Creating windows store java script apps

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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revealed by Eugene Zharkov / @2j2e

APP FLOWDo not forget about:

Form factorsApp contractsAll type of the tilesToast notificationsTouch firstAnimations

ASYNC PATTERNSYou should understand how:

to compose asynchronous codeto use promisesto chain and group promisesto code promise chains to avoid nestingto wrap non-promise values in a promiseto handle errors in a promise

PROMISESA promise is an object that represent a value that will be

available later.

Most API's are wraped to the promises.

All based on two methods .then and .done.

PROMISESA promise is an object that represent a value that will be

available later.Hilo\Hilo\imageQueryBuilder.js

if (this.settings.bindable) {// Create Hilo.Picture objects instead of returning StorageFile objects queryPromise = queryPromise.then(this._createViewModels);}

PROMISE CHAINvar whenImagesForTileRetrieved =;whenImagesForTileRetrieved .then(Hilo.Tiles.createTileFriendlyImages) .then(this.getLocalImagePaths) .then(Hilo.Tiles.createTileUpdates) .then(queueTileUpdates);


BIND FUNCTIONDefine funtion environment with .bind


var queueTileUpdates = this.queueTileUpdates.bind(this);

queueTileUpdates: function (notifications) { var self = this; notifications.forEach(function (notification) { self.tileUpdater.update(notification); });},

BIND FUNCTIONBind can receive additional parameters.


function createTileFriendlyImages(files) { var localFolder = applicationData.current.localFolder;

var copyThumbnailsToFolder = copyFilesToFolder.bind(null, files);

var whenFolderCreated = localFolder.createFolderAsync(thumbnailFolderName, creationCollisionOption.replaceExisting);

return whenFolderCreated .then(copyThumbnailsToFolder);}

GROUPING A PROMISEWhen you have non-sequential, asynchronous operations

that must all complete before you can continue a task, you canuse the WinJS.Promise.join

var whenFileIsOpen = targetFile.openAsync(fileAccessMode.readWrite);var whenThumbailIsReady = sourceFile.getThumbnailAsync(thumbnailMode.singleItem);var whenEverythingIsReady = WinJS.Promise.join({ opened: whenFileIsOpen, ready: whenThumbailIsReady });

HANDLING ERRORSUse .done at the end of method chain.

It doesn't return another promise and throw unhandledexpetions.

HANDLING ERRORSHilo\Hilo\crop\croppedImageWriter.js

var decoderPromise = getOrientation.then(function (retrievedProps) { exifOrientation = (retrievedProps.size !== 0) ? retrievedProps["System.Photo.Orientation"] : photoOrientation.normal;

}, function (error) { switch (error.number) { case Hilo.ImageWriter.WINCODEC_ERR_UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION: case Hilo.ImageWriter.WINCODEC_ERR_PROPERTYNOTSUPPORTED: exifOrientation = photoOrientation.normal; break; default: throw error; }});

MVPThe model represents the state and operations of businessobjects that your app manipulatesThe view (HTML and CSS) defines the structure, layout, andappearance of what the user sees on the screen. The viewmanages the controls on the page and forwards user eventsto a presenter classThe presenter contains the logic to respond to events,update the model and, in turn, manipulate the state of theview

MVP - VIEWHilo\Hilo\hub\hub.html

<div id="hub-image-template" data-win-control="WinJS.Binding.Template"> <div data-win-bind="style.backgroundImage: url.backgroundUrl; alt: name; className: className" class="thumbnail"> </div></div>

MVP - PRESENTER TESTHilo\Hilo.Specfications\specs\hub\ListViewPresenter.spec.js

describe("when snapped", function () { var el;

beforeEach(function () { var appView = {}; el = new Specs.WinControlStub(); el.winControl.addEventListener = function () { };

var listviewPresenter = new Hilo.Hub.ListViewPresenter(el, appView); listviewPresenter.setViewState(Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationViewState.snapped); });

it("the ListView should use a ListLayout", function () { expect(el.winControl.layout instanceof WinJS.UI.ListLayout).equal(true); });


PRESENTERSEach presenter is responsible for a specific part of the page (a


One page-specific presenter (the mediator) coordinates theother presenters (control-specific) and receives forwarded



ready: function (element, options) {

var query = options.query; var queryDate = query.settings.monthAndYear; var pageTitle = Hilo.dateFormatter.getMonthFrom(queryDate) + " " + Hilo.dateFormatter.getYearFrom(queryDate); this.bindPageTitle(pageTitle);

var hiloAppBarEl = document.querySelector("#appbar"); var hiloAppBar = new Hilo.Controls.HiloAppBar.HiloAppBarPresenter(hiloAppBarEl, WinJS.Navigation, query);

var filmstripEl = document.querySelector("#filmstrip"); var flipviewEl = document.querySelector("#flipview");

var flipviewPresenter = new Hilo.Detail.FlipviewPresenter(flipviewEl); var filmstripPresenter = new Hilo.Detail.FilmstripPresenter(filmstripEl);

var detailPresenter = new Hilo.Detail.DetailPresenter(filmstripPresenter, flipviewPresenter, hiloAppBar, WinJS.Navigation); detailPresenter.addEventListener("pageSelected", function (args) { var itemIndex = args.detail.itemIndex; options.itemIndex = itemIndex; });

detailPresenter .start(options)



<section id="image-nav" data-win-control="WinJS.UI.HtmlControl" data-win-options="{uri: '/Hilo/controls/HiloAppBar/hiloAppBar.html'}"></section>

<div id="appbar" data-win-control="WinJS.UI.AppBar" data-win-options="{sticky: false}"> <button data-win-control="WinJS.UI.AppBarCommand" data-win-options="{id:'rotate', icon:'rotate', section: 'selection', disabled: true}" data-win-bind="{disabled: isCorrupt}" data-win-res="{winControl: {label:'RotateAppBarButton.Name'}}"> </button> <button data-win-control="WinJS.UI.AppBarCommand" data-win-options="{id:'crop', icon:'crop', section: 'selection', disabled: true}" data-win-bind="{disabled: isCorrupt}" data-win-res="{winControl: {label:'CropAppBarButton.Name'}}"> </button></div>

UPDATING TILESHilo\default.js

if (currentState.kind === activation.ActivationKind.launch) {

if (currentState.previousExecutionState !== activation.ApplicationExecutionState.terminated) {

// When the app is started, we want to update its tile // on the start screen. Since this API is not accessible // inside of Blend, we only invoke it when we are not in // design mode. if (!Windows.ApplicationModel.DesignMode.designModeEnabled) { var tileUpdater = new Hilo.Tiles.TileUpdater(); tileUpdater.update(); }}

UPDATING TILESHilo\Hilo\Tiles\TileUpdater.js

update: function () { // Bind the function to a context, so that this will be resolved // when it is invoked in the promise. var queueTileUpdates = this.queueTileUpdates.bind(this);

// Build a query to get the number of images needed for the tiles. var queryBuilder = new Hilo.ImageQueryBuilder(); queryBuilder.count(numberOfImagesToRetrieve);

var whenImagesForTileRetrieved =; whenImagesForTileRetrieved .then(Hilo.Tiles.createTileFriendlyImages) .then(this.getLocalImagePaths) .then(Hilo.Tiles.createTileUpdates) .then(queueTileUpdates);}

UPDATING TILESThe XML for a typical tile notification

<tile> <visual> <binding template="TileWideImageCollection"> <image id="1" src="ms-appdata:///local/thumbnails/thumbImage_0.jpg"/> <image id="2" src="ms-appdata:///local/thumbnails/thumbImage_1.jpg"/> <image id="3" src="ms-appdata:///local/thumbnails/thumbImage_2.jpg"/> <image id="4" src="ms-appdata:///local/thumbnails/thumbImage_3.jpg"/> <image id="5" src="ms-appdata:///local/thumbnails/thumbImage_4.jpg"/> </binding> <binding template="TileSquareImage"> <image id="1" src="ms-appdata:///local/thumbnails/thumbImage_0.jpg"/> </binding> </visual></tile>

PAGE NAVIGATIONHilo\Default.html


<div id="contenthost" data-win-control="Hilo.PageControlNavigator" data-win-options="{home: '/Hilo/hub/hub.html'}"></div>

itemClicked: function (args) {

// Get the Hilo.Picture item that was bound to the invoked image, // and the item index from the list view control. var picture =;

// Build the query that can find this picture within it's month group. var options = this.buildQueryForPicture(picture);

// Navigate to the detail view, specifying the month query to // show, and the index of the individual item that was invoked. this.nav.navigate("/Hilo/detail/detail.html", options);},

CREATING PAGESHilo\Hilo\hub\hub.js

Hilo.controls.pages.define("hub", {

ready: function (element, options) {

// Handle the app bar button clicks for showing and hiding the app bar. var appBarEl = document.querySelector("#appbar"); var hiloAppBar = new Hilo.Controls.HiloAppBar.HiloAppBarPresenter(appBarEl, WinJS.Navigation);

// Handle selecting and invoking (clicking) images. var listViewEl = document.querySelector("#picturesLibrary"); this.listViewPresenter = new Hilo.Hub.ListViewPresenter(listViewEl, Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationView);

// Coordinate the parts of the hub page. this.hubViewPresenter = new Hilo.Hub.HubViewPresenter( WinJS.Navigation, hiloAppBar, this.listViewPresenter, new Hilo.ImageQueryBuilder() );

this.hubViewPresenter .start(knownFolders.picturesLibrary) .then(function () { WinJS.Application.addEventListener("Hilo:ContentsChanged", Hilo.navigator.reload); });


function PageControlNavigator(element, options) {

// . . .

window.onresize = this._resized.bind(this);

// . . . }, _resized: function (args) { if (this.pageControl && this.pageControl.updateLayout) {, this.pageElement, appView.value, this._lastViewstate); } this._lastViewstate = appView.value;},



updateLayout: function (element, viewState, lastViewState) { this.listViewPresenter.setViewState(viewState, lastViewState);},

setViewState: function (viewState) { = this.selectLayout(viewState);},

selectLayout: function (viewState, lastViewState) {

if (lastViewState === viewState) { return; }

if (viewState === appViewState.snapped) { return new WinJS.UI.ListLayout(); } else { var layout = new WinJS.UI.GridLayout(); layout.groupInfo = function () { return listViewLayoutSettings; }; layout.maxRows = 3; return layout; }},

DATA BINDINGTemplates for group items and group headers in the normal


<div id="monthItemTemplate" data-win-control="WinJS.Binding.Template"> <div data-win-bind="style.backgroundImage: url.backgroundUrl; className: className"></div></div>

<div id="monthGroupHeaderTemplate" data-win-control="WinJS.Binding.Template"> <a class="monthLink" href="#"><span data-win-bind="innerHTML: title"></span> (<span data-win-bind="innerText: count"></span>)</a></div>

<div id="monthSnappedTemplate" data-win-control="WinJS.Binding.Template"> <span data-win-bind="innerHTML: title"></span> (<span data-win-bind="innerText: count"></span>) <div data-win-bind="style.backgroundImage: backgroundUrl;" class="thumbnail"></div></div>

DATA SOURCE TYPESWinJS.Binding.List - synchronous data source, in-memorydata source (an array), all its data must be available fordisplayStorageDataSource - built-in support for the Windows filesystemVirtualizedDataSource - custom implementation

UXYou should provide both pointer and touch experience to your


The pointer is an old school, touch control requires some skillsfrom developer.

OBJECT ROTATIONHilo\Hilo\rotate\TouchProvider.js

function TouchProviderConstructor(inputElement) {

var recognizer = new Windows.UI.Input.GestureRecognizer(); recognizer.gestureSettings = Windows.UI.Input.GestureSettings.manipulationRotate; inputElement.addEventListener("MSPointerDown", function (evt) { var pp = evt.currentPoint; if (pp.pointerDevice.pointerDeviceType === pointerDeviceType.touch) { recognizer.processDownEvent(pp); } }, false);

inputElement.addEventListener("MSPointerMove", function (evt) { var pps = evt.intermediatePoints; if (pps[0] && pps[0].pointerDevice.pointerDeviceType === pointerDeviceType.touch) { recognizer.processMoveEvents(pps); } }, false);

inputElement.addEventListener("MSPointerUp", function (evt) { var pp = evt.currentPoint; if (pp.pointerDevice.pointerDeviceType === pointerDeviceType.touch) { recognizer.processUpEvent(pp); } }, false);

PERFORMANCE TIPSLimit the start timeEmphasize responsivenessUse thumbnails for quick renderingRetrieve thumbnails when accessing itemsRelease media and stream resources when they're nolonger neededOptimize ListView performanceKeep DOM interactions to a minimumOptimize property accessUse independent animationsManage layout efficientlyStore state efficientlyKeep your app’s memory usage low when it's suspendedMinimize the amount of resources that your app uses

IN DEPTH is a technique in which the system creates

bytecode for each JavaScript file once, rather than re-creatingthe bytecode each time it starts the app (30% improvment in

large apps).

Avoid synchronous API calls. Break proccessing operationsinto series of smaller operations.

Bytecode caching

IN DEPTHUse Windows Runtime thumbnail APIs to cache and show


Use DOM objects only to store information that directlyaffects how the DOM lays out or draws elements.

Certain types of animations are offloaded from the UI threadto GPU-accelerated system thread.

IN DEPTHCombine API calls to reduce the number of layout passes.

Store session data in the sessionState in-memory object.

When your app begins the suspension process, it should freeany large objects that can be easily rebuilt when it resumes.

WAYS TO TEST YOUR APPUnit testingIntegration testingUX testingSecurity testingLocalization testingAccessibility testingPerformance testingDevice testing


describe("Image Query Builder", function () {

var queryBuilder, storageFolder;

beforeEach(function (done) { queryBuilder = new Hilo.ImageQueryBuilder();

var whenFolder = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.current.localFolder.getFolderAsync("Indexed"); whenFolder.then(function (folder) { storageFolder = folder; done(); }); });

ASYNC TESTSHilo.Specifications\specs\queries\imageQueryBuilder.spec.js

describe("when executing a query that specifies the number of images to load", function () { var queryResult;

beforeEach(function () { queryResult = queryBuilder .count(1) .build(storageFolder) .execute(); });

it("should load the specified number of images", function (done) { queryResult.then(function (images) { expect(images.length).equals(1); done(); }).done(null, done); });});

HANDLING EXCEPTIONSMocha test runner should intercepts this exception and

reports it as a test failure.

But WinJS is intercepting all promises errors.

.done function is never called, test will go into a wait state andMocha will time out (2 seconds), omitting the fail message.


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