Post on 17-Oct-2020






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APRIL 22, 2020VOL. 40 - NO. 35




HOME TOUCHDeliveries to homebound



April 22, 2020 Page 2

Hi First Family,Grace and Peace today! May God’s kindness and favor be upon you and your home today! And we certainly need it! I had started another note before Monday. After Monday, I threw it away and started over. Here’s why.

THE PROBLEM IS REALWe are living through a moment in time like none we’ve ever known before. The collision of these two calamities has created a perfect storm of fear, anxiety, financial uncertainty and turmoil in an unprecedented way. I’ve heard some say “it’s like this” and then immediately correct themselves with “but we didn’t have that to contend with as well.” Many of us worry about getting sick, finding work, how our family will fare through this time and what the future holds. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed, anxious and fearful, that doesn’t mean you’re not trusting God – it means you’re human responding in genuinely human ways to serious and historic circumstances we see and feel around us. We’ve never been here before and what happens next is uncertain.

THE SOLUTION IS REAL-ERWe all know the problem, don’t we? It’s staring us in the face each day we get up. I wanted to give you a few things you can do to walk through it and find God’s presence in a powerful way.

1. Grieve. Recognize that we’ve lost something we cannot retrieve. If you’ve not taken time to grieve over what’s happened, today’s a good day for that. Regardless of our life circumstances, all of us have lost something in this time. It’s a perfectly Biblical model to begin with grief. In Psalm 12, David grieves over those who lie, harm the poor and those who brag. In Psalm 86, the Psalmist grieves over those who seek to hurt him. And most famously, Psalm 22 is a Messianic psalm, cited by Jesus on the cross. Grief isn’t a lack of faith – it’s an expression of our humanity. It doesn’t require tears, but they may come. And if they do, embrace them as Jesus did in John 11.

2. Pray. If we stay in grief, we’ll never find the God who can lead us out of it. God doesn’t want us to remain there. He wants us to seek Him out, to look for the light out of the cave of grief. We won’t find it anywhere else but in God’s presence. Paul admonishes us to “Pray without ceasing.” (1 Thess 5:18) meaning it is to be our go-to response when all else fails. Our prayers may be as pain-filled and difficult as Jesus’ was in Luke 23, but may we join Him in saying, “Not my will, but yours be done.”

3. Serve others. Service has a transformative effect upon us. When I take my eyes off my own situation and turn it instead to the needs of others, we are changed! By lifting others, I find myself lifted as well. This is the essence of Jesus’ statement “The Son of man did not come to be served, but to seek and to serve.” (Luke 19:10). If Jesus came to serve, we can (and indeed must!) as well.

4. Worship often. Don’t wait for Sunday! One of the reasons we store our worship services online is to give people the chance to worship where they are when they need to. Worship is a moment when I lift my eyes and heart to God and ask God to recreate you in your worship. Spend some time with Psalm 139, John 11 and Romans 8 and 12 to be reminded of how God has loved you and the power Jesus means to fill your life with.

5. Use your words wisely. When we feel pressured, stressed or overwhelmed, too many times we allow our words to become sharp, harsh and even critical. Instead, as Paul implores in Colossians 4:6 – “Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.”

6. If you’ve hurt someone, make amends quickly. If wronged, forgive quickly. Matthew 18 challenges us to keep short tabs by seeking to make it right as quickly as possible. How many times? Jesus said “seventy times seven.” That doesn’t mean I keep a tally mark on the wall until I reach 490 and then I’m free. It means I forgive so frequently, I’ve forgotten to count.

7. Finally, remember it’s HIS power that will sustain you. Psalm 91 is a passage I’ve loved all of my life. Read it aloud when you sit down for a meal. I believe God’s word has the power to change homes, including yours.

While none of this will necessarily change our circumstances, it certainly can change how I respond to it. And that’s really all I can do anyway.

READING LISTSI’ve been asked a couple of times to suggest some things to read during this time. I’ve given you two lists below. The first one is devotional and theological reading. The second is general reading. I’ve explored each of these books and can thoroughly recommend them to you for your reading. These are presented in no particular order and are almost all available in Kindle / Nook format as well as in print.Devotional / Theological reading:

1. Knowing God – J. I. Packer2. In the Eye of the Storm – Max Lucado3. The Cost of Discipleship – Dietrich Bonhoeffer4. You Gotta Keep Dancing – Tim Hansel5. Laugh Again – Chuck Swindoll

General Reading:1. The Pioneers – David McCullogh – a well told story about the settling

of Ohio, largely revolving around Rev. Manasseh Cutler and his family. 2. Leadership in Turbulent Times – Doris Kearns Goodwin. A four-fold

biography featuring Presidents Abe Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR and LBJ. It sounds political but I didn’t find it so. She takes time to compare and contrast their leadership styles.

3. The Vagabonds – Jeff Guinn – The story of the friendship and travels of Henry Ford, Thomas Edison and Harvey Firestone.

4. Confessions of an Angry Man – Brent C Hofer – Exactly what the title says. He’s not boasting but setting himself up as a cautionary tale and telling you how you can avoid his mistakes.

5. 12 Rules for Life – Jordan B Peterson. A discussion on healthy life practices and how to embrace them.

THIS SUNDAYFinally, I’ll be talking this Sunday about Our Great Salvation and the Holy Spirit. At this critical moment in history, we lean into the work of the Comforting Holy Spirit. But who is the Holy Spirit? How does the Holy Spirit operate? We’ll discuss it this weekend!Blessings my friends and know of my fondness for seeing each of you soon.


Dr. Darin Wood - Senior Pastor


GENERALSunday (on our website and Facebook Live)z 10 AM Worship Servicez 1 PM Worship Service (Español)z 5 PM Table Talk with the pastor

SUNDAY SCHOOL: ADULTSClass led by Vernon Stokes available online Sunday at 9am at:

PRESCHOOL MINISTRYFBC families, we are EXCITED to help equip you to continue discipling your kids at home! LifeWay Kids at Home Digital Pass experience is a resource to supplement Sunday School from home. There are lessons available for both Preschool and Elementary students. There is a video session with a downloadable Activity Page and One Conversation Sheet. z To get the Digital Pass and access LifeWay Kids

at Home, please follow these steps: z *Go to z *Register if you are a new user or log in if you

already have an account (most of you are likely a new user!) z *Enter this redemption code: VZMD4SSQ38 z *Click “ACCESS” (if prompted to sign in again,

sign in) and then click “MY DASHBOARD,” and go to “LIFEWAY KIDS AT HOME.” z *Download your Activity Page and One

Conversation Sheet to use as you watch the video session (including a video lesson, mission video, and Gospel presentation)!

CHILDREN MINISTRYSarah will host a Facebook Live Event on Sunday, April 26th at 1:00PM. Go to her FB page to participate. She will teach the Bible Story and engage kids in some fun activities.

STUDENTSKaty will be sending a link via e-mail on her plans for: z Online Midpoint on Wednesday at 7pm on our

YouTube channel – FBC Midland Students.z This Sunday, each Student Sunday School class

will be meeting by Zoom! Katy and your Sunday School leaders will be contacting each class with more information.

Contact Katy in the Student Ministry office if you do not receive the link - 432-683-0610

Sunday School (contact your leader for details.)Meeting via Zoomz As Onez Compassz Lukez Evermorez Andrew

Facebook Livez Song of Solomonz Isaac

ADULT 55+z Grace SS Department

San Smith sends a recording by email link.z Andrew SS Department

Will meet via Zoom Contact leader for details.

FAMILY MINISTRYAll opportunities to connect will be on our FBC Family Ministry Page on Facebook.z Daily:

Family Challenge at 4:00pm (fun family activities and ways to connect)z Wednesday at 7:00pm: (NEW TIME!!!)

Building Happy Families (message to parents/families)z Friday:

Online Facebook ‘Live’ Date Night 6:00-8:00pm (CDT)


If you have not received information about how to get your graduating senior involved, contact Katy ASAP!

April 22, 2020 Page 3

Volunteer in our HomeTouch MinistryContact: James Ervin (683-0653) or Rhonda Carroll (683-0612).

CONTACT USIf you’re not receiving any

communications from the church or a Sunday School leader.

432-683-0600 or


April 22, 2020 Page 4

HOME TOUCH MINISTRYThe week of April 10, several people from our First Family volunteered to deliver cookies to our HomeTouch (homebound) members who live independently. We are unable to visit our members who reside in nursing care facilities at this time, so we concentrated on those we could visit from a safe distance. It was a blessing to be able to let these folks know we remember them during this time of social distancing. Many people have also volunteered to call all our senior adults to offer help with shopping, errands, etc. Maybe social distancing has given you a taste of what it’s like for our homebound members; if so please pray about the opportunity to join this team of ministers to make a difference in the lives of these precious folks in our church family. Contact James Ervin or Rhonda Carroll for more information.

Josh Jones Delivering cookies.

Josh and Sarah Arrambide

It was a joy to serve the Lord and the beautiful people of Costa Rica! Our seventeen awesome team members worked tirelessly before and during the week to make sure we were ready to share Christ. God gave us many opportunities each day to teach, preach, pray, and play with both children and adults. It was a privilege to partner with the church, Cielos Abiertos Comunidad Cristiana, which is pastored by Hermano Carlos Umaña. This church is a wonderful, vibrant, growing church that cares about the community and not only meets spiritual needs, but physical ones as well. A highlight for us was that we had the opportunity to work with the children from the church as well as the ones in the community. We actually had the privilege of sharing Christ in the public schools! What a joy that was!! Another highlight was the day we got to share Jesus and go door to door in a slum area in Jaco to pray with people. People were very open to letting us pray for them. We want to thank FBC for giving us the opportunity to serve in Costa

Rica. A huge thanks to our team who demonstrated God’s love in everything they did. Thanks to Greg Smith for leading us well and keeping us on track! We want to thank God, especially, for working out every single detail of this mission effort. To God be the glory!Adolfo and Alma Chavez

Our experience in Costa Rica was filled with precious moments of working with children from public schools and several communities. One of the most memorable times on our trip was getting to know the people from Cielos Abiertos Community church, who have an amazing heart for the Lord. During our trip, we got to know Roberto, our driver, and became good friends with him. We found out that he is not a christian, so we took the opportunity to show him God’s love and to talk to him about Jesus and salvation. Our prayer continues to be that the Holy Spirit will continue to use the words we shared with him, that God’s Spirit will continue to work in Roberto’s heart, and that soon we will hear that

he has given his heart to Jesus and has accepted him as his Lord and Savior. We thank the Lord for allowing us to make so many wonderful friends, who we continue to stay in touch with through social media.Susan, Cash and Ava McIntyre

Cash, Ava and I were so blessed to be part of the mission team to Costa Rica. We loved going into the schools and ministering to the children. The children were so receptive and happy to hear about Jesus. Their sweet smiles were contagious. We also really enjoyed the Cielo Abierto Church. Pastor Carlos and his congregation worshipped with full hearts. They did not hold back anything from God. It was so refreshing. Getting

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to serve with Pastor Carlos was also a blessing. He spoke truth into the children at the schools and in the communities. His ability to minister to kids in the community he grew up in was a true testimony of God’s love and grace. While there, God opened numerous doors where others had been shut. We are forever grateful to Greg Smith and InStep Ministry. We have made lifelong friends in Costa Rica and can not wait until our next mission trip.DiAnn Koehl

One day in Costa Rica we were hosting our children’s program outside of a church that was next to a school. A young mom stood to the side watching and listening while her 2 children were enjoying Bible stories, music and crafts. When the children went to recreation she began visiting and it soon became evident that she had countless questions. She’d been pondering them for months she said. Among her questions were who is the real God, how do we know, and why are there so many religions that claim their god is true. As I shared Gods truths and scripture with her, she listened intently and followed with more questions. I told her how the assurance of knowing my husband had simply moved to heaven allowed me to have peace and continue

living full with His joy. She shared more of her story, and gave me ways to contact her so we could continue our conversation since our time there was short. I was so thankful for her transparency and the sweet time we shared together. Before we left I was able to introduce her to the pastors wife and another lady from the church, hoping those relationships would help her feel welcome to visit the church one day. There’s no doubt that encounter was a God appointment, one of many in Costa Rica. I pray expectantly for my new friend to know Jesus, and I hope to see her again one day, in heaven!Bobby Kincaid

The trip was truly an answer to prayer; Kendall and I both had been praying for God to lead us to an organized trip to a Spanish-speaking country to push our boundaries and relate to others from a different culture about the God we believe in; when I learned our church was going, and how 2 spots were open for us, it was a clear signal. I was blessed on the trip in so many ways: getting to know fellow FBC-Midland members and Greg Smith’s InStep International ministry, seeing how bold our group was about sharing Christ with the church in Jaco, the children in the various schools around the province, and families & children in the area that were searching for

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something better in their relationships. The COVID-19 outbreak literally happened in the U.S. while we were on the trip, and gave us opportunity to talk about how many different ways “church” can be done, including the model of the early Acts church. Oh, and yes, we enjoyed God’s creation through zip-lining and seeing a National Rainforest next to a beach!Kendall Kincaid

The Costa Rica trip for me was a brand new experience. It was the first mission trip I have ever been on and I am so happy that it was focused around children. About two weeks after we signed up, my dad called me and told me the work we were going to be doing was with children. I believe that one of the callings God gave me was the ability and love to work with children. I have worked part-time as a preschool teacher for the past two years that I have been in college. One of the schools that we went to deep in the forest of Costa Rica had preschoolers that reminded me so much of my own, and it made me reflect on my past two years and the presence and opportunity I have had working with them in Waco. These children of Costa Rica have practically nothing – they live in dirty shacks with practically no clean water – yet, their joy, laughter, and mischievousness is altogether the same as any child I have ever worked with. Letting these children know about the love and protection of God, and hearing them say it back, is something I will cherish forever. Marilyn and Zack Gallegos

We were very blessed to be part of this mission trip. The idea of using a soccer ball to share the gospel to the children was an amazing idea. We loved it, and the kids loved playing with the colorful parachute too!! We pray that one day we will return to see our brothers and sisters in Christ in Costa Rica again. But if not in this lifetime, then in heaven for sure. Costa Rica has reminded us of

what Paul tells us, “Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.” Though they may not have much, the Costa Ricans are very content with what they have and it put everything into perspective for us. We are very blessed and we have a great opportunity to be generous with what God has blessed us with.Olivia & Amy Vanderveer

The Costa Rica trip was my senior trip and the last normal thing I experienced before quarantine. The trip was amazing in so many ways, it was also so humbling. The kids that were in the schools were so content and filled with so much joy with so little they had. It was truly life changing and I loved every minute of it.

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Main Phone - 432.683.0600 Main Fax - 432.683.0660Prayer Line - 432.683.0683

Pastoral Ministry ............................................... 683.0604Missions Ministry .............................................. 683.0623Music & Worship Ministry ................................. 683.0618Administrative Office ......................................... 683.0616Activities Ministry .............................................. 683.0647Business Office ................................................. 683.0615Children's Ministry ............................................ 683.0609Preschool Ministry ............................................ 683.0611Child Development Center ............................... 683.0638Children's Day Out ........................................... 683.0632Student Ministry ................................................ 683.0610Family Ministry .................................................. 683.061255+ Ministry ...................................................... 683.0612Media Ministry .................................................. 683.0622Membership ...................................................... 683.0616Duplication Services ......................................... 683.0626Library............................................................... 683.0625 Offering Weekly Year to Date

First Baptist............................$ 94,209 $ 5,562,031Budget Requirement..............$ 135,000 $ 4,552,082Over/Under Budget................$ -40,791 $ 1,009,949Hope 1:8 ................................$ 330 $ 18,488Annie Armstrong ....................$ 1,406 $ 27,670



Sunday Service Streamed Online10:00 AM

• • •

Sunday Service Televised at7:00 a.m. on KOSA (CBS) Channel 7

10:00 a.m. on MyTV, Channel 16 (or DirectTV Channel 40)Televised services are on a one-week tape delay

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