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Cortinarius subgenus Myxacium


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Vol 10 (2)

Estimates of the number of species

contained within the genus Cortinarius

vary but all authors agree that it is the

largest agaric genus in the world.  Funga Nordica

(2008: p.661) says: “Based on recent phylogenetic

studies it is assumed that at least 900 species

occur in the Nordic countries, but many are

poorly known…” The number for Europe as a

whole will certainly be substantially higher, possi-

bly nearer 2000.

To try and make sense of this vast assemblage,

authors have traditionally divided Cortinarius into

subgenera. The divisions vary but commonly

include: Cortinarius, Dermocybe, Leprocybe,

Sericeocybe,  Myxacium, Phlegmacium and

Telamonia. However, DNA studies by Garnica et 

al. (2005) and other researchers suggest that

species placed in Sericeocybe and Leprocybe mostlybelong in a broadly defined Telamonia, Dermocybe

forms a well-defined group while Phlegmacium

and  Myxacium are not natural species assem-

blages. But as no new system has yet been

formalised, for the time being we follow  Funga

 Nordica in recognising just four convenient (if 

unnatural) groupings: Cortinarius (including

Dermocybe and Leprocybe p.p.), Myxacium,

Phlegmacium and Telamonia.

Phlegmacium and  Myxacium are traditionallyseparated on the extent of viscosity: in

Phlegmacium the pileus is usually viscid but the

stipe dry and there is an arachnoid veil, while in

 Myxacium both the pileus and stipe are viscid with

a glutinous veil. But even a casual glance at the

species placed in these subgenera will reveal some

that do not obey these ‘rules’. For the moment

however this division is maintained.

Tip: if unsure whether you have a  Myxacium

where the viscidity of the stipe has dried with age

or exposure, check for the glossy, varnished

appearance of the veil on the stipe or for bits of 

leaf debris glued to the stipe.

Keys to species of subgenus Myxacium

The following keys to species include both those

which have been recorded in Britain and those

which might be expected to occur in suitable

habitats. The latter are marked with an asterisk.

 Myxacium, as currently defined, is an artificial

amalgam of three distantly related sections, easily

distinguished by spore shape and size (see Fig. 1):

Section Delibuti , Section Vibratiles and Section

 Myxacium. Section Myxacium further divides into

two rather closely related groups or stirps: Colliniti 

and Defibulati . We here discuss only two of these

sections, being unfamiliar with most of the species

currently listed as British in Section Vibratiles.


Geoffrey Kibby*, Antony Burnham** & Alick Henrici***

*Editor ** 5 Morven Close, Potters Bar, Herts EN6 5HE ***8 Victoria Cottages, Sandycombe Rd., Richmond, Surrey TW9 3NW

“Une grande confusion a longtemps régné dans l’interprétation de plusieurs

cortinaires de la Section Myxacium.” - André Marchand (1983)

Fig. 1. From top to bottom, typical spores:

a) amygdaloid spore of C. favrei (Stirps Colliniti).

b) citriform spore of C. elatior (Stirps Defibulati).

c) ellipsoid spore of C. croceocaeruleus (Sect. Vibratiles).

d) subglobose spore of C. delibutus (Sect. Delibuti).





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Abbreviations used in the text:

B&K5 = Breitenbach, J. & Kränzlin, F. (2000).

 Fungi of Switzerland Vol. 5 Cortinariaceae.

CBIB = Legon, N. W., & Henrici, A. (2005).

Checklist of the British & Irish Basidiomycota.

CFP = Brandrud, T.E. et al. (1990-1998).

Cortinarius Flora PhotographicaVols 1-4.

K&R = Kühner, R. & Romagnesi, H. (1953).

 Flore Analytique des Champignons Supérieurs.

KEY 1. Sections and Stirps:

1. Spores subglobose; cap and veil yellowish or

bluish ...................KEY 2. Sect. Delibuti 

- Spores ellipsoid, amygdaloid or citriform; cap

yellow, brown or bluish, veil white to bluish...2

2. Taste of flesh and/or cuticle bitter, spores

at most 9 µm long (not covered here)

..................................Sect. Vibratiles

- Taste of flesh and cuticle mild, spores at

least 10 µm long, coarsely ornamented ...........

............................Sect. Myxacium..3 

3. Clamps present in cuticular tissue; swollen

cells on gill margin absent or inconspicuous

and seldom broader than basidia; smell of stipeflesh unremarkable ...KEY 3. Stirps Colliniti 

- Clamps absent throughout; gill margin with

persistent swollen cells 15-30 µm wide; smell

usually of honey, especially when stipe base is

rubbed..................KEY 4. Stirps Defibulati 

KEY 2. Sect. Delibuti 

1. Pileus 2-8 cm pale to bright yellow or

ochraceous, without any violet hues. Lamellae

and upper stipe often lilac-violet. Commonwith a wide range of broad-leaved trees,

especially Betula..........................C. delibutus

- Pileus with some tint of lilac, violet or bluish ..2

2. Pileus and stipe deep violet when young, fading

but always with violet tones. Pileus 4-9 cm,

stipe clavate; spores 7.5-10 x 6-8.5µm. On

calcareous soils in broad-leaved woods, rare.....

.........................................................C. salor 

- Pileus and stipe with more greyish-lilac to

greyish-ochre colours. Northern species little

known in Britain ..........................................3

3. Entire fruitbody uniformly greyish-lilac to

grey-blue, strongly glutinous; veil hyphae

smooth; spores 6-7 x 5-6 µm. With conifers or

broad-leaved trees......................C. emunctus

- Fruitbody with strong contrast between pileus

colour and paler stipe, pileus soon fading to

ochraceous; veil hyphae encrusted with

granular pigment; spores 7.5-10 x 6-8.5 µm.

With Picea or Betula......................................4

4. Pileus often with olivaceous tones, convex,

brownish-ochre to yellowish from centre,

slightly bluish-lilac at margin; lamellae pale

violet at first; stipe clavate, soon pale ochre with

veil forming adpressed belts.......C. transiens* 

- Pileus greyish-lilac then soon pale ochre;

lamellae pale bluish; stipe slender, clavate, pale

greyish with faint ochre veil .........C. betulinus

KEY 3. Stirps Colliniti 

1. With dwarf Salix in arctic-alpine sites ............2

- With other tree hosts or if withSalix then in

lowland swampy or coastal habitats ...............3

2. Spores 11.5-14 x 7-8.5 µm; cap very dark

reddish brown, almost blackish at centre;stipe cylindric-swollen at base; with Salix in

acidic alpine habitats......C. alpinus sensu auct.

- Spores 16-20 x 7-9 µm; cap fawn-orange, paler

at margin; stipe attenuated at base; withSalix

in calcareous alpine habitats .........C. alpinus*

sensu Boudier

3. With Salix or Populus, in swampy areas, rarely

Quercus, Betula or Fagus.With glutinous brown

girdles on the stipe, spores 10.5-12.5 (13) x

6-7 (7.5) µm .................................C. trivialis- With Picea, Pinus or arctic-alpine Betula .........4

4. Stipe with irregular, glutinous violet girdles;

pileus strongly glutinous, red brown; spores

13-16 x 7.5-9.5 µm; with Picea in Scotland.......

..................................................C. collinitus

- Stipe smooth or cracking into girdles only at

base, white to faintly violet; pileus warm orange

to olive-brown; with Pinus or Betula ...............5

5. With Pinus; pileus glutinous, warm orange-

brown; stipe smooth, white; spores 11.5-14

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(14.5) x 5.5-7 (7.5) µm................C. mucosus

- With Betula spp. (and other broadleaves?) in

arctic or sub-alpine sites; spores broader 11-13

x 6.5-8.5 µm. Two species that might conceiv-

ably occur in Scotland ..................................6

6. Pileus bright orange to orange-brown often

with dark centre; stipe white cracking into

irregular girdles at base...............C. grallipes* 

- Pileus dull ochre to olivaceous-brown, darker

at centre; stipe white to palest violet, smooth....

......................................C. fennoscandicus* 

KEY 4. Stirps Defibulati 

1. Stipe violaceous, at least in part.....................2

- Stipe white (at most with the faintest flush of

violet at apex or when very young) .................5

2. Pileus large (4-12 cm), dark brown to violet-

brown, conical and strongly radially wrinkled ;

lamellae dark umber when mature, strongly

interveined; stipe fusiform, violet in lower half,

cracking into scales; spores 12-14 (15) x 7.5-

9.5 (11) µm; broad-leaved woods, esp. Fagus,

uncommon .....................................C. elatior 

- Usually smaller and less wrinkled; gills palerand not noticeably interveined ......................3

3. Pileus 3-5 cm, beige, grey-ochre; stipe 3-5 cm,

fusiform; resembling a miniature C. elatior ;

spores (9)10-12 (13) x 6-7 (8) µm. Broad-

leaved woods, esp. Fagus, seldom recorded

(C. pumilus of CBIB).......C. livido-ochraceus

- Pileus 5-7 cm; stipe longer (C. stillatitius of

CBIB and Funga Nordica) .............................4

4. Spores 11-13 µm long, pileus brownish-ochre,

olivaceous-brown to reddish-brown. Common

in southern broad-leaved woodlands (widely

known as C. pseudosalor ) ........C. mucifluoides

- Spores 13-16 µm long; very similar to previous

species, usually very glutinous and with darker

brown cap colours. Confined to acid northern

conifer/birch woodland, esp. with Picea; British

frequency unknown..............C. integerrimus

5. Pileus dark grey-brown, umber, hardly viscid;

lamellae livid-clay, stipe white, spores 10.5-13

(14) x 6.5-7.5 (8) µm. Broad-leaved woods ......

...............................................C. pangloius* 

- Pileus much paler, greyish-clay or yellow,

yellow-ochre, saffron, cinnamon to fulvous.....6

6. With Pinus or Picea; pileus greyish-clay to dull

ochre-brown; stipe white to pale violaceous,

frequent in Scotland, less so further south ........

................................................C. mucifluus

- With Fagus or Quercus; pileus colours brighter

tawny orange to fulvous-ochre.......................7

7. Pileus tawny orange; stipe white; with Fagus.

A poorly understood species, not accepted

here ........................................C. arvinaceus

- Pileus fulvous-ochre to pale buff, conical-

wrinkled; stipe with white to cream bands of

veil on stipe. Exclusively with Quercus? ............

..............................................C. zosteroides

* = Not known in Britain


Section Myxacium

Stirps Colliniti Four species are discussed here; three other boreal

species are included in Funga Nordica.

C. collinitus (Sowerby:Fr.) Gray (Fig. 2)

ss. J.E. Lange, non sensu Sowerby nec Fries

(= C. muscigenus Peck)

(= C. caerulipes (A.H. Smith) Bidaud et al .)

The warm orange-brown (very glutinous) pileus

combined with pinkish-violaceous bands of veil on

the stipe of this Picea associate could possibly leadto confusion with species of section Defibulati 

such as C. integerrimus or C. mucifluoides.

However, the veil tends to break into thick gluti-

nous girdles and has clamp connections, as in

C. trivialis. Its spores are amygdaliform, 13-16 x

7.5-9.5 µm and coarsely warted. In the UK, this

rare species seems to be more or less restricted to

Scotland, with records from the south few and

rather doubtful. Orton (1955) allowed hardwood

hosts, but it is probable these were misidentifica-

tions, possibly also the records with Pinus cited in



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Fig. 3. Cortinarius alpinus (= C. favrei  sensu CBIB) collected by Liz Holden, Loch Etchachen, Northern

Cairngorms, Scotland, September 2000, growing with dwarf Salix . Photograph © Alan Outen.

Fig. 2. Cortinarius collinitus, an uncommon northern species with lavender bands of glutinous veil on the stipe

and warm, orange-brown tones in the the pileus. Hermitage, Inver, Perthshire, Scotland, September 1988.

Photograph © Alan Outen.

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Fig. 4. Cortinarius mucosus, a northern species associated with Pinus and one of the more easily recognisable

species in the group. Inverey woods, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Photograph © Geoffrey Kibby.

Fig. 5. Cortinarius trivialis showing the characteristic bands of velar material on the stipe and the often lavender

lamellae when young. Under Salix by a pond, Kindrogan, Perthshire Sept. 2008. Photograph © Antony Burnham.

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Nomenclatural note on C. collinitus

There are long-standing problems with the use

of this name. Sowerby’s (1797) original descrip-

tion and illustration is of a species growing with

Quercus in Honour Oak Park, Peckham, SE

London; clearly not the species described here. In

CFP Vol. 2 there is a long discussion as to the

benefits of retaining the name in the sense of 

Lange (1938), rather than attempting to interpret

Sowerby’s description. We follow CFP,  Funga

 Nordica, Moser etc in adopting Lange’s concept of 

C. collinitus. In CFP Vol. 1 pl. A34 this species was

called by the later name C. muscigenus Peck

(1888), amended in Vol. 2 to C. collinitus. Bidaud

et al . (2000) reject the name C. collinitus and

choose instead to raise C. collinitus var. typicus f.

caerulipes A.H. Smith to species level, but this is

clearly predated by C. muscigenus Peck. The latter

was convincingly demonstrated by Bendiksen et 

al. (1992) to be the same as our European taxon.

To accommodate Fries’ concept (which is neither

that of Sowerby nor that of Lange but of a taxon

close to what we now call C. trivialis), Bidaud et al.

(2000) have erected a further species: C. collini-

toides. Bidaud, in Bon (2001) considers the

C. muscigenus of B&K5 Fig. 283 to be in factC.collinitoides.

Cortinarius alpinus Boudier ss. auct. (Fig. 3)

(= C. favrei D.M. Henderson)

Recognised by its growth with dwarf Salix in

montane habitats, its pileus is glutinous, dark red-

brown to olivaceous-brown or even blackish-

brown at centre. The stipe is white, rarely faintly

violet, glutinous but with the veil soon drying and

cracking. Spores are 11.5-14 x 7-8.5 µm. In CBIBthis species is listed under the later name

C. favrei , accepting the argument in B&K Vol.5

that the true C. alpinus of Boudier is a distinct but

rare species with larger spores, rediscovered in the

Alpes Maritimes in the 1970’s. We here accept the

counter-argument (Peintner 2008) that Boudier's

spore measurements over a wide range of species

are known to be on average 10% too high. and

that no herbarium material can be traced, new or

old, to justify two different species. We retain

C.alpinus sensu Boudier in our key however on the

chance that a large-spored taxon really does exist

in the Alpes Maritimes, awaiting rediscovery.

C. mucosus (Bull.) J.J. Kickx (Fig. 4)

The dark orange-brown colours of this large gluti-

nous species, combined with white veil on the

stipe and long spores (11.5-14(14.5) x 5.5-7(7.5)

µm with a Q of about 2) make it difficult to

confuse with other species of this section. The

typical habitat is with Vaccinium on rather dry,

poor soils, often in lichen-dominated sites with 2-

needled Pinus spp., as in the illustrated collection

from Inverey Woods, Aberdeenshire. It may well

be a good indicator species for ancient Caledonian

pinewoods, as it seems mostly restricted to

Scotland in the UK, and a considerable propor-

tion of the records on the Fungal Records

Database (

FRDBI.asp) are from localities rich in stipitate

hydnoid species characteristic of such woods.

In more alpine areas consider also the

broadleaf associates C. alpinus, C. grallipes and

C.fennoscandicus (see Key).

Cortinarius trivialis J.E. Lange (Fig. 5)

(? = C. fulvosquamosus P.D. Orton)

In the broad sense as treated here, one of the moreeasily recognisable species of Myxacium by virtue

of its brown-girdled stipe caused by the rupturing

of the glutinous veil, plus habitat typically with

Salix or Populus but also recorded with other

hardwood hosts. Spores are 10.5-12.5(13) x 6-

7(7.5) µm. Orton (1977) described a closely

related species C. fulvosquamosus, paler coloured,

particularly in its stipe, which is almost white and

with longer spores 12-15 (16) µm long, associated


in sandy coastal habitats. Collectionsare recorded from Scotland, Wales and England.

It is listed in CBIB but C. trivialis is so variable,

with numerous varieties in the literature that

might fit Orton’s species, that we choose not to

include it separately here, pending the results of 

molecular studies currently being undertaken by a

Nordic group (K. Bendiksen pers.comm.).

Bidaud et al. (2000) cover this section of 

 Myxacium, and consider C. trivialis s.str. to be a

taxon without violet in the gills. Lange (1938)

described the lamellae as 'livid grey', but it seems

likely that - as is common in other species - the

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lavender hue is variable and fugitive. Certainly

forms are found in the field with quite bright

violet lamellae and names exist in the literature for

these taxa. A good introduction to the intricacies

of this complex is the key to Section Colliniti  in

Tartarat (1988: 55-62).

Stirps Defibulati 

Eight species are discussed here, one of which is

rejected and one doubtful. There are a number of 

unresolved taxonomic and nomenclatural

problems. The treatment below is based on several

recent works (noted in the descriptions) and we

believe represents the current state of knowledge

in a still fluid situation. It differs in some respects

from both CBIB and  Funga Nordica. Further

molecular studies are badly needed in this group.

Cortinarius arvinaceus Fr.

There are considerable problems with this name,

for which we can find no convincing modern

interpretation. Most describe it, wrongly, as a

bright yellow-capped species, with a white stem

(possibly flushed palest violet), but they disagree

on habitat and spore size. B&K5 have small

spores 9.5-13.7 x 6.2-8.2 µm and state that it isconfined to chalk soils under Fagus.Bidaud, in

Bon (2001) thinks that the illustration in

B&K5 might be his provisional taxon C. mellei-

color ), while Bidaud et al . (2000) describe it

with spores 12-14(16) x 7.5-9.5 µm and

habitat with Quercus and Carpinus on sandy-

calcareous soils. Soop (2004) does not

mention spore size but shows a very bright

yellow slender taxon growing with pine in acid

soils along with one of the reindeer lichens.Ricken (1910-15) has the largest spores at 15-

17 x 8-9 µm. He alone agrees with the type

description (Fries, 1838) in describing and

illustrating a species under Fagus with a tawny

orange cap (“aurantio-fulvus” of Fries). The

current interpretation of this species as bright

yellow may have arisen from Fries’ reference to

Plate 73 (figs 16-18) of Krombholtz (1831-

1846) which does indeed show a bright yellow

pileus. However, Fries only states that it agrees

“e statura” and says he has never seen it

painted: “ fucatam non vidi ” (he may have seen

an early uncoloured plate of Krombholtz’ work

which wasn’t published until eight years after

Fries’ description). Even Krombholtz himself 

describes the cap of C. arvinaceus as “aurantio-

 fulvus” despite the garish yellow colouring of the

plate.  Funga Nordica do not include the species at

all and it seems likely that sensu Fries/Ricken it

might be just a white-stemmed form of one of the

normally violet-stemmed species. The name might

better be abandoned as a nomen dubium and the

bright yellow taxa with hosts other than  Fagus

illustrated by Soop and B&K5 given new names.

Several yellow-capped species have been

described by Bidaud et al . (2000), one of which

might well fit their concepts. Specimens have been

recorded as C. arvinaceus from several localities in

England, Scotland and Northern Ireland usually

associated with  Fagus (one of these is shown on

the front cover of this issue of FM). For the time

being however we reject this name as a nomen


Cortinarius elatior Fr. (Figs 6 & 7)

A large species (4-12 cm across), uncommon in

Fig. 6. A painting of C. elatior in Fries (1877-84) showing the

coarsely radially wrinkled pileus, deep brown gills and radi-cant stipe with veil dispersed as ragged bands. The viola-

ceous tones in the print appear to have faded to greys.

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Britain in our experience, usually associated with

 Fagus and other broad-leaved trees. Orton (1955)

correctly pointed out that Fries was quite specific

in his description of the species: it should have a

conical, strongly radially wrinkled brown pileus,

sometimes flushed violet; lamellae dark umber

brown to purplish-brown and strongly interveined

when mature; stipe radicant with the sticky, violet

surface veil breaking up into ragged floccose zones

and scales. The spores are 12-14 (15) x 7.5-9.5

(11) µm, limoniform and coarsely warted. The

macroscopic features are well illustrated in the

plate in Fries (1877-84), reproduced here (Fig. 6).

Note that as is common in many of Fries’ plates

the violaceous tints seem to have faded to grey.

These same characters can be seen in the photo-

graph of the collection by Shelley Evans (Fig. 7).

The pileus cuticle consists of an ixotrichoderm

(more or less vertical hyphae embedded in a

viscous slime) and the width and length of these

hyphae can be helpful in differentiating species

within this group (see Kärcher, 2004 and

Consiglio et al ., 2006). In C. elatior they are 3-5

µm in width, with narrow apices and with

relatively few septa (Fig. 8). Compare these with

those of C.mucifluoides in the same figure.

This species was called C. livido-ochraceus in

CFP and hence in CBIB. But we agree with

Kärcher (2004) that C. livido-ochraceus is a

separate and usually much smaller taxon which

may turn out to be not uncommon in Britain (see

description below).

Cortinarius grallipes Fr.

(? = C. septentrionalis of CFP)

This is a rarely reported species described by Fries

(1838) as having a viscid, hygrophanous and

umbonate pileus, orange-brown when wet, ochre

when dry; stipe long, viscid, and yellowish with

age. He found it in mixed woods of 


A recent concept is that of Moser (2001) whohas a very good painting and describes it from

mixed  Fagus/Betula woods in Sweden. Its spores

are 9.4-14.7 x 6.5-7.7 µm. This description and

painting and the original description of Fries both

agree remarkably well with C. septentrionalis of 

CFP which we therefore regard as a potential


There is a British record of C. grallipes by

Cooke (1881-91 Vol. 5: 738 (734)) but his plate

looks very strange, possibly showing a species of 

Pholiota. There is no real evidence that it occurs in

Britain. Soop maintains C. grallipes as different

Fig. 8. Left: cuticular hyphae of C. elatior showing long

narrow hyphae with narrow apical cells. Right: cuticu-

lar hyphae of C. mucifluoides with shorter, often forked

cells and swollen apical cells. After Consiglio et al .


Fig. 7. Cortinarius elatior collected under Fagus, com-

pares very well with the painting in Fig. 6, especially

the dark pileus with deep wrinkling and the dark

umber lamellae. Photograph © Shelley Evans.

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from C. septentrionalis, oddly describing it as

smaller, paler and more olivaceous, which does

not agree at all with Fries’ description.

Cortinarius integerrimus Kühner.

(= C. stillatitius Fr. sensu auct. p.p.) (Figs 9 & 19)

A northern species usually associated with Picea,

but also Pinus and Betula. Its frequency in Britain

is unknown but there are several Scottish collec-

tions at Kew. Distinguishing features include the

dark brown, extremely glutinous pileus, lamellae

with bluish-lilac edges and a smooth stipe with

deep violet glutinous veil. Its spores are 13-16 x 7-

9 µm (compare particularly with C. mucifluoides

which has smaller spores and with which it has

been confused).

 Funga Nordica, CFP and CBIB use the name

C. stillatitius Fr. in a broad sense to include this

species and also C. mucifluoides (see below). Thus

CFP pl. A33 is this. But there is a problem with

the name C. stillatitius since Fries (1838)

described it as a rare species with pileus coated in

a bluish slime, which doesn’t really fit either of these species. We thus follow Marchand (1983)

and Soop (2004) in using Kühner’s unambiguous

name C. integerrimus (considered invalid in Funga

 Nordica, but Kühner (1989) supplied a validating

latin description). Some more northerly British

records of C. pseudosalor almost certainly refer to

this species, even if most are of the species here

called C. mucifluoides.

Cortinarius livido-ochraceus (Berk.) Berk.(? = C. pumilus (Fr.) J.E. Lange). (Fig.10)

Described by Berkeley from broad-leaved woods

at King’s Cliffe, Northamptonshire, this taxon was

considered in both CFP and  Funga Nordica to

provide an earlier name for C. elatior . We agree

with Kärcher (2004) that this is unlikely. The

original description is of a species approximately

2.5 cm across and of a similar height, with a

smooth, shining livid-ochraceous pileus and a

swollen-tapered, smooth violet stipe. We have

examined the type material at Kew and found the

spores to be (9)10-12(13) x 6-7(8) µm. This

Fig. 10. Cortinarius livido-ochraceus, a painting pre-

sumed to be of Berkeley’s type collection, filed with it

at Kew. Actual size. Reproduced with the kind permis-

sion of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Fig. 9. C. integerrimus showing the extremely glutinous

veil on pileus and stipe. A large-spored species found

with Pinus or Betula in northern woods. Faskally,

Perthshire, Scotland, September 2008. Photograph ©

Geoffrey Kibby.

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Vol 10 (2)

disagrees with the smaller size of 8-10 x 5-6 µm

given by Cooke (1883: p.250) who said “The large

size given in some books for the spores of this

species must be an error”. The description in

Orton (1955) with even smaller spores 7.5-9 x

4.5-5 must refer, at least in part, to a different

taxon entirely.

By contrast Kärcher found larger spores 11.5-

14(15) x 6.5-8 µm in his study of a collection

agreeing with the type description. He also found

that a study of the DNA of collections assigned to

C. elatior , C. livido-ochraceus and C. mucifluoides

supported their separation as species. Kärcher

found the cuticle of his concept of C. livido-

ochraceus to have broad hyphae 4-9 µm across with

end cells sometimes swollen. Examination (by

G.K.) of the type material in the herbarium, Kew

was unsuccessful in determining the nature of the

veil hyphae due to the age and poor condition of 

the dried material. C. livido-ochraceus may well be

a frequent species in British broad-leaved


Cooke (1886, Vol 5: pl 739(767)) appears to

illustrate a collection without violet on the stipe

and this plate has been commented upon and

referred to by others (Kärcher, Bidaud et al . etc),

but the discovery of Cooke’s original plate in Kew

reveals that he actually painted it with a violet

stipe and cap as per Berkeley’s description (see

back cover). It was during the subsequent repro-

duction in his book that the violet tones were lost.

Cortinarius pumilus (Fr.) J.E. Lange is

separately listed in CBIB, but we agree with

Kärcher that it is likely to be a synonym. The

name means ‘dwarf’. At species rank it dates only

from Lange (1938), see his Plate 89D.

Cortinarius mucifluoides (Rob. Henry) Rob.

Henry (Fig. 11)

(= C. stillatitius Fr. sensu auct .)

(= C. pseudosalor  J.E. Lange sensu auct. mult.)

(= C. konradianus Bidaud et al .).

We consider this the best name for the common

species found chiefly under Fagus in the southern

counties, listed in CBIB as C. stillatitius but more

widely known as C. pseudosalor . That species was

described by Lange from only one collection (and

hence for him a rare species) in a wood of Corylus

and Quercus. Although it might well be the same

species as that described here, we follow

Marchand (1983), Kärcher (2004) and Consiglioet al . (2006) in using Henry’s name which has a

full description with microscopic details. Lange’s

description lacks much of the detail needed for a

determination. C. mucifluoides resembles a smaller

C. elatior with pileus 3-7 cm across, honey-brown

to reddish-brown, smooth to only slightly

wrinkled. The lamellae are pallid greyish-ochre to

pale rust brown. The stipe is fusiform-radicant,

with a smooth, viscid violaceous veil which only

disrupts upon drying. Its spores are 11-13 x 6.5-7.5 µm and the cuticular hyphae are 5-7 µm across

with numerous septa and swollen end cells (Fig.

9). Kärcher’s DNA investigations support the

separation of this species from C.elatior .

Cortinarius mucifluus Fr. (Fig. 12?)

(= C. pinicola P.D. Orton)

This species is found under Pinus in Scotland,

rarer in the south and was described by Fries as

“Pileus livido-argillaceus”, i.e. blue-grey to clay.

Soop broadly agrees with this, describing it as

“pale grey-brown....margin greyish-white”. Fries

Fig. 11. C. mucifluoides with mainly smooth, unwrin-kled pileus, pale lamellae and smooth violaceous stipe.

Epping Forest, Essex. Photograph © Geoffrey Kibby

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goes on to describe the stipe as “albus l.

coerulescens”, i.e. white or becoming bluish (l . is an

abbreviation for vel  = or). Most subsequentauthors have ignored the fact that its stipe can

include blue in its colour range. Like other

members of this group the flesh of the stipe has a

strong odour of honey when bruised or rubbed. It

has very large citriform spores 12-16 (17) x 7-8.5

(9) µm. When Orton (1960) described C. pinicola

he wrote “I think it may be C. mucifluus in the

original sense of Fries (1838) or at least its main

component”. But he preferred to reject

C. mucifluus as a nomen confusum. Bidaud et al.(2000) treat C.pinicola as a variety of C.mucifluus,

differing in darker colours, though Orton

described it as “ochraceous buff to tawny ochra-


Cortinarius zosteroides P.D. Orton

(? = C. collinitus sensu Sowerby)

(? = C. elatior forma ochraceoplicatus Bidaud)

Seemingly known only from the five collections

cited in Peter Orton’s type description in 1983.

Katriina Bendiksen (pers. comm.) has examined

the type and found it to lack clamp connections

and to possess large, inflated cells on the lamellae

margins, placing it in stirps Defibulati . It is distin-

guished by its rather pale, conical pileus, 3.5-8.4cm across, saffron, sienna or fulvous, paler at the

margin and soon strongly wrinkled-striate at least

at the margin. The lamellae are deep buff to

fulvous-cinnamon. The stipe is slightly ventricose-

attenuated, whitish-buff becoming silky-flocculose

scaly at the apex, smooth and glutinous below and

breaking up into pale cream concentric,

sometimes ragged bands (giving rise to the species

name from the Greek ‘zoster’, a girdle). The flesh

is whitish and apparently without smell. Thespores are 12-15(16) x 7.5-9(10) µm according to

Orton, 12-13.8 x 7.1-8.5 µm as measured by K.

Bendiksen. Orton recorded it as growing appar-

ently with Quercus in Hampshire and Norfolk.

The large spores and wrinkled conical pileus

would place it close to C. elatior and there is a form

of that species - forma ochraceoplicatus described in

Bidaud et al . (2000) which appears to fit Orton’s

description very well. It might also conceivably be

the same as Sowerby’s C. collinitus, which his

painting shows associated with an oak leaf and

with bands of pale gluten on the stipe.


Vol 10 (2)

Fig. 12. A collection by Antony Burnham from Inverey, Perthshire, Scotland, Sept. 2008 agreeing with Orton’s

description of C. pinicola: “Pileus ochraceous buff to tawny ochraceous......the [stipe] scales being small and set

rather closely”. C. pinicola has been synonymised with C. mucifluus which is shown with a smoother, paler stipe

in most illustrations. Photograph © Geoffrey Kibby.

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Vol 10 (2)

Fig. 13. Cortinarius delibutus, young specimens with bright yellow pileus and violet-lilac hues in the young gills

and upper stipe. A common species growing with Betula throughout Britain. Common Wood, Oxfordshire, 18

October, 2006. Photograph © Penny Cullington.

Fig. 14. Cortinarius emunctus, a beautiful species with very glutinous bluish-grey pileus and stipe. In Betula and

Populus tremula woodland at Faskally, Perthshire, Sept. 2008. Photograph © Geoffrey Kibby.

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Section Delibuti 

Five species are listed as British in CBIB, of which

we here recognise four. Molecular studies may

well expand this number. All are rather similar and

only C. delibutus is at all commonly recorded. The

group is distinguished by its subglobose spores

(Fig. 1) and yellowish or blue universal veil.

Cortinarius betulinus J. Favre

Discussed at length in FM 6(1):3-4 (Kibby,

2005), this is a paler, duller species than C delibu-

tus, with more greyish or bluish-ochre colours. It

also differs from C. delibutus in having an ixotri-

choderm of more or less vertical incrusted hyphae

in the pileus cuticle. In C. delibutus the cuticle

consists of hyphae running parallel to the pileus

surface. Known from Scotland and the Quantock

Hills in Somerset. Likely to be northern in its

distribution and with Picea as well as Betula.

Cortinarius delibutus Fr. (Fig. 13)

Easily the commonest species in the section, its

egg-yolk yellow cap and veil contrast beautifully

with the pale violet young gills. Its spores are 6.5-

9.5 x 6-7 µm. However, the degree of violet

pigmentation in Cortinarius species can be quitevariable, so this may prove to be an unreliable

character for species discrimination. As a number

of forms exist, the species may well turn out to be

a complex of closely related taxa. Close to

C. delibutus (identical?) are C. illibatus Fr. (B&K5:

280), whitish-cream with pinkish gills when young

and C.subdelibutus P.D. Orton, which lacks pinkish

or violaceous tones in all parts of the fruitbody.

The latter is synonymised with C. illibatus in CBIB

while C. illibatus is mentioned in  Funga Nordica

but is not distinguished from C. delibutus, so for

the moment we exclude both.

Cortinarius emunctus Fr. (Fig. 14)

A handsome species with greyish-violet colours,

typically described in the literature as looking like

a viscous C. alboviolaceus. Scarcely known in

Britain (Scotland only), our collection was from

Betula and Populus tremula woodland at Faskally,

Perthshire, although Soop (2004) considers it to

be a Picea associate. This species is distinguished

from similar species in the section by not

decolouring to greenish or yellowish, and by the

hyphae of the veil lacking incrusting pigment.

This collection had subglobose spores 6-7 x 5-6

µm with Q = 1.1-1.3 for 80% of the spores.

In some texts this species is called C. epipoleus

(e.g. B&K5 278). For Consiglio et al . (2004)C. emunctus is a taxon with larger spores (> 8 µm

long). We follow the interpretation of CFP, CBIB


Vol 10 (2)

Fig. 15. Cortinarius emunctus as illustrated in Fries

(1877-84), showing the bluish-grey colours, umbonate

pileus and clear apical zone. Reproduced courtesy of

the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Fig. 16. Cortinarius epipoleus in Fries showing the

darker colours and more textured pileal surface.

Reproduced courtesy of the Royal Botanic Gardens,Kew. [The two fruitbodies have been repositioned to fit

the page].

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and  Funga Nordica. The type description of 

C. emunctus stresses the stipe apex as 'nude', and

the illustration in Fries clearly shows a sharp

contrast between the veil and the white flesh

above (Fig. 15). Our collection conforms to this.

In contrast, Fries’ description of C. epipoleus

makes no mention of this character and the

colour plate demonstrates this (Fig. 16). Fries

goes on to describe the pileus of C. epipoleus as

'almost silky', and the illustration shows radial

colour variations, most unlike our species which

has more or less even coloration. Therefore we

suggest that the interpretations of C. emunctus

and C. epipoleus in both Bidaud et al. (1992) and

Consiglio et al. (2004, pl. B53 & B55) might be

the wrong way round. Given the uncertainty of 

interpretation of C. epipoleus it might be better to

abandon it as a nomen confusum. Some consider

it to provide an earlier name for C. transiens

(Melot) Soop (formerly a variety of C. salor ),

which is an olivaceous species with a clavate stipe,

reported from one locality in Scotland but await-

ing confirmation.

Cortinarius salor Fr. (Fig. 17)

A rare species with a colour scheme reminiscent of Inocybe lilacina (deep violet, fading to ochraceous-

yellow at the centre of the cap). There are very few

records for the UK. A recent collection by Jo

Weightman from Queendown Warren in Kent

showed the purple colours vividly at first, but

faded to a duller hue by the time the photo was

taken a day later. Another purple and blue

coloured  Myxacium with which it might be

confused is C. croceocaeruleus, a member of 


, bitter tasting and usually with Fagus (Fig. 18). In contrast, the taste of this collec-

tion of C.salor was unpleasant but not bitter.


We would like to extend our thanks to Dr Brian

Spooner of the Mycology Herbarium, the Royal

Botanic Gardens, Kew, for permission to use the

resources there, Penny Cullington, Shelley Evans,

Alan Outen and Roger Phillips for the use of their

photographs and to Katriina Bendiksen and the

Nordic research group for her very useful corre-



Vol 10 (2)

Fig. 18. Cortinarius croceocaeruleus is a member of

Section Vibratiles macroscopically similar to C. salor (Fig. 17) but with ellipsoid spores (Fig. 1). Photograph

© Alan Outen.

Fig. 17. Cortinarius salor , a rare species in Britain dis-

tinguished by its strong violet hues on pileus and stipe,

combined with subglobose spores. Growing near

mixed broad-leaved trees on calcareous soil at

Queendown Warren, Kent, Oct. 2008. Collected by Jo

Weightman. Photograph © G. Kibby.

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Vol 10 (2)


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Fries, E. M. (1838). Epicrisis Systematis Mycologici.

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Kibby, G. (2005). Fungal Portraits No. 21:Cortinarius betulinus. Field Mycology 6(1): 3-4.

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Fig. 19. Painting of Cortinarius integerrimus collected in

woods near Sheffield, 2006. Painting © Geoffrey Kibby

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Field Mycology Volume 10 (2), April 2009

   C  o  m  p  a  r   i  s  o  n  o   f   t   h  e  o  r   i  g   i  n  a   l  p  a   i  n   t   i  n

  g  o   f   C  o  r   t   i  n  a  r   i  u  s   l   i  v   i   d  o  -  o  c   h  r  a  c  e  u  s   (   l  e   f   t   )  a  s  p  r  o   d  u  c  e   d   b  y   C  o  o   k  e  a  n   d   d   i  s  c  o  v  e  r

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  a  p  p  e  a  r  s   i  n   t   h  e  p  r   i  n   t  e   d  v  o   l  u  m  e  o   f   C

  o  o   k  e   ’  s   I   l   l  u  s   t  r  a   t   i  o  n  s  o   f   B  r   i   t   i  s   h   F  u  n  g   i .   I  n

   t   h  e  p  r   i  n   t  e   d  v  e  r  s   i  o  n  a   l   l  o   f   t   h  e  v   i  o   l  e   t   t  o  n  e  s   i  n   t   h  e  v   i  s  c   i   d  c  o  a   t   i  n  g  o  n   t   h  e  c  a  p  s  a  n   d  s   t  e  m  s   h  a  v  e

  v  a  n   i  s   h  e   d .

   T   h   i  s   h  a  s   l  e   d   t  o  c  o  n   f  u  s   i  o

  n   i  n  r  e  c  e  n   t   t  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t  s  o   f   t   h   i  s  s  p  e  c   i  e  s

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  c  o  n  c  e   i  v  e   d   i   t  a  s  n  o   t   b  e   i  n  g  v   i  o   l  a  c  e  o  u  s .

   R  e  p  r  o   d  u  c   t   i  o  n  s

  c  o  u  r   t  e  s  y  o   f   t   h  e   R  o  y  a   l   B  o   t  a  n   i  c   G  a  r

   d  e  n  s ,

   K  e  w .

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