
Corporate Chanakya

By- Radhakrishnan Pillai

Cover Page

Information about the Book

Title : Corporate Chanakya

Author: Radhakrishnan Pillai

ISBN : 978-81-8495-133-2

Publication: JAICO Publishing house

Copyright: 2010

Price: RS. 295/-


Corporate Chanakya is management philosophy book

Emphasis on Indian Management philosophy

Described about Vishnugupta

Objective of the book

This Book Moto is to Promote Chanakya Idea & Indian Management Principal

About author

Radhakrishnan Pillai studied the ancient text “Kautilya’s Arthashastra”

at Chinmaya International Foundation, Kerala, under the guidance of

Dr. Gangadharan Nair.

Educated in the field of management and consultancy, he later

proceeded to do his MA in Sanskrit and obtained a doctorate degree in

the Arthashastra.

Chanakya, who lived in 4th Century BC, was a

leadership guru par excellence. His ideas on

how to identify leaders and groom them to

govern a country has been well documented in

his book Kautilya’s Arthashastra.

He was responsible to bring down the Nanda

dynasty and establish his able student

Chandragupta Maurya on the throne as the

emperor. Hence he is called a 'King Maker'



Type of book:

Management Philosophy Book

Subject matter:

Describes the Role a Leader & management Concept

Special features

Quoted Old age Formula by a Unique method to solve Business Problem

Major Topic covered

1) leadership

1) Power

2) Qualities of leadership

3) Competition

4) People

5) To avoid

2) Management

1) Employees

2) Finance

3) Team work

4) Strategy

3) Training

1) Trainees

2) Boss

3) Organization

4) Advice


Safety and Security

Selecting the Right Managers

Deciding Rank

Stopping Attrition

Changing Jobs

The First Step

Death on Duty

Taking Care of Employees


Security Above Salary

Command Promotion

Make People Accountable

Safety in any Deal Making

Welcoming back Ex Workers

Don’t Beat Around the Bush

Total Quality Control

Take Initiative

Want to be a good boss?

Net profit Counts

Take Care of Treasury in Difficult times



Paying Taxes on Time

Profit Margin


Proper Accounts

Advance Money

Paying Your Taxes

Making Timely Payments

Dirty Money

Money for Wealth Creation

Money for More Money

Road to wealth

Security and Monitoring Systems

Right Business Partner

Effective Meetings

Planning a Business Trip

Public Relations

Honour Men with Qualities

A Good Meeting

Finish what you have Started


Want To succeed?

Working Together

Get Everyone Involved

Power of Communication

Stopping Fights

Team Work


Teaming up to Succeed

Common Purpose

Requirement of Information

Principles of Management

Keep an Open Mind

Managing Multiple Projects

Politics and Politicians

Constantly Educate Yourself

Disaster Management

Timing it Right

Corporate Social Responsibility

STRATEGY A Stable Organization

Working in New Regions

Intelligence Management

Organizational Planning

The Best and the Better

Time Management

Ensuring Growth

Land as an Alternative Asset

Crime Planners





Asset to the Boss.

Identifying Potential Leaders.

Choosing Right Path.

Working with powerful person.

Never force anyone.

The Correct Advice.

The Power Behind The King.

Advice of Consultant.

Greatest Opportunity.

Presented By

Santosh Hanchanal

Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering


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