Cory Arcangel : Working at YouTube , 2010 – Détournement de YouTube

Post on 23-Feb-2016






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“For my show The Sharper Image at The Museum of Contemporary Art Miami, I changed the font of their website to Comic Sans for the duration of the exhibition. Maybe my best ‘artwork’ ever?!?!?!?”. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Cory Arcangel : The Sharper Image, Miami Museum of Contemporary Art, 2010 : le web comme lieu d’exposition

“For my show The Sharper Image at The Museum of Contemporary Art Miami, I changed the font of their website to Comic Sans for the duration of the exhibition. Maybe my best ‘artwork’ ever?!?!?!?”

Cory Arcangel : Working at YouTube, 2010 – Détournement de YouTube

Exposition « 3 hours in 1 second », 2010

Jodi : Checking email, 2010 – Détournement de YouTube

JODI et Vuk Cosic à Documenta, 1997. « Documenta Done », 1997

Vuk Cosic : « Deep ASCII », 1994

Net Art à la Biennale de Venise, 2001

Cory Arcangel : Punk Rock 101 (2006)

« A while back, I made a web page which paired Kurt Cobain’s suicide letter with Google Ads (google ads are generated from the text of the page they appear on). It was up for a while but after getting digged google decided to remove the ads from the page. I took some screen shots while it was up and below are two examples of what it looked like. Also below are the checks that google sent me!”

Cory Arcangel : Punk Rock 101 (2006)

« Oh yeah, I did get paid ! »

Christophe Bruno

Christophe Bruno

Christophe Bruno

UBERMORGEN.COM (Lizvlx et Hans Bernhard) avec Alessandro Ludovico et Paolo Cirio (du collectif [epidemiC]) : « Google Will Eat Itself » (2005)

« Un plan machiavélique qui a failli tourner court, Google ayant résilié son contrat pour le site dès qu’il a eu vent du projet. Ce qui n’a pas empêché les hacktivistes de continuer leur action sur d’autres sites tenus secrets. L’opération a rapporté pour l’instant 2 900 dollars et permit d’acquérir 12 actions Google. »

Julien Levesque, « Street View Patchworks », 2011 – Détournement de Street View

Gwenola Wagon : Globodrome, 2010

Angie Waller : « The Most Boring Places in the World », 2009

"The Most Boring Places in the World" is a Google Earth tour that pinpoints the location of bloggers, live journal-ers, and chat room commentators. These sources claim that the city they live in or vacationed in is more boring than any other place they can imagine, at least during the time of their post. Most locations do not repeat (with the exception of North Carolina, Ohio, Zurich and Singapore). What these destinations share in common is their ability to inspire existential crises, home-from-college woes, and the suffering specific to beautiful scenery, suburban sprawl and shopping

Caleb Larsen : « The Safest Place on Earth», 2007

“Using UN statistical data, the "safest" place on earth was located and a geotagged image from Flickr was used to represent it.”

Caleb Larsen : A Tool to Deceive and Slaughter (2008)

Robert Morris : Box With the Sound of its Own Making (1976)

Caleb Larsen : A Tool to Deceive and Slaughter (2008)

Caleb Larsen : A Tool to Deceive and Slaughter (2008)

Erased Willem de Kooning Drawing by Robert Rauschenberg, 1953

“Using the erase tool in Adobe Photoshop CS3, I erased a jpeg image of Robert Rauschenberg's erased Willem de Kooning drawing, which I found doing a Google image search.”

Thimothy Gaewsky : « Erased JPEG Image Found on Google Image Search of Robert Rauschenberg's Erased Willem de Kooning Drawing (PS-CS3) », 2009

Paolo Cirio : « Face to Facebook », 2011

(Paolo Cirio : « Face to Facebook », pour le NTAA 2012, Fondation Liedts-Meesen)

Gustave Courbet : L’origine du monde, 1866 ;

André Masson : Paysage anthropomorphe, après 1955 (à la demande de J. Lacan)

17/02/2011 :

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