Craigie and Moncreiffe

Post on 08-Apr-2022






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Craigie and Moncreiffe

The Church of Scotland

May - July 2018


Telephone 01738 443904, email:


24 Huntingtower Road, Perth PH1 2JS Telephone 01738 628301

SESSION CLERK: Cecilia Higgins

27 Woodside Crescent, Perth PH2 0EW Telephone 01738 632395

Charity No. SC001330

Dear Friends,

What a pleasure it is to continue working with you all as your Interim Moderator. In the past weeks and months I’ve chaired various meetings with your Kirk Session, Nomination Committee and Project Board as you all continue to seek God’s way forward for you in these demanding times. As I work with you I see so much to be positive about: prayerfulness, commitment, hard work and a growing awareness that risk-taking, much as it may be daunting, is very much the order of the day in our ecclesiastical climate of national decline. With your team of faithful workers I remain confident that things will work out just fine at Craigie and Moncreiffe Church. Somewhere out there is your new minister!! Until we secure that appointment, there’s little to worry about, such is the fabulous team of volunteers you have leading worship, dealing with administrative tasks, contending with property matters and generally working diligently away in serving the needs of the youngest through to the oldest in your communities. I assure you of my ongoing support as Perth Presbytery’s appointed representative to guide you through this ongoing time of vacancy. Be of good cheer! Be confident! Be upbeat! Our Lord of new life has wonderful plans for those of us willing to step out in faith. Let us rise to the challenge and not be afraid. Every blessing in this new season of Springtime to you and yours. Rev Scott Burton BD DipMin Interim Moderator.

Chronicle Deadline

All material for the next Chronicle should be with Andrew Davidson NO LATER than Sunday 15th July 2018

Please place in Andrew’s ‘pigeon hole’ in Craigie Session House, or email to:

06.05.18 Teas & Coffees after both Services Traidcraft goods on sale at Craigie 15.05.18 Craigieknowes Service at 11.00am (Meet at 10.45am) 16.05.18 L’Arche in Perth Open meeting in St Matthew’s 5-7.30pm 27.05.18 Messy Church at Moncreiffe - 11.00am to 1.00pm Craigie Church 11am—Boys’ Brigade Presentation of Awards 27.05.18 ‘Meet your Holy Neighbour’ an ecumenical Treasure Hunt (for fun) visiting

churches in the City of Perth 1-4pm (organised by PACT) 29.05.18 Craigieknowes Service at 11.00am (Meet at 10.45am) 29.05.18 PACT AGM in Craigie Church Hall at 7.30pm. Guest Speaker, Provost

Dennis Melloy. 03.06.18 Teas & Coffees after both Services. Traidcraft goods on sale at Craigie 05.06.18 Craigieknowes Service at 11.00am (Meet at 10.45am) 09.06.18 Presbytery Meeting 10am at Madoch Centre, St Madoes 10.06.18 Annual Stated Meeting at Craigie following morning worship 17.06.18 Communion – Craigie 11.00am and Moncreiffe 2.30pm. Retiring Collection for Perth Street Pastors 19.06.18 Craigieknowes Service at 11.00am 19.06.18 Kirk Session Meeting in Craigie Session House at 7.30pm 01.07.18 Teas & Coffees after both Services. Traidcraft goods on sale at Craigie 15.07.18 Deadline date for articles for the August—October Chronicle 05.08.18 Teas & Coffees after both Services. Traidcraft goods on sale at Craigie


This is your invitation to the Sacrament of Holy Communion.

This we do in remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice for all of us

Sunday 17th June 2018 11.00am at Craigie Church

2.30pm at Moncreiffe Church

If you are unwell or are unable to attend Church Services to celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion, please speak with your Elder so that appropriate arrangements can be made for you to receive Communion at home.

Retiring Collection for Perth Street Pastors

ANNUAL STATED MEETING: The Annual Stated Meeting of Craigie & Moncreiffe Church will take place on SUNDAY, 10 June 2018 following morning worship at Craigie. We hope that you will be able to join us.

Thank you … to Gordon and all who supported the quiz when £229 was raised Service of Thanksgiving for all Street Pastors and friends in Scotland 1.30 pm Saturday 12 May, St Madoes Church. For catering purposes could you let us know that you are coming on pastors-in-scotland-service-ofcelebrationthanksgivingtickets- 44446011216

A friend shared how he learned to overcome his addiction - He said that his problems occurred when instead of having a positive upward looking note, he started to feel flat. Then all that was needed when he was feeling flat was for something - often trivial in itself - to rattle/ niggle him and it triggered a very rapid downward spiral to rock bottom when eventually he asked for help. Things improved and stabilised when he realised that the time for action as when he started to feel flat. Things which helped him included : i. keeping his upward line by spending time each day in honest prayer, asking for God’s help and living in the dimension of His presence. ii. developing a regular healthy lifestyle of eating, sleeping, etc. iii. having really good friends whom he could contact 24 x 7. When starting to feel flat, often 5 minutes on the phone would diffuse the tension. It is clear that the best support in these circumstances is someone who embodies listening and caring as a representative of Jesus (adapted from Street Pastors Newsletter, April 2018). (Our Retiring Collection on Sunday, 17 June 2018 is for Perth Street Pastors)


Mrs Hazel Coull receiving the church flowers on the occasion of her 90th Birthday on 5th April

CLOSURE OF THE MANNA HOUSE Unfortunately due to financial pressures The Faith Mission could no longer support the work of The Manna House and they ceased trading on Saturday 7 April 2018. They wish to thank all churches and Christians in Perth and surrounding area for their support over the last 27 years. Christian books can be obtained online through the Faith Mission website —

BOYS’ BRIGADE As part of the Boys’ Brigade centenary celebrations, the 4th

Company held a 100-item challenge. The company collected 100 items for the local food bank. Morag Forsyth kindly came along to the meeting to receive the donation and have her photo taken with the boys and officers.


Perth and Kinross Foodbank would like to thank you all for your continued support in donating food at the Church. There are bags at each vestibule of the Church. It is very welcomed and appreciated by the people that use the Foodbank. The food has to be in tins or non-perishable. Toiletries, nappies and pet food are also welcomed.


The next meeting of the Kirk Session will take place in Craigie Session House

on Tuesday 19th June at 7.30 p.m.

The Session Clerk should be advised of any apologies prior to the meeting

and notified of any items for inclusion in the Agenda no later than

Wednesday 6 June. Conveners’ Reports should be submitted by Monday 11


These meetings are open meetings and all are welcome.


Bed In Summer - Robert Louis Stevenson

In winter I get up at night And dress by yellow candle-light.

In summer quite the other way, I have to go to bed by day.

I have to go to bed and see

The birds still hopping on the tree, Or hear the grown-up people's feet

Still going past me in the street.

And does it not seem hard to you, When all the sky is clear and blue, And I should like so much to play,

To have to go to bed by day?

The Revive Youth Project

We’ve had a busy few months with various different activities going on within the project. We’ve been encouraged by the number of young people attending the groups and the times we’ve shared together over the last number of years.

May 2018 will mark the fifth year of Craigie & Moncreiffe being partnered with the YMCA to deliver their youth work and it’s been a real privilege to have been the one working alongside this community’s amazing young people for all these years. In the middle of February we had the opportunity to partner up with Comrie, Aberfeldy, Congregational, Methodist and Kinnoull churches and have a 24-hour youth residential in Comrie Croft, where we focused on the topic of sectarianism and the impact it has on young people today. Great feedback was gained from all involved. Recently we have partnered up with Kinnoull Church’s younger youth group, where we had a fun inflatable night as well as a quiz night. Parents and carers were extremely pleased with this and the young people loved meeting others from around Perth with whom they will eventually be in high school. For a number of years we have journeyed with young people and it is a great joy and delight to see some of them now exploring the Christian faith for themselves. We will continue to journey with these young people and pray that they will find God during their time with us. With it being the year of young people, we would love to see many events happening and the church congregation and South Perth community involved in what we do, so please do look out for opportunities to get involved. To find out more, just get in touch with Matthew on 07702307071 or Thank you.

Younity Event

Date: 27/05/18 Venue: Moncreiffe Church

Time: To be confirmed For: Everyone

Similar to the Perth Alive Festivals, which bring churches from all across Perthshire together, Younity is the equivalent but for all these churches’

YOUNG PEOPLE & their various youth groups.

Over the last couple of years Younity has brought young people together for nights of fun and games as well as a specific spoken word or testimony.

These has proved very popular and on 27/05/18 it is Craigie & Moncreiffe Church’s turn to host Younity.

Our youth worker, Matthew, will be taking a lead in organising this event but would like as many of the congregation and community involved as

possible, as it’s for everyone. Please keep this date in mind. More information will be released closer to the time.

Thank you.

YMCA Perth at the National Youth Work Awards

On the 15th of March the YMCA Perth team attended the Crown Plaza Hotel in Glasgow to take part in the 2018 National Youth Work Awards held by YouthLink Scotland. YMCA Perth was shortlisted for team of the year out of 250

applications and came up just short of the overall award by finishing

in second place. An amazing achievement still for a staff team

consisting of only 11 people. Matthew, our Youth Leader, is included

in this photo.


The Scottish Parliament designated 2018 as the year of young people, and the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland followed suit. Young people means those under 25.

We are already almost halfway through the year but we are seeing it as a great opportunity to engage with our young people in our community.

Matthew is planning a big youth event soon. Look out for information on that and try to get along to support it if you can.

Education and Mission are also looking at various ideas to value and encourage the younger children in our community by celebrating their achievements and gifts. These events would take place in the autumn.

Lynda Fyfe

Messy Church continues to meet on the last Sunday of each month from 11 a.m. till 1 p.m. at Moncreiffe Church. It will take a summer

break in June, July and August.

When it resumes in September, that will be the commencement of its third year, which seems incredible to me. It has been a real learning curve for us all and we are still learning!

Messy Church is a fresh expression of Church, giving us an opportunity to compare and contrast what works and what needs to be re-imagined when it comes to sharing and living out the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the 21st century. Messy Church is very much about all ages together exploring God’s word through theme-related arts and crafts, stories, songs and even sharing a meal together. You'd be surprised how much we can learn from the young amongst us. But equally, what better way to nurture faith than spending time together?

We have had some great and memorable moments over the past two years, building temples, stables and even Pharaoh’s chariots. Great fun whilst learning for our young people and keeping the older generation young at heart – that’s what Messy Togetherness does! Come along and give it a try! You will be made most welcome.

Many thanks to all who voted for Messy Church in their bid for funding. We were successful in our application which will enable us to keep going another year.

Lynda Fyfe

Perth’s Gordon Loudon captains Scotland’s over-65 hockey team……….

The Perthshire Hockey Club president will proudly take to the field leading the Scots into action at high-profile tournaments this year, including in Lille for Celtic Cup action against France, Ireland and Wales. Gordon is our Finance Convenor.


At the June presbytery morning session, the Mission and Discipleship committee are hosting the morning to showcase the Year of the Young Person within our presbytery. All are welcome to come along to this meeting which will be held at the Madoch Centre, St Madoes on Saturday, 9 June 2018 commencing at 10am. Coffee/Tea from 9.30am

When you see their leaves beginning to appear,

you know that summer is near.

Luke 21: v30

Christian Aid Week: 13th to 19th May Christian Aid Week starts as usual with the annual Coffee Morning on the 12th of May from 10am to 11.45am at the North Church Halls. The tickets are £3 each. There will be the usual stalls, including baking. Please remember all the door-to-door collectors in your prayers. There will be envelopes at the end of pews on the 19th and the following week for people not included in the door-to-door collection who would like to give. Thank you Morag Forsyth

Thank you very much to everyone who has contributed to The Leprosy Mission in the last year. I have just sent a cheque to the Leprosy Mission for £100. If you would like to help this cause you can pick up a blue tub from any of the main church doors.

The Leprosy Mission is an International Christian Development Organisation, working with, and for, people affected by leprosy. Its goal is to defeat leprosy and transform lives. Last autumn, Mhairi Dawson travelled to Asia to see for herself the impact that we are having in the lives of people affected by leprosy. She has seen how our gifts have been used to cure, care for and restore people affected by leprosy and their families, healing the immediate and long term effects of the disease and enabling young people to work towards a much brighter future. So please keep giving generously to this worthwhile cause.

Elizabeth Brown

CHRONICLE The Chronicle is now a quarterly magazine. Routine announcements, such as regular meetings of organisations, will be intimated through a new monthly news-sheet. The news-sheet will not be delivered, but you can pick up a copy in church. You can also keep informed through the website.

The Communications Group is pleased to receive items for the next issue at any point, and the earlier the better. Please submit any pictures or news items as the event happens so it is not forgotten. Thank you.


The Guild are having their summer break at present and

will be resuming on Tuesday 25th September at 2pm in

Craigie Church Hall.

This year we lost one of our dear friends, Pat Smeaton, who died in

February. She will be greatly missed for her friendship and also for her

lovely singing voice. Our President, Lynda Pyper, has also stepped

down from her post.

We held our AGM on 20th March, when we were entertained by some

wonderful entertainers called Third Generation, and on the 10th April,

many of us went to Perth Theatre where we were treated to a

fantastic performance by Perth Amateur Operatic Society of Sister Act.

Everyone who attended the show really enjoyed it.

By the time you read this, we will have held our Guild Coffee Morning

on Saturday 21st April and following that on 30th April we will be having

a nice, relaxing lunch at the Civil Service Club. We then go our separate

ways during the summer and I will try to put together a varied syllabus

for our next session from the suggestions put forward at our

Committee Meeting.

I would like to thank everyone who supported us throughout the year

and who work so hard to make all of our events such a success, both

members of the Guild and members of the congregation who give us

their time without hesitation.

I hope that you all enjoy a nice, long summer break and look forward

to meeting up again for our next session in September.

Margaret Lang

(Guild Secretary)

Soup and Rolls at Moncreiffe Church Hall

Tuesdays 11:30am–1:00pm.

Come along and join us for a hot bowl of soup, oatcakes & cheese, rolls, biscuits and tea or coffee.

All are very welcome. The Team

Loving God, sometimes we say we'll do things later. We are too busy right now to appreciate your creation. We look forward to having time to relax. Help us to know that the time is now. You have put a blue wrapper around the world and tied it with a rainbow ribbon. May we enjoy the present.


The Arts and Crafts Group break up for the Summer on Thursday, 10th May and resume again on Thursday, 6th September. “Enjoy your time in the Sun” Mary, Betty & Cathie

Craigie and Moncreiffe is online

Please visit and share your news with us at

or keep in touch with us on Facebook & Twitter.

We’d love to hear from you.

As you should know, our church has a website. If you haven’t visited it yet, please do, and let us know what you think. You can email me at

Would you like to see something on the website that isn’t there? Is there anything that it would be worth changing?

We update the website periodically, but we need input from you. If you are involved in running any church group, please read its information on the What We Do page and tell us what needs to be taken out, added or replaced. We can’t correct what we don’t know about.

If your group has an event coming up, let us know and we can publicise it. If you have pictures of a recent celebration, send them to us and we can share them, if you also send permission from anybody identified in the pictures.

It is particularly important to keep our website current and accurate during this time of vacancy. That is the first place a prospective minister will look to find out more about the church.

We look forward to working with you to keep our online presence fresh and engaging.

Andrew R. Davidson

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,

that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

John 3: 16

In Memoriam “Those who hope in the Lord will find their strength renewed.

They will rise on wings like eagles…”Isaiah 40:31

Elder’s District

Mrs E Smail Abbeyfield Nursing Home 41

Miss N Blair North Inch House 39

Mr E Alexander 9 Wellshill Terrace 3

Mrs J Coutts 34a Murray Crescent 11

Mr A Young Craigieknowes Nursing Home 39

Mrs M Ogilvy Beechgrove House 10

Mrs P Smeaton 9 West Mains Avenue 24

Mrs M Carr 75a Edinburgh Road 30

Mr R Finlayson 9 Pitheavlis Terrace 17

Mr H Mowbray 15 Cavendish Avenue 25

Mr D Collins Edinburgh 41

Mrs I Gillies Ruthven Towers Nursing Home 41

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