Corsi di Guida Pilota Ferrari - Autoropa · 1. L’EVOLUZIONE PILOTA FERRARI / PILOTA FERRARI EVOLUTION pagine / pages 4-5 2. PARTEcIPARE AI cORsI / TAkINg PART IN ThE cOURsEs pagine

Post on 06-Jan-2019






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Corsi di Guida Pilota FerrariPilota Ferrari Driving Courses




2. PARTEcIPAREAIcORsI/TAkINg PART IN ThE cOURsEs pagine/pages6-7

3. cORsOsPORT/sPORTs dRIVINg cOURsE pagine/pages8-11

4. cORsOAVANZATO/AdVANcEd cOURsE pagine/pages12-15

5. cORsOEVOLUZIONE/EVOLUTION cOURsE pagine/pages16-19

6. cORsOscUOLAPILOTIchALLENgE/scUOLA PILOTI chALLENgE cOURsE pagine/pages20-23

7. cORsOchALLENgE/chALLENgE cOURsE pagine/pages24-27








I corsidiguidaPilotaFerrari rappresentano la storiadiunprogettodi successochenascenel1993conl’obiettivodioffrireaiclientiFerrariunserviziodialtissimoprofilotecnicoelogisticoeperpermetterglidigustareappienoedinsicurezzaleformidabiliprestazionideimodellidelcavallinoRampante.

I contenuti dei corsi sono stati sviluppati ed evoluti nel tempo con continuità,professionalitàedattenzionealleaspettativedeiclientiFerrari,elaborandounadidatticadiguidasemprepiùraffinataedapprofondita,completatadallepiùmodernetecnologiedelsettoreedallineataall’evoluzionetecnologicadeimodelliFerrari.

Il percorsoPilotaFerrari adisposizioneesclusivadei clientiprevede l’opportunitàdifrequentarevariesuccessivilivellidicorso,chepropongonocontenutiviaviapiùtecniciecomplessi,erogaticonsapientecadenza,daaffrontarefacendotesorodell’esperienza,sensibilitàetecnicadiguidaacquisiteduranteicorsiprecedenti.Partendodalcorsosport,transitandodailivelliAvanzatoedEvoluzione,perarrivareallascuolaPilotichallengeedalcorsochallenge,ilclienteFerrarihalapossibilitàdimigliorareconcretamenteilpropriostilediguidaelapropriacapacitàalvolante,alpuntodapoteracquisireunapadronanzataledacompetereconsicurezzanelleveregaredelcampionatochallenge.




1. PILOTA FERRARI EVOLUTIONWelcome to the Pilota Ferrari driving courses

Pilota Ferrari driving courses represent the story of a successful project that began in 1993 with the objective of offering Ferrari customers a service of the highest technical and logistical profile and enabling them to savour the formidable performance of the models of the Prancing horse to the full, in safety.

The course contents have been developed and have evolved over time with continuity, professionalism and attention to Ferrari customer expectations, developing a driver teaching methodology which is ever more refined and detailed, made complete with the most modern technologies in the field and aligned with the technological evolution of the Ferrari models.

The Pilota Ferrari course, exclusively available to customers, provides the opportunity to attend various and successive course levels, offering content which is increasingly technical and complex, delivered at the perfect pace, to be tackled using the experience, sensitivity and driving technique acquired in previous courses. starting from the sport course, by passing through the Advanced and Evolution levels, reaching the scuola Pilota challenge and challenge course, Ferrari customers have the opportunity to really improve their driving style and skills behind the wheel, to the point of being able to acquire sufficient mastery to compete safely in real challenge championship races.

A complete program, therefore, perfectly structured, able to match the various expectations of the students, thanks to the use of circuits with a high technical level and equipped with specific infrastructures, cutting-edge scenarios perfect for sports driving courses where Ferrari cars and customers are the protagonists.



Vettureconprestazioniestreme,gareautomobilisticheelosviluppodipilotifannopartedell’essenzadellaFerrari.PrendereparteaicorsidiguidaPilotaFerrarisignificaperciòessereformatidallepersonepiùcompetentiafarlo.Ipiloti-istruttori,professionistidallalunga esperienza al volante delle auto della Ferrari, sono in grado di accompagnarel’allievodalcorsosportaquellipiùevoluti.

Ladinamicadiquestaprogressioned’insegnamentoèdidatticamenteintegrataepermettedi seguire corsi successivifinoa raggiungereun livello“racing”, con lapossibilitàdiproseguirenellaserieFerrarichallenge.Allostessotempol’insegnamentoètotalmentepersonalizzato,perfareinmodochel’allievoarriviasfruttarealmassimoleformidabiliprestazionidellevettureFerrari.



2. TAkINg PART IN ThE cOURsEsA multi-level course for continuous progress

cars with extreme performance, motor racing and driver development are what Ferrari is all about. Taking part in a Pilota Ferrari driving course means learning from the people best equipped to teach you. drivers-instructors are all professionals with years of Ferrari driving experience behind them, equipped to accompany “beginners” from the sport course to the most advanced levels.

The didactically integrated learning path of Pilota Ferrari sports driving courses lets you progress through a succession of levels right up to “racing” level. At this point, if you wish, you can enter the Ferrari challenge series. At the same time, teaching is totally personalized, so that students can be sure of learning how to make full use of the amazing performance that Ferrari cars offer.

The selection and preparation of the Ferrari cars made available for students to drive on the Fiorano track is therefore of fundamental importance. The fleet consists of nine 458 Italias, four F12berlinettas and five 458 challenges. These models provide course participants with the ideal learning opportunity, as well as the ultimate driving experience.


ll corso Pilota Ferrari offre un progetto completo e progressivo finalizzato al massimoapprendimentodelletecnichediguidasportiva.Neiduegiornidicorsovienesviluppatouncoinvolgenteprogrammaspecifico,caratterizzatodaunametodologiadidatticaesclusivaepersonalizzata,suvettureFerrari,inpistaenegliesercizidicontrollovettura.







The Pilota Ferrari course offers a complete, progressive programme focused on giving participants a comprehensive understanding of sport driving techniques. The course consists of a specific and exciting two-day training programme based on an exclusive, personalized teaching method, using Ferrari cars for track work and vehicle control exercises.

Twenty-eight customers are divided into four groups of seven participants each and receive direct, engaging instruction on the most efficient driving position in the cockpit, progressive accelerator and brake control, establishing precise driving lines through bends and braking and acceleration techniques. Teaching leads up to thrilling car control exercises that include conditions of power oversteer.

The course also provides a great opportunity for getting familiar with the actual performance of various Ferrari models thanks to a programme that lets you experience different electronic vehicle control setups. The practical instruction is completed by several theory sessions aimed at giving a more in-depth insight into driving technique and helping drivers analyse vehicle behaviour.

3. sPORTs dRIVINg cOURsE In the driving seat: the first step towards competitive driving



Per quei clienti che hanno già partecipato al corso sport, apprendendo le tecnichefondamentali di pilotaggio, la Ferrari offre la possibilità di effettuare uno stage diapprofondimento.

IlcorsoAvanzatoprevede20partecipanti,suddivisi in4gruppida5personeciascuno.PeripartecipantièprevistounusointensivoespecialisticodellevettureFerrari,nozioniavanzatediguidaveloceedicontrollovettura,iltuttonellamassimacontinuitàdiesercizioenellaconsuetasicurezza.

L’approfondimentooffertodalcorsoAvanzatocoinvolgeanchealcunesessionidi teoriaeprevedeunadidatticaaltamentepersonalizzatasecondoleattitudinitecnicheestilidiguidadiognipartecipante,grazieall’utilizzocontinuativodelsistemadiacquisizionedatiin vettura (telemetria).A partire da questo livello di corso i partecipanti acquisisconola consapevolezza delle proprie performance alla guida, cimentandosi anche in provedinamiche di abilità, che verranno sviluppate maggiormente nel successivo corsoEvoluzione.




4. AdVANcEd cOURsE Further instruction on high-speed driving and vehicle control

For customers who have already completed the sport course and grasped the basic driving techniques, Ferrari offers this second, more advanced programme.

The Advanced course admits twenty participants, divided into four groups of five each. Participants get the opportunity to do plenty of intensive, specialist Ferrari driving and learn about advanced high-speed driving and vehicle control. As always, the emphasis is on continuity in practice and safety.

The Advanced course also involves several theory sessions that can be individually tailored to suit the technical aptitude and driving style of each participant, thanks to the continuous use of the in-car data acquisition system (telemetry). starting from this level of course, participants learn to analyse their own performance behind the wheel, including through dynamic skill trials. This is elaborated upon in the follow-on Evolution course.



suddivisiin4gruppidi4partecipanticiascunoiclientipossonoviverel’esperienzadellaloropartecipazioneal corsoEvoluzione, integrando le tecnichediguidadiunaFerraristradaleconlesensazioniunicheedentusiasmantichesipossonoprovarealvolantedivettureracing458challenge.

Tecniche ed emozioni sono valorizzate da analisi telemetriche approfondite, basateanche sull’uso divetture e pneumatici da competizione; il tutto corredato da didatticaestremamente personalizzata evotata al miglioramento dettagliato della tecnica e dellaprestazionepersonalediguidadiognisingoloallievo,sempregrazieall’ausiliointensivodeisistemidiacquisizionedati.

L’obiettivoprincipaleè infatti lanaturale“evoluzione”delcorsoPilotaFerrari:sviluppodeicontenutidisportivitàperlaguidadituttiigiorniattraversoun’attivitàdipistaadaltolivello,dovemisurareleperformancedelleFerraristradali,leperformanceracingdella458challengeedancheiproprilimitipersonaliattraversoprovedinamichediabilità.




5. EVOLUTION cOURsE Technical excellence and on-track thrills: the emotion of sports performance

The Evolution course divides participants into four groups of four and offers them the opportunity to develop their on-road Ferrari driving skills while experiencing the unique thrill of driving a 458 challenge race car.

driving techniques and excitement are enhanced by in-depth telemetric analysis, also based on the use of competition cars and tyres. What’s more, a highly personalised teaching approach is dedicated to improving the technique and personal performance of each participant in every detail. Again, this is thanks to intensive use of data acquisition systems.

As its name suggests, the Evolution course is the natural “evolution” of the Pilota Ferrari course. By means of dynamic skill trials, the course helps drivers adapt sports driving techniques to day-to-day situations in advanced track sessions during which they discover the performance of road-going Ferraris and that of the 458 challenge race car, plus their own personal limits.



scuolaPilotichallengerappresentaun’ulterioreopportunitàperpassaredall’esperienzadiguidasportivaPilotaFerrarialmondoagonisticodelcampionatochallenge.InfattipericlientichedesideranoaverelapossibilitàdicondensareicontenutidelcorsoEvoluzioneconquellidelcorsochallengeinununicoedintensivoevento,Ferrariharealizzatouninnovativo formatprogettatopresso l’autodromodiVaranode’Melegari inprovinciadiParma,sedeanchedeicorsichallenge.

IlcorsoscuolaPilotichallengesibasasuicontenutidiestremaqualità,professionalitàepersonalizzazionedidattica chevengonoabitualmente sviluppati inoccasionedei livellidi corso più elevati del programma Pilota Ferrari: Evoluzione e challenge. Quindi unrapportomoltoaccuratoepersonaletraallievoedistruttore,nonchél’usointensivodellatelemetria per sviscerare I concetti più complessi edettagliati di guida sia sulmodellostradalechesuquelloracing

Adisposizionedegliallievisiale458ItaliaeF12berlinettaconcuiiniziarel’attivitàperapprendereletecnicheevolutediguidasportiva,siale458challengeconcuiapprofondirel’impostazione di guida racing, finalizzata alla preparazione agonistica dei partecipantichepotrannoinseguitoancheparteciparealcampionatochallenge.InfattiancheilcorsoscuolaPilotichallengepotràesserecompletatoconiltestdiabilitazioneallaconduzioneingaradivettureoltre2.000cc,richiestadallaFederazioneNazionalepergareggiarenelchallengeFerrari.




6. scUOLA PILOTI chALLENgE cOURsE The introduction to the world of Ferrari competition: from driving quality to pure performance

scuola Piloti challenge is a further opportunity to pass from the experience of Pilota Ferrari sports driving to the challenge championship racing world. For customers who want to be able to condense the contents of the Evolution course plus challenge course in a unique and intensive event, Ferrari has developed an innovative format designed at the Varano de’ Melegari racetrack, in the province of Parma, venue for the challenge course as well.

The scuola Piloti challenge course is based on contents of the utmost quality and professionalism with personalised teaching, usually developed during the highest-level courses of the Pilota Ferrari programme: Evolution and challenge. This means a very thorough and personal relationship between participant and instructor, as well as the intensive use of telemetry to dissect the more complex and detailed driving concepts, both on the road and racing models.

Available to the students are both the 458 Italias and F12berlinettas, to start with in order to learn advanced sports driving techniques, and the 458 challenges, for developing the approach to race driving, with the aim of preparing the participants for competitive driving. They will subsequently be able to take part in the challenge championship. At the end of the scuola Piloti challenge course too, participants can take the test for racing cars of over 2,000 cc, required by the National Federation to compete in the Ferrari challenge.




Èstatoprogettatoperoffrirealclienteunservizioaltamenteprofessionaleetecnicamenteevoluto, che avvicini i partecipanti al mondo agonistico della Marca. Quindi, agliapprofondimentimiratiadunperfezionamentodelleprestazionidiguidavalutateanchesultemposulgiroesullacontinuitàdirendimento,siaggiungonotuttigliinsegnamentiutiliperarrivareagareggiarenelchallengeFerrariinmodoprofessionale,sicuroecompetitivo.

Il programma dinamico è basato su sessioni di guida in pista ispirate al modello 458challenge,convalutazionicronometricheetelemetriche,chepermettanoaipartecipantidi acquisire i concetti agonisticidibase,quali le tecnichedipartenzaedi sorpasso, leproceduredellevariefasiincuisiarticolalagara,imetodidiset-updellavettura,nonchégliaspettiregolamentari.





7. chALLENgE cOURsE The highest expression of driving in the spirit of a “real Ferrari racing driver”

The Pilota Ferrari project is completed by the challenge course, the ultimate expression of sports driving courses dedicated to Ferrari customers. This course takes the sports concepts developed in the previous three programmes to their logical conclusion.

Ferrari has created the challenge course to provide highly professional and technically advanced instruction in order to bring customers closer to the world of Ferrari racing. It therefore provides in-depth instruction aimed at perfecting driving technique and maintaining constant performance over timed track sessions and also teaches participants how they can take part in the Ferrari challenge professionally, safely and competitively.

The dynamic programme is based on track driving sessions related to the 458 challenge. chronometric and telemetric assessment is used to help participants gain familiarity with basic racing techniques, like starting and overtaking, the procedures for the various stages of a race, car setup methods and race rules and regulations.

Finally, at the end of the challenge course, participants can take the test for racing cars of over 2,000 cc, required by the National Federation to compete in the Ferrari challenge. The challenge course therefore offers a highly exciting and professional experience, for becoming a “real Ferrari race driver”.



AlvolantediunaFerrarisiprovaunaspecialeemozione,daaffrontareperòconsicurezzaeconsapevolezza.Perquestol’AziendahadecisodiorganizzarePilotaFerrariAroundtheWorld,unprogrammadicorsidiguidasportivachecostituirà laprimaefondamentaleesperienzadiunprogrammachepuòportarefinoallapreparazioneallegare.

Ilserviziosirivolgeaimercatieaidealerchevoglionooffrireaipropriclientiunservizioraffinatoecompleto.graziealprogrammaPilotaFerrariAroundtheWorldiclientidellaMarcapotrannoapprenderelacorrettatecnicadiguidaeprovareleeffettiveprestazionideiproprimodelliFerrari,nelcontestocoinvolgentediuncircuitoufficiale.Unprogrammapredisposto in modo professionale per raggiungere i migliori risultati di soddisfazionedeipartecipanti,maanchepersonalizzabileallespecificitàerichiestedelMercatoedellarelativaclientela,grazieallaflessibilitàorganizzativagarantitadall’esperienzaecontinuitàdiattivitàworldwidedelprogrammaPilotaFerrari,lascuolaufficialeFerrariconsedeaMaranello.

Iltuttoconlagaranziadiunsupportotecnicoedidatticoaltamentespecializzatodipiloti-istruttori,professionistiedesperti,chefannopartedelteamPilotaFerrari,particolarmentepreparatosugliaspettitecnicierelazionaliconlaclientelaFerrari,integratodaunostaffcompleto e professionale incaricato di gestire l’accoglienza dei clienti ed il controllometicolosodellevetturepersonaliutilizzateinpista.IlPilotaFerrariAroundtheWorldèuncorsodiguidapropedeuticoalprogrammadiattivitàPilotaFerrari.




8. PILOTA FERRARI AROUNd ThE WORLd sports driving goes global

getting behind the wheel of a Ferrari is a special feeling. It is, however, one which should be accompanied by safety and knowledge. For this reason, Ferrari has decided to organise Pilota Ferrari Around the World, a programme of sports driving courses that will provides the essential initial experience of a programme that can lead you to preparing to race.

This initiative is aimed at markets and dealers who want to offer their customers a complete and advanced service. Thanks to the Pilota Ferrari Around the World program, Ferrari customers will be able to learn correct driving technique and experience the performance of their Ferraris for themselves in the gripping context of an official racing circuit. The programme is professionally organised to enable participants to achieve the highest possible degree of satisfaction, but can be customised, to meet the needs and requests of individual markets and customers, thanks to the organisational flexibility guaranteed by the experience and continuous worldwide activity of the Pilota Ferrari programme, the official Ferrari school based in Maranello.

All this comes with the guarantee of highly specialised technical and teaching support from the racing drivers-instructors, professionals and experts who make up the Pilota Ferrari team and who are specially trained to deal with the technical and personal issues of Ferrari customers, backed up by a complete and professional staff responsible for welcoming customers and meticulously checking the personal cars used on the track. Pilota Ferrari Around the World is a preparatory driving course for the Pilota Ferrari activity programme.



IclientiPilotaFerraripotrannoperfezionaretecnicamenteilpropriostileelaqualitàdiguidaconilprogrammaPersonalTrainer,appositamenteideatopermigliorareleperformancealvolantedeimodelliFerrarieapprendereletecnichediguidapiùavanzate.Ipiloti-istruttoriFerrarisarannoadisposizionedeiclientiperstageintensivietotalmentepersonalizzabilidiguidasportiva,pressol’AutodromodiVaranode’MelegariinprovinciadiParma,sededeiprestigiosicorsichallenge, lamassimaespressioneagonisticadelprogrammaPilotaFerrari.


I clienti saranno seguiti anche da uno staff organizzativo e tecnico della massimaprofessionalità,incaricatodigestirelevetturePilotaFerrarimesseadisposizionedelcorso,concuiaffrontarelesessionidiguidainpista,nonchégliesercizidicontrollovettura,nellevarieconfigurazionidi trattadiunserviziodialtissimo livelloprofessionaleequalitativocherappresental’occasioneperpersonalizzareeperfezionareilpropriostilediguida,inbasealprogrammadidatticostabilitopreventivamenteinsiemealpilota-istruttoredesignatoorichiesto,perseguirenelmodomigliorenecessitàedesiderispecifici del cliente, avvalendosi delle tecnologie più efficaci del settore: sistema diacquisizionedati-telemetria,videoregistrazioneon-board, impiantodipioggiaartificiale,resineabassaaderenza,etc.Unmomentoquindidigrandecoinvolgimentoedintensitàdidattica e dinamica, da vivere in base alle proprie propensioni ed interessi, con lariservatezzagarantitadalformatesclusivodelprogrammaPersonalTrainer.




9. PILOTA FERRARI PERsONAL TRAINEROne-to-one with an instructor

Pilota Ferrari customers will be able to perfect their technical style and quality of driving with the Personal Trainer programme, which is specially designed to improve performance at the wheel of Ferraris and teach the most advanced driving techniques. The Ferrari drivers-instructors will be at the customers’ disposal for intensive and sports driving training courses which can be completely personalised, at the Varano de’ Melegari racetrack in the Italian province of Parma, the home of the prestigious challenge Races, which are the utmost competitive expression of the Pilota Ferrari programme.

In order to meet the needs of international customers, the language spoken by the personal trainer can be chosen from English, Italian, French, german, spanish and Portuguese.

An organizational and technical staff of outstanding professional competence will also follow the customers. They are in charge of managing the Pilota Ferrari cars made available for the course, for the driving sessions on the track and car control exercises in the various set-up configurations of the Manettino. This is a first-rate service in terms of professionalism and quality that presents the perfect opportunity for personalizing and perfecting driving style, based on the teaching program drawn up in advance together with the appointed or requested driver-instructor. The customer’s specific requirements or wishes are followed in the best possible way, using the most effective technologies the industry has to offer: data acquisition-telemetry system, on-board videotaping, artificial rain system, low-grip resins, etc. It is therefore a moment of tremendous participation and educational and dynamic intensity, to be experienced based on the participant’s inclinations and interests, with confidentiality guaranteed by the exclusive Personal Trainer programme format.



IlprogrammaPilotaFerrariLimitedEditionnascecomeprogettoesclusivodedicatoachidesideramettereallaprovalapropriatecnicaestilediguidasualcunideicircuitiautomobilisticipiùnotieprestigiosialmondo,comeilcircuitodelMugello.Progettatoneglianni‘70epoiprofondamenterinnovato,ilcircuitodelMugelloèunodeipiùsuggestivi,moderniesicuritracciatidelpanorama internazionale.Lapista sidistendeperoltre cinquemilametri, conunosviluppoestremamentetecnicoedigrandeappealperiveriappassionatidellaguidachepotrannovivereun’esperienzaappaganteallaricercadellimitedelleperformancedeimodellimessiadisposizionedalcorsoPilotaFerrari.

Ilprogrammadinamicodelcorsoprevedeunasuccessionedisessionidiguidainpistachepermetterà ai partecipanti di conoscere i segreti del tracciato edi perfezionare la propriatecnicaconilsupportodidatticocontinuodeipiloti-istruttoridelprogrammaPilotaFerrari.

La progressione e personalizzazione didattica sarà garantita dall’utilizzo intensivo dellatelemetriachepermetteràaipartecipantidiparagonareleproprieperformanceaquellediprestigiosipilotiprofessionisti.Ilprogrammasaràinoltrecompletatodacontestdiabilitàdiguida,siainpistaconl’usodeisistemidiacquisizionedati,sianell’ambitodiesercizidinamicidicontrollovettura.





The idea behind the Pilota Ferrari Limited Edition programme is that of a dedicated project which allows customers to put their technique and driving style to the test on some of the most prestigious racetracks in the world, such as the Mugello circuit. designed in the 1970s, then thoroughly modernized, the Mugello circuit is one of the most attractive, modern and safe tracks at an international level. The track is over five thousand metres long. Its configuration is extremely technical and appealing for all true driving enthusiasts, who can take the models made available by Pilota Ferrari for the event to the limit, in a thrilling experience of performance.

The practical program includes a series of driving sessions which will allow the participants to learn the secrets of the track and perfect their techniques with the continuous support of a team of driver-instructors from the Pilota Ferrari programme.

Progressive, personalized instruction will be guaranteed through the intensive use of telemetry, which will allow participants to compare their performance with that of expert professional drivers. In addition, the program will conclude with a driving competition, both on the track using data acquisition systems and through practical car handling exercises.




Ilcorsoèstrutturatoperoffrirealclientel’opportunitàdiperfezionarelapropriatecnicadiguidaedi esaltare le capacitàdi controllodellavetturanelle tipiche condizioni invernali,impegnativemaaltrettantoesaltantiperogniappassionatodelmondodeimotori.L’eccellenzadella tecnologia Ferrari presente nel modello FF ed in particolare la trazione integrale,permetteràaipartecipantidipadroneggiare i660cavallidellavetturaanche incondizionidibassaaderenza,grazieaduna tecnicadiguidasuperioreappresaattraverso lamigliorepersonalizzazione didattica garantita dall’esperienza e professionalità dello staff di piloti-istruttoriPilotaFerrari.


UnodeglielementifondamentalidelcorsoPilotaFerrariOnIceè,inoltre,l’aspettolifestyledell’atmosfera e dell’ambiente che noi abbiamo creato appositamente per il relax ed ilbenesseredeipartecipanti.





Ferrari is pleased to propose its corso Pilota winter programme: Pilota Ferrari On Ice. The concept of the programme is to provide customers with the thrilling experience of driving a Ferrari FF on snow in one of the most exclusive and prestigious settings of the Alps: cervinia (Valle d’Aosta, Italy).

The structure of the course is designed to offer customers the opportunity to improve their driving technique and to enhance the control capacity of the vehicle in typical winter conditions, demanding but just as exciting for anyone who is passionate about cars. The excellence of Ferrari technology as embodies by the FF model, and in particular the four-wheel drive, will allow the participants to master the car’s 660 hp in low-grip conditions as well, thanks to the superior driving technique acquired through the optimally personalized instruction guaranteed by the experience and professionalism of the Pilota Ferrari driver-instructors.

A fun, challenging driving course, with a structure featuring engaging and exciting dynamic content, with complete safety guaranteed by the supervision of the Ferrari Pilota course staff at Maranello.

One of the key elements of the Pilota Ferrari On Ice course is the lifestyle aspect of the atmosphere and environment that we have specially designed for the relaxation and wellbeing of the participants.


Per ulteriori informazioni sul corso Pilota Ferrari è possibile contattare:For further information about Pilota Ferrari course, please contact:

Ferrari spa – Corse Clienti Via Abetone Inferiore, 4 I – 41053 Maranello (MO)

Tel. +39 0536 241.158 – Fax +39 0536 949.820e-mail: –

Il Corso Pilota Ferrari si avvale della collaborazione di autorevoli fornitori-partner, a garanzia delle più alte prestazioni per le vetture Ferrari.

The Pilota Ferrari course is run in collaboration with important partners suppliers, to guarantee the highest performance of the Ferrari cars.

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