CPAC Schedule of Events

Post on 10-Oct-2014






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OFFICIAL CPAC EVENTS ARE LISTED IN BOLD *Presented by the American Conservative Union Foundation 1

Schedule of Events


(as of February 8th

, 2012)

Schedule Subject to Change

9:00 Welcome to the 39th

Annual CPAC – Marriott Ballroom*

Invocation: Bob Reccord, Executive Director, Council for National Policy

Pledge: The Honorable Matt Schlapp, Principal, Cove Strategies, Board Member, the American

Conservative Union, and former Deputy Assistant to the President

Al Cardenas, Chairman, the American Conservative Union

Introduction: Gregg Keller, National Executive Director, the American Conservative Union

9:00 Eisenhower Farewell to Nation – CPAC Theater

Live introduction by President Eisenhower’s granddaughter Susan Eisenhower

Q&A to follow with Susan Eisenhower and the Committee for the Republic’s John Henry

Open to all CPAC attendees, 45 minutes

9:25 The Honorable Jim DeMint (R-SC), United States Senator – Marriott Ballroom

Introduction: Al Cardenas, Chairman, the American Conservative Union

9:30 How to Raise Money…the Easy Way – Wilson A

Sponsored by the Leadership Institute

Open to all CPAC attendees

9:30 Judicial Watch Press Conference: 2012 Election Integrity Project - Virginia

Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch

Open to all CPAC attendees and press

9:50 Do “We Still Hold These Truths?”: The Future of the Conservative Movement

– Marriott Ballroom*

Dr. George Nash, Historian and Author

Jeffery Lord, Contributing Editor, The American Spectator

Jeffrey Bell, Policy Director, American Principles Project

Moderator: Dr. Matthew Spalding, Vice President, American Studies and Director, B. Kenneth

Simon Center for Principles and Politics, The Heritage Foundation and Author, We Still Hold These


10:00 Now or Never: Saving America from Economic Collapse – Conservative Book Nook

Book signing with The Honorable Jim DeMint, United States Senator

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

10:00 The Red Tape War: How the Regulatory Burden and Growing Nanny State Threaten Prosperity –

Wilson C

Sponsored by Americans for Tax Reform

Open to all CPAC attendees

10:00 More Defense For Less – Truman

Sponsored by The Committee for the Republic

Speaker: COL Douglas Macgregor, USA (Ret.)

Open to all CPAC attendees

OFFICIAL CPAC EVENTS ARE LISTED IN BOLD *Presented by the American Conservative Union Foundation 2

Schedule of Events

10:30 Restoring First Principles: The Economy, Healthcare, and the Right to Bear Arms - Maryland

Sponsored by The Independent Institute

Speakers: Vern McKinley, Author, Financing Failure: A Century of Bailouts, Research Fellow,

The Independent Institute; Stephen Halbrook, Author, The Founders’ Second Amendment,

Research Fellow, The Independent Institute; John Goodman, Author, Health Choices, Research

Fellow, The Independent Institute

Moderator: Alexander Tabarrok, Research Director, Independent Institute, Associate Professor of

Economics, George Mason University

Open to all CPAC attendees

10:35 Is America Still An Exceptional Nation? – The Honorable Marco Rubio (R-FL), United States

Senator – Marriott Ballroom*

Introduced by Al Cardenas, Chairman, the American Conservative Union

10:45 We Still Hold These Truths – Conservative Book Nook

Book signing with Author Matthew Spalding

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

10:45 Backing Grassroots Conservatives Against Entrenched Incumbents - McKinley Red Carpet Event by The New Generation presents:

2012 Hottest Races and Candidates

Speakers: Joe the Plumber and Karen Harrington

Open to all CPAC attendees

11:00 Fire From the Heartland: The Awakening of the Conservative Woman – CPAC Theater

Starring: The Honorable Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Ann Coulter, and an all-star cast.

Live introduction by Director Stephen Bannon and cast member Sonnie Johnson

Open to all CPAC attendees, 84 minutes

11:05 It’s the Spending, Stupid! Why Is It So Hard to Cut a Trillion Dollars? – Marriott Ballroom*

The Honorable Mike Lee (R-UT), United States Senator

The Honorable Tom Graves (R-GA), United States Representative

The Honorable Ron Johnson (R-WI), United States Senator

Moderator: Colin Hanna, President, Let Freedom Ring

11:15 Return of Big Labor: What Can We Learn from Wisconsin & Ohio? – Marshall Ballroom*

Steven Malanga, Senior Editor, City Journal, Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow

F. Vincent Vernuccio, Labor Policy Counsel, Competitive Enterprise Institute

Kevin Mooney, Capitol Bureau Reporter, Pelican Institute for Public Policy

Moderator: Terry Scanlon, President, Capital Research Center

11:30 Losing Our Religion: The Liberal Media’s Attack on Christianity – Conservative Book Nook

Book signing with Author S.E. Cupp

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

11:30 Strategy Briefing: How Citizen Journalists Can Make an Impact – Virginia

Sponsored by the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity

Register at:

11:50 State of the United States Senate – Marriott Ballroom

The Honorable Mitch McConnell (R-KY), United States Senate Republican Leader

Introduced by Brian Baker, President and General Counsel, Ending Spending

OFFICIAL CPAC EVENTS ARE LISTED IN BOLD *Presented by the American Conservative Union Foundation 3

Schedule of Events

12:10 The Honorable Steve King (R-IA), United States Representative – Marriott Ballroom

12:00 From Fidel to Chavez: How Do We Stop the Resurgence of Socialism in Latin America

– Marshall Ballroom*

The Honorable Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL), United States Representative

The Honorable Otto Reich, President, Otto Reich Associates, LLC, Former Assistant Secretary of

State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Former United States Ambassador to Venezuela

The Honorable David Rivera (R-FL), United States Representative

Moderator: Mauricio Claver-Carone, Executive Director, Cuba Democracy Public Advocacy

12:00 Getting Your Message Out to the Voters – Wilson A

Sponsored by the Leadership Institute

Open to all CPAC attendees

12:20 The Honorable Michele Bachmann (R-MN), United States Representative – Marriott Ballroom

12:30 The Honorable Jim Jordan (R-OH), United States Representative, Chairman, House Republican

Study Committee – Marriott Ballroom

Introduction: Paul Teller, Executive Director, House Republican Study Committee

12:30 Grass Roots: A Commonsense Action Agenda for America – Conservative Book Nook

Book signing with Author Scott Hennen

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

12:30 The Failure of Multiculturalism: How the pursuit of diversity is weakening the American Identity

– Wilson C

Sponsored by: ProEnglish

Speakers: Robert Vandervoort, Executive Director, ProEnglish; John Derbyshire, contributing

editor at National Review and author of We Are Doomed; Peter Brimelow, author of The Patriot

Game: National Dreams and Political Realities and founder of; Dr. Serge

Trifkovic, foreign affairs editor for Chronicles magazine; & Dr. Rosalie Porter, author of

American Immigrant: My Life In Three Languages, chairwoman of the board, ProEnglish

Open to all CPAC attendees

12:40 Game On! The 2012 Political Landscape – Marriott Ballroom

Erick Erickson, Editor-in-Chief,

Ralph Z. Hallow, Chief Political Writer, The Washington Times

Dr. Ralph Reed, Founder and Chairman, Faith & Freedom Coalition

Moderator: Scott Rasmussen, Founder and President, Rasmussen Reports

12:45 Michael Medved, Nationally Syndicated Conservative Talk Show Host,

“The Michael Medved Show”– Marshall Ballroom

Introduced by: Kirby Wilbur, Chairman, Washington State Republican Party

1:00 Citizens United Productions Hosts Blogger Briefing – CPAC Theater

Andrew Breitbart, Brandon Darby, Lee Stranahan, Stephen Bannon and Citizens United

Productions President David Bossie preview their 2012 films including upcoming film exposing

Occupy Wall Street, with short video presentation

Open to CPAC credentialed bloggers only

OFFICIAL CPAC EVENTS ARE LISTED IN BOLD *Presented by the American Conservative Union Foundation 4

Schedule of Events

1:00 The Need for a Twenty-first Century Gold Standard – Harding

Sponsored by American Principles Project

Speakers: Jeffrey Bell, American Principles Project; James Grant, Grant's Interest Rate Observer;

and John Mueller, Ethics and Public Policy Center

Open to all CPAC attendees, Light refreshments provided

1:00 Is Disarming America Smart Politics? The Security and Economic Costs of Obama’s Policies

– Truman

Sponsored by Center for Security Policy

Speakers: Frank Gaffney, Jr., President, Center for Security Policy; Joel Arrends, Executive

Director, Vets for Freedom; Mackenzie Eaglen, Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute;

LtGen Jack Klimp, USMC (Ret.), National Association for Uniformed Services (NAUS); & MG

Al Zapanta, USARNG, President and CEO, U.S.-Mexico Chamber of Commerce

Open to all CPAC attendees

1:00 Conservative Dating – McKinley Red Carpet Event. Learn everything from how to avoid scaring away your own

personal Dagny Taggart in the first five minutes of the conversation, to whether Tea Partiers and

Occupiers can share something more than a dislike for bailouts.

Speaker Name: Professional Dating Coach Wayne Elise

Open to Conservative Singles

1:00 Privatization and Contracting Out to the Private Sector; Opportunities and Threats in 2012 – Taft

Sponsored by Business Coalition for Fair Competition

Speakers: The Honorable James Burnley IV, Venable LLP, U.S. Secretary of Transportation from

1987 to 1989; Dr. Ronald Utt, The Heritage Foundation, Presidential Appointee for Privatization

Efforts from 1987-1989

Moderator: John Palatiello, President, Business Coalition for Fair Competition (BCFC)

Open to all CPAC attendees

1:20 The Honorable Rick Perry, Governor of Texas – Marriott Ballroom

Introduced by The Honorable Mick Mulvaney, United States Representative (R-SC)

1:30 Is Fusionist Conservatism Still Possible? – Marshall Ballroom*

Dr. George Nash, Historian and Author

Becky Norton Dunlop, Vice President, External Relations, The Heritage Foundation

Christopher Long, President and Chief Executive Officer, Intercollegiate Studies Institute

Moderator: Dr. Donald Devine, Second Vice Chairman, the American Conservative Union

1:35 State of the United States House of Representatives – Marriott Ballroom

The Honorable John Boehner (R-OH), Speaker of the House

1:45 Known and Unknown – Conservative Book Nook

Book signing with Author The Honorable Donald Rumsfeld, Former Secretary of Defense

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

1:50 Kirk Cameron, Television and Film Actor, Filmmaker, "MONUMENTAL: In Search of America’s

National Treasure" – Marriott Ballroom*

Introduced by Jillian Weleski, Deputy CPAC Director, the American Conservative Union

OFFICIAL CPAC EVENTS ARE LISTED IN BOLD *Presented by the American Conservative Union Foundation 5

Schedule of Events

2:00 Too Big to Fail: A Quadrillion Dollar Exposure!– Virginia

Sponsored by The Committee for the Republic

Speakers: Peter Wallison, The Honorable Boyden Gray, John Henry & John Prout

Open to all CPAC attendees

2:05 Debate: Is the “Arab Spring” Good or Bad for America? – Marriott Ballroom*

The Honorable Jim Gilmore, President and Chief Executive Officer, Free Congress Foundation

and Former Governor of Virginia, Former Member, Congressional Homeland Security

Commission (1999-2003)

The Honorable Zalmay Khalilzad, President, Gryphon Partners, Former U.S. Permanent

Representative to the UN, Former U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, and Former U.S. Ambassador

to Afghanistan

The Honorable Elliott Abrams, Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies, Council on Foreign


David French, Senior Counsel, American Center for Law & Justice

Moderator: Cliff May, President, Foundation for the Defense of Democracies

2:30 Advancing Conservatism On Your Campus: A Brainstorming Session – Marshall Ballroom*

Peter Redpath, Vice President and Director of the Student Division, The Federalist Society

Jo Jensen, Associate Vice President of National Stakeholder Relations and Operations, Generation


Alyssa Cordova, Lecture Director, Clare Booth Luce Policy Institute

Moderator: Kristan Hawkins, Executive Director, Students for Life of America

2:30 Micro-Targeting Voters with Cable – Maryland

Sponsored by NCC Media

Speaker: Tim Kay, Director Political Strategy, NCC Media

Event capacity is 200, Open to all CPAC attendees, Light refreshments provided

2:30 Landing a Conservative Job: The Hill and Beyond – Wilson A

Sponsored by Leadership Institute

Open to all CPAC attendees

2:50 Defender of the Constitution Award - Recipient: The Honorable Kenneth Cuccinelli II, Attorney

General of Virginia – Marriott Ballroom

Presented by David Keene, President, National Rifle Association

3:00 The People’s Money: How Voters Will Balance the Budget and Eliminate the Federal Debt –

Conservative Book Nook

Book signing with Author Scott Rasmussen

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

3:00 Monumental: In Search of America’s National Treasure – CPAC Theater

Live introduction by TV and Film Star Kirk Cameron

Open to all CPAC attendees, 90 minutes

3:10 Arthur Brooks, President, American Enterprise Institute – Marriott Ballroom

3:20 Tony Perkins, President, Family Research Council

3:30 LtCol Oliver North, USMC (Ret.), Best-Selling Author, Syndicated Columnist, and

Host, FOX News Channel’s “War Stories” – Marriott Ballroom*

OFFICIAL CPAC EVENTS ARE LISTED IN BOLD *Presented by the American Conservative Union Foundation 6

Schedule of Events

3:30 Back to the Future: How Do We Bring Back Civics Education to Our Schools?

– Marshall Ballroom*

Dr. Larry Schweikart, Author, Patriot's History of the United States

Daniel Flynn, Author

Dr. Matthew Spalding, Vice President, American Studies and Director, B. Kenneth Simon Center

for Principles and Politics, The Heritage Foundation and Author, We Still Hold These Truths

Moderator: Dr. Ed Moore, President, The Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida

3:30 Rates vs. Base: A Conservative Debate on Business Tax Reform – Harding

Sponsored by Americans for Tax Reform

Open to all CPAC attendees

3:30 What’s up with Campaign Finance? – McKinley Red Carpet Event: A panel discussion on the many recent changes to Campaign

Finance law, and the many changes to come after this Election, from the attorney’s

leading the charge for Freedom of Speech

Speakers: Dan Backer, Esq., and Stephen Hoersting, Esq.

Open to all CPAC attendees

3:40 American Heroes Award - Recipient: Courtney Rauch – Marriott Ballroom

Presented by LtCol Oliver North, USMC (Ret.)

3:45 The CPAC All-Star Panel - What to Expect in 2012 – Marriott Ballroom

Jonah Goldberg, Editor-at-Large, National Review Online, Visiting Fellow, American Enterprise


Cal Thomas, Nationally Syndicated Columnist and Writer, USA Today

Roger Hedgecock, Nationally Syndicated Radio Host

John Gizzi, Political Editor, Human Events

Moderator: Genevieve Wood, Vice President, Leadership for America Operations, The Heritage


3:45 Reed Irvine Award Presentation & Reception – Wilson C

Sponsored by Accuracy in Media

Speakers: Dana Loesch & Sharyl Attkisson

Open to all CPAC attendees, Light refreshments provided

4:15 The Obama EPA's Green Assault on American Jobs – Marshall Ballroom

The Honorable Jim Inhofe (R-OK), United States Senator, Ranking Republican, Senate

Environment and Public Works Committee

The Honorable Cory Gardner (R-CO), United States Representative, Member, House Energy and

Commerce Committee

Myron Ebell, President, Freedom Action

Moderator: Fred Smith, Jr., President, Competitive Enterprise Institute

4:25 Herman Cain, Former CEO, Godfather’s Pizza – Marriott Ballroom

Introduced by Amy Noone Frederick, President, 60 Plus Association

4:30 Blue Collar Intellectuals: When the Enlightened and the Everyman Elevated America –

Conservative Book Nook

Book signing with Author Daniel J. Flynn

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

OFFICIAL CPAC EVENTS ARE LISTED IN BOLD *Presented by the American Conservative Union Foundation 7

Schedule of Events

4:30 Obama’s Agents Are Reading Your Emails: Privacy Concerns of the Digital Age - Taylor

Sponsored by the Competitive Enterprise Institute

Jim Harper, Director of Information Policy Studies, Cato Institute

Kelly Cobb, Executive Director of Digital Liberty, Americans for Tax Reform

Moderator: Ryan Radia, Associate Director, Center for Technology & Innovation, Competitive

Enterprise Institute

Open to all CPAC attendees

4:40 The Honorable Rand Paul (R-KY), United States Senator – Marriott Ballroom

Introduced by Alexander McCobin, Co-Founder and President, Students for Liberty

4:55 Political Correctness & The Wussification of America - Brad Stine, Conservative Comedian

– Marriott Ballroom*

5:00 The Tea Party Goes to Washington– Conservative Book Nook

Book signing with The Honorable Rand Paul, United States Senator

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

5:30 Nullification: The Rightful Remedy – CPAC Theater

Presented by the Tenth Amendment Center and Foundation For A Free Society

Live introduction by Director/Producer Jason Rink and Tenth Amendment Center Executive

Director Michael Boldin

Open to all CPAC attendees, 90 minutes

5:30 American Crossroads Blogger Reception – Harding

Speaker: Steven Law, President, American Crossroads

Open to CPAC credentialed bloggers only, Refreshments provided, please RSVP to

6:15 Presidential VIP Sponsor Reception - Virginia Ballroom

Sponsored by: National Rifle Association

Open to CPAC VIP Sponsors only

6:15 Presidential Diamond Reception - Maryland Ballroom

Sponsored by: HSP Direct

Open to CPAC Diamond Sponsors only

7:30 Presidential Banquet – Marriott Ballroom

Sponsored by Newsmax

Featured Speaker: The Honorable Paul Ryan (R-WI), United States Representative and Chairman,

House Budget Committee

7:30 Sneak Peak of “Runaway Slave” Documentary with C.L. Bryant – Wilson C

Sponsored by FreedomWorks

Speakers: Matt Kibbe, President, FreedomWorks; C.L. Bryant, Star, Runaway Slave, Activist

8:00 Generation Zero – CPAC Theater

The economic crisis that Obama ignores and Occupy Wall Street exploits…to the peril of the


A Citizens United Productions Film

Live introduction by Director Stephen Bannon

Open to all CPAC attendees, 90 minutes

OFFICIAL CPAC EVENTS ARE LISTED IN BOLD *Presented by the American Conservative Union Foundation 8

Schedule of Events

8:30 A New Voice Launch Party - Maryland Red Carpet Event

Open to all CPAC attendees


9:00 The Honorable Mike Huckabee, Former Governor of Arkansas – Marriott Ballroom

Introduced by: David Bossie, President, Citizens United

9:00 Why Obamacare Must Be Repealed - Virginia

Sponsored by The Heritage Foundation

Moderator: Nina Owcharenko – Director, Center for Health Policy Studies, The Heritage

Foundation; Speakers: Charles "Chuck" Donovan – President, Susan B. Anthony List

Education Fund, Christie Herrera – Director, Health and Human Services Task Force, American

Legislative Exchange Council; Heather Higgins – President & CEO, Independent Women’s

Voice; Dr. Hal Scherz – President, Docs4Patient Care; & Grace-Marie Turner – President,

Galen Institute

Open to all CPAC attendees

9:00 No More Red Ink: How to Stop Borrowing in 2013 - Harding

Sponsored Panel and Q&A with WND CEO Joseph Farah

Open to all CPAC attendees

9:15 Broaden the Base & Lower the Rate – Debate: Flat Tax, Fair Fax, VAT, or Other?

– Marshall Ballroom*

Lew Uhler, Founder and President, National Tax Limitation Committee

Benjamin Powell, Senior Fellow, The Independent Institute

Phil Kerpen, Vice President for Policy, Americans for Prosperity

Moderator: Grover Norquist, President, Americans for Tax Reform

9:25 The Role of Faith, Life, & Family in Our Culture & the 2012 Elections – Marriott Ballroom*

Tom Minnery, Executive Director, CitizenLink

Andy Blom, Executive Director, American Principles Project

Marjorie Dannenfelser, President, Susan B. Anthony List

Moderator: Jordan Sekulow, Executive Director, the American Center for Law and Justice and

Host, “Jordan Sekulow Show”

9:30 Red Carpet Blogger Awards – Maryland Red Carpet Event with Right Wing News

Hosted by Steven Crowder, presenting Dana Loesch, Erick Erickson, Stephen Kruiser, Ed

Morrissey, Ben Shapiro, S.E. Cupp, Katie Kieffer, Matt Lewis, and James O'Keefe

Open to all Bloggers and overflow

10:00 Dispatches from Bitter America – Conservative Book Nook

Book signing with Author Todd Starnes

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

OFFICIAL CPAC EVENTS ARE LISTED IN BOLD *Presented by the American Conservative Union Foundation 9

Schedule of Events

10:00 Washington, D.C. Premiere of The Gift of Life– CPAC Theater

A Citizens United Productions Film

Live introduction by film’s host The Honorable Mike Huckabee, Former Governor of Arkansas

Open to all CPAC attendees, 70 minutes

10:00 You Had Me at Thank You: A thorough review of the importance of a timely and effective

acknowledgement of you donor’s gift – Taylor

Sponsored by: International Data Management, Inc. (IDMI)

Speakers: Derek Baker & Chris Moore

Open to all CPAC attendees

10:00 Rules for Radicals – Wilson A

Sponsored by the Leadership Institute

Open to all CPAC attendees

10:10 The Honorable Bob McDonnell, Governor of Virginia – Marriott Ballroom

Introduced by Dr. Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel, the American Center for Law and Justice

10:15 God & Man at CPAC: What Can We Learn From the Enduring Legacy of William F. Buckley

– Marshall Ballroom

Dr. Lee Edwards, Distinguished Fellow in Conservative Thought, B. Kenneth Simon Center for

Principles and Politics, The Heritage Foundation

Alvin Felzenberg, Presidential Historian

Moderator: Rich Lowry, Editor, National Review

10:25 The Honorable Rick Santorum, Former United States Senator – Marriott Ballroom

Introduction: Foster Friess, Chairman, Friess Associates

10:30 Democracy Denied – Conservative Book Nook

Book signing with Author Phil Kerpen

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

10:30 Data Mining and Common Core Standards: Big Brother is Taking Over Your Children’s

Upbringing – Truman

Sponsored by American Principles Project

Speakers: Emmett McGroarty, American Principles Project; Neal McCluskey, Cato Institute and

Jessica Zummo, The Revered Review

Open to all CPAC attendees, Light refreshments provided

10:30 Conservative Inclusion 101 – Wilson C

Sponsored Event

Speakers: Manny Rosales, the Latino Coalition; Tim Johnson, the Frederick Douglass Society;

Mario Lopez, Hispanic Leadership Fund

Moderator: Suhail Khan, Conservative Inclusion Coalition

Open to all CPAC attendees

10:45 International Defender of Freedom Award – Recipient: His Excellency Václav Havel, Former

President of the Czech Republic (1936-2011) – Marriott Ballroom

Accepting on his behalf: His Excellency Petr Gandalovič, Ambassador of Czech Republic to the

United States

Presented by Al Cardenas, Chairman, the American Conservative Union

OFFICIAL CPAC EVENTS ARE LISTED IN BOLD *Presented by the American Conservative Union Foundation 10

Schedule of Events

10:50 Can a Balanced Budget Amendment Pass Congress & Would It Work? – Marriott Ballroom*

The Honorable John Barrasso (R-WY), United States Senator

The Honorable Connie Mack (R-FL), United States Representative

Moderator: Matt Kibbe, President and CEO, FreedomWorks

11:00 The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism & Dupes: How America’s

Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century – Conservative Book Nook

Book signing with Author Paul Kengor

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

11:00 The European Debt Implosion: Is America Next? – Tyler

Sponsored by the Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists (AECR)

Speakers: Daniel Hannan, MEP (UK), Secretary General, Alliance of European

Conservatives and Reformists (AECR); The Honorable Tom Price (R-GA), Chairman,

House Republican Policy Committee; Jan Zahradil, MEP (Czech Republic), President,

Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists (AECR); Martin Callanan, MEP, (UK),

Chairman, European Conservatives and Reformists Group (ECRG) in the European

Parliament; Derk Jan Eppink, MEP (The Netherlands/Belgium), Vice President, New

Direction – The Foundation for European Reform

Come and meet a delegation of conservative European Parliamentarians from four nations!

Open to all CPAC attendees

11:00 Fundraising Secrets from the Billion $ Man – Jackson

Sponsored by Eberle Associates, Inc.

Rare opportunity to learn the secrets of fundraising from internationally acclaimed Bruce Eberle,

President Ronald Reagan’s fundraiser

Open to all CPAC attendees

11:15 Dr. Herb London – Marshall Ballroom

11:15 Panel Discussion, “Advancing the Pro-Life Movement through Media” – CPAC Theater

Sponsored by Citizens United

With The Gift of Life cast members Carol Tobias, Charmaine Yoest, and Kristan Hawkins

Moderated by cast member Lila Rose

Open to all CPAC attendees

11:30 The Honorable Jim Inhofe (R-OK), United States Senator – Marriott Ballroom

11:30 William F. Buckley, Jr.: The Maker of a Movement – Conservative Book Nook

Book signing with Author Lee Edwards

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

11:30 When’s The Last Time Your Database Had a Colonoscopy?: The importance of performing

regular file audits and data hygiene for healthy fundraising – Taylor

Sponsored by International Data Management, Inc. (IDMI)

Speakers: Derek Baker & Chris Moore

Open to all CPAC attendees, Light refreshments provided

OFFICIAL CPAC EVENTS ARE LISTED IN BOLD *Presented by the American Conservative Union Foundation 11

Schedule of Events

11:30 Promoting Religious Freedom in the US & Abroad – Wilson C

Sponsored event

Speakers: Dr. Chris Seiple, Institute for Global Engagement & Professor Marshall

Breger, Catholic University College of Law & Former Reagan Advisor

Moderator: Suhail Kahn, Conservative Inclusion Coalition

Open to all CPAC attendees, Light refreshments provided

11:40 Carly Fiorina, Board Member, the American Conservative Union, Vice Chair, National Republican

Senatorial Committee – Marriott Ballroom

11:50 Ann Coulter, Best-Selling Author, Legal Correspondent for Human Events – Marriott Ballroom

12:00 Perfect Valor – CPAC Theater

Our Tribute to the Heroic Veterans of the Iraq War, narrated by Fred Thompson

A Citizens United Productions Film

Open to all CPAC attendees, 90 minutes

12:00 In the Name of “Tolerance”: Countering Sexual Identity Politics in Schools & Wait No More

– Maryland

Come hear about how to respectfully and practically counter activist agendas in public schools

and protect parents’ and students’ rights, as well as how we can work to find “forever families”

for the more than 100,000 legal orphans waiting in our country’s foster-care system

Sponsored by CitizenLink (formerly Focus on the Family Action)

Open to all CPAC attendees, Free lunch for the first 50 attendees

12:00 The Future of Conservative Education – Taft

Sponsored by: Regent University - School of Government

Speakers: Dr. Jeffry Morrison; Dr. Mary Manjikian, Former State Department Foreign Service

Officer; & The Honorable Dr. Robert Dyer, VA GOP, Virginia Beach City Councilman

Open to all CPAC attendees

12:00 Public Speaking Workshop – Wilson A

Sponsored by the Leadership Institute

Open to all CPAC attendees

12:00 The Thomas Phillips Student Luncheon – Virginia

Sponsored by: Young America's Foundation

Speaker: The Honorable George Allen, Former Governor of Virginia

Pre-Registration is required. Visit or stop by booth near

student registration.

12:10 Mr. / Ms. Smith Come to Washington - War Stories from The 2010 Freshman Class

– Marriott Ballroom*

The Honorable Mike Pompeo (R-KS), United States Representative

The Honorable Ann Marie Buerkle (R-NY), United States Representative

The Honorable Tim Huelskamp (R-KS), United States Representative

The Honorable Steve Southerland (R-FL), United States Representative

Moderator: Cleta Mitchell, Chairman, the American Conservative Union Foundation, Partner,

Foley & Lardner, LLP

12:15 Where Will We Be in 2016? – Marshall Ballroom

Dinesh D’Souza, Author

OFFICIAL CPAC EVENTS ARE LISTED IN BOLD *Presented by the American Conservative Union Foundation 12

Schedule of Events

12:30 Demonic: How the Liberal Mob is Endangering America – Conservative Book Nook

Book signing with Author Ann Coulter

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

12:55 The Honorable Mitt Romney, Former Governor of Massachusetts – Marriott Ballroom

Introduced by Al Cardenas, Chairman, the American Conservative Union

1:00 NRA University: Arm Yourself with the Facts – Harding

Sponsored by the National Rifle Association

Free NRA Membership & Gear for attendees!

RSVP at NRA-ILA Booth near Student Registration

1:25 Obamacare: Why It’s Unconstitutional And What Conservatives Need to Do– Marriot Ballroom*

Grace-Marie Turner, President, Galen Institute

Jim Martin, Chairman, 60 Plus Association

Dr. John Goodman, President and CEO, National Center for Policy Analysis

Moderator: Tom Fitton, President, Judicial Watch

1:30 Does Hollywood Still Embrace American Exceptionalism?* - Marshall Ballroom

Steve Bannon, Filmmaker and Director, The Undefeated

Chuck Woolery, Co-Founder, Restart Congress, Game Show Host, “Wheel of Fortune” (1975-1984)

and “Love Connection” (1983 - 1994)

Ben Shapiro, President, Benjamin Shapiro Legal Consulting, Syndicated Columnist

Moderator: Dan Gagliasso, Award Winning Documentary Film Maker and Screenwriter

1:30 Path to Punditry Workshop: How to turn your opinions into a career – Taylor

Sponsored by Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute

Speakers: S.E. Cupp, Kathryn Lopez & Marji Ross

Open to student registrants only, Light refreshments provided, Please bring samples of

op-ed / punditry work for speakers to critique

1:30 A New Voice Panel - Solutions to Battling Race & Class in Politics - McKinley Red Carpet Event

Speakers: Kevin Jackson, Anita MonCrief, and Clarence Mason

Open to all CPAC attendees

1:30 Meet & Greet with The Honorable Rick Santorum, Former United States Senator – Wilson C

Sponsored by HSP Direct

Open to all CPAC attendees

2:00 Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department– Conservative Book


Book signing with Author J. Christian Adams

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

2:00 CPAC Premiere of A City Upon A Hill: The Spirit of American Exceptionalism – CPAC Theater

Starring Newt and Callista Gingrich

A Citizens United Productions Film

Open to all CPAC attendees, 62 minutes

OFFICIAL CPAC EVENTS ARE LISTED IN BOLD *Presented by the American Conservative Union Foundation 13

Schedule of Events

2:00 New Direction: Defending the Thatcher-Reagan Legacy in Europe – Tyler

Sponsored by New Direction – The Foundation for European Reform

Speakers: Geoffrey Van Orden MBE, MEP (UK), President, New Direction – The Foundation

for European Reform; Derk Jan Eppink, MEP (The Netherlands/Belgium), Vice President, New

Direction – The Foundation for European Reform; Luke Coffey, Margaret Thatcher Fellow, The

Heritage Foundation

Come and meet a delegation of conservative European Parliamentarians from four nations!

Open to all CPAC attendees

2:00 We the People: Tools to Learn More about our Founding Principles – Truman

Sponsored by State Policy Network

Speakers: Trent England, Freedom Foundation; Jennifer Butler, State Policy Network; & Billie

Tucker, Big Voices Media

Open to all CPAC attendees, Light refreshments provided

2:10 Wayne LaPierre, Executive Vice President, National Rifle Association – Marriott Ballroom*

2:30 Laura Ingraham, Host, "The Laura Ingraham Show," Best-Selling Author, and Fox News

Contributor – Marriott Ballroom

2:30 Digital Liberty: Tying Government's Hands on Tech, Telecom, and the Web – Maryland

Sponsored by Americans for Tax Reform

Speaker: Rob McDowell, Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission

Followed by a brief reception featuring video game and technology demonstrations

Open to all CPAC attendees

2:30 Founder Roundtable: Where Did We Go Wrong? – Jackson

Sponsored by: The Committee for the Republic

Speakers: Benjamin Franklin (FreedomFest Mark Skousen), James Madison (Bruce Fein),

Alexander Hamilton (Bill Nitze), Thomas Jefferson (First Branch Tea Party Tom Whitmore),

Tom Paine (John Henry), and Patrick Henry (James Henry)

Open to all CPAC attendees

2:30 Video Activism: Tips of the Trade – Wilson A

Sponsored by the Leadership Institute

Open to all CPAC attendees

2:40 Defending Defense: Security Threats in 2012 - Iran, China, N. Korea & DoD Budget Cuts

– Marriott Ballroom

The Honorable Asa Hutchinson, Senior Partner, Asa Hutchinson Law Group, PLC, Former U.S.

Representative, and Former Under Secretary of Homeland Security

Van Hipp, Jr., Chairman, American Defense International

Paul Saunders, Executive Director, Center for the National Interest

The Honorable Dov Zakheim, Former Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)

Moderator: The Honorable Jim Talent, Distinguished Fellow, The Heritage Foundation

2:45 Of Thee I Zing: America’s Cultural Decline from Muffin Tops to Body Shots– Conservative

Book Nook

Book signing with Author Laura Ingraham

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

OFFICIAL CPAC EVENTS ARE LISTED IN BOLD *Presented by the American Conservative Union Foundation 14

Schedule of Events

2:50 Obama vs. The Constitution: How a Harvard Law Graduate President Is Shredding the

Constitution – Marshall Ballroom

The Honorable Ed Meese III, Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow in Public Policy and Chairman

of the Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, The Heritage Foundation and Former Attorney

General of the United States

Carrie Severino, Chief Counsel and Policy Director, Judicial Crisis Network

Sheriff Paul Babeu, Pinal County, Arizona and Candidate for United States Congress

The Honorable George Allen, Former United States Senator

Moderator: J. Christian Adams, Former Justice Department Official and Author of Injustice:

Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department

3:00 The Flipside of Feminism – What Conservative Women Know and Men Can’t Say –

Conservative Book Nook

Book signing with Author Phillis Schlafly

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

3:30 Islamic Law in America: How the Obama Justice Department Is Selling Us Out - McKinley Red Carpet Event

Speakers: AtlasShrugs- Pamela Geller, Spencer, J. Christian Adams,

Robert Muise, Ilario Pantano

Open to all CPAC attendees

3:20 The Honorable Allen West (R-FL), United States Representative – Marriott Ballroom

3:30 The "Right" View – Marriott Ballroom*

Michelle Duggar, Star, TLC's "19 Kids & Counting"

S.E. Cupp , Author, Losing Our Religion: The Liberal Media’s Attack on Christianity, New York

Daily News Columnist, and Townhall Contributing Editor

Star Parker, Founder and President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

Kate Obenshain, Vice President, Young America’s Foundation

Moderator: Marji Ross, President, Regnery

3:30 Why ObamaCare is Wrong for America – Conservative Book Nook

Book signing with Author Grace-Marie Turner

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

3:45 Cold War Double Feature: Nine Days That Changed The World – CPAC Theater

Pope John Paul II’s 1979 pilgrimage to Poland, Starring Newt and Callista Gingrich

A Citizens United Productions Film

Open to all CPAC attendees, 90 minutes

4:00 The Heritage Guide to the Constitution – Conservative Book Nook

Book signing with Author Ed Meese

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

4:00 Hispanic Vote Super PAC Launch – Taft

Speaker: Dennis Garcia

Open to all CPAC attendees, Snacks, a Cupcake Tower & a Cash Bar will be available

4:10 The Honorable Newt Gingrich, Former Speaker of the House – Marriott Ballroom

Introduced by Callista Gingrich, President, Gingrich Productions

OFFICIAL CPAC EVENTS ARE LISTED IN BOLD *Presented by the American Conservative Union Foundation 15

Schedule of Events

4:30 the Liberty Intrigue – Conservative Book Nook

Book signing with Author Tom Grace

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

4:30 The 10th Amendment vs. Centralized Power: Thomas Jefferson vs Barack Obama – Harding

Sponsored by: The Tenth Amendment Center and the Foundation for a Free Society

Leading experts will guide you through Thomas Jefferson's vision: The States CAN and MUST

stop D.C.

Open to all CPAC attendees

4:40 Andrew Breitbart, Publisher and – Marriott Ballroom

Introduced by: Sonnie Johnson, Roanoke Tea Party

5:00 A Love that Multiplies – Conservative Book Nook

Book signing with Author Michelle Duggar

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

5:00 Free Speech and Israel on Campus: How Students are Speaking Up – Truman

Sponsored by Christians United for Israel

Speakers: John Winchester, Regional Field Organizer, CUFI & David Walker, Regional Field

Organizer, CUFI

Open to all CPAC attendees

5:30 Military Voting - McKinley Red Carpet Event

Open to all CPAC attendees

5:30 Exploring the Pillars of American Exceptionalism – Wilson C

Sponsored by King for Congress

Speaker: The Honorable Steve King (R-IA), United States Representative

Open to all CPAC attendees, Desserts served

5:00 Special Session - Nullification Documentary Q/A – Harding

Sponsored by: The Tenth Amendment Center and the Foundation for a Free Society

Speakers: Jason Rink, Michael Boldin, Mike Maharrey, John Michaels and Nick Hankoff

The film that just premiered in the 2012 Citizens United CPAC Theater - get one on one answers

to all your questions here. Autographed DVDs will be available.

Open to all CPAC attendees

6:00 Cold War Double Feature: Ronald Reagan: Rendezvous with Destiny – CPAC Theater

Live introduction by film stars Newt and Callista Gingrich

A Citizens United Productions Film

Open to all CPAC attendees, 90 minutes

6:15 Ronald Reagan VIP Reception – Virginia Ballroom

Sponsored by Altria

6:15 Ronald Reagan Reception Diamond Reception – Maryland Ballroom

7:30 Ronald Reagan Banquet – Marriott Ballroom

Sponsored by Judicial Watch

Featured Speaker: The Honorable Scott Walker, Governor of Wisconsin

Introduced by: Reince Priebus, Chairman, Republican National Committee

OFFICIAL CPAC EVENTS ARE LISTED IN BOLD *Presented by the American Conservative Union Foundation 16

Schedule of Events

8:30 The Last Eagle Scout – CPAC Theater

Directed by Kels Goodman, Written by Kels Goodman and Danna Tanner

Live introduction by Kels Goodman

Open to all CPAC attendees, 110 minutes


9:00 The Honorable Bobby Jindal, Governor of Louisiana – Marriott Ballroom

Introduction: Chris Cox, Executive Director, National Rifle Association Institute for

Legislative Action

9:00 I Want Your Money – CPAC Theater

Directed/Produced by Ray Griggs, Live introduction by Ray Griggs

Open to all CPAC attendees, 93 minutes

9:00 Press Conference – Virginia

Sponsored by Judicial Watch

9:00 The Future of our Party – Wilson B

Sponsored by the College Republicans National Committee

9:15 Criminal Justice Reform: Too Many Crimes, Too Many Criminals – Marshall Ballroom*

Eli Lehrer, Right on Crime

Mary Schmid Mergler, Senior Counsel, Criminal Justice Program, The Constitution Project

David Keene, Former Chairman, the American Conservative Union

Moderator: Pat Nolan, Vice President, Prison Fellowship

9:50 Immigration - High Fences, Wide Gates: States vs. the Feds, the Rule of Law & American Identity

– Marriott Ballroom*

Alex Nowrasteh, Policy Analyst, Competitive Enterprise Institute

The Honorable David Rivera (R-FL), United States Representative

The Honorable Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL), United States Representative

The Honorable Kris Kobach, Secretary of State of Kansas

Robert Vandervoort, Executive Director, ProEnglish

Moderator: Niger Innis, National Spokesperson, Congress of Racial Equality

10:00 Raising Righteous & Rowdy Girls – Conservative Book Nook

Book signing with Author Doug Giles

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

10:00 The Citizen’s Guide to Defeating the Mainstream Media – Conservative Book Nook

Book signing with Author Andre Harper

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

10:15 Special Preview Reception of Jeffrey Bell's new book: The Case for Polarized Politics: Why

America Needs Social Conservatism – Taylor

Open to all CPAC attendees, Light refreshments provided

OFFICIAL CPAC EVENTS ARE LISTED IN BOLD *Presented by the American Conservative Union Foundation 17

Schedule of Events

10:00 Why are U.S. taxpayers spending billions to promote abortion and homosexuality worldwide? –

Wilson C

Sponsored by: Human Life International

Moderator: Fr. Shenan J. Boquet, Human Life International; Speakers: Marie Smith,

Parliamentary Network for Critical Issues; Dr. Brian Clowes, Human Life International; John

Henry Westen,

Open to all CPAC attendees

10:00 America & Its Wars: John Quincy Adams vs. James K. Polk – Truman

Sponsored by: The Committee for the Republic

John Quincy Adams (Bruce Fein) vs. James Polk (Robert Merry)

Open to all CPAC attendees

10:00 CPAC 2012 Job and Internship Fair – Maryland

Sponsored by: The Leadership Institute

More than 20 conservative organizations will be recruiting for full-time positions and internships

at the fair. Bring your resume and take the next (or first!) step in your career.

Open to all CPAC attendees, Fair is open for 2 hours

10:15 Will the 2012 Elections Be Tainted by Voter Fraud? – Marshall Ballroom

John Fund, Senior Editor, The American Spectator

Catherine Engelbrecht, President, King Street Patriots and True the Vote

Hans von Spakovsky, Senior Legal Fellow/Manager, Civil Justice Reform Initiative, Center for

Legal and Judicial Studies, The Heritage Foundation

Moderator: David Norcross, Chairman, Republican National Lawyers Association

10:35 What Would a Reagan Foreign Policy Look Like in 2012? – Marriott Ballroom*

The Honorable John Bolton, Former U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Introduced by David Keene, President, National Rifle Association

10:45 Social Media Mastery: Which social networks should you be on? How do you increase your

followers? What should your social media strategy be? – McKinley Red Carpet Event

Speakers: Tabitha Hale, Melissa Clouthier, and John Hawkins

Open to all CPAC attendees

10:55 CPAC Blogger of the Year Award & CPAC-Tube Yourself Video Contest Winner - "Why Am I a

Conservative?" – Marriott Ballroom*

Presented by Gregg Keller, National Executive Director, the American Conservative Union

11:00 How to Break Into Conservative Journalism: Q & A Session – Marshall Ballroom*

Matt Lewis, Senior Contributor, The Daily Caller

Katie Pavlich, News Editor,

Robert Costa, Political Reporter, National Review

Mark Tapscott, Editorial Page Editor, The Washington Examiner

Moderator: Doug Giles, Creator and Host,

11:00 Surrender is Not an Option – Conservative Book Nook

Book signing with Author John Bolton

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

OFFICIAL CPAC EVENTS ARE LISTED IN BOLD *Presented by the American Conservative Union Foundation 18

Schedule of Events

11:15 CPAC Essay Contest Winner - "Why We Still Hold These Truths" - Recipient: Signé Thomas

– Marriott Ballroom*

Presented by Charlie Gerow, Board Member, the American Conservative Union

11:15 Life Fine Tuned – CPAC Theater

Directed/Produced by Nina May

Live introduction by cast member Cheryl Felicia Rhoads

Open to all CPAC attendees, 92 minutes

11:25 The Honorable Rick Scott, Governor of Florida – Marriott Ballroom*

Introduced by: Al Cardenas, Chairman, the American Conservative Union

11:30 Tea Party Patriots: The Second American Revolution – Conservative Book Nook

Book signing with Author Mark Meckler & Jenny Beth Martin

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

11:40 The Phony Divide Between Fiscal & Social Conservatives: Protecting Marriage as a Case Study

– Marriott Ballroom*

Phyllis Schlafly, Founder, Eagle Forum

Tim Goeglein, Vice President of External Relations, Focus on the Family

The Honorable David McIntosh, Former United States Representative

Dr. John Eastman, Chairman, National Organization for Marriage; Henry Salvatori Professor,

Chapman University School of Law

Moderator: Maggie Gallagher, Co-Founder, National Organization for Marriage

11:45 Rendezvous with Destiny: What Can We Learn From Ronald Reagan in 2012?

– Marshall Ballroom*

Craig Shirley - Author, Rendezvous with Destiny

Steven Hayward, Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute

Moderator: Dr. Paul Kengor, Professor of Political Science, Grove City College and Executive

Director, The Center for Vision and Values

12:00 The Whistleblower: How the Clinton White House Stayed in Power to Reemerge in the Obama

White House and on the World Stage – Conservative Book Nook

Book signing with Author Marinka Paschmann

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

12:00 Woman of the Year Luncheon – Virginia

Sponsored by Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute

Open to female undergraduate students only, Lunch provided; pre-registration required at

12:00 GOTV: Creating a Winning Ground Game – Wilson A

Sponsored by the Leadership Institute

12:30 Gore vs Bear – Wilson C

Sponsored by Collegians For A Constructive Tomorrow

Climate Depot's Marc Morano will MC the event and food will be available to attendees

Ticketed Event: Tickets are free and can be found at the CFACT booth in the Exhibit Hall

OFFICIAL CPAC EVENTS ARE LISTED IN BOLD *Presented by the American Conservative Union Foundation 19

Schedule of Events

12:50 30-Minute Panel Discussion: “The Making of Life Fine Tuned - Casting and Encouraging

Conservatives in the Arts” – CPAC Theater

With Nina May, Cheryl Felicia Rhoads, and cast members Jennie O’Keefe and Larry Hart

Open to all CPAC attendees

12:50 Reagan’s Revolution: Rendezvous with Destiny and December 1941 – Conservative Book Nook

Book signing with Author Craig Shirley

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

1:00 Engaging America Through Conservative Pop Culture – Marshall Ballroom*

Stephen Baldwin, Actor, Director, Producer, and Author

Jason Mattera, Editor-at-Large, Human Events and Author of The New York Times bestseller,

Obama Zombies: How the Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation

Kevin McCullough, Host, "Kevin McCullough Show," CEO and Founder, XtreMEDIA

Moderator: Paul Erickson, Board Member, the American Conservative Union

1:00 Straw Poll Voting Closes – Room 8228 or Online

Sponsored by The Washington Times

Open to all CPAC attendees

1:00 Eagle Forum presents Phyllis Schlafly on Feminism – McKinley Red Carpet Event

Open to all CPAC attendees

1:05 From Reacting to Breaking News: Flexing the Muscles of the Conservative New Media

– Marriott Ballroom*

Ed Morrissey, Blogger, Columnist, Motivational Speaker, and Host, "Ed Morrissey Show"

Jim Geraghty, Blogger and Contributor, National Review Online

Erik Telford, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives & Outreach, Franklin Center for Government

and Public Integrity

Moderator: Floyd Brown, Board Member, the American Conservative Union, Author, Media

Commentator, and Founder, Excellentia, Inc.

1:30 The Age of Reagan: The Conservative Counter-Revolution, 1980 – 1989 – Conservative Book


Book signing with Author Steven Hayward

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

1:30 Uncovering Obama Administration Secrets Using the Freedom of Information Act – Taft

Sponsored by Judicial Watch

Speakers: Chris Farrell and John Althen

Open to all CPAC attendees

1:45 eFairness: Should Free Market Principles Apply to Internet Taxation? – Marshall Ballroom*

Steve DeMaura, President, Americans for Job Security

Hanns Kuttner, Visiting Fellow, Hudson Institute

Joe Henchman, Vice President of Legal and State Projects, Tax Foundation

Paul Meisner, Vice President for Global Public Policy,

Moderator: The Honorable Matt Schlapp, Principal, Cove Strategies, Board Member, the

American Conservative Union, and former Deputy Assistant to the President

OFFICIAL CPAC EVENTS ARE LISTED IN BOLD *Presented by the American Conservative Union Foundation 20

Schedule of Events

1:50 Daniel Hannan, Member, European Parliament and President, Young Britons’ Foundation –

Marriott Ballroom*

Introduced by Al Cardenas, Chairman, the American Conservative Union

2:00 No He Can’t – Conservative Book Nook

Book signing with Author Kevin McCullough

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

2:00 The Undefeated – CPAC Theater

Directed by Stephen Bannon

Live introduction by Stephen Bannon, Andrew Breitbart and Sonnie Johnson

Open to all CPAC attendees, 120 minutes

2:20 Why Am I Living in My Parent's Basement? How the Obama Administration's Policies Are

Detrimental to Young People – Marriott Ballroom

Alex Schriver, National Chairman, College Republican National Committee

Lisa Stickan, Chairman, Young Republican National Federation

Abigail Alger, Director of Digital Communications, Leadership Institute

Paul Conway, President, Generation Opportunity

Moderator: Patrick Coyle, Jr., Vice President, Young Americans for Freedom

2:30 Starving at a Feast: Why Aren't We Using Our Untapped Energy Resources?– Marshall Ballroom*

Ann McElhinney, Film Director and Producer, "Not Evil Just Wrong"

Charles Drevna, President, American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers

Conn Carroll, Senior Editorial Writer, The Washington Examiner

Moderator: James Taylor, Senior Fellow and Managing Editor, Environment and Climate News,

Heartland Institute

2:30 The New Road to Serfdom: A Letter of Warning to America– Conservative Book Nook

Book signing with Author Daniel Hannan

Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

2:30 Why Real Conservatives Support Israel – Maryland

Sponsored by: Christians United for Israel

Speaker: David Brog, Executive Director, CUFI

Open to all CPAC attendees

3:05 The Honorable John Cornyn (R-TX), United States Senator and Chairman, National Republican

Senatorial Committee – Marriott Ballroom

3:15 Taking Back Wall Street: The Tea Party vs. Occupy Wall Street – Marriott Ballroom

Amy Kremer, Chairman, Tea Party Express

Kevin Jackson,

Tim Phillips, President, Americans for Prosperity

Dana Loesch, Editor-in-Chief, Big Journalism

Ryan Hecker, Founder, Contract from America

Moderator: Dustin Stockton, Chief Strategist,

OFFICIAL CPAC EVENTS ARE LISTED IN BOLD *Presented by the American Conservative Union Foundation 21

Schedule of Events

3:30 Right for the Future: 2012 Conservative Candidates – Marshall Ballroom

The Honorable Richard Mourdock, Indiana State Treasurer and Candidate for United States

Senate, Indiana

Sheriff Paul Babeu, Pinal County, Arizona and Candidate for United States Congress, Arizona

Ted Cruz, Candidate for United States Senate, Texas

Stephen Sandstrom, Candidate for United States Congress, Utah

Moderator: Larry Eastland, Board Member, the American Conservative Union

Federal Election Candidates to be Announced

4:00 Grover Norquist, President, Americans for Tax Reform – Marriott Ballroom*

4:15 CPAC/Washington Times Presidential Straw Poll & National Poll Results – Marriott Ballroom

Sponsored by The Washington Times

Tony Fabrizio, Partner, Fabrizio, McLaughlin, and Associates

Tom McDevitt, The Washington Times

Al Cardenas, Chairman, the American Conservative Union

4:30 The Honorable Sarah Palin, Former Governor of Alaska – Marriott Ballroom

Introduced by Millie Hallow, Vice Chair, CPAC and Board Member, American Conservative

Union Foundation and Special Assistant to the Executive Vice President and CEO of the NRA

5:00 Adjournment – Al Cardenas, Chairman, the American Conservative Union

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