creen, or Illnz I 1 Navylib- · 3. Cincerto in D Major, Paganini -Persinger. 4. Nocturne in D Flat Major. Chopin- Hungarian Rhapsody No. 11, Liszt- Sonata in B Flat Minor, Chopin-

Post on 03-Oct-2020






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Arts Group

Presents Concert-

A n d Reception . , Mrsnt:ay ~ ~ i g h t , J'anumy 18, the r I

Paint SlirrillgS We have been Freshman Arts grcup presented

hearing si:lce school str:rted Corpclral Arthur Daraclr, pianist, blXst into 18fc the other Iligllt a t and Privatc Rolf Pereinger, violin- the ~ l ~ : ~ ~ ~ ! ~ - cslhOun basketball ist. in a joint concert at Bibb

gamc. Thcy rcmind y ~ u of flowcrs. we say what kind, that arc Rulh of thcse brilliant musicians jllsl no\v prnnl is ing to spring are staliuned a t ' Fort McClellan.

from ground. "winter" of 1 and "nce bcing there, have pre-

the rivals' sririt has been uncillly , sented a number c'f conccrts in the prolonged, and we hope that they surroundii~g communities. make up f ~ r their slowness in ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ) ~ ~ ~ l ~~~~~k was graduated

,arising with a rapid growth nnw. 1 Iriim the Cincinnati Con:ervatory

B~~ though the spirit of the 1 r ~ i Llusic and has been playing

two societies may eventually r u n conci~rt piano for a number of both high and r ide . there will b e V ~ ; I ~ S .

none of the spirited egg battles in Private Pcrsinger was grrrduatcd which students arouse the whole from Colunibla University and tool< tolr7n this pear. That is, unless eggs have a sudden and decided gx,~(iuatc stildy at the JuilIard

in price.

So~neonc crics "Hc;ld It!". a light flashes, and sccncs of .ISTC and her studcnts :!re recorder1 on film. From that film thusc imr~rcssions wilI be transfrrrcj to their places in the ncw picture bulletin vf our school. At last wr r>l rcccnt vi11t:igr will be ublc t u sce vurs~lves at work and :it play, nut only as others sce u;, but :ilso as Ihe cain-

. era spcs 11s. Rrrnembcr-the c;lmcra doesr>'t lie.

Talent lrcrc is not lacking, a s the recent student talent assembly pro- gram proved. We'd like more as- semhlim like that one. They give ug s chance to learn what the other fellow -n do.

.4 mania has ~ t r u c b evc3ry student who frequents the l e The malady is caused by a brig, the "bridge-bug" to br cxact, rind the bitcs have certainly t;=ken. At any ho1.r of the day (with the exccp- t io :~ of lunch ~ I ~ I I I , I passers-by t v i l l sec absorbed f;ic.;s leaning close 111-

gelhcr over a bridge table. Whether

Scho~il of RIusic, Kew Ycrk. He is the son of 1,ciuis Persinger, teacher of the frtmous Yeliudi R'Ienuhin. and has been playing cor~ccrt vio- lin sincc hc was twelve years old.

I-Ie also plays a clarinet for the I. R. T. C. Band.

I The program by these two splcn- d i d musicians was as follows:

1. Chaconne, by Tommaso Vitali -Pcrsingcr.

' 2. Polichinelle, P r e 1 u d c in C Sharp Minor. Rachmaninoff-Dar- ;ick.

3. Cincerto in D Major, Paganini -Persinger.

4. Nocturne in D Flat Major. Chopin-

Hungarian Rhapsody No. 11, Liszt-

Sonata in B Flat Minor, Chopin-


.5. Sonata in D Minor, Ysaye- Persinger (unaccompanied).

Nigi~n. Bloch- Capr~cc Banclue, Sarasate-


thc players lea11 loward the center 2\11 accrsmpanrments were played of thc table because of interest in by Corporal Darack. . . . . . . .



I Wins Commission

Navy College Plan A n d 'Wings' For Reservists Given


JACKSONVILLE, FLA. -After al- I most e year of aviation instruction

Rev. Charles Bell V-1 A n d V-7 i involving grcund school and flight

Guest Speaker Classes TO Be training Kelt Lamar Thomas. of Hazel Green, Alabema, ccrnplctcd the final stages of flight study and The Wesley Foundation began a

i !

has been commissioned an Ensign ~ e r i e s of programs dealing with the in thc Naval Reserve, it was an-

Called Soon I part thc church wiil play in the nounccd here today.

The 22 year old flier was pre- pc!ace after the war last Wedna- To Continue

sented his Navy "wings" and com- day, January 20. The guest speaker Study At Colleges AS

m~ssion by Captain J . D. Price, who opened the series was the Apprentice Seamen commandant of the Jacksonville Rev. Charles Bell of Anniston. Xaval Air Station. at brief gradua-

Mr. Bell was a delegate to the Clarification of the status of

I t,ion cercmonies. Delaware Conference which was students in the Navy's sponsored by the Fedcral Council

Thomas completed eliminations 3iiss Lucille Hranscomb flight training at the Naval Air President Houston Cole

ed on the political panel of the statement from the Secretary of the of Churches. While there, he serv- was effected by a

S t ~ t i o n , Atlanta. Georgia. in June and was sent k, Jacksonville

Prcsidcnt Colc will make the assembly, and it was on this phase Navy. Frank Knox, co~cern ing the baccal:~urer~te address at Snead' of the peacc that his message utilization of college facilities for

for advanced flight instruction. M i S S Branscomb srnce Navy piicjts fly over un-

Junior College on Friday morning, centered. specialized training. This plan calls

charLe3 w;iterways. Thomas, Jack- J a n u x y 29th. thc occasi~ln being "There are three points upon Ihe training of reservists the gr~duat:on exercises. . which the peace after this war in ~ar t ' f~ l l ly selected technical

sonvillc studies in celestial navi- Now Head Of g:itii;n ;,nd ccrnmunic;itions were Hc is ir! grczt denland as a must be based if the peace is to CGUrS"s at colleges and universities

ex~ct ing. Combat flying demands Spe"'rer and makes appearances be a just and durable one," said yet to be chosen.

Ijrofessional skill in all branches several tjnlcs each week in all scc- sir. The Bell. first point was concerned placed Members on active of V-1 duty, and V-7 as appren- will be

Ihe clnssr-ooms, at thc gunncry pol ie at the En. ley Merchants' with thc fact that ?he white people t'cc seamen with full pay, sub-

Joining t l ~ c cr.Ilcgc faculty as rallgc. ;~nd i n a r t~ la l of the wcrld must give up the idea s i s tenc~ and uniforms. V-5 resew-

~ s s c c i a l i i n , l o the L i F ~ y c l t c Rot- that they are thC ists who w e college students and head i>F the Co!nnicrcial Depart- necessary to give hi= a thorough _ dry Club on Ladies Night, in Pick- He called to mind the millions of "1'0 so requested a t the time of

:lie ~ ~ ~ , l i ~ ~ ~ ~ was ~i~~ backgr~und in ;!eronautics. The ycullg is the son of ens County, a~:d ; ~ t [he Calh~lun people in Asia, Africa, South Am- in or transfer to Class

LucilIc Br:-nscon~b. L C Mo~ltgurn- Mr. ?rid Mrs. Wiuie Thomas, of C0~1lty F;i~*mrr's Mobilizatlc~n Day. eric"' a'1d lhe Islands who V-5, may be deferred for assignment

cry, former :ecret:iry to President ~~~~l creen, ~ l ~ : b ~ ~ ~ , H~ is a coliircd. If we don't recomize the t"ylecific aviation cadet training

Crllc, \~:hctt he w:is tlircctor of the graduate of Hazt:l Green High ville State Tc::chc-rs Cillege bciore important part of the colored pea- 1 until lhc end of the current col-

office o r pl.ict: ~ ~ ~ l l l i l l i s t r a t i c n of School and had attended Jackson- enlistif-.g in the Naval Reservc. ple of the wcrld play, there will lege Year.

-- - some d r y be the greatest war Students in V-l and Y-7 will be

Alabama. She rcsignci her position all time--the war between the ["uowed t o ccmple?~ aU, or at !cast under 111s successur, Dr. A. H. Col- races of the world. a major port ion of their college I l l n z .cctpt a. O,C, ,O Jacksonville Graduate Awarded I made clear the fact that all na- 1 ~ 1 1 1 be allowed to indicate their

In his second polnt the speakrr work under Navy supervision. They

q . . nt're. 1 tioils must give up imperialism. preference as to the college or uni- 1 Miss Bw:lsconlb is a.1 llonor 1 Navy s Distinguished Flying Cross England. whose prime misister has ~ ~ e r s i t ~ to which they wish to be grad~late o f Hr~ntingdon College d c f ~ n i t c l ~ announced ihat England assigned, md these preferences 1 where she iv;s a member of thc Pilot Lt. Lowell Davis, a foimcr ever to thc bottom, the story of will not give u p her colonial pas- will be r ~ ~ p e c k d as far as pos-

~,.i sigrnC3 ~ ~ ~ i ~ r ~ , an orgr,llization 'tudent at the college, was the sub- how long training and longcr pa- sessions. must relinquish her hold siblea

in >vhich is on ject for an interesting Associated trols ?aid f ~ l l l dividends. upon her colonies. "I've seen im- Must Continue Study Prcss stcry recently which will be Thcy arc ycrlng nlcn such a s we perialkm in India, and it'^ hell. Upon being placed on active duty

schcl:ir.~hip. l(7;ldcl.shi?, and per- interest to the alumni who 811 knotvs, ones who jcil1ed the That's the only word that will de- a t a later date to be announced, vice. She scrveci twv yt:lr: as edi- kneiv him. Navy before Per.r.1 Harbor alld got scribe it." But the need to give resertqi?ts 7.vill be required to spend tor i f thr cnllrge news!,:per and The story is as follows: in a front seat for these days when UP imperial possessions was not full time in pul.suii of their aca-

\I,ap i3c : ive i n t i lc r,nci iither estrnc~irr ic~i la~. gr* L I ~ S .

After tcachirlg Frillch a:ld E ~ R - ,;..I. ..-.. ̂...1 .. . ... :^ I.: -3. --t. . 1

LONDON - Out where the U- boats are swarming like "schools c ~ f porpoise" in Germany's i!?tensi- fied drive against Allied ships and . ... - .- .... .

London and tvashington, as never before, were realizing j u s t how ierious, how d(,speratply serious, the U-boat menace has lpccmc, A

- . " .. . . .

coniincd to other countries. The United States must also set hers free. "Imperialism has three great faults," Mr. Bell mid. "It's un- -1 ------- *:- *-- :. L * ~ - .

demic work. 'Their courses of study "ill be given throughout the cal- Cndar Year.

At a date to be announced short- 1-. C+,,A,,.>+" .. - . 7 . 7 : . . -

. . - >dk.rhsala m *I& ev*m m&-t

whb.i&qu~@ tBe Icmnge. The rndndy h. alli3ed M a b ~ , b e *tqit&e-P&p t o be, exact, wad @a bites *- '- ham & the day twitb the w p - C ~ Q - O ~ . 1Wch h W a ae . & r ~ gakher wer a Wdga table. Whether the pLa$as lean tmmfbl the center af ,fths because of Werest nn mt & 'm or 'to g e e tEre && phmrd hanb h s n d been a&mitfx$. .

TLLe.-m&er the & pur-

Lisa& B . Wnos,

C-b- D&mh -

6, b 71 MWb y$afG Peaaingw ( w D ~ ~ I P B ~ ~ & > .

N W , . ~ningE~wc)afi'~e's~uesnri~ts

Per%itl$er ~~~~~~~ m p e Pla'ed

-- -- where B e war a m&er Pilot LL I,mwell Davis. 4 Dxmm ~d $-a EecCeEy, 8tuUmt at &e couew, was fh stlb-

which raembe,P fm m t n w * M i a mess story mn;Uy lwhish wil l be

-1-1 a $a*r& &e d-1 WW

af w we&?- and me sbv . . - -- ww eliw in dee h b and LONDON. - ~whqre the U- other fwbmcurr~cular. gmups. baab are d g Uxa "dais

of m p f W fn Germy"s iWW-

~f a repre~nafirn that we P1pwwm in * Jamm the me ap- m d - k t u w no had a a ~ t ocf gun- at the W W naw - e c m t ~ . Mod mcnts elisbd. \

tim Th a n w a m ~ p b t e d c&n%&x th w&ey w. wing s traw in far h m &ffk'dtb of mdinig XWer'r will be shwn en the ba$b .or tireg was 8 review w? tb I ~ P Q ~ po.,,btion, ad Fap~db mmg is the s t q of &. c- a misud reg& for pmious see- ev~r-imr~wsim V-hnt p v r d w ec@-We qWifim%ns in-

n r - I mere man be a ''C&Bw"-'8 r 1 ism en 4 a s y &ieids w n g the &u&&q md mmbem tald b --the story m&s that c a U o l p m a &an a and * om.ting 0s a cIuai= appe*-=. p-al ftt- n m - e a ta the f& mwdng We*' b' Irme md winthrw h d y . of mwkbr camwin sub iw- &it af bold d&fi&nee. O m unit ma. Lt. Davis gasZ hls and hi$k moo1 $chqbn&ip prog- wt bepa pn bur -pw P A W . of H~fit~omew, C ~ W ~ t & Bad f a r suwtmrfrle rmr&, F,~lth~& £ 0 ~ fhe m1e~tioa

si&b that seme day' baiore their d students ape b* prepaM by ARRIVES TO BOOST SCHOOLS AT WAR PRUGRAM IN ALABmA '.- &at ty-t th&n the th. B W ~ U d N- P ~ f o ~ e ~ ~ !4hty aouldn't get there in &me 61rall"Be made awdable in the fu- with the o 2 b ~ dghta. tame.

"On our fifth &$it we were Stnaenente N e d csuisiagat%208 feet, $em&hgfor w i d profiSionrshave heem wtbs we bad lo&" relateel Lk masle for ahdscnQ who hgvar cmm- Davis. '?VIy ca-piht (Ens- Emle fld sufficient work itt bath. Barnes -am$, gf Clint% GWnJ N~sfa $gd &en&try, ma k 1 s $ s iated a U-boat stx railp$ away. elkible for training h #e

&< *e d ~ ~ ' t r - h C&iW~rnk, The ~eSUlt hi B tort- She w a ria= her vents and *- spBCiallsta dittkioa \

as *k am a-I c i a wd-wri#en valwns cn a sub- ing spray Q V ~ her haw wih a The cantmta witb ahe

llp~t,, 6$- m, Mm *a. .3wt W hdds W ifiterest d . w* h M u d h e . edtucational ilrstitxrtTb& will p r o w

ww GNh N*' $irk. xeu -cduoahd m e a of taday, acorn* 'VG twk to elbud far c u m fbS Er&Wg, houSfDel feeding and cmlt & & lat o0 eaa~e ttw wfihibg iw-30 * ~~~- and turned iar a &am rr#prcwab. mdical wrtdw. The cwz&ul~ ta fm a*,=*r) sad w e H P ~ " tao. Mts. Muma will bs aieaegrn* re- T ~ Q &rut a w we stacW to fire Brr talten will be pr#xxW by the

membered here . at ha. She b q m to r e BUP N~w. The m o m t .of tern19 devoted hnd mm9 nf you are skill m mrmmk W e in lsw wm to Ulfs W6rk wfll not exceed m e

the 6- ms -X Eo &@We a@ watw wtil c1- hen L made %$ss houm peT week duriw the - whether you will be a Morgata or a sharp m a to run wtra -a* t-0 mne4eza

. Bau the b c k rou Variety Show - liar irdm tmw to stwn- Our depth kc?Chsketball mer md W charge tnttnt UitD the warn dnly fhw other m n tkipewn out winriB stf the pep ~ t u a ~ b are ew- Thursday Night three or four feet a tbe stw- a! the ~ l z I ~ u l d them p a k6 have it you Bcn't c h ~ e b m d side ot her forwara deck, It flmacl~iag amrat, but tbw adn't

+:@e wins? Arod how can you - eaulde't have bean better. bat long. The water mbtinued ~ k i r pgt ia gss prop- both so- On Tbmsdap e v d n g , Xanuw - - 'Than there was an -@10sicm bailing for a lung Urn&'' awes win k ghring? Surel~ JW SB, mbb Gm*ett EE$tl MU M The a h v a weti@s wwg~e Wen & Phillips High moo1 in Btrmhgham Iarst w&k ~ h m the jwt 8 f t the e d $ tm8r ~ n d the Lt. Duyls and hk men eve WOW WE& map you want to be and shake Qn ifsl "(Vi&-qr BF&' wm ' p r ~ & d schml &ud&s &&ma. b&k is shorn jn U-boat wkd out ai 'the weterr" fiat this sub ww one of the 515'- a man- of by n w ! We% 1(Be 0 fiuadatfoa the most mgdM- w e at right. It was taken from the "Lib& Bell" Tow& in Oonstitutian in Phila- Ly;k;"L'2 za;byz ~ ~ W ~ ~ ~ Z ~ e & telt YQU in no rmcertain tern OW of a11 ma@%al w m m c e s , d wbq ' elm us d&&b the bt- the mast mslodiaus of all music a d

ebhia which h $horn in the hackground. At the dedicatioh ~ r m o n h were the men

8 normal do01 for the N v v , slclded, iratslrivr, tkiw path .$or wWah mar

ter @tip, but tkio i s mmosed tb% crazim. i+&-&Uttfn% c w m - who we' in charge of the War l3@ a?d stamp c-i n of the Schools at War Program ., , _* bFcnn

wg lest doan a dsrm or - *ta t,g be apmjudieed mlumm .ad iiaq. lhis ~ q i e b WOW is being in AIaba~a. They =': t8p row* left to "ght: Ray lementa7 -irk adbirli'tratar ~p M a lw* dl pa 300 a 400 points far m b b . a a r r ~ of m iein't you m 3 b @ wiw &poplsurea ~ ~ q ~ t b all and af the Alabama War avinga Staff; B. 3. Baker vicc-@resident of the shwl gldmid~tra- yards with w-aae U-mats So much mmwver-

me&ea rmp d*&i~n 1. win be eat on = wfi ban & wg sf Alabama; L F b HQ~& of the Cmtis pohligbing kmpn~; htb row : p r e d d c k 1, it. ~scm a atrue kiud able tb;n k g m mm~bes, car- - U.-uSC "'. .,"... .."- - - --------- --- -- ---- --,.- --- &d- XI, L=ITG.\\ w a k - ~ t i s f r c c ~ ~ % ~ g ~ - - t S i ! y - u & -Iu@p?r cd & h k % ~ ~ B ~ ~ Y x i = m '~n- nmw - - -- . .- ---", -- - --.. -- ---- ---u-y - -------- tell y ~ u in no mWertain tern O W of an ma@cal p ~ * ~ ~ e s , debhi& w&,h h shorn in the background, At the dedication ~ r m o n i a we* the men a@, who, like Lt. Davb, kf% out @Om Beto* b~8ted in the wkiEh'elm us d&&b the bet- the most melodiaus of all music and ter Wtip, but tbis i s mmosed & craziest. W - ~ $ U t t l n g catar - who are-in charge of the War l3Bond a?d stamp campaign of the Sokools at War Program ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 ~ z ~ ~ ~ i z";'::'vz t,g q m unpmjudked miufiin a d iiong. lbis Y q i e b Wow is being kl Alabama. They top row* left to right: Ray ssracirk ad'miaigtratar

11p a lwge oil p b h 30O a 400 polnh for assembb. Thi$ CW of m cebtt Wp you m3ke th wise qonsorett. by Dqugetb Hall and of the Alabama War Savings Staff; B. 3. Baker, vice-president of the shwl admid~tra- yards wide with wl.eelrage U-mats, so much maneuver- awMa meaer de&ian win be nut on by a awn born & b , ! ~ 0f Alabama; L. Fb HQl& Gf thf? Cutis PuhGehing h m ~ n ~ ; row : Frederick in it. Escape floats QI some kind able *an large wfnna~beq car-

w l ~ ob fiat, make it low the U. S. m p f ~ m ~ o r t m- Areher, ~saciate aidministr&or af WW Savings in charge of 8dmols at War program; b- ++i trp. meg 1 paw at ~e one p o~ the we &y iim far your &e because €!leilan, i d a h The a b i d m n is Dr. E. B. Norbq state $upwintendent Of education, and H. G, p s i d e n t of the least twa mm W n g on wreck- collning tover. %!he mb,,kiUea by ~ D U ' ~ F R misstng all 'the fun ,being only 10 eenb for all students and Alabma Education A . . . Amciaticm. - - - - - - - . At - - righ$,-@.:,.H~Lt~i? ~h?m- obngr*tult%tmriq @. Norton age. .. what Lt. - - Davis - oalls Le "best darn

motat factury. ibmm~r w a ~ a ~m ~1311cbbr i~ Wowdo.

The pilot, Lt (jd ZWL~ ~ w i % of Vim, AhWix, is &as&, of

T ~ W , a @~rl~u r e w ~ fa^. & their --as. ol patrpl aam

keep all ths naafam of the world h line. IXw f+a the short 1-h of

W. heU was una& to con- C~U* thi? W d poSnt of U s inter-

- ---,a

' e ~ e r to #e bmtbgm, stmy r. Ihc qp %a e~1gnEal &i-

hainin% and l o a m ga- muat renquih her b ~ d kob gad fu13 M a d s . ' upnn her WaUes. "Tve seen im-

TJWy are 3 r a u mea such as we hi India, & iVs ' W aU % who j a m only word at w$ii NBogr before Pa&rL Barbar a& g& But the need to $Iv~ ~n a fnoa~ @jar L- @ys; mans was noit

b3r DPm*. hachin3 Ftmch and h g - &rive ,4tgilrdd ~ ~ g a s p s a & enrope, mo pwas seve%al y a p s in fifi chool,ed lives, "%ha h t t h n mew

a time. fe ' a t -&F W& sbe haad me U-

-'# *e: &mu ww ta Wn-WrW cmPmE- and hms been mc*ued quite enthud-

L q o n and w ~ ~ , as n k m &!f0her were real$- just how s@&M% how dW)&f&& eriaua, th8 U-b& mega# has mm~. A couple af &em wrw haw been

-era i f harEn4t nora~al &m1 fop the Hawy; an- @- wgo B M p $&@axan; anather w& a byrlmaker in gn, airplane

o m v'W* ge;tiS& W h n we wsmk- eB -€he ''I- Hater" the +ed a m& c M , but ns - .- &g de'T* - ,&',La

~ s f i n ~ d tn vthm c o t l ~ i t ~ h me mikd S h b s LQrkst: dm Bet k m &~.e. ' ' Im~~~Marrn h g ~ t b $paat fault%" Mr. Bell said. "It% wl- -D'E~Q f ~ r it Mtuas orre mt people wder W k l . , It's un- Chrldb. And it's whtdgent"

'lihe tbh? poht &It Wi th the Itad a warld &~vernment tp

in ahdr Vnited Stgtw &vy* put dwn j d - cdepth c h a w Jon#- ua &@ ttowbr

a mu mb.

gbai;ta mniws g-bmy N~ s were m. Thb b a m- pmatively new ay-hozly '%mitten

g - a y by cfi*. -ddmgr fenowin% ~ mn- t161Sal d v clf witktrw wgn dgktjng rn aim

sqbn&ripc b&m, a e y &Me% ce* a 2ewptiBn M ?@Id in hOrtOt wiwh *Ie tiawn their 0, I. Havy PBY-5A f2- that he f6 k h p @d t i d y talk.

the Q i s t i n m mmg for %. Beli was na stranger b the

she dm- to tak~ bvgiam ~ a - m, m& -Bhtd azld was Q ~ @ Q Y & in &-&ram, fm

&I6 8itb ldu. But he is mom glms- ~ U%&t he caa mi& &is hitie W k b Boxik B. I., that h p l l y ht had mt only m n an e-y ~h but k h gat one tm.

n e w tb. -a am&, rn ptm bg' the q. 8, pqam in ~mr~os* emmges evsdem mat, ae, U-bmt ~ k s are getting ' w e 59uqer~us md m r e -ing &&@ ~ t . Davis md "~ best dm mewn -0 tht& MQ t$- w w fn om m i g eraow& subs ta rfvd a &d ai po~akes , perhaps as 41.w 4 five w &.

mag s v ~ ~ m &. *&on, Of ~ Q W Q E ~ ~ n-3 Ev-- Q* ehE =&- pa-1 g a ~ that of m#lklq &&#&-&ow a n o w and lsrivab - m a @he wt thh *Lfind be. sea wolf bad bee &mown back

T$B aukmty of t h e sub c ~ e w in P W U ~ ~ a t t a c i - w - 0- Wall& tae repul~r balding oPi their &dive mfll1 t k p W ~ F ~ it hhafrpd it n~'bodp"8 f o ~ all other

-f for 8~ ~Jlege. m r bbe meetiBg w e bm-b WW~B saJt fist: fhsy hpla & &@& mt wws Wt &$Y miW , ,, -ma.* . + " , =, , 'c- M* -, don% )im

swmb. kt+ spi3k.W b IWnY Engineerr Deferred 13CQuW hehe before, end evesy whwrirX@ s.tude~lk who are In *t k carnep tc @@k, he & ~tanrlfng arilI be aUwed a I,@%+ weUmne8 by the 9br~dant borty.

IWian sub -s. Germ- have. no2 - #- to r i sux their U W ~ by AbYhT a diva wi& their

BB YBUr corr;e9pondent ka% sftea sew. Only a sub eaptaSn T a d ~ L Y bald by suc- "Wd evm waste time in @3W m a w ~ e .bra- mvwm over hh ship as S- as powma.

m*py ws PeSi3s:*. IP *= *e- d fha state goVernnWnt tn to the gurfaca. b&&hg oil and

btal d sight auiwaZaat w m k ~ rnat~i&tiort ~s corn-

ErLete Weit *& rei#ardllieas el .the f i ~ ~ ~ af wm?sh ccmpkkd by Jay 1. mis*afs of M* *dents

aot p-d their la biftkday will be accepted in the Pa=t V-1 growanz Ma& LS, 1843, q. ~ollegge dudmh we &@b& for election for * Naw ~ o ~ l c g e R a i m

ekhg line were M r ~ -- "@rL m. P*dti.*=, C ~ m l - aok, priv& %&*, nod rpnw J. ~ m a b . ~ d c i o u r suit p v ~ l h m d b tW& bp

b a ~ ~ . 411 ~s f l d mte fi- ma akd& &w h& you -i%t loge L"'w.

big smmss. We mag w@ll be pfond is anteribg; into tbe spblt af tllg P w IESBd h a hit nat She

task @ace as wrebt'g & W. ~ l c ~ h g , new b k ~ ~ is tke d",upp ta of the bte Mr. ~ L J 8- Bra-omb, of ljnton Eprings. Rsr parents d e n was a ~ a n g girl a ~ d bs madn! ue with br "* Ebrx- J. W- maawl Gm qd with her ~ C p M e r , b $ t e t # r ~ ,

Shw m i a g tO J-viie, a s i r - c a d has a k p ~ ha- s e u @ h& n ~ w ~ w m q a j i M

yaw eellege, - ~ ~ r r a 1. th. silldent. ~lwwn-

me& and tlr~ q I t S = n & - s gut tw BV-l '* pLwM &* benetit wdge on ond day, .nb an Fritfay -dm It ma held it was B

~ Q W & out Wdt aad crew m a - beffi15

Wwi wmt for t h e at- b k B~ s& gim at. m w b n w tow- at I,%BB,YW m.

Tka R a w e n e t u r w the hPsn bU@&r I;ra'CJE & unW W mb bw& to MOW b d l p ~ t a d swt bm, uptfl i t wae &rd d @ PBY i m ~ ~ d over mm fn a q&t circle p-aghing the m b g e w t ~ . ~ b d g mb, ao atre in the n e w wew wheqkmr

Former Teacher Publishes Book



f 7- - - T H E T E A C O L A ,


Publlahed evelry two weeks by the 3tudent Body of the State Teaehem College, Ja~ksonville, Ah- bama.

Entered an afxond-ciw matter Marc$ 30, 1984, at the Post Oftice at Jacksonville, Ma., under the Act of March 3, 1979.

Subscription Rate, 25 cents Per Year

: ~ A F F -:- ...................................................... mtor Blly Qissom

Aasodak Editor ................................ Charlotte M e .............................. Business Managers .Bill -ton,

Allan Humphrey8 Society Editor ....... c .............................. Marion Coffee Sports Editor ............................................ Earl LiodsPY AsJstant Sports Editor ................ James Jones, Jr. Feature Editor .................................... Wgn& Wddk Feature Writers: Baarg Rivers, Sara Nell Stock-

dale, Florence Jenkins. Editaria1 Writem Clay Brittala,. aary Tames

Patton, Charles Johnson. Reporters: Jane Tampkins, Lester Sjms, Dowlhg

Wheeler, Hascall Sharp, Jeffie Pearl LBaders, John Deason. 1 Circulation Manager ................................ Joe Wilaon

Assl-t b Circulatibn Manager .... L o m e Guice ................................................. J w h i n e Bond -


Though i t is news for many freshhen, two great Literary S o c i e t i d a l h o u n and Mor- gans-have p l aya an integral part in the life an the campus a t Jacksonville. These two organizations, dating back to the blaz- ing years of the nineteenth century, were formulated by the late Dr. C. W. Daugette. The accomplishments of CLS and MLS are beyow narration, so great is their scope. They have been a means toward many de- sirable w d s in the past. Enthusiasm among the students, a great deal of fun, trained orators and debaters, students trained in the rudiments of leadership have been among their fruits.

Foremost among the activities of the campus has been the annual debate bqtwezn the CaIhouns and their arch rivals, the Morgans, A trophy is given by the Annis- ton Star to the winners of that contest.

This debate was the primary .purpose of the societies during their beginning back-in the gay nineties, but times Rave changed since then and into their scope has come sporting - inter-society basketball games, touch fooqall, ping pong, and a, b e t of other . things.

Last Wednesday night the age-old rivals engaged in the first bit of competition of the eurrent year-a basketbalI game. This was a significant step because i t meant the revival of a tradition that deserves t o live. The Morgan and Calhoun Literary Socie- ties deserve to live not merely because this existence is a tradition, but because of the many fine things they offer. These things are listed above and need not .be enumerat- ed-again, but to them might be added these three thoughts: Firs&&. Howton Cole, beloved president of JSTC, attributes much of his ability! as w public spealcer to his ---l-- ---- -1 -.---- . AT - - . -...

A LETTER TO THE EDITOR . "Harking ~ack&d"

Editor, The Teacob: In your issue of December 9 you review

the lecture given ett the Forum meeting, November 23, by fohn Temple Graves 11. It reminded me of a lecture I heard dsliver- ed by his distinguished father the fall of 1898. I had graduated fram the Jackson- ville State Teachers College that June* and secured the principalehip of the Sycamore school, Talladega County. The fall of 1898, the people of the city of Talladega put on a Chautauqua. I attended several of the numbers. One was an addres by J o b Tem- ple Graves, then editor of the Atlanta Jour- nal. Even when I was in college I loved pab- lic speaking and attended every one I could. I got to hear William Jannings Bryan in Annisbn twice. It was a treat to hear Graves. I have heard many great speakers, but believe in the flow of worda and elo- quence, h e came second only to Bryan-of all speakers I have ever heard. His subject was "The Twentieth Century Woman.:' I M I one of his expressions: 'With all her faults, we love her sw." Later I quoted that be-

fore a crowd and s guy spoke up and quoted : 'With all her faults we love her still, and the stiller the better."

Another great man I heard at the Tall&- dega Chautauqua was the late Dr. T. De- W i ~ Tahnage, I believe he w~ the most scholarly preacher and lecturer this country has produced. When I was just a child, I joined in with a brother tu subscribe for the Christian Herald, of which Dr. Talmage wai then editor. I take that magazine now, and believe i t is the mostinspiring religious journal I know of. .On the above occasion I heard Dr. Tal-

mage lecture and preach also. In his lecture he told this anacode: "One morning a man got up feeling grouchy. Hie cow got out and started down the road a t a fast pace. Hi* neighbor down at the foot of the hill was chopping wood. The man hollered to his neighbor to head that cow. His neighbor hollered back': "She is already headed." "Turn her then." "The right side is out now." 'Well, speak to her then." "Good morning, Madam Cow," while she shot past him zts if out of a cannon.

W. A. Bynum, Abilene, Texas

Our Boys Write >> Pvt. Clarence S. ChasCain. Co. C, 3rd Ord. Tng. Bn. 0. R. T. C. Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland September 28, 1942

Dear Dr. Calvert : I reafly appreciate the letter of a few

days back, And now we'll dhcuas that informal crack,

In a friendly letter, as you shall 5ee. I t really doem't matter to me;

Gnd I am right, and you are right, And all is right, a s right -can be.

(We will pause slowly now to allow Mr. Gilbert and Mr. Sullivan to each turn in his grave.)

Since last writing ( 1 ) or making a bra- zen try,

I've watched the sun bow many times in a. pale western sky. '

Went to the beach amd got myself a tan, While leisurely resting an the glowing

white sand.

Went to see and hear Jeanette McDanald the other day,

Just sighed and remarked, "I could go for you in a big way."

She was the 'most glamorous creatrire to ever walk,

Cause when I' left speechless, well it's time to g lk. I

Am reading "You Can't Go Home Again," now,

And saying, 'Well I didn't want to anyhow,"

Pvt. James L. Honea 434 W. Ruscomb Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Tuesday

Dear charlotte: WaiC a minute. I wouldn't say that I'm

finishing a t the top of my class. I haven't been outstanding, or anything so spectacu- lar. My ambition hasn't been to try to out- strip everyone else in grades, even though I've done all right. 1 wwld like to see o of the tea cola^.

It's a honey I'm sure. T? It has been pretty cold and snowy:. The*

coldest has been around zero, which fasted several days. Chriatmaa was cold and clear. No White Chri~hnas, the snow was gone.

I sent Connie a picture, such as it was, and rn%y dig up mother or so to accompany this. How about playing the "Evening Star" for

me tonight, huh? I haven't heard i t since I left, I don't think. The last time I h& from Crump he was

in New Orleans, but expecting to k moved any time. I'd Ilk* to see the kid. Maybe when we're both shifted around we'll be near enough to see each other some week- -end.

So help me, when I come back if I have the slightest bit of "double-blank yankee" sticking to my tongue, kick me. I get so tired of the aimmt irritating w ~ y that some 4 *ae .people -talk, and their loudness is disgusting. Some, of course, talk as though they had been influenced by the better qualities of good old Southern speech. I'm #,.A ..- -ALL CIrn2J.-#A - .. , *..

Ye Olde Gossippe -

What would .dl LUTTRELL have tho&ht had she m- rived in kitchen 11 T' a t the Apartment a few minutes -earlier! ... There was a great deal of rejoicing in mom 114 wher LILLIAN arrived. The girls of the Apartment svelcome he1 . . . . ... back Wonder what has happened to LILY'S JOE? JOHN'S eating supper with MATII'IE MAE one Saturday *

night must have been the cause of her happiness . , . Ifr seems that someone should take pity on DOT MEEES and- call her over the telephone sometime. She wanb to get a, call so badly.

MlLDRED LOTT is one of the sweetest girls at t . . . Apariment How many belts does ELINOR have? seems she h q enough to'give m e to every i

, Apartment, yet she is still makiig more EDNA, what happened to yon and LESTE the coacert? Did HOMER .have anything to $ o You should see EDNA FRANCES and DOR they get a letter.

Married life seems to agree with BEATRICE rather we& ... She seems so happy and content DOT MEEK$ saw one-and-only in town one day . . . It's red1 true ELINOR'S STANLEY has proposed to her . . f If M could have her way, wonder how sefious she and would be?

"BAR C." has been dying to get a date days and hasn't gotten one yet. Please h . . . WYNELLE RIDDLE wants to know YcDONOUGH has been all of her life ... E tries t a give her boy friend's picture away, she doesn't want it; then, when someone of with her correspondence, she says she wonder what kind of a girl EDNA reall Lord and pass the ammunition, HACK SHARP got a d&i - with HATTIE O'NEAL . . . What Forney Hall wants & : know is where KI'rTRELL AGEE has been keeping him &elf these moonlit nights. Three gnemes, and the first twm don't count. -I a!?

Seems that BIG BILL HAMILTON has been doing a li t t l i snooping these days too!

DOC GARY seems to be getting in the groove these day& - What about meal time, DOC?

* + During the annual Celtic affair we noticed that MARION - CnffFJGE and her samd were ~ r e s e n t f -..,a -

Believe id or not it's so. AL- HUMPHREYS got a date with "CHUBBY" RIDDLE." Or, K.?

One thing that is bothering KITTaELL AGEE is that he 1 c&ot be fwo places a t one-time. And ain't it so?

How about some of those guys and gals supporting the - - - colleie rather than smpporting the soldiers. . % ....

The absent minded profesrsor leaves home, slams lhs wife and kisses the door!

EIICLID wants to know if DEAN WOOD has filled thatkTA blank yet? .

Yes sir, I'd say that DASHING DEASON and his little JERK had a fuss (and what a furss) this past Wedneday night. Making up is so much fun tho', isn't it, JOHN?

Well, well, if LAMAR HYATJ! hasn't finally decided that the dancing c l w is worth his while. RUTH ANNE, you are in the class, aren't yop?

Everyone is so glad that ALICE CLARK decided ta come back to college.

A very nice looking BILLY FARRELL ... BAR C. "CALHOUN" S out his coming into view ... HOUN BRI'ITAIN" and "M cided to reside in the same room. All MORGANS are ask to overlook this mistake on the CALHQUN'S part, for:

revxva~ or a tramnon rnac a e m m uve. The M o r w and Calhoun Li te~arp $wit+ ties b x r v e to h e not merely b m u e this eaeisbc,e is o tradition, but h u & e of the

fhe things they offer. These things ~ I M a h and n e d not .he eaurnmt- ad wain, but ta them might be added thew t h e thoughts : Rrst-Mr. Hountm Cole,

b40Ped k sident of attxibuhs mnch sf his a ility. as a public s p k e r to his early experierlees in the annual Morgan- Glhomr debate. There is a need fw peo- ple in the teaching profession who can er- press themeelves, here is a good p l a e for prwpective tsacher-amtm$ to learn. Set- ond-These s~cieties have long hen the breeders sf enthmfomn, there ia; a need on coilege ~ P W E S fw that sort d thing now, and t i a mllege is no exception. Third-Their success ( t k soekt ier) de-

pends n& (352 huge numbers but rather on dfe~tive lwde~ship. Cdhounsv and Morgane of yes t e r~~ea r~ shouId take the reins, and make the W1 games a time reviving agent. Newcomeref should be told of the merit of the warw, be they CL8 or MU. The swie ties should be s r g h d and some &batem chmwn. Freshmen &odd line up with orre side OP E b other. '

By SP doing the potentialitha d a tr* ditim ma m e irrto their own, and the Gal- bouns and Morgans wilI be as .tamwe and r w l a-s ever they were.

A BLE8SING IN DISGUISE The terrars, unhappiness, and blsodsM

that this war hag. f o m d upon the entire world are much too numerous to be men- tioned The shortages of fuel, fwd, rubber, etc., are mwi&r& a ourse and called worse than that. But right off the bt we am think d one shortage that hw, fn o wag, brought about a blessing. It*$ ttlia rubber shortage, and its existence ha9 for& o defdte smed limit upon automobiles. To protect t h ~ ~ e pm~ious tires M O ~ ~ will abide within that speed likait, stn actisn they have never before fully amondd such a restrictiopl.

It seems odd, doesn't it, that pwle in pre-war days dmve like fury wi2;b, no re- gard for crarhg for anyone's life, but that now they map emfly be pernuadd to take it eagy tQ save rubber in order $0 get a ?EW mre nail@ out Etf thm tires. +

We U e d tb a fomner nu- the other day wha codd tell a great m a y i n t d i n g thimg~ about life in a hospital. hi! do you bow: that 8ske said the most horribly muti- lated patients that she has ever seen we* those that Bad beseJl in automobile widmks ! Tke accidents were all probably wumitd by speeding arnd recklessness, and they were all probably &a needless.

Though in same eases f ie re is a demand for great hurry, there i;snrt in most. We d t expect a dwtw rushing to a patient to drive slowly, but we can expect joy- riders to. When motorists of the Iwt order are slowed, most of the accidents &appear. We don't welcome the shortage af rubber

k t is vital to our war effort, not that at s L ma** aawxla- 3 h l r w b - -f hat -5 3 rbliad, to drive slowly, but we expect joy- r i d e s to. When mutorists of the w t order are skwed, most of the accidents k impmar. We don't welcome the shortage af rubber

that is vital ta our war effurt, not that at all. Weke wayQg though, that in a round- about, crazy way rubber ehorbge has brought about a blesssing to civilians that &I---- LL--d=l ~ A - P A ---I:..,.

war= v r 4 4 r r u a ~ I

Just sighed and -remarked, "I could go for you in a big way."

She was the 'eawt glamoraus cmature to ever walk,

Cause when I' left spee&es$ well it's time to t' a c . i

Am reading 'Ycm Can't Go Home Again," now,

And saying, "Well I didn't want to anyhow," b I imagine myself in my puppet tent,

Denied a furlough, but homawarcP b n t ! W ~ n l d have p b W this careful in meter

and rhrme, But redly, M o r , I haven't got the time.

It would g ~ o b ~ b i y take a dayt a ymr, And amording to local board I wan% be here.

Same night W o r e long I'll try to see you, And wd11 tat& everything through.

Until then, Your friend,

Clarence Chubin.

Dew DL Calvert : .>

There ia o word d d draft. I don't know Mr. Webb's definition, but mine is, "It's

-an evil wind t h t blows no bsdy no ffood." The army f swell. I've barn in. a we&

and one day. Bo far I've hed four ghob, tomaim poisoning, fellawed by akb- d vomiting: which lasted 1% houm, fallowed by a fimrlenmie, two laxative days, 24 hour$ guard dub (2 on 4 standin by), Etchen Police, Dlrbage Collector, #oustmaid, h- velled same 1,000 hiles, 2 1-2 hlours wtkititiag in th? rain, atopwd up head md w and rt cold that shows. The Good Lord only h w s what coma next. But I low it. (Tha army I mean.) The other L j u t an extraadded attraction.

Gues you can tell by the letter where I am, or at least where the remnants of me were when I wrote this. Spent m e enjoyable hours in Washing-

ton the 0 t h day a t the Smitbsonian h- stitute and the National Zoological Park. Saw some of my rehtives in the htbr p k e . You remember &he one hanging on the limb 9 Plan to vid l New York City an]. the

Mktropatitm Opera Company when I get a pass. You knew bans people have 1wp;hed

about paying $26 for Long I~ laa~d, but let me say he who lsughs 1mt laughs longest and I'm sum my Indian to come baek here will laujgh.

My first time over the Magon-Dlxan line and if I ever get back Soruth I hope they make i t illegal, to some North.

Good luck ta you and Mrs. Calvwt f ~ o m w h t 2 s left of me.

Your friend, - 4 Clw~noe Chmtaiin,

P. S, Dr. Wv&, I have never given up the I idea of c0mit.g back to sehod. %'bat I'm

trying fa do now is gather pictures to use. Common sense with books. Hope som&ixn~ to go abroad. If I t a c h I really want to un- derstand m l e and my subject. Can't you ant.- me ths_.nnni?jnn an flrxwe, P-A qhy the

I idea of comirg baek to sehod. What I'm trying to do now ,is gather pictures to use. Common sense w ~ t h books. Hope som&ixn~ to go abroad. If I t e c h I really want to un- derstand m l e and my subject. Can't you get me the position as Opera. coach by the car 1949. No, but really I w e ko Wwh

f; istory and M u B ~ . Not s W n g just musi- fi-1 AL*..-t.4"

lluu allwugu ~ I J we eslerl omey gome ~weels- .end.

So help me, when I come back if I &aye the slightest bit of "double-blank yaakee" atiddng ta my tongue, kikiek me. I get rn tit4 of the a lmo~t irritating m y thqt sotile & iikse .peop4e talk, and their londne~is is &gusting. Some, of course, talk as though they had been influenced by the Mer qualities of g W old Southern speech I'm fed up with "Didn't you get your pay gat?" Sls, will I be gl& CQ hear ;some soft sweet Southern draw1 aometime.

Here's hoping all of you had a grmd Christmas, and I'm m e you did. Yola al- ways seem to have a good m e at everything you go a b u t . Thank all of you far bvhg let me know you. I enjoyed it so much, imd look fglward to peeping in on you ag& sometime.

How ia WiUim Bill? I wrote him a mud when I first came in the army, but never heard from hih. Maybe he didn't get it. Give him my regards will you.

Tell Dr. Msck that I'm r ed ing a very un- usual book dealing with the prdictions of the French-Jew doctor and prophet, Nmtro- damus. The olr is Nostrodamrrs See All complied by dre Iktmmt. You've pmb- Z ably heard or red af Chis fellow's remark- able wrikgs. & prophies include eventa from 1556 to 3797. B i;s intereating how some af his vema a n be translated so to apply to wst, present, and future happen- ing~. Naturally 1 think it's a lot of baznk abaut his being able to foretell anything, except t@nrk, smset, etc., and I a u l d do that. He was just another for tme teller with a little science and astronomy spiattered over him, and with a vivid imagi&ion, making It ps~sible for him to put into writ- ing in a vagee, distorted wap the inclitnatims over a lengthy period of time. He is only of many men irssod~~g. with many hen able to pick out the extreme t y p of peo- .pie and u n m d , yet not so uhusual, expwi- wces which might r ed t from their typed traits. He was just a g a d maufactumr of yams and gash;ibilities. He wrote thed SO that the interptehr m l d twist them to nuit ab9sFt any event, just sq i t was remotely related. WelS it% some$hmg to read, any- way. , must go to bed, and let mush Pmm the ra io in. m room ut me to deep, when Fibber and b l l y finish.

Write me when you k v e time. Lave, bee:

Chattanooga, Tenrumsee Box 577, Route 2 December 6, 1942

~ & r Dr. Calvert: I have waftad 80 long to answer your let-

ted that i t has bwome very embarming. EEo,w is ePle family and everyone around Jackm~vllIe? Ckra and I often think cd visiting the school but working in a war plant as I am makes it ahnost impossible.

I am still working at the T. M. T. plant near Chatbmmga. I have been here about eidht months and don't know just haw much l o m r i t will ke to com~lete the job. vitplhng the sc ko 1 k t working in a war plant as I am makes it ahnost imposgible.

I am still working a;t' the T. M. T. plant near Chattanooga. I have been here about; eidht months and don't know jucrt haw mucb lo-r i t will bke to complete the job. Smaking for One I wiah this p h t md f l others connected with the war prWr@m

I b n n + h r r a A nn Psna Thr-\

in the chw, aren't yopt \

Everyone is so glad that ALICE ChmK decided to come back to caUege.

A very nice lwking: couple that FLOSSIE JENKINS and BILLY FAEREU . . . The man of the par is BATTLING BAR C. "CALHOUN" $MITE You m v e ~ look any way with- out his coming in& view . . We r ct to EEear that' ''CAL- B ~ U N mtmmw ~d C~O~RGS GRIBE'OH~~ ha* dt- dded to reside in the m e room. All MORGANS are asked to averlook this lnistake om the CALHQWITS pa& far naturally the CALBOUN sought the MORGAN'S cola . . . Is there anyone b r e in school who bows the dig $"" test. lhing about the life of said BILLY WILLBAN'W? Be tqxxns ta be the mysterious man of the mupw,

WYNELLEd RIDDLE wants to b o w where JIMMY we- DONOUGH has been all his life. We hear that BAR le, and CHARLIE OHMO ON .had a

delightful evenlog k t Thursday. 'What e b comes in 6 ounee battles besides Csea-Cola? LAMAR HPATT is w n every dght, somewhem* with

a dtfferermt girl. What 'has-IMLE KIRK been worrying about, his GIBLS? LAMAR HYA'R! wants to h o w if there Is m y m e who

mmts his TIME beaten? b DOYLE trying t~ beat KITTRELL'S time with MAC?

Why is DOYLE BJRI( so crazy over DIMPLES? . Grand Mnde:

DOYLE KIRK'S B A m G AV'ERA~E: DENTY _-.--.-.-...-....,.. . .....-.,,,..-. .6M) LAND .,-,.,..,...,......-.-a A -..--,.------- -499 BONDS -...--.-.----.---------- - --.-- +L:-- .498 DIMPLES ---.-.. .. .--- - ---.--.---- --.* -399 MaCRACKW -.-. .. .."--.--.------.--.. ,299 BAILEY .-...._,,...,_.-.... Y Y Y Y Y Y .--.----.- ,299 COFFEE ..-- ..,--........,,------.-. +.-..-- -250

- GRAND TOTAL .-..-.-.....-...-.------ 2.844


Now fades the sun and daylight slowly waness The earth o gentle murmur dotb impart, An universal sighing of the h e w ; A requiem sorrows, mires, and pa.in9, Twilight ie 46 uraing low but dusk remains, And silently within the lonely wood, ,

Dark shadows lend a vaiw t~ s~litprde: A m b r e solitary stiHnesa rdgns. Like day tlie y m t h of man is f d n g .f&* s::

Too 4mn the frwt of years d1, bk- his wmI Too late he stops to mend his ragged paat, He grrzies westward-ach! sundown. Aad soon shadows of death will still his brw: A n d . 1 ~ .hia soul into eternal rest. I


Our life is just a fimsy thread, That lahe the cradle with the move; ,f*

It mark the path we rnox%a!s @mi, . 'I

And is the muse for which we slaw. Our rnammts e r n e but o w : then fly r

Into a rnistfc yesteryear Where mm our fondest hopes will &e,

- Where aosn our lives win disappear. So we should spin our thread with care , Our rnammh m e but o w : then fly r

Into a rnistjc yesteryear, Where mm our fondest hopes will die,

- Where aoon our lives win disappear. So we should spin our thread with care. And weave infa the skein pf y e p A life d love, for there-tmmwbere Revand th~. m a the Mantm ~ t e e r ~

- - - '&$G58;n$~ersity d T m m - -- W, T.'* p w L the Oran@ and

tbtt pga rawAs "a Fmww i.m \xtpt g,&er f&& *-ts A"@ - Wke" -r E d Like

w, dtj~zn Birds," ia all tm Lmacr.

,- every Thmsd& might fm so- In-W ftm tbe ,-. -$ daafin& a C o U H Rei&ts R e p a from W.sat-

t! 't, ern K-fudy stab3 mf@2wm Col- m~ bge* struck ow f a y wifi a bang. &- it'E B lime b w sm we only =+ wt a p ~ t af K W wgme swpp f o p OP B gfr l 8*hO dona- a pint d pllt mod Oo %he RM mwa. 'ma bit

we pFjnt here+ hw kwmtial Ifrn && - mmt&+& fi was PU ww: "9% $&iw&l took x e m w * a m- &t ,h&, d b we~ht C tie ** pM ** &q@(@,& m ~ s h o ~ theatre Qo j o b Ujla w&x &nor 6&ky GZ -@. w-

Earl. -~--=&@ * a ae- --t'5 *s * m* pnd d-

g b M We m & w e d 8 B* CW&+~IR J*~Y D w m o Y 80 --

p w . rt b v n e tm work ~ ~ ~ ~ o n * was mm- ~t nmm a one k mfna he -a a

d o u war m d . little mww C E a t W VScOm." A h in && Anlam F h h & m ~ 4

- fi s-nts You* PW, atwmt$ b

h p when vat- JW w a r t a& the t lx tne~ Paa a= DW w . l a Q i% wok cmrbonabd ~ d s Q @ m xasr the franElb 3& 3u& bw a me2 m - snd e v w b * will W' W-

Tlw wen hm l o 4 t w o ~ ~ E n b ~ e , d ~ P Q p - larib la*, &a a- of W c w - M W ~ D

m d &k -plearant rn- m m ~ u t t r ~ S ~ ~ Q P * body. W ~ P , all at uw edvitiea tilie to P W ~ B - ~ - ~ W K ~ - B - & ~ k*. QY~E

E.Igmer: 'lee &at gixl &ere? --c--- - - . -..̂ - . - .

&r Ghis b u w ~ i e me wants re there 19, $ f ~ w a d be knwn aa "Ed fft& jiter-

Iigmer: 'Bee that girl mar *ere?

I . ..

& i i w t o c & a t f h ~ . ~ t ~ a e and time b a& &eea re- aEqwed bp me s t w m b hvrre at schcd, the rewlt *May, but w e few stil l sit in the h m g ~ wWMag i d l y i f h e ~ r r n M t a t W t y b e h a d e & [but not C&P t~arfJmWI3r. A few

-. - ---- ---- - w o w > .

Jbawm ir, that doe Bay wb itas tmmferd k- &Qh Elnb ClM- w a r - * Of Alabma. J h m q f 8 ~ Q I Q is be at fi3lihh.d FoEt --, aEh00l at Mayramla, Jumktqn and fki.

Be ia the .Bnbr tw tw &IS pti%w tss ttw way) wko li7pes & Ett

The Smiths pf PEsgah, Alh- &em to like. J m , at any rite, five of- them at-d- a t&@ rt'mxww& Mdhbn Who W M dl fBP! way sd aabwl he*. The2 are, from Wi to r&ht i Mrs. Jewel1 Wkh Whadb: Lt. Virgil E. " " an fmdmBIi* You ~ ~ d ~ d ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ - Smlth, Ft. Van D a n , Miabippi; Louise Smith; RLkrd C. Smith, now in

q* * - wwL htpL -, pml schwl here, r m e m k of the Naval Air Golps m r v e ; md Mra. Hettie Pear1 h i t h h* ewg at our rcbaauls J-s pre- @ant. \. rjdr&ov&aj! p k i d l y . that we w m itgd &URS tc fol-

jlmt ER) &mu* 1- b M bo a-t& and


G e ~ m p ~ , bag there wmm t o bd many about me w$om have a diffcwmk attitude. This job. h~ had the poorest of supervhhn w d the peagrw 09 eomsbwti-on a n be mmparai to the speed of a sloth. Incornpet- & $uperVjsim, &mbinBd with inean%ious lab&, -dtb a h u a d a k b a$ hunger and jmhusy have t o my opinion h b 6 k d con- ~tmerMon w * n t y per #&.

For wme time I bean fareman and have &wg@ of a11 p i p hiking on this job. Them are may @Its d pipe h thew glmC and you am wifs d p $ ? a d why 1 haven't dorre much w-rit~rlg, I wai fortunate in getting $hie 'jab md ,how that I wn con- h u e to do jhe work as it should be dom. With my I& crl! ewience in this L z of work, 1 &el th& t two yaw% BLB 3 aonville hm helped me tmmmdomdy. I do a ~ t think that W ywm apent elsrewhere c W have hl d me more.

E was toM sic uk three mathbe ago #at 1 mula b& i n d u W into ale army during; Ikeembcsk w dwu&ry. I w a t ta agpl fag anhtmmt in the fly** tmiak dm kmng &wl. f ender&md th&t thaw a h o &kppig for W musk have a ~ m r d ehcair coIbg$ work. I wwld f la t ly appwi-

J~OU I&& t h w remrda be mnt me at my pmsenk rchbme, I have aalmb mi writing for them m r d ~ , but bat that 1 w B ~ Y E X ~ W t b E t l ~&QM V~E?.~Q 8XlB c d l l me. When I am i n d u r n I will $tFiw to &on m y ~ i n m spprwMoa %r your kindnm by Mt~g a g o d Amgriean #ldiw. Wrih muare o f h a d kdl dl the nem.

Bncere2 wid&!:$ L ~ ~ Q Y .

Pvt, G l m H. Sda U.Sm.C. l?l8hm 1167, Recruit kph k b i ~ BzlJ?mleo - Pmia bbd, PA C. Jamvary 4, 1948.

My dear Dr. a d Mka. W d ; I have km Bere @hing o m - two

week now and X m l ikbg the Mwinas mere e y &iy. Whw I firat wune here X peitb~ &ad sr the whola &up, but I axlp rnakiny adJjaetmb task

1 am now in 'BootJ' a m p and m known a5 a Bwt, P& BiM, and an$ number of other n m e g Our Drill htructora (here- dter MamI to im D. I.'& are fine t d - era, wpmiflp mk The- one I mfe to is a red &him. All civilhm we stupid in hh b e of thinking. (Dw't k&a i t Dao hard.) 1 i 1 a ~ ~ ~ ~ e u P - v t other am= Our Dpll htructors (hem- afkw PeferI.ed to m D. I.'& are fine t d - ers, wpmiallp The. one I ref%ir to i s a red Marine. All civilhm we stupid in hh We of thinking. ( D d t W e i t Dao hard.) Qe- W k b Cha original aubdeet; a Boot h a no frwdern. We carnot l ave the Bab t e b n arm without the D. L's .going alollg . . --- 4 . . . -

canat even go t o the Post' Exchange without pmxnia&n from the D. T.'e.

I haw mt a yet hem able to get more thap a. glance & the ocean. T b t may ~lound f u m y w h a the acwn is not more than a mile fmm a r quarkm.. We go to the R i a

I-,, ., w,, & up 8sr* ! w h who should wandm In but , h u b p BaapcI? She tao has roBL her way, r6rYns wIpphfch. ishe is @take13 ad& u n d w - &wl here

mk~ a few dm% Wore. Lmdw fin- 1- Hlih School d YES& n wupb gpn$y~ a00 8iad w e ~~ fall intrl Lai ol4 mve md

hemme has @eg&& a elr&i&n. a m n e t l c AIR& permnal- b

ity. k. he and J M i e walk tg- mwz we deciag b Mk at alxr 'acMm amin, and 10 m a l d we see that *t wee& w wiU ~g

m e Bower, Frau= Umkci@e, A b e Cia* CharIk Pmw and BamlI SfiaPp.

dnge next. week, I think. never know 1 w b m s c b d - d m 8 and m b , 1 . w&t Q goi-~ t o .happen h&t & this plam) .and. 1- f& Qwntim, Virginia, % h u q y 1. We have a fine rMe. It iis the pew NI (knm rn the Gwmd in the a m ) . In- dflmtaIEy, U y&u drop yam ,rlfla you haw b sleep with it that night. Two boyg from wr plataon have had to Jeep with thdr mQ thus far. - By the way, one boy in the w q ~ p somb

where, not our platom dl@ hb rif1e.a gvn. The poor kid had ta go all over the mmp, into each hut, mme M atlamtion and ay, "You guy# be lucky. You have a rifle but I have a gw." AnothU thing t h t m ~ d very funny b ma and ma& of the

bciys here goes like this: . h e uf thq byrs in the. m u hall asked

one of our byis if he waW trP ride the r-e. (W it, if ybu donPt; to ride the w e meam t o Clan the mok stove, fyom whab T hear it is not e pl-nt job.) To drive the mbnei'a car h e is h pu& around a 'little. hvo wheel& cart #at they haul dirk wound in. U@ b d&e, we have had GIWB order drill

The lvlamad d w s , e&mdad order (1 1iked that): Ph &a1 exerek under araa;s ( m e - aim- f& P h ~ ~ ~ I torture) (1 dfdn7t know a nine wund rifle could weigh SO rnnch}. % h y we bad a lit& self Mepeie which was more OT kiw off the m r & When

~mkt- w&B an thit*~ & in 6 ~ . Lorlia w&a mthw quid

d was m n *awued Ply her ti^ and wmt @ in

swr& Qf h& mispaced &9$ ,&we m u m we glanced, at OUT

&Mule and glared at #&I aXh@. We were worw uia @@W&

t~ b r o w tZle sWe# 'ol ~ h ~ w ~ ~ t ~ ~ - m#~ walk& nl. Now U

no -use what- for d &@sfin# jwt where h s l m d d h % l ~ ~ b e ~ b e e a w e - - a w i d e - a w a k e s e d - w freubmnf a c v t e @ e e b c E r ~ a b B a glint in her eyes W h d n e K.&@tA W M naPde st%* * htt at f k 18% B a k h U ~ d m . %&&e is $aluard a -era1 mrse and YOU prwebly rawmber her ss me an@Sl,.fa w clwwnxa lm&+ a W , m t h e e n d a f t k s ~ ~ ~ . K&tt&&e M& d a m a mom- tjo

~B~~~~ tell mhi&t am w&tx is hunkhg, for us. Blf

of us s l i d out 91 the launm

bere we &tad J~ P. QxWes- wh€wl,all ofy@t?JEnOw ~ c t w s m d l de-brri9ad &!&I who paints, No*, ~ J e a * ~ W ~ o a l y ~ r a l

/The Grapevine \

Nwqr I* it be f&p%&t& t6at I a WUlh Jo De&y h w e mgt- *Mk Wk WaI. S%ba &Fb geb On sB a 6.eLa, the

*at rnb a sue -a a m to tXlrJ gr-e fm& which s h *- &I. - g u h ti few ham bkr

ww a ha& to the -&tian fca ahish dx fiM -. mw hawt bsren '%I

k Bier XRetaa.a ' ~ " C, wq8 ha5 loQ8n w- mw hom ''fa aree e *." ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ k t t m s t r n ~ v r t r y b& of mifs.

I tmen & that me have STIDEHT govemmcnt h o ux 8&0ol U ~ W . EMdmtly j ~ & i&e

dl ma m e e r i w ~ ~ k g ~ that .Ch~&e J-n 9 Nass Fharlie, L M k you. h t%& fair?

me^ W that $f &ere's a m - W5 C W 4 w s m w e thwm a red &T it1$ the with the J&

dF* m. tan in .the

-tr af*e QEX Wdaty *w, Jmww 17.

ik officially ma we wiU wet a more to e w m *at * +b inter* in w e W ~ W - -re that Bar C. thomgh c d m in it. I a n wall wdmhd art- She - fbtbbd W -1 at wth * mmk wtkmt, the most

i n g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ % ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ h a ~ w n ~ , b a 9 %t a l u w bm& - a n b UP @ n-w (aounk u YOU tarn- a$ rm g a t~ mlm saia. raEls-er gruesome d~ew't ft? But we @ a r m r n she when h c - "YQU m," MU di&wmt otrtlook w M we think that we hg, yoG mu W&Y find b - '~fhiae -*t miaht have t;o &be it ~ ~ x I w , ) am^. W e w~ w e ta plw

I mn well un-bnd 'B& LittVs .plea a of m - ~ d b wne Edam T b m m fkwets s e ~ u t j - fw g & ~ & G. W- T - W a w a W m e : I sse &BM*S +afU mme

G. W. tinbhd &ad at JBS amd BEW m ihaap, here and W n g everyone dm? get mail, so now a frahma. write man. Lew: 'Tes, but I'll pay up to- fllnnn m. IS t~k iW -b# ~ F ~ @ . v F UA"AnS..

P. S: Thw+ L 8 . h a k out by t k e "W's Liwt~n~nts? ' PI- trv b m- &=~5ePa~+?- -a G m @hQr= d -- h e ~ and W n g everyone dm? get write man.


- P- -- - ------. - - 'CP.F rpsl --CP -*.A -.rli-

G. Wwwtl- at J H ~ amti ~ e w m ihamp, mail7 so b now a *quarter tradnuul L~W: 'yes, but 1'11 pay up to- bm. R e IS toking -W m r r e w P

UAGUX. azld m e n to trmrYtr to A u b m - P. S- Thm 8. h ~ ~ k out by the m e of 1 l t , a G. W:S s*gl r e d ~ a W r ; + ~ ~ i l d ~ Q U mind 9- " ~ ' s Liwtwnts?' PI- by tQ find the w m any other in rour c w m w ? eve wn n a of the author and whetre I con get a u grduamg class mt year J-: mt waih, I ~taven't copy of thia book and i ts price. . and he war d c i a valsdi&~sh bmn m a d WYT' I

--- -- PAGE FOUR' A T H E T E A C O L A WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27,1943,: - - A- , *

.r 7- I .I r

JSTC * Hold's & I Celtics 39-42 - ;iaebniille Forward Outscores Champion's Star Paformer

~ a t u r & night, January 16, the CaEhoun Cagesters Eagle-Owls almost outdig them- selves by almost upsetting the - 9

champon sage ouffit. the The Morgans and Calhouns form- NW York Celtic& &mpion5 ed the* respective crews of basket- CO a & 'Stevegs' found no time for pranks and bunglms last Wednesday night and clowning as i s usually the played the initial of a series of m e r were on the dyt every games that is expected to revive Brother P ra;sed ub, W i n g to prevent our fast the spirit of rivalry between the moving from apping in the twu ~etities, The Morgans, still lead. The game ended with the ieem h e humiliation oi losing By Cub Manager Celtiss in the kaa however, to last yeam debate, and perhaps, too. 3B. the ~utcome of last years basket- Robably only a few of us k n m The Jax pgesters surptjsed ball ,p the lead in r* that our basketball tutor, Coach themselves and everyone eke by the g e and held it until the final playing much better ball than was whistle to win 16 to 11. "Steve" Stephenson, is a ' brother supposedly possible. Perham our Gosh of the Morgans was Lamar to Rfggs Stevenson, outfielder for boys tbowht they .would beat the Hyatt, member d the varsity and the Chicago Clubs and former man- New York sharpshoot@% and Per- a true Morgan. His team consisted a g e of the Birmingham Barons. In hibps the whole crowd thought so of such stars as Seymour West, a merit igsue of the Birmingham too w p the scoreboard tilted to- Clarence Mitchell, - 3ack Willis. Me-Herald. our Coach's brother ward the ~acksonville dde early in CooIidge Sims, and John Deason. was acclaimed by Gabby Hartnett, the second half. ~ u t it was not to Coach Hyatt substituted freely manager Bi the club. We give you be. 'IAe werience, acciuac~, and with egualIy capable cagestefh the article as i t was in the Age- r ~ e r h a ~ s we can say the '=Wtation Jimmie McDonwgh, Tubby Pyron, ~ ~ ~ l d : . oi the .champs reigned over the Frenchie Jones, and Floyd Oliver. "Riggs Skphenson was the great- youth, me*, and fighting spirit of - coaching the CaEhouns was the est clukh hitter I ever saw. He'd our near-great five. invincible Ber C. Smith, also a Prer- not only get a-hold of one d e n

For the ~agle-Owl% Lama* H ~ a t t sity player and one of the Cal- we needed it, but 4e1d get a good was the high-~core man, sacking UP horn clan. Bex's mighty hardwood pi,,, of it? 13 ~Qbts . Indeed, he'was high-score quintet was composed of such pol- me words wwe Gabby Rart- man 00 the game, ringing one point ished performers as Hascall Sharp, news, quoted in the Chicago Daily more than tke great D a v ~ ~~~ Bill Hamilton. Lester Sims, Earl

NEWS in an inkrview on Gabby*s who scared 12 points for the Cel- Lindsay, and the Great Brittain. 19 years as a Chicago cub m*- tics. Subsutuung for the short-winded nett was poi ting out that the 1929 A large cravd athnded the game mwnbm~ Of the long-winded N-. cubs probab& were the best club expecting to S e a great perform- ciety were Billy WiXlbanks, Jefire in National League hmry. ance frola the great New Pork Lamhert, and Vernon Whittle. Stevie, whom we all remember V a l e n t i n e Party bagkebsrs, They were not dis- The game was played befare a as a meat University of Alabama appointed he^ aaw not one, but crowd of empty bleachers, probably akhkfe 'befare he entered pmfes- two great p&ormtmces. The h-, due to the fact that it was not pro- ~ i o n d baseball and as manwe of prov-t *at tb. B%&-*h perly advvtlsed. The next of these V, B1-n@aro for lwa Onfe a long time ago in a dreary,*

Over their classic battles will be W ~ M S ~ ~ Y gears; also was praised by Hart- preceedfng Saturday with Howard night (that's tonight) and a large nett for his defensive abilitym COUege remarkable and was mowd should be there-not only *And, s y , did m u e v u realize the lapse of time prevent. us acclaimed by every one Who saw because being there and support- that Sbpbason was one our the @me. Coach "Steve" Stepha- ing your society is the proper -@eatsst defensive outfielders?,* "yink% but we do know that he son deserves a world of credit for thing ta do, but because, even .Gabby continued. "oh, I know he missed Mends SO, oh, SO d=&- his uncanny ability to turn out though expert ball playing will not wasn't as fa& as same, and he had fully. winning basketball teams. be Ment a masterpiece in horseplay' that football shoulder that kept The line-up for the Eagle-OWL and Pun will be enough to war- him kom wowing hard. ~~t it was as follows: Smith and Hyatt, rant your presence. you look it up, you'll find that he forwards; Kirk, center; King and threw out more men at the his mind that ff he couldn't go to

Wilson, guards. Willis and the with R. C. "Bingr Crosby" Smith than any outfielder we ever had. his friends, he could do the leading the student bodg in upraise Sims cousins substituted at inter-

vds. That was because he knew how to nest best thing and so 4e sat about The Lord And pass The A-W- For the CelUcs there was no sub-

Antics Of The C O ~ I I ~ C S ~ ~ cheerful verses and tioa" FoIlowing this pep song-

stituting. The Line-up was as iol- Harbett a he by pueon. L e h Si- played a rnelodi~us

lows: Saunders and Adamo, *or- APa rf menf along with Heck W i o n and IEIki medley of "White Christmas," Cuyler (a staunch. Mend of The man's as y m P r m l y aveaus~ " ~ ~ 1 1 D ~ ~ ~ : P and wards; Symtt, center; Banks and Stephenson) in the outfield of his know, was ValentineSt. Valentine anit you ~ ~ 1 1 L~~~ With Me?,, Mills, guards. The Apartment is &-Cub team for his I9 yearb as

- n u s g- a s u t account of the m e n came the mrpriPe the situated a little northwest of the a cub. college and near the library. The - version of the first Valentine day hour when our new. popfar stu- position is such a handy one that long, long ago, and- I dent, Euclid Rains, gave us a strict-

Campus Etiquette Eagle.Owls Trim Vdentine T ~ U S goes party a slight that is version yet of be. a on his trumpet Judging by the 1$ hot rendition of "In The Mood" ewn the President of the college

saw its advantages and has made Don't send a message, but ~pplause, everyone was ready for Etiquette on h e college campus is his home there. Others, tod, have

rs essential as in the kings court come to h o w that it is the o e Cedar Springs to Kilby Hall on Saturday night an encore on that. After this ID- o+..aante .-.F +ha --da- mess ~ r m -I--a tn Iirrm - .. .. February 13 at 7:30. and come with "Wolfie" WoLfe. in his inimitable

siituting. The line-up was as Eol- **u r-rrr u sl A" c " u-yusr .mua . ,

along with Hack W@m aaLd m message ~ % h he sent pigeon. Lester SinW p w e d a nrelodiaus lows: gamidm 4 A~EUIIO~ fa- Apartment Cuyler fa staunch' friend oi The mank mp as YOU P * ~ Y m d e y ci "White ch&tmgs," war&; B m t t , center; Banks and ..JealOu&" uDOn and ,,Wh9. Mills, mards. S W b m ~ n l 15 the outfield af his know, was Valentinm Valen#b ~d~ Bou Fu In Love Wia me Apartment is W u b h i m for his 19 nsn at -mu. ms a ~llpht -& Q a. Then -* thr swm Ule situated a little m&w& of W a a b *

college md near the library. The b version oi fhe iIrst Valentine day h w when our new, populai stu-

Campus Etiquette position is such a bandy one that long, long tigo, and- I dent, Euclid &Ins, gave us a strict-! even the President of the college Thus goes a slight v d n & a b kot rendiaion af "In The Mood*' saw its advantages and hes made Eugle~Owls Trim Vdentine prns that to b. om trumh ~ u d p l n ~ by (be

Etiquette on ihe coilege campus is his home tk&. m z , ~CO, hslae Don't send r message, but COME ~ W , everyone was ready fm eurnt id u in kings tome ta wow ttmt rt r th. o w Cedar Springs to =iby H a ctn Saturday night, an encope on that. f i r this

We students of the modern age are p l W to l i ~ . February 13 at 7:R "6, cane ~ ~ i f l 3 . 'Wdltie" WoHe, in Bls ymitable to believe thpt we can still mere m quite a ~n, o* a Independents purpose in mind &at befom m e r , 'mere Never

be charming, sought-after persons most papular studenb in &ol sou leave you will nw& Be Another Yw." wen though we dan't observe the siding in the A$artment Dormitory LmAP * SEE the of yoau. &Wioe. Bdme 9urprIees can^ when W

If rou have a prefw w w trell Bgee and Lester Sims sang, a m l a of prcptr eesuetke: however. 4 n c l d i ~ Nmis. -is Last mhmdly night the Jacksem= nm ha nsme in (he duet ofi ,,ld* Be- thil belief 1s rapldU lnovhp fah@. mW x@ouirk, Kat ville Eagle-mls tripped the Cedar who is the Valerrtin e of was ‘sbg Crosby,, mkr a men# mt a11 thwe brawl Cleo Stamps - Apartment ~prings Mepeadents by a 44 to all Valeam? resplr Sml*ls cO M&sim Url a he peaple you know who are popular. 120; In- Roebuck. L n e SW@M. 30 *' wntast wil l be annowced Lhat m e s s , too. M e q which Jane Their manners am their cmwnillp Mattie RYU* Anna A.4 Lil- mite a bit of improvement ovu dlht -aw * d-, Mt Tompus he. glory. Usually one doesn't take my Ugn NLftcheU-Aparbgent 117; ZU- their &t few g-. The hm there he a dance b& there 0% the she hi a novelty tap particuw notice of a well-liked nor E* Lillian wm* MrS, f- JSTf: held the lead aft=

p ~ m n ! s manners, Mause his m&~- Beatrice Safe& Maxwell, Edna Ryatt connected corn- wiU be that favariteg tihe Cake Jane a big hit

tiers are so much a part of him, Frances Patrick, Dorothy M e ' s - of the court for th iimt score of Walk, as well as the other fun that Wt the ratters of the assembly but an analysis will bring out that A P a r t mi s n t 11% Noel Hand- w game. goes with a party-especbYly a hall are sW resounding her ap- cheraderistic which Margery Wil- Aparbnent 110; Heten Landerti, me Valentine AM. Folr fafbrmation plause- Yw%nfs t~merning the contat eon- any more tbe aadience a- son hlieves to be the basis of good F- Brameq *w Dman, were no1 as smaekh an the flar,

member of tho Stu&errt Council d Z m d to do & bit by singing <'The manner% kindness, Re- kind &Line -din@ - A e e n t 201: or as accurate on their shots u Jacbnviue SW1 Col- Cms mvu." wiEEL whi* p e o p ~ ~ are k b d mt only to their Mr. Johnmn--A~arf=dt =%; Sam were the ~agle-OWIS, ~g anti Mends. but a h to Wse amainf Nell Stackdale. Ed- Baileyl Mil- Sims a d a greet job getting t& lege' the program was closed. t

ances that they hardly know. In dred Florence Jerkin% ball up the courts and in to the Qn n&ng aormnents, the &dent

m& a way will W y get a name Rivers- Aga*ed m; Mrs. snow forward& Because of their a m e g body Is much in favor of having a

for being polite, swed, and agree- ShelTW-&~WhePt 211.

I Went-talent pragmm quite often on padfig h e Tewhers kmw, Tongue Twisting ,,, Jle, Lracly Mendl xaF &at in her The k p ~ m e n t is fun Student ever lost the ball u n W L they &d

drlhooa her mo€her advised her Gove~nment. The g~rernment is sts~ed. ao "he pretty if YQU can; be w;i* wrnprimd of a ~ ~ d - 4 ~ e n n i e The first quarter ~ r ~ a s pretty Tune Titles - CUPID'S BATTING ii you must, but be agpeable if it Smith; Vice-president. Helen Pate evenly fought until the last few -tencaS AVBRAGES ............... kill. youP How simple. and yet Landers; S s n h r ~ Trcps~ ie~ , second&. The p w e pot off ts a sbw *pu dlrpulse;

Smiith-T+h=h woman 1-tlW ................ think bow effec!tive this advim can M~tih? R~Pfii Junior start because the t e r n were only C. Sima-Wasb Wbnraa .99@ @andilquegE pbrarnOgym Orriason-Nbck .... ....,,..... ... ..-....-.. .9D5 t o w a r d -king one more m- ~ h t i v e , Erllne SoPb- getting warmed up mu1 the m- 1. me ahmstine c a l m w s p ~ - merersaoCkdlle ........................ lar. .The student who 58 always dig- more reegre~entative. Mabel nuran; and quarter. &ices oi DTienlal Britannia. 895

..... agreeing about even trival thin= edman Representative, Gate Nell In the q u w t m s 2. M~,~~~~~ rhyMr: vibra- P~ickett-Huuse ..................... a .8?5 ....................... will b v e & get used to being Stockdale; Representative at Large b q m to Elid &t$ -1 of ~e prwg *e tmtit#l olt ,C. Sims-Denwsw .759 . b n e quite ofteni as he is noE L e Edna -5'; Re-r, warp Riv- kn~&ing the bttotri a t of & diurnal phase of t$e glob* . ~ ~ ~ n - w ~ ~ a r ....3.*.+1..-.*-.haaaaa. ,158

type that f d l m students enjoy em. the net. After such a scoring spree, revautfon. Pyatt-Jones -750 ................................. Cox- WMeal ...................................... .7M1 Wnpt with in their mare moment.. Mrs. S ~ P P , the Mother- the Wrns began to cwcc1mtltnk 1 I am ~t.0. wahn-heman ................. <..,....... .m

The well known clique that all teaches school, ehalserones fhe more on their deiew. Whan the d o o k m w pg &@, a* fa- ddsnwl, and sees Uut the girls get Cedar ~pr*n$;s ~ndep-ts began 7: t o d ~ t i ~ ~ ~*~~~~ hr re l l - JeWs ............................ .m

...................... mom for can be a hot-bed of rude- to bed in F e to UP the ~~~* kittilig the basket th Eagte-Owk NInDonwgh-Ridale .550 mess. When kept with&% fheir morning. switched frcm man to man defense Hmphries-RSddlt ....................... .500 ' I am mwie*' nmsl L h s a i k y ............................... .W bound6 eliquw OD the campus tsn PtecenUf, Luttreu. and tried a zone defense, which Jisions of an i-acmh ydeade, .................................... make life mere interesting for In- the faculty, visited in Apart- was very effective. The half ended .s 1 ,t of a per- SZrk-Denty ,500

........................ dividuals. but even sorneams 117, bringing with her the fixings wfih. u e =&ge b4yr lea&ng ambution void oP ywr pmpin- Whittle-McMirk b00 ...................................... within bounds their rudeness is and ali. Mattie Mae, Inez RwbucEt, to 12. quity. Ape-Chrk ,500

like a family quarrel, deplorable Inez Spews. Mabel and Erline Par- The second half got afY to a v q knswecs WoJfe-Rivers. ............... : ......... ... ..... 353 ........................... but private. Cliques, as s a w e , took d and mepared the fern. fast str-rt with botb teams trylng

Sbarpe-Bonino ............ Z. .a00 must watch their attitude b a u s e The girls of and 220 to run up a high score. When the elno' ~ o n o u g h 4. Landers ,300 fi they don't of&r cliques ~ep- w i t , Clyde Wolfe ot Piedrtlont had boyr Jacksonville -rcep@d 'nOWFM mar 'FcrB4 31:ap I .' Cole-Shwpe ...... *.- ......................... .QQ1 tainly do! ............................ L W m a C. Jones-Sharpe .000 a hamburger w t r (at 9. p. m,) the bail. Emtt and Smith used a

yS Bnlruew ma .) Some students, even at col-kge and took In a show Bunday. fast-break clown the court to scare a*, are appaxentb oblivious aL Birthday parties haw b ~ n the gulte a few goals* + a m ~ n ! a r o ~

good matmers. On our cmpus rmtb perpetual Wg: In 2%. m a t with The game was played very clean SaJWa &I -OM 'E Oavorlte ~ 0 3 s as thg "Grab" and Flowieicls together with Helea Pate's with neither team. trying to $tet "W&I T X - -EM YOU TMNK OF the lounge are perfect places tosob- last reek--and.&ra Neil's Bill's tQ- rough. Neither of the two teams .=aAoCx $0 -3 Qm 'I serve the courteous and the dis: gether with Mildred Lott's--S&ur- fouled vecy much and therefore t ill: #we cam be mwa m,p corrrtegw, but, of wurse, in spe&- day night. nmst of 1e go.1s field @a+ hlplow DO thm frou Something Good ing of *me plac~s, wi must t Aparmelat 113 has the reg of be- IEir!c and Hyatt Ied the scoring c~u la uve Qli 'my mhw leave out the cl~rroorn. the d o z - ing the quiftest aW(ment in the for the Eagle-Owls with KLlk pet- 8.- ~.ll: ."awe, but hoa, rill tory, and the college ~t ivi t ies . Dorm, but every now and -then- tlng 16 peicts a@ X p t t connect- get & These will be discused at length such as last ThuFaPlar night- eeI for 14 pcfnts. TO EAT


in future issues of the T ~ w o h . Mr. Uwis Cannon of Atlanta Curtis Johnson of the Independ- F~rron: *+1&8~, she cem In candusion. we again turn to visited J , w &k@&k Saturdw. enta was the ~sding scorer of his a dw ww

THINE OF THE Margwy Wilson, who says, "The Miss T)oMtkr~ Quinn vi&W Kilb team, getl'ng I4 pcine. whittle: r.trppar'' more we gmt our recurring movk- Sunday night and Monday. All the boys played exception* ~ ~ r r o n : umgmer 1 ~ ~ w . a . ments into form, the more mind we Bin Misbler of y9fi &nuling. well cnd rre imprwing eWh game. have left for purely spontaneous Geoea. has been M h g at For+ The boys expect us to support living that is rdresbtng and pleas- ney Ha!& but most fib ti= is them, snd We shauld woperate to

COMMUNITY ant!' Bear thb mind, s twlab , apent*in the Apartment Dorm's par- the Zfle-t. tor a more popular you. lor.

---" .r" "-. .--.----- *".. .r ----- --- ----1- --

. -*I Bill EZ- "%y. do you bave enough -" --• - ---- -- 7-- ------- ryruu; A V A Q W e r m u & ~ . '

( ' men& into form, the roore mind we Bin Mishler of P?t &nuling well 2nd rre improving OrtCh game. '. have left for purely spontaneous Geoea, has been m h g at Far- The boys expect us to support I, living that is rdresbtng and pleas- ney Ha!& but most at fib4 hime is them, snd We shauld moperate to ant!' Bear a ,!I mind. s twlab , the apartment Dorm's par- the Idle-t. 2- a more popular you. ior. I Ben Franklin

Bill I%.! a%s, do YOW have enough Store Clay B,: "Why did you Eall @t Waiter: *Tm wrry I spilled water confidence ifi m e to lend me ten a f ~ . ~ ~ & i n g A G~ 10c

(At The Community girl you danced with WustardTw all over you, sir!' Bollars?"

~i lb Q: "Becaur 9he was d- ~oofidge; "That's om-my suit Billy w.: "sure, but I don't have Store i $ h ~ ~ l d Have" ' Reereation Center)

Valentine Party

.I . 'Tention, F--v-Jrn DAM CUPID IS C ' ~ G " TO HAVE YOU AT HB









Kilby Hall JSTC

Friday Nite February 12-

No 1' '-tl Charge

I .. No Anmission Charge To Party and Dance '

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