CORRESSPONDENCE ADDRESS - NARAD report 2010-11.pdfCORRESSPONDENCE ADDRESS National Rural Research and Development Association (NARAD) C/O Appa Kadaskar, Old Dam Lane, Jawhar, Tal.Jawhar,

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CORRESSPONDENCE ADDRESS National Rural Research and Development Association (NARAD)

C/O Appa Kadaskar, Old Dam Lane, Jawhar,

Tal.Jawhar, Dist.Thane, Maharashtra-401603

Ph.02520-223464, Cell-09960343149


1) Resolution

2) About NARAD

3) Objectives of NARAD

4) Major Activities in the year of 2010-2011

5) Future Plan

6) Financial Ration

7) Governing Board of NARAD

8) Reimbursement to all Board Members in financial year 2010-2011

9) Staff remuneration

10) Staff International Travel (in the year 2010-2011)

11) Distribution of staff according to salary levels

12) Balance Sheet for as at 31ST March 2011

13) Income and Expenditure Account for the year ending 31st

March 2011

14) Receipts & Payment A/C for Year Ended of 31st March 2011

15) Organizational Structure

16) How to Reach at NARAD Project Area

17) Funding Source


The Annual General Body Meeting of National Rural

Research and Development Association (NARAD) was held on

30/09/2011 at NARAD Central office Jawhar.

Mr.Umakant Sapakale (Secretary) Present the

draft of annual report of NARAD for year of 2010-2011 and

circulate among governing body member.

Mr. Pandurang Borase has proposed to finalise and

approve the same. Mrs. Pramila Koli seconded to this

The resolution unanimously approved by the house

Following member were present in the Annual General Body

Meeting 1. Mr. Sunil M. Bhat President

2. Mr.Umakant W.Sapakale Secretary

3. Mr. Pandharinath Z. Lahare Treasurer

4. Mr. Pandurang K. Borase Member

5. Mrs. Vanita P. Achari Member

6. Mr.Shivaram P.Bhoye Member

7. Mr.Bachu J. Diva Member

8. Mr.Manohar Y.Mukane Member


I am pleasured to present the annual report

for the year of 2010-2011. From last 11 years NARAD has been

trying to completion of their objectives and obtain better

result. It has only happened by kind support of Government,

Funding agency, Corporate and well wishers. The “National

Rural and Research Development Association” is a registered

Voluntary organization working in the tribal region of Thane

District of Maharashtra State in the field of rural

development for more than 11 years. It has promoted self- help

groups among farmers, women and youth. It has provided

necessary training, motivation and skills to them for critically

analyzing their problems and coming out with suitable plan of

action for their development. The training is entirely based on

participatory learning methods.

Hence, according to the local problems and

issues, the development activities in agriculture, environment,

health, education, collective employment, applied research etc.

were all undertaken. The organization is working in more than

75 villages in Jawhar block, 100 villages in mokhada block and

10 villages in Vikramgad block of Thane District of

Maharashtra. It has established links with various NGOs,

government and other agencies and is undertaking consulting,

and training and support service.

NARAD’s long term objective is to grow scope

of work in the 350 villages of Jawhar, Wada, Vikramgad,

Mokhada and Bhivandi block (in Thane district, Maharashtra)

We thanks to all Government agency, Private agency and

well wisher who support to NARAD for implementation of

various programmes.

Mr.Sunil Bhat

Executive Director, NARAD

Main Goal

“Overall Rural Development”


Economical, social, educational, cultural and

Health programme

Sports and youth service programme

To arrange educational camp and discussion

Term for regarding rural development

To avail accommodation of research and writing

And hereby to collect books and to spread them

To arrange social educational class such as life

Education, budget, family planning etc.

To prevalence and enlarge for development

Respecting field

To give short term leadership training

To execute soil development,

Forestation and watershed development programme

For to steady of peoples standard of life in the

Area of natural adversity.


The following were the major activities implemented by NARAD

1) Rain Water Harvesting Project

2) Balawadi Project

3) Tree Plantation Project

4) Trainings

1) Rain Water Harvesting Project

There are many villages in Jawhar Block, District Thane

(Maharashtra) where the people are facing water scarcity problems during summer. Mostly women have burden to fetch water .They are spent much time to bring water. In summer when end of potable water in their village very critical conditions women are facing. They wondering to search water long distance from their dwelling up to 3 to 5 K.M.There is no surety they will get clean water. It causes much water born disease. Hence “National Rural Research and Development Association” (NARAD) take initiative in this issue and start to work for Dongarpada Village. The NARAD organized community meeting in that village and understood why they are facing water scarcity problem. All these villagers were got water from other villages which are 2 to 3 K.M. away from their dwelling during summer. We see all sources of drinking water and made survey through technical expert of KARM, Mumbai. Prepared a suitable proposal and presented to Mumbai Giving Circle which was organized by Give India, Mumbai. Groups of donor were committed to support this project.

The Dongarpada village is 15 K.M.away from Jawhar block and situated on the top of hill. People were facing water scarcity during summer even there were 4 well existed. One well was completely collapsed and other three were under repairing. In monsoon season full of water were stored in well, but it was leaking slowly due to collapsed of plaster of inner side of the well. Also there were no any obstacle existed to stop underground and surface water, hence all water were flow straight.

Following Acivities were Implemented

1) Karm Type Bund

2) Subsurface & up surface Bund

3) Construction of New well

4) Well Repairing

5) Water Absorption Trench

1)Karm Type Bund-:

Karm type bund is an outer side wall is constructed by stone and inner side wall is concrete wall. Retain a steel pipe round door for flowing of water during high rain fall. It will be closed after end of August. The karm type bund will be given two benefits one is store water for cattle and second is to help increasing of water level for lower side and upper side well. Achievement:-When construction of this bund was completed instantly flowing water were stored and it resulted that water level of lower side well has increased. Peoples say that before this construction every year this well were dry but after this construction we got sufficient water from this well.

Inner side of Bund Outer side of Bund

2) Subsurface & up surface Bund:

Subsurface and up surface bund is a concrete bund. It has

constructed to underground up to 9 ft. deep and 2 ft. Upper

ground. There is existed a drinking well of upper side of this

bund. This well was dry during summer before this bund. We

see underground water were flow straight while excavations

work of this bund. This is a sloppy area so the underground

water was flowing

straight. Place of this

bund was the Zero

point of catchments

area means all surface

and underground

water were gather at

this point. Hence it was

necessary to barrier

water on this point by

construction of

underground bund. Distance between this bund and well is

about 125 ft. The length of this bund is 65 ft. and height is 11

ft. at centres. This activity has completed on January 2011.

Achievement:-People say that every year before the project.

We were facing water

scarcity during March to

June but after the

construction of this

Underground Bund hence

we got sufficient potable

water this year. No any

villager went to search water

outside of Dongarpada this


3) Construction of New well:- There were one drinking well was completely collapsed and filled up with mud so the spring of this well were blocked and water become so muddy. Before this people were getting sufficient water from this well. This well is nearest well for this dongarpada out of four well. The work of this well began in March 2011. Draw out all accumulated mud and dug while the hard rock not seen. Old constructions were demolished and start the new construction from the foundation. The construction has completed in April2011.The Depth of this well is 20 ft. and diameter is 15 ft.

Before the project After the project Achievement:-All spring of this well are live and recharged after the work completed. Now people are getting pure water from this well.

4) Well Repairing:- The Dongarpada village has four wells .Out of four three well were come under repaired. The pointing and plaster of two well was worn out thus leading to water leakages. And another well is completely collapsed from upper side of ground level that is why dirty water in monsoon enters into the well so villagers avoid drinking water from this well. Both these wells are repaired and permanently addressed the water scarcity problem. Also there was mud in the well so water always looking muddy. Thus well has cleaned.

Before the project After the project Achievement:-People are says that if this year well will be not repaired then it will completely demolish this monsoon. Now people are getting pure water from all well. Permanently resolved the water scarcity from Dongarpada

5) Water Absorption Trench:- This is a water shed treatment means that to dug a drainage to sip water as much as in to the ground in monsoon season. This is a useful treatment to remove water scarcity. This is

treated only in catchments area. Where the monsoon water start to flow. It helps to increase underground water level. There was also same situation in dongarpada village. Monsoon water was flow straight from surface ground and there were no any restriction for sipping

of water to underground. All potable water source are available in the below side of this catchments area. Outcome:- The result of this activity will be seen in summer. Water level of well will sustained in next year and people will don’t need to go other village for fetching of water in summer.

Overall Outcome of the Project: - The water

scarcity of Donagrpada removed permanently.

2) Balawadi Project

The Project area Jawhar block of Thane

District of Maharashtra State (India) is lies in the sayhadri

hills of Konkan region. It is 150 K.M. away from capital city

Mumbai. The Jawhar block is consisted 109 villages having

111039population as per 2001 census. All that villages are

situated in hilly and dense forest area and living Tribal

community. Many villages are there, where the child education

facility is rarely available. The parents are also illiterate and

not able to buy cloths for children due to low income. Main

occupation of tribal is agriculture but fertility of land is very

poor it leads them to migrate to urban area leaving their child

at neighbors. All day parent goes on work leaving children at

home lonely. Nobody take care for the children so the children

are wondering with naked here and there.

10 Balawadi center are planning to establish

in 10 villages i.e. 1)Katakari Pada 2)Navapada 3)Solepada 4)

Kengodi 5) Tadpada 6) Khetari pada 7) Khandipada 8)

Umberwangan 9) Aliwamal 10) Ambepada. Preschool education

will be providing to

children at this center.

One Balawadi teacher

will be appointed at

each center and

trained them. Balawadi

teacher will be local

who have passed

10th.Children age of 2-

5 year old will be

enrolled in Balawadi

center. Timing of these centers will be 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. The

Balawadi teacher will be take care of children while parents at

work. She also takes care of theirs hygiene.

Objectives of the Project:-

a) To give pre-primary education to Tribal children

b) To teach good habits

c) To cover the 1st Std syllabus before enroll 1st std.

d) To improve the nutritional and health status of children

below the age of 6 years

e) To involve the society in general and the community for

whom the centers are functioning

f) To reduce the incidence of mortality, morbidity,

malnutrition and school dropouts and Concentrate on primary

education initially, and advancing to higher level later.

g) To address the development of children's capacities in the

variety of cognitive and socio-emotional areas of importance

in the preschool years, and the contexts that enhance that


h) To enable children by providing the nutrition, physical

activity experiences, and health care needed to arrive at

school with healthy minds and bodies, and to maintain the

mental alertness necessary to be prepared to learn.

Supplementary Nutrition: -We enrolled the children belong to

the 3-5 year old age

group in Balawadi centre.

Enrolment of children in

each balwadi was full but

we found that the daily

absenteeism was at 30-

50%. We found the

solution to stop the daily

absenteeism. We started

to provide supplementary

nutrition to our balwadi children. This included Nachani Stava,

Banana, Boiled eggs, Rice-pulses khichdi- potch and snacks.

Nachani is local grain. It is brown in color. Filtered flower is

used as Nachani Satva. It is very famous nutrition to provide

malnutrition child.

Goal: - To provide a primary education to Tribal child in

remote area

3) Tree PlantationProject

The National Rural Research and Development

Association were undertaking a Tree plantation project from

last 5 year. The main goal of the project is to bring west land

of tribal under plantation and stopping a migration to providing

guidance how to take more income from west land. NARAD

raised a 5000 of mixed tree Nursery at Kelichapada. It

distributed among 25 farmers in July 2010. The Project

supported by Parle Products and Give India.

Nursery Set-up:- The National Rural Research and Development

Association selected experienced and skilled worker for

preparation of nursery. The proposed Nursery was 3750 plant

but we extended it up to 5000 by farmers demand. For this we

take 1 guntha land on lease from the farmer of Kelichapada

village, Jawhar Tahsil. Water source also was available near

this land for nursery setup.

We have begun nursery setup

from April-2010. Appointed 2

workers on daily wages. The

worker filled up 6000

Polythene bag with soil. The

high quality seed was

purchased from seed seller.

Watering Time was of Nursery: - Twice a day Morning &


Why selected the Kelichapada Village for Nursery

Setup: - All beneficiaries were selected from this village and

also nearby this. Hence NARAD selected the village

Kelichapada for nursery setup

Place of Nursery: - Village Kelichapad, Tal.Jawhar,

Dist.Thane.Village Kelichapad is a 15 k.m. away from the head

office of National Rural Research and Development

Association. Farmers Training:-

On 26 June 2010 the farmers training was organized at

Kelichapada Village. There were 25 beneficiaries participated

from Kelichapada village and

Apatale village. All

NARAD’s staff was also

participated. Mr. Ravindra

Vishe, Officer, BIAF were

attended as technical trainer.

Mr. Vishe delivers

information about the project

in two steps 1) Theory 2)


In practical session Mr.Vishe

shows how to prepare and fill up

the pits with soil & manure. He also

trained to participant how to plant

sapling in pits.

Training scheduled was

prepared as follows

Time Subject Resource Person

11.00 to 11.15 Welcome Mr.Santosh


11.15 to 11.30 Introduction Mr. Pravin Avari,


11.30 to 1.00 Theory training Mr.Ravindra Vishe,Officer,


1.00 to 1.45 Lunch Mr. Pravin Avari,


1.45 to 2.45 Practical Mr. Ravindra Vishe,Officer,


2.45 to 3.00 Vote of Thanks Mr.B.L Bhoye, Farmer

Aims of Programme: - 1) To create Awareness among more

and more people for plantation

2) To create local income generation.

System of Plantation: - in training Mr.Vishe given information

about plantation method

1) How to prepare pits 2) Distance between two pits 3)

proportion of manure 4) Cutting

1) Pits: - while plantation of Sapling plants it need to dig 1”X 1”

pit .To fill up the pit with 500 gm. biomanuare. Plantation

2) Pits distance: - To use parallel method while tree plantation

i.e. to keep 2 mt.X 2mt. distance in each plant. So that the

plant will grow up properly and many branches will raised.

3) Proportion of Manure: - The doses of Bio-manure will

given 90 days after plantation and to use Nitrate,

phosphate and potash after second year of plantation

4) Cutting: - This is essential part of better growth for

plant. After plantation of sapling the top of plant will

cut within 90 to 120 days of plantation. It takes chance

Of better growth and tree will gives more income.

5) Care of Tree: - these plants grow and have staying power

in hot, dry and temperate zone environment. So that to

take after is very important. To secure from insect,

Frequently give pesticide and clean up grass it is essential

for well growth of tree.

Nursery Visit and Practical: - All farmers were presented

while nursery visit and practical. Mr.Vishe given proper

guidance to farmer. All farmers excited to see the nursery.

Mr. Vishe show practical how to pluck up the plant from

nursery and he plucked out one plant from nursery. After that

he show how to dig 1”X 1” Pit and dug up one pit and fill up with

Bio-manure and pour some water. Some part of root cut that is

why the root will not fold while planting in the Pit. After

practical of plantation. Mr. Vishe says to farmer about

Plantation. He says the plant assist to keep environment

balance why ozone decreased and why we are facing water

scarcity problem such He given several example and aware

them about importance of tree. Not only Kaarnj, Amala keep

environment balance but also the plant gives us Bio-diesel.

Karanj plant Stop erosion of surface. In India having 65000

hector lands is west land. If such land we bring under this

plantation then we can generate more income on local level. And

our living of standard will be uplifted. If Karanj plant will plant

in well fertile land it gives many fruits. The age of this tree is

70 to 150 year. karanj gives us Rs.25000 income per year per

hector. The rate of Karnj seed is Rs.6 to 10 per Kg. as per

current marketing rate. We can remove our poverty and stop

migration by this plantation.

Pits Digging: - After farmers training each farmer to take

work of pits digging in their waste land under supervision of

NARAD workers. All farmer dug pits before plantation.

Plantation: - We were keep target to raise 5000 plant

in nursery. Also the result of nursery given well. The worker

took hard task to raise high quality nursery .And it successfully

raised good nursery. The plant grew up 3 ft in July 2010. Plants

from nursery separated in 20 July 2010 and distributed among

25 farmers.

The distribution of plant was started in July 10 and

Distribution completed in a

week before plantation all instruction given to farmers by


Biostin medicine distributed to all farmer for it

applying on root before plantation. This medicine protect from

infection of root

The Plantation completed end of

July 2010. Oilseed cakes using as

manure for well growth of plant

which was purchased from local

seller. It distributed among farmer

at end of August 2010.

Farmers from Kelichapada village are carrying plant and they

are going to plantation.

List of Farmers who distributed plant

Sr.No Name of farmer Village Plant

Distributed 1. Bhaskar Ananta Bhoye Kelichapada 200

2. Balu Nana Bhoye Kelichapada 200

3. Datta Devaji Bhoye Kelichapada 200

4. Manoj Ananta Bhoye Kelichapada 200

5. Hanumant Vasant Bhoye Kelichapada 200

6. Laxman Rama Bhoye Kelichapada 200

7. Parshuram Mahadu Wad Kelichapada 200

8. Gopinath Soma Wad Kelichapada 200

9. Ananata Parshuram Bhoye Kelichapada 200

10. Pandu Mahadu Bhoye Kelichapada 200

11. Kama Devaji Bhoye Kelichapada 200

12. Savanji Kevaji Jadhav Kelichapada 200

13. Ramchandra Kevaji Jadhav Kelichapada 200

14. Rama Govind Bhoye Kelichapada 200

15. Madhukar Balu Bhoye Kelichapada 200

16. Madhukar Soma Gavit Kelichapada 200

17. Shivaram Balu Bhoye Apatale 200

18. Soma Govind Bhoye Apatale 200

19. Sudam Ananata Bhoye Apatale 200

20. Tukaram Pandu Bhoye Apatale 200

21. Savanji Balu Bhoye Apatale 200

22. Gangaram Balu Bhoye Apatale 200

23. Jau Laxman Raut Apatale 200

24. Bapu Shankar Nakare Apatale 200

25. Govind Dhavalu Gimbhal Apatale 200

Future Planning

1) Start Ideal secondary school at Kokada Village

Financial Ratio









2,001 2,002 2,003 2,004 2,005 2,006 2,007 2,008 2,009 2,010 2,011Year





Governing Board of NARAD

Sr.No. Name Designation Remuneration paid to

Board member in 2010-


1. Mr.Sunil M. Bhat President Zero

2. Mr.Umakant W.Sapakale Secretary Zero

3. Mr. Pandharinath Z. Lahare Treasurer Zero

4. Mrs.Pramila S. Koli Member Zero

5. Mr. Pandurang K. Borase Member Zero

6. Mrs. Vanita P. Achari Member Zero

7. Mr.Shivaram P.Bhoye Member Zero

8. Mr.Bachu J. Diva Member Zero

9. Mr.Sriram S. Bagul Member Zero

10. Dr.Anil N. Patil Member Zero

11. Mr.Manohar Y. Mukane Member Zero

Reimbursement to all Board Members in financial year

2010-2011 for following items 1. International Travel Zero

2. Domestic Travel Zero

3. Local Conveyance Zero

4. Entertainment Expenses Zero

5. Others Zero

Staff Remuneration

Head of the organization: (including honorarium) Zero

Highest paid Full Time regular staff: Rs. 3500 per month

Lowest paid Full Time regular staff: Rs. 800 per month

Staff International Travel (in the year 2010-2011)

No any staff of NARAD has travel internationally

Staff National Travel (in the year 2010-2011) - Rs.9715.00

Distribution of staff according to salary levels

Slab of gross salary (in Rs) plus

benefits paid to staff (per month)

Male staff Female




Less than 5000 2 9 11

5,000 – 10,000 ----- ---- ---

10,000 – 25,000 ---- ------- -----

25,000 – 50,000 ---- ------- -----

50,000 – 1,00,000 ---- ------- -----

Greater than 1,00,000 ---- ------- -----



National Rural Research and Development


1) Accounts are maintained on accrual basis.

2) Clause No.19 of the Trust Deed specifies the

ratio according to which income of the trust

should be expended.However; the expenses

of the trust are not exactly as per this


3) We have reviewed the basis of compiling and

details by the organization.

4) Generally accepted accounting principle and

conventions have been followed by the

organization, as per our information gathered

the course of Audit.

5) Organization has charge Depreciation @ 10% on






Trust Fund or Corpus Balance as per last balance sheet

Adjustment during the year (give details)

Liabilities :- For Expenses AUDIT FEES

Income and Expenditure Account :- Balance as per last balance sheet

Less : Appropriation, if any

Add : Surplus as per Income and

Less : Deficit Expenditure Account








Furniture’s & Fixtures :- Balance as per last balance sheet

Additions during the years

Less : Sales during the year

Depreciation up to date

Income Outstanding :- Interest

Other Income Out Standing Grant received

Cash and Bank Balances :- a) In Saving Account with SBI A/C


b) In Current A/C with Bank of Maharashtra

A/C No.166

a) In Fixed Deposite Account with

b) With the Trustees

c) With the Managers









TOTAL Rs. 237495.22 TOTAL Rs. 237495.22

Sd Sd

Chartered Accountants Trustee


Income and Expenditure Account for the year ending 31st March 2011



To Establishment Expenses

To Audit Fees

To Miscellaneous Expenses

To Depreciation

To Expenditure on Object of the Trust

(a) Educational

(b) Medical Relief

(c) Relief of Poverty

(d) Other Charitable

Objects( Rural Water,) To surplus carried over to balance











On Bank Account

By Donation in Cash or Kind(Indian)


By Grants (Indian)


By Income from other sources ( LIC


By Deficit carried over to Balance









Total Rs. 851370.99 Total Rs. 851370.99

Sd Sd

Chartered Accountants Trustee




To Opening Balances

Cash at Bank State Bank of India, Wada branch

Bank of Maharashtra,Jawhar Branch

Cash in hand

To Grant

To Indian Grant

Give India, Mumbai

To Foreign Grant

To Donation

Indian Donation Donation through eBay India

Donation through Samhita,Mumbai

Individual Donation

Foreign Donation Give Foundation USA

To Bank Interest

To LIC Commission















By Establishment Exp. Bank Charges

Give India Listing Fees

Office Rent


Postage & courier

News Paper


By Audit Fees

By Exp. On Object of the

Trust Supplementary Nutrition

To Balawadi Children

Computer Training

Tree plantation Project

Distribution of iodised salt

Rainwater Harvesting Project

By Closing balances Cash in Hand

Bank of Maharashtra

SBI, Wada






1678.00 9715.00



184296.10 4250.00









TOTAL 858554.02 TOTAL 858554.02

Sd Sd

Chartered Accountants Trustee



Governing Body

Secretary & Executive Director President Treasurer (Mr. Sunil Bhat) (Mr. Umakant Sapakale) (Mr. Pandharinath Lahare) To manage all official work of NARAD Decision maker in officially work of NARAD to manage all financial matter with Permission of President

Office Staff

Project Staff Clerk cum Computer operator Accountant (Miss.Ranjana Moule) (Mr.Surendra Kale) To manage all correspondence & To Maintain Account Books Project Director Computer operating Project Coordinator Supervisor Field Worker



No Assets Opening W.D.V. Additions Deduction Total Dep.up to Dep. For Total Balance W.D.V. on

on 1-4-2010 during

the during the previous Current year Depreciation on 31-03-2011

year year year 10% 10%

1 Furniture, Dead stock 34,500.00 0.00 0.00 34,500.00 - 3450.00 3450.00 31,050.00

2 Computer & Printer 51,300.00 28524.00 0.00 79,824.00 5700.00 5130.00 10830.00 74,694.00

Total 85,800.00 28524.00 0.00 114,324.00 5700.00 8580.00 14280.00 105,744.00

Sd Sd

Chartered Accountants Trustee


How to Reach NARAD Project Area


Mumbai –Nashik Highway Mumbai –Nashik Highway

Mumbai Thane Nashik 20 KM 20 KM


Nashik 4 KM Bhivandi

Wada Kudus 22KM 15KM 30KM

Malawada 7 KM 25KM

Vikramgad Pali Capital City Mumbai 21KM 35KM

District Thane

Jawhar Palaghar

Block Place

NARAD Project Area

Funding Source

We thanks to all following Govt.department, Institutional and

Individual donor for support us financial to completion our Goal

Individual Donor

Sr.No Name Purpose Amount


Mr. Mahesh Bhavasar

Balawadi Project 25000.00

2. Mr.Salim Kavathekar

Balawadi Project 35000.00

3. Mr.Nilesh Ingale

Balawadi Project 25000.42


Mr.Sanjay Wagh

Balawadi Project 10000.00

5. Dinesh Rao Balawadi Project 10680.00

Donation through Samhita, Mumbai

Sr.No Name Purpose Amount


Venkatesh Rao

Provide supplementary

nutrition for 1 year to a

poor tribal child


2. Priya Naik Help a poor farmer plant

100 trees and improve his

family’s income


3. Asif Shaikh Stop Global Warming by

Tree Plantation


Donation through Give India,Mumbai

Sr.No Name Purpose Amount 1. Nigel Rangel Help prevent the migration of a poor

tribal farmer by tree plantation in his



2. Jay Dubhashi Help prevent the migration of a poor

tribal farmer by tree plantation in his



3. Vinayak Joshi Help prevent the migration of a poor

tribal farmer by tree plantation in his



4. Aditya Singh Help prevent the migration of a poor

tribal farmer by tree plantation in his



5. Vinayak Joshi Provide supplementary nutrition for 15

poor tribal children in our balwadi for a



6. Nikhil Bhatia Provide 3 month computer training to a

poor tribal student to help him secure a

good job


7. Ragahvendra Rao Provide supplementary nutrition for 15

poor tribal children in our balwadi for a



8. Swapna thete Help prevent the migration of a poor

tribal farmer

by tree plantation in his wasteland


9. Veena Padmanabhan Help prevent the migration of a poor

tribal farmer

by tree plantation in his wasteland


10. Paritosh Segal Provide supplementary nutrition for 15


tribal children in our balwadi for a month


11. Deepali Khanvilkar Help prevent the migration of a poor

tribal farmer

by tree plantation in his wasteland


12. Yuvraj Vekhande Help prevent the migration of a poor

tribal farmer

by tree plantation in his wasteland


13. Mukesh Chandra Jain Provide supplementary nutrition for 15


tribal children in our balwadi for a month


14. Dhanamjaya Bhupathi General Fund 100.00

15. Ajitha Suresh Provide supplementary nutrition for 15



tribal children in our balwadi for a month

16. V Anand Kumar Provide 3 month computer training to a

poortribal student to help him secure a

good job


17. Bharat Agarwal General Fund 200.00

18. Binoj Vinayan General Fund 100.00

19. Sasikanth Chebrolu Provide 3 month computer training to a

poortribal student to help him secure a

good job


20. Dwijesh Kumar Provide 3 month computer training to a

poortribal student to help him secure a

good job


21. Nishikant Mullick Help prevent the migration of a poor

tribal farmer by tree plantation in his



22. Priyanka Pahwa Provide 3 month computer training to a

poortribal student to help him secure a

good job


23. Sunpreet Sacher General Fund 100.00

24. Sumit Dodani General Fund 100.00

25. Vijay More Help prevent the migration of a poor

tribal farmerby tree plantation in his



26. Vinay Singh Provide supplementary nutrition for 15

poor tribal children in our balwadi for a



27. Yateen Kahate Provide 3 month computer training to a

poortribal student to help him secure a

good job


28. Reshmi Kumari General Fund 450.00

29. sumeet Motwani General Fund 400.00

30. Subhajeet Patra General Fund 400.00

31. Rucha Raje General Fund 250.00

32. Salomi Kola General Fund 200.00

33. Shahnawaz Shaikh General Fund 200.00

34. anju nair General Fund 200.00

35. Tushar Rasam General Fund 150.00

36. Anurag Arora General Fund 100.00

37. Prasanna Bhand General Fund 200.00

38. Kavita Desai General Fund 100.00

39. Anita Ravishankar Provide 3 month computer training to a

poortribal student to help him secure a

good job


40. Radhika Kothavale Provide 3 month computer training to a

poortribal student to help him secure a

good job


Donation through Give Foundation USA



Name Purpose Amount


Manisha Deshmukh Provide supplementary nutrition for 15

poor tribal children in our balwadi for a



2. Ravi Kalidindi Help prevent the migration of a poor

tribal farmer by tree plantation in his



Donation through Give India (Mumbai Giving Circle)

Sr.No. Name Purpose


Ms.Dinaz Driver Rain Water harvesting Dongarpada


2. Ms.Geeta Sehagal Rain Water harvesting Dongarpada


3. Mr.P.Sri Ganesh Rain Water harvesting Dongarpada


4. Mr.Sanjeev Dalal Rain Water harvesting Dongarpada


5. Mr.Vikas Tandan Rain Water harvesting Dongarpada


6. Mr.Nimesh Sumati Rain Water harvesting Dongarpada


7. Mr.Aashu Calappa Rain Water harvesting Dongarpada


41. Viswanath Jayachandran Help prevent the migration of a poor

tribal farmer by tree plantation in his



42. Sachin Sonawane Provide supplementary nutrition for 15


tribal children in our balwadi for a month


43. Kiran Talati Provide a year computer training to a


tribal student to help him secure a good



44. Amit Singh Provide a year computer training to a


tribal student to help him secure a good





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