Corpus Christi Sunday

Post on 15-Nov-2021






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St. L



e Saturday Vigil 5:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m.,10:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m. (Spanish), and 4:00 p.m. (Spanish) Monday-Saturday 9:00 a.m. Confessions Wed. 5:00-6:00 p.m. & Sat. 3:30-4:30 p.m. Adoration M-F 9:30 a.m.-9:00p.m. Encounter Christ. Grow as Disciples. Share the Gospel. Encontrar a Cristo. Crecer como Discípulos. Compartir el Evangelio.

Corpus Christi Sunday June 6, 2021

Mass Intentions JUNE 6: CORPUS CHRISTI

8:00 am: Frances B. Heard 10:00 am: Larry & Lisa NiCastro

12:00 pm: All People of the Parish 2:00 pm: Jesus Orozco

4:00 pm: Roberto Martinez



9:00 am: Quyen Phan


9:00 am: Marion McCrady


9:00 am: Christina Dolmo



9:00 am: Jenish Joseph


9:00 a.m. Matthew Joseph


9:00 am: Christina Joseph 5:00 pm: Dominador & Magdalena Infante


8:00 am: Alex & Mary Gostola 10:00 am: Daniel Kossi

12:00 pm: All People of the Parish 2:00 pm: Todas las almas en el purgatorio

4:00 pm: Olimpio Joaquin

Mass Intentions and available Masses can be requested, in honor or

remembrance of a loved one, and viewed on the home page of

our parish website (be sure to scroll down).

How can we pray for you? Your online prayer request is received by members of our clergy, prayer

teams, and pastoral ministers who will pray on your behalf. Please know

that you are held in prayer by your parish family. Prayer intentions may be

submitted on our parish website:

Pray for Our Sick: Marcy Adams, Orighoye Binitie, Gregory Blackshear,

Linda Bland, Art Brand, John Clark, David Crocker, Florencia

Damian, Mavis Ellis, Monique Eluka, Caroline Finn, Peggy Grannan, Kelley

Hardigree,Veronica Lahens, Jemima Lahens, Holly Mercer, Gwen

Persichetti, Kathy Phillips, Nancy Piszczek, Mary Root, Jose Trejo, and

Mercel White along with their families and caregivers. To add or remove

names, contact Alma Martínez, parish secretary, at 770.963.8992 x300 or

by email at

Pray For Our Men And Women in Uniform: Vallerie Azansou, Nathan

Barrick, John Paul Brassell, Matthew Burke, Donald Clifford, Kildare

Coradin, Brandon Crocker, Joseph Crocker, Nathan Crocker, Ryan

Crocker, Justin Ellis, Mario Flamenco, Giovanni Gachelin, Alejandro Giles,

Mark F. Gonzalez, Simone Hardy, Matthew Herbig, Ian Hill, Brian Hodgson,

Mariana Lacuzong, Wesley Phillips, Adam Sanchez, Devon Thomas, Phillip

Turner, and Da’Maris Vanzandt. If you have a son or daughter serving in

the military and would like for his/her name to be placed on our prayer list,

please contact Lori Crocker at

Pope Francis’

June Prayer


The beauty of marriage. Let us

pray for young people who are

preparing for marriage with the

support of a Christian

community: may they grow in

love, with generosity,

faithfulness and patience.

La belleza del matrimonio.

Recemos por los jóvenes que se

preparan para el matrimonio

con el apoyo de una

comunidad cristiana: para que

crezcan en el amor, con

generosidad, fidelidad y


Ministry Leader


June 14 at 7:30 p.m.

Cogswell Hall


de Ministerios


14 de Junio 7:30 p.m.

Cogswell Hall

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My dear parish family,

“Come to me:” This is the theme of this year’s Eucharistic renewal. This Sunday, the church

celebrates the Solemnity of Corpus Christi (the Feast of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ). The world needs to be

renewed and it is the mission of the church to bring about that renewal. But the church herself is in need of renewal and

this renewal must begin with and be founded on the mystery of the Holy Eucharist. This simple invitation from Christ,

come to me, captures the very attitude that must drive our faith in the Holy Eucharist. Our Catholic faith has always lent

itself completely to the simple fact that Jesus Christ is present in the sacred species of bread and wine. Each of us is on

a journey here on earth and it is Christ himself who bids us come. In the Holy Eucharist, we encounter both our source of

strength and the one who stands at the end of that journey. This gift is so important that it is intertwined with our lives

daily. The priest is required to offer Mass frequently because our entire ministry hinges on it. The life of every Christian

depends on this food. The words of Christ at the Last Supper, “Take and eat”; “Take and drink”, have resounded

through the ages as Jesus seeks to remind us that He is always near. He desires communion with us; not simply to be

near to us but to be inside of us. As we receive His Body and Blood in the Holy Eucharist, may we allow Him to dwell

richly in our hearts, so that we can truly become agents of the Eucharistic renewal needed to transform this world; and

whenever we are in His presence, may our attitude reflect the profound faith and love necessary to remain eternally in

communion with God.

As a part of this Eucharistic renewal, I remind you that we are extremely blessed to have Eucharistic adoration

here in the parish. I invite you, once more, to find time and come into his presence in silent prayer and adoration. I pray

that the words of Christ resound again in our ears and hearts, come to me and May we be generous with our response.

The Holy Eucharist is exposed in DeSales Hall, Monday to Friday from 9:30am – 9:00pm. May our adoration never cease!

Father’s Day is June 20. Each year we have the opportunity to celebrate our fathers and all those father figures

in our lives and thank them for the gift of their vocation. As we anticipate Father’s Day, I invite you to include your

fathers’ intentions to our Father’s Day novena of Masses. You can participate by using the envelopes in our envelope

packages, doing it online at our online giving page or using the envelopes in the narthex. We pray that God may

continue to shower His blessings upon all fathers, both living and deceased.

God bless you and see you at Mass!

Father Henry

Encounter Christ.

Pastor’s Corner

Mi Querida Familia Parroquial,

“Vengan a mí:” Este es el tema de la Renovación Eucarística de este año. Este domingo, la iglesia celebrara la

Solemnidad del Corpus Christi (la Fiesta del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Jesucristo). El mundo necesita ser renovado y la

misión de la iglesia es lograr esa renovación. Pero la Iglesia misma necesita una renovación y esta renovación debe

comenzar y fundamentarse en el misterio de la Sagrada Eucaristía. Esta simple invitación de Cristo, vengan a mí, cap-

tura la misma actitud que debe impulsar nuestra fe en la Sagrada Eucaristía. Nuestra fe católica siempre se ha presta-

do completamente al simple hecho de que Jesucristo está presente en las especies sagradas del pan y el vino. Cada

uno de nosotros está en un viaje aquí en la tierra y es el mismo Cristo quien nos invita a venir. En la Sagrada Eucaristía,

encontramos tanto nuestra fuente de fuerza como lo que está al final de ese viaje. Este regalo es tan importante que

se entrelaza con nuestra vida diaria. Se requiere que el sacerdote ofrezca la Misa con frecuencia porque todo nuestro

ministerio depende de ello. La vida de todo cristiano depende de este alimento. Las palabras de Cristo en la Última

Cena, "Tomad y comed" “Tomen y beban”, han resonado a través de los siglos mientras Jesús busca recordarnos que

Él siempre está cerca. Él quiere la comunión con nosotros; no simplemente para estar cerca de nosotros, sino para

estar dentro de nosotros. Al recibir Su Cuerpo y Su Sangre en la Sagrada Eucaristía, permitamos que Él more ricamente

en nuestros corazones, para que podamos verdaderamente convertirnos en agentes de la renovación eucarística

necesaria para transformar este mundo; y siempre que estemos en su presencia, que nuestra actitud refleje la profun-

da fe y el amor necesarios para permanecer eternamente en comunión con Dios.

(continua en la página siguiente)

De Nuestro Párroco

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Grow as Disciples.

Faith Formation 2021-22

K-12 Enrollment is now open!

Programs begin in August.For assistance, please contact

Tarcy Hernandez or Cristina Corbin

in the parish office.

Registraciones Abiertas

para el programa de Formación de Fe

Para más asistencia comuníquese con

Tarcy Hernández o Cristina Corbin

Last year the Archdiocese of Atlanta had its first virtual Atlanta

Catechist Conference. This year, it is back, with an expanded

partnership with the dioceses of Charleston, Raleigh, and Savan-

nah. There will be more recorded sessions in three different lan-

guages and live chats to discuss topics of interest to you, the


Who is a catechist? EVERYONE! Each of the baptized, in different

ways, is called to evangelize and hand on the faith—making,

molding, and missioning disciples. The Directory for Catechesis is

also clear about the importance of parents as primary catechists

and of those called to the distinct service and ministry of catech-

esis in their communities.

Registration opens mid-June. August 12-15-Save the date!

Como parte de esta renovación eucarística, les re-

cuerdo que somos muy bendecidos de tener la ado-

ración eucarística aquí en la parroquia. Los invito,

una vez más, a encontrar tiempo y a venir a su pre-

sencia en oración y adoración silenciosa. Oro para

que las palabras de Cristo resuenen de nuevo en

nuestros oídos y corazones, vengan a mí y seamos

generosos con nuestra respuesta. La Sagrada Euca-ristía se expone en el salón DeSales Hall, de lunes a

viernes de 9:30 am a 9:00 pm. ¡Que nunca cese

nuestra adoración!

El Día del Padre es el 20 de junio. Cada año tenemos

la oportunidad de celebrar a nuestros padres y todas

esas figuras paternas en nuestras vidas y agradecer-

les por el regalo de su vocación. Mientras anticipa-

mos el Día del Padre, los invito a incluir las intenciones

de sus padres en nuestra novena de misas del Día

del Padre. Puede participar usando los sobres en

nuestros paquetes de sobres parroquiales, haciéndo-

lo en línea en nuestra página de donaciones en línea

o usando los sobres en el nártex. Oramos para que

Dios continúe derramando sus bendiciones sobre

todos los padres, tanto vivos como fallecidos.

¡Dios los bendiga y nos vemos en la Misa!

Padre Henry

De Nuestro Párroco (cont).

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Eucaristía, el Cuerpo de Cristo Para los primeros seguidores de Jesús y durante los siglos de

comunidades cristianas, la Eucaristía era un verbo y no un

sustantivo. Los cristianos vivían y se reunían para hacer la

Eucaristía, no simplemente para recibir la Eucaristía. La Eucaristía

fue y sigue siendo la acción operativa que identifica, unifica y

envía a todos nuestros cristianos en misión por los

demás. Durante siglos, los cristianos han luchado por el

significado y la importancia de la presencia de Cristo en los

elementos del pan y el vino. El enfoque en el "cómo" y el "por

qué" ha opacado para algunos el significado mismo de la

Eucaristía. A saber, la Eucaristía es la acción que nos unifica

como Cuerpo de Cristo. A veces nos hemos centrado tan

fuertemente en la Presencia Real en los elementos del pan y el

vino que hemos olvidado de algún modo de la presencia de

Cristo en los demás, en la Palabra, en los que nos ministran, y en

toda la creación. Tenemos el reto de ser eucaristía, no

simplemente de recibir la Eucaristía. Tenemos el reto de venerar y

atender a los demás de la misma manera que veneramos y

tendemos al Cristo eucarístico. Cristo está presente activa y

verdaderamente en todos. Cuando actuamos sobre esta

creencia, avanzamos hacia llegar a ser la comunidad sanadora,

reconciliadora y unificadora que es el Cuerpo Místico de Cristo.

Cree lo que recibes. Recibe lo que crees.

Conviértete en lo que recibes.

San Agustín

Eucharist, the Body of Christ For the early followers of Jesus and for centuries of Christian communities, Eucharist was a verb and not

a noun. Christians lived and gathered to do Eucharist, not to simply receive Eucharist. Eucharist was and

still is the operative action that identifies, unifies, and sends our all Christians on mission for others. For

centuries Christians have struggled over the meaning and significance of Christ’s presence in the

elements of bread and wine. The focus on the “how” and “why” has for some blurred the very meaning

of Eucharist. Namely, Eucharist is the action that unifies us as the Body of Christ. Sometimes we have

focused so strongly on the Real Presence in the elements of bread and wine that we have forgotten

the modes of the presence of Christ in others, in the Word, in those who minister to us, and in all of

creation. We are challenged to be Eucharist, nt simply to receive Eucharist. We are challenged to

revere and tend to others in the same way that we revere and tend to the eucharistic Christ. Christ is

actively and truly present in all. When we act upon this belief, we move toward becoming the healing,

reconciling, and unifying community that is the Mystical Body of Christ.

Believe what you receive. Receive what you believe. Become what you receive. St. Augustine

Share the Gospel. Mark 14:12-16, 22-26

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Join our Parish Visit our website or stop by the parish office. Adoration Monday-Friday 9:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m.

Confessions Wednesday 5:00-6:00 p.m. Saturday 3:30-4:30 p.m. or by appointment. Interested in becoming Catholic? Contact Diane Maguire for information on the RCIA process. Baptism (Birth-Age 6) Please visit our website at to begin this process. Funerals Please call the parish office for assistance.

Anointing of the Sick Contact the parish office to schedule. Weddings Couples contemplating marriage should contact a deacon or priest at least nine months before their desired wedding date. Vocations Those interested in ministry as a priest, deacon, sister or brother should contact a parish priest.

Fr. Henry Atem


Fr. Roberto Suárez

Parochial Vicar


Dcn. Rick Hogan

Dcn. Terry Millinger

Dcn. José Ortiz

Dcn. Bob Riddett

Dcn. David Schreckenberger ___________________________

Frances Alkire Front Office Assistant

Barbara Baez Front Desk

John Brandt Music & Liturgy

Cristina Corbin Hispanic Ministry

Wendy Guillory Preschool

Tarcy Hernandez Middle School &

Safe Environment

Diane Maguire RCIA & Adult Faith Formation

Alma Martinez Executive Secretary

Cathy Maloney Front Desk

Kathi McKenna Assistant of Music & Liturgy

Dcn. Terry Millinger Facilities & Pastoral Care

Carol Ranft Operations Manager

Maria Simon Parish Accountant

Nic Schmitz High School Youth Ministry

Kelly Schreckenberger Communications &

Evangelization ___________________________

Email us!

(first letter first name)(last

name) ___________________________

Counseling Services

Sylvia Elaine Smith, MS, LPC,



Parish Clergy and Staff

Recent Collections

May 28-29 Not available due to early publishing.

The second collection next week is for our local St. Vincent de Paul


Text to Give: Simply text your donation amount to: 770-659-7789

dedicated for our Give Plus Text users. The first time you do this you

will be given an option to fill in your card information. Subsequently,

all you need to do is text your donation to that number. You will

always be given a receipt and funds will be credited to your parish

donation statement.

Leaving a Legacy to the Parish: Giving assets to the parish

endowment fund through your will enables you to help your parish

long into the future, without affecting your cash flow now. For more

information, contact Juliet Greco at the Catholic Foundation at or 404-497-9440.

Father’s Day Novena Honor/Remember your father/father -figure.

The novena of Masses will be celebrated throughout the year.

Envelopes are available at the information window in the narthex.

Thank you for your support!

Need Assistance?

To request help contact our local St. Vincent De Paul Society

678.215.4514 (For zip codes 30019, 30043, 30045, & 30046).

For all other Zip Codes, call 678.892.6163

Para pedir ayuda marque: 678.215.4514

(Solo para códigos postales 30019, 30043, 30045, & 30046).

Si usted vive en un código postal deferent, marque el: 678.892.6163.

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