google make money on your ____

Evolution of the operating system interface

New User Interfaces?

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