Coventry Players Guide

Post on 10-Nov-2015






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Borderlands Esque Setting using The Savage Worlds System


  • 1Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    What you think of Coventry probably depends on how you got here. For people who were born here, all this batshit crazy seems perfectly normal, yknow? Just the way things are. But me, I had a life, before that bugsucker decided me and my team had seen too much of his dirty laundry. Arrested on charges of treason treason, can you believe it? tried and sentenced in a total of 36 hours so we wouldnt have time to muster a decent defense, and dropped here.

    What do I think of Coventry? Its like a preview of hell.

    A Savage Worlds CampaignWritten and Created by John The Gneech Robey

  • 2Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    Coventry is a gung-ho adventure campaign somewhere between Mad Max and Cowboy Bebop, with a side of Escape From L.A. The year is 2766 and your characters all live on the quarantined prison world of Coventry, trying to make your way as best you can among the local monsters, the faction wars, the octane-sucking racing circuit, and of course the occasional insane robot. You might be a local, born and raised on Coventry, you might have been dropped here, or you might even have arrived here by accident due to a shipwreck or other mishap. However you came to be here, however, its all but impossible to leave.

    The game will be a Savage Worlds Plot Point campaign model, meaning you can go anywhere you want and do what you like: there are ongoing threads of a larger story that you may follow or ignore as you please. Jobs appear as they will when and where they do, and those jobs may or may not be an appropriate challenge for your skill level. Fortunately, assuming you pick up some GOJFree units early on, the chances of a TPK are small, even if you charge headlong into a mission way over your head.

    Were All Mad HereThe world of Coventry is unique,

    eccentric, and often terrifying. Things make sense here that would leave people gobsmacked anywhere else and plenty of stuff that happens doesnt actually make that much sense here either, to be honest. But after a while, if you dont get killed, you just sorta learn to go with it or you get indigo fever, at which point whether things make sense or not just sorta doesnt matter that much any more.

    Transmat and RezzingTransmats are like the Star Trek transporter:

    they disassemble an object, transmit the objects information instantaneously (actually slightly faster, as they generally send via tachyon) to another transmat unit, and then reassemble the object at the other end. This requires tremendous amounts of computing power and no small amount of energy, and doesnt always work. But statistically speaking, its the safest way to travel

    All aboard the crazytrain.

  • 3Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    on Coventry mainly because nothing tries to eat you on the way.

    Most transmat units have just enough capacity to assemble something as its sent to them, but an interesting wrinkle of transmat technology is that an object or creatures information can be stored in memory if you have a big enough data bank. That object can then be assembled again and again with no theoretical limit, called rezzing an object. This means among other things that many resources are unlimited. Want a sandwich? Rez it. Need a bar of gold? Rez it. Of course, gold is suddenly nowhere near as valuable as it used to be. However, you have to have a data file for the object you want to rez into existence. Transmats cant be used to fabricate things that have never existed, unfortunately, mainly because even the biggest supercomputer or most wild-eyed genius (or biggest wild-eyed genius supercomputer) isnt smart enough to do the math required to figure out the position, type, and motion of every particle in a previously-nonexistent object. But if the object youre trying to build can be made from standard parts, you could rez all the parts into existence and then assemble it.

    Transmats cant create more mass than they destroy something to do with quantum mumble mumble heat death of the universe thing. To get around this, given the number and sheer usefulness of transmats out there rezzing up lunch all the time, there are whole fleets of spaceships out there flying through interstellar debris fields derezzing asteroids, which is not a cheap proposition. To pay for this, transmat units charge a fee for rezzing, derezzing, or transporting, usually commensurate with the size of the object and the distance involved. Why is there still currency in a world where anything you want can be rezzed into existence? Short answer: because there are still some things that cant be transmatted or rezzed, including the element known as indigo the reason Coventry is the way it is.

    The Most Valuable Planet In the Galaxy

    The scientific name is indicum potentia lapis but colloquially its called Indigo. It is a unique, radioactive, glowing blue-purple stone usually found in nugget form that has so far only been found on three planets in the explored galaxy, with 75%+ of it on Coventry. Indigo is an incredible power source, the stability of which depends on its purity. A nugget of 10% indigo makes a good pocket warmer and glows faintly in the dark, while a nugget of 65% indigo will explode if dropped from a height of 5m. Most scientists believe that its impossible to have a nugget of 100% indigo because it would burn itself up instantly which suggests there may have once been a lot more of the stuff in the universe than there is now.

    Indigo is arguably the most valuable element known in the universe, not only for its amazing properties, nor the fact that it powers the modern singularity drives used for traveling the stars, but ironically, because it cant be transmatted and by extension, cant be rezzed. Attempts to transmat indigo pitch a failsafe error on standard transmat units. If the error is overridden, the container holding the indigo transmats perfectly, but the indigo itself stays right where it is. (There are other elements and even some peculiar creatures that wont transmat, but indigo is the most commonly known example of this phenomenon.)

    Coventry is suffused with indigo which, quite literally, makes it the most valuable planet in the galaxy.

    Indigo FeverThis suffusion of indigo also has a very

    strange effect on the creatures living on Coventry, officially named Indigo Stone Exposure Syndrome (ISES) but generally referred to as Indigo Fever. Indigo fever creates an accelerated, exaggerated development of mental and physical abilities, including the spontaneous development of amazing psionic ability, at the cost of gradual deterioration of rational faculties. tl;dr version: it amps you up and drives you batshit crazy.

  • 4Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    anything that cant go via transmat (indigo ore being the biggie) is carried in robot shuttles that have no life support systems and accelerate at G-forces that would squoosh a living creature. Every once in a while someone gets the bright idea to smuggle themselves into an ore shipment with a makeshift EVA suit; most dont survive. The ones that do survive are usually captured and sent right back down to Coventry. There are a few would-be escapees whose eventual fate is unknown... so they might have made it. Maybe. Probably not.

    However, there is a way to earn your release from Coventry: thats by working for IndiCorp. By agreeing to what is essentially twenty-five years of indentured servitude, its possible to earn a Pardon Card and be taken back out into space. Pardon Cards do not mitigate any other sentences you may have, so if youve got multiple life sentences youll have to earn multiple Pardon Cards.

    Its very rare that anyone manages to survive and collect a Pardon Card, and by the time someone does they often have irrevocable indigo fever and cant make the adjustment to life in civilization again. But there are a few success stories, and those (combined with indigo fever) are often enough to inspire an almost fanatic devotion among IndiCorp employees on Conventry. But whatever happens on Coventry, stays on Coventry, as the saying goes, and the only law on the world itself is that of the gun. So

    As you might guess, the creatures native to Coventry have evolved in this environment and are like Darwin gone mad. But indigo fever effects everyone who comes to Coventry over time as well, to a greater or lesser extent depending on how much indigo theyre exposed to. The really crazy part? It doesnt just effect living creatures: A.I. units and bots brought to Coventry start to get twitchy, too.

    GOJFree UnitsAnother side effect of transmat technology is

    that people who can afford it have a limited kind of immortality, in the form of a wearable unit that monitors their life signs and compares them to a backup copy. If those life signs fail, the unit immediately derezzes the wearer and stores their information so they can be taken to a healing station and rezzed back into existence with their fatal wounds edited out. The colloquial term for these is GOJFree units (as in Get Out of Jail Free) and they come in a variety of types. Of course, the GOJFree unit itself must survive whatever it is that has killed you and then be recovered being instantly vaporized, for instance, pretty much means youre still screwed.

    Coming to Coventry Is a One-Way Trip

    There are several IndiCorp ships in orbit above Coventry at any given time. Most things they send up or down go via secured transmat;

    Well that didnt work.

  • 5Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    someone who was not a cold-blooded killer when they arrived might very well be one by the time they leave-- virtually guaranteeing that they are sent right back.

    There are those out in the galaxy at large who have made it their lifes mission to do something about the Coventry situation. Its definitely an uphill battle, though: many powerful and entrenched organizations like the Coventry situation just the way it is.

    Coventry Fun Fact: I Seeeee You!It never really gets dark on Coventry: at

    least one of the moons is always up, the worlds crazy-strong magnetic fields from its dense crust means theres constant auroras, the cascades in The Haze are visible anywhere in the Dropward hemisphere, and theres a huge self-luminescent gas giant on the edge of the system so big and bright that its visible night or day. However, this may be a blessing in disguise: do you really want to imagine being on Coventry in the dark?

    Coventry Fun Fact: Well Makka You a Deal You Cant Refuse

    Derivatives of the makka tree, including the trees themselves, their seeds, their fruit or juice, cannot be transmatted due to the concentrations

    of indigo infusing them, and makka trees do not successfully grow except in indigo-rich environments. However, the incredible regenerative and healing powers of the makka fruit and its extracts make them very prized commodities across the galaxy. For the moment, this commodity is securely in the talons of the avions, because they do not share their hard-learned knowledge of cultivating and harvesting the makka trees, despite many, many offers by IndiCorp, SeTech Astronomy, and others to buy them out.

    Coventry Fun Fact: Major Toms Not Coming Home

    A few years ago, a madman named Mad Jack McMad managed to build a viable spaceship from salvage, wrecked parts, and his own blood-sweat-and-tears. Even more impressive is that he built it almost completely in secret, bribing or killing anyone who found out about it, but IndiCorp agents got wind of it barely an hour before launch. IndiCorp troops and warbots descended upon the launch site en masse, but were warded off by Mad Jacks own guerilla army of traps, warbots, and self-destruct systems in his lair. With a hearty Suck it, IndiCrap tubelickers! Jack launched his ship into the night. Reports vary

    Get your own lunchbox!

  • 6Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    on whether his ship was destroyed by explosive decompression due to a flaw in the design, or by a missile fired from an IndiCorp cruiser in orbit. Either way, the last transmission received from Mad Jack McMad was, I can see my house from here!

    Coventry Fun Fact: It Wasnt Always a Prison

    Coventry was first colonized by rakashans roughly 200 years ago (under the name Kallast, an old clan name). At the time, indigos existence was known but little was known about it. Rakats found Coventry a place largely to their taste, with lots of things to hunt and kill, and the export of indigo and makka brought a lot of prosperity quickly-- so quickly that makka trees were driven to the edge of extinction within a few decades, which caught the alarmed attention of the avions. Meanwhile, a Terran corporation that would eventually become IndiCorp developed the singularity drive, a major breakthrough in FTL technology that requires the unique properties of indigo to fuel it. Naturally, war couldnt be far behind. The Indigo War was a vast, sprawling epic of interstellar devastation and intrigue; the net result was IndiCorps monopoly over the planet and its quarantine status. Abandoned and/or ruined bases, settlements, and colonies from before the quarantine still dot the landscape, often inhabited by squatters who may or may not have anything to do with the original populace.

    Character CreationThe first thing an outlander sees

    of Coventry is the Drop: an open plain of transmat reception towers full of wrecked vehicles, picked bones, and scavengers that only know that free food occasionally materializes there out of nowhere. Interplanetary law requires that we have a fighting chance to survive down here, tho, so when we get transmatted down, IndiCorp also rezzes a crate full of guns and one runner for every two people sent.

    They dont bother sending down food tho I guess they figure itd just weigh you down while you try to get the hell away to somewhere safe. In as much as Coventry has anywhere safe.

    The first session of the game will be building the party and generally getting the hang of things. Well start in media res, with everyone pulling themselves out of the wreckage of a convoy out of Happy Landing headed for Three Shantak Heights (oops). Outlanders will be assumed to have arrived on Coventry sometime fairly recently but having had enough time to get their bearings (unless they have the Clueless Hindrance). It would be good if there were some interconnection between at least a few of the PCs, and there will probably be a bit of a flashback on the convoy to get everyone acquainted with each other.

    This aint no place for a hero.

  • 7Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    Character Archetypes & Pregenerated Characters

    The following are all suggestions or possible models you may wish to use for creating your own character; you are not required to take one of these, but you may if you wish, or take one and alter it to suit your tastes. Whatever works!

    Avion MysticYour character is an avion from Hightown,

    steeped in mysticism and with a deep (and frankly rare for Coventry) sense of compassion. See the Avion Species Abilities section for the abilities and hindrances you gain from being an avion.RiatraRace: AvionAttributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6

    Skills: Fighting d4, Healing d8, Knowledge: Nature d8, Notice d8, Shooting d6, Survival d6, Tracking d4Pace: 6/10 (flying), Parry: 4, Toughness: 5 (Shield d6), Charisma: 0Gear: SeTech N220 Little Lady, 50 rounds N220 ammo, Hands-free Radio Headset, SeTech 600 Basic Shield, $100Edges/Hindrances: Code of Honor, Loyal, Vengeful, FlightDescription: Riatra is a quite lovely avion from Hightown with shimmering green and blue feathers, which she further adorns with beads and gems laced with glowing indigo highlights. Despite the lack of inflection in her speech and her creepy, jerking birdlike movements, she is actually a very loving and compassionate creature towards her friends... and a cold-hearted terror to those she despises.Quote: Of course I eviscerated him. He would have harmed the makka tree.

    BotYour character is a mobile, articulated A.I. unit,

    commonly known as an android or bot. Bots are generally considered property on Coventry, and as such if you dont have an owner theres a good chance someone will try to claim you along the way. See the Bot Species Abilities section for the abilities and hindrances you gain from being a bot.0MG-BzRace: BotAttributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6

    Skills: Bot Ops d6, Driving d4, Investigation d6, Knowledge: Security d6, Knowledge: Technology d6, Lockpicking d6, Piloting d6, Repair d6, Taunt d6Pace: 6, Parry: 2, Toughness: 4, Charisma: -3Gear: Cellular Phone, Flashlight, GPS, dozens of attachments (fire extinguisher, lighter, etc., see Powers)Edges and Hindrances: Habit (perpetually cheerful), Loyal, Small, Bot Systems, Asimov Circuits OR Property, Construct, Outsider, UnnaturalRecharge: 0MG-Bz uses a hybrid battery/solar power system and must shut down for 4 hours/day to recharge. (It does not have to be 4 consecutive hours, just 4 hours total.)Powers:Armor: Confers 2 or 4 points of Armor (deflector shields)Elemental Manipulation: Perform tricks with a chosen element (various attachments)Description: 0MG-Bz (known by most as OMG Bees!) is a light industrial loader/personal assistant bot built by CyberDig Industries, about three feet tall and shaped something like a giant egg with a variety of spindly arms and a rolling ball base. Programmed with a youthful male voice and a perpetually cheerful personality that tends to drive people nuts after a while, 0MG has developed his own quirky form of indigo fever: he has become perpetually timid and paranoid of harm. 0MG tends to jump at loud noises and run around flailing his arms whenever anything actually dangerous shows up. On the other hand, hes a very loyal pal and can be counted on to retrieve your GOJFree unit at all costs.Quote: Dont stick your knife into that! You dont know where its been!

  • 8Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    Bot JockeyYoure a mechanical whiz with an affinity for

    Robotics. Somewhere along the line youve acquired, built, or scavenged yourself a bot.DebbieRace: HumanAttributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d4, Strength d4, Vigor d4

    Skills: Climbing d4, Investigation d6, Notice d6, Repair d6, Robotics d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d6Pace: 6, Parry: 2, Toughness: 4, Charisma: -1Gear: Tamm 30k Body Pistol (one clip)Edges and Hindrances: Big Mouth, Habit (hyper, loves bots, indifferent to people), Young, Bot JockeyB1G D4DY: (See Sentinel Bot under the Bot Jockey Edge. B1G D4DY is armed with a Tamm 30k SMG with one clip of ammo.)Description: Debbie is a child prodigy born and raised on Coventry, whose favorite toy/companion/friend is a BRAPP 2000 Sentinel Bot named B1G D4DY, or Big Daddy as Debbie calls it. What dire straights have led to Debbie wandering around Coventry with only her bot and a teddy bear for company and no food or gear other than a couple of guns with just enough ammo for one clip each, nobody else knows and Debbie doesnt like to talk about.Quote: Whoa, Big Daddy! That was awesome!

    Grease Monkey/Wrench WenchYour character loves bots, vehicles, computers,

    gadgets, and making treasure out of junk. Prone to dirty coveralls and randomly wearing goggles on your forehead.Clinton Clicks ClaytonRace: HumanAttributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6

    Skills: Driving d6, Fighting d4, Lockpicking d6, Notice d8, Piloting d4, Repair d8, Robotics d4, Shooting d6, Survival d4Pace: 6, Parry: 4, Toughness: 5 (Shield d6), Charisma: 0Gear: Tamm 30k Body Pistol, 50 rounds 30k ammo, Computer (Handheld), Flashlight, Hands-free Radio Headset, SeTech 600 Basic Shield, Toolkit, $45Edges and Hindrances: Bad Luck, Hard of Hearing, Quirk (shouts, plays music way too loud), McGyverDescription: Clicks is a happy-go-lucky redneck born and raised on Coventry. Years of loud music, louder engines, and an explosion a bit too close to his ears when he was a kid have left him half-deaf, which makes him prone to shouting things like Hot dang thats one sa-weeeeeeeeet ride! in peoples ears. As you might expect, he follows the Racing League season religiously.Quote: What did ya do to my baby???

    This is my robot; this is my gun. One is for combat,

    the others for fun.

  • 9Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    Gun BunnyYour character likes guns. A lot. This particular

    variety of gun bunny carries a pistol in each hand.Archer Ace OFeanRace: HumanAttributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6

    Skills: Driving d4, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Shooting d10, Stealth d4, Taunt d6Pace: 6, Parry: 5, Toughness: 5, Charisma: -2Gear: Main-hand: Tamm 30k Body Pistol, Off-hand: Tamm 30k Body Pistol, 50 rounds 30k ammo, Hands-free Radio Headset, $15Edges and Hindrances: Loyal, Mean, Overconfident, Ambidextrous, Two-Fisted

    Description: Archer was the captain of a mercenary company that ended up on the wrong side of political expediency and got kangarooed to Coventry. Bitter? Yeah, just a bit. Like to take down IndiCorp and the whole rotten system it represents? Yeah, just a bit. Need to earn a living? Yeah, just a bit. Good at killing things? Yeah, just a bit.Quote: Smoke it. *BLAM*

    HustlerCoventry is a planet of opportunity, if youve got

    the moxie. Let the loonies blast each other to bits youll be there to pick up the pieces and rake up the profits.

    Shady Sadie McGeeRace: HumanAttributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6

    Skills: Driving d4, Fighting d4, Lockpicking d4, Notice d6, Persuasion d8, Shooting d4, Stealth d6, Streetwise d6, Taunt d6Pace: 6, Parry: 4, Toughness: 4, Charisma: 2Gear: SeTech N220 Little Lady, 50 rounds N220 ammo, Computer (Handheld), $40Edges and Hindrances: Greedy, Small, Wanted (people shes scammed), Attractive, Connections (Black Market)Description: Sadie (commonly known as Shady Sadie) has a simple motto: a fool and his money are my favorite clients. Shes always got an angle on something, whether its running guns to the wilds, organizing Luxury Tours to The Haze, or selling discount bot parts that fell off the back of a buzzer convoy. She knows not to poison the well she drinks from, so she stays pretty up-and-up with her friends or anyone she wants to have a long-term investment in, but even then her goal is to always buy low and sell high.Quote: I can get that for you wholesale.

    Youll love the Eastern Blight this time of year. Trust me!

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    Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    LeaderYoure a natural leader and a tactician par

    excellance. With your guidance and a little luck, theres nothing that cant be done.Rick The Captain HollingsRace: HumanAttributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6

    Skills: Climbing d4, Driving d4, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Knowledge: Battle d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d8, Shooting d6Pace: 6, Parry: 5, Toughness: 7(2), Charisma: 0Gear: Tamm BFG Sureshot, Survival Knife, TAMM Flak Jacket, 50 rounds BFG ammo, Camouflage Fatigues, Hands-free Radio Headset, $40Edges and Hindrances: Heroic, Loyal, Vow (make the world a better place), Command, Natural LeaderDescription: Whatever happened to Rick to send him to Coventry, he generally keeps to himself except to say he would do it again without hesitation. He clearly has some kind of military or police training, and when an ally responded to him Aye, aye, Captain! once, it stuck and people who know him have called him The Captain ever since. Hes a strangely idealistic and hopeful man, a kind of Boy Scout with a sniper rifle. Having been sent to Coventry, hes made it his mission to make Coventry a place worth going to. Good luck.Quote: We can do it. And I know how.

    Mi-Go InquisitiveYou are mi-go, a fungi from Yuggoth, an

    enigmatic species spread across the galaxy doing who-knows-what for reasons known only to yourselves. Your current purpose is to observe and document Coventry and the activities there to return to your master colony on one of the moons of Chaaeta in order that they may move on to the next stage of the operation. See the Mi-Go Species Abilities section for the abilities and hindrances you gain from being a mi-go.InquisitiveRace: Mi-GoAttributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d4, Strength d4, Vigor d6

    Skills: Investigation d6, Knowledge: Science d8, Notice d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Tracking d4, Weird Science (Arcane) d6Pace: 6/6, Parry: 2, Toughness: 5, Charisma: -2Gear: Mi-go netgun, Mi-go brain scrambler (see Powers), $500 worth of Indigo oreEdges and Hindrances: Bad Eyes, Clueless, Hard of Hearing, Weird Science, Aethereal Wings, Alien Physiology, All Arms and Legs, Creepy, Elusive Mind, Mechanistic Mind, Secret Masters, Wheels Within WheelsPowers:Confusion: Target must make a Smarts roll at -2 or be Shaken, -4 on a Raise, up to 5 targets if points spent (Mi-go brain scrambler)Entangle: Restrained target suffers -2 Pace and skills linked to Agi and Str; Break free with Str or Agi; Single target costs 2 points, Medium Burst Template costs 4 (Mi-go netgun)Description: Inquisitive is this creatures title; if it indeed has a name, it does not share it. It works with the party, but always serving its own inscrutable purposes and occasionally doing things that just make no sense to anyone else. It speaks in a buzzing vibration and by changing the coloration of the fronds on its head (the meaning of which is lost to anyone who isnt another mi-go). Inquisitive has no discernible emotion or personality, except occasionally making oblique references to the will of Shub-Niggurath. Inquisitive had a chunk taken out of its head by an encounter with a sandsquid, which has had a detrimental effect on its senses. These wounds are slowly regenerating (as it buys off those hindrances) but it will take some time.Quote: May I have your skull when you are dead?

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    Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    PsychYour character is a psionic with the ability to

    manipulate the elements-- most commonly to set things (or people) on fire. On Coventry, thats a very handy ability.NemesisRace: HumanAttributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d4, Vigor d4

    Skills: Driving d4, Fighting d4, Healing d6, Notice d6, Psionics (Arcane) d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Taunt d6Pace: 6, Parry: 4, Toughness: 4, Charisma: 0Gear: Tamm 30k SMG, 50 rounds 30k ammo, Hands-free Radio Headset, LighterEdges and Hindrances: Clueless, Quirk (memory wipe), Vengeful, Psionics, Danger Sense

    Powers:Burst: Use Cone Template; Roll Agility or 2d10 damage (fire)

    Confusion: Target must make a Smarts roll at -2 or be Shaken, -4 on a Raise, up to 5 targets if points spent (mind blast)Succor: Remove 1 Fatigue level, 2 on a Raise, also remove Shaken status and restore consciousness (empathic healing)Description: A powerful psionic who has just arrived on Coventry, Nemesis has no idea what she did to get here, because it was apparently so bad that she underwent a memory wipe just prior to being sent down. Aside from a few fleeting impressions and what she can deduce by her skills and strange bits of trivial knowledge she remembers, she has no recollections of her previous life. She might as well have just sprung forth fully formed in The Drop, roasting a shantak that tried to make a meal of her as soon as she arrived. Her only tie to her past is a message she recorded for herself: Your memory has been erased. You would be grateful if you knew why. Your name is Nemesis now. Stay alive as long as you can, just to prove them wrong.Quote: Enjoy the silence.

    Rakashan BladefighterThe rakats have long held ritual one-on-

    one combat as the noblest and most pleasurable activity in which sentient beings can partake. (Sex is pretty good, too, but a distant second.) The rakashan bladefighter is the ultimate expression of this philosophy, forever in search of the next big challenge. Of course, there are times when one must use a gun, but thats hardly any fun at all. See the Rakashan Species Abilities section for the abilities and hindrances you gain from being a rakashan.KshaaRace: RakashanAttributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d6

    Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Taunt d4, Tracking d4Pace: 6, Parry: 6, Toughness: 6, Charisma: 0Gear: Longsword, Tamm 30k Body Pistol (one clip), ClawsEdges and Hindrances: Arrogant, Poverty, Stubborn, Brawny, Sweep, Bloodthirsty, Racial Enemy (Avions), Claws, Low Light Vision

    Description: Essentially, a big furry Klingon with a sword. Loves to fight, loves to slay his enemies, has a strange tendency to want to eat any avions he meets. He also loves hot cocoa with rainbow marshmallows.Quote: I can smell your fear.

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    Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    Runner JockeyIf they put wheels on a dishwasher, you could

    drive it and probably have. Speed, tight turns, careening through canyons, dodging bullets... oh yeah, thats a good time, baby.Zanna KaleeRace: HumanAttributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6

    Skills: Driving d8+2, Fighting d4, Gambling d6, Notice d6, Piloting d6+2, Repair d6, Shooting d6, Streetwise d4Pace: 6, Parry: 4, Toughness: 5, Charisma: -1Gear: Tamm 30k Body Pistol, 50 rounds 30k ammo, Hands-free Radio Headset, Toolkit, $15Edges and Hindrances: Habit (fixated on vehicles), Overconfident, Quirk (thrillseeker), Ace, Quick

    Description: Zanna was born in the back of a runner and her folks say that pretty much tells you everything you need to know about her. Having just joined the Racing League, she hasnt won any races yet, but every race shes entered shes picked up at least one and often two spots over the previous one. Unfortunately, she plays so hard that it usually wipes out the runner by the end, which makes for an expensive hobby, and she often has to take weird jobs on the side to make ends meet. Shes currently between vehicles as it were.Quote: Hop in, hotshot!

    XenobiologistYou are studying the varied flora and fauna

    of Coventry. Fortunately, theres a lot of wild and fascinating stuff to see. Unfortunately, most of it wants to kill you, eat you, lay its eggs in you, or all of the above.Sir Reginald Ketarsis, Magus RegisRace: HumanAttributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d4, Strength d6, Vigor d6

    Skills: Climbing d4, Knowledge: Science d8+2, Knowledge: Xenobiology d8+2, Notice d6, Repair d6, Shooting d6, Survival d6Pace: 4, Parry: 2, Toughness: 5, Charisma: -1Gear: Tamm BFG Sureshot (one clip), Binoculars, Camouflage Fatigues, Hands-free Radio Headset, Hiking Boots, (3x) Trail Rations, $30Edges and Hindrances: Habit (constantly reliving old glories), Lame, Quirk (fascinated by dangerous creatures), Jack-of-all-Trades, Scholar (Science, Xenobiology)Description: Sir Reginald is that rarest of things, a person whos on Coventry because he wants to be. Once a big-game hunter, now a prominent xenobiologist, Sir Reginald is not technically an exile: in fact, he is writing the definitive study of Indigo Stone Exposure Syndrome for the Royal Terran Institute of Xenology, both its short-term effects on transplants, and its long-term effects on local evolution. He hopes one day to win the Nobel Prize and fully expects to be picked up and returned to the galaxy at large when his book is done. Boy, is he in for a nasty shock.Quote: Actually, that isnt a stinger. You dont want to know what it is, but it isnt a stinger.

    You dont have to be crazy to do this. But it helps.

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    Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    Game MechanicsSpecies

    Although the rakats settled Coventry first, humanity has in typical fashion moved in and more or less made the place their own. When not in the Great Makka Forest or the Rakat Territories, you can expect almost anyone you meet to be a human.

    AvionA humanoid, feathered, quasi-saurian sentient

    humanoid species with the ability to fly in open spaces. There is a settlement of avions known as Hightown. Avions and rakashans do not get along well, but avions have no such prejudices against humans.Avion Species AbilitiesFlight: Avions can fly as long as they have room to maneuver their massive 2 (12 foot) wingspan. Their Pace while flying is 10, though they can double this during a dive (each inch of forward movement must lower their altitude by one inch). Their climb rate is 5. Use the standard encumbrance rules to figure out how much an avion can carry. Any penalties assessed from weight also subtract 2 from their flying Pace.

    Nonhuman: Avions do not gain a free Edge during character creation (although they may gain Edges by taking Hindrances as normal).

    BotBots come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes,

    and functions. Most have little or no personality to speak of, being mostly defined by their programmed function. A player character bot is either the property of another PC, or is a renegade bot. You must choose between Asimov Circuits (Pacifist) or Property, unless you take the Renegade Bot edge.Bot Species AbilitiesChoose One of Asimov Circuits or Property:

    Asimov Circuits: The android cannot harm, or by inaction bring harm to sentient beings. This gives him the Pacifist Hindrance (Major). OR

    Property: The android is the property of another member of the party or an NPC. The android must follow all direct commands from

    their owner and is expected to follow implied wishes in good faith.

    Construct: Androids add +2 to recover from being Shaken, dont suffer wound modifiers, and are immune to poison and disease. Androids cannot heal naturally. To heal an android requires the Repair skill which is used like the Healing skill only with no Golden Hour.Outsider: Organic races often mistrust or misunderstand androids. They subtract 2 from their Charisma when dealing with races other than their own.Programming: Androids begin with a free d6 in one skill, representing their original programmed role.Recharge: During character creation, the player must determine the androids power source. If the android cannot access his power source at least once per day, hes automatically Fatigued each day until hes Incapacitated. The day after that, he goes off-line and must be revived with a Repair roll and a four-hour charge of energy. The power source replaces the need for food and water, unless they are the chosen power source. (NOTE: Most bots are either solar- or battery-powered, or a hybrid unit

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    Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    which must shut down for four hours daily to recharge.)Unnatural: Arcane powers, both detrimental and beneficial, suffer a 2 penalty to affect androids. This has no effect on damaging powers, which affect them normally.

    HumanHumans gain a free edge at character creation.

    Other than that, they are the default template which other species are compared to.

    Mi-Go (Fungi From Yuggoth)A peculiar, secretive fungoid species scattered

    across the galaxy, mi-go are mechanistic, emotionless, creepy, and obscure. There are actually many shapes and sizes of mi-go, and who knows what horrible nightmare forms there may be in the depths of their full colonies. The mi-go presented here are typical interplanetary specimens, following their indecipherable agenda at the orders of Nyarlathotep on behalf of Shub-Niggurath. They are roughly human-sized and look somewhat like an enormous winged shrimp, pinkish in color and with a knobby, bulbous, multicolored head that lacks any discernible organs. Mi-go are also unique in that they can leave Coventry at will: they can fly unprotected through space, using their wings in a fashion not understood by current science. However, individual mi-go dont just take off on their

    own-- theyre always following some ornate (and incomprehensible) master plan.

    Armament: Mi-go who need to defend themselves are sometimes armed with a mi-go lightning gun. This has the same stats as a SeTech ION and may be taken by a mi-go character in exchange for their starting $500. Characters who are not mi-go take a -4 to Shooting rolls when attempting to use it due to its very peculiar arrangement.Mi-Go Species AbilitiesAethereal Wings: Mi-go may fly at their base Pace. Mi-go whose wings are operational may fly through deep space as if they were in atmosphere. Nobody is quite sure how they do this, and the mi-go arent telling.Alien Physiology: Mi-go may exist comfortably in deep space. They get a +4 bonus to resist all negative environmental effects (heat, cold, pressure, etc.) and do not need to breathe. Note that they are still flammable and take normal damage from fire.

    All Arms and Legs: Mi-go have many limbs that can operate as either arms or legs on an as-needed basis. They gain one extra non-movement action per turn that incurs no multi-action penalty.Elusive Mind: Mi-go are masters of secrets and deception. They get +2 to Trick attempts and to resist any sort of telepathy or mental domination.Mechanistic Mind: Mi-go have mechanistic, joyless minds. Spirit requires two points per step to raise during character generation.

    A utility bot makes friends with a cuddly native creature.

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    Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    Creepy: Theyre soulless fungoid floaty buzzy shrimp-bugs from outer space. Yeah, theyve got -2 Charisma.Secret Masters: Individual mi-go have free will of a sort, but they are all subject to the will and plans of the Secret Masters. When mi-go are in a group, one will always be selected to command and the others obey that one without question. An individual mi-go, even one far removed from the rest of the colony, is more like a worker ant than a discrete person. However, mi-go naturally coordinate with each other and get +2 to any attempt to aid, work with, or persuade another mi-go (negating the -2 penalty for being Creepy).Wheels Within Wheels: Mi-go are deliberate and meticulous, never doing anything without consulting with their masters if possible, or thoroughly going through all permutations of an action in their mind if it is not. This gives them the Cautious hindrance.

    RakashanAn aggressive, quasi-feline sentient humanoid

    species. They have several enclaves and villages

    scattered across Coventry that pre-date its quarantined status, and were actually its first sentient settlers. Some think of the world as theirs, although they are no more native than humans or machine guns. Rakashans have a hunting instinct that makes them predisposed towards attacking and trying to eat avions, which the avions naturally resent. They have no particular prejudices regarding humans, however.Rakashan Species AbilitiesAgile: Rakashans have the feline grace of their ancestors. They start with a d6 Agility attribute instead of a d4.Bloodthirsty: Rakashans can be cruel to their foes, often toying with them for simple amusement. They rarely take prisoners and feel little compunction about punishing captured foes. This causes a -4 Charisma penalty among more civilized types.Racial Enemy: Rakashans are constantly in conflict with avions, and in fact have a predisposition to eating them. Members of the two species suffer a -4 Charisma when dealing with each other. Unless fettered by other authorities or common goals, individuals of the two races may very well attack each other on sight.Claws: Rakashans have retractable claws that do Str+d6 damage and grant +2 to Climbing rolls on all but completely sheer surfaces.Low Light Vision: Rakashan eyes amplify light. They can see in the dark and ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.

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    Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    Other SpeciesInquisitive avions, aggressive rakashans,

    and the ever-wanderlusting humanity are all suspiciously similar to each other, presumably as a result of convergent evolution (although theres much speculation on the topic). They all seem to come from the same biological niche, digest the same proteins and breathe the same air and, whether by coincidence or as a result of this similarity, are the three most galactically-expansionistic species in space, constantly competing for desirable worlds to colonize or conquer. The mi-go, by comparison, quietly and subtly insinuate themselves across the galaxy... and have been doing it a lot longer. They actually inhabit more worlds than the rest of the sentient species combined, but they dont seem to care about territory and generally flee a world rather than fight for it.

    There are a double-handful of other sentient species in the explored galaxy, but most of them are too oddball or specialized to travel from one world to another easily (such as the Ikkkkrnngl, a kind of living crystal hivemind that cant be moved from where it formed without suffering brain damage). There are a few other species that are willing to make the jump, though, including scrullians, a meter-high crab/spider species who are fascinated by math; trilobes, who are sort of like three-legged, six-armed, eight-foot-tall telepathic celery stalks; and pwanu, a delicate species of giant insectoids that resemble Earth dragonflies but require powered exoskeletons in anything greater than 0.6-G. Theres no reason why members of these species (or others) might not end up on Coventry, and if youd like to create a species, there are rules for it in Savage Worlds.


    Bot Ops SmartsPrereq.: Bot, Bot Systems

    This is the skill bots use to run their special systems (via the Bot Systems arcane background).

    Knowledge (Xenobiology) SmartsSometimes, knowing what youre up against

    is the difference between victory, and being sandsquid chow. When confronted with a peculiar

    example of local flora or fauna, a Knowledge (Xenobiology) check can give you a basic rundown of whats generally known about the critter, including basic habits, known abilities or weaknesses, etc.

    Robotics Smarts This skill governs the creation,

    maintenance, programming, and repair of advanced robotic or A.I. systems. While simple robotics maintenance uses Repair, Robotics is for true expertise in the technology.


    Bot Jockey (Weird Edge)Prereq.: Smarts d10+, Robotics d6+, Repair d6+

    Your character has created or salvaged a bot buddy. The bot is an Extra (no bennies, no wild die, only one wound) and is one of three models: infiltrator, sentinel, or utility. The bot comes with the gear listed by their type, but does not have any weapons or other personal gear unless you buy it with your own cash. You may customize the bot on creation by taking Hindrances to pay for improvements if you wish, and the Bot Jockey may apply any bennies they wish to spend to their bot buddy, including soak rolls. The Bot Jockey may also spend their advancements to improve their bot rather than their own abilities if desired (see Bot Upgrade). If the bot is destroyed, it can be rebuilt and have its memory restored from a backup within 2d6 days assuming the Bot Jockey has access to the required parts and tools. NOTE: When designing scenarios, GMs should factor in a Bot Jockeys buddy as if they were another party member.

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    Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    Infiltrator Bot

    Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d4, Vigor d6

    Skills: Driving d4, Fighting d4, Investigation d6, Lockpicking d6, Notice d6+2, Piloting d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d8, Swimming d6, Throwing d4, Tracking d8Pace: 6, Parry: 4, Toughness: 4, Charisma: -2Gear: internal radio, GPS, infrared sensor, parabolic microphone, recorder unit, security interface probeEdges and Hindrances: Alertness, Cautious, Small, Property, Construct, Outsider, UnnaturalRecharge: During character creation, the player must determine the androids power source. If the android cannot access his power source at least once per day, hes automatically Fatigued each day until hes Incapacitated. The day after that, he goes off-line and must be revived with a Repair roll and a four-hour charge of energy. The power source replaces the need for food and water, unless they are the chosen power source.

    Bot Upgrade (Weird Edge)Prereq.: Smarts d10+, Robotics d6+, Repair d6+, Bot Jockey

    Instead of taking an advancement yourself, you may choose to upgrade your bot with an advancement. You must meet any Rank requirement of the advancement you wish to give them.

    Renegade Bot (Racial Edge)Prereq.: Android

    You are your own bot! You also dont have to deal with those damn Asimov Circuits.

    Sentinel BotAttributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d6Skills: Climbing d4, Driving d4, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, Piloting d4, Shooting d6, Swimming d4, Throwing d6Pace: 6, Parry: 5, Toughness: 7, Charisma: -2Gear: internal radio and GPS, +1 Armor platingEdges and Hindrances: Clueless, Brawny, Martial Artist, Property, Construct, Outsider, UnnaturalRecharge: During character creation, the player must determine the androids power source. If the android cannot access his power source at least once per day, hes automatically Fatigued each day until hes Incapacitated. The day after that, he goes off-line and must be revived with a Repair roll and a four-hour charge of energy. The power source replaces the need for food and water, unless they are the chosen power source.

    Utility BotAttributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6Skills: Climbing d4, Driving d6, Fighting d4, Healing d4, Investigation d4, Knowledge: Common Knowledge d8, Notice d6, Piloting d6, Repair d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d4, Swimming d4, Throwing d4Pace: 6, Parry: 4, Toughness: 5, Charisma: -2Gear: internal radio and GPSEdges and Hindrances: Property, Construct, Outsider, UnnaturalRecharge: During character creation, the player must determine the androids power source. If the android cannot access his power source at least once per day, hes automatically Fatigued each day until hes Incapacitated. The day after that, he goes off-line and must be revived with a Repair roll and a four-hour charge of energy. The power source replaces the need for food and water, unless they are the chosen power source.

    Arcane BackgroundsThe Arcane Background edges allowed in this

    campaign are Bot Systems, Psionics, and Weird Science. Note that you can also make a good gadgeteer type without any arcane backgrounds (see the Grease Monkey/Wrench Wench sample character)-- Weird Science is for someone who wants to really specialize in building a lot of crazy items.

    Bot Systems (Arcane Background)Prereq.: BotPower Points: 12Powers: 2Skill: Bot Ops (Smarts)

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    Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    Highly specialized bots have a variety of systems that allow them to do many different things, from built-in weapon systems to flight jets. Each power you take represents one of these systems.System Damage: When you take a wound in combat, roll 1d6. On a 3 or lower, one of your systems (determined randomly) is damaged and becomes inoperative. It will take a half hour and a successful Repair or Robotics roll to repair the system.Glitch: When you roll a 1 on your Bot Ops check, youve encountered a glitch in your programming. You are Shaken, or alternatively the GM may spend a Benny to take control of your bot and do something hilariously disastrous with it for 1d4 rounds. (You may also spend a Benny to go back to just being shaken.)


    Vehicles are very important on Coventry-- you really dont want to be walking out there. Fortunately, with transmat technology, you never have to find a parking spot again! Many personal vehicles have built in rez/derez carrying cases (similar to GOJFree units), so you can tuck your car into your backpack when youre not using it. And like GOJFree units, a cycle, runner, or buzzers carrying case will derez it when it

    becomes too badly damaged-- although this can be a somewhat traumatic thing for the passengers if it happens at 75 kph or at 100m in the air.

    There will be a Rules Upgrade with detailed information about Racing in the game as well as customizing and upgrading vehicles, later. For now, here are descriptions of some of the most common types of vehicles youre likely to encounter. Cycles and runners use the Driving skill, while buzzers use Piloting.

    CycleThis is a fairly standard two-wheeled electric motorcycle. Like most vehicles on Coventry, it has a reinforced frame for off-road operation and provides minimal protection or comfort for the rider. Riding with a passenger on board imposes -2 to Driving rolls unless theres a sidecar.

    Runner (Light)The light runner is a three-seat, four-wheel, electric car much like a dune buggy. The seating arrangement is generally a driver and a passenger up front, and a gunner in a rear turret, which typically mounts an assault rifle or belt-fed machine gun. The frame is reinforced for off-road operation, but its a dirty, windy, bone-jarring ride.

    Runner (Heavy)The heavy runner is larger, heavier, and therefore slightly more comfortable than the light runner,

    We play catch a little differently on Coventry.

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    Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    which has an either three-passenger or six-passenger arrangement. (Three-passenger versions have a bed or cargo section in the back.) Like the light runner, the heavy runner has a turret which typically mounts an assault rifle or a machine gun. The heavy runner is enclosed and has a certain amount of armor plating standard, therefore providing more protection than the light runner, and is reinforced for off-road operation.

    BuzzerThe buzzer is, more than anything else, like a light runner with VTOL turbines and landing skids instead of wheels. It is usually a two-seat affair, mounting a machine gun under the nose and additional guns or rocket launchers on the side. Heavy buzzers that are designed to carry passengers or cargo also exist.

    Ammunition TypesDifferent guns require different types of

    ammo. Fortunately, there are only three calibers of personal weapon in common use these days, the tiny, adorable N220, the standard 30k, or the large and imposing BFG. There are two other types of less-common ammunition: the first is Gy, which is self-propelled. Caliber-wise, its interchangeable with BFG ammo, but it does one step less damage (e.g., 2d8 becomes 2d6) in exchange for x1.5 range modifiers; and Scat, which is scattergun ammo (shot).

    Standard ammo is the most common, but there are other types as well, for different purposes. For instance, if going up against a big, squishy target that doesnt have a lot of armor but still takes a lot of punishment, you might want shrapnose (since the AP penalty doesnt really matter). If you want to set someone on fire, you might try burning. These are modifiers, not actual calibers of ammo youd have to buy 50 rounds of 30k corroder for instance, at $100 for the box.

    The last category of ammunition is a standard-gauge launcher rocket, which explodes on impact and counts as a Heavy Weapon for purposes of overcoming vehicular or other armor. Different types of launcher rockets (such as chisel or burning) operate just like different types of gun ammo.

    Personal ShieldsPersonal deflector shield technology, while

    expensive, is absolutely vital to anyone who sees a lot of fighting (i.e., pretty much anyone living on Coventry). Each shield has an initial rating of d4 to d12+, just like a Trait. When you are hit by an attack that rolls damage (unless that attack specifically ignores shields), you roll the die indicated by your shield value and that to your Toughness for the purposes of this attack. So for example, if you have a Toughness of 6 and a d10 shield and are hit by an attack, you would roll d10 and add that number to your Toughness. If you rolled a 7, your Toughness against that attack (only) would be (6+7=) 13.

    Each hit reduces your shield rating by one step (e.g., from d10 to d8); after being reduced to d4, your shield is depleted and provides no protection until it recharges. Shields recharge by one step at the beginning of your turn, up to their maximum value.

    Some weapons (typically electrical ones) ignore shields. When hit by such a weapon, you do not get the benefit of the shield, but the shield is still depleted by the hit as if it had protected you.

    NOTE: The DuraTech tower shield is an actual shield in the traditional sense, essentially a transparent riot shield, not a deflector shield.

    Tactical DerezThe single most devastating weapon on

    Coventry, at least on a personal level, is arguably the IndiCorp Tactical Derez which, as the name implies, derezzes its target with a successful attack. However, its not an easy weapon to use: after scoring a hit with your Shooting skill as you would with a normal ranged weapon, you roll a d8 against the targets Agility. If successful, you derez the target if they have no personal shield. If they do have a shield, the derez effect is negated, but the shield is depleted as it would be by another other successful attack. If the target has a shield that is completely discharged, the derez effect works normally. Once derezzed, the target is stored in a memory unit similar to a GOJFree. You must swap out memory units before you can use the weapon again (or delete the derezzed target from memory, killing them

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    Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    GunsPistolsCost Name Dmg Range Shots Notes$150 SeTech N220 Little Lady 2d6+2 10/20/40 8 double-tap, semi-auto$200 Tamm 30k Body Pistol 2d8 12/24/48 10 AP 1, double-tap, semi-auto$250 Tamm 30k Persuader 2d8 12/24/48 8 +1 Shooting, AP 1, double-tap, semi-auto$220 SeTech 30k Kicker 2d8+2 10/20/40 10 AP 1, double-tap, semi-auto$375 Tamm BFG Mule 2d8+1 10/20/40 10 AP 2, double-tap, semi-auto$400 IndiCorp BFG 2d8+1 14/28/56 7 AP 2, double-tap, semi-autoSubmachine Guns$275 SeTech N220 Deathblossom 2d6 12/24/48 45 ROF 3, auto$300 Tamm 30k SMG 2d6 12/24/48 30 ROF 3, AP 1, auto$300 BRAPP 30k Noisemaker 2d8 8/16/32 32 ROF 3, AP 1, auto$375 IndiCorp 30k Competitor 2d8 10/20/40 30 ROF 3, AP 1, auto, +1 vs. recoil$2,000 CyberDig N220 Little Pal 2d6 10/20/40 60 Min Str d6, ROF 3, auto, self-firing (free action

    to designate target 1/turn), Shooting d6, worn like backpack w/ headset

    Shotguns$200 SeTech Auto-Action 1-3d6 12/24/48 12 shotgun$200 Setech Double-barrel 1-3d6 12/24/48 8 ROF 1-2, shotgun$275 Tamm Double-barrel 1-3d6+2 10/20/40 8 ROF 1-2, shotgun$275 Tamm Leverage 1-3d6+2 12/24/48 8 shotgun$600 IndiCorp Gatling Scat 1-3d6 12/24/48 20 Min Str d8, ROF 3, AP 2, shotgun, double-tap,

    semi-autoRifles/Assault Rifles$400 Tamm BFG Sureshot 2d8 30/60/120 4 Min Str d6, AP 2, snapfire, +2 w/ called shots

    $450 Tamm BFG Assaulter 2d8+1 25/50/100 50 Min Str d6, ROF 3, AP 2, auto$600 CyberDig BFG Fixer 2d8 30/60/120 30 Min Str d6, ROF 3, computer assist provides +2

    Shooting, AP 2, auto$650 SeTech ION 2d8+1 20/40/80 30 ROF 3, burst 3, electric damage, ignores shields$600 HiBeam 227 1-3d6 30/60/120 50 Snapfire penalty, laser, burst 3, damage dice =

    number of shots fired, sets flammable object on fire, virtually silent and invisible (+4 to sniper Stealth checks)

    $1,200 IndiCorp Tactical Derez (special) 1/2/4 1 d8 vs. Agility to derez human-sized or smaller target; negated by shield; target may then be deleted from memory or new memory card inserted to reload; memory card $250

    Machine Guns (Heavy)$1,000 Tamm BFG Beltfeeder 2d10 50/100/200 250 ROF 3, AP 4, auto, may not move, heavy$3,000 CyberDig BFG Big Brother 2d10 30/60/120 200 Min Str d10, ROF 3, AP 2, auto, self-firing (free

    action to designate target 1/turn), Shooting d6, worn on stablizing harness or mounted to power loader

    Launchers$2,000 BRAPP Barzooker 4d8 25/50/100 6 Min Str d6, MBT, may not move, heavy$2,200 BRAPP Ready-Steady 4d8 30/60/120 4 Min Str d6, ROF 2, MBT, may not move, heavy$6,000 IndiCorp AutoLauncher 4d8 15/30/60 18 Min Str d10, ROF 3, MBT, may not move, auto,


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    Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    AmmunitionCost Caliber/Name Category/Notes$10 N220 Small, 50 rounds$25 30k Medium (usually AP 1), 50 rounds$25 Scat Medium (shotgun), 50 rounds$50 BFG Large (usually AP 2), 50 rounds$50 Gy Large, self-propelled for longer range, slower round does less damage, 50 rounds$100 Rocket 10 rounds+$75 (chisel) adds AP +2+$50 (shrapnose) AP -2, but +2 damage+$75 (burning) +1d6 fire damage

    +$75 (corroder) -1 target Toughness on successful hit (max -5)

    Melee WeaponsCost Name Dmg Weight Notes$50 Survival Knife Str+d4 3 Contains supplies that add +1 to Survival rolls$250 Molecular Knife Str+d4+2 1 AP2, cannot be thrown$350 Vibroaxe Str+d6+2 4 AP 2, battery powered

    $450 Vibrosword Str+d6+2 8 AP 2, battery powered, +2 Fighting

    $500 Molecular Sword Str+d8+2 8 AP 4$300 Electrospear Str+d6+2 5 electric damage, ignores shields

    Body ArmorCost Name Protection Weight Notes$50 DuraLeather Jacket +1 2 Covers torso, arms$50 DuraLeather Pants +1 2 Covers legs$75 IndiCorp Durasuit +3 5 Covers torso, arms, legs$150 IndiCorp Heavy Durasuit +4 8 Covers torso, arms, legs$300 SeTech Infiltration Suit +2 10 Covers torso, arms, legs, +2 to Stealth vs. visual and infrared

    $80 Tamm Flak Jacket +2/+4 9 Covers torso; +4 armor vs. ballistic

    $800 Infantry Battle Suit +6 20 Covers entire body$1,000 Hard Armor +8 30 Covers entire body$20,000 Powered Armor +10 sp. Covers entire body, Str +1 step, +2 Pace, jump 2d6, +1 Shooting

    Personal ShieldsCost Name Armor Rating Notes$200 DuraTech Tower Shield sp. +2 Parry, +2 Armor to ranged shots that hit; transparent

    $200 SeTech 600 Basic Shield d6$500 SeTech 800 Basic Shield d8$800 SeTech 1000 Basic Shield d10$1200 SeTech 1200 Basic Shield d12$1600 SeTech 1210 Basic Shield d12+1$725 Tamm LastDitch Shield d8 creates 3d6 SBT electric blast when discharged

    Miscellaneous StuffCost Item Notes$250 Rejuvenation Being rezzed back into existence at healing station$35 Train Ticket Typical station-to-station cost (cumulative)$1,500 Utility Bot$1,750 Infiltrator or Sentinel Bot

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    Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    instantly). The memory unit can be connected to any standard transmat unit to rez the target back into existence within 24 hours (after which time the file is automatically deleted).

    If the target is wearing a GOJFree unit and is hit by a tactical derez, the GOJFree unit is derezzed with them. However, if they are wearing a relay- or regenerator-style GOJFree unit, that effect activates first essentially leaving you with a duplicate version of your target stored in your tactical derez.

    This effect has led to the common saying on Coventry, Derezzing weirds the combat.

    Coventry Fun Fact: If You Cant Get Aboard, Get a Rail

    For those without ready access to runners or transmat travel, fast and (mostly) efficient maglev trains run between most major settlements. With an average speed of 250 kph, its possible to get from New Oxbridge to Camp Kassak (the end of the line at each respective end) in just over 24 hours assuming you dont get waylaid by bandits, have your train torn up by tremorwhips, or similar hazards.

    Coventry Fun Fact: Stop Breaking My Causality!

    Transmat data streams are sent via tachyon which moves faster than light. This means that if you kill someone with a high-end GOJFree unit while theyre standing next to a rejuvenation unit, their replacement body will actually materialize before their killed body is derezzed (just long enough for them to catch their bearings and watch themselves die). In theory, if you could somehow prevent the person from dying in the short interval of time between when the duplicate appears and the original derezzes, you could create a paradox in which there is one version who died and one version who didnt. In practice, nobodys been able to pull it off. There have been cases of transmat duplicate people being created, however. These duplicates are colloquially known as zomblegangers.

    GOJFree UnitsCost Type Notes$500 Basic Derezzes you for storage at death, must be recovered, data lasts 6 hours$750 Deluxe As Basic, but data lasts 48 hours$1,500 Relay Deluxe Derezzes you for storage at death and transmits your data to preset destination in

    case no recovery possible, data lasts 48 hours$3,000 Regenerator Derezzes you for storage at death and 50% chance to rez you back instantly at a

    random position within 2d10 spaces on the next turn (otherwise must be recovered), data lasts 48 hours

    $5,000 Relay Regenerator As Regenerator, but if instant rez fails, transmits your data to preset destination in case no recovery possible, data lasts 48 hours

    VehiclesCost Type Accel Top Spd Tough. Crew Hardpoints Notes$3,000 Cycle 20 36 8(2) 1+1 1 -2 Driving for extra passenger$15,000 Runner (light) 20 40 10(3) 1+2 (fwd, turret) Tamm BFG Beltfeeder in turret$25,000 Runner (heavy) 15 40 15(4) 1+2/1+5 (2 fwd, turret) Tamm BFG Beltfeeder in turret$150,000 Buzzer (light) 20 50 14(2) 1+1/1+5 (3 fwd) fly; can hover; extra passengers on

    skids have no armor; Tamm BFG beltfeeder and BRAPP Ready-Steady mounted

    $300 Sidecar negates extra passenger penalty for cycles$2,000 Vehicle Derez Case Rezzes/derezzes small vehicle with PIN code, suitcase- or backpack-sized

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    Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    Coventry GazeteerSystem DataStar: Hu4557712 (F2 V yellow-white)Orbit 1 (0.4 au): asteroid beltOrbit 2 (0.8 au): Peevis (hot rockball) named for a

    rakashan folk hero; retrograde rotation

    Orbit 3 (1.2 au): Arkis (hot rockball) named for a rakashan folk hero; reddish tint; some indigo

    Orbit 4 (2 au): Coventry {formerly Kallast} (terrestrial) originally named for an old eakashan clan name, now for a city on Earth; see below

    Orbit 5 (3.6 au): Hoshar (small gas giant) from a rakashan word for agate; bluish due to methane in atmosphere, visible during the day on Coventry under optimal conditions, small but measurable tidal effect

    Orbit 6 (6.4 au): Chaaeta (small gas giant) -- from a rakashan word for graveyard; several moons and pseudorings, several trojans at lagrange points

    Orbit 7 (13.2 au): (empty orbit)Orbit 8 (26 au): Shaktar (large gas giant) -- named

    for a rakashan war/death god; unique red and dark tiger stripes; handful of large moons, one with atmosphere and primitive vegetation, several rings

    Orbit 9 (50.8 au): asteroid beltOrbit 10 (102.8 au): Anta (huge gas giant/gray

    dwarf) -- named for the rakashan astronomer who first charted the system; failed binary neighbor; self-luminescent, visible in Coventry sky night or day; own mini-system of uninhabitable dwarf planets and moons

    World: Hu4557712 IV (Coventry)Diameter: 9,497 km (~74% Earth)Circumference (equator): 29,836 kmGravity: 0.89 GComposition: High-IronAxial Tilt: 12 (minor seasonal effects)Length of Day: 19 hours, with one leap hour

    every 16 days (19.065 hrs)Length of Year: 1,934.4 local days (242 weeks of

    8 local days each with a day removed every 10 years; 4.21 Earth years)

    Moons: Troos (large) and Diebos (small)Atmosphere: Nitrogen/oxygen with large traces of

    indigo (0.91 Earth normal atmospheric pressure)

    Climate: Warm, dry (68% surface water)Terrain: Plains/steppes primary; mountainous/

    volcanic secondaryPopulation: 3.76 million (estimated); ~71% human,

    18% rakashan, 8% avion, 3% other

    Coventry, with Troos in the foreground. Note the Haze, upper left.

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    Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    Citizens Republican Alliance of Popular Liberity, Organization, and Aggressive Defense (C.R.A.)

    A self-declared nation northeast of the Haze, ruled by a powerful psych who calls himself Der Kommisar. Sadly, it wasnt until the letterhead was already printed that someone realized the acronym of the nation would end up to be CRAPLOAD. They prefer to go by C.R.A.

    Camp Kassak: The largest prison/indigo mine of the C.R.A., into which enemies of Der Kommisar are thrown.Freedom City: Capital city of the C.R.A., Freedom City is a cold city of glass box skycrapers and grimy, overrun warrens.Hazewash Mountains: A caustic, volcanic range, combining the charm of soot and sulphur with the beauty of the Eastern Blight. Yay.

    Shalnaht Pass: A large town in the C.R.A.; suffers from some of the conditions of the Eastern Blight, but to a lesser scale than further south.Vospa: A shivering, lonely city in the northeast. Rail is expected to reach Vospa within two years.

    Coldass MountainsA harsh mountain range in the northwest. The

    name is apt.Mount Holycrap: The tallest mountain on Coventry one of the tallest on any inhabited world, at a staggering 11,467m (37,622 ft). It is literally impossible to reach the top without life support equipment.Twotoes Station: A tiny, semi-independent settlement on a glacier in the frozen northwest, primarily operated by SeTech Astronomy. Little more than a few dozen techs and support staff

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    Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    in metal buildings. The story goes that the name is from the average number of toes people have left after an extended stay there.

    Eastern BlightA plain devastated by fallout from the Haze.

    Hostile to most life and pretty damned ugly to look at.

    Electric Shark GulfA clear, tropical, lovely body of water

    populated by horrifying and vicious predators.

    Ember IslandA large, lightly-populated island in southeast

    Coventry.Nyss: An avion colony, attempting to repopulate the makka tree, so far with little success.

    Great Makka Forest, TheThe sole remaining forest of Makka trees on

    Coventry.Heskree: An avion ranger outpost in the northern reaches of the Great Makka ForestHightown: An avion-only settlement, the only remaining source of makka.

    Hashwa StraightThe body of water between northern Coventry

    and Ember Island.

    Haze, TheA dangerous desert plain that dominates the

    northern hemisphere of Coventry. It is named for an enormous (4.000+ km across) indigofire storm that has been going for as long as Coventry has been under observation by humans (roughly 250 years) and shows no signs of stopping any time soon. The entire area glows with a blue-purple, smoky haze. Naturally, this is where the richest indigo deposits are to be found. Why wouldnt it be? Transmat units become unreliable or even inoperative the further into the Haze one goes, as the indigo in the air interferes with their operation.

    Independents WestA catchall term for the settlements on the

    west coast of northern Coventry which do not have a formal allegiance to larger factions.

    Fugi: A small but pleasant independent city on the west coast, a major source of seafood. Home of one of the most popular runner jockey tracks on Coventry.

    Indigo Cove: We were trendy, once.

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    Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    Indigo Cove: Once a lush resort town surrounded by a beautiful forest of makka trees, now little more than a depressed town by the sea, but still a fairly important acricultural center.New Oxbridge: Coventrys only university, founded before the quarantine. Many of the buildings are made mostly or even entirely of makka wood, from the days when makka trees were still plentiful.Sun City: Envisioned as a shining resort city that would act as an interplanetary spaceport, this city fell on hard times when the quarantine was put into place. These days its the heart of the entertainment industry on Coventry, as well as the home of the Racing League.Tarkin Town: A hard-working but prosperous mining town among the Indepedents West.Thalkat: A rakashan clan-holding-turned-city in the Independents West, famed for its elaborate architecture and high culture.

    IndiCorp TerritoryDrop, The: The area where IndiCorp usually transmats down anyone or anything they are sending to Conventry. The regular appearance of disoriented, unprotected people there has made it a popular place for scavenging predators. The amount of wrecked or abandoned gear there has also made it a popular place for sentient scavengers as well.

    Happy Landing: A small town near the Drop. Technically an IndiCorp settlement, but several other factions have representatives there.Hash: A grubby canyon city popular with bandits, thugs, creeps, and freaks. Also scum and villainy. On the other hand, produces some kickbutt runner jockeys.Indigo City: Situated on Lake Indigo (we know, we know), Indigo City is the largest, most prosperous city on Coventry and the central hub for all IndiCorp activity. Indigo City is well-maintained, densely populated, shiny, clean, and only the tiniest bit a soul-crushing police state. Which is at least more than can be said for Freedom City.Survey Station 9: An IndiCorp outpost on the northwestern edge of the Haze.Survey Station 16: A very profitable indigo mine.Survey Station 64: A mostly-underground IndiCorp mining and scientific facility, constantly battered by the indigofire storms of The Haze.Three Shantak Heights: A semi-independent settlement on the southwest edge of The Haze that has recently become a hub of activity due to a huge vein of indigo found in the nearby mountains. Technically an IndiCorp outpost, but basically in name only.

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    Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    Monster IslandA densely-overgrown island with local fauna

    that just shouldnt be.Eat-Or-Be-Eaten: This is a rakashan hunting lodge resort. The rakats refer to it as Kwas-sha-Kwa; Eat Or Be Eaten is the literal translation.

    Prosperity SoundA relatively temperate and pleasant area

    in western Coventry, once envisioned to be the worlds heart of civilization, when anyone still thought civilization was an option.

    Rakat TerritoriesColloquial term for the southeastern portion

    of the continent, dominated by older rakashan cities and settlements from before the quarantine.

    Falanjas: A long-settled rakashan clan-holding in the southeast, famed for its beautiful beaches and pleasant climate. Now entering its third century of war with its neighbor Shakaa to the north.Lakt: A rakashan clan-holding; once much larger, it was bombed almost out of existence by avion forces during the Indigo War. The city is surrounded by acres of ruins.Shakaa: A long-settled rakashan clan-holding in the southeast, famed for its tall black spires. Now entering its third century of war with its neighbor Falanjas to the south.

    Sharlim: A rakashan mining outpost that is perenially plagued by bandit attacks.Swahas: A wealthy rakashan clan holding Talat: A rakashan settlement, populated largely by the descendants of refugees from Lakt.

    Southwall MountainsA major mountain range, separating northern

    Coventry from southern Coventry. Accurately named, if a bit dull.

    Coventry GlossaryBirdman: Slang term for an avion.

    Bot: Slang term for any robot, but especially for self-aware androids or A.I.

    BRAPP: A heavy munitions and automation manufacturer.

    Burn-Happy: Slang for someone who gains a peculiar thrill from dying and being revived by a GOJFree unit.

    Buzzer: A fast, lightweight, hovering vehicle. (Buzzers are to helicopters as runners are to cars.)

    CyberDig: A quirky robotics corporation with a reputation for putting more personality into their creations than most companies do.

    Dropward: Towards the Drop, usually referring to the populated hemisphere of the planet. Colloquially meaning the more inhabited parts of Coventry. Opposite of Seaward.

    Many small but interesting spots are not on the map.

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    Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    Factions: Any of several power groups on Coventry, the de facto governments of the world. The only officially recognized galactic power on Coventry is IndiCorp. Other factions include SeTech Astronomy, The Welcoming Committee, The Silver Chevron, The Racing League, the various Independents West, different rakashan noble houses, and the C.R.A.

    Fembot: An android with a female shape or persona. Some are creepily lifelike, but close examination will reveal their true nature. The skeevier parts of humanity being what they are, some have embarrassingly biological optional features.

    GOJFree (Get Out of Jail Free) Unit: A worn device which reads your life signs and instantly derezzes you if you are fatally wounded so you can be restored at a healing station. More advanced units integrate a transmat unit and send you directly to the healing station or even rez you on the spot.

    Gorilla Bear: An aggressive and territorial vaguely-humanoid creature indigenous to Coventry. Only has the most passing resemblance to gorillas or bears. Only has the most passing resemblance to a thinking creature, for that matter.

    Indigo Fever (ISES): Official name, Indigo Stone Exposure Syndrome. A condition typified by exaggerated aggressive tendencies, loss of inhibitions and self-preservation instincts, and

    often the development of extraordinary abilities, brought about by extended exposure to indigo.

    Indigofire: A phenomenon in which trace elements of indigo in the atmosphere become charged and react with indigo traces in the ground, creating powerful discharges of energy (usually in the form of plasma or electricity). This can often kick up dirt and debris and create wind and fire effects, causing a large and deadly environmental phenomenon something like an electrified sandstorm or tornado. The Haze is created by an enormous indigofire storm that has been raging for centuries or longer.

    Imposter Psychosis: See Zombleganger.

    Makka: A type of tree, sometimes called the only good thing on Coventry. Makka wood is lustrous, easy to carve with, and beautiful. The fruit of the makka tree provides remarkable healing benefits and is quite frankly delicious to every known species that can process T-family (Earth-like) nutrients. There is only one remaining forest of makka trees, and the avion settlement of Hightown is built in it. They guard it quite ruthlessly.

    Mandroid: An android with a male shape or persona. Some are creepily lifelike, but close examination will reveal their true nature. The skeevier parts of humanity being what they are, some have embarrassingly biological optional features.

    We were escorting a giant spoon into the Haze, when...

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    Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    Mind-Mold: A fungus that eats your brain, replaces it, then wanders around Coventry pretending to be you. Does this planet ever stop being creepy?

    Moldie: Someone whos been taken over by mind-mold. Some can pass as still being themselves; many are closer to the archetypal zombie, right down to chanting, Braaaiins... Moldies in the advanced stages of colonization ooze a red-brown discharge from all their orifices and around their teeth and fingernails, which can infect anyone they attack with mind-mold.

    Molemen: See Tunnel Creeps.

    Offworlder/Outlander: Anyone sent to Coventry, as opposed to someone born and raised there.

    Pardon Card: Entitles you to leave Coventry. Acquired by twenty-five years of indentured servitude to IndiCorp.

    Persona: In this context, the personality programmed into an A.I. unit. Your plastic pal whos fun to be with!

    Psych: Slang term for a psionic.

    Racing League, The: A faction of extreme racing enthusiasts who have tracks, circuits, and offices all over Coventry. And yes, extreme racing plus indigo fever is a bad combination.

    Rakat: Slang term for a rakashan.

    Reep: Any of several species indigenous predatory scavengers, reeps often stalk or chase their prey, similar to Terran wolves or hunting cats. Some reeps get quite large.

    Rez/Derez: Assemble or disassemble an object or creature using a data file and a transmat unit. From resolving the object. Or possibly Tron is still popular in 2766.

    Runner: A fast, lightweight, all-terrain wheeled vehicle. At its most basic, little more than a roll cage with wheels.

    Sandsquid: Any of several species of burrowing, tentacled predators native to Coventry. Some are only hazardous if you step on (or in) them, others are quite large and will happily attack man-sized prey. Legends tell of one in the Haze with a maw 10 meters across.

    Seaward: The hemisphere of Coventry on the far side of the world from the Drop, mostly vast swaths of stormy ocean. Opposite of Dropward.

    SeTech Astronomy: A large interstellar scientific/agro concern, one of IndiCorps only real competitors. Required by treaty to be allowed to do business on Coventry, but not allowed to remove people from the planet (which doesnt mean they havent done it every once in a while). They also have an apparently-random line of weaponry, which is probably the result of a buyout in times past.

    Shantak: Any of several species of large, vaguely-reptilian winged predators native to Coventry.

    Silver Chevron, The: A faction that has dedicated itself to establishing law and order on Coventry (good luck), particularly in the form of patrolling the major roads between settlements, as well as offering their services as dispute arbitrators and town peacekeepers. Something akin to the Marshals of the old west, sadly without the authority of a government to back them up.

    Smig: Slang term for a submachine gun (SMG).

    Tamm: A weapons manufacturer. Part of a larger corporation as well.

    Transmat: Units that disassemble an object at one end, transmit the data regarding that object to a distant unit at FTL speeds, and reassemble the object at the far end.

    Tremorwhip: Any of several burrowing, vaguely snake-like creatures native to Coventry. The smallest specimens have deadly venom; the largest specimens have long, barbed tentacles and sword-like stingers on the end of their tails. Attracted to vibrations in the ground, making them a perennial road hazard and a constant nuisance at industrial stations.

    Tunnel Creeps: A peculiar subculture of semi-feral cannibal weirdos, living in tunnels, caves and the like (hence the name). Also referred to as molemen or mole people.

    Warbot: Broadly, any robot or android with the ability for combat. Most bots have been programmed with what are commonly called Asimov Circuits which prevent them from engaging in violence, but this is not universally true. Some bots are built specifically for security

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    Text 2012 by John The Gneech Robey: all rights reserved. Illustrations their respective creators and are used for fan purposes only.

    or combat purposes, and other bots have just gone nuts.

    Welcoming Committee, The: A faction of civic minded people, mostly outlanders, who have chosen to patrol the Drop looking for new arrivals and trying to get them to safety. They operate mostly out of Happy Landing.

    Zombleganger: Slang for a duplicate person created when a new version of a person is rezzed but the previous one is still alive and not derezzed. Rare, but not completely unheard of. Most zomblegangers get along surprisingly well with their duplicates, being something akin to identical twins, although there is a condition known as Imposter Psychosis which will drive a zombleganger to kill their twin (or vice-versa, or both).

    Coventry Fun Fact: First Contact? That Would be Genesis

    When intelligent life was found on Pluto, the human race reeled they reeled again when they figured out, by interactions with the mi-go and

    the revelations of archeology in the now-warm Antarctic, that there has never been a period of human history in which they werent in contact with alien intelligence: the mi-go had been quietly mining the Earth and studying humanity since before the ice age. Worse, it turns out that human beings were themselves the product of breeding programs by a now-extinct species of Earth-stranded extraterrestrials known as the Elder Things. This was something of a blow to humanitys ego.

    There are scientists who point to the uncanny similarities between human, avion, and rakashan physiology and behavior as evidence that all three species share common ancestry. In the case of the avions, it seems almost certain that they have a terrestrial dinosaur in their family tree somewhere, although how it got there is unknown. The evidence is less conclusive in the case of the rakashans, although their similarity to Earths big cats is certainly compelling. There are also very simian creatures on the avion and rakshan homeworlds, respectively.

    On the other hand, Coventry is never boring.

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