CRM 101: Session 7: Best Practices for Your CRM Implementation

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Best Practices for your CRM Implementation

CRM 101

Kathrin Kohlhäufl, PMP Senior Business Analyst, SugarCRM

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How to set up a successful CRM Project Project Plan Components of a (CRM) Software Implementation

Critical Success Factors

SugarCRM specific Best Practices Q & A

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How to set up a successful CRM Project

“Show  me  how  your  project  starts… …and  I  show  you  how  it  will  end”

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Project  Plan  “CRM  Project”


- workshop(s)

- feasibility study / cost estimate

- general plan

- detail plans per milestone / subproject

- review former milestones

- kickoff meeting

- implementation / change requests

- trainings / test

- going live and approval of milestone

- ongoing: Risk Management, Project Controlling, Project Reporting, Quality Management

- project approval

- project post calculation

- archive project data

- continuous improvement process (CIP)

- project closure meeting

- develop CRM strategy

- define project scope

- create project management plan

- select CRM system / service provider

Initiating Planning (Iteration per Milestone / Subproject)

Execution (Iteration per Milestone / Subproject)

Closing (Iteration per

Milestone / Subproject)

Monitoring and Controlling

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Components of a (CRM) Software Implementation

Technical Decisions Strategic Decisions Project Team (internal and external resources) Configurations Programming Reporting / Automatism Data Migration Integrations Tests Trainings Ongoing Enhancements

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Critical Success Factors

CRM Vision / Strategy

Top management support

Company wide usage

Complete implementation of important processes

Implementation in milestones

Involve (key-)users

Train Your Team

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SugarCRM specific Best Practices

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SugarCRM specific Best Practices

Configuration Disable auto-generated password feature during your initial configuration Avoid too many Administrators Define your own standard for naming fields / dropdowns Document the configurations you made Less is more: remove not needed modules / fields / dropdown values Use SugarLogic Use Help Texts Define Teams and Roles Use PlugIns

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SugarCRM specific Best Practices

Workflows Provide all needed information in internal Email Notifications Avoid too many Emails use reports/dashlets instead


Use Pre-fixes Define Role

Data Quality Tracker Reports Required Fields Audit

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Optimize Home Tab

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360 degree view of your customer

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Optimize Layouts / Searches

Advanced Search

List Views


Pop ups

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Web – to – Lead Form

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SugarCRM specific Best Practices

Define how and where to save information (notes, meetings, etc.)

Keep historical data: re-assign open records

Use SugarCRM Knowledge Base:

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Plan and live your CRM

Involve your team

Configure the system to your specific needs

Train Your Team

Review your processes continuously

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*iPad prizes for attendees who submit session feedback using the Mobile App

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