Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. Slide 8-1 The Web Wizard’s Guide to PHP by David Lash.

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Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. Slide 8-1

The Web Wizard’s Guide to PHPby David Lash

Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. Slide 8-2

CHAPTER 8Using Databases with PHP

Scripts:Using MySQL Database with PHP

Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc.

Objectives To understand the advantages of using databases

to store Web data To learn how to prepare a MySQL database for use

with PHP To learn how to store, retrieve, and update data in

a MySQL database

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What is a database?

A set of data organized into one or more computer files.

Using files for product inventory is a type of database

Generally the term is reserved for more formal database systems like access, Oracle or MySQL.

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Advantages of Databases Over Files

Faster access Better concurrent access Easier changes to data and scripts Increased security

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Relational Database? Relational databases store data in tables (usually

more than one) with defined relationships between the tables.

Product Number

Product Cost Weight Number Avail

0 Hammer $5.00 12 123

1 Screw Driver $3.00 2 144

2 Wrench $2.50 1.5 244

Primary key

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Which Database System

PHP works with a variety of databases that include: Oracle Access Ingres SQL Server MySQL

We will be using MySQL since its simple to use, free and very popular.

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Using A Query Language When using a database, we use a separate

query language called the Structured Query Language (SQL).



SendSQL Query


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Creating a Database Instance

Once you have access to a server with MySQL installed, you need a database instance created for you (which I have done). Usually created by a database administrator Creates a database instance, userid and


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Creating Your Database Tables

Once the database instance is created you need to create your tables. Use SQL CREATE TABLE command

CREATE TABLE Products (ProductID INT,

Product_descr TEXT);

The name of the table. First table column can

hold integer data.

SQL commands are shown in upper case buteither upper or lower case can be used.

Second table column canhold character data.

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Other Data Types?

MySQL supports many other data types beyond TEXT and INT. Here are a few : TEXT specifies that the table column can hold a large

amount of character data. It can use space inefficiently since it reserves space for up to 65,535 characters.

CHAR(N) specifies a table column that holds a fixed length string of up to N characters (N must be less than 256).

VARCAR(N) specifies a table column that holds a variable length string of up to N characters and removes any unused spaces on the end of the entry.

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Other Data Types?

INT specifies a table column that holds an integer with a value from about –2 billion to about 2 billion.

INT UNSIGNED specifies a table column that holds an integer with a value from 0 to about 4 billion.

SMALLINT specifies a table column that holds an integer with a value from –32,768 to 32,767.

SMALLINT UNSIGNED specifies a table column that holds an integer with a value from 0 to 65,535.

DECIMAL(N,D) specifies a number that supports N total digits, of which D digits are to the right of the decimal point.

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Some additional CREATE TABLE Options

Can specify some additional options in CREATE TABLE:


An INT UNSIGNED meansthat ProductID must bepositive values.

ProductID must bespecified for each row.

Automatically addone to each newProductID.

Make thisthe primarykey for table.

Up to 50characterslong

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Issuing CREATE TABLE From PHP Script Segment

1. $connect = mysqli_connect($server, $user, $pass);2. if ( !$connect ) {3. die ("Cannot connect to $server using $user");4. } else {5. mysqli_select_db('MyDatabaseName');6. $SQLcmd = 'CREATE TABLE Products( ProductID INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, Product_desc VARCHAR(50), Cost INT, Weight INT, Numb INT )';7. mysqli_query($SQLcmd, $connect);8. mysqli_close($connect);9. }

Issue the SQL queryto the database.

Connect to MySQL

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Full ScriptShow Source code.

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Script Browser OutputExecute code:

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Inserting Data

Once the database and table are created you will need to insert data

Use the SQL INSERT command

INSERT INTO Products VALUES( '0', 'Hammer', 5, 12, 123 );

Each item goes into aseparate table column in a table row.

Table Name

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A Full Example

Consider an application that allows end-user to enter inventory data:Item Description: <input type="text" size="20"

maxlength="20" name="Item">Weight: <input type="text" size="5"

maxlength="20" name="Weight">Cost: <input type="text" size="5"

maxlength="20" name="Cost">Number Available:<input type="text" size="5"

maxlength="20" name="Quantity">

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Receiving PHP Script

Show source code.

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Script Output

This script can be executed at:

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Retrieving Data

Two major ways to retrieve data: 1. Retrieving all elements from a table

2. Searching for specific records in a table

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Retrieving Data

To retrieve all data, use the following SQL command

For example1. $connect = mysqli_connect('Localhost', 'phppgm',


2. $SQLcmd = 'SELECT * FROM Products';

3. mysqli_select_db('MyDatabase');

4. $results_id = mysqli_query($SQLcmd, $connect);

SELECT * FROM TableName;

The asterisk ("*")means get all the data

The name of the table toget the data from.

SQL SELECTStatement.

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Using mysqli_fetch_row()

Use the mysqli_fetch_row() function to retrieve data one row at a time

while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_row($results_id)) {

foreach ( $row as $field ) {

print "Field=$field”;



Access each field in thetable row results.

Access each row from themysqli_query() results.

(A different row each iteration).

$results_id variable is setfrom mysqli_query()

function call.

Output each itemof the $row array.

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A Script Example

Show Source Code

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Script Output

This script can be executed at:

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Searching For Specific Records

Use the SELECT SQL statement with a WHERE clauseSELECT * FROM TableName WHERE


The asterisk (“*”) meanslook at all table columns.

Specify the table name to look at.

Specify a test expressionto evaluate

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Selected WHERE CLAUSE Test Operators

Table 8.1 Selected SQL WHERE Clause Operators


SQL Query Example Meaning

= SELECT * FROM Products WHERE (Product_desc = 'Hammer');

Retrieve those rows from the Products table that have a Product_desc column with a value equal to Hammer.

> SELECT * FROM Products WHERE (Cost > '5');

Retrieve those rows from the Products table that have a Cost column with a value greater than 5.

< SELECT * FROM Products WHERE (Numb < '3');

Retrieve those rows from the Products table that have a Numb column with a value less than 3.

<= SELECT * FROM Products WHERE (Cost <= '3');

Retrieve those rows from the Products table that have a Cost column with a value less than or equal to 3.

>= SELECT * FROM Products WHERE (Weight >= '10');

Retrieve those rows from the Products table that have a Weight column with a value greater than or equal to 10.

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Consider the following example …

The following example searches a hardware inventory database for a specific part name entered by the user.

The form uses the following key HTML form element definition.

<input type="text" name="Search" size="20">

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PHP Source

Show source code

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Would have the following output …

This script can be executed at:

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Updating a Database Record

Use SQL UPDATE command when needing to update a database record:

UPDATE Table_name

SET col1=chng_express1,col2=chng_express2, . . .

WHERE test_expression

Specify the name ofthe table to update.

Specify one or more table column toreceive the results of an expression. Optionally specify a WHERE

Optionally specify a WHERE clauseand test expression.

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For Example …

The following looks through the Products table for values of Product_desc equal to Hammer.

When it finds it, it decrements the Count column value by 1.

UPDATE Products SET Count=Count-1 WHERE 'Product_desc=Hammer'

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A Full Example …

Consider the following example Displays current inventory Asks end-user to decrement value for 1 item Uses the following HTML Hammer<input type="radio“ name="Product" value="Hammer" >

Screwdriver <input type="radio“ name="Product" value="Screwdriver" >

Wrench<input type="radio" name="Product“ value="Wrench"

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Full ExampleShow Source Code

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Would output the following: Execute this example at


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Use of the mysqli_fetch_array() function

The mysqli_fetch_array(), by default, returns an array that can be read either as a sequential array or as an associative array. You can read more about it here. Here is an example using the

mysql_fetch_array() Here is the source code.

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Summary A database is a set of data organized into one or more

computer files. Relational databases store data in tables

Before you can start to work with a MySQL database, you must install a copy of MySQL on your personal computer or Web server, create a database instance for your script and create your initial tables by issuing the SQL CREATE TABLE command.

Use the SQL SELECT statement to retrieve data from a MySQL database and include a WHERE clause to select specific table rows..

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Summary - II

Use an SQL UPDATE statement to change records in a MySQL database. Include a WHERE clause to select specific table rows and a SET clause to define change expressions.

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