cps workbook

Post on 07-Jan-2017






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Career Planning Seminar Schedule & Learning Objectives

sem·i·nar – : a meeting for giving and discussing information

Course Objectives:

This five week course is geared toward second year students and is open to all. The correlation of majors to

careers, experiential learning opportunities, social media as a career research tool and networking instrument,

résumé writing, interview strategies, and professionalism are among the topics presented and practiced.

Classes will be 90 minutes in length unless revised by instructor. Students who attend ALL five sessions will

receive one full merit point and a padfolio to bring to future interviews.

Career Planning involves more than just choosing a major or career. This course combines knowledge about

work and your skills, interests, personality, values and work attributes, and motivations with action. The action

involves class discussions, written assignments and assessment. The self-reflective exercises, assessments, and

information about the work environment will influence your career planning and personal development and will

provide you with a roadmap to seek and enjoy meaningful work.

Learning Objectives

By participating in this seminar, you will be able to:

• Understand who you are and how your personality, skills, interests, values and leisure interests

contribute to your optimal career path and major

• Understand the importance of informational interviewing and how to do it

• Know how to build a social media identity

• Know how to network effectively using social media

• Navigate HAWKS HUNT and register for an internship

• Write an effective résumé

• Know how to write an effective cover letter, reference sheet and thank you letter

• Follow up from an interview

• Develop a personal career action plan

• Have a “30 second” commercial

• Navigate a Career Fair

• Understand elements of professionalism to be successful in the workplace

How to succeed in this seminar:

To reach the goals you set for yourself in taking this course, you will need to make yourself a priority over the

next five weeks. YOU are the focus of the topics, activities, and most importantly the exercises in the text. This is

an interactive seminar; you have to be here to reach your goals and to receive the merit point.

Bring your laptop or tablet to each class. We will be accessing online content and using the internet for in-

class activities.


Session 1 Introductions and DISCOVERY

• Meet your classmates and Instructor

• Review the syllabus and assignments

• Take Pre-class assessment

• Discuss Career Action Plan

• Learn about FOCUS

• Understand experiential educational options at RWU, including Cooperative

Education/Internship program


• Review on-line resources to find internships

Assignments due next class:

� Print “combined” career option results and bring to next class

� Everyone read: Employers Rate Candidate Skills/Qualities*

� 1st

and 2nd

year students read: Top 10 Career Strategies for Freshmen and Sophomores*

� Begin filling out your Career Action Plan����

� In Hawk’s Hunt, register for and attend at least one Career Center event during this semester

� Bring your laptop/tablet to next class


• Review FOCUS results

• From readings on skills, group activity on skill obtainment

• Review What Can I Do With This Major and the Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH)

• Complete Skills Gap Analysis at www.onetonline.net and www.mynextmove.org ����

• Research salaries in O*Net and OOH

• Create a budget based upon your salary

Assignments due next class:

� Identify two internships to which to apply

� Prepare a draft résumé and bring it on your laptop or hard copy for the next class

� Read: Cover Letter Checklist* and Résumé Checklist* and Attributes Employers Seek on a

Candidate’s Résumé*

Items marked with a star (����) can be found in your Career Planning Seminar handbook.

Items marked with an asterisk (*) can be found in HAWKS HUNT in the Forms, Guides, Resources tab

on your home page.



• Hands-on résumés and cover letters written for one of the two jobs/internships identified last


• Review résumé and cover letter checklists

• Review cover letters and reference sheets

• Discuss appropriate thank you letters

Assignments due next class:

� Finalize résumé, using Employer-in-Residence if needed

� Read: Locating and Applying for Internships*and Relevant Work Experience a Key for Job-

Search Success* and 10 Tips for Top-Notch References*


• Learn about internship, both credit and non-credit bearing and externship process at RWU

• Discuss networking

• Discuss informational interviewing as a research method

• Review LinkedIn http://university.linkedin.com/university/global/en_us/index/linkedin-for-


• Learn about professional associations

• Write your “30-second commercial” and practice with a partner

• Discuss professionalism from applying to being on the job

• Review how to upload documents in HAWKS HUNT

Assignments due next class:

� Print out a job announcement to bring to next class

� Create a LinkedIn account to at least “intermediate” level completion

http://www.linkedin.com/ and bring a screen shot of your profile page in next week

� Search for three people to contact for an informational interview via LinkedIn and complete


� Draft an introductory email to them

� Upload a résumé that will be approved in HAWKS HUNT

� Make an appointment with your academic advisor to discuss when to complete your first


� Read: Choosing Among Job Offers* and Tips From Employers That Are Hiring* and Interview

Rubric*, Using Informational Interviewing* and Using Information Interviews and Shadowing

to Find Your Career* and



• Discuss interviewing and follow-up

• Review how to write acceptable Learning Objectives

• Discuss how to work a Career Fair, Networking Reception

• Learn how to successfully interview and practice

• Update your career action plan with deadlines and action items

• Take post-class assessment


� Continually utilize the Career Center

� Read: Internship Timeline and The Job Outlook for the College Class of 2013*

Items marked with a star (����) can be found in your Career Planning Seminar handbook.

Items marked with an asterisk (*) can be found in HAWK’S HUNT in the Forms, Guides, Resources tab

on your home page.


Session 1



Career Center Staff (401) 254-3224

Susan Caizzi, MBA, GCDF, scaizzi@rwu.edu • Associate Director • STEM (Sciences, Technology, Engineering, Math) • Construction Management Alyssa Snizek, M.Ed., asnizek@rwu.edu • Assistant Director • Feinstein College of Arts and Sciences-Division of Social Science • School of Justice Studies

Amelia Scott, M. S., ascott@rwu.edu • Career Advisor • Feinstein College of Arts and Sciences-Division of Arts and

Humanities • School of Education Jennifer Conole, M. S., JCTC/JCDC, ACRW, jconole@rwu.edu • Career Advisor • Gabelli School of Business

Pam Fournier, pfournier@rwu.edu • Internship Coordinator






Major Career Advisor Undeclared Majors Career Advisor

Accounting Jennifer Conole Justice Studies Alyssa Snizek

American Studies Alyssa Snizek Arts and Sciences Amelia Scott

Anthro/Sociology Alyssa Snizek Business Jennifer Conole

Architecture Susan Caizzi Construction Management Susan Caizzi

Architecture Dual Degree Susan Caizzi Education Amelia Scott

Art and Architectural History Amelia Scott Engineering Susan Caizzi

Biochemistry Susan Caizzi

Biology Susan Caizzi

Business Law Jennifer Conole

Chemistry Susan Caizzi

Communications Amelia Scott

Computer Info System Susan Caizzi

Computer Science Susan Caizzi

Construction Management Susan Caizzi

Creative Writing Amelia Scott

Criminal Justice Alyssa Snizek

Dance Amelia Scott

Economics Jennifer Conole

Elementary Education Amelia Scott

Engineering Susan Caizzi

English Literature Amelia Scott

English/Education: Secondary Amelia Scott

Environmental Chemistry Susan Caizzi

Environmental Engineering Susan Caizzi

Environmental Science Susan Caizzi

Finance Jennifer Conole

Foreign Languages Amelia Scott

Forensics Networking Susan Caizzi

Global Communications Amelia Scott

Graphic Design Communications Amelia Scott

Historic Preservation Amelia Scott

History Alyssa Snizek

Individual Studies Susan Caizzi

International/Global Studies Alyssa Snizek

International Business Jennifer Conole

Journalism Amelia Scott

Legal Studies Program Alyssa Snizek

Management Jennifer Conole

Marine Biology Susan Caizzi

Marketing Jennifer Conole

Math/Education: Secondary Susan Caizzi

Mathematics Susan Caizzi

Media Communications Amelia Scott

Music Amelia Scott

Paralegal Studies Alyssa Snizek

Philosophy Amelia Scott

Political Science Alyssa Snizek

Psychology Alyssa Snizek

Secondary Education Amelia Scott

Security Assurance Studies Susan Caizzi

Theater Amelia Scott

Visual Arts Studies Amelia Scott


Career Action Plan

No matter where you are in your academic career, you can start taking steps NOW to ensure you are

where you want to be when you graduate. Not sure where that is? Wonderful! You are in the right

place. Using the Career Action Plan will help you to know who you are, where you want to go and how

you are going to get there. It's never too early (or too late) to start. But—the earlier you start, the

easier it will be to prepare!

Use the Action Plan regularly to help you determine and then reach your career goals. Personalize it by

adding your own goals. Share it with family and friends so you can get assistance in accomplishing

these goals. Use the Plan as a guide to keep you on track but don’t be afraid to deviate from it or

revise it as many times as needed. Bring it with you when you meet your Career Advisor and Faculty

Advisor. Save a copy electronically to avoid panic should you lose your hard copy.


Career Action Plan Phase 1: Discovery & Getting Started Name: ___________________________________________

ACTION ITEM WHEN TO DO IT STATUS Take the on-line assessment FOCUS and make a follow-up appointment in the Career Center or University Advising Center


Meet with your academic advisor

Fall and Spring

Get to know faculty and staff


Participate in the Winter Externship Program


Participate in Road Trips to the Real World


Make an appointment with your Career Advisor


Check HAWKS HUNT for workshops and seminars, career fairs and networking receptions and attend them


Start keeping track of your career development accomplishments such as networking done, job fairs attended


Review Employers Rate Candidate Skills/Qualities and determine what four skill you can attain in the next 12 months

Immediately and each year

Scan the Occupational Outlook Handbook, to view occupations, salaries, education, culture and more

Immediately and each year

Write your resume Spring (unless part of a class assignment for Fall)

Be mindful of your interests, values, personality and skills while in class to



determine subjects that are of interest for potential careers Join clubs and organizations to learn more about yourself


Look for a summer job that is relevant to the career you are considering



Bolded items are more critical to your success than those items not bolded.


Career Action Plan Phase 2: Exploration & Gaining Momentum

Name: ___________________________________________

ACTION ITEM WHEN TO DO IT STATUS Complete Career Planning Seminar

ASAP after Freshman year

Update your resume Fall Do your first internship Fall, Spring or Summer Review your progress in learning four (or more) skills employers look for in new hires and select four more new skills in the next 12 months


Work toward Intermediate completion on your LinkedIn account

After completion of Career Planning Seminar

Identify organizations and associations in your interest areas for shadowing opportunities and informational interviews.

Year after completing Career Planning Seminar to continue networking

Participate in Winter Externship Program

Each January

Declare your major End of Fall Sophomore Year

Attend Career Receptions and Fairs

As they occur


Bolded items are more critical to your success than those items not bolded.


Career Action Plan Phase 3: Experimentation & Implementation Name: ___________________________________________

ACTION ITEM WHEN TO DO IT STATUS Research and consider joining professional associations related to your major and/or field of interest

On-going – revisit semiannually

Compete for a student leadership position


Ask previous and current supervisors and faculty if they would be a reference for your internship and/or job search


Put together an interview outfit to have at school


Begin to narrow your career interests


Complete a second internship

Fall, Spring or Summer

Schedule a mock interview with your Career Advisor

Early Spring

Review your progress in learning four (or more) skills employers look for in new hires and select four more new skills in the next 12 months


Participate in On-Campus Interviews for summer internships


Consider graduate school – discuss with faculty and Career Center


Attend Graduate School Month activities, if offered


Update your LinkedIn account to begin to seriously network via LinkedIn and personal connections for summer full time internships



Bolded items are more critical to your success than those items not bolded.


Career Action Plan Phase 4: Continued Professional Positioning Name: ___________________________________________

ACTION ITEM WHEN TO DO IT STATUS Update your resume with your internships, externships and summer jobs


Schedule on-campus interviews for jobs

Fall and Spring

Develop a list of your top employers and search for LinkedIn contacts who work there for networking


Start researching salaries and learn negotiation techniques with the Career Center


Join professional associations related to the career you wish to launch


If planning on graduate school, take entrance exams and complete applications


If writing personal statements for graduate school, utilize the Writing Center and the Career Center


Begin applying for jobs using cover letters and resumes that have been reviewed by the Career Center


Implement professionalism as taught in Career Development Seminar in job search


Evaluate job offer(s) with assistance from your Career Advisor

Late Fall or Spring or Summer

Report your new job to Career Center

When appropriate


Bolded items are more critical to your success than those items not bolded. Adapted from National Association of Colleges and Employers, copyright holder. www.naceweb.org.


The FOCUS Program To assist students in the difficult process of career discovery and career exploration, the Career Center offers a program called FOCUS. This is an interactive tool that will collect data about your interests, preferences, and skills, and provide you with suggested career paths based on your individual data set. With the results of this self-assessment, and a consultation with a career counselor, you will have detailed information about career options and a good, objective baseline from which to conduct a strategic search. Users of FOCUS learn to make realistic decisions about their goals and plans, how to self-manage their careers and the importance of adaptability in these times of change. You are encouraged to meet with a Career Center staff member to discuss how FOCUS can help you. PRINT the FOCUS summary reports and bring the copies to your appointment. The Career Advisor can review the reports and answer any questions you may have on the results. Contact the Career Center at (401) 254-3224 to schedule an appointment. Keep in mind that once your plan is created, the next step always includes

connecting with people: alumni, faculty, advisors, your parents, friends, and, of course, employers. Please use the resources of the Career Center to assist in this process. Help with résumés, cover letters, interviewing, networking, and all things career related is at your fingertips by calling the Career Center at (401) 254-3224. To start the FOCUS program for the first time, go to our website at http://careercenter.rwu.edu and follow the Student portal to Career Exploration. Use the key code “explore” to register. There is no need to put yourself in a group. Once you have your results, you may find more details about individual occupations at O*Net OnLine at http://online.onetcenter.org/. Have fun and share your results with the Career Center, your parents, faculty advisors, and friends to get the most out of the process!



All CPS students are ENCOURAGED

to complete the FOCUS assessment

during this semester. You will have

an opportunity to review your

results in class and you will see

how your personality, skills,

abilities, and values will help you to

choose what careers and/or majors

may best fit you. If you’d like an

individual appointment, schedule a

time to meet with your Career

Advisor, call us at (401) 254-3224

or stop by our office across from

the Lower Commons. We look

forward to working with you!


Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I may remember. Involve me and I will understand. ~Chinese Proverb

RWU Experiential Education Options Experiential Education definition “Experiential education occurs when educators purposefully engage with learners in direct experience and focused reflection in order to increase knowledge, develop skills, clarify values, and develop people's capacity to contribute to their communities.” (Association for Experiential Education, 2013) “Experiential education refers to a pedagogical philosophy and methodology concerned with learning activities outside of the traditional classroom environment, with objectives which are planned and articulated prior to the experience.”(McElhaney, 1998). Internships Undergraduate professional work experience, by any name, is praised by students, faculty and employers. It is considered one of the most valuable components of a student's education. Experiential learning, which includes both cooperative education and internships, allows students to integrate classroom theory with on-the-job, hands-on work experiences. While in the field, a student's formal education is reinforced as it is put into practice. When the student returns to the classroom, the student has a deeper understanding of the material taught and is able to enrich classroom discussion with relevant personal work experience. Meanwhile, employers are often conducting semester long "interviews" having found internships and co-op positions to be a very effective recruitment tool. Many times this results in full time employment after graduation. Co-ops/Internships are arranged on a semester basis. Job assignments may be part-time (usually spring or fall) or full-time (usually summer or winter) and length of assignment may vary according to employer’s needs. Contact: the Career Center, 401-254-3224, careers@rwu.edu Externships Roger Williams University undergraduate students have an opportunity to job shadow professionals in fields of the student’s choosing in a geographic location of the student’s preference. While students are on winter break, they can spend up to three days learning first-hand about an industry, career and employer. Contact: the Career Center, 401-254-3224, careers@rwu.edu Community Partnerships Center (CPC) The Roger Williams University (RWU) Community Partnerships Center (CPC) provides project-based assistance to nonprofit organizations, government agencies and low- and moderate-income communities in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts. Their mission is to undertake and complete projects that will benefit the local community while providing RWU students with experience in real-world projects that deepen their academic experiences. The CPC provides RWU students at the undergraduate and graduate levels with meaningful, project-based educational experiences which address real community needs through coursework, team projects, scholarships, internships and externships. These projects provide “real world” experience that is integrated with their growth as scholars and future practitioners. CPC projects draw upon the skills and experience of students and faculty from RWU programs in areas such as: Architecture and Urban Design Historic Preservation Law Justice Studies Business Education

Engineering and Construction Management Environmental Science and Sustainability Community Development Visual Arts and Digital Media Marketing and Communications Graphic Design

Community partnerships broaden and deepen the academic experiences of RWU students by allowing them to work on real-world projects, through curriculum-based and service-learning opportunities collaborating with non-profit and community leaders as they seek to achieve their missions. The services provided by the CPC would normally not be available to these organizations due to their cost and/or diverse needs. To date, the CPC has completed projects ranging from mill redevelopment feasibility studies, affordable housing design, arts education facilities, neighborhood plans, economic redevelopment research and recommendations for historic building rehabilitation. Contact: Arnold N. Robinson, AICP, Director, Community Partnerships Center, 401 - 254-3307, arobinson@rwu.edu


Service Learning Service learning involves service that is embedded in an academic course and is directly related to the course material--that means hands-on volunteering experiences that receive credit. Each year, RWU offers approximately 20 different service learning courses in subjects from Architecture and Dance to Historic Preservation and Justice Studies. Contact: KC Ferrara, Director, Feinstein Center for Service Learning, 401-254-7378, kferrara@rwu.edu Study Abroad Study abroad is an opportunity to continue your Roger Williams University education while living in another country. Study abroad is not merely a travel experience, but an academic experience (first and foremost) in an international setting. Our world has become increasingly interrelated and learning about globalization and intercultural perspectives is necessary for success in our communities and our workplace. Study abroad is relevant and meaningful for students in any academic discipline. Yes, that is correct! Study abroad is appropriate, no matter what your academic major is. Students who participate in a meaningful international experience develop skills, attitudes and characteristics that can significantly enhance academic goals, career path and personal life. Study abroad is commonly referred to as an astounding, life-changing experience, above and beyond the initial expectations of the participant. An experience that will challenge you, change you and motivate you; study abroad is well worth the time, money, and effort students put into it. It is not just for those fluent in a foreign language and it is not simply a vacation. Study abroad is for everyone who wants to grow personally, understand academic topics from an international perspective and wants to prepare for a meaningful career. Study abroad is for anyone interested in getting the most out of the RWU experience! Contact: Kevin C. Hayden, Director of Study Abroad Programs, 401-254-3899, khayden@rwu.edu Domestic Opportunities There is a variety of structured domestic experiential opportunities available through faculty members and programs i.e. The Washington Center that provide students with experience that enhances their skills and academic studies. Sea Semester Students in good academic standing who meet the prerequisites may apply to attend a SEA semester, which is offered through the Sea Education Association (SEA) of Woods Hole, Massachusetts. This program combines intensive research in the areas of oceanography, maritime studies, and nautical science with hands-on experience aboard a traditional sailing ship. Piloting, celestial navigation, and practical seamanship are learned together with oceanographic sampling techniques and marine laboratory procedures. Contact: Dr. Timothy Scott, 401-254-3563, tscott@rwu.edu or visit Sea Education Association Relevant Work Study and Payroll Positions Students have the ability to gain a variety of experiences relevant to their field of study at their federally funded on campus work study positions as well as a few on campus payroll positions. Students worked in the community or in on campus offices such as Advising, Health and Wellness, the Career Center, University Communications, Event Planning to name a few, can gain an immense amount of experience and may be given responsibilities that directly correlate with their major and career goals. Faculty Research Many RWU faculty, particularly those in the Sciences and Psychology, provide on-campus research opportunities for students to assist them and can provide a wealth of experience within those majors. Students should approach faculty within their majors to ascertain if there are any research opportunities within their major departments.



Career Center Website (www.careercenter.rwu.edu):

Hawks Hunt Login screen:

Your User Name is your RWU email address before @; Your Password is your Student ID#


Hawks Hunt Homepage:

Job/Co-Op Search:


Session 2





1. Go to www.mynextmove.org 2. Select the career search tool that best fits you. (I.E. “I want to be a,” “I’ll know it when I

see it,” or “I’m not sure...”) 3. Select a potential career that interests you 4. Complete the worksheet below

JOB TARGET (Job Title): ______________________________________________________ What education/training is required for this occupation? ____________________________________


What education/training do I need to pursue? ____________________________________


What knowledge/skills/abilities are required for this occupation? ____________________________________




What knowledge/skills/abilities do I need to build? ____________________________________





What is the outlook for this occupation in your preferred state? _____________________________________


If the outlook is not good for your preferred

state, what are some alternate locations?


What is the salary range for this occupation? ________________________

What is the local salary range?


Does this salary range fit my requirements? ________________________

List any other requirements you see for this occupation (certifications, advanced degree, travel, schedule flexibility, etc). _____________________________________



Is this a good job to pursue? ________________ **If not, consider related occupations to your job target, and fill in this worksheet for alternate options.

My Next Steps:


Basic Budgeting

Whether you have held a paid job in the past and managed your own money or not, it is vital that you assess your finances and plan for your budget upon graduation. By knowing what you make, what you owe, and what you need to spend monthly to maintain a satisfying lifestyle, you will be in a great position to set yourself up for a lifetime of financial health and wealth. It begins with research. What is the average starting salary in your field, in your geographic location? How much will you make? No…how much will you really make? The salary you were offered may not be as much as it originally seemed when you accepted that job. Here are a few possible deductions that will take away from the money that ends up in your pocket at the end of the month:

Mandatory Withholdings: Federal Income Taxes: 14–28% (depends on income) State Income Taxes: 0–15% (depends on state) Social Security: 6.2% Medicare: 1.5% Additional Possible Mandatory Withholdings: Union Dues: 1–2% (or sometimes a flat fee) Pension Withholding: 0.5–1.5% Supplemental Disability Insurance (SDI): 1–2% Optional Withholdings: Health Insurance: $200–500 (depending on plans and family size) Life Insurance: Varies (depends on needs) Retirement Plan: Varies (personal choice, not to exceed $17,500/year in 2014)

This is before your paycheck even reaches you. When you add rent, car insurance, utilities, student loan payments, groceries, and other non-negotiable expenses, your final net income can seem miniscule. The key is to plan. The more you know in advance—about your income, the rental market in your area, your expected student loan payments, your insurance needs, and your tax obligations—the better prepared you will be to exercise some money-saving strategies. Consider the expenses you can control—what are considered your “variable” expenses. Generally, the mandatory deductions from your paycheck are fixed. You cannot, for example, “opt out” of paying your taxes! But you can try one or more of the following:

• Get a cheaper cell phone plan • Live with your parents • Find a smaller apartment • Share your apartment with one or more roommates • Grocery shop and learn to cook (cut down on eating out—a HUGE money

pit!) • Put money aside for large expenses instead of using credit

• Track your spending! Research shows that when we see where every dollar goes, we are likely to spend LESS.


Session 3



Session 4




□ Go to the Career Center’s webpage (careercenter.rwu.edu) and sign up for a Career Planning Seminar in HAWKS HUNT. Attend all sessions and complete assignments. The Seminars are mandatory and attendance is taken. Taking the Career Planning Seminar does NOT officially register you for co-op/internship. Course registration is done in a separate step.

□ Meet with your Career Advisor if you have questions or need advice. For appointments, call the Career Center: 401.254.3224.

□ Assess eligibility to participate in the Co-op/Internship Program: � Good academic standing: 2.0 GPA or above � First year complete � Transfer students – one semester completed � Check your course catalog to find out what additional prerequisites exits for your major

□ Complete your résumé and upload it into your HAWKS HUNT account.

□ Once you have completed the Career Planning Seminar series, you will be given access to the internship and co-op postings in HAWKS HUNT. You are not limited to the postings in HAWKS HUNT. We also encourage you to seek out and explore other opportunities.

□ Identify suitable opportunities: network, join and create a LinkedIn profile.

□ Contact employers using their preferred application method. Schedule and complete interviews with employers.

□ Receive and accept an offer. Obtain a job description.

□ Find a faculty sponsor. For the required co-op/internship, this is a full-time professor who teaches courses in your major. Discuss your job description with your sponsor and confirm that your co-op/internship will satisfy the requirement of your major.

□ Report your co-op/internship through your HAWKS HUNT account. Complete the online learning contract. The contract will state your learning objectives and detail what you hope to learn during your work experience. Be sure to complete the job description field using your electronic version or copy and paste from another source (website, email, or internet posting).

□ The on-line form will be forwarded automatically to your work supervisor, faculty sponsor and Career Advisor for approvals.

□ You will be able to track your process by logging into HAWKS HUNT and viewing the “My Account” located on the top tool bar.

□ You will be notified upon completion and asked to visit your Career Advisor to complete the final paperwork required by the Registrar. The necessary paperwork is NOT in the Registrar’s Office. You must get the registration paperwork from your Career Advisor.

□ Bring the Add/Drop form to the Register and pay tuition if necessary. (Winter and summer sessions or in credit overloads)

□ Work a minimum of 135 hours to earn three academic credits, except for PSYCH 499 and SJS 469, where you work a minimum of 120 hours and have a weekly class meeting.

□ Maintaining a journal during a co-op/internship is highly recommended and required by some faculty sponsors.

□ Submit your final paper by uploading it into HAWKS HUNT. Do NOT submit copies directly to your faculty sponsor. Go to “view my activity” and make sure your work supervisor has completed your evaluation. You cannot receive a grade without an employer evaluation. Confirm that all other requirements have been met.

□ Your faculty Sponsor reviews your documents including your paper and employer’s evaluation and awards a grade of Pass or No Pass. Career Advisors submit grades to the Registrar.


How do I find an internship?

Job and Internship Search Process (and Tips!)

1 ___ Update/Edit Résumé • Begin your resumé and have it reviewed by a career advisor

• Walk-in hours: Tuesday & Thursday 1-4:00 p.m.

2 ___ Reach out to Potential References

• Ask reference “Could you give me a good reference for a job”

• Keep references updated on your job search

3 ___ Search for Jobs/Internships

• HAWKS HUNT – Internship and Job Search Database specifically for Roger Williams University students

o Check out the On Campus Recruiting calendar on HAWKS HUNT to see which employers are interviewing on campus

• Searching on your own – Network! Consider personal contacts (family, friends, peers, professors, etc.), visit specific company websites, explore job search resources:

o Job Search Engines: www.indeed.com, www.simplyhired.com o National Internship Search Engines: www.internships.com,

www.internshipprograms.com, www.internweb.com, www.internjobs.com, internmatch.com, dice.com

o Explore the major job search resources: www.monster.com, www.careerbuilder.com, www.google.com, www.craigslist.com

• Career Advisor –Career Advisors are available to meet and assist you with your search o Open email from your career advisor and Career Center. We often send out

information about internships via email or post on Facebook.

4 ___ Apply to jobs and internships! • Write Cover Letters specific to each job or internship

• Follow-Up two weeks after you Submit Application

o Best way to follow up is by email or phone

5 ___ Stay Organized!

• Create a spreadsheet or table to stay organized

• Write down every job you applied to, when you applied, when you followed up, names of

people you contacted

6 ___ Interview

• Prep for every interview you have

o Review company website

o Prepare “Commonly Asked Interview Questions”

o Have an answer for “Tell me about yourself”

7 ___Send a thank you letter within 24 hours of interview 8 ___ Accept an offer

• “Thank you, when do you need my answer?”

9 ___ Professionalism

• Arrive on-time each day and always ask what else you can do • Keep your internship clothing clean, pressed, and ready to wear on short notice • Keep your résumé updated



YOUR NAME: OPTION ONE: Organization: Industry: Web address: Job page web address: Why is this organization of interest to you? (Consider their products/services, mission, initiatives, prestige, awards)

How would you fit into this organization? What can you offer them? (Relate your skills, education, experience and desires to the above)

OPTION TWO: Organization: Industry: Web address: Job page web address: Why is this organization of interest to you? (Consider their products/services, mission, initiatives, prestige, awards)


How would you fit into this organization? What can you offer them? (Relate your skills, education, experience and desires to the above)

OPTION THREE: Organization: Industry: Web address: Job page web address: Why is this organization of interest to you? (Consider their products/services, mission, initiatives, prestige, awards)

How would you fit into this organization? What can you offer them? (Relate your skills, education, experience and desires to the above)

OPTION FOUR: Organization: Industry: Web address: Job page web address:


Why is this organization of interest to you? (Consider their products/services, mission, initiatives, prestige, awards)

How would you fit into this organization? What can you offer them? (Relate your skills, education, experience and desires to the above)

OPTION FIVE: Organization: Industry: Web address: Job page web address: Why is this organization of interest to you? (Consider their products/services, mission, initiatives, prestige, awards)

How would you fit into this organization? What can you offer them? (Relate your skills, education, experience and desires to the above)


OPTION SIX: Organization: Industry: Web address: Job page web address: Why is this organization of interest to you? (Consider their products/services, mission, initiatives, prestige, awards)

How would you fit into this organization? What can you offer them? (Relate your skills, education, experience and desires to the above)

General Notes:


Network Your Way to a Job

Networking Defined: A network is an interconnected group of supporters who serve as resources for your job search and ultimately for your career. Some great network contacts might include people you meet at business and social meetings who provide you with career information and advice. Students often hesitate to network because they feel awkward asking for help, but it should be an integral part of any job search. Though you might feel nervous when approaching a potential contact, networking is a skill that develops with practice, so don’t give up. Most people love to talk about themselves and their jobs and are willing to give realistic—and free—advice.

Eight Keys to Networking:

1. Be Prepared First, define what information you need and what you are trying to accomplish by networking. Remember, your purpose in networking is to get to know people who can provide information regarding careers and leads, finding suitable mentors, increasing your chances of finding a job. Second, know yourself—your education, experience and skills. Use your Elevator Speech so that people will know the kinds of areas in which you are interested.

2. Be Targeted Identify your network. For some, “I don’t have a network. I don’t know anyone,” may be your first reaction. You can start by attending the events the Career Center provide and also by listing everyone you know who are potential prospects: family members, friends, faculty, neighbors, classmates, alumni, bosses, co-workers and community associates. Attend meetings of organizations in your field of interest and get involved. You never know where you are going to meet someone who could lead you to your co-op/internship and/or job.

3. Be Professional Ask your networking prospects for advice—not for a job. Your networking meetings should be a source of career information, advice and contacts. Start off the encounter with a firm handshake, eye contact and a warm smile. Focus on asking for one thing at a time. Your contacts expect you to represent yourself with your best foot forward.

4. Be Patient Heena Noorani, research analyst with New York-based Thomson Financial, recommends avoiding the feeling of discouragement if networking does not provide immediate results or instant answers. She advises, “Be prepared for a slow down after you get started. Stay politely persistent with your leads and build momentum. Networking is like gardening: You do not plant the seed, then quickly harvest. Networking requires cultivation that takes time and effort for the process to payoff.”

5. Be Focused on Quality—Not Quantity In a large group setting, circulate and meet people, but don’t try to talk to everyone. It’s better to have a few meaningful conversations than 50 hasty introductions. Don’t cling to people you already know; you’re unlikely to build new contacts that way. If you are at a reception, be sure to wear a nametag and collect or exchange business cards so you can later contact the people you meet.

6. Be Referral-Centered The person you are networking with may not have a job opening, but he or she may know someone who is hiring. The key is to exchange information and then expand your network by obtaining additional referrals each time you meet someone new. Be sure to mention the person who referred you.

7. Be Proactive Stay organized and track your networking meetings. Keep a list of your contacts and update it frequently with the names of any leads given to you. Send a thank-you note or email if appropriate. Ask if you can follow-up the conversation with a phone call, or even better, with a more in-depth meeting in the near future.

8. Be Dedicated to Networking Most importantly, networking should be ongoing. You will want to stay in touch with contacts over the long haul—not just when you need something. Make networking part of your long-term career plan.


Using Information Interviews and Shadowing to Find

Your Career

The best way to explore a potential career choice is by speaking with and/or following someone who works in that career.

• Do an information interview. Learn first-hand about your chosen profession by asking questions about tasks, business environment, and educational background.

• Shadow a professional. Follow someone in your career choice as they go through a typical day or week on the job. Ask questions and observe the work.

FINDING A PROFESSION(AL): Finding someone to interview or shadow is not difficult. Ask your parents and your friends’ parents if they know someone you can interview. Ask your professors for recommendations of alumni in the field. Come to the Career Center. Use LinkedIn.com.

Next, call or email with a request for an information interview or job shadowing. Do not text! People who like their jobs tend to enjoy talking about them. You compliment the professional by expressing an interest in the career. In your phone call or email, explain how you found the person you want to interview and request time for an appointment. Emphasize that you want to find out more about the career—you’re not looking for a job. If you’re lucky, the professional you contact may have other colleagues you can interview also.

ASKING QUESTIONS: Take notes during your time with the professional. Here are some questions you might ask:

1. What is your typical workday like? 2. What do you like most (and least) about your job? 3. What skills/abilities are most important to succeed in this job? 4. What is your educational background? 5. How did you get started in this field? 6. What courses were most helpful to you and which would you recommend? 7. What is the best way to get started in this field? 8. Do you have any additional advice to help me prepare? 9. Are there other professionals who you believe I should meet?

FOLLOWING UP YOUR INTERVIEW: Review your notes. What was your impression? Did you leave the interview feeling as if you can envision a future in this occupation or were you discouraged—you don’t feel you learned enough about the occupation or the job description doesn’t sound appealing any longer?

Take your thoughts and concerns to your Career Advisor and get feedback on the next step to take in your career exploration. You may want to do additional information interviews in this career path or you may want to reexamine your goals and find a different path for your interests.

No matter what you decide, send a thank-you note to anyone you interview or shadow. Whether you decide to forge ahead on that career path or find another one, this professional may be a good person to network with when you begin your job search.

Courtesy of the National Association of Colleges and Employers, copyright holder. www.naceweb.org.



YOUR NAME : CANDIDATE ONE : Name: Degree (circle): 1 2 3 group

Title: Current Organization: Industry: Connections: Why is this person of interest? Craft your email: CANDIDATE TWO: Name: Degree (circle): 1 2 3 group

Title: Current Organization: Industry: Connections: Why is this person of interest? Craft your email:


CANDIDATE THREE: Name: Degree (circle): 1 2 3 group

Title: Current Organization: Industry: Connections: Why is this person of interest? Craft your email: Notes:


Your 30-Second Commercial

An Elevator Speech or 30-second commercial is a quick introduction that job-seekers use in a variety of networking situations that succinctly tells the person you are talking to: who you are, what makes you unique, and the benefits you can provide.

Imagine getting into an elevator at the top floor of a high rise. Just as the doors are about to close, the hiring manager of your dream company enters and you find yourself alone with this person. You now have approximately 30 seconds before the elevator makes it to the lobby. What are you going to say about yourself that will entice this person to take your résumé or provide you with an interview?

The Elevator Speech is a very short introduction of yourself used in situations where you are meeting a lot of people and probably not spending a great deal of time with any one of them. Events specifically designed for networking were made for the Elevator Speeches, which lasts about 15-30 seconds and may or may not be the prelude to a lengthier conversation. The trick is to make your Elevator Speech so intriguing that people will want to spend more time talking with you. The Elevator Speech might be incorporated into an initial phone conversation with a prospective new member of your network.

The structure of the Elevator Speech is: • I am . . . .and am interested . . . • These are my credentials . . . . . . . • What I like about this career . . . . . • How I can meet your needs . . . • “May I provide to you my résumé?” OR “May I take your card and follow up after this event?”

At the Roger Williams University Career Fair you may ask something like this: "I'd like to take your business card, as well as leave my résumé. Would it be possible for me to get a spot on your company's interview schedule if you are coming to campus to interview?

At a Networking Reception ask: "What advice do you have for me? Are you looking to bring on any interns or new hires? If not, can you suggest any other employers I should be contacting?"

In an informational interview, using your Elevator Speech may be an effective response if the interviewee turns the tables and starts asking questions about you.

Obviously, you don't want your Commercial to sound memorized. But you are, after all, talking about yourself, so the material is not hard to remember. It helps to write it out first -- outline form is fine; then read it over a few times, and practice saying it without reading or memorizing it. Practice saying it in front of friends and members of your network, too. It's not a big deal if you forget a detail, as long as you remember the main points you want to get across.


Sample Elevator Speeches

Michaela Shaw, Computer Systems Candidate

Hi, my name is Michaela Shaw. I've had experience in the computer hardware industry from my last two internships. During this time, I was drawn to the field of information systems. I enjoyed the challenge and new technologies that I learned while working with the company systems administrator during my internship as a database controller. I also enjoyed receiving and implementing the system-management training I gained while working with Google on a class project. The spark ignited, and I began to focus my efforts on obtaining additional training in computer information systems. I am achievement and detail oriented. I work extremely well in a team environment and have been a team leader on several of my academic projects. I have worked with the latest technologies in my classes. For example, I helped design a database interface application in Visual Basic for one of my school's programs. When assigned a project, I possess the skills to see it through to top-notch completion. I am prepared to make a significant contribution in the next step in my career. I am very interested in working with your company, how can I apply?

Sam Adams, Teacher Candidate

I am Sam Adams (with a smile, eye contact, and a firm handshake) and interested in learning more about Hartford’s anticipated reading specialist openings. After 10 years as a human resource manager, I reassessed my life priorities and went back to school to earn a master’s in education. I am currently completing my student teaching as a second grade teacher. My cooperating teacher and the principal asked me to tutor two at-risk students. I guess they appreciate my skills that I bring from my previous career, like the ability to handle many tasks. I really love the younger age group and have been successful in using children’s literature to teach and reinforce phonics and writing. Based on this experience, I plan to pursue a certificate in reading. What kind of qualifications are you seeking for your opening reading teaching positions? “



YOUR NAME : I am interested in: My credentials include (education/major, academic achievement, study abroad, related work/project experiences, related volunteer experience, related clubs/orgs, leadership experience): What I like about this career or industry: What I can offer you to meet your needs: “May I provide to you my résumé?” OR “May I take your card and follow up after this event?” Notes:


Session 5

Putting It All




To complete the on-line learning contract you will need your employer and/or supervisor’s contact information

including supervisor’s name, employment address, telephone number and email address. You will also need

your job description. If your job description is in electronic form you will be able to copy and paste it into the

job description field. Otherwise, you will have to type it. Make sure your description is accurate and

professionally written as your employer will be reviewing it as submitted.

You will be asked to state learning objectives as part of your learning contract. Please refer back to the drafting

learning objectives section. You may be asked to rewrite poorly written objectives, which will delay your

application approval.

Please note: Be sure you save your work before you close out of the form.

1. Go to http://careercenter.rwu.edu . In the middle of the page/on the left side, click HAWKS HUNT –

Student/Alumni. At the log-in page, enter your username and password. Your user name is everything in

your RWU email address to the left of the @ sign. If you have not changed your password, it is your

student ID number.

2. Click Start Internship Registration located on left of the Welcome/Home page. If you don’t see the

Start Internship Registration listed, contact the Career Center at 401.254.3224.

3. Select the appropriate internship term (or semester) from the dropdown menu. Click the click here link.

Begin completing requested information. Click save.

4. The Registration form will open. Complete the form. All fields with red asterics must be completed.

5. E sign and date the form. Skip the Documentation section regarding uploading your paper. You will

return to this section at the end of your internship to submit your paper.

6. Click finish.

What happens next?

Your electronic learning contract will automatically be submitted to Career Center to initiate the approval

process. The approval process is as follows and happens automatically in a cascading fashion. An email request

for approval is sent to…

1. International students – Intercultural Center

2. Employer – Work supervisor for confirmation of job description

3. Faculty Sponsor – Your chosen full-time professor, teaching within your major or in the

major associated with the work being done to review academic integrety

4. Career Advisor – Your Career Advisor approves your application and sends an email to you asking

you to set up a meeting to complete the Registrar’s Add/Drop form. You deliver the Add/Drop form to

the Registrar. After a week or so, check your student schedule on My RWU to confirm your co-

op/internship has been officially added to your schedule.

To expedite the process, we recommend that you contact your work site supervisor and faculty sponsor and

inform them of the upcoming emails, which will be sent from HAWKS HUNT. We also recommend that you keep

track of the initiated approval process by viewing it at the bottom of your Registration form after it has been




What is a learning objective? Objectives differ from goals. Goals are broad general statements. Learning objectives are clear, concise, narrow statements indicating particular knowledge or skill the student is expected to achieve. A well-constructed learning objective includes an explanation of how the objective will be accomplished (in what specific activities will the student engage in order to master the objective), and a means by which mastery of the knowledge or skill taught is measured. Examples: Goal: To become familiar with the tasks performed in a public relations department in a non-profit agency. Learning Objective 1: Successfully write a publishable press release. Means of Accomplishment: If writing a press release is not already assigned to me, I will: request the opportunity to write one. Research and seek advice on how to write press releases from co-workers and faculty. Write the press release. Have my supervisor review and edit drafts until it is in publishable form. Means of Measurement: Employer publishes/uses press release or indicates that it could be used. Press release is added to appendix of student report. Why have learning objectives? Drafting learning objectives requires you to think about what you would like to gain from your co-op/internship focusing on specific objectives allows you to better understand and prepare for your work experience. The old saying, “If you don’t know where you are going you will probably end up somewhere else” is especially applicable to interns. With no goals or objectives to guide you, you will wander through your work experience hoping that you will learn something of value in the process. Drafting learning objectives will give you a road map. Trying to achieve your objectives encourages you to take an active part in the direction your co-op or internship takes. Addressing your success (or failure) in accomplishing your objectives will also give your paper substance and academic credibility. How do I write a learning objective? Where do I begin? You may want to start by asking yourself, “What do I want to know at the end of this work experience that I didn’t know at the beginning?” The answer to this query may result in a goal rather than a learning objective. If your answer is too broad, analyze your goal statement until you have determined concrete steps, observable, measurable actions, which would lead to attaining it. These steps will become your objectives. If you have one, a job description is often a good resource for developing objectives. You will have the advantage of knowing what you are likely to learn since the duties outlined are what the employer expects you to do. Here are some different areas of knowledge you may want to consider when creating your learning objectives.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: (Oloroso, Helen. “A Work-based Curriculum for Cooperative Education Students.” The Journal of Cooperative Education XXX.2 (1995): 39-45.)

1. Objectives to promote functional learning: For example, objectives addressing the acquisition of specific and general skills related to the student’s area of study and objectives relating to the application of classroom theory to workplace assignments, etc. 2. Objectives to promote organizational understanding: For example, objectives addressing how and why the organization is structured the way it is, the organization’s mission statement, how decisions are made within the organization, management style, issues of concern to the organization, competition comparisons, how the student’s work activity fits into the big picture, etc. 3. Objectives to promote behavioral understanding: For example, objectives addressing the development of appropriate professional behavior with peers, supervisors, co-workers, customers, clients, etc. Objectives addressing the acquisition of knowledge and skill regarding effective communication within the organization, protocol, conflict resolution, tact, discretion, confidentiality, decision making and problem solving, effectively operating in the organization’s political climate, the student’s response to supervision, etc. 4. Objectives to promote professional growth: For example, objectives addressing the acquisition of knowledge concerning the professional field, specific professional conduct expectations, ethics, professional standards, continuing education requirements, professional journals and other literature, professional organization, etc.



CONTENT At the end of your co-op/internship experience you are required to upload to your HAWKS HUNT account a paper (10 – 12 pages in length) consisting of the following:

1. A summary statement of the nature of the agency or business where you worked, its staffing and structure. Explain the “big picture” - the context within which you performed your duties and tasks. Give any organizational background you think will be helpful in understanding your position and how it relates to the whole. Remember, if you use the organization’s website or literature be sure to refer to your source to avoid accidental plagiarism. Proper citation format is always impressive!

2. A statement that addresses your orientation to the position as well as the specific duties and the

tasks performed during your assignment. You might include activities such as attendance at staff meetings, interaction with other employees, or any other activities that advanced your understanding of the job. Please include any materials related to your job that will help us to better understand the nature of your assignment. If not addressed in section I, include your understanding of how your activities and those of your immediate co-workers fit into the “big picture” discussed in section I.

3. A summary of the knowledge and/or skills you have acquired through your co-op assignment.

This section of the report should give evidence of your academic growth and professional development. In what ways were you able to integrate classroom theory with the practical experience gained at your work site? If you are returning to the classroom (everyone except second semester seniors) how will your work experience enrich your future studies? What can you now offer to a classroom as a participant, which you could not have offered, had you not had a co-op or internship experience? Any positive or negative aspects of the co-op/internship should be included.

4. All Business majors must include additional scholarly research in this report

Explore some aspect of your placement from a theoretical perspective in greater detail. Select the topic which you find particularly interesting. Use periodicals to examine current research on this topic and compare that information with your placement experience. A reference page should list the publications used in writing your report. Use proper citation form. Use of appendices is encouraged.


You should include a title page consisting of your name, employer’s name, faculty sponsor and date of assignment. You should closely examine your report for grammatical and spelling errors. You may want to have your draft reviewed by the Writing Center before submitting your report. To submit your report, upload it into HAWKS HUNT. Please do not submit your report directly to your faculty sponsor. Your report is only a part of the grading e-packet your faculty sponsor receives and disregarding procedure causes confusion and slows the grading processes. To receive your grade on time and avoid an Incomplete, upload your report into HAWKS HUNT four weeks before final exam week. This is especially important for seniors who will need the credits earned through co-ops/internships to graduate on time, and those who wish to make the Dean’s List.


Internship Evaluation of Student by Supervisor

Page 1 of 1

1. Name of Student*

2. Name of Organization:*

3. Name of Supervisor:*

4. Is this student is on track to complete the required number of hours for his/her internship: *



5. Please indicate which answer best describes your experience with your Roger Williams University Intern.* The Intern I am evaluating does

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Accept and follow directions

Work well with others

Perform assigned tasks adequately

Organize and complete assignments properly

Communicate well in writing

Communicate well orally

Apply academic knowledge to each task

Adjust easily to new assignments

Make sound decisions and recommendations

Have excellent attendance and punctuality

6. Please tell us areas in which this RWU Intern excelled.

7. My overall evaluation of this intern is:*







Other, please specify

8. Please let us know of some areas in which the student can improve.

9. Are there areas of study the student should take advantage of? If so, what?

10. If opportunities were available to hire this student for an additional internship, would you recommend this student?*

Yes No

11. If opportunities were available to hire this student for post-graduation, professional position, would you recommend this student?* *

Yes No

12. If you checked "no" in either of the previous questions, why not?

13. Please provide any additional comments that will help the faculty member award a grade and that may help the student learn from this experience.

14. Have you reviewed your evaluation with our student?

Yes No


How to Navigate a Career Fair or Networking Event

1. Know your goals. A realistic goal for attending a fair is to get an idea of what employers are looking for or to be invited for an interview at the company at a later date. Do not expect to be offered a job today.

2. Are you dressed appropriately in business attire and wearing comfortable shoes?

3. Use your best handshake, make eye contact and give an award-winning smile when you introduce


4. Bring 20+ error free résumés with you; do not fold them. Use a portfolio, briefcase, or shoulder bag to

hold résumés, corporate literature, and all the materials you will collect. Your résumé should have

been reviewed by the Career Center. If you have not made an appointment yet and attend or have

graduated from RWU, please feel free to do so.

5. Be enthusiastic! Employers identify the most important personal attribute you can bring to your first

regular employment position is "Enthusiasm." Project interest in the company.

6. There will be many applicants approaching employers at the same time you are. DON'T BE

OVERWHELMED. Keep a positive attitude and concentrate on benefits of the experience.

7. Visit with employers who do not have students at their tables. Even if you have never heard of the

company you might be surprised at the types of opportunities they may have.

8. Remember to thank the person you talk to and take their business card for a formal follow up.

9. Most of the employers will have information about their companies - feel free to take what is offered.

Please don't take the information if you don't want it, politely say, "No Thank you."

10. Employers expect to interact with students seeking job opportunities as well as those simply

researching careers and organizations.

11. Review the list of organizations who will be attending the career and internship fair, then research

those employers of interest to you. Research the organization's website.

12. Practice answering the questions: Tell Me About Yourself? What are you interested in doing after

graduation? Be able to deliver a 30 second 'commercial' about yourself to an employer.

13. Prioritize the list of employers you want to speak with and go directly to their tables. Walk up and

down the aisles first looking at who is present -you don't want to miss anyone while waiting to speak

with someone else or even interviewing.

14. Be ready to make conversation and ask intelligent questions--making you a much more interesting

candidate than those who ask "So. What do you guys do?"

15. Your goal is to get an interview. If you're genuinely interested, let them know! "I am quite excited

about the possibilities your company offers, and I think I have the talent to help you achieve your

goals.... What do I need to do to arrange an interview?" If an interview isn't arranged immediately,

don't despair.

16. Be prepared to discuss where you want to work geographically (New York - Boston - anywhere), what

you like doing, what you're looking for in a job, what your most relevant skills are.

17. Within two weeks after the Career Fair or Networking event, send a thank you note to the

representatives you met and with whom you want to follow up - making sure to use contact

information on the business cards you asked for at the event.


NOTES:_____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


NOTES:_____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

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