CRAIG JACKSON CALHOUN CURRICULUM VITAE ......1 November 2019 CRAIG JACKSON CALHOUN CURRICULUM VITAE ADDRESS: 6760 Coor Hall Arizona State University Tempe, AZ. 85287-3902 Email:

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November 2019


CURRICULUM VITAE ADDRESS: 6760 Coor Hall Arizona State University Tempe, AZ. 85287-3902

Email: PERSONAL DATA: Born 16 June 1952; Watseka, Illinois, U.S.A. Married to Pamela F. DeLargy; two children. EDUCATION: D. Phil., 1980, Oxford University (St. Antony's College), Politics Faculty (Modern Social and

Economic History and Sociology). Thesis: Community, Class and Collective Action: Popular Protest in Industrializing England and the Theory of Working-Class Radicalism.

M.A. (Econ.), 1975, Manchester University, Social Anthropology. Thesis: The Authority of Ancestors among the Tallensi of Northern Ghana.

Published in 1997 by the Experience Rich Anthropology Project, University of Kent, at

M.A., 1974, Columbia University, Anthropology and Education; further study in Sociology. B.A., 1973, University of Southern California, Anthropology with cinema minor. LANGUAGES: English; mediocre French; rudimentary Spanish and Chinese. HONORS AND AWARDS: Honorary Doctorates and Similar LL.D., honoris causa, La Trobe University, 2005.

LL.D., honoris causa, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 2013. Sigillum Magnum, University of Bologna, 2019.

Awards for Publications

Choice noteworthy book for 1982, for The Question of Class Struggle. Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship Award, ASA Section on Political Sociology, 1995, for Neither Gods nor Emperors. Distinguished Book Award, ASA Section on the History of Sociology, 2007, for Sociology in America.

Awards for Teaching Order of the Golden Fleece, UNC Undergraduate Honor Society, 1988; Teacher of the Year, NYU Department of Sociology, 2005; Professor of the Year, Columbia University Department of Sociology, 2006.


Elected Fellow Sociological Research Association, 1994; Society for Comparative Research, 1998; NYU Society of Fellows, 1998; Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 2000; New York Institute for the Humanities, 2001; Council on Foreign Relations, 2005; Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2008; Einstein Fellow, Humboldt University and City of Berlin, 2010; American Philosophical Society, 2012; Royal Society of the Arts, 2012 Academy of Social Sciences (UK), 2014; Fellow of the British Academy 2015; Sigma Xi, 2019

Named Lectures

Irene Flecknoe Ross Lecture, (UCLA, 1994-95; Harry Bridges Lecturer, University of Washington and International Longshoremen’s and Warehousemen’s Union, Seattle, 1996; Howard W. Beers Lecturer, University of Kentucky, 1997; Benjamin J. Meaker Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Bristol, 2000; Hans Speier Distinguished Lecturer, New School for Social Research, 2001; Pitirim Sorokin Lecturer, University of Saskatchewan, 2004; Ernest Gellner Memorial Lecture, LSE, 2007; Sir Robert Birley Lecture, City University of London, 2007; Dennis F. and Brooks Holt Lecture, USC, 2009; Albert Morris Lecture, Boston University, 2011; Ralph Miliband Memorial Lecture, LSE, 2012; Tanner Lecture on Human Values, University of Michigan, 2013; Fred Halliday Memorial Lecture, LSE, 2013; Willem Aubert Lecture, University of Oslo, 2013; William Temple Lecture, University of Manchester, 2014 Ralph Dahrendorf Lecture, St. Antony’s College, Oxford University, 2015 Thesis Eleven Lecture, La Trobe University, Melbourne, 2017 Matrix Distinguished Lecture, University of California, Berkeley, 2018; Jodidi Lecture, Harvard University, 2018


W. K. Kellogg National Fellowship, 1982-85; R. J. Reynolds Fund Award (UNC), 1985; W.R. Kenan Fellowship (UNC), 1988-89; P. & R. Hettleman Faculty Fellowship (UNC), 1991; Listed in Who’s Who (UK), Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in the World, and similar publications.


PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT: Arizona State University, 2018-

University Professor of Social Sciences, 2018- ; With specific appointments in:

School of Politics and Global Studies School of Public Affairs School for the Future of Innovation in Society School of Sustainability School of Arts, Media, and Engineering Thunderbird School of Global Management

Berggruen Institute, 2016- President, 2016-2018; Senior Advisor, 2018- . London School of Economics and Political Science, 2012-2016, continuing part-time; Director and President, September 2012-16; School Professor, 2012-16;

Centennial Professor, 2016- ; Social Science Research Council, 1999-2012;

President New York University, 1996-2012;

Global Distinguished Professor, 2012-14; 2016-17; University Professor, 2004-12 (on leave 2006-7; 2012-13); Professor of Sociology and History, 1996-12; Professor of Media, Culture, and Communications, 2007-12; Affiliated Faculty, NYU Abu Dhabi, 2010-12; Director, Institute for Public Knowledge, 2007-12; Chair, Department of Sociology, 1996-99.

Columbia University, 2006-7; Professor of Sociology University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1977-96.

Adjunct Professor of Sociology, 1996-99. Professor of Sociology and History, 1989-96.

Associate Professor, 1985-89; Assistant Professor, 1980-85; Instructor, 1977-80. Adjunct Professor, Departments of Anthropology and Communication Studies.

Dean of the Graduate School, 1994-96. Director, University Center for International Studies, 1993-96. Director, Program in Social Theory and Cross-Cultural Studies, 1989-95; (Acting Director, 1988-89). Director, Office of International Programs and Chair, Curriculum in International Studies, 1990-93.

Teachers College, Columbia University, 1972-74 Program Coordinator, then Research Associate, Horace Mann-Lincoln Institute HONORARY, PART-TIME, OR TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, College d’Etudes Mondiales, 2011- ; Honorary Professor of Global Studies in Social Solidarity and Social Movements Yale University Faculty Fellow, Center for Cultural Sociology, 2004- . Technical University of Munich, 2012-15; Distinguished Affiliated Professor, Munich Center for Technology in Society


Humboldt University, 2010-14; Einstein Fellow Affiliated Professor in the Berlin Graduate School of Social Science

University of Oslo, Department of Sociology: Visiting Lecturer, 1991; Professor II, 1993-98. USIA Academic Specialist in Residence/Advisor to the Constitutional Commission of Eritrea,

1994-1995 Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences, Visiting Fellow, Spring 1994. Center for Psychosocial Studies, Chicago, Illinois: Research Fellow, 1982-3. École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris: Directeur d'Études Invité, Fall, 1991. Beijing Foreign Studies University, People's Republic of China: Visiting Professor, Spring, 1989. University of Khartoum, Sudan: Visiting Research Associate, Development Studies and Research

Centre, 1983. STUDENT ASSISTANTSHIPS: Bureau of Applied Social Research, Columbia University, Research Assistant,

Comparative Organizations Research Project, 1974-75; Institute of Law and Urban Studies, Beverly Hills, CA, Research Assistant, 1971-72; University of Southern California, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Course Assistant, 1970-71.

OTHER EMPLOYMENT: Los Angeles County, Assessment Appeals Clerk, 1970 (Summer); Stewart and First

American Title Insurance Companies, Santa Ana, California, Title Searcher, 1968-70; busboy and waiter at various points.

PUBLICATIONS: Books (authored): (1982) The Question of Class Struggle: Social Foundations of Popular Radicalism During the

Industrial Revolution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, and Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Selection reprinted in M. Taylor, ed.: Rationality and Revolution. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press and Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1988, pp. 129-175.

(1989, 1994, 1997) Sociology, with D. Light and S. Keller. New York: McGraw-Hill. Spanish edition, Bogota, Colombia: Editorial McGraw-Hill Latinoamericana, 1991. German edition, adapted by Hans Joas, et al, Berlin: Campus Verlag, 2001. Chinese edition, Hong Kong, 2002. Norwegian and Swedish editions, adapted by Ragnvald Kalleberg, et al, Oslo and Uppsala: ad Notam Gyldenlove, 2002. Secondary school editions by Scott Foresman/McGraw-Hill, 1995, 2000. Ch. 3 reprinted in Vocabulary Connections, Book III: Academic Words, ed. By J. Reynolds. Maidenhead, UK: McGraw-Hill Europe, 1998.

(1994) Neither Gods nor Emperors: Students and the Struggle for Democracy in China. Berkeley: University of California Press. Award for Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship, American Sociological Association, Section on

Political Sociology, 1995. Choice Outstanding Academic Title, 1995. ASA Author Meets Critics Panel, 1996.

(1995) Critical Social Theory: Culture, History and the Challenge of Difference. Oxford and Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell.

Bulgarian translation, Sofia: Critique and Humanism Publishing House, 2003 Chapter 1, “Rethinking Critical Theory,” reprinted in P. Beilharz, ed.: Postwar American Critical Thought. London: Sage, 2005.


(1997) Nationalism. Buckingham: Open University Press and Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Also published as an e-book by OUP and Barnes and Noble, 2000. Spanish translation 2005, Buenos Aires: Libros del Zorzal. Korean translation 2007, Seoul: E-Who Publishers. Russian translation 2007, Moscow: Institute for the Future Catalan/Valenciana translation 2008, Valencia: Editorial Afers Polish translation 2007 Warsaw: Wydawnictwa Akademickie I Profesjonalne Chinese translation 2009, Singapore: McGraw-Hill Education Asia Turkish Translation 2017, Istanbul: Feylesof Books.

(2007) Nations Matter: Citizenship, Solidarity, and the Cosmopolitan Dream. Abingdon, Oxford: Routledge.

Spanish translation, Madrid: Tusquets, 2008. Turkish translation 2008, Istanbul: Bilgi Iletisim Grubu Yayincilik Muzik Yapim.

Catalan translation forthcoming, Barcelona: Debats. (2012) The Roots of Radicalism: Tradition, the Public Sphere, and Early 19th Century Social

Movements. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Chinese translation 2016. Beijing: Peking University Press.

(2013) Does Capitalism Have a Future? (with Immanuel Wallerstein, Randall Collins, Michael Mann, and Georgi Derluguian). Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.

Chinese translation 2014, Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press Russian translation 2014, Moscow: Gaidar Press Slovenian translation 2014, Ljubljana: *cf Finnish translation 2014, Helsinki: Gaudeamus Helsinki University Press and Vasta Paino. German translation 2014, Frankfurt: Campus Verlag Turkish translation 2014, Istanbul: Metis French translation2014, Paris: Découverte Korean translation 2014, Seoul: Changbi Spanish translation 2015, Mexico City: Siglo XXI Farsi translation 2015, Tehran: Pejvak Polish translation 2015, Warsaw, Wydawnictwo Akademickie/DIALOG, 2015 Portuguese translation 2015, Sao Paolo: Boitempo Arabic translation 2015, Beirut: ASP. Japanese translation 2015, Tokyo: Yuigaku Shobo. Czech translation 2016, Prague: SLON. Romanian translation 2017, Bucharest: Editura Comunicare. Urdu translation 2017, Lahore: Warasat.

(forthcoming) Degenerations of Democracy (with Charles Taylor and Dilip Gaonkar). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Books (edited): (1976) The Anthropological Study of Education, with F. A. J. Ianni. The Hague: Mouton, and

Chicago: Aldine. (1990) Structures of Power and Constraint: Essays in Honor of Peter M. Blau, with W. R. Scott

and M. Meyer. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. Electronic edition 2010. (1992) Habermas and the Public Sphere. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Japanese translation, Tokyo, 1998. (1993) Bourdieu: Critical Perspectives, with E. LiPuma and M. Postone. Cambridge: Polity

Press and Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (1994) Social Theory and the Politics of Identity. Oxford and Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell.


(1997) Hannah Arendt and the Meaning of Politics, with John McGowan. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

(2002) Dictionary of the Social Sciences. New York: Oxford University Press. Arabic translation, Amman: Tarjuman, 2012.

(2002) The Classical Social Theory Reader (with Joseph Gerteis, James Moody, Steven Pfaff, and Indermohan Virk). Cambridge, MA: Blackwell.

2nd edition 2007. 3rd edition 2011. 4th edition forthcoming. (2002) The Contemporary Social Theory Reader (with Joseph Gerteis, James Moody, Steven Pfaff,

and Indermohan Virk). Cambridge, MA: Blackwell. 2nd edition 2007. 3rd edition 2011. 4th edition forthcoming. (2002) Understanding September 11: Perspectives from the Social Sciences (with Paul Price and

Ashley Timmer). New York: New Press. Spanish Translation, Buenos Aires and Mexico City: Siglo XXI, 2003. (2005) The Sage Handbook of Sociology (with Chris Rojek and Bryan Turner). London: Sage.

Chinese translation, Beijing: Donghendj 2007 (2006) Lessons of Empire? (with Frederick Cooper and Kevin Moore). New York: New Press. (2007) Sociology in America: A History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Distinguished Book Award, American Sociological Association, Section on History of Sociology, 2007 Chinese translation, Yilin Press, 2011.

(2007) Practicing Culture (with Richard Sennett). Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Routledge. (2010) Varieties of Secularism in ‘A Secular Age’ (with Michael Warner and Jonathan

VanAntwerpen). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (2010) Robert K. Merton: Sociology of Science, Sociology as Science. New York: Columbia

University Press. (2011) Knowledge Matters: The Public Mission of the Research University (with Diana Rhoten).

New York: Columbia University Press. (2011) Business as Usual; The Roots of the Global Financial Crisis (with Georgi Derlugian). New

York: NYU Press. (2011) The Deepening Crisis: Governance Challenges after Neoliberalism (with Georgi

Derlugian). New York: NYU Press. (2011) Aftermath: A New Global Economic Order? (with Georgi Derlugian). New York: NYU

Press. (2011) Rethinking Secularism (with Mark Juergensmeyer and Jonathan VanAntwerpen). Oxford:

Oxford University Press. Arabic translation: Beirut: Arab Network for Research and Publishing, 2017. Turkish translation: Istanbul: Nika Yayinevi, 2017. (2013) Habermas and Religion (with Eduardo Mendieta and Jonathan VanAntwerpen).

Cambridge: Polity. Journal Special Issues Public Culture, vol. 25 #2 (2013), “Infrastructures of the Urban” (with Richard Sennett and Harel Shapira).


Articles & Chapters: (1974) "General Status: Specific Role," Anthropology and Education Quarterly, vol. 5, #2, pp. 15-

18. (1975) "The Social Function of Experiences of Altered Perception," in T. R. Williams (ed.)

Socialization and Communication in Primary Groups. The Hague: Mouton, and Chicago: Aldine, pp. 429-436.

(1976) "Continuity and Change: The Significance of Time in the Organization of Experience," International Review of Psychoanalysis, vol. 3, #3, pp. 291-304.

(1976) "Notes on the Social Organization of High Schools," (with F. A. J. Ianni), in C. J. Calhoun and F. A. J. Ianni (eds.), The Anthropological Study of Education. The Hague: Mouton, and Chicago: Aldine, pp. 217-226.

Reprinted in R. Barnhardt, H. Wolcott and J. Chilcott (eds.) Anthropology and Educational Administration. Tucson: Impresora Sahuaro, 1979, pp. 107-113.

(1976) "Education and the Problem of Continuity," in C. J. Calhoun and F. A. J. Ianni (eds.) The Anthropological Study of Education. The Hague: Mouton, and Chicago: Aldine, pp. 327-346.

(1978) "History, Anthropology and the Study of Communities: Some Problems in MacFarlane's Proposal," Social History, vol. 3, #3, pp. 363-373.

(1980) "Community: Toward a Variable Conceptualization for Comparative Research," Social History, vol. 5, #1, pp. 105-129.

Reprinted in R. S. Neale (ed.), History and Class: Essential Readings in Theory and Interpretation. Oxford: Blackwell, 1983, pp. 86-110. Chinese translation in Y. Keping, ed., Community, Identity and Solidarity. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press.

(1980) "The Authority of Ancestors: A Sociological Reconsideration of Fortes's Tallensi in Response to Fortes's Critics," Man, The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, new series, vol. 15, #2, pp. 304-319.

Web published in 1997 by the Experience Rich Anthropology Project, University of Kent, at

(1980) "Democracy, Autocracy and Intermediate Associations in Organizations: Flexibility or Un-restrained Change?" Sociology, vol. 4, #3, pp. 345-361.

(1980) "Transition in Social Foundations for Collective Action: Communities of Workers in the Southeast Lancashire Textile Region in the 1820s and 1830s," Social Science History, vol. 4, #4, pp. 419-451.

(1981) "The Microcomputer Revolution? Technical Possibilities and Social Choices," Sociological Methods and Research, vol. 9, #4, pp. 397-437. Reprinted in D. Heise (ed.), Microcomputers and Social Research. Beverly Hills: Sage, 1981, pp. 5-

45. (1981) "The Political Economy of Work," in S. G. McNall (ed.) Political Economy: Critique of

American Society. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman, pp. 272-299. (1983) "The Radicalism of Tradition: Community Strength or Venerable Disguise and Borrowed

Language?" American Journal of Sociology, vol. 88, #5, pp. 886-914. Reprinted (revised) in M. Taylor, ed.: Rationality and Revolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University

Press and Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1988. pp. 129-175. (1983) "Industrialization and Social Radicalism: British and French Workers' Movements and the

Mid-Nineteenth Century Crisis," Theory and Society, vol. 12, #4, pp. 485-504.


Previously an Occasional Paper of the Center for International Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz.

Spanish translation, Zona Abierta, 1984 Reprinted (expanded) as "The 'Retardation' of French Economic Development and Social Radicalism

During the Second Republic: New Lessons from the Old Comparison with Britain," in E. Burke, III, ed.: Global Crises and Social Movements: Artisans, Peasants, Populists and the World Economy. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1988, pp. 40-71

(1984) "Technology's Global Village Fragments Community Life," IEEE Spectrum, vol. 21, #6, pp. 80-84.

(1984) "Populistische Politik in der Klassengesellschaft," L'80: Demokratie und Sozialismus, Politische und literarische Beitrage, Heft 30, Juni 1984, pp. 29-37.

(1986) "Computer Technology, Large-Scale Social Integration and the Local Community," Urban Affairs Quarterly, vol. 22 #2, pp. 329-349.

(1987) "Computerized Information Management in a System-Poor Environment: Lessons from the Design and Implementation of a Computer System for the Sudanese Planning Ministry," (with William Drummond and Dale Whittington), Third World Planning Review, vol. 9 #4, pp. 347-365.

Reprinted in P. Woodward, ed.: Sudan after Nimeiri. London: Routledge, 1991, pp. 184-206. (1987) "Class, Place and Industrial Revolution," in P. Williams and N. Thrift, eds.: Class and

Space: The Making of Urban Society. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. 51-72. (1988) "Computerization in Legal Work: How Much Does New Technology Change Professional

Practice?" (with Martha Copp), Research in the Sociology of Work, Vol. 4, pp. 233-259. (1988) "Coping with Insidious Injuries: The Case of Johns-Manville Corporation and Asbestos

Exposure," (with Henryk Hiller), Social Problems, vol. 35 #2, pp. 162-181. Reprinted in J. H. Galliher, ed.: Human Behavior and Human Rights, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-

Hall, 1991. Reprinted in D. Ermann and R. Lundman, ed.: Corporate and Governmental Deviance, 4th ed. New

York: Oxford University Press, 1992; 5th ed. 1996. Reprinted in W.P. Perdue, ed: Systemic Crisis: A Critical and International Perspective. New York:

Holt/Sanders/Dryden, 1992. Reprinted in L.W. Klemke, ed.: Analyzing Deviants and Deviant Behavior, Needham Heights, MA: Ginn

Press/Simon and Schuster, 1994. (1988) "Who Really Wants Donor Coordination? Reflections on the Development of a

Microcomputer-Based Development Project Directory in the Sudan," (with Dale Whittington) Development Policy Review, vol. 6 #3, pp. 295-309. Reprinted (condensed) as "Reflections on Donor Coordination: An Attempt to Establish a

Microcomputer-based Development Project Directory in Sudan," Carolina Planning, vol. 14 #1 (1988) pp. 8-14.

(1988) "Microcomputer Implementations in the Least Developed Countries: Some Policy Considerations," (with Pamela DeLargy, John Freymann and Dale Whittington) in E. Griffin Shay, ed.: Microcomputer Policy for Developing Countries. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences.

(1988) "Populist Politics, Communications Media, and Large-Scale Social Integration," Sociological Theory, vol. 6 #2, pp. 219-241.

Previous version appeared as Working Paper #16 of the Center for Psychosocial Studies, Chicago, IL, 1987.

(1989) "Social Theory and the Law: Systems Theory, Normative Justification and Postmodernism," Northwestern University Law Review, vol. 83 #s 1-2, pp. 1701-1763.


(1989) "Intérêt, Rationalité, et Culture: a propos d'un récent débat sur la théorie de l'action," (with Loic Wacquant), Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales, No. 78 (June): 41-60. Translation published as "Interesse, racionalidade e cultura," Revista brasiliera de ciences sociais vol.

15 (1991) #6, pp. 76-100. (1989) "Social Issues in the Study of Culture," Comparative Social Research, vol. 11, pp. 1-29. (1989) "Revolution and Repression in Tiananmen Square," Society, vol. 26 #6, pp. 21-38.

Excerpted in The University Gazette, Vol. 17 #10 (June 17, 1989), pp. 4-5; Carolina Alumni Review, September 1989.

(1989) "The Beijing Spring, 1989: Notes on the Making of a Protest," Dissent, vol. 36 #4 (Fall), pp. 435-447.

Reprinted in Peter Kivisto, ed., Sociology for a Global Age, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000. (1989) "Protest in Beijing: The Conditions and Importance of the Chinese Student Movement of

1989," Partisan Review, Vol. LVI #4, pp. 563-580. Reprinted in W. A. Nord and A. Cox, eds.: Adventures in Ideas. Chapel Hill: University of North

Carolina Program in the Humanities and Human Values, 1991, pp. 68-78. (1989) "Tiananmen, Television and the Public Sphere: Internationalization of Culture and the

Beijing Spring of 1989," Public Culture, vol. 2 #1, pp. 54-70. (1989) "Classical Social Theory and the French Revolution of 1848," Sociological Theory, vol. 7

#2, pp. 210-225. Previous version in Proceedings of the Consortium on Revolutionary Europe, 1988, pp. 55-87.

(1990) "Toward a Sociology of Business," Comparative Social Research, vol. 12, pp. 1-15. (1990) "Peter Blau's Sociological Structuralism," (with W. Richard Scott) in C. Calhoun, M.

Meyer and W.R. Scott, eds.: Structures of Power and Constraint. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-33.

(1990) "The Ideology of Intellectuals and the Chinese Student Protest Movement of 1989," Praxis International, Vol. 10 #1-2, pp. 131-160. Reprinted (condensed) in C. Lemert, ed.: Intellectuals and Politics: Social Theory Beyond the Academy.

Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1991, pp. 113-140 . Reprinted (revised) in L. Fink, S. Leonard and D. Reid, eds.: Intellectuals and the Public Sphere. Ithaca:

Cornell University Press, 1996. (1991) "The Problem of Identity in Collective Action," in J. Huber, ed.: Macro-Micro Linkages in

Sociology. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, pp. 51-75. Spanish translation in J. Auyero, ed.: Caja de Herramientas. El lugar de la cultura en la sociologia norteamericana. Buenos Aires, 1999, pp. 77-114.

(1990) "Morality, Identity, and Historical Explanation: Charles Taylor on the Sources of the Self," Sociological Theory, vol. 9 #2, pp. 232-263.

Reprinted in A. Elliott, Identity. London: Routledge, 2014. (1991) "Culture, History and the Problem of Specificity in Social Theory," in S. Seidman and D.

Wagner, eds.: Postmodernism and Social Theory. New York and Oxford: Basil Blackwell, pp. 244-288.

(1991) "Indirect Relationships and Imagined Communities: Large Scale Social Integration and the Transformation of Everyday Life," in P. Bourdieu and J.S. Coleman, eds.: Social Theory for a Changing Society. Boulder, CO: Westview Press and New York: Russell Sage Foundation, pp. 95-120. Previous version appeared as Working Paper #2 of the Program in Social Theory and Cross-Cultural

Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1989. (1992) "Computerization, Aid-Dependency and Administrative Capacity: A Sudanese Case

Study," (with Pamela F. DeLargy) in S.G. Lewis and J. Samoff, eds.: Microcomputers in African Development. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, pp. 25-64.


(1992) "The Infrastructure of Modernity: Indirect Relationships, Information Technology, and Social Integration," in H. Haferkamp and N.J. Smelser, eds.: Social Change and Modernity. Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 205-236.

(1992) "Introduction: Habermas and the Public Sphere," in C. Calhoun, ed. Habermas and the Public Sphere, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 1-48.

Reprinted in J. Appleby, et. al, Knowledge and Postmodernism in Historical Perspective. London: Routledge, 1996. Reprinted in P. Beilharz, ed.: Postwar American Critical Thought. London: Sage, 2005.

(1992) "Beyond the Problem of Meaning: Robert Wuthnow's Historical Sociology of Culture," Theory and Society, vol. 21: 419-444.

(1992) "Sociology, Other Disciplines, and the Project of a General Understanding of Social Life," pp. 137-195 in T. Halliday and M. Janowitz, eds. Sociology and its Publics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

(1992) "Quelques reflexions sur une revolution manque: Champ intellectuel, champ de pouvoir et "democratie" en Chine," Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, no. 95, pp. 26-36.

(1993) "Postmodernism as Pseudohistory," Theory, Culture and Society, vol. 10 #1, pp. 75-96. Previous version appeared as Working Paper #40 of the Center for Psychosocial Studies, Chicago. Reprinted (revised) in P. Sztompka, ed.: Agency and Structure: Reorienting Social Theory. Yverdon,

Switzerland: Gordon and Breach, 1994, pp. 167-96. (1993) "Habitus, Field of Power and Capital: The Question of Historical Specificity," Pp. 61-88

in C. Calhoun, E. LiPuma and M. Postone, eds.: Bourdieu: Critical Perspectives. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Reprinted in P. Beilharz, ed.: Postwar American Critical Thought. London: Sage, 2005. (1993) "Civil Society and Public Sphere," Public Culture, Vol. 5 #2: 267-280.

Chinese translation in Stephen C.K. Chen, ed.: Identity and Public Culture: Critical Essays in Cultural Studies. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 1997, pp. 47-64.

Polish translation in Roczniki Nauk Spolecznych, Tom 3 (39) 2011: 9-27. (1993) "Nationalism and Ethnicity," Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 19: 211-39.

Reprinted in J. Huthinson and A. Smith, eds.: Nationalism: Critical Concepts. London: Routledge, 2001. Hungarian translation pp. 346-375 in Zoltan Kantor, ed.: Nacionalizmuselméletek (Theories of Nationalism), Budapest: Rejtjel Kiado, 2004. Chinese translation in Xuewei Zhai and Huibin Gan, eds., Globalization and National Identity. Nanjing: 2006. Spanish translation in Javier Sanjines, ed., Civic and Ethnic Nations in Bolivia. Cuadernos de Capel 56.

(1993) "Nationalism and Civil Society: Democracy, Diversity and Self-Determination," International Sociology, vol. 8 #4, pp. 387-411. Reprinted in J.H. Moore, ed.: Legacies of the Collapse of Communism. Arlington, VA: George Mason

University Press, 1994. Reprinted in C. Calhoun, ed.: Social Theory and the Politics of Identity. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1994. Chinese translation in Zhang, Xiaojin, et al., eds.: Civil Society: A Research Framework for State/Society

Relations. Beijing, 1995. Reprinted in J. Szacki, ed.: The Idea of Civil Society. Warsaw: Znak, 1995. Reprinted in W. Outhwaite and L. Martell, eds.: The Sociology of Politics. Cheltenham Glos: Edward

Elgar, 1996. (1993) "'New Social Movements' of the Early 19th Century," Social Science History, vol. 17 #3:

385-427. Reprinted in M. Traugott, ed.: Repertoires and Cycles: Studies in the Transformation of Social Protest.

Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1995. Reprinted in K. Nash, ed.: Democracy, Culture, and Power: Readings in Contemporary Political

Sociology. Oxford: Blackwell, 1999.


Reprinted in E. Zirakzadeh, ed.: Social and Political Movements, vol. 1. Beverly Hills: Sage, 2011. Norwegian translation in Sosiologi I Dag, vol 24 (1994) #4, pp.23-45.

(1994) "Social Theory and the Politics of Identity," Pp. 9-36 in Calhoun, ed.: Social Theory and the Politics of Identity. Oxford and Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell.

(1994) "E.P. Thompson and the Discipline of Historical Context," Social Research, pp. 1-21. (1994) "Science, Democracy and the Politics of Identity," pp. 93-124 in J. N. Wasserstrom and E.

J. Perry, eds.: Popular Protest and Political Culture in Modern China: Learning from 1989 (Revised and expanded edition). Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

(1994) "National Traditions: Created or Primordial?" pp. 9-30 in O. Sorensen, ed.: Nasjonal identitet - et kunstprodukt?. Oslo: Norges forskningrad.

(1995) "Nationalism and Social Change," pp. 389-420 in V. Vázquez de Prada and I. Olábarri, eds.: Understanding Social Change in the Nineties: Theoretical Approaches and Historiographical Perspectives. Aldershot, Hampshire: Ashgate/Variorum.

Also in Proceedings of the V Conversaciones Internationale de Historia. Pamplona: Universidad de Navarre, 1992;

(1996) "Critical Theory and the Public Sphere," pp. 429-70 in B. Turner, ed. The Blackwell Companion to Social Theory. Oxford: Blackwell.

(1997) “The Rise and Domestication of Historical Sociology” pp. 305-338 in T. MacDonald, ed.: The Historic Turn in the Human Sciences: Essays on Transformations in the Disciplines. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

(1997) “Nationalism and the Public Sphere,” pp. 75-102 in J. Weintraub and K. Kumar, eds. Public and Private in Thought and Practice. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

(1997) “Which Classics, Whose Reading? Interpretation and Cultural Difference in the Canonization of Sociological Theory,” pp. 70-96 in S. Turner, ed.: Social Theory and Sociology. Oxford: Blackwell.

(1997) “Plurality, Promises, and Public Spaces,” pp. 232-259 in C. Calhoun and J. McGowan, eds.: Hannah Arendt and the Meaning of Politics. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

(1998) “Multiculturalism and Nationalism,” pp. in L. E. Soares, ed.: Multiculturalism and Globalization, Rio de Janeiro: EDUCAM.

(1998) “Community without Propinquity Revisited: Communications Technology and the Transformation of the Urban Public Sphere,” Sociological Inquiry, vol. 68 #3, pp. 373-397.

Italian translation in Mario de Benedittis, ed.: Comunita in rete. Milano: FrancoAngeli s.r.l., 2002 (1998) “The Public Good as a Social and Cultural Project,” pp. 20-35 in W. Powell and L.

Clemens, eds.: Private Action and the Public Good. New Haven: Yale University Press. (1998) “Nationalism and the Contradictions of Modernity” Berkeley Journal of Sociology, vol. 42,

pp. 1-30. (1998) “Explanation in Historical Sociology: Narrative, General Theory, and Historically Specific

Theory,” American Journal of Sociology, vol. 104 #3, pp. 846-71. Reprinted in Roger V. Gould, ed.: The Rational Choice Controversy in Historical Sociology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005.

(1999) “The Changing Character of College: Institutional Transformation in American Higher Education,” pp. 9-31 in Bernice A. Pescasolido and Ronald Aminzade, eds., The Social Worlds of Higher Education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Books.

(1999) “Continuing Trends or Future Transformations,” pp. 548-562 in Bernice A. Pescasolido and Ronald Aminzade, eds., The Social Worlds of Higher Education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Books.


(1999) “Nationalism, Political Community, and the Representation of Society: Or, Why Feeling at Home Is Not a Substitute for Public Space,” European Journal of Social Theory, Vol. 2 No. 2, pp. 217-31.

(1999) “Nationalism, Social Change, and Historical Sociology,” Pp. 3-28 in F. Engelstad and R. Kalleberg, eds.: Social Change and Historical Sociology. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press.

(1999) “Legacies of Radicalism: China’s Cultural Revolution and the Democracy Movement of 1989” (with Jeffrey Wasserstrom), Thesis 11, 57, pp. 33-52.

Chinese translation as "Wenhua da geming yu 1989 nian minzhu yundong zhijian de lishi guanxi,” in Xianggang shehui kexue xuebao [Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences], no. 11 (Spring 1998), pp. 129-149. Reprinted as “The Cultural Revolution and the Democracy Movement of 1989: Complexities of Historical Connection,” Pp. 241-61 in Law, Kam-yee, ed.: The Chinese Cultural Revolution Reconsidered: Beyond a Purge and a Holocaust (London: Palgrave/MacMillan, 2003) Reprinted in Ngo, Tak-Wing, ed., Contemporary China Studies – Economy and Society. London: Sage.

(2000) “Pierre Bourdieu,” pp. 696-730 in George Ritzer, ed.: The Blackwell Companion to the Major Social Theorists. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell.

Revised edition, 2003, pp. 274-309. Revised edition, 2011, pp. 361-94.

(2000) “The Specificity of American Higher Education,” Comparative Social Research, vol. 19, pp. 47-81.

(2000) “Charles Taylor on Identity and the Social Imaginary,” Cahiers du PEQ (Programme d’études sur le Québec), 19 (June), pp. 2-9.

(2001) “Identity and Plurality in the Conceptualization of Europe,” pp. 35-56 in Lars-Eric Cederman, ed.: Constructing Europe’s Identity: The External Dimension. Boulder, CO: Lynne Reiner.

(2001) “Critical Theory” (with Joseph Karaganis), pp. 179-200 in G. Ritzer and B. Smart, eds.: Handbook of Sociological Theory. London: Sage.

(2001) "Information Technology and Integration," pp. 89-106 in M.L. Sondhi, ed.: Towards a New Era: Economic, Social, and Political Reforms. New Delhi: Har-Anand Publications.

(2001) "Nationalism, Modernism, and their Multiplicities," pp. 445-470 in E. Ben-Rafael and Y. Sternberg, eds.: Identity, Culture, and Globalization. Leiden: Brill.

Farsi translation forthcoming, Tehran. (2001) “Putting Emotions in Their Place,” pp. 45-57 in J. Goodwin, J. Jasper and F. Poletta, eds.:

Passionate Politics: Emotions and Social Movements. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Reprinted in Vincenzo Ruggiero and Nicola Montagna, eds. Social Movements: A Reader, London: Routledge, 2008.

(2001) “The Critical Dimension in Sociological Theory,” pp. 85-112 in J. H. Turner, ed.: Handbook of Sociological Theory. New York: Plenum.

(2002) “Imagining Solidarity: Cosmopolitanism, Constitutional Patriotism and the Public Sphere,” Public Culture, vol. 14 #1, pp. 147-72.

Reprinted in D. Gaonkar, ed., New Imaginaries. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2002. Chinese translation in Y. Keping, ed., Community, Identity and Solidarity. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press.

(2002) “Constitutional Patriotism and the Public Sphere: Interests, Identity, and Solidarity in the Integration of Europe,” pp. 275-312 in Pablo De Greiff and Ciaran Cronin, eds., Global Ethics and Transnational Politics. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Reprinted in International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, 2006.


(2002) “The Necessity and Limits of Cosmopolitanism,” in E. Larretta, ed.: Identity, Difference, and Globalization. Rio de Janeiro: EDUCAM.

(2003) “The Class Consciousness of Frequent Travelers: Toward a Critique of Actually Existing Cosmopolitanism,” South Atlantic Quarterly v. 101#4, pp. 869-97.

Reprinted in Daniele Archibugi, Debating Cosmopolitics. London: Verso, 2003. Reprinted in Steven Vertovec and Robin Cohen, eds. Conceiving Cosmopolitanism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. Reprinted in Umut Ozkirimli, ed. Rethinking Nationalism. London: Palgrave, 2003. Reprinted in Saurabh Dube, ed., Enchantments of Modernity. Durham: Duke University Press, 2009.

(2003) “Why Historical Sociology?” Pp. 383-395 in Gerard Delanty and Engin Isin, eds.: Handbook of Historical Sociology. London: Sage.

(2003) “The Democratic Integration of Europe: Interests, Identity, and the Public Sphere,” PP. 243-74 in M. Berezin and M. Schain, eds., Europe without Borders: Re-Mapping Territory, Citizenship and Identity in a Transnational Age. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

(2003) “European Studies: always already there and still in formation,” Comparative European Politics, vol. 1 #1: 5-20.

(2003) “Belonging in the Cosmopolitan Imaginary,” Ethnicities, vol. 3 #4, pp. 531-553. Reprinted in G. Delanty and D. Inglis, eds., Cosmopolitanism: Critical Concepts in Sociology, Abingdon, Oxford: Routledge.

(2003) “Variability in Belonging: A Response to Brubaker” Ethnicities, vol. 3 #4, pp. 558-568. (2003) “The Elusive Ideal of Cosmopolitan Democracy,” Berkeley Journal of Sociology, vol. 47:

3-26. Reprinted, slightly revised, in T. Wallgren, ed., Modernity and Morality, Helsinki. (2003) “Information Technology and the International Public Sphere,” pp. 229-251 in D.

Schuler, ed.: Digital Directions. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. German translation in Gerald Raunig and Ulf Wuggenig eds.: Publicum. Theorien der Öffentlichkeit? Vienna: Turia und Kant, 2005.

(2004) “Gerhard Lenski, Some False Oppositions, and The Religious Factor,” Sociological Theory, 22 (2): 192-204.

(2004) “Is It Time to Be Postnational?” pp. 231-256 in Stephen May, Tariq Modood, and Judith Squires, eds,: Ethnicity, Nationalism, and Minority Rights,” Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Reprinted in Candido Mendes, ed.: Hégémonie et Civilisation de la Peur, Rio de Janeiro: EDUCAM, 2004. Chinese translation in China Scholarship Quarterly, vol. 21; 2006.

(2004) “Les transformations institutionnelles des sciences sociales américaines,” pp. 259-76 in Johan Heilbron, Remi Lenoir et Gisèle Sapiro, eds., Pour une histoire des sciences sociales, Paris: Fayard.

(2004) “A World of Emergencies: Fear, Intervention, and the Limits of Cosmopolitan Order,” The 35th Sorokin Lecture, Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 41.4 (November 2004): 373-95.

(2005) “Centralité du social et possibilité de la politique” in J. DuBois, P. Durant, Y. Winkin, eds.: Le symbolique et le social ; la réception internationale de Pierre Bourdieu : actes du colloque de Cerisy-La-Salle. Liège: Presses universitaires de Liège.

(2005) “My Back Pages,” in A. Sica and S. Turner, eds., Disobedient Generation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

(2005) “The University and the Public Good,” Thesis Eleven, 84, pp. 7-43.


Russian translation, Prognosis No 3(7) 2006: 283-320. (2005) “The Promise of Public Sociology (Response to Burawoy),” British Journal of Sociology.

Vol. 56 #3, pp. 355-63. Hungarian translation in Replika #54, October 2006, pp.83-90. French translation in Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales, 2008 (2006) “Is the University in Crisis?” Society, 43 (4), pp. 8-18. (2006) “The Privatization of Risk,” Public Culture, vol. 18 #2, pp. 257-63.

Russian translation pp. 280-283 in V. Ionesov, Transformations: Risk, Crisis, Adaptation. Samara: Russian Academy of Social Sciences, 2009.

(2006) “Nationalism Matters,” pp. 16-39 in Don Doyle and Marco Pamplona: Nationalism in the New World. Athens, GA: University Press of Georgia.

Portuguese translation forthcoming, Sao Paolo. (2006) “Pierre Bourdieu and Social Transformation: Lessons from Algeria,” Development and

Change, vol. 37 #6: 1403-1415. (2007) “Public Discourse and Political Experience: T.J. Wooler and Transformations of the Public

Sphere in Early 19th Century England” (with Michael McQuarrie), pp. 197-242 in A. Benchimol and W. Maley, eds.: Spheres of Influence: Intellectual and Cultural Publics from Shakespeare to Habermas (Oxford: Peter Lang).

(2007) “Social Solidarity as a Problem for Cosmopolitan Liberalism,” in S. Benhabib, I. Shapiro, and D. Petranovich, eds. Identities, Affiliations, and Allegiances. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 285-302.

(2007) “Media, Civil Society and the Rise of a Green Public Sphere” (with Guobin Yang), China Information, Vol. 21, No. 2, 211-236

Reprinted in P. Ho and R. L. Edmonds, eds.: Embedded Environmentalism: Opportunities and Constraints of a Social Movement in China. London: Routledge, 2007.

(2007) “Nationalism and the Cultures of Democracy,” Public Culture, Vol. 19 #1, pp. 151-73. Reprinted in P. Kivisto, ed.: Social Theory: Roots and Branches. New York: Oxford University Press,

2010, multiple editions. (2007) “Orthodoxy, Heterodoxy, and Hierarchy: ‘Mainstream’ Sociology and its Challengers”

(with Jonathan VanAntwerpen) in Sociology in America: A History, edited by Craig Calhoun. Chicago: University of Chicago Press

(2008) “Media, Power, and Protest in China: From Cultural Revolution to the Internet,” (with Guobin Yang) Harvard Asia Pacific Review, 9.2: 9-13.

(2008) “The Imperative to Reduce Suffering: Charity, Progress, and Emergencies in the Field of Humanitarian Action,” in Michael Barnett and Thomas G. Weiss, eds.: Humanitarianism in Question: Power, Politics, Ethics. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

(2008) “Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism,” the Ernest Gellner Lecture for 2007, Nations and Nationalism. Vol. 14 #3: 427-449.

Reprinted (revised) in Willem Schinkel, ed. The State of the State. London: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2009. Reprinted in G. Ritzer, ed., Readings in Globalization. Oxford: Blackwell, 2012. Reprinted (abridged) in Jennifer Reid, Religion, Postcolonialism, and Globalization: A Sourcebook, London: Bloosmbury (Wiley), 2015.

(2008) “Religion, Secularism, and Public Reason,” in The Holberg Prize Symposium for 2005: Jürgen Habermas, Religion, and the Public Sphere (Bergen: The Holberg Prize).

(2008) “Cosmopolitan Europe and European Studies,” in C. Rumford, ed.: Handbook of European Studies (Oxford: Blackwell).

(2008) “Social Science for Public Knowledge,” in Sven Eliaeson and Ragnvald Kalleberg, eds., Academics as Public Intellectuals. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Also published at


Translation (abridged) in Actes de la recherché en sciences sociales, 2009 (2008) “Cosmopolitanism in the Modern Social Imaginary,” Daedalus Vol. 137, No. 3: 105–

114. Reprinted as Cosmopolitanism and its Discontents: Why Nations Still Matter,” in ABC Religion & Ethics, Australian Broadcasting Co.,

(2008) “Citizenship, Secularism, and the Public Sphere,” The Hedgehog Review 10:3, Fall 2008, 7-21.

(2009) “Cosmopolitanism and Hegemony,” Soziale Welt (Special Issue: Demokratie in der Weltgesellschaft, ed. H. Brunkhorst) 18: 17-34.

(2009) “Academic Freedom: Public Knowledge and the Structural Transformation of the University,” Social Research: An International Quarterly of the Social Sciences, 76 (2): 561-98.

(2009) “The Visions and Divisions of American Sociology” (with Troy Duster and Jonathan VanAntwerpen), in Sujata Patel, ed., The ISA Handbook of Diverse Sociological Traditions (London: Sage).

(2009) “Free Inquiry and Public Mission in the Research University,” Social Research, vol. 76 #3: 901-32.

(2009) “Equivalência e conexões, direito e reconhecimento”. Desigualdade & Diversidade – N. 5, Dezembro.

(2010) “The Idea of Emergency: Humanitarian Action and Global (Dis)order, pp. 29-58 in Didier Fassin and Mariella Pandolfi, eds., Contemporary States of Emergency. The Politics of Military and Humanitarian Interventions (Cambridge, MA: Zone Books).

(2010) “Integrating the Social Sciences: Theoretical Knowledge, Methodological Tools, and Practical Action” (with Diana Rhoten), pp. 103-118 in R. Frodeman and B. Holbrook, eds., Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity (Oxford: Oxford University Press).

(2010) “On Merton’s Legacy and Contemporary Sociology,” pp. 1-30 in C. Calhoun, ed.: Robert K. Merton: Sociology of Science and Sociology as Science (New York: Columbia University Press.

(2010) “Renewing International Studies: Regional and Transregional Studies in a Changing Intellectual Field,” pp. 227-54 in David Wiley, ed.: Knowledge for the Nation's Global Future: Fifty Years of Title VI and Fulbright-Hays Programs for Language and International Expertise in the United States (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press).

(2010) “The Public Sphere and the Field of Power,” Social Science History vol. 34 #3: 301-36. (2010) “Beck, Asia, and Second Modernity: An Appreciation and Two Arguments,” British

Journal of Sociology, 61 (3): 597-619. (2010) “Rethinking Secularism,” The Hedgehog Review, vol. 12 #3: 35-48. (2010) “The Public Mission of the Research University,” pp. 19-51 in D. Rhoten and C. Calhoun,

eds.: Knowledge Matters: The Public Mission of the Research University. New York: Columbia University Press.

(2010) “Social Science Research and Military Agendas: Safe Distance or Bridging a Troubling Divide?” Perspectives in Politics, vol. 8 (4): 1099-1104.

(2011) “Civil Society and the Public Sphere,” pp. 311-23 in M. Edwards, ed.; The Oxford Handbook of Civil Society (Oxford: Oxford University Press).

Polish translation in Roczniki Nauk Spolecznych, Tom 3 (39) 2011: 9-27. (2011) “Religion’s Many Powers,” pp. 118-32 in E. Mendieta and J. VanAntwerpen, eds. The

Power of Religion in the Public Sphere (New York: Columbia University Press).


(2011) “From the Current Crisis to Possible Futures” pp. 9-42 in C. Calhoun and G. Derluguian, eds., Business as Usual: Sources of the Global Financial Meltdown. New York: NYU Press.

(2011) “Secularism, Citizenship and the Public Sphere” pp. 75-91 in C. Calhoun, M. Juergensmeyer and J. VanAntwerpen, eds.: Rethinking Secularism (Oxford: Oxford University Press).

(2011) “A Cosmopolitanism of Connections,” in Hilary Ballon ed., The Cosmopolitan Idea. New York: New York University Press.

Reprinted in B. Robbins and P.L. Horta, eds., Cosmopolitanisms. New York: NYU Press, 2017. (2011) “Communication as a Social Science (and More),” ICA Keynote Address, International

Journal of Communication 4: 1479-96. Reprinted in Steve Jones, ed. Communication @ the Center, New York: Hampton Press, 2012, pp. 9-30. Translation as “Comunicação como Ciência Social (e mais)” in Intercom - Revista Brasileira de Ciências da Comunicação, v. 35, n. 1 (2012)

(2012) “Time, World, and Secularism,” pp. 335-64 in P.S. Gorski, D.K. Kim, J. Torpey, and J. VanAntwerpen, eds., The Post-Secular in Question: Religion in Contemporary Society (New York: New York University Press).

(2012) “Libyan Money, Academic Missions, and Public Social Science,” Public Culture, vol. 21 #1: 9-45.

(2012) “Cosmopolitan Liberalism and its Limits,” in R. Robertson and A. S. Krossa, eds. European Cosmopolitanism in Question. London: Sage.

(2012) “For the Social History of the Present: Pierre Bourdieu as Historical Sociologist,” pp. 36-66 in P.S. Gorski, ed.: Bourdieu and Historical Analysis (Durham, NC: Duke University Press).

(2013) “Occupy Wall Street in Perspective,” British Journal of Sociology, 64 (1): 26-38. (2013) “What Threatens Capitalism Now?” in Immanuel Wallerstein, Craig Calhoun, Randall

Collins, Georgi Derluguian, and Michael Mann, Does Capitalism Have a Future? (Oxford: Oxford University Press).

(2013) “The Problematic Public: Revisiting Dewey, Arendt, and Habermas,” in The Tanner Lectures on Human Values, vol. 32: 67-107.

Reprinted (abridged) in F. Engelstadt, The Public Sphere and Institutional Change, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016.

(2014) “The Robbins Report and British Higher Education Past and Future,” in N. Barr, ed.: The Robbins Report: Fifty Years After” (London: LSE:. 65-86).

(2015) “Beyond Left and Right: A Cobbett for Our Times,” pp. 157-72 in J. Grande and J. Stevenson, eds.: William Cobbett, Romanticism, and the Enlightenment (London: Pickering and Chatto).

(2016) “Religion, Government and the Public Good,” Temple Tracts: Issue 2, Volume 2. (Chester, UK: William Temple Foundation).

(2016) “The Future of Capitalism,” Socio-Economic Review, 14 (1): 171-76. (

(2016) “The Importance of Imagined Communities – and Benedict Anderson,” Debats 130 (1): 11-16

Available in English as “Nationalism and Imagination: How Benedict Anderson Revolutionized Political Theory,” in ABC Ethics (Australian Broadcasting Corporation):


(2017) “The Rhetoric of Nationalism,” in M. Skey and Marco Antonsich, eds., Everyday Nationhood: Theorising Culture, Identity and Belonging after Banal Nationalism (London: Palgrave Macmillan).

(2017) “Integrating the Social Sciences: Area Studies, Quantitative Methods, and Problem-Oriented Research,” in R. Frodeman and B. Holbrook, eds., Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity, 2nd Ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press).

(2017) “Populism, Nationalism, and Brexit,” pp. 57-76 in W. Outhwaite, ed.: Brexit: Sociological Responses. London: Anthem Press.

(2018) “Religion in the English Public Sphere,” in J. Walters and E. Kersley, eds.: Religion and the Public Sphere: New Conversations. London: Routledge.

(2018) “Religious Imaginations and Global Transformations,” pp. 1-18 in J. Walters, ed.: Religion and Global Affairs. London: Routledge.

(forthcoming) “Nationalism for Good and Ill,” Thesis 11. (forthcoming) “Moishe Postone and the Transcendence of Capitalism,” Critical Historical Studies, Encyclopedia Entries and Similar (1985) "Radicalism," in A. Kuper and J. Kuper, (eds.) The Social Science Encyclopedia. London: Routledge and

Kegan Paul, pp. 683-84; Revised editions, 1995, 2004. (1992) "Social Change," in E. Borgatta, ed.: Encyclopedia of Sociology. New York: Macmillan, pp. 1807-1812.

Revised and expanded for second edition, 2000. (1998) “Taylor, Charles” Encyclopedia of Philosophy. London: Routledge. (2001) “Public Sphere,” (with Joseph Karaganis) in Encyclopedia of American Studies. New York: Grolier. (2001) “Ethnonationalism,” pp. 4870-4874 in International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences.

Amsterdam: Elsevier. (2001) “Civil Society/Public Sphere: History of the Concept(s),” pp. 1897-1903 in International Encyclopedia of

the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Amsterdam: Elsevier. (2001) “Public Sphere: 19th and 20th Century History,” pp. 12595-12599 in International Encyclopedia of the Social

and Behavioral Sciences. Amsterdam: Elsevier. (2004) “Public,” pp. 282-6 in T. Bennett and L. Grossberg, eds., New Keywords. Buckingham: Open University

Press. (2004) “Private,” pp. 280-82 in T. Bennett and L. Grossberg, eds., New Keywords. Buckingham: Open University

Press. (2004) “Nationalism,” pp. 519-25 in G. Ritzer and P. Kivisto, eds., Encyclopedia of Social Theory,” Beverly Hills:

Sage. (2004) “Social Science,” in A. Kuper and J. Kuper, (eds.) The Social Science Encyclopedia, 3rd ed.. London: Rout-

ledge and Kegan Paul. (2004) “Peter Blau” (with W. Richard Scott) in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. (2006) “Robert K. Merton,” International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, New York: MacMillan. (2008) “Cosmopolitanism,” in R. T. Schaeffer, ed., Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Society. Thousand Oaks,

CA: Sage. (2010) “Nationalism,” (with Melissa Aronczyk), in R. Couto, ed. Political and Civic Leadership: A SAGE Reference

Handbook. London: Sage. (2010) “Social Sciences in North America,” pp. 53-59 in World Social Science Report. Paris: UNESCO (2010) “North American Social Science: Trends in and Beyond Disciplines,” pp. 219-224 in World Social Science

Report. Paris: UNESCO. (2011) “Polis and Public,” in M. Juergensmeyer and H. Anheier, eds., The Encyclopedia of Globalization. Beverly

Hills: Sage. (2012) “Sociology,” Encyclopedia of 19th Century Europe. Farmington Hills, MI: Thomson Gale.


Occasional Essays and Other: (1977) "Phil Ochs," Chapel Hill Newspaper, December 25. (1979) "Commentary on Inter- and Intra-Psychic Analysis," in F. Gearing and L. Sangree (eds.) Toward a Cultural

Theory of Education and Schooling. The Hague: Mouton, pp. 137-144. (1981) "Reply to Kopytoff," Man, The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, vol. 16, #1, pp. 315-316. Web published in 1997 at (1981) "Leadership and Organizational Democracy," Socialist Forum, #8, pp. 9-13. (1982) "All Work and No Serious Play...," Phoenix, March 15. (1983) "Computers in Rural and Small Schools," in Rural Education: A New Awareness. Athens, GA: Institute of

Community and Area Development, University of Georgia, 1983, pp. 61-67. (1983) "Ancestors, Sociology and Comparative Analysis," Man, The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute,

vol. 18, #3, pp. 602-604. Web published in 1997 at (1983) "Community and Direct Action: Beyond the Socialism of Class Struggle," Socialist Forum, new series, vol.

4, #1, pp. 13-17. (1985) "Direct Democracy and Collective Action," Social Science Newsletter, vol. 70, #1, pp. 19-24. (1986) "Comments On 'Democracy in an Information Society,'" The Information Society, Vol. 4, #s 1-2, pp. 115-

122. (1986) 3rd Edition revision of Sociology by M. Bassis, R. Gelles and A. Levine. (with A. Levine). New York:

Random House. (1986) "Reply to Jansen," Contemporary Sociology, vol. 15 #4, pp. 504-505. (1986) "Discussion of Habits of the Heart" (with E. Tiryakian and J. Peacock), Social Science Newsletter, Vol. 71

#2-3, pp. 120-124. (1989) "Introduction," to "Smelser's Handbook: An Assessment," (review symposium on The Handbook of

Sociology), (with Kenneth Land), Contemporary Sociology, vol. 18 #4, pp. 475-477. (1989) "Editors' Response," (with Kenneth Land), Contemporary Sociology, vol. 18 #6, pp. 856-857. (1990) 4th edition revision of Sociology by M. Bassis, R. Gelles and A. Levine. (with A. Levine). New York:

McGraw-Hill. (1993) Social Problems (ed. with G. Ritzer; collection of articles for custom-published texts). New York: McGraw-

Hill. (1993) "The Study of Social Problems" (with G. Ritzer), in C. Calhoun and G. Ritzer, eds. Social Problems. New

York: McGraw-Hill/PRIMIS. (1993) "A Sociological Approach to Social Problems" (with G. Ritzer), in C. Calhoun and G. Ritzer, eds. Social

Problems. New York: McGraw-Hill/PRIMIS. (1993) "Population and Environment," in C. Calhoun and G. Ritzer, eds. Social Problems. New York: McGraw-

Hill/PRIMIS. (1993) "Interpretation, Comparison and Critique: Hermeneutics in Social Theory," pp. 1-21 in R. Kalleberg, ed.:

Sociology, Cultural Analysis and Hermeneutics, Rapportserie Nr. 37. Oslo: Institutt for Sosiologi, University of Oslo.

(1993) "Democracy, Nationalism, and Political Communities," Newsletter of the Comparative Historical Sociology Section of the ASA, vol. 5 4, pp. 1-3.

(1993) "Who Was that Masked Post-Marxist? A Response to Steinberg," Political Power and Social Theory, vol. 8, pp. 277-296.

(1995) "Foreword" to M. Ishay, The Betrayal of Internationalism, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. (1996) “What Passes for Theory in Contemporary Sociology?” Sociological Theory. Vol. 14, #1, pp. 1-2. (1996) “Report from the Field: Eritrea,” (with Pamela DeLargy), Dissent (Summer), pp. 129-33. (1996) “Comment on John Keane: The Death of the Public Sphere,” Pp. 243-52 in M.B. Andersen, ed.: Media and

Democracy, IMK-report no. 17, Oslo: University of Oslo. (1996) “Rights after Liberation: A Report from Eritrea,” (with Pamela DeLargy), Dissent (Summer), pp. 129-133. (1996) “The Cultural Politics of Global Economic Integration,” The Harry Bridges Lecture for 1996, Seattle:

University of Washington Program in Labor Studies. (1996) "Identity Politics and the Post-Communist Societies," In “Identity Formation, Citizenship and Statebuilding

in the Former Communist Countries of Eastern Europe, 1-16”. ARENA Working Paper No. 20/96. (1997) “Letter from Asmara: The Long and Rocky Road to Nationhood,” Newsday, 2 March, pp. G4, 15.


(1998) "The Global Economy" (with Steven Pfaff), in G. Ritzer, ed. Social Issues. New York: McGraw-Hill/PRIMIS.

(1999) “Ethiopia’s Ethnic Cleansing,” Dissent (Winter), pp. 47-50. (2001) “Tradition, But Not Mere Inheritance" Ethnicities, vol. 1 #1, pp. 9-10. (2001) “Foreword,” to Kenton Worcestor, History of the Social Science Research Council. New York: SSRC. (2002) “The Classical Traditions in Sociological Theory,” pp. 1-14 in Vol. 1 of C. Calhoun, J. Gerteis, J. Moody, S.

Pfaff, K. Schmidt and I. Virk, eds., The Sociological Theory Reader. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell. (2002) “Contemporary Sociological Theory,” Introduction to Vol. 2 of C. Calhoun, J. Gerteis, J. Moody, S. Pfaff,

and I. Virk, eds., The Sociological Theory Reader. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell. (2002) “Preface” to Inger Furseth, People, Faith and Transition: A Study of Social and Religious Movements in

Norway, 1780s-1905. New York: Mellen. (2002) “In Memoriam: Pierre Bourdieu” (with Loïc Wacquant), Footnotes (American Sociological Association),

February. Danish translation as “‘Alt er socialt’: In memoriam Pierre Bourdieu (1930-2002),” Dansk Sociologi, 13-1, Fall 2002: 7-10.

Chinese translation in Cultural Studies: West and China, Peking, Fall 2003. (2002) “Social Science, Social Conscience: Remembering Pierre Bourdieu,” The Brooklyn Rail, Early Summer

2002, pp. 13-14. (2002) “Social Science with Conscience: Remembering Pierre Bourdieu” (with Loïc Wacquant), Thesis 11 Number

70, August: 1-14. (2002) “September 11th: There Are Lessons We Haven’t Learnt,” The Age (Melbourne), 19 July 2002, p. 13. (2002) “Taking Emergencies Seriously: Crises, Humanitarian Interventions, and Social Science,” International

House of Japan Bulletin, vol. 22 #2, pp. 1-20. (2003) “Preface” (with Cora Marrett), to F. Kessel, P. Rosenfield, and N. Anderson, eds.: Expanding the Boundaries

of Health: Bio-Behavioral-Social Perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press. (2003) “Robert K. Merton,” The Observer (London), 2 March 2003. (2003) “In Memoriam: Robert K. Merton,” Footnotes (American Sociological Association), April. (2003) “Comment on Wallerstein, “Anthropology, sociology, and other dubious disciplines,” Current Anthropology,

v. 44 #4, p. 462. (2004) “Foreword,” to Tariq Modood, Multicultural Politics: Racism, Ethnicity, and Muslims in Britain.

Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press and Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. (2004) Contribution to “Constitutional Democracy Colloquium,” Dissent, (2004) “Toward a More Public Social Science,” Items and Issues, v. 5/1-2: 12-14. Russian translation 64-70; in V. Ionesev, ed. Education and Global Development. Samara: Russian Academy

of Social Sciences, 2009 (2005) “Foreword” to Hans Kohn, The Idea of Nationalism. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers. (2005) “Introduction” Calhoun, Rojek, and Turner, Handbook of Sociology. London: Sage, pp. 1-12. (2005) “100 Years of American Sociology: Visions and Divisions,” (with Troy Duster) Chronicle of Higher

Education, 1 August 2005. (2008) “Preface” to C. Hale, ed.: Engaging Contradictions: Theory, Politics, and Methods of Activist Scholarship,

Berkeley: University of California Press. (2009) “Charles Tilly’s Interdisciplinary Influence,” Swiss Political Science Review 15(2): 333–39

Chinese translation 2011 in Man-yi Chin and Chien-shou Chen, eds.: (2009) “Culture and Social Transformation,” Russian translation of 2005 speech at Manchester University, pp. 65-

71 in V. Ionesov, Transformations: Risk, Crisis, Adaptation. Samara: Russian Academy of Social Sciences, 2009.

(2010) “Welcoming Remarks,” (On the occasion of the award of the Albert Hirschman Prize to Charles Tilly, September 2008), Social Science History vol. 34 #3: 385-88.

(2011) “Foreword” to P. Dutkiewicz and D. Trenin, eds.: Russia: The Challenges of Transformation. New York: NYU Press.

(2011) “Foreword” to J. Hacker and A. O’Leary, eds.: Shared Responsibility, Shared Risk: Government, Markets, and Social Policy in the Twenty-First Century (New York: Oxford University Press).

(2012) “Foreword” to Pierre Bourdieu, Images of Algeria, edited by F. Schultheis and C. Frisinghelli (New York: Columbia University Press).

(2014) “Why the Nations Matter” (in English and Basque translation), Acto Académico Institutional en Honor del 250 Anniversario de la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del País.


(2015) “Foreword” to C. W. Lee, M. McQuarrie, and E.T. Walker, Democratizing Inequalities: Pitfalls and Unrealized Promises of the New Public Participation. New York: NYU Press.

(2015) “Feature Interview: Craig Calhoun (LSE) in Conversation with STAIR,” St. Antony’s International Review, v. 10 #2: 7-19.

(2015) “Modern Social Imaginaries Revisited: A Conversation” with Dilip Gaonkar (ed.), Benjamin Lee, Charles Taylor, and Michael Warner,” Social Imaginaries, v. 1 #1.

(2015) “Religion, the Public Sphere, and Higher Education,” in T. Modood and C. Calhoun, Religion and Higher Education in Britain (London: Leadership Foundation for Higher Education).

(2015) “Foreword” to Saw Swee-Hock, The Population of Malaysia. Singapore: ISEAS. (2015) “Universities should rethink secularism to deal with diversity” with Tariq Modood, The Conversation, 17

November 2015. (

(2016) “Foreword” to Saw Swee-Hock, Population Policies and Programmes in Singapore. Singapore: ISEAS. (2016) “Brexit is a Mutiny against the Cosmopolitan Elite,” The WorldPost, 27 June 2016.

( (2016) “Mehr von uns selbst halten,” pp. 57-8 in U. Bohmann, Gesche Keding, and Harmut Rosa, eds.: Charles

Taylor Landkarte. (2016) “This Philosopher Has Reimagined Identity and Morality for a Secular Age (Charles Taylor: a Reader’s

Guide), The World Post, 27 November. (

(2016) “Populism and Digital Democracy,” Berggruen Insights No. 6 (Oct. 21). (

(2017) “Philosophy is Bigger than You Think” (with Nicolas Berggruen), Berggruen Insights No. 7 (4 Jan). (

(2017) “Terrorists Try to Make Ordinary Life Unliveable,” The WorldPost, June 2017. (

(2017) “Human Gene Editing Is Leaving Ethics Dangerously Far Behind,” The WorldPost, 3 August 2017 (

(2017) “Foreword” to I. Furseth, ed.: Religion and the Public Sphere? The Nordic Countries Since 1980 (London: Palgrave, pp. v-xii).

(2017) “Trump’s Attack On Knowledge,” Public Books, 20 November 2017, ( Reprinted in C. Zaloom, E. Klinenberg, and S. Marcus, eds.: AntiDemocracy in America. NY:

Columbia University Press, 2019. (2018) “Forgetting the Social in the Age of Social Media,” Los Angeles Review of Books, 8 February 2018,

( (2018) “Thinking Better of Ourselves,” Philosophy and Social Criticism, 44 (7): 771-772. (2019) “Man of the World,” in Hommage à Immanuel Wallerstein. Paris: Maison des sciences de l’homme, (2019) “A Global Voice for Science in the Contemporary World,” Annual Report of the International Council of

Science. Review Essays: (1982) "Modernization and Other Modes of Producing Muddled Thinking," review of J. G. Taylor, From

Modernization to Modes of Production, Contemporary Sociology, vol. 11, #1, pp. 28-29. (1986) "Our Computers, Our Selves," review of S. Turkle: The Second Self and D. Bolter: Turing's Man, Society,

vol. 23 #4, pp. 77-81. (1987) "It's All Information," review of J.R. Beniger: The Control Revolution: Technological and Economic Origins

of the Information Society, Contemporary Sociology, vol. 16 #5, pp. 708-710. (1987) "History and Sociology in Britain: A Review Article," Comparative Studies in Society and History, vol. 29

#3, pp. 615-625. (1989) "Pour rendre le capitalisme respectable," review of P. Berger: The Capitalist Revolution: Fifty Propositions

about Prosperity, Equality and Liberty. Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales, No. 78 (June): 75-78.


(1989) "Why Do Bad Careers Happen to Good Managers?" review of R. Jackall: Moral Mazes: The World of Corporate Managers. Contemporary Sociology, vol. 18 #4, pp. 542-545.

(1990) "Civil Society and Public Life," review of J. Habermas, The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere. Contemporary Sociology, vol. 19 #2, pp. 312-316.

(1990) "Putting the Sociologist in the Sociology of Culture: The Self-Reflexive Scholarship of Pierre Bourdieu and Raymond Williams," Contemporary Sociology, vol. 19 #4, pp. 500-505.

(1993) "Getting Some Action," Review of H. White: Identity and Control, Contemporary Sociology, vol. 22 #3: pp. 314-318.

(1996) “What Do We See in the Discourse of Vision?” Review of M. Jay: Downcast Eyes: The Denigration of Vision in Twentieth-Century French Thought, Comparative Studies in Society and History, vol. 38 #2, pp. 387-391.

(1996) “Sociology’s Other Poststructuralism: Pierre Bourdieu’s Outline of a Theory of Practice,” Contemporary Sociology (special feature on the most influential books of the last 25 years).

Reprinted (revised) in D. Clawson, ed.: Required Reading: Sociology’s Most Influential Books. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1998, pp. 85-94.

(1997) “Foreign Trade in Moral Visions,” Review of R. Madsen: China and the American Dream, The American Quarterly, vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 882-889.

(2000) “Resisting Globalization or Shaping It?” Review of Manuel Castells, The Network Society, Prometheus #3 (March), pp. 28-47.

Reprinted in F.Webster and B. Dimitriou, eds. Manuel Castels. London: Sage, 2003 (2003) “Accidental Wisdom,” Review of Robert Merton and Elinor Barber, The Travels and Adventures of

Serendipity, Book Forum, Summer 2004. (2014) “In Praise of Worldly Philosophy,” Review of Jeremy Adelman: Worldly Philosopher: The Odyssey of Albert

O. Hirschman,” Contemporary Sociology, 43: 619-24. (2016) “Are We Really Living in the Age of the Second Renaissance?” Review of Ian Goldin and Chris Kutarna,

Age of Discovery: Navigating the Risks and Rewards of Our New Renaissance, and Branko Milanovic, Global Inequality: A New Approach for the Age of Globalisation, New Statesman, 12 June 2016.

Book Reviews: (1977) R. Brain: Friends and Lovers, Contemporary Sociology, vol. 6, #4, pp. 447-448. (1978) R. Sennett: The Fall of Public Man, Social Forces, vol. 56, #4, pp. 1255-1256. (1979) F. Claudin: The Communist Movement: From Comintern to Cominform, Contemporary Sociology, vol. 8,

#2, pp. 289-290. (1979) T. Bottomore and R. Nisbet, eds.: A History of Sociological Analysis, Social Forces, vol. 58, #2, pp. 683-

688. (1979) A. Stinchcombe: Theoretical Methods in Social History, Social Forces, vol. 57 #4, pp. 1405-1406. (1981) L. Kolakowski: Main Currents of Marxism, Social Forces, vol. 60, #2, pp. 607-610. (1981) J. R. Low-Beer: Protest and Participation: The New Working Class in Italy, American Journal of Sociology,

vol. 87 #5, pp. 1220-1222. (1982) T. Hayter: The Army and the Crowd in Mid-Georgian England, American Journal of Sociology, vol. 88, #1,

pp. 236-237. (1983) M. Goldman: Gold Diggers and Silver Miners: Prostitution and Social Life on the Comstock Lode, Sociology

of Occupations and Professions, vol. 10, #2, pp. 221-224. (1983) C. Tilly: As Sociology Meets History, Journal of Modern History, vol. 55, #4, pp. 503-505. (1983) C. Fisher: Custom, Work, and Market Capitalism: The Forest of Dean Colliers, 1788-1888, American

Historical Review, vol. 88, p. 394. (1984) Z. Bauman: Memories of Class: The Pre-History and After-Life of Class and C. Waisman: Modernization

and the Working Class: The Politics of Legitimacy, Social History, vol. 9, #2, pp. 259-261. (1984) D. Smith: Class Formation in English Society, 1830-1914, Social Forces, vol. 63 #2, pp. 597-8. (1984) E. Hopkins: A Social History of the English Working Classes, 1815-1945, Labour/Le Travailleur, p. 323. (1984) D. Gregory: Regional Transformation and Industrial Revolution: A Geography of the West Yorkshire

Woollen Industry, American Historical Review, vol. 89 #4, p. 1074. (1985) J. Bohstedt: Riots and Community Politics in England and Wales, 1790-1810, Journal of Modern History,

vol. 57 #1, pp. 546-48.


(1985) N. McKendrick, J. Brewer, J. H. Plumb: The Birth of a Consumer Society: The Commercialization of Eighteenth-Century England, Social Forces, vol. 63, #4, p. 1096.

(1985) G. S. Jones: Languages of Class, American Historical Review, vol. 90 #3, pp. 678-9. (1985) R. E. Rice and Associates: The New Media: Communication Research and Technology, Contemporary

Sociology, vol. 14 #6, pp. 731-2. (1985) T. Bottomore: Sociology and Socialism, Sociology and Social Research, vol. 69 #3, pp. 455-457. (1986) A. Borgman: Technology and the Character of Contemporary Life. Contemporary Sociology, vol. 15 #3, pp.

398-99. (1986) M. Castells: The City and the Grassroots, Qualitative Sociology, vol. 9 #1, pp. 71-74. (1986) A. Giddens: The Constitution of Society. Social Science Quarterly, vol. 67 #1, pp. 235-6. (1986) L. Winner: The Whale and the Reactor: The Question of Limits in an Age of Technology. Science, vol. 233

(26 Sept.), p. 1435. (1986) F. Alberoni: Movement and Institution. Journal of Modern History, vol. 58 #3, pp. 703-705. (1987) A. Fox: History and Heritage: The Origins of the British Industrial Relations System. American Journal of

Sociology, vol. 92 #4, pp. 984-987. (1987) J.A. Hall: Rediscoveries: Some Neglected Modern European Political Thinkers. Contemporary Sociology,

vol. 16 #6, pp. 911-12. (1988) H. Rickert: The Limits of Concept Formation in Natural Science. Contemporary Sociology, vol. 17 #2, pp.

232-233. (1988) I. Katznelson and A. Zolberg, eds.: Working-Class Formation: Nineteenth-Century Patterns in Western

Europe and the United States. American Journal of Sociology, vol. 93 #5, pp. 1264-1267. (1988) P. Berger: The Capitalist Revolution: Fifty Propositions about Prosperity, Equality and Liberty. American

Journal of Sociology, vol. 94 #2, pp. 666-669. (1989) K. Laudon: The Dossier Society. Contemporary Sociology, vol. 18 #2, pp. 253-254. (1990) Liu Binyan: A Higher Kind of Loyalty, and Liu Bunyan, Ruan Ming and Xu Gang, "Tell the World". New

York Newsday, May 13, 1990, pp. 16-17. (1990) M. Harrison: Crowds and History: Mass Phenomena in English Towns, 1790-1835. Social History, vol. 15

#3, pp. 393-396. (1993) S.C. Watkins: From Provinces into Nations: Demographic Diversity in Europe, 1880-1960. Journal of

Modern History, vol. 65, #3, pp. 597-99. (1993) A. Randall: Before the Luddites: Custom, Community and Machinery in the English Woollen Industry,

1776-1809. Business History Review, vol. 66 #4: 812-14. (1993) D. Smith: The Rise of Historical Sociology. Ethics, (1994) T. Koditschek: Class Formation and Urban Industrial Society: Bradford, 1750-1850. American Historical

Review, vol. 99 #2, pp. 559-60. (1994) A. Woodiwiss: Postmodernity USA: The Crisis of Social Modernism in Postwar America, Sociological

Review, pp. 781-4. (1995) A. Seligman: The Idea of Civil Society. Social Forces, vol. 73, pp. (1995) R. Wiggershaus: The Frankfurt School: Its History, Theories, and Political Significance. Contemporary

Sociology, vol. 24 #5, pp. 703-5. (1995) R. Eyerman: Between Culture and Politics. Acta Sociologica, vol. 38 #4. pp. 298-9. (1996) S. Wang: Failure of Charisma: The Cultural Revolution in Wuhan, American Journal of Sociology, vol. 102

#4. (1997) F.N. Pieke: The Ordinary and the Extraordinary: An Anthropological Study of Chinese Reform and the 1989

People’s Movement in Beijing, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, (1998) G. Dening: Performances, Journal of American History, pp. 1096-7. (1998) T.K. Oommen: Citizenship, Nationality and Ethnicity, American Journal of Sociology. (1999) A. Melucci: Challenging Codes: Collective Action in the Information Age, Journal of the Royal

Anthropological Institute. (2001) S. Sassen: Guests and Aliens, Ethnic and Racial Studies. (2003) A.S. Leoussi: Encyclopaedia of Nationalism, National Identities. (2004) D. Zhao: The Power of Tiananmen. Mobilization. (2005) A. Gutman, Identity in Democracy. American Journal of Sociology. (2009) C. Taylor, A Secular Age, European Journal of Sociology. (2017) C. Davidson, The New Higher Education, New York Times Book Review, 27 August 2017.


Translations (from French): (1991) P. Bourdieu, "Genesis and Structure of the Religious Field" (with J. Burnside and L. Florence), Comparative

Social Research, vol. 13, pp. 1-43. (1993) P. Bourdieu, "Concluding Remarks," pp. 263-75 in C. Calhoun, E. LiPuma and M. Postone, eds.: Bourdieu:

Critical Perspectives. Cambridge: Polity and Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Reports: (1980) "Population and Development in Liberia: A Survey of Problems and Assessment of Research" (with D.

Haynes), Country Issues Paper, Integrated Population and Development Planning Program, U.S. Agency for International Development.

(1982) "The Electronic Community." Report to the Commission on the Future of North Carolina. Raleigh: North Carolina Department of Administration, Office of Policy and Planning.

(1983) "Energy Conservation in the Commercial Sector" (with D. M. Levine). Final Report to the New York City Office of Economic Development.

(1986) "A Management Information System for the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Government of Sudan" (with D. Whittington and W. Drummond), Final Report to the U.S. Agency for International Development.

(1988) "North Carolina Today: Contrasting Conditions and Common Concerns," Report to the North Carolina Association of Educators.

(1994) "Graduate Education and the International University," Report to the Graduate School Council, UNC (published in Endeavors).

(1995) “Civil Society, Nation-Building and Democracy: The Importance of the Public Sphere to the Constitutional Process,” Report to the Constitutional Commission of Eritrea (USIA sponsored).

(1995) “Strategic Organization for the Future of Graduate Education at UNC,” Report to the Chancellor and Faculty Council, UNC-CH (excerpted in Endeavors, University Gazette, Carolina Alumni Review).

Interviews and other media (selected): 2005 “Entrevista a Craig Calhoun,” with Daniel Gamper, Universitas,

02_gamper.pdf 2006 “Knowledge Production, Publicness, and the Structural Transformation of the University: An Interview

with Craig Calhoun,” by Michael McQuarrie, Thesis Eleven, v. 84 #1: 104-13. 2009 “An Interview with Craig Calhoun,” by Harry Kreisler, “Conversations with History, Institute of

International Studies, UC Berkeley: 2010 “What Is Visual Citizenship?”

citizenship 2011 Aftermath Project: life beyond the crisis, 2012 “Religion and the Public Sphere,” Goldsmiths College, London: 2012 “The Myth of the Secular,” with Paul Kennedy,

part-1-1.3135538 2012 “Il est devenue un Classique, ce qui le chagrinerait beaucoup,” by Sylvain Bourmeau, Liberation. 2013 “In Conversation with Craig Calhoun,” by Chris Baker, William Temple Foundation: 2013 “People want and need social solidarity and reproduction: An interview with Craig Calhoun,” by Monika

Krause, in R. Saswa and P. Dutkiewicz, 22 Ideas to Fix the World: Conversations with the World’s Foremost thinkers. New York: New York University Press.

2013 “Exaggerated Status,” Der Spiegel 21.12.2013: pp. 34-5 2013 “The Power of Imagination,” by Nina zu Furstenberg, ResetDOC: 2013 “Con otros cinco años así, el euro no sobrevivirá” El Pais, 5 May 2013. 2014 “Nationalism, Cosmopolitanism, and Statelessness,” Review of Kurdish Studies, v. 2 #1 (by Barzoo Eliassi)


2014 “Craig Calhoun on Protest Movements,” Social Science Space,

Reprinted in D. Edmunds and N. Warburton, “Big Ideas in Social Science,” London: Sage, 2015. 2014 “Tiananmen Square and Modern China,” BBC Radio 3: 2015 “Interview with Professor Craig Calhoun,” Campaign for Social Science, 2015 “What you gain should be some ability to take the standpoint of the other,” by Andreas Hess, Irish Journal

of Sociology, v. 23 #1: 118-28. 2015 “There are always other options,”

other-options 2015 “The Final Gearty Grilling: Craig Calhoun on Facing the Future,”

archive/newsAndMedia/videoAndAudio/channels/geartyGrillings/player.aspx?id=3153 2015 The Raffles Interview: “The Academic Perspective,”

conversation/the-academic-perspective 2016 “Europa es incapaz de hacer política colectiva para enfrentarse a un problema real,” El Pais, 20 March, 2017 “Populism, polarization, and democracy,”

populism-polarization-and-democracy/ 2017 “Craig Calhoun: A Life in Social and Political Theory,”

calhoun-a-life-in-social-and-political-theory/ 2017 “The Future of Nations,”

anxieties-about-voice-and-belonging-to-a-global-world/ 2017 “Can nationalism be redeemed,” with Waleed Aly and Scott Stephens, 2018 “Nations are our creations,” with Lukasz Pawlowski,

nations-nationalism/ 2018 “The Humanities and the University: Craig Calhoun Interviewed,” with Peter Vale, Arts and Humanities in

Higher Education. 2018 “Craig Calhoun speaks on media and new transformations of the public sphere,” Central European

University, 2019 “What the Green New Deal Means for the Future of Work,” with Lauren Gilger, KJZZ: GRANTS AND FUNDRAISING: Individual: National Institute of Education, 1973 (Co-PI, $26,500); University Research Council, 1979 ($2500), 1987-88 ($1500), 1993-94 ($1750); National Science Foundation, 1981-83 (co-PI $105,000); W.K. Kellogg Foundation, 1982-85 ($105,000); U.S. Agency for International Development, 1984-86 ($372,000)); R.J. Reynolds Fund, 1985 ($3,500); W.R. Kenan Fund, 1988-89 ($22,500); UNC Institute for the Arts and Humanities, 1990-91 ($28,000); Swedish Collegium for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, 1994 ($32,000); National Science Foundation, 2005-06 ($44,500); Several National Science Foundation grants as advisor to PhD students for dissertation research, 1998- . Institutional (excluding SSRC): GTE Program in Science, Technology and Ethics, 1989 ($7,500); U.S. Information Agency, 1990-92 ($35,000); Ford Foundation, 1993-96 ($75,000), 1996-99 ($90,000); U.S. Department of Education, Institute of International Education, Title VI National Resource Center Grant, 1994-1997 ($565,000); U.S. Information Agency, 1995-97 ($115,991); U.S. Agency for International Development, 1994-95 ($25,000), 1995-2000 ($1,300,000); National Science Foundation, 1995-2000 ($600,000); Henkel Foundation 2010-2012 ($235,000); BMW Quant Foundation 2010-12 ($360,000) (SSRC): PI or other leading roles in a range of grants from private foundations, governments, and multilateral organizations totaling $10 - $20 million per year. Capital (incl. endowment) fundraising experience as Dean of the Graduate School at UNC, President of the SSRC, and Director and President of LSE (setting records two years running).


COURSES TAUGHT: Graduate: Classical Social Theory, History of Social Thought, Current Issues in Social Theory, Political Sociology, Comparative and Historical Sociology, Marx and Marxism, Nationalism (with Lloyd Kramer), Social Structure and Social Action, Social Theory and Cultural Diversity, Social Movements and Collective Action, Critical Social Theory, Stratification and Inequality, Writing and Publishing in Sociology, The Sociology of Culture, Contemporary Sociological Theory, Politics and Culture, The Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu, History of Sociology, Studying Science. Undergraduate: Social Theory and Sociological Analysis, American Society, Introduction to Sociology, Personality and Socialization, Family and Society, Economic Development and Political Change, Socialism, Economy and Society, Cross-Cultural Relations (with Trudier Harris), Conversations with the West: Antiquity and the 19th Century, Contemporary Civilization, The Modern World-System: Past, Present, and Future (with Immanuel Wallerstein). OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES: Boards of Directors: MasterCard Foundation, Board Member 2014- ; American Assembly, Board of Directors, 2011- ; Co-Chair, 2017-19; Chair 2019- ; Center for Transcultural Studies, Chicago, IL, Member, Board of Directors, 2010- . Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Board Member, 2013-17. New School for Social Research, Member, Board of Governors, 2009-12. Fondation Mattei Dogan, Member, Board of Directors, 2001-08. Fondation Bourdieu, Member, Board of Directors, 2002-04. Other Leadership Positions in Organizations: Center for Transcultural Studies/Center for Psychosocial Studies, Chicago, Illinois: Research Fellow, 1983; Visiting Fellow, 1985 to 1993; Co-director Social Theory Program, 1988-91; Member of Research Board, 1991-93; Member of Council, 1993-6; Member, Board of Directors, 2010- . International Institute of Sociology, Chair of the Honorary Advisory Board, 2006-12 Member of the Bureau, 2012-14 President, 2014-. American Sociological Association:

Member, Nominating Committee for the Award for a Career of Distinguished Scholarship, 2012-2017 Program Committee for 2010 annual meeting. Council, 2000-2003 Chair, Centennial Committee on the History of Sociology in America, 2002-2005 Editor, Sociological Theory, 1994-99. Committee on Publications, 1994-99. Committee on International Sociology, 1988-92; Chair, 1989-93. Section on the History of Sociology, Chair-elect 2008-9; Chair 2009-10. Section on Theoretical Sociology, Chair, 1991-2; Chair, Publications Committee, 1988-89; Council

Member, 1985-87; ex officio, 1994-99. Section on Community and Urban Studies, Chair, Awards Committee, 1986-87; Chair, Nominations

Committee, 1988-89. Section on Comparative Historical Sociology, Chair, 1984-85; Editor, Newsletter, 1985-87. Section on the Sociology of Culture, Council Member, 1996-99.

Harvard University


Member of the Board of Overseers’ Visiting Committee for the Graduate School of Education, 2003-07. Member of the Advisory Committee of the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, 2017 - ; Chair

2019- . Social Science Research Council: SSRC/ACLS Joint Committee on International Programs, 1994-96; Task Force on International Programs, 1994; Working Group on the Internationalization of Social Science, 1993; President, 1999-12. International Science Council Committee on Science Planning, 2019- . American Association for the Advancement of Science Chair of Section K: Social, Economic, and Political Sciences, 2012-13 (Chair-Elect 2011-12; Retiring Chair

2013-14). International Social Science Council Member of Executive Committee, 2004-6. Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences Member, Committee on Special Projects, 2001-2. Member, Board of Directors, 2002-08. Institute of Cultural Pluralism and Transnational Center of Human Sciences, Candido Mendes University, Rio de

Janeiro; Advisory Board, 1997-2000. Eastern Sociological Association Distinguished Scholarship Prize Committee, 1998-99. International Sociological Association Research Committee on Sociological Theory, Board Member, 1994-99. Social Science History Association Program Committee, 1984; co-chair 1994. National Institute of Education-Smithsonian Institution, Center for the Study of Man Co-Chair, Conference on Education and Cultural Transmission, 1973. Other Advisory Boards Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs/Ford Foundation Study of International

Education, Advisory Committee, 1993-95. Rockefeller Archives Center, Pocantico Hills, NY: Member of Governing Council, 1999-2002. European Institute, Florence, School of Transnational Governance, Advisory Board Member, 2018- . National University of Singapore, International Advisory Board, Asia Research Institute, 2002-12. Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture, University of Virginia, 2009-2016. St. Paul’s Institute, Advisory Council Member 2015-2018. Government of Singapore, Advisory Committee on Higher Education, 2015-16 Council for International Exchange of Scholars, 2009-12. ARENA (Association for the Study of Nationalism in the Americas), 2005-12. Centre for the Study of Global Media and Democracy, Goldsmith’s College, 2007-12. Laboratoire interdisciplinaire d'évaluation des politiques publiques, Sciences-Po, Paris, 2011- ;. Learned Society Memberships: American Anthropological Association, 1971-2012; Royal Anthropological Institute, 1972-2006; American

Sociological Association, 1974- ; British Sociological Association, 1976-86, 2012-17; Southern Sociological Society, 1977-97; Social Science History Association, 1978-2012; Social History Society (UK), 1982-92; International Sociological Association, 1982- ; International Studies Association, 1990-97; Association of International Education Administrators, 1990-96; Society for the Study of Social Problems, 1991-2012; American Historical Association, 1994-2012; Sociological Research Association, 1994- ; Eastern Sociological Society, 1997-2012; Society for Comparative Research, 1998- ; New York Institute for the Humanities, 2001-12; Academy of Latinity, 2001-16; American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2006- ;


Session Organizer/Chair: International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, 1973; American Anthropological Association, 1973, 2003; Social Science History Association, 1979, 1984; Midwestern Sociological Association, 1982; Southern Sociological Society, 1986, 1991; American Sociological Association, 1984, 1985, 1988, 1991, 1992, 1993, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010.

Editorial Responsibilities: Editor, Comparative Social Research, 1988-1993; Editor, Sociological Theory, 1994-99. Consulting Editor, McGraw-Hill Publishers, 1990-2000; Section Editor for International and Area Studies (with Mary McDonnell), International Encyclopedia of Social and

Behavioral Sciences, 1999-2001. Series Editor, Contradictions: Perspectives in Theory and Culture (formerly The Contradictions of Modernity),

University of Minnesota Press, 1992-2009 (17 volumes in published). Series Editor, The Privatization of Risk (with Jacob Hacker), Columbia University Press, 2008-2010 (6 volumes

published). Series Editor, Possible Futures, New York University Press, 2011- 12 (4 volumes published) Series Editor (with Nils Gilman), Great Transformations, University of California Press, 2018- (1 volume published;

4 volumes in press) Editorial Board Member: Social Forces, 1978-96; American Journal of Sociology, 1983-85; Studies in Historical

Social Change (University of Kansas Press), 1985-91; Contemporary Sociology, 1986-90, 2008- ; Sociological Theory, 1990-94; Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales, 1990- ; Acta Sociologica, 1994-98, 2004-08; Thesis Eleven, 1994- ; Constellations, 1996-2000; European Journal of Social Theory, 1997- ; Ethnicities, 1999- ; British Journal of Sociology, 2001- ; Irish Journal of Sociology, 2002- ; Journal of Civil Society, 2004- ; Contexts, 2004-09; Journal of Policy History, 2005- ; International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, 2005- ; The New York Sociologist, 2006- ; Journal of Cultural Economy, 2007- ; New Global Studies, 2007- ; Journal of Power, 2007- ; World Social Science Report, 2008- ; Public Culture, 2009- ; The Governance Report (Hertie School), 2011-15; Nations and Nationalism, 2012- ; Journal of Classical Sociology, 2017- ; Journal of Sociology, 2017- ; global-e (UCSB), 2017- ;

Papers Presented: Southwestern Anthropological Association, 1973; American Anthropological Association, 1973, 1992, 2002; 2009 International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, 1973; Public Choice Society, 1975; Social Science History Association, 1978, 1979, 1991, 1993, 2007; Midwestern Sociological Association, 1980; Southern Sociological Society, 1981, 1984, 1988, 1991; American Sociological Association, 1981, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1989, 1990, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002; 2004; 2005; 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009; World Congress of Sociology, 1982, 1990, 1998, 2002, 2006; Operations Research Society of America, 1985; Eastern Sociological Association, 1987, 1998, 2007; African Studies Association, 1987, 2008; Consortium on Revolutionary Europe, 1988; Association of International Education Administrators, 1990; Norwegian Sociological Association, 1992, 1994; American Political Science Association, 1997, 2007, 2008; 2009; International Institute of Sociology, 2005, 2008; 2009; International Sociological Association, 2008, 2009, 2010; British Sociological Association, 2012; numerous university, government and foundation symposia and conferences. Consultant: Institute for Administrative Research, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1974-76; Institute for Social Analysis, Newfoundland, New Jersey, 1973-74. New York City Office of Economic Development, 1981-82; Southeast Community Education Consortium/Mott Foundation, 1981-82; Program in Industrial Psychology, Brooklyn College, City of New York, 1981-85; United States Agency for International Development, 1984-85 (Technical Advisor to the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Government of the Sudan), 1995-96 (Eritrea); Rural Education and Development, Inc., Chatham County, NC, 1987-88 (under contract to North Carolina Association of Educators); Dallas Community College System, 1990; MacArthur Foundation, 1992-3; Mellon Foundation Sawyer Seminar Program, 2005-10;


External Review Committees: University of California, Santa Barbara, 1994-95; University of Michigan, 1997; University of California, San Diego, 1998; Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University, 2000; Chancellor’s “Blue Ribbon” Panel on Strategic Priorities, University of California at Berkeley, 2002; Hunter College, City University of New York, 2003; Cambridge University, 2004; Manchester University, 2006; Search Committees/Appointments Commissions (External Member): LSE, Chair of Sociology, 2000; Center for Advanced Study in the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Director, 2004-5; Cambridge University, Chair of Sociology, 2005-6; Max Planck Institute, Berlin, Director, 2005-6; Lead or Keynote Speaker: National Community Education Association, 1981; Leadership Spartenburg (South Carolina), 1981, 1983; Program in the Humanities for the Study of Human Values, University of North Carolina (Including programs for Burroughs-Wellcome Corporation, the North Carolina Governor's Board of Science and Technology, and others), 1981-96; Annual Foundations Colloquium, School of Education, Rutgers University, 1983; Piedmont Foundation/University of South Carolina at Spartenburg, 1983; Citizens and Southern Corporation, 1982; Groves Conference on Marriage and the Family, 1985; North Carolina Association of Educators, Summer Leadership Conference, 1988; GTE Lectureship on Science, Technology and Ethics, New River Community College, Duplin, VA., 1989; Texas Junior College Teachers Association, 1989; Bicentennial Speaker’s Program, Chancellor's Club, Alumni Association, Business School Executive Programs, and other UNC groups and functions; Local Service Clubs, Literary Societies, etc., 1993-96; Pennsylvania State Sociological Association, 1993; Lilly Foundation, 1993; Norwegian Sociological Association, 1994; The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, Program on the Dutch Multicultural and Pluriform Society, 1997; NYU Freshman Colloquium, 1997; ESRC Conference on Representation (Sussex,), 1997; Indian Council for Social Science Research, 2001; UNC Conference on “Local Democracy at the Millenium” 2001; Memorial Conference for Pierre Bourdieu, Paris 2002); University of Minnesota Sociology Department Centennial Celebration, 2002; Berkeley Journal of Sociology Annual Conference, 2003; University of Hawaii, East-West Center Annual Conference, 2003; National University of Singapore, Asian Research Institute Launch, 2003; Vanderbilt University conference on Nationalism in the Americas, 2003; Norwegian Science Council conference on the Future of Basic Research, 2004; Canadian American Research Symposium, 2004; Laudatio for Jürgen Habermas on the award of the Ludvig Holberg Memorial Prize, 2005; 25th Anniversary Celebration Symposium, Thesis 11 2006; Keynote, Swedish Sociological Association, 2010; Keynote, German Sociological Association, 2010; Keynote, Conference on 30th Anniversary of Distinction, EHESS and Sciences Po, Paris, 2011; Keynote, 50th anniversary of Institute of Sociology, Oslo, 2011; 50th Anniversary, Maison de Sciences de l’Homme, 2013; 50th Anniversary, Slovenian Sociological Society, 2015; Forum on the Future, Chilean Senate, 2016; EHESS/Columbia Conference on the Public Sphere in China, Paris 2018; 25th International Conference of Europeanists/Council on European Studies, 2018; International Science Council, 2018; Portuguese Sociological Association, 2018; International Institute of Sociology Congress, Johannesberg, South Africa, 2018; CIDE/Columbia conference “Crossroads of Democracy,” Mexico City, 2018; the International Conference "Re-figuration of Spaces," Technical University Berlin, 2019; European Academy of Religion, Bologna, 2019; Thomas Mann House/German Rectors Conference, 2019; 20th Anniversary Conference, Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship, University of Bristol, Einstein Fellows Anniversary Conference, 2019; SSRC conferences, 1999-2012; many LSE events 2012-19; (Details on extensive academic service and administrative positions deleted from this intellectually-focused CV)

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