COVID Safety Guidelines Transport, Freight and Logistics · 2020. 8. 14. · 3 Specific testing requirements for Freight and Logistics Under the Transport, Freight and Logistics Directions,

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    COVID Safety Guidelines – Transport, Freight and


    Phase 4, Version 1.0 14 August 2020

    The movement of domestic freight via heavy vehicles is critical to ensuring supply chains

    continue to operate smoothly and individuals, businesses and service providers can access

    the goods they need. While freight movements have not been identified as a source of

    community transmission of COVID-19 to date, any movement of people across the community

    needs to be risk-managed to ensure the safety of both the workforce and broader community.

    On 7 August 2020, National Cabinet approved a Freight Movement Code for the Domestic

    Border Controls – Freight Movement Protocol that specified the measures that should be

    implemented across all Australian States and Territories.

    The contents of this document reflect the Freight Movement Code and Protocol, outline the

    safety requirements for the freight sector, and provide guidance on how to complete a COVID

    Safety Plan.

    Freight and Logistics operators are encouraged to complete a COVID Safety Plan to mitigate

    the risks of COVID-19. Operators need to ensure that all workers are: familiar with their COVID

    Safety plan; familiar with the public health orders in all jurisdictions in which they will work;

    practice good hygiene; and have appropriate training to manage any risks. Workers also need

    to take personal responsibility for minimising their risk of becoming a vector for transmission,

    both in the workplace and when not working.

    These guidelines apply to road freight, and do not apply to rail or air freight.

    These guidelines come into effect from 11.59pm 13 August 2020.

    Safety requirements

    Freight and Logistics businesses and workers operating within Western Australia must:

    be tested for COVID-19 every 7 days;

    present for testing within 48 hours of entering Western Australia if they have not been

    tested in the past 5 days;

    where practicable avoid contact with others, unless required for the purposes of work;

    wear a face mask while in public;

    maintain a record of close contacts;

    have no passengers, unless required for the purposes of work (for example two up


    not work while symptomatic, unless a negative test result has been received;

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    Maintain hygiene and frequent cleaning of high touch areas within the vehicle.

    We all need to do our part to comply with these requirements and help mitigate the risks of


    COVID Safety Plan

    The purpose of the COVID Safety Plan is to help ensure that businesses actively mitigate the

    risks of COVID-19 in line with the best available health advice. In the plan, you will need to

    explain how your business will take steps to implement the requirements and advice set out in

    these guidelines.

    Freight and Logistics businesses are encouraged to self-complete a COVID Safety Plan for your business and have it available for inspection upon request by an authorised officer.

    You should also display a COVID Safety Plan Certificate in a prominent location visible to people at your business and ensure you have your COVID Safety Plan within your freight vehicle. The certificate is provided at the end of the COVID Safety Plan template.

    State and territory governments have agreed to mutually recognise COVID safe workplans developed by the relevant operator.

    About COVID-19

    COVID-19 is spread from person-to-person through

    close contact and droplets with risks including:

    direct contact with infected people;

    contact with droplets from an infected person’s

    cough or sneeze; and

    touching contaminated objects or surfaces (like

    doorknobs or tables), and then touching your mouth or face.

    As COVID-19 is spread person-to-person through coughing, sneezing, touching contaminated

    surfaces, and close contact with infected individuals, there is a need for businesses to remain

    vigilant with cleaning and sanitising regimes and taking extra care with maintaining and

    promoting hygiene practices throughout business operations.

    The most effective measures are good hygiene practices, additional sanitisation regimes,

    physical distancing and keeping away from others if unwell.

    The most effective measures to prevent the

    spread of coronavirus are good hygiene

    practices, additional sanitisation regimes

    and physical distancing.

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    Specific testing requirements for Freight and Logistics

    Under the Transport, Freight and Logistics Directions, truck drivers and support workers

    entering Western Australia are legally required to:

    Get tested on a 7-day rolling basis for all individuals crossing the border;

    Present for testing at a COVID-19 testing location within 48hrs of entering if they have

    not been tested in the past 5 days; and

    Retain evidence of every test they have for COVID-19, and produce that evidence for

    inspection if requested by an authorised officer or certain healthcare workers.

    There is no requirement to continue to be tested after being in WA for 14 days.

    Testing will be available at public hospital emergency departments and COVID clinics. Other

    sites, including private pathology providers may offer tests at their collections centres. Twenty-

    four hour testing only available in some locations.

    Further WA Health advice on Testing for Transport, Freight and Logistics Directions can be

    found at


    There is no requirement to wait at the testing site for results or to isolate after having a test,

    you can continue your work or go to your accommodation – unless you are symptomatic. If

    you have symptoms you should stop work and self-isolate.

    People who have tested positive will be required to quarantine and will not be permitted to

    cross the border into another State until after they have completed quarantine or been re-

    tested and are no longer deemed infectious.

    If you fail to present for testing, you are failing to comply with the Emergency Management Act

    2005 s 86(1), and may be given an infringement notice with a penalty of $1,000, or may be

    prosecuted and be liable to imprisonment for up to 12 months or a fine of up to $50,000.

    To support your staff’s understanding of the legal requirements, you may include information

    of the testing requirements and process in section 4. Compliance, of your COVID Safety Plan.

    1. Physical distancing

    Physical distancing is one of the most effective methods of reducing the spread of viruses.

    The more space between you and others the harder it is for the virus to spread.

    Physical distancing can be used in the work place to minimise the risk of transmission. If a

    person is found to be positive for COVID-19, the risk of transmission to others is minimised if

    physical distancing has been practised.

    Good practice physical distancing principles are to:

    maintain 1.5 metres separation between people who are not from the same household

    or groups of other patrons; and

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    maintain a minimum of 2 square metres (2sqm) per patron.

    Managing interactions with other people

    It is a requirement of the Code that workers have no contact with other people unless required

    for work purposes, and have no passengers in their vehicle. Only exit the vehicle to access

    rest stop facilities, refuelling, accommodation, activities directly related to the delivery or

    loading of freight or to meet required regulated activities, e.g. work health and safety or fatigue

    management. Overnight stays at accommodation should occur only when necessary to fulfil

    fatigue requirements and should not use common areas in accommodation premises.

    If workers are required to move within 1.5m of other people they should avoid direct contact

    and minimise face to face time to reduce the risk of transmission. If workers do come into

    direct contact with people, staff should follow good hygiene practices such as hand washing

    and cleaning.

    Instances of close contact should be recorded, which is outlined in section 5. Response


    2. Hygiene

    Cleaning hands

    Regularly washing hands is an effective way to prevent the spread of germs and viruses.

    If cleaning your hands with soap and water:

    Lather for at least 20 seconds. Pay attention to the backs of hands and fingers,

    fingernails and the webbing between fingers.

    Rinse hands under running water and dry hands with a clean towel, or fresh paper


    If cleaning your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub (hand sanitiser):

    Apply enough product to cover both hands.

    Rub all surfaces of both hands until they are dry.

    Consider providing an alcohol-based hand sanitiser in each vehicle and using it before and

    after each stop.

    Increased cleaning and sanitation regime

    It is important to ensure appropriate cleaning of common contact surfaces. This is particularly

    important prior to changeover of vehicles. Surfaces that have been touched will need to be

    cleaned prior to changeover, particularly ‘high touch’ surfaces like handles and the steering

    wheel. If you think a surface may be contaminated, clean it with a common household

    disinfectant to kill the virus.

    Cleaning products should be chosen that are approved for the surface to be cleaned. In

    general, combined detergent/disinfectant solutions or wipes are acceptable for hard surfaces.

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    Some products such as bleach can damage fabrics, stainless steel and other surfaces.

    Businesses will have to continue to comply with any requirements regarding use of chemicals,

    including the use of Safety Data Sheets for chemicals utilised in the work place.

    For most general cleaning tasks, a neutral detergent with pH between 6 and 8 should be used.

    The use of combined detergent / disinfectant wipes is acceptable, or solutions can be prepared

    fresh each day.

    If using a bleach solution look for products which give you a 1000ppm (0.1%) bleach solution

    either neat or when diluted with water. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions if any

    detergent or disinfectant products require mixing with water or dissolving prior to use.

    Remember to never mix different cleaning products as in some instances toxic gases can be


    Refer to the Environmental cleaning in the workplace factsheet for further advice.


    Use cashless payments where possible.

    After handling money, consider washing hands with soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand


    Personal protective equipment

    It is a requirement for drivers and crew of freight vehicles to use face masks whenever they

    are in public.

    Masks need to be applied and removed in the correct way.

    o Wash or sanitise hands prior to putting on and after removing the mask.

    o Mask should cover the nose and mouth

    o Mask should fit snugly under the chin, over the bridge of the nose and against

    the sides of the face.

    o Ensure all staff watch the following Australian Government instructional video on

    the appropriate way to wear a mask to reduce the risk of cross-contamination.

    The front of the mask should not be touched whilst worn.

    Masks should not be worn under the nose or hanging around the neck.

    Masks should be changed when they become damp or soiled.

    A sufficient supply of masks should be provided to staff to ensure they can be worn and

    changed when required.

    Do not reuse single use masks.

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    3. Training and education

    Freight operators should regularly communicate restrictions, policies and

    procedures. Consider providing hard copy notices to workers, electronic communication or a


    The location of additional resources is listed at the end of these guidelines. These provide

    information that can be shared with workers and could be displayed in your premises.

    The Australian Infection Control training can be promoted where appropriate.

    4. Compliance with existing legislation and regulations

    In addition to the legal obligations arising from the Emergency Management Act 2005 and the

    Transport, Freight and Logistics Directions made under that Act, businesses will continue to

    have obligations under existing legislation and regulations, including Worksafe legislation.

    As per the above, there are testing requirements specific to the Transport, Freight and

    Logistics Directions, which should be communicated to staff and outlined in the COVID Safety


    Heavy vehicle drivers should continue to observe their requirements under relevant heavy

    vehicle or rail regulations respectively, in particular fatigue requirements.

    Australian Government information on Heavy Vehicle Regulation can be accessed at:

    5. Response planning

    Public health officials are responsible for responding in the event that a worker is confirmed

    as having COVID-19, and will do so once notified. Please consider the following measures

    that should be undertaken to minimise further risk and assist public health officials to respond.

    Maintain records of close contacts

    Workers should only have close contact with other people for work purposes. Where close

    contact occurs the National Freight Movement Code and the Transport, Freight and Logistics

    Directions under the Emergency Management Act 2005, outline the following requirements:

    Recordkeeping for contact tracing purposes to be kept and retained:

    o for heavy vehicle drivers, in the work diary until lodged with the record keeper or

    in accordance with the legislative requirements of the relevant state;

    o for support workers, by the worker; and

    o for rail crew, by the driver or operator.

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    Written records should include:

    o Details of the close contact (including when not working); name, telephone

    number, date, time and location of where the close contact occurred;Details of

    accommodation, and onward and return travel (as per the Protocol).

    You must implement a process consistent with any privacy obligations you have for obtaining

    and safely maintaining records. If records are taken, then they must not be used for purposes

    other than contact tracing (i.e. contact information is not to be used for marketing purposes).

    Responding to a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 incident

    If a worker is confirmed as having COVID-19, ring the COVID-19 Public Hotline on 13COVID

    (13 26843) and follow the advice of public health officials.

    If someone is confirmed as having COVID-19 or is getting tested for COVID-19 because they

    have symptoms, they should already be self-isolating. However, there may be circumstances

    where you, or a person in your workplace, is displaying COVID-like symptoms, such as a fever,

    cough, sore throat, shortness of breath and/or loss of smell/taste, or shares information (e.g.

    they have been in close contact with someone that has the virus) that causes you to have

    reasonable concerns about your/their health.

    When this occurs:

    1. Call public health and follow their advice, and inform your manager immediately

    If there are serious symptoms such as difficulty breathing, call 000 for urgent medical help.

    Otherwise, call the state public health unit by contacting the COVID-19 Public Hotline on 13

    COVID and follow their advice. People who are unwell may be asked to seek the advice of a

    healthcare practitioner and, if appropriate, attend a COVID-19 clinic.

    Advise the health officials that you are a freight and logistics driver and the conditions of your

    entry into WA.

    2. Keep away from other people

    Take steps to prevent the potential to spread the virus by keeping away from others.

    3. Transport

    If transportation is required, follow the advice of public health staff. When transportation is

    required for known or suspected cases of COVID-19, private vehicles are the preferred method

    of transportation. Further information related to the management and cleaning of vehicles used

    for transportation can be found in the Department of Health’s Infection Prevention and Control

    information for public & private transport guideline

    4. Clean and disinfect

    Follow all public health advice about closing off affected areas and prevent access until they

    have been cleaned and disinfected. Information on cleaning for non-healthcare settings during

    the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic can be found in the Department of Health’s COVID-19

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    Infection control advice for COVID-19 environmental cleaning in non-healthcare settings

    (home and workplace) factsheet.

    5. Assisting public health to identify close contacts

    Public health may ask for your attendance records. The manager is to provide these records

    to public health upon request. In the event a positive case is identified, public health officers

    will conduct interviews with the confirmed case to determine their contacts.

    Review risk assessment

    In addition to the measures in these guidelines, if there is concern about the risk of staff being

    exposed to the virus at work, a risk assessment should be carried out with reference to the

    latest information available. Employers should develop prevention and control strategies

    appropriate to the workplace in consultation with their staff, and ensure that all staff are aware

    of and follow these strategies.

    Regularly review your COVID-19 risk management controls in consultation with your staff and

    their representatives, and assess and decide whether any changes or additional control

    measures are required. Consider having regular discussions about safety and health issues,

    for example during staff meetings, or by setting up a safety committee.

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    Key Contacts

    13COVID: For information about coronavirus measures and restrictions, and what they mean for you.

    COVID-19 Public Hotline: 1800 020 080: If you suspect you, a staff member, or a customer may have COVID-19 coronavirus symptoms or may have had close contact with a person who has COVID-19 coronavirus.

    Dedicated Police Number (non-urgent): 131 444

    Further information

    Coronavirus - public information:

    COVID-19 industry information:

    Resources on physical distancing:

    Occupational safety and health information is available on the WorkSafe website

    Freight and Logistics Council of WA resources:

    WA Freight, Logistics and Transport Industry Declaration for COVID-19:


    Additional resources

    How to Handwash poster – World Health Organization

    How to Handrub poster – World Health Organization

    Keeping Your Distance poster – Australian Government

    Change of Business Hours poster – Australian Government

    COVID-19 information for business, industry and local government – WA Department of


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    APPENDIX A – Checklist: Items to consider for Transport, Freight and Logistics operators and staff

    1. Physical distancing

    Physical distancing. o Have you considered how you will manage breaks and accommodation to

    comply with the requirement to effectively self-isolate? o Have you identified all situations, tasks and processes where staff and others

    interact closely with each other and made any modifications if required? o Have you put in place measures to communicate and remind staff of the need

    to practise physical distancing? o Have you reminded staff to ensure physical distancing is maintained during

    break times? 2. Hygiene

    Good hygiene o Are adequate hand washing and hand sanitising products provided? (hand

    sanitiser in each vehicle) o Has signage about hand hygiene been provided? o Are processes in place to regularly monitor and review hygiene

    stations/measures? o Has there been education on respiratory hygiene?

    Cleaning and sanitisation

    o Have you considered the frequency of cleaning for vehicles? o Are procedures in place for thorough and regular cleaning of common

    surfaces, ‘high touch’ items and shared amenities e.g. handles, chairs etc? o Have communal items been removed where possible? o Does your business have appropriate cleaning products and equipment to

    perform cleaning and disinfection e.g. detergent, disinfectant, food grade sanitiser, PPE where appropriate?

    o Have you instructed staff to clean personal property e.g. phones and keys?

    Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) o Do you have an adequate stock of masks? o Have staff been adequately trained in how and when to wear masks?

    3. Training and education

    Have you provided information to staff on your COVID safety procedures and what is expected of them?

    Where appropriate, have staff completed training? Have you provided clients with information on your COVID safety procedures, and

    how to interact with your drivers? Have you provided education to your staff on what symptoms to look for and not

    coming to work when unwell?

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    4. Compliance with existing legislation and regulations

    Are your staff aware of their obligations to present for testing? Are they aware of the frequency of testing, the process to get tested and the requirement to ensure they can produce evidence of their tests?

    Is your business continuing to meet obligations under existing legislation? Have you contacted your local government authority, the Department of Health, or

    WorkSafe if you are unsure of public health or occupational health and safety requirements?

    5. Response planning

    Monitor symptoms o Have you put up signs about the symptoms of COVID-19 in the workplace? o Have you advised staff to seek a COVID-19 test if they are unwell? o Have you advised staff to disclose if they have been in close contact with a

    person who has or is being tested for COVID-19?

    Contact tracing o Are you maintaining a record of close contacts for the purposes of contact

    tracing? o Are you maintaining a record of staff working on the premises?

    Incident response

    o Does your business have written instructions for staff about how to respond to a COVID-19 related incident?

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