conversational implicature in beauty and the beast movie thesis

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Submitted to the Board of Examiner

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for

Literature Degree at English Literature Department



NIM. AI160806








Jambi, September th


Supervisor I : Dr. Diana Rozelin, SS.,M.Hum

Supervisor II : Dian Mukhlisa S.Pd,.MA

Address : Adab and Humanities Faculty

State Islamic University

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.


The Dean of Adab and Humanities


State Islamic University



Assalamu’alaikum wr. Wb

After reading and revising everything extend necessary, so we agree that the thesis entitled


submitted to Munaqasyah exam in part fulfillment to the Requirement for the Degree of

Humaniora Scholar. We submitted it in order to be received well. Thus, we hoped it can be

useful for all.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr. Wb

Supervisor I Supervisor II

Dr. Diana Rozelin, SS.,M.Hum Dian Mukhlisa, S.Pd.,MA

NIP: 197604282005012004 NIP.198808112015032006



This thesis had been examined by the session of Adab and Humanities Faculty

The State Islamic University SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi on September 22th

2020 and

accepted as a part of requirement have to be fulfilled for obtaining Undergraduate Degree

(S1) in English Literature Department.

Jambi, November


Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty

Dr. Halimah Dja’far. S. Ag., M. Fil. I NIP:

19601211 198803 2001

Secretary Chairman

Linda Seswati, M.Pd.I

NIP. NIP. 197401031999031006

Examiner I Supervisor I

Ulfatmi Azlan S.S, MA Dr.Diana Rozelin, S.S, M.Hum

NIP.198411272011012012 NIP. 197604282005012004

Examiner II Supervisor II

Yenti S.S, M.Pd Dian Mukhlisa, S.S, MA

NIP.197208052007102004 NIP. 198808112015032006

Dr. Alfian, M.Ed





مك لوه و

ئي ش ا



ىسعو ت ن

أ ي كم ر خ

وه و

ئي ش ا

أ وعسى كر ت ن اوه

"Maybe you hate something but it is very good for you and maybe you love something but it is

very bad for you, Allah knows best, whereas you do not know." (Q.S Al - Baqarah: 216)

"Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu namun ia amat baik bagimu dan boleh jadi engkau

mencintai sesuatu namun ia amat buruk bagimu, Allah Maha Mengetahui sedangkan kamu tidak

mengetahui." (Q.S Al - Baqarah: 216)



First of all I would say Alhamdulillahi rabil ‘alamin, my highest gratitude to Allah SWT for

blessing, love, opportunity, health, and mercy to complete this thesis.

In arranging this thesis, a lot of people have provided motivation, advice, and support for the


First, my deepest dedication goes to my beloved parents:

My beloved Father, Rasta Septiana Thank you for giving a sincere love and affection to me,

thank you for everything you have given me, and always support me.

My beloved Mother, Rahaya Sepria Thank you for all the prayers that you have given me,

without you I could never have been like this.

And My beloved sister, Rarah Euisvira Septianingsih and Radian Estiantiresti Saputri Even

though we often fight, but it will be a rainbow for our sisterhood, and My big Family

“Syamsuddin” thank you for the support and help that you guys have provided so far. I am so

lucky to have family who are always be there whether in happy or difficult situation.



Firstly, the writer would like to say Alhamdullilahirabil’alamin, all the praise to Allah

SWT the lord of all creatures, for His Blessing from the starting point of my study until now the

end of my study. After that, Shalawat and salam be upon to our Prophet Muhammad SAW,

hopefully we will get His syafa’at later at The Last Day. Secondly, I would like to express my

deepest gratitude to people who helped the writer in accomplishing this thesis. I would like to

thank to my supervisors Dr. Diana Rozelin, SS.,M.Hum and Dian Mukhlisa, S.Pd.,MA who have

helped, adjusted, supported and suggested me in writing this thesis. I also would like to say

thanks for all classmates English Literature 2016 who have given additional suggestion and

support to finish this thesis.

To accomplish this thesis, the writer had been given one great deal to many people. So, the

writer would like to say thanks for their contribution, they are:

1. Prof. Dr. Su’adi, MA., Ph. D as a Rector of State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha

Saifuddin Jambi. Dr. Rofiqoh Ferawati. S.E., M.EI; Dr. As’ad, M.Pd; and Dr. Bahrul

Ulum, MA, The Vices of Rector.

2. Prof. Dr. Halimah Dja’far, M.Fil as the dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty.

3. Dr. Ali Muzakir, M. Ag as the first vise Dean of Academic. Dr. Alfian, S.Pd, M.Ed as the

second vise Dean of Finances, and Dr. Roudhoh, S.Ag.SS M.Pd.I as the third vise Dean of

University Student of Adab and Humanities Faculty.


4. The Head of English Literature Department Dian Mukhlisa, MA and The Secretary of

English Literature Department Chandri Febri Santi M.Pd., and all the lecturers in Adab and

Humanities Faculty.

5. All the Lecturers and staffs of Adab and Humanities Faculty, then contribution and

assistant during studying in UIN of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

6. Then to Dr. Diana Rozelin, SS.,M.Hum and Dian Mukhlisa, S.Pd.,MA as my supervisors,

thank you for the opportunity, time, and knowledge that has been given during the

completion of my thesis.

7. My best friend, Iga Anggraini, Nursakina and Ovi Rosalinda who have given a lot of

enthusiasm and motivation to the author in compiling this thesis.

8. My beloved friends from English Department B, thank you for the fellowship, friendship.

Especially, Annisa Rachmawati, Aurora Horinza, and Yuni Widia Herlin who have spent

time, and supported and motivated the author in compiling this thesis.

9. My beloved someone who always given supports, motivates, and remembered to finish

this thesis.

This thesis is still far away from perfection. Finally, the writer hopes this thesis will give

positive contributions for readers, especially for the students of English Literature Department of

Adab and Humanities Faculty.

Jambi, September th


Ratu Yayanglilis Septiamaylofa

Nim: AI. 160806

The Writer



Ratu Yayanglilis Septiamaylofa, 2020 : Conversational Implicature in Beauty and The

Beast Movie

Supervisor I : Dr. Diana Rozelin, SS.,M.Hum

Supervisor II : Dian Mukhlisa, S.Pd.,MA

Verbal communication is one of important parts of human’s life. One study that deals with verbal

communication is pragmatics. The writers choose this movie as the data because it tells about

some words that implied by the speaker in the daily conversation between closed people. It is

necessary to study how the implicature is working, in order to understand what implied meaning

that is found by the utterance in the movie. The main objective of this study is to discover how

utterance can go beyond its literal meaning by the disobeying or flouting of some principles by

the speaker in dialogue because flouting maxims particularly salient way of getting and

addresses to draw an inference and hence recovers an implicature or implied meaning. Therefore,

this study applies the theory of P.H. Grice (1975), and is supported by Searle's theory (1975).

This research used qualitative research and descriptive method which employs documentation

technique and content analysis. The result of this this study indicate that; The first, there are 13

data included generalized conversational implicature. Then, 3 data about particularized

conversational implicature. The second, there are 23 data included function of conversational

implicature. There are 9 implicatures which has assertive/representative function. Then 5

implicatures which have directive function, then 6 implicatures which have expressive function,

then 3 implicatures which have commisive function. The last, there are 15 data included maxim

violation. There are 4 data included maxim of quality, 6 data included maxim of quantity, data

included maxim of relation, then 2 data included maxim of manner.

Keywords : Conversational Implicature, Maxim, Beauty and The Beast Movie



Ratu Yayanglilis Septiamaylofa, 2020 : Conversational Implicature in Beauty and The

Beast Movie

Supervisor I : Dr. Diana Rozelin, SS.,M.Hum

Supervisor II : Dian Mukhlisa, S.Pd.,MA

Komunikasi verbal merupakan salah satu bagian penting dalam kehidupan manusia. Salah satu

kajian yang berhubungan dengan komunikasi herbal adalah pragmatic. Penulis memilih film ini

sebagai data karena menceritakan tentang beberapa kata yang diimplikasikan oleh pembicara

dalam percakapan sehari-hari antara orang-orang tertutup. Untuk itu perlu dikaji bagaimana

implikatur tersebut bekerja, agar dapat memahami makna tersirat yang ditemukan oleh tuturan

dalam film tersebut. Tujuan utama dari studi ini adalah untuk menemukan bagaimana ucapan

dapat melampaui makna literalnya dengan tidak menaati atau melanggar beberapa prinsip oleh

pembicara dalam dialog karena melecehkan maksim terutama cara yang menonjol untuk

mendapatkan dan menyapa untuk menarik kesimpulan dan karenanya memulihkan implikatur

atau arti tersirat. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menerapkan teori P.H. Grice (1975), dan

didukung oleh teori Searle (1975). Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dan

metode deskriptif yang menggunakan teknik dokumentasi dan analisis isi. Data tersebut

merupakan ujaran dalam dialog film Beauty and The Beast yang mengandung implikatur serta

diambil dari transkripsi teks film Beauty and The Beast berbahasa Inggris. Hasil penelitian ini

menunjukkan bahwa; Pertama, ada 13 data termasuk implikatur percakapan umum. Kemudian,

3 data tentang implikatur percakapan khusus. Kedua, ada 23 data yang termasuk fungsi

implikatur percakapan. Terdapat 9 implikatur yang memiliki fungsi asertif / representatif.

Kemudian 5 implikatur yang memiliki fungsi direktif, kemudian 6 implikatur yang memiliki

fungsi ekspresif, kemudian 3 implikatur yang memiliki fungsi komisif. Terakhir, ada 15 data

termasuk pelanggaran maksim. Ada 4 data meliputi maksim kualitas, 6 data berisi maksim

kuantitas, data berisi maksim relasi, lalu 2 data berisi maksim cara.

Kata Kunci : Implikatur percakapan, Maksim, Film Beauty and The Beast



APPROVAL ................................................................................................... i

ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT ........................................................... ii

MOTTO .......................................................................................................... iii

DEDICATION................................................................................................ iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT............................................................................. v

ABSTRACT.................................................................................................... vii

ABSTRAK ...................................................................................................... viii

TABLE OF CONTENT................................................................................. ix


A. Background of the Problem .......................................................... 1

B. Formulation of the Problem .......................................................... 5

C. Limitation of the Problem ............................................................. 5

D. Purpose of the Research ................................................................ 5

E. Significance of the Research......................................................... 6


A. Pragmatic ...................................................................................... 7

B. Implicature .................................................................................... 7

C. Conversational Implicature ........................................................... 8

D. Generalized Implicature ................................................................ 9

E. Particularized Implicature ............................................................. 9

F. Speech Act .................................................................................... 10

G. Cooperative Principle.................................................................... 12


H. Beauty and The Beast Movie ........................................................ 14

I. Review of Related Research ......................................................... 15


A. Resign of Research........................................................................ 18

B. Source of Data............................................................................... 19

C. Technique of Collenting Data ....................................................... 20

D. Technique of Data Analysis.......................................................... 21


A. Finding and Analysis .................................................................... 23

1. Types of Conversational Implicature ............................ 23

a. Genaralized Conversational Implicature ............................ 24

b. Particularized Conversational Implicature ......................... 26

2. Function of Conversational Implicature ........................ 28

3. Maxim Violation ........................................................... 37


A. Conclusions…………………………………..........…....….... 47

B. Suggestions…………………………………………............... 48







A. Background of the problem

Language is one of the most important factors in human daily life. It used

as means by human beings for communication with each others. Language should

be conveyed as clearly as possible in order that the message can be understand

and interpreted each other. In communication many things that talked like ask

about someone condition, share idea or vacation plan. What is speaker said for

hearer surely has a meaning. Sometime the meaning can understand in an implicit

and explicit manner. In linguistics field there are some branches that study about

meaning, which one in pragmatic. Pragmatic is meaning in use or meaning in

context.1 It means that when the speaker and the hearer communication the

meaning based in context when they talk. Communicate can success if the hearer

can understand about the speech by the speaker, if there is a miss understanding

between speaker and hearer, so the communication cannot find agreement, and

hearer wrong in interpret meaning from the speaker meaning with the one certain

speech.2 So, meaning that pragmatic analyze aim to understand the hearer aim.

Generally in a human life, language is used for different purpose.

Therefore, everyone will find some cases in a communication with other people.

One of the cases is implied meaning, it is found in a communication. A language

is something which is spoken; the written language is secondary and derivative.

There are communities that the same was true in the history of the species. There

are communities that have speech without writing, but we know of human

community which has a written language without a spoken one. Gestures and

facial expression also play a part in linguistic communication, we all know that

talking on the telephone is much less satisfactory that face to face conversation. It

1 Jenny Thomas. 1995. Meaning In Interaction: an Introduction to Pragmatics. USA: Longman.

2 Henry, Guntur Tarigan. 1990. Pengajaran Pragmatik. Bandung: Angkasa.


also true that a remarkable sign language has been developed for use by the deaf.

But the fact remains that speech is the primary from of language.3

According to Yule “Pragmatics is the study of the relationships between

linguistic forms and the users of those forms. In this three-part distinction, only

pragmatic allows humans into the analysis. The advantage of studying language

via pragmatics is that one can talk about people intended meanings, their

assumption, their purposes or goals, and the kinds of actions (for example,

requests) that they are performing when they speak”.4 By this Grace means that

the implicature is attached to the semantic content of what is said, not to linguistic

form, and therefore implicature cannot be detached from an utterance simply by

changing the words of the utterance for synonyms.5

Implicit meaning is a part of assessment in linguistics, especially in the

study of pragmatics. The study which discusses the implicit meaning of the

utterance is called implicature. The role of language is very important in

communication. People’s understanding of language is very diverse, depending on

what theory is used. Language can be defined as an arbitrary and conversational

sign system. Regarding the characteristics of the system, language is systematic.

Language are systemic because language is a system or subsystem. Common

language functions are as a means of social communication. Every community is

certain to have and use the social communication tools. There is no society

without language, and there is no language without society.

The role of language is very important in communication. People's

understanding of language is very diverse, depending on what theory is used.

Common language functions are as a means of social communication. Every

community is certain to have and use these social communication tools. There is

no society without language, and there is no language without society.6 Language

with nuances of humor, or language games (words) becomes a trend in the

development of Indonesian today. Language games equipped with cartoons can

3 Barber. Charles. 1993. The English Language. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

4 Yule, George and Widdowson, H.G. 1996. Pragmatic. New York: Oxford University Press.

5 Levinson, Stephen C. 1983. Pragmatics. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

6 Soeparno. 2002. Dasar Dasar Linguistik Umum. Yogyakarta: Tiara Wacana Yogya.


provide other nuances and tend to provide certain content, sharp criticism, and

easy to understand. Without having to directly discuss the object of the problem,

then the message that can be conveyed easily can be understood. Talking words

that are given pictures sometimes seem funny, smart and even entertaining, and

able to give a certain impression of the object.7

The writer use of the conversation from the movie because the writer finds

some problems about the implicit meaning in utterances that are used by the

characters. This movie tells about a prince cursed by a witch being a scary Beast

and then he meets a beautiful woman named Belle who initially hates Beast for

having imprisoned her father in a castle. One day Beast die in a fight against

Gaston just as the last petals of the flower given by a wizard fall and Belle

immediately reveals her love to the Beast and change the situation in an instant.

The wizard also canceled his curse and returned the Beast and the circumstances

around and changed the Beast back into a gallant prince and they celebrated the

party and were happy. Beauty and the Beast movie are supported by many unique

characters. The characters use many implicit utterances which can be analyzed by

using Conversational Implicature.

Here is an example of conversational implicature from the movie:

Gaston : Belle is the most beautiful girl in the village. That makes

her the best.

Lefou : But, she’s so well read. And you’re so. Athletically


Gaston : I know. Belle can be as argumentative as she is beautiful.

Lefou : Exactly! Who needs her when you’ve got us?

(This utterance takes from the “Beauty and The Beast movie” 2017).

The conversation above takes place in the hills in the village. The

participants in this conversation are Lefou and Gaston. They are best friend and

often hanging out together everywhere. On the hillside of the corner, Gaston sees

Belle with her activities through his binoculars on his favorite horse. Gaston tells

7 Wijana, I. D. Putu. 2004. Linguistic, Sosiolinguistic, Pragmatic. Yogyakarta: Universitas Gajah



to Lefou about Belle and he wants Belle to be his wife because she is very

beautiful and also a genius. After seeing Belle from his binoculars, Lefou

suddenly says “But she’s so well-read. And you’re so. Athletically inclined”. He

says that statement because he thinks that Gaston is different with Belle in

hobbies. And then, Gaston responds with this utterance “I know. Belle can be as

argumentative as she is beautiful”. Naturally, Gaston realizes that what Lefou talk

is true. After hearing Gaston’s response to Lefou’s statement, Lefou assumes that

Gaston violates the Quantity maxim. The utterance of Gaston means more than

what is he said. From his utterance, it can be assumed that Lefou wants to show

how Gaston is different with Belle in their hobbies. He is a man of temperament

and quite different from Belle who has a good heart as her beauty. He makes sure

to Gaston if he cannot have Belle because they are so much different in every

way. He believes that Gaston can’t be Belle’s husband. From Lefou’s expression,

it can be seen that he looks underestimate to Gaston by playing his hand about

Gaston’s ability to have Belle.

This utterance also can be meant that Gaston's in a problem and does not

anyone to share, so without a good effort, he will not be able to be Belle's

husband. When the implicature of Gaston’s utterance that is “I know. Belle can be

as argumentative as she is beautiful” is analyzed with Grice’s theory of 4

conversational implicature; the implicature is organized as particularized

conversational implicature. The implicature of Gaston’s utterance is, he believed

that he can have Belle in every way and Belle will choose him to be her husband.

The additional meaning is calculated with special knowledge of any particular

context and not said in a literal way to get the message of the utterance.

Therefore, the utterance of the characters in Beauty and the Beast movie is

analyzed by using conversational implicature. The writer analyzes the implicit

meaning in the scene of the characters utterances in Beauty and the Beast movie.

The writer hopes that it can help show the hearer to understand the reason why the

implicit meaning is used in a protective manner. To understand the speaker

meaning the hearers used it to make a good response to the speaker. In this

research, the researcher is going to do a research on types of conversational


implicature based on Grice’s theory. The writers choose this movie as the data

because the movie is one of movie that famous in the world, and addition it tells

about some words that implied by the speaker in the daily conversation between

closed people. It is necessary to study how the implicature is working, in order to

understand what implied meaning that is found by the utterance in the movie.

B. Formulation of the problem

Based on background of the problem above, this research aims to find the

answer of the following questions:

1. What are the types of conversational implicature in Beauty and The Beast


2. What are the functions of conversational implicature in Beauty and The

Beast Movie?

3. What are the maxim violations of conversational implicature in Beauty

and The Beast Movie?

C. Limitation of the problem

In this research, the researcher analyzes conversational implicature which

are taken from Beauty and The Beast movie. The researcher only explores on the

dialogues containing implicature, in this research focused on analyzes types

conversational implicature in the conversation in main character (Belle, Beast,

Gaston) in Beauty and the Beast Movie.

D. Purpose of the problem

The research hopes the problems above can be accomplished by these


1. To identify the type of conversational implicatures in Beauty and The

Beast Movie.

2. To determine the function of conversational implicature in Beauty and The

Beast Movie.

3. To determine the maxim of conversational implicature in Beauty and The

Beast Movie.


E. The significance of the research

This research provides theoretical and practical benefits. Theoretically,

this research can be used by film to better understand the field of pragmatics,

especially implicature. Practically, this research can add to the readers' insight into

the types of conversational implicatures in Beauty and The Beast Movie. And to

enlarge the readers attention to analyze linguistic work not only by one side but

also from other side as the writer will. The writer hopes that the result of this

research could give some contributions for the literature field especially to the

English Literature in Adab Faculty of State Islami University Sulthan Thaha

Saifuddin (UIN STS) Jambi. Furthermore, the writer hopes this research could

encourage the readers to be more care, interesting and never bored in studying and

researching the linguistic field, pragmatic field, especially implicature. And

especially which have correlation with the daily communicate with the other

people, because basically linguistic work were very rich of linguistics elements

which could be researched.




A. Pragmatics

Pragmatics can be interpreted as a knowledge of understanding the

meaning of words in certain situations. According to Yule "The branch of science

that studies what is desired by speakers is called pragmatics."8 Pragmatics also

examines the meaning of speech and meaning that are bound by context and

analytical approaches in linguistics include consideration of contexts in language


Context has a strong enough influence on the interpretation of the meaning

of words spoken by speakers. Pragmatics are born as an attempt to overcome the

semantic needs in interpreting all the utterance meanings in sentences. Basically

between semantics and pragmatics is the same because it deals with meaning.

Purwo explains pragmatics is the study of all aspects of meaning that are not

included in semantic theory, the meaning of which is examined by pragmatics is

the meaning after being reviewed by semantics. Semantics is reviewing the

meaning of the sentence (sentence) while pragmatics is the study of utterance.10

B. Implicature

A mutual understanding is inevitably needed by a speaker and a hearer in

order to construct a good communication. Understanding an utterance

syntactically and semantically is not sufficient since the meaning of utterance is

not only stated but it also implied. The notion of implicature was first introduced

by Grice (1967), who defined it essentially as what is communicated less what is

said. Gadzar (1979)11

defines Implicature is anything that is inferred from an

utterance but that is not a condition for the truth of utterance. A. Davis (1998)

defines Implicature is Grice’s term for what a speaker does not say but rather

8 Yule, George and Widdowson, H.G. 1996. Pragmatic. New York: Oxford University Press.

9 Lubis, H.H. 1991. Analisis Wacana Pragmatik. Bandung: Angkasa.

10 Kaswanti Purwo, Bambang. 1990. Pragmatik dan Pengajaran Bahasa. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.

11 Gadzar, Gerald 1979 Pragmatics, Implicature, Presupposition and Logical Form. Florida

Academis Press. INC.


communicates, suggests, implies, etc, in virtue of saying what he does. It also

refers to the fact of something’s being so communicated.12

Grundy (2000)13

states the contribution of notion of implicature is that it

provide some explicit account of how it is possible to mean (in some general

sense) more than what is actually ‘said’ (more than what is literally expressed by

conventional sense of linguistic expression uttered). Levinson adds that

implicature is a primary example of more being communicated than is said but in

order for them interpreted, some basic cooperative principle must first be assumed

to be in operation. Furthermore, Grice as quoted by Levinson explain that the term

of implicature to be a general cover term to stand in contrast to what is said or

expressed by the truth condition of expression, and to include all kinds of


Levinson states that implicature are inferred based on the assumption that

the speaker observes or flouts some principle of cooperation. Grice divides

implicature into conventional implicature and nonconvensional implicature

(conversational implicature).14

C. Conversational Implicature

In pragmatics, conversational implicature is an indirect or implicit speech

act: what is meant by a speaker's utterance that is not part of what is explicitly

said. The term is also known simply as implicature; it is the antonym (opposite)

of explicature, which is an explicitly communicated assumption.

"What a speaker intends to communicate is characteristically far richer

than what she directly expresses; linguistic meaning radically underdetermines the

message conveyed and understood," says L.R. Horn.15


Dr. Gregory House: "How many friends do you have?"

Lucas Douglas: "Seventeen."


Wayne, A. Davis. 1998. Implicature: intention, convention and principle in the failure Gricean

Theory (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy). Camridge: Camridge University Press. 13

Grundy, P. 2000. Doing Pragmatics. London: Arnold. 14

Levinson, Stephen C. 1983. Pragmatics. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. 15

Laurance, R. Horn. 2004. The Handbook of Pragmatics. Oxford: Blackwell.


Dr. Gregory House: "Seriously? Do you keep a list or something?"

Lucas Douglas: "No, I knew this conversation was really about you, so I

gave you an answer so you could get back to your train of thought."

Grice introduces a distinction between two types of conversational

implicature: Generalized Implicature and Particularized Implicature.

1. Generalized Implicature

Grice (1975) distinguished conversational implicature into generalized and

particularized implicature. He asserts that generalized conversational implicature

is implicature that arise without any particular context or special scenario being

necessary. Grice (1975) add that generalized implicature is a conversational

implicature that is inferable without to a special context, for example:

John walked into a house yesterday and saw a tortoise.

This expression implies that the house is not John’s house.

In generalized implicature, a speaker can use the maxim of quantity to invite the

inference that no more can be said, as in:

A : "I wish you by a bag and shoes."

B : "I buy a bag."

By the illustration above, it means that the speaker B do not buy shoes and

it can be understood that the utterance is informative as required for the speaker.

Generalized implicature are inferred on the basis inferential heuristics which are

derived from (some of) Grice’s Maxim. Grice (1975) defines heuristics act as

guides to speakers on how to formulate their utterances and hearers on how to

process the utterance.

2. Particularized Implicature

Grice (1975) Particularized conversational implicature is a conversation

takes place in a very specific context in which locally recognized inferences are


For example:

A : "What on earth has happened to the roast beef?"

B : "The dog is looking very happy. "

16 Grice, H.P 1975. Logic and Conversation. New York: Oxford University Press.


In the above exchange, A will likely derive the implicature ‘’the dog ate

the roast beef’’ from B’s statement. This is due to A belief that B is observing the

conversational maxim of relation or relevance in the specific context of A’s


In short the implicature that rely much on the special context, it is can be

classified into particularized conversational implicature Cummings (1999). For


A : "I’m sorry for making you wait in a long time."

B : "That’s fine, it just like waiting for one year."

In this context of situations shows that the speaker A request an

apologizing since making B waiting for him in a long time. But in particular

context, the hearer B is getting angry even says ‘’that’s fine’’ and he extremely

bored as he says ‘’it just like waiting for one year’’. Because there are basically

most common, the particularized conversational implicature are typically just

called implicature.

D. Speech Act

Utterances produced in the process of communication consist of some

certain different functions. They cannot only be seen structurally, but other ossible

functional uses of language are also involved. People, however, may express their

thought using similar literal utterances containing different functions in order to

inform one another such as warning, apology, bet, and promises. Therefore, Mey

(1994, p.110) states that each utterances includes some particular functional uses

of language.17

Speech act are words that do things. When an utterance in produced

it is not merely a combination of words. It has deeper intention. There are

numerous speech acts in people’s utterances and Searle (1975) classifies them

info five groups.

1. Representatives/Assertives

Assertive speech acts are statements of fact. This speech acts carry the

values of true and false. In this point, the utterance must match the world in

17 Mey, J. L. 1993. Pragmatics: An Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell.


order to be true. In other word Assertives (representatives) is speech acts

which commit the speaker to the truth of something (i.e.asserting, claiming,

reporting). English verbs that function as assertive includes report, predict,

inform, accuse, testify, confess, state, swear, criticize, act.

2. Directives

A directives speech act occurs when the speaker expects the listener to

do something as a response. These speech acts embody an effort on the part of

the speaker to get the hearer to do something or to ‘dirrect’ him or her towards

some goal. Diectives: which are attempts of the speaker to get the hearer to do

something (ordering, commending, requesting, begging).

3. Commissives

Like directives, commissives operates a change in the world by means

of creating an obligation, however, this obligation is created in the speaker,

not in the hearer, as in the case of directives. Commissives commit the speaker

to do some future action. The point of commissive speech act is to commit

speaker to perform some future action. This kind of speech act even called

intended act. In conversation, common commissive speech acts are threats,

promising, vowing, refusing, threatening, pledging, guaranteeing act.

4. Expressives

The point of expressive is to express the psychological state about

some affairs. By expressisve, the speaker should express his psychological

state about some affairs. It expresses an inner state of the speaker which,

insofar as it is essentially subjective, says nothing about world. Typical cases

are when the speaker curses, praises, congratulates, thanking, apologizing,

complimenting, complaining.

5. Declarative

These speech acts are the declarations that change the state of affairs in

the world, which bring out the correspondence between the propositional

content and reality (i.e, appointing a chairman, nominating a candidate,

marrying a person, christening).


In communication the process of conveying message in communication

can be in form verbal and implied. When speaker conveys the message (whether

verbally or implicitly) of course there is purpose behind uttering something. The

Searle speech acts classification is helpful to determine the purpose of the

utterance that being uttered by speaker toward hearer in communication. The type

of utterance’s function can be determined by identifying the context or situation of


E. Cooperative Principle

The success of conversation depends on the various speakers approach to

the interaction. The way which people try to make conversations work is called

Cooperative Principle. The Cooperative Principle is a basic underlying

assumption we make when we make when we speak to one another is that we are

trying to cooperate with one another to construct meaningful conversations. Grice

(1975) proposes the cooperative principle which states “make your conversational

contribution such is required, as the stage at which it occurs by the accepted

purpose or the direction of the talk exchange which you are engaged”. In other

words, we as the speakers should contribute meaningful, productive utterance to

further the conversation. It then follows that, as listeners we assume that our

conversational partners are doing the same. Concerning with his cooperative

principle, Grice divides cooperative principle into four basic conversational


1. Maxim of Quantity

Maxim of quantity as one of the cooperative principle is primarily

concerned with giving information as it is required and that not giving the

contribution more informative than it required. Therefore, each participant’s

contribution to conversation should be just as informative as it requires, it

should not be less informative. And say as much as helpful but not more

informative or less informative. Finnegan (2004, p.93) defines that the maxim

of quantity provides that in normal circumstance, speakers say just enough,

18 Grice, H. P. 1975. Logic and Conversation. New York: Oxford University Press.


that they supply no less information and no more than is necessary for the

purpose of the communication, for example:

A : “Where is the hospital?”

B : “In the next of that store.”

It can be seen that B information is informative and give enough

contribution towards A’s question about the exact location of hospital.

2. Maxim of Quality

The maxim of Quality proposes that the speaker should tell the truth in a

conversation in order to communicate cooperatively. Grice (1975, p.44) states

that when engaged in conversation, the maxim of quality requires that you, for


A : “Where is Eiffel tower located?”

B : “In Paris.”

Here, B gives the correct answer which shows about the true fact.

3. Maxim of Relation

Maxim of relation means that the utterance must be relevant which the

topic being discussed. Fineegan (2004) states that this maxim directs speakers

about their utterance such a way that they are relevant to ongoing context: Be

relevant at the time of the utterance. The maxim of relevance is fulfilled when

the speaker gives contribution that is relevant to the topic of preceding

utterance. Therefore, Grundy (2000, p.74) says that each participant’s

contribution should be relevant to the subject of conversation, for example:

A : “How about your score Jane?”

B : “Not too bad.”

Here, Jane’s utterance fulfilled the maxim of relevance, because her

answer is relevant with the questions.

4. Maxim of Manner

Maxim of manner obligates speaker’s utterance to be perspicuous which is

not be ambiguous, obscure, or disorderly and unnecessary prolixity.

Therefore, each participant’s contribution should be reasonably direct, that is,

it should not be vague, ambiguous or excessive wordy. For example:


A : “What did you think of that drama?”

B : “I really like of the action of each player. They can play their role

as good as possible.”

The answer of B is categorized as maxim of manner, he can answer

the question from his partner about the drama clearly. From the

explanation mentioned above, we can conclude that although it is very

difficult to obey and use all of the cooperative principles and its maxims in

uttering or writing the sentences, but it is essential to follow the

cooperative principle in order communication run more effectively.

F. Beauty and the Beast Movie

This movie tells about a prince cursed by a witch being a scary Beast and

then he meets a beautiful woman named Belle who initially hates Beast for having

imprisoned her father in a castle. One day Beast die in a fight against Gaston just

as the last petals of the flower given by a wizard fall and Belle immediately

reveals her love to the Beast and change the situation in an instant. The wizard

also canceled his curse and returned the Beast and the circumstances around and

changed the Beast back into a gallant prince and they celebrated the party and

were happy.

This film was produced by recording images from the world with cameras,

or by creating images using animation technique or special effects. Beauty and

The Beast movie is a 2017 American musical romantic fantasy film directed by

Bill Condon from a screenplay written by Stephen Chbosky and Evan

Spiliotopoulos. Producer by Walt Disney Pictures and Mandeville Films. It was

filmed in the UK with predominantly British principal actors. The film received

four nominations at the 23rd Critics' Choice Awards and two nominations at

the 71st British Academy Film Awards. It also received Academy

Award nominations for Best Production Design and Best Costume Design at

the 90th Academy Awards. A spin-off/prequel TV series, Little Town, is in

development. The film features an ensemble cast that includes Emma Watson and


Dan Stevens as the eponymous characters with Luke Evans, Kevin Kline, Josh

Gad, Ewan McGregor, Stanley Tucci, Audra McDonald, Gugu Mbatha Raw, Ian

McKellen, and Emma Thompson in supporting roles.

G. Review of Related Research

The research uses five researches papers which correlate with the

conversational implicature to develop her thesis. First, Zahrul Fauzi Makin

(2015), the student of State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. He

writes the paper entitled “The Analysis of Conversational Implicature and Its

Violation Maxim in the Movie Grownups 2 2013” he uses Grice’s theory, and he

uses qualitative method. The data are explained by showing the context of

situation, the implicature of utterances, and the maxim. He finds three point as the

result. The first, he finds 12 data of generalized and 13 of particularized. The

second, he finds the most violation maxim is maxim of quantity. The last, the

implied meaning of conversational implicature types are to imply the opposite,

previous event, other of similar kinds, contradiction with actual condition and

general knowledge inferences.19

Second, Muhammad Vikry (2014), the student of State Islamic University

Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. He writers the paper entitled “An Analysis of

Conversational Implicature in Iron Man 3” he uses Grice’s theory for analyzing

the conversational implicature found in the dialogue of the characters in the

movie. He uses descriptive qualitative method to describe and to identify the

conversational implicature without using any statistical procedure in the analysis.

The data are collected by watching the movie and by talking notes dialogues that

estimate as implicature in data cards. Then he selected data are analyzed one by

one using relevant theory about the research. He finds conversational implicature

rising because the utterances of the characters non observance maxims, and he

19 Fauzi, Zahrul Makin. 2015. “The Analysis of Conversational Implicature and Its

Violation Maxim in the Movie Grownups 2 2013”. Yogyakarta: Universitas Islam

Sunan Kalijaga.


also finds generalized conversational implicature and particularized

conversational implicature. 20

The third paper is “The Implicature in Romantic Scenes of Yes Man Movie

as seen in Carl’s and Allison’s Dialogues”. It is written by Rawuh Yuda Yuwana

(2014), the student of State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. He

uses Grice’s theory. He analyzes about the types of implicature used in a romantic

situation in Yes Man movie. He explain the data by showing the semantic

meaning. The maxims, the context, and the implicature of utterances. He

concludes two points for his analysis. First, implicature that can make a romantic

situation is formulated by following all maxims of breaching some maxims.

Second, the implicature has benefit in a romantic situation. It can be used to show

respect, exception, suprice, and emphasizing of feeling to other. The implicature

also can be used to test feeling of the targerts.21

The fourth paper is An Analysis of “Conversational Implicature Found in

Movie Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter”. It is written by Tuy Eni Wijayanti

(2013). She is the student of English Education Department of Teacher Training

and Education Faculty of Muria Kudus University. She analyzes utterances of

three main characters and the type of conversational implicatures that are

produced by the three main characters of that movie. She uses Grice’s theory of

conversational implicature as the basic of the analysis of the study. She uses

qualitative research which the data of study are taken from the movie. She has

some result of her research. Majority, she finds more frequently generalized

conversational implicature and particularized conversational implicature. She


Vikry, Muhammad. 2014. “An Analysis of Conversational Implicature in Iron Man 3”. Jakarta:

Universitas Syarif Hidayatullah.

21 Yuwana, Rawuh Yuda. 2014. “The Implicature in Romantic Scenes of Yes Man Movie

as seen in Carl’s and Allison’s Dialogues”. Yogyakarta: Universitas Islam Sunan



finds more frequenly generalized conversational implicature than particularized

conversational implicature.22

The last is The “Conversational Implicature that is used by Three Main

Characters in Hotel Transylvania Movie”. It is written by Asrorul Nur Muvida

(2015), the student of State Islamic Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. She uses Grice’s

theory in research. Data are explained by showing the context of situation, the

types of conversational implicature, the maxim that can be considered, and the

implicature of the utterance. She finds two points as the result, they are three main

characters use both generalized and particularized but they use generalized

implicature more frequently than particulariezed implicature. She also finds about

how the hearer respond generalized conversational implicature utterances.23

Based on five researches above, this research has different point and

similar point. The same point of five researches is similar in the theory. This

research uses implicature theory by Grice. This research entitled “Conversational

Implicature in Beauty and The Beast Movie” has differences from other

researches. Furthermore, this research has two differences of five papers above.

First, the difference of movie genre is fantasy. It is different point because

movie genre of first “Grownups 2 2013” is comedy, genre of second paper “Iron

Man 3” is action, genre of third paper “Yes Man” is romantic comedy, and genre

of fourth paper “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” is horror.

Second is different of target analysis. This analysis focuses on each

conversation in the characters. Then, this research has some research question to

get result of implicature that it also different with them. Among of them, first,

types of conversational implicature, and the second is function of each

conversational implicature, and the last is maxim violation in the conversation.

22 Wijayanti, Tuy Eni. 2013. “Conversational Implicature Found in Movie Abraham Lincoln:

Vampire Hunter”. Jawa Tengah: Universitas Muria Kudus.

23 Muvida, Asrorul Nur. 2015. “Conversational Implicature that is used by Three Main Characters

in Hotel Transylvania Movie”. Yogyakarta: Universitas Islam Sunan Kalijaga.




A. Design of Research

Based on the formulation of the problem, the writer uses qualitative

research and descriptive method in this research. It suitable with the aim of this

research qualitative research procedure which result in descriptive method. The

data were collected in the form of the words as a descriptive explanation than a

number. Descriptive method is done by describing in the fact then follows with

the further analysis. According to Ary “The research is analyzed as descriptive, it

is described by words of figures if necessary, and it does not describe the

numerical analysis.”24

This study was carried out by formulating the problem,

collecting the data, classifying, and explaining the result. Nazir states “Descriptive

method is a method in examining the status of human groups, an object, a

collection, a system of thought, a category of events in the present.”25


to Denzin and Lincoln.

Denzin and Lincoln (via Moleong, 2011)26

explain that qualitative

research is research that uses natural settings, with the intention of

interpreting phenomena that occur and are carried out by involving various

methods in the form of interviews, observations, and utilization of

documents. The data collected in this method is in the form of words, and

not numbers.

Based on statement, Qualitative research uses the document, pictures and

observes to describe to analyze. Qualitative research focuses in natural object and

meaning to people brings them and takes its data forms certain sources.

Qualitative research method involved all aspect in human life variety of

phenomena or case which occurred in human experience. The data in qualitative

24 Donal, Ary. 2002. Introduce To Research In Education. USA: Wadsworth Group A Division Of

Thomspson Learning. 25

Nazir, Moh. 2002. Metode Penelitian. Bogor: Ghalia Indonesia. 26

Moleong, L.J. 2011. Metodelogi Penelitian Kualitatif Edisi Revisi.Bandung: PT Remaja



research can express by words, phrases, clauses, sentences and pictures. Based on

Sugiono’s book states that:

According to Sugiyono (2009)27

“Qualitative research methods are

research used to investigate, discover, describe, and explain the quality or

idiosyncrasy of social influence that cannot be explained, measured or illustrated

through a quantitative approach.” Based on the statement, Qualitative research

method is a research method that is descriptive in nature, uses analysis, refers to

data, uses existing theories as supporting material, and produces a theory.

According to Creswell (2016)28

qualitative is an inquiry process of

understanding based on distinct methodological traditions of inquiry that explore a

social or human problem. The research builds a complex, holistic picture,

analyzes word, report detailed views of information, and conducts the study in a

natural setting. Qualitative research is a type of research that explores and

understands meaning in a number of individuals or groups of people who stem

from the problem social. Qualitative research in general can be used for research

about people's life, history, behavior, concepts or phenomena, social problems,

and others. Based on statement, Qualitative research is a type of social science

research that collects and works with non-numerical data and which seeks to

interpret the meaning of this data so that it can help us understand social life

through the study of targeted populations or places.

B. Source of Data

According to Hornby (2011) data is information of fact. In research, the

data is very essential in finding and solving the problem. It is very necessary for

researcher because the data is the basic element needed in research.29

In this

research, the writes takes the data from the Beauty and The Beast movie and from

the script that writer take from internet in The film is

a live-action adaptation of Disney's 1991 animated film of the same name, itself

27 Sugiono. 2009. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif Kuantitaif dan R & D. Bandung: Alfabeta.

28 Creswell, John W. 2016. Research Design: Pendekatan Metode Kualitatif, Kuantitatif dan

Campuran. Edisi keempat (Cetakan Kesatu). Yogyakarta: Pustaka Belajar. 29

Hornby, A. S. 2005. Oxford Advanced Learne’s Dictionary. Oxford: University Press.


an adaptation of Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont's 1756 version of the fairy

tale. This movie has duraction 2 hour 19 minutes.

The film received four nominations at the 23rd Critics' Choice Awards and

two nominations at the 71st British Academy Film Awards. It also

received Academy Award nominations for Best Production Design and Best

Costume Design at the 90th Academy Awards. A spin-off/prequel TV

series, Little Town, is in development.

C. Technique of Collecting Data

Technique is an activity to find data needed in order to achieve social

research objectives. The writer uses the documentation technique. Data collection

has a very vital role in a research like Siswantoro said:

“Data collection activities are an important part of the research process.”30

Sugiono stated that "The document is a record of events that have passed

and the document is every written material, film or record that has been prepared

because of a request from an investigator.” Documentation is a method used to

provide documents by using accurate evidence from recording specific sources of

information from essays / writings, testaments, books, laws, and so on.

Documentation according to Sugiyono (2015: 329) is a method used to

obtain data and information in the form of books, archives, documents, numbers

and written images in the form of reports and information that can support

research. Documentation is used to collect data and then be reviewed.31

Documentation is a systematic activity or process in collecting, searching,

investigating, using, and providing documents to obtain information, informing

knowledge and evidence and distributing it to users. That writer matches the

dialogue with the film script, after that the writer takes the data based on dialogue

in movie.

There were some ways of collecting the data in order to complete the



Siswantoro. 2010. Metode Penelitian Sastra. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Belajar. 31

Sugiyono. 2015. Metode Penelitian Kombinasi (Mix Method). Bandung: Alfabeta


1. The writer downloads movie and script Beauty and The Beast Movie

in Google. Writer chose that website provides free movies with good

quality picture and sound which can support the accurateness of data.

The writer downloads the film in and the script in

2. Watching Beauty and The Beast movie to check the accurateness of

English transcription with the motion picture.

3. Continue to selecting data from the result of watching Beauty and The

Beast movie.

4. Classifying data in forms of conversational implicature.

5. Arranging the obtainable data systematically.

D. Technique of Data Analysis

According to Lexy J. Moleong (2000) data analysis is the process of

organizing and sorting data into basic patterns, categories, and description units so

that themes can be found and work hypotheses can be formulated as suggested by

the data.32

Based on statement above data analysis is the process of searching and

arranging systematically data obtained from interviews, field notes, and other

material, so that it could be easily to understood, and findings could be informed

to formulation of problem through interview, field notes and other materials and

the organizing them systematically to be easily understood and informed to others.

In technique of data analyzing the writer conclude all the data has complete to

understand the data that were collected. The writer analyzes the data

will use content analysis.

According to Holsti (1969: 28), content analysis is a technique of making

conclusions by identifying the characteristics of certain messages objectively and

systematically. Klaus Krippendorff defines content analysis as a research

32 Moleong, Lexy J. 2000. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya.


technique in making conclusions from the context data.33

Content analysis is a

research which has the character of in-depth discussion of the content of written

or printed information in the mass media.

According to Riffe, Lacy and Fico (1998: 20) Content analysis is a

systematic and replicable test of communication symbols, where these symbols

are given a numerical value based on valid measurements and analysis uses

statistical methods to describe communication, draw conclusions and also

provides context, both production and consumption.34

Content analysis is a

research method that uses a set of procedures to make valid inferences from texts.

To find the answer the formulation of problem that had been formulated.

There are four steps of technique data analysis:

1. Identifying

In this step, the writer identifies refers to the process of selecting,

focusing, simplifying, abstracting, transforming the data. The writer

identified the data which has the conversational implicature.

2. Classification.

After identify the data, the writer classified data based on the utterance that

has conversational implicature.

3. Analysis, describing, and explaining.

The writer analyzed, described and explained the data based on the theory

which support this research about conversational implicature in Beauty

and The Beast movie. So, the result of this research has been present in

analytic descriptive, that described the facts and after that analyzed it.

4. Conclusion

Finally, after all the data had been analyzed, describe and explained in the

research, the writer made the conclusion of the research based on the


33 Holsti, Ole R. 1969. Content Analysis for the Social Science and Humanities. Reading,

Massachusetts: Addison, Westley Publishing. 34

Riffie, D., Lacy, S.,& Fico, F.G. 1998. Analysis Media Massage: Using Quantitative Content Analysis in Research. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associate Publishers.


A. Finding



This sub heading illustrates the findings is derived from the research

problems in which the first question concern on the forming type of

conversational implicature based on Grice’s theory of implicature (1975) and the

second one concern on the function of utterances based on speech acts theory

which is proposed by Searle (1994), then the third problem concern on the maxim

violation based on cooperative principle by Grice’s (1975).

The results of this study indicate that there are two types of conversational

implicature. The first, generalized conversational implicature and the second,

particularized conversational implicature. There are 16 data included type of

conversational implicature. The type of conversational that most commonly

occurs in the film Beauty and The Beast movie is generalized conversational

implicature, there are four types of implied conversational functions,

representative, directive, commisive, and expressive. There are 23 data included

function of conversational implicature. The conversational implicature function

that is common in Beauty and The Beast movie is the implicature conversational

function of representative. The last there are four maxim that are violated in the

film Beauty and The Beast movie, maxim of quality, maxim of quantity, maxim

of relation and maxim of manner, there are 15 data included maxim violation. The

most-violated maxim in the film Beauty and The Beast movie is the maxim of


B. Analysis

Types of Conversational Implicature

To analyze about the type of conversational implicature that exist in

Beauty and The Beast movie, the writers must really understand and learn what is

meaning of the types conversational implicature. Conversational implicature is

divided into two types: generalized conversational implicature and particularized

conversational implicature.


a. Generalized Conversational Implicature

There are 13 data include generalized conversational implicature.

Datum 1

Monsieur Jean : “Good morning Belle!”

Belle : “Good morning monsieur Jean. Have you lost

something again?

Monsieur Jean : “Well, I believe I have, the problem is I can’t

remember what. Oh well, I’m sure it will come to


Context of Situation

This conversation occurs when Belle meets Jean in front of Jean’s house,

This conversation took place in the morning and Belle sang happily, greeting

everyone in her village.

Datum 2

Monsieur Jean : “Where are you off to?”

Belle : “To return this book to Pere Robert, it is about two

lovers in Fair Verona”

Monsieur Jean : “Sounds Boring”

Context of Situation


From the questions that given by Belle as if indicating that Belle already

know the habit of Jean who often lost his goods. To calculate additional

meaning “Well, I believe I have, the problem is I can’t remember what”

that is conveyed by Monsieur Jean it is may imply that actually he did not lost

his goods. Belle does not need special knowledge to understand the meaning

of the sentence. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that this

conversation included in Generalized Conversational Implicature.


The conversation took place when Belle sang and met Monsieur Jean in

front of his house, occurs when Belle wants to go to the Pere Robert’s place,

in the library, which was where Belle went every day.


Jean conveys additional meaning via implicature “Sounds Boring” which

imply that Monsieur Jean does not like to read a book about two lovers in Fair

Verona. To understand the implicature provided by Jean, Belle does not

require any special knowledge to interpret the implicature because Belle has

read the book. In this conversation Jean gives the opinion that the book about

two lovers in Fair Verona Jean sounds boring it is because maybe Jean does

not like the book and therefore be stated that the book is boring, but not for

Belle because as known that Belle love reading books. Thus the conversation

is classified into Generalized Conversational Implicature.

Datum 3

Robert : “Ah if it isn’t, the only bookworm in town, So, where did

you run off this week?”

Belle : “Two cities in Northern Italy. I didn’t want to come back!

Have you got any new places to go?”

Robert : “I’m afraid not. But you may reread any of the old ones

that you’d like.”

Context of Situation

This conversation occurs when Belle and Robert were in Robert’s place.

Robert called Belle a bookworm. and in this conversation Belle tells her that

she is going somewhere, and she doesn't want to come back.


The implicature occurred when Belle asked about new places Robert

would visit, then Robert replied with “I’m afraid not” which means that he

does not yet have a new place to visit. To calculate the additional meaning of

the implicature, Belle does not require any special knowledge to understand its

implicature. Thus, it is classified into Generalized Conversational Implicature.


Datum 4

Belle : “It is a small village Gaston. I’ve met them all.”

Gaston : “Well, maybe you should take another look, some of hus

have changed, ”

Belle : “Gaston , we could never make each other happy. No

one can changed that much.”

Context of Situation

This conversation occurs when Gaston meets Belle, it is known that

Gaston is obsessed by Belle and wants to marry her soon. Knowing if Belle is

having trouble with Head master in their village, it is used by Gaston to

seduce Belle. But it does not work because Belle is very dislike Gaston.


Belle states implicature through the phrase “We could never make each

other happy, no one can changed that much.” Which can be interpreted as a

rejection that Belle does not like Gaston and will not marry him. To

understand the implicature that conveyed by Belle, Gaston does not require

any special knowledge to understand it. Thus, this conversation is classified

into the generalized conversational implicature.

b. Particularized Conversational Implicature.

There are 3 data included particularized conversational implicature.

Datum 1

Belle : “I don’t understand why you’re all being so kind to me.

Surely, you are as a trapped here as I am. Don’t you ever

want to escape?”

Mrs. Pots : “The master’s not as terrible as he appears. Somewhere

deep in his soul, there’s a prince of a fellow who just

waiting to be set free.”

Context of Situation

This conversation occurs when after Belle had dinner with beasts, then

walked in the castile and talked about Beasts with Mrs. Pots.



In the conversation Mrs. Pots conveys additional meaning via implicature

“The master’s not as terrible as he appears.” to understand the additional

meaning, Belle must know the Beast longer then Belle knows how the original

character of the Beast is, and she will find the reason why all the people in the

palace did not leave Beast. Then Belle will need a special knowledge to

understand it. Thus, it is classified into particularized conversational


Datum 2

Gaston : “You are the wildest most gorgeous thing I have ever

seen. Nobody deserves you. But at least I know our

children will be beautiful.”

Lefou : “Am I catching you at a bad time?”

Gaston : “What is it, Lefou?”

Lefou : “A certain damsel is in distress”

Gaston : “Ah, it’s hero time”

Context of Situation

The conversation occurs when Belle is expelled from the laudering palace.

Lefou finds out immediately report the incident to Gaston.


The phrase “A certain damsel is in distress” was used by Lefou to report

the incident to Gaston, it implies that there is a girl who needs the help of a

Gaston. Gaston is very fond of Belle, then without knowing who is in a certain

damsel by Lefou. Gaston immediately helped her, because they had the same

knowledge or special knowledge that someone who called certain damsel was

Belle. From the explanation it can be concluded that conversation is included

in particularized conversation implicature.

Datum 3


Lumiere : “Do not be alarmed, this is just your wardrobe. Meet

Madame de Garderobe, a great singer.”

Cogsworth : “When she can stay awake,”

Madame : “Cogsworth! A diva needs her beauty rest”

Lumiere : “Stay with us Madame, we have someone for you to


Context of Situation

The conversation happens when Belle has arrived in the room that will be

her room later. There she met a huge wardrobe named Madame de Gaderobe.

Madame de Gaderobe was a great singer at the palace, but because of magic

she turned into a huge wardrobe.


Through the words spoken by Cogsworth “When she can stay awake,”,

he implies that Madame is very fond of sleeping and if Madame is asleep

usually takes a long time. To understand a conversation above Belle requires

special knowledge of Madame, so that phrase is included in the particularized

conversational implicature.

2. Function of Conversational Implicature

In this part, the data is put into table based on the function of implicature

which correlate with Speech Act theory which proposed by Searle in order to

make them easy understandable.

a. Representative/Assertive

Datum 1

Robert : “Ah if it isn’t, the only bookworm in town, So,

where did you run off this week?”

Belle : “Two cities in Northern Italy. I didn’t want to

come back! Have you got any new places to go?”

Robert : “I’m afraid not. But you may reread any of the

old ones that you’d like.”

Context of Situation


This conversation happened when Belle and Robert were in Robert’s



The implicature occurred when Belle asked about new places Robert

would visit, then Robert replied with “I’m afraid not” which means that he

does not yet have a new place to visit. Thus, it is classified representative

function because the conversation included commits speaker about the truth of


Datum 2

Belle : “I don’t understand why you’re all being so kind to

me. Surely, you are as a trapped here as I am.

Don’t you ever want to escape?”

Mrs. Pots : “The master’s not as terrible as he appears.

Somewhere deep in his soul, there’s a prince of a

fellow who just waiting to be set free.”

Context of Situation

This conversation occurs when after Belle had dinner with beasts, then

walked in the castile and talked about Beasts with Mrs. Pots.


In the conversation Mrs. Pots conveys additional meaning via implicature

“The master’s not as terrible as he appears.” to understand the additional

meaning, Belle must know the Beast longer then Belle knows how the original

character of the Beast is, and she will find the reason why all the people in the

palace did not leave Beast. Then Belle will need a special knowledge to

understand it. Thus, it is classified representative function because the

conversation included commits speaker about the truth of something.

Datum 3

Monsieur Jean : “Where are you off to?”

Belle : “To return this book to Pere Robert, it is

about two lovers in Fair Verona.


Monsieur Jean : “Sounds boring.”

Context of Situation

The piece of the conversation above happened when Belle wanted to

return the book to Pere Robert on the way Belle meets Monsieur Jean. Pere

Robert is a man who has quite a collection, so Belle often borrows a book of

collections from Pere Robert to read.


In the conversation Belle was violated maxim of quantity trough the

sentence “It is about two lovers in Fair Verona”. Thus, it is classified

representative function because the conversation included commits speaker

about the truth of something.

Datum 4

Belle : “You know Shakespare?”

Beast : “I had an expensive education,”

Belle : “Actually, Remeo and Juliet’s my favorite play.”

Context of Situation

After a few days inside the palace Belle and Beast had started to get used

to interacting with each other. Belle has also started to get used to interacting

with the items inside the palace, especially Lumiere and Cogsworth who first

greeted Belle while she was still in Prison.


The statement “I had an expensive education,” which delivered by Beast

felt less appropriate for the conversation at the time. Thus, it is classified

representative function because the conversation included commits speaker

about the truth of something.

b. Directives

Datum 5

Gaston : “Oh, Belle do you know what happens to spinter in this

village, after their father is die?”


Agatha : “Coins? Got any spare coins?”

Gaston : “They beg for scarps. Like poor Agathe. It is our world


Belle : “For simple folk like us, it doesn’t any better. I might

be a farm girl, but I’m not simple. And I’m never

going to marry you Gaston, I’m sorry!”

Context of Situation

This conversation occurs when Gaston meets Belle, it is known that

Gaston is obsessed by Belle and wants to marry her soon. Knowing if Belle is

having trouble with Head master in their village, it is used by Gaston to

seduce Belle. But it does not work because Belle is very dislike Gaston.


In the conversation to calculate additional meaning of “For simple folk

like us, it doesn’t any better.” That is conveyed by Belle. It does not special

knowledge to understand the implicature. By talking like that Belle makes it

clear that if she married Gaston she would not have any effect on his life,

followed by the next sentence that makes it clear that Belle will never marry

Gaston. Thus, it is classified directive function because commits hearer to do

something, it involves asking and commending.

Datum 6

Gaston : “Picture it, Lefou! A rustic cabin, my latest kill roasting

on the fire adorable children running around us as my love

rubs my tired feet. But what does Belle say? “I will never

marry you, Gaston!”

Lefou : “You know, there are other girls.”

Gaston : “A great hunter doesn’t waste his time on rabbits”

Context of Situation

The conversation is between Gaston and Lefou, they are talking about a

Belle who does not want to marry Gaston. Lefou offers another woman to be

Gaston’s wife, but Gaston refuses and will still fight for Belle.



This is delivery by Gaston via the phrase “A great hunter doesn’t waste

his time on rabbits” which can be interpreted that Gaston will not seek

another woman, and he does not want to waste time with other women. Thus,

it is classified directive function because commits hearer to do something, it

involves asking and commending.

Datum 7

Belle : “I never thanked you for saving my life”

Beast : “Well, I never thanked you for not leaving me to be eaten

by the wolves.”

Belle : “They know how to have a good time.”

Beast : “Yes, but when I enter the room, laughter dies”

Belle : “Me too”

Context analysis

The conversation happened while Belle and Beast talking in the palace’s

garden. They are remembering when the two are helping each other in the

woods. Beast help Belle and his horse as he is interrupted by wolves. Belle

also helped the Beast who run out of power and was slightly hurt by the wolf



To calculate additional meaning “They know how to have a good time.”

That was conveyed by Belle. Thus, it is classified directive function because

commits hearer to do something, it involves asking and commending.

Datum 8

Gaston : “Belle wonderful book you have there.”

Belle : “Have you read it?”


Gaston : “Well, not that one. But you know books.. for

you dinner table (giving bunch of flower) shall I

join you this evening?”

Belle : “Sorry, not this evening.”

Context of situation

This conversation took place in the market when market when Belle and

Gaston met. Gaston is always trying to get close to Belle and trying to seduce

her by giving her a bunch flowers and invites her to dinner together. But Belle

refuses him because she does not want to give a hope to Gaston who can

finally make Gaston who can finally make Gaston think that Belle opens a

chance for Gaston to approach her.


The conversation above contains violation maxim of relation through the

sentence “Well, not that one. But you know books.. for you dinner table

(giving bunch of flower) shall I join you this evening?” it is because Gaston

tried to divert the conversation that was initially discussing the book and then

suddenly the gave a bunch of flowers and invited Belle to dinner together.

Thus, it is classified directive function because commits hearer to do

something, it involves asking and commending.

c. Commisives

Datum 9

Belle : “It is a small village Gaston. I’ve met them all.”

Gaston : “Well, maybe you should take another look, some of hus have

changed, ”

Belle : “Gaston, we could never make each other happy. No one can

changed that much.”

Context of Situation

It is known that Gaston is obsessed by Belle and wants to marry her soon.

Knowing if Belle is having trouble with Head master in their village, it is used


by Gaston to seduce Belle. But it does not work because Belle is very dislike



Belle states implicature through the phrase “We could never make each

other happy, no one can changed that much.” Which can be interpreted as a

rejection that Belle does not like Gaston and will not marry him. Thus, it is

classified commisives function because commits speaker to do some future


Datum 10

Chip : “What is it? What’s there?”

Mrs. Pots : “I’ll tell you when you are older”

Chip : “Okay, I’m older.”

Context of Situation

The conversation happened when Mrs. Pots and Chip walked out of the

library in the palace.


When Chip asked Mrs. Pots something about what happened, her mother

refused to answer it by saying “I’ll tell you when you are older” which

means Mrs. Pots refuses to answer it because, according to Mrs. Pots Chip not

old enough to know about what is going on. Thus, it is classified commisives

function because commits speaker to do some future action.

Datum 11

Lumiere : “Do not be alarmed, this is just your wardrobe. Meet

Madame de Garderobe, a great singer.”

Cogsworth : “When she can stay awake,”

Madame : “Cogsworth! A diva needs her beauty rest”

Lumiere : “Stay with us Madame, we have someone for you to


Context of Situation


The conversation happens when Belle has arrived in the room that will be

her room later. There she met a huge wardrobe named Madame de Gaderobe.

Madame de Gaderobe was a great singer at the palace, but because of magic

she turned into a huge wardrobe.


Through the words spoken by Cogsworth “When she can stay awake,”,

he implies that Madame is very fond of sleeping and if Madame is asleep

usually takes a long time. Thus, it is classified commisives function because

commits speaker to do some future action.

d. Expressives

Datum 12

Monsieur Jean : “Good morning Belle!”

Belle : “Good morning monsieur Jean. Have you lost

something again?

Monsieur Jean : “Well, I believe I have, the problem is I can’t

remember what. Oh well, I’m sure it will come to


Context of Situation

This conversation occurs when Belle meets Jean in front of Jean’s house

from the questions that given by Belle as if indicating that Belle already know

the habit of Jean who often lost his goods.


To calculate additional meaning “Well, I believe I have, the problem is I

can’t remember what” that is conveyed by Monsieur Jean it is may imply

that actually he did not lost his goods. Thus, it is classified expressives

function because commits speaker to express his inner state toward something

in the world.

Datum 13

Monsieur Jean : “Where are you off to?”


Belle : “To return this book to Pere Robert, it is about two

lovers in Fair Verona”

Monsieur Jean : “Sounds Boring”

Context of Situation

The conversation occurs when Belle wants to go to the Pere Robert’s



Jean conveys additional meaning via implicature “Sounds Boring” which

imply that Monsieur Jean does not like to read a book about two lovers in Fair

Verona. Thus, it is classified expressives function because commits speaker to

express his inner state toward something in the world.

Datum 14

Lumiere : “Look Congsworth! A beautiful girl”

Cogsworth : “Yes, I can see it’s a girl. I lost my hands not my eyes.”

Context of Situation

As known in the movie that everyone who was in the palace at the party

night, at the magic and the were transformed into goods that could move and

and speak. So the conversation between Lumiere and Cogsworth are started

when Belle antered the palace to find her father.


To calculate meaning additional meaning of ” I lost my hands not my

eyes.” Thus, it is classified expressives function because commits speaker to

express his inner state toward something in the world.

Datum 15

Gaston : “You are the wildest most gorgeous thing I have ever

seen. Nobody deserves you. But at least I know our

children will be beautiful.”

Lefou : “Am I catching you at a bad time?”

Gaston : “What is it, Lefou?”


Lefou : “A certain damsel is in distress”

Gaston : “Ah, it’s hero time”

Context of Situation

The conversation occurs when Belle is expelled from the laudering palace.

Lefou finds out and the incident to Gaston. The conversation occurs when

Belle is expelled from the laudering palace. Lefou finds out immediately

report the incident to Gaston.


The phrase “A certain damsel is in distress” was used by Lefou to report

the incident to Gaston, it implies that there is a girl who needs the help of a

Gaston. Thus, it is classified expressives function because commits speaker to

express his inner state toward something in the world.

3. Maxim Violation

In this paper, the writer will discuss about maxims violation that occurred in

the film Beauty and The Beast Movie that uses the theory Grice about

Cooperative Principle and Maxim. There are four maxims; the maxim of quality,

the maxim of quantity, the maxim of relation, and the maxim of manner.

a. Maxim of quality

Datum 1

Lumiere : “You must forgive first impressions, I hope

you are not too starled.”

Belle : “Why would I be starled? I’m talking to a candle.”

Lumiere : “Candlelabra please, Enormous different, but

consider me at your service. The castle is your

home now, so feel free to go anywhere you like.”

Cogsworth : “Except the west wing… which we do not


Belle : “Why? What’s in the west wing?”

Lumiere : “Nothing…”

Cogsworth : “Nothing”


Context of Situation

This conversation consist of three people, they are Belle, Lumiere, and

Cogsworth. Lumiere and Cogsworth invite Belle to get out from the prison to

move to the room which they had prepared, to go to the room they had to pass

the bridge which being a link between a palace and the prison. From above the

bridge they can see some side of the palace, and then the maxim violation



In accordance with the theory that Grice made about maxim of quality

which requires the speaker to speak the truth. In the conversation Cogsworth

states there is no west wing in the palace trough the sentence “Except the

west wing… which we do not have,” in fact there is, but west wing is the

secret palace that cannot be known by strangers. West wing is secret palace

that used by Beast to save the curse rose that were given by the fairy on that

night after she condemned the palace and everyone in that palace. Lumiere

and Cogsworth are two people get the curse, they turn into the explanation

above it can be concluded tha Cogsworth has violated maxim of quality

because he does not tell the trurth about the west wing.

Datum 2

Beast : “Who are you? What are you doing here?”

Maurice : “I was lost in the woods and…”

Context of Situation

The dialog occurred when Maurice was sitting on Beast chair while warm

himself by the fair. He was get caught in the rain. Beast was upset because

there is a stranger on his castle. He came to fireplace and asked Maurice

angrily. As shown in the dialogue above, the conversation occurred between

Beast and Maurice. Beast was upset because there is stranger on his castle. So,

he asked Maurice what he was doing on his castle.



Maurice responds Beast’s question by saying “I was lost in the woods

and…” but Beast did not believe what Maurice said and interrupted it before

he was finished speak about. Maurice utterance indicates the maxim of quality

because he was telling the truth that he was lost in the woods.

Datum 3

Beast : “So, you’ve come to stare at the beast, have you?”

Maurice : “Please, I mean no harm. I just needed a place

to stay”

Context of Situation

The conversation happened in the fireplace of the castle. Beast was upset

because he found stranger over there. He directly asked Maurice with accuse

question. Maurice was frightened because there is a beast in front of him.


In the dialogue above, Maurice gives such a truthful information. So, his

utterance contained maxim of quality. He was telling the truth that he come

the castle just because he needed a place to stay.

Datum 4

Someone in tavern : “Gaston, did you try to kill Maurice?”

Gaston : “Maurice, thanks heaven! I’ve spent the

last five days trying to find you.”

Maurice : “You try to kill me. You left me to the


Context of Situation

Maurice is the Belle’s father, who was trying to find help because help her

daughter is locked in the prison in the palace. That night Maurice tried to find

help in the village tavern where the villagers used to gather. As known that is

a man who loves Belle but not vice versa. Gaston is interested to help Maurice

because his thinks that through this may be he can get a love from Belle, and


the end they go together to help Belle. That travel at night, on the way to the

palace Lefou, Gaston and Maurice through a forest.

In the forest that heard the roar of wolves. Hearing the roar of the wolf,

Maurice became more convinced that they were near from the palace,

unfortunately Maurice forgot the way to the palace. Evidently Maurice and

Gaston argue because Gaston proposes to return to the village, but Maurice

still wants to continue the journey to palace. Eventually Gaston and Lefou left

Maurice in the woods, tied to a tree. The next day Maurice was found by

Agathe and brought back to the tavern. Gaston was surprised that he saw

Maurice in the tavern with the other villagers. As he recalled, he is leaving

Maurice in a forest tied to a tree and how could he escape from the bond.


To keep his good name Gaston answered a question from someone in

tavern with a lie through the phrase “Maurice, thanks heaven! I’ve spent the

last five days trying to find you.” In fact Gaston is trying to kill Maurice and

leave him in the forest with the thought that Belle will fall in his arms because

she already has no one else in the village to guard her and of course Belle will

think about it. However, in the movie Maurice is saved by Agathe, a woman

who relases Maurice from the tree ties in the forest as she searches for

firewood and brings him back to the village. Based on the explanation Gaston

violates the theory of the maxim of quality which requires the speaker to tell

the truth.

b. Maxim of quantity

Datum 5

Monsieur Jean : “Where are you off to?”

Belle : “To return this book to Pere Robert, it is

about two lovers in Fair Verona.

Monsieur Jean : “Sounds boring.”

Context of Situation


Belle is a girl who likes to read book, she is often spelled out odd by the

village. The piece of the conversation above happened when Belle wanted to

return the book to Pere Robert on the way Belle meets Monsieur Jean. Pere

Robert is a man who has quite a collection, so Belle often borrows a book of

collections from Pere Robert to read.


In the conversation Belle was violated maxim of quantity trough the

sentence “It is about two lovers in Fair Verona”. In accordance with the

theory that made by Grice about maxim of quantity; make your contribution as

informative as is required, but in the conversation Belle give more information

about the book that should not be delivered, because may be the additional

information that Belle give is not important or not needed.

Datum 6

Lefou : “So moving on?”

Gaston : “No, Lefou! It’s the ones who play hard to ge

that are always the sweetest prey. That was

makes Belle so appealing, she hasn’t made a

fool of herself just to gain my favor. What would

you call that?

Context of Situation

This conversation happened when Gaston get the rejection from Belle, as

known that Gaston is really in love with Belle and always trying to get her.

Gaston is a handsome main the village, for some reason he is very in love with

Belle an ordinary girl who is often spelled out odd by other villagers. Gaston

is a little arrogant and someone who does not give up on reality, the fact that

Belle does not like him at all.


In accordance with the theory that made by Grice about maxim of quantity

which states that the speaker and the hearer have to give the contribution


because he explained why he does not want to moving on from Belle with

sentence “It’s the ones who play hard to get that are always the sweetest

prey. That is what makes Belle attractive. She hasn’t made a fool of

herself just to gain my favor.” The explanation was made to let Lefou

understand that Gaston would not give up to get quantity because Gaston

provides excessive information to Lefou.

Datum 7

Beast : “What are you doing here?”

Belle : “I’ve come for my father”

Context of Situation

The dialogue occurred in the castle when Belle was found her father in a

cell. Suddenly Beast was coming to her. Beast was curious about what is

stranger do in his castle. Belle gives such informative information.


As shown in the dialogue above, the conversation happened between Belle

and the Beast. He do not like stranger come into his castle. So, he was curious

about what is she doing in the castle. Belle gives such informative respond to

Beast’s question. Belle said that she was coming for her father. It indicates

that her utterance contained maxim of quantity. Because she give informative

information Beast’s question.

Datum 8

Belle : “Who’s there? Who are you?”

Beast : “The master of his castle.”

Context of Situation

The dialogue occurred in the jail of the castle. When Belle was found his

father trapped in a cell but suddenly Beast comes over. The condition was less

of lighting, so it creates Belle did not see clearly and she was curious about

who is he at the same time. Beast gives such informative responds about the

question being asked.



In the dialogue above, the conversation occurred between Belle and Beast.

He gives informative respond related to the question being asked. It indicates

that Beast’s utterance contained the maxim of quantity because the

information was informative, not less or more informative than it was required

which is he the master of the castle.

c. Maxim of relation

Datum 9

Gaston : “Belle wonderful book you have there.”

Belle : “Have you read it?”

Gaston : “Well, not that one. But you know books.. for

you dinner table (giving bunch of flower) shall I

join you this evening?”

Belle : “Sorry, not this evening.”

Context of Situation

This conversation took place in the market when market when Belle and

Gaston met. Gaston is always trying to get close to Belle and trying to seduce

her by giving her a bunch flowers and invites her to dinner together. But Belle

refuses him because she does not want to give a hope to Gaston who can

finally make Gaston who can finally make Gaston think that Belle opens a

chance for Gaston to approach her. In maxim of relation the speaker and the

hearer were asked to be relevant in communication.


The conversation above contains violation maxim of relation through the

sentence “Well, not that one. But you know books.. for you dinner table

(giving bunch of flower) shall I join you this evening?” it is because Gaston

tried to divert the conversation that was initially discussing the book and then

suddenly the gave a bunch of flowers and invited Belle to dinner together. The

offense was done because Gaston did not want Belle to know that he did not

like reading books at all.


Datum 10

Belle : “You know Shakespare?”

Beast : “I had an expensive education,”

Belle : “Actually, Remeo and Juliet’s my favorite play.”

Context of Situation

After a few days inside the palace Belle and Beast had started to get used

to interacting with each other. Belle has also started to get used to interacting

with the items inside the palace, especially Lumiere and Cogsworth who first

greeted Belle while she was still in Prison. Beast is a prince who is cursed to

be a person from his appearance. As is known that every prince must have a

good education, but it is also owned by Belle although she is not from the

royal family. Belle is very fond of reading books, therefore she has extensive



The statement “I had an expensive education,” which delivered by Beast

felt less appropriate for the conversation at the time. In accordance with the

theory that made by Grice about maxim of relation which requires the speaker

and the hearer must be relevant in communicate so the conversation was

violated maxim of relation because the conversation is not talking about the

education that Belle and Beast have.

Datum 11

Belle : “By the way, thank you for saving my life”

Beast : “You’re welcome”

Context of Situation

The dialogue occurred in the castle when Belle was treated Beast because

he was getting bruise on his arm. It happens because Beast was helped Belle

form wolf’s attacked. So, Belle express her relief by saying thanks to Beast

because he saving her life.



As shown in the dialogue above, the conversation happened in the castle

when Belle was treated Beast. She said “By the way, thank you for saving my

life”. Beast responds with such relevant information. It indicates that the

dialogue contained the maxim of relation which is Beast said you’re welcome

to responds the expression of Belle.

d. Maxim of manner

Datum 12

Gaston : “Look, at her Lefou. My future wife. Belle is the

most beautiful girl in the village that makes her the


Lefou : “She’s so well read.. and you are so athlectically


Gaston : “I know.”

Context of Situation

Lefou is a Gaston’s friend, a man who loves Belle very much. The

conversation took place on the hill while they are riding their horse. Gaston

opened the conversation with a discussion about Belle, Gaston deeply admired

Belle because of her beauty and also her ingenuity. The personality of Gaston

is very different with the personality of Belle, if Belle is really likes to read

books but Gaston refers to exercise, horse riding and so on. Gaston always

hope that someday he can get Belle’s love.


The conversation that violates the maxim of manner. In 1976 Grice stated

that in Maxim of manner the speaker must avoid obscurity expression.

Obscurity expression occurs when Lefou conveys Gaston’s personality which

very different from Belle’s personality, seen through Lefou’s slightly hesitant

way and pauses in the sentence he wants to convey.


Datum 13

Gaston : “You are the wildest.. most gorgeous thing I have

ever seen. Nobody deserves you. But at least I

know our children will be beautiful.”

Lefou : “Am I catching you bad time?”

Gaston : “What is it, Lefou?”

Lefou : “A certain damsel is in distress.”

Context of Situation

Belle gets a reprimand from the Head master in the village because she

teaches a little girl to read. Head master gave a warning to Belle and the other

villagers put out her clothes from the laundry place. The event is known by

Lefou, and Lefou immediately report it to Gaston, because he thinks that

Gaston can take the advantages of the incident.


In accordance with the theory that made by Grice about maxim of manner

which requires the speaker to avoid ambiguity. Ambiguity damsel is in

distress.” To Gaston. Lefou should be able to convey that Belle is in bad

condition, but because Gaston and Lefou have the same knowledge then

Gaston can directly to go to the place that means by Lefou.




Based on the finding and analysis in chapter four, the writer draws the

following conclusion.

A. Conclusion

1. Based on the type of the conversational implicature in Beauty and The

Beast movie were two types, they were generalized conversational

implicature and generalized conversational implicature. There are 16 data

included types conversational implicature. There are 13 data included

generalized conversational implicature. Then, 3 data about particularized

conversational implicature. The type of conversational that most

commonly occurs in the film Beauty and The Beast movie is generalized

conversational implicature.

2. Based on the function, there are five types of function of implicature, they

are assertive/representative, directive, commisive, expressive and

declarative. There are 23 data included function of conversational

implicature. There are 9 implicatures which has assertive/representative

function involving criticizing, stating, confessing and predicting. Then 5

implicatures which have directive function involving asking and begging,

then 6 implicatures which have expressive function involving praising

and mocking, then 3 implicatures which have commisive function

involving refusing and warning, and nothing included declarative

function. The conversational implicature function that is common in

Beauty and The Beast movie is the implicature conversational function of


3. Then, based on the maxim violation, there are five types of maxim, they

are maxim of quality, maxim of quantity, maxim of relation and maxim of

manner. There are 15 data included maxim violation. There are 4 data

included maxim of quality, 6 data included maxim of quantity, data

included maxim of relation, then 2 data included maxim of manner. The


result shows the most-violated maxim in the film Beauty and The Beast

movie is the maxim of quantity.

Based on the findings above, the writer conclude that in the conversational

implicature in the Beauty and The Beast movie, there are many meanings

contained in conversation, as well as in everyday life we must pay attention to the

conversational implicature, because sometimes the implicature can imply satire or

praise. Conversational implicature is very important in our daily life, therefore we

have a lot to learn about conversational implicature, especially the function of

conversational implicature and maxim violation.

B. Suggestion

The writer suggests to the reader or the next research, Beauty and The

Beast Movie was very interesting film to watch. There were a lot of things could

be discussed not only about conversational implicature but also there were many

topics to discuss. Other than that in the film teaches us that we should not judge

people only by the cover, but first get to know them more deeply. The writer

expects this research can enrich the reader’s knowledge about the concept of

conversational implicature.

For the student, it is suggest to be understand what types of maxim based

on Cooperative Principle which is they will find in in the learning English

especially in communicative skill such as, speaking and listening. By

understanding the materials, it would enrich their ability to understand

communication in English perfectly and to make a good conversation.



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Generalized Conversational Implicature

Datum 1

Monsieur Jean : “Good morning Belle!”

Belle : “Good morning monsieur Jean. Have you lost

something again?

Monsieur Jean : “Well, I believe I have, the problem is I can’t

remember what. Oh well, I’m sure it will come to


Datum 2

Monsieur Jean : “Where are you off to?”

Belle : “To return this book to Pere Robert, it is about two

lovers in Fair Verona”

Monsieur Jean : “Sounds Boring”

Datum 3

Robert : “Ah if it isn’t, the only bookworm in town, So,

where did you run off this week?”

Belle : “Two cities in Northern Italy. I didn’t want to

come back! Have you got any new places to go?”

Robert : “I’m afraid not. But you may reread any of the

old ones that you’d like.”

Datum 4

Lefou : “So, moving on?”

Gaston : “No, Lefou. The ones who play hard to get that

are always the sweetest prey. That’s what makes

Belle so appealing, she hasn’t made a fool of

herself just to again my favor. What would you

call that?”

Lefou : “Dignity?”

Gaston : “It’s outrageously attractive, isn’t it?”

Datum 5

Gaston : “I heard you had trouble with the Headmaster.”

Belle : “He never liked me either.”

Gaston : “Can I give you a little advice about the villagers



Belle : “They’re never going to trust the kind of change

you’re trying to bring. All I wanted was to teach a

child to read.”

Gaston : “The only children you should concern yourself

with .. are your own.”

Belle : “I’m not ready to have a child”

Gaston : “May be you have not met the right man”

Datum 6

Belle : “It is a small village Gaston. I’ve met them all.”

Gaston : “Well, maybe you should take another look, some

of hus have changed, ”

Belle : “Gaston , we could never make each other

happy. No one can changed that much.”

Datum 7

Gaston : “Oh, Belle do you know what happens to spinter in

this village, after their father is die?”

Agatha : “Coins? Got any spare coins?”

Gaston : “They beg for scarps. Like poor Agathe. It is our

world Belle.”

Belle : “For simple folk like us, it doesn’t any better. I

might be a farm girl, but I’m not simple. And I’m

never going to marry you Gaston, I’m sorry!”

Datum 8

Lumiere : “Look Congsworth! A beautiful girl”

Cogsworth : “Yes, I can see it’s a girl. I lost my hands not my


Datum 9

Lumiere : “You must forgive first impression, I hope you are

not too startled.”

Belle : “Why would I be startled? I’m talking to a candle”

Lumiere : “Candleabra, please. Enormous different, but

consider me at your service. The castle is your

home now so fell free to go

anywhere you like.”

Belle : “Except the west wing. Which we do not have”


Datum 10

Gaston : “Picture it, Lefou! A rustic cabin, my latest kill

roasting on the fire adorable children running

around us as my love rubs my tired feet. But what

does Belle say? “I will never marry you, Gaston!”

Lefou : “You know, there are other girls.”

Gaston : “A great hunter doesn’t waste his time on


Datum 11

Belle : “I want to help you; there must be some way to

break the curse.”

Cogsworth : “Well, there is one”

Belle : “It’s not for you to worry about, lamb. We’ve

made our bed and we must lie in it.”

Datum 12

Chip : “What is it? What’s there?”

Mrs. Pots : “I’ll tell you when you are older”

Chip : “Okay, I’m older.”

Datum 13

Belle : “I never thanked you for saving my life”

Beast : “Well, I never thanked you for not leaving me to

be eaten by the wolves.”

Belle : “They know how to have a good time.”

Beast : “Yes, but when I enter the room, laughter dies”

Belle : “Me too”

Particularized Conversational Implicature.

Datum 14

Belle : “I don’t understand why you’re all being so kind to

me. Surely, you are as a trapped here as I am.

Don’t you ever want to escape?”

Mrs. Pots : “The master’s not as terrible as he appears.

Somewhere deep in his soul, there’s a prince of a

fellow who just

waiting to be set free.”

Datum 15


Gaston : “You are the wildest most gorgeous thing I have

ever seen. Nobody deserves you. But at least I

know our children will be beautiful.”

Lefou : “Am I catching you at a bad time?”

Gaston : “What is it, Lefou?”

Lefou : “A certain damsel is in distress”

Gaston : “Ah, it’s hero time”

Datum 16

Lumiere : “Do not be alarmed, this is just your wardrobe.

Meet Madame de Garderobe, a great singer.”

Cogsworth : “When she can stay awake,”

Madame : “Cogsworth! A diva needs her beauty rest”

Lumiere : “Stay with us Madame, we have someone for you

to dress.”

Function of Conversational Implicature


Datum 1

Robert : “Ah if it isn’t, the only bookworm in town, So,

where did you run off this week?”

Belle : “Two cities in Northern Italy. I didn’t want to

come back! Have you got any new places to go?”

Robert : “I’m afraid not. But you may reread any of the

old ones that you’d like.”

Datum 2

Belle : “I don’t understand why you’re all being so kind to

me. Surely, you are as a trapped here as I am.

Don’t you ever want to escape?”

Mrs. Pots : “The master’s not as terrible as he appears.

Somewhere deep in his soul, there’s a prince of a

fellow who just waiting to be set free.”

Datum 3

Monsieur Jean : “Where are you off to?”

Belle : “To return this book to Pere Robert, it is

about two lovers in Fair Verona.

Monsieur Jean : “Sounds boring.”


Datum 4

Belle : “You know Shakespare?”

Beast : “I had an expensive education,”

Belle : “Actually, Remeo and Juliet’s my favorite play.”

Datum 5

Lefou : “So, moving on?”

Gaston : “No, Lefou. The ones who play hard to get that

are always the sweetest prey. That’s what makes

Belle so appealing, she hasn’t made a fool of

herself just to again my favor. What would you

call that?”

Lefou : “Dignity?”

Gaston : “It’s outrageously attractive, isn’t it?”

Datum 6

Gaston : “I heard you had trouble with the Headmaster.”

Belle : “He never liked me either.”

Gaston : “Can I give you a little advice about the villagers


Belle : “They’re never going to trust the kind of change

you’re trying to bring. All I wanted was to teach a

child to read.”

Gaston : “The only children you should concern yourself

with .. are your own.”

Belle : “I’m not ready to have a child”

Gaston : “May be you have not met the right man”

Datum 7

Lumiere : “You must forgive first impression, I hope you are

not too startled.”

Belle : “Why would I be startled? I’m talking to a candle”

Lumiere : “Candleabra, please. Enormous different, but

consider me at your service. The castle is your

home now so fell free to go anywhere you like.”

Belle : “Except the west wing. Which we do not have”

Datum 8

Belle : “I want to help you; there must be some way to

break the curse.”


Cogsworth : “Well, there is one”

Belle : “It’s not for you to worry about, lamb. We’ve

made our bed and we must lie in it.”

Datum 9

Lumiere : “You must forgive first impressions, I hope

you are not too starled.”

Belle : “Why would I be starled? I’m talking to a candle.”

Lumiere : “Candlelabra please, Enormous different, but

consider me at your service. The castle is your

home now, so feel free to go anywhere you like.”

Cogsworth : “Except the west wing… which we do not


Belle : “Why? What’s in the west wing?”

Lumiere : “Nothing…”

Cogsworth : “Nothing”


Datum 10

Gaston : “Oh, Belle do you know what happens to spinter in

this village, after their father is die?”

Agatha : “Coins? Got any spare coins?”

Gaston : “They beg for scarps. Like poor Agathe. It is our

world Belle.”

Belle : “For simple folk like us, it doesn’t any better. I

might be a farm girl, but I’m not simple. And I’m

never going to marry you Gaston, I’m sorry!”

Datum 11

Gaston : “Picture it, Lefou! A rustic cabin, my latest kill

roasting on the fire adorable children running

around us as my love rubs my tired feet. But what

does Belle say? “I will never marry you, Gaston!”

Lefou : “You know, there are other girls.”

Gaston : “A great hunter doesn’t waste his time on


Datum 12

Belle : “I never thanked you for saving my life”

Beast : “Well, I never thanked you for not leaving me to

be eaten by the wolves.”

Belle : “They know how to have a good time.”


Beast : “Yes, but when I enter the room, laughter dies”

Belle : “Me too”

Datum 13

Gaston : “Belle wonderful book you have there.”

Belle : “Have you read it?”

Gaston : “Well, not that one. But you know books.. for

you dinner table (giving bunch of flower) shall I

join you this evening?”

Belle : “Sorry, not this evening.”

Datum 14

Gaston : “Belle wonderful book you have there.”

Belle : “Have you read it?”

Gaston : “Well, not that one. But you know books.. for

you dinner table (giving bunch of flower) shall I

join you this evening?”

Belle : “Sorry, not this evening.”


Datum 15

Belle : “It is a small village Gaston. I’ve met them all.”

Gaston : “Well, maybe you should take another look, some

of hus have changed, ”

Belle : “Gaston, we could never make each other

happy. No one can changed that much.”

Datum 16

Chip : “What is it? What’s there?”

Mrs. Pots : “I’ll tell you when you are older”

Chip : “Okay, I’m older.”

Datum 17

Lumiere : “Do not be alarmed, this is just your wardrobe.

Meet Madame de Garderobe, a great singer.”

Cogsworth : “When she can stay awake,”

Madame : “Cogsworth! A diva needs her beauty rest”

Lumiere : “Stay with us Madame, we have someone for you

to dress.”



Datum 18

Monsieur Jean : “Good morning Belle!”

Belle : “Good morning monsieur Jean. Have you lost

something again?

Monsieur Jean : “Well, I believe I have, the problem is I can’t

remember what. Oh well, I’m sure it will come to


Datum 19

Monsieur Jean : “Where are you off to?”

Belle : “To return this book to Pere Robert, it is about two

lovers in Fair Verona”

Monsieur Jean : “Sounds Boring”

Datum 20

Lumiere : “Look Congsworth! A beautiful girl”

Cogsworth : “Yes, I can see it’s a girl. I lost my hands not my


Datum 21

Gaston : “You are the wildest most gorgeous thing I have

ever seen. Nobody deserves you. But at least I

know our children will be beautiful.”

Lefou : “Am I catching you at a bad time?”

Gaston : “What is it, Lefou?”

Lefou : “A certain damsel is in distress”

Gaston : “Ah, it’s hero time”

Datum 22

Someone in tavern : “Gaston, did you try to kill Maurice?”

Gaston : “Maurice, thanks heaven! I’ve spent the

last five days trying to find you.”

Maurice : “You try to kill me. You left me to the


Datum 23

Gaston : “Look, at her Lefou. My future wife. Belle is the

most beautiful girl in the village that makes her the


Lefou : “She’s so well read.. and you are so athlectically


Gaston : “I know.”


Maxim Violation

Maxim of quality

Datum 1

Lumiere : “You must forgive first impressions, I hope

you are not too starled.”

Belle : “Why would I be starled? I’m talking to a candle.”

Lumiere : “Candlelabra please, Enormous different, but

consider me at your service. The castle is your

home now, so feel free to go anywhere you like.”

Cogsworth : “Except the west wing… which we do not


Belle : “Why? What’s in the west wing?”

Lumiere : “Nothing…”

Cogsworth : “Nothing”

Datum 2

Beast : “Who are you? What are you doing here?”

Maurice : “I was lost in the woods and…”

Datum 3

Beast : “So, you’ve come to stare at the beast, have you?”

Maurice : “Please, I mean no harm. I just needed a place

to stay”

Datum 4

Someone in tavern : “Gaston, did you try to kill Maurice?”

Gaston : “Maurice, thanks heaven! I’ve spent the

last five days trying to find you.”

Maurice : “You try to kill me. You left me to the


Maxim of Quantity

Datum 5

Monsieur Jean : “Where are you off to?”

Belle : “To return this book to Pere Robert, it is

about two lovers in Fair Verona.

Monsieur Jean : “Sounds boring.”


Datum 6

Lefou : “So moving on?”

Gaston : “No, Lefou! It’s the ones who play hard to ge

that are always the sweetest prey. That was

makes Belle so appealing, she hasn’t made a

fool of herself just to gain my favor. What would

you call that?

Datum 7

Beast : “What are you doing here?”

Belle : “I’ve come for my father”

Datum 8

Belle : “Who’s there? Who are you?”

Beast : “The master of his castle.”

Datum 9

Belle : “Who is it?”

Mrs. Potts : “Mrs. Potts, dear.”

Datum 10

Beast : “I thought I told you come down to dinner!”

Belle : “I’m not hungry”

Maxim of relation

Datum 11

Gaston : “Belle wonderful book you have there.”

Belle : “Have you read it?”

Gaston : “Well, not that one. But you know books.. for

you dinner table (giving bunch of flower) shall

I join you this evening?”

Belle : “Sorry, not this evening.”

Datum 12

Belle : “You know Shakespare?”

Beast : “I had an expensive education,”

Belle : “Actually, Remeo and Juliet’s my favorite play.”

Datum 13

Belle : “By the way, thank you for saving my life”


Beast : “You’re welcome”

Maxim of manner

Datum 14

Gaston : “Look, at her Lefou. My future wife. Belle is the

most beautiful girl in the village that makes her the


Lefou : “She’s so well read.. and you are so athlectically


Gaston : “I know.”

Datum 15

Gaston : “You are the wildest.. most gorgeous thing I

have ever seen. Nobody deserves you. But at

least I know our children will be beautiful.”

Lefou : “Am I catching you bad time?”

Gaston : “What is it, Lefou?”

Lefou : “A certain damsel is in distress.”

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