CONTRACTOR Environmental and Social Management Plan ...

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CONTRACTOR Environmental and Social Management Plan Shallow Water Pipelay, Landfall Germany and Associated Works

Nord Stream 2 AG | Mar-19


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CONTRACTOR Environmental and Social Management Plan Shallow Water Pipelay, Landfall Germany and Associated Works

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Table of Contents 1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 8

2 Purpose and Scope ..................................................................................... 9

2.1 General .......................................................................................................... 9

2.2 The Offshore Pipelay ESMP .......................................................................... 9

2.2.1 Scope ............................................................................................................ 9

2.2.2 ES topics ..................................................................................................... 10

2.2.3 References .................................................................................................. 11

2.3 Linkages to other elements of the HSES Management System ................... 11

2.4 ES Contractor Implementation Plan (CIP) .................................................... 13

2.4.1 Overview ...................................................................................................... 13

2.4.2 Structure and content ................................................................................... 13

3 Policies and standards .............................................................................. 14

3.1 Overview ...................................................................................................... 14

3.2 Company policies and standards ................................................................. 14

3.3 International standards and national legislation ............................................ 15

3.4 Company secured permits ........................................................................... 15

4 Roles and responsibilities ......................................................................... 16

4.1 Company roles and responsibilities .............................................................. 16

4.2 Contractor roles and responsibilities ............................................................ 17

5 Management, mitigation, monitoring and verification ............................. 17

5.1 Management and mitigation ......................................................................... 17

5.2 Verification monitoring ................................................................................. 17

6 Mitigation measures and management actions ....................................... 18

6.1 Offshore pollution prevention and waste ...................................................... 18

6.2 Hazardous materials management (offshore and onshore) .......................... 25

6.3 Construction vessels and marine traffic ........................................................ 27

6.4 Avoidance of sensitive features (CH, munitions, cables and pipelines) ........ 30

6.5 Biodiversity .................................................................................................. 35

6.6 Grievance Mechanisms (labour and external) and Code of Conduct ........... 36

6.7 Onshore activities including shore pull ......................................................... 37

7 Permit Conditions ...................................................................................... 45

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Glossary of Abbreviations, Terms, and Definitions AWTI Above Water Tie-in (AWTI) is an operation where two laid down

pipelines on the seabed are welded together after being lifted above water using vessel davits.

ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable means such level of reduction of risk where cost and effort of further reduction measures becomes grossly disproportionate to the additional risk reduction obtained.

Chance Find

Object encountered unexpectedly during project implementation. In the context of this document a Chance Find can include both cultural heritage and conventional or chemical munitions.

Chance Find Procedure

Referring to the procedures or steps that must be followed in the event that previously unidentified CMOs are identified or exposed during the construction process.

Chemical Munitions

Any chemical weapons or munitions dumped in the Baltic. In particular mustard gas and white phosphorus. Known risk areas for Chemical Warfare Agents (CWA) in the Baltic include locations within Danish and Swedish waters.

CIP Contractor Implementation Plan: A document describing how specific HSES commitments made by NSP2 will be implemented by the Contractor/Supplier.

Commitment An environmental or social (E&S) commitment is any agreed-upon undertaking to avoid, minimize or compensate for a social, economic or environmental impact. ES commitments made in Project public documentation become Project obligations and are part of construction permit conditions.

COMPANY Nord Stream 2 AG


Contractor Worksites

Any place where the contracted scope of work (services) is carried out, including that undertaken by sub-Contractors. “Worksites” includes vessels.

Corrective action Action to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity. Also, actions which are carried out in response to an incident in order to correct the undesired effect and/or to prevent a similar occurrence.

CH Cultural Heritage - A unique and non-renewable resource that possesses cultural, scientific, spiritual or religious value and includes moveable or immoveable objects, sites structures, groups of structures, natural features, or landscapes that have archaeological, paleontological, historical, cultural, artistic, and religious values, as well as unique natural environmental features

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that embody cultural values (IFC Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability, 2012).

CHO Cultural Heritage Object. Debris fields include fragments or “scatter” from wrecks such as pieces of hull, equipment, cargo, and ballast scattered in a zone around the main wreck itself. All such material is classified as CHOs if the wreck itself is identified as a CHO.

Duty of care Regarding waste management, the duty on waste producers to ensure that waste is managed properly, recovered or disposed of safely, does not cause harm to human health or pollution of the environment and is only transferred to someone who is authorized to receive it.

EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone

EIA Environmental Impact Assessment

Emergency An uncontrolled and unplanned event which could escalate into hazard to life, damage to property or to the environment unless dealt with promptly and efficiently.

ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment is a process of evaluating the likely environmental impacts of a proposed project or development, taking into account inter-related socio-economic, cultural and human-health impacts, both beneficial and adverse. ESIA documentation includes the assessment report and supporting documentation required for a permit to construct or operate.

ES Environmental and Social

ESCR Environmental and Social Commitments Register. The Environmental and Social Commitments Register sets out all the specific mitigation measures that the project proposes to adopt in relation to potential impacts identified in the ESIA. Commitments are reflected in Project public documentation (EIAs, permit application documentation, MoMs, and stakeholder correspondence).

ESMP Environmental and Social Management Plan. This defines and communicates to Contractors, minimum ES requirements.

ESMS An Environmental and Social Management System is a set of interrelated policies, procedures, tools and internal capacity to identify and manage the environmental and social risks of a project or business.

Exclusion Zone An area surrounding a CHO within which no activities shall be performed and no equipment shall be deployed.

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Grievance procedure Both internal and external communications relating to concerns and grievances about the project’s HS-ES performance.

Hazardous waste Hazardous waste shares the properties of a hazardous material (e.g. ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity), or other physical, chemical, or biological characteristics that may pose a potential risk to human health or the environment if improperly managed.

HELCOM The Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) is the short name for the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, the governing body of the Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area.

HSE Health Safety Environment

HSES Health, Safety, Environmental and Social. Safety includes any aspects of security that are a risk to personnel or assets.

HSES MS Health, Safety, Environment & Social Management System

HSES Plan A written description of the system of HSES management for the contracted work describing how the significant HSES risks associated with the contracted work will be controlled to an acceptable level and how, where appropriate, interface topics shall be managed.

HSES policy Overall intentions and direction of an organization related to its HSES performance as formally expressed by top management.

IFC International Finance Corporation

IMO International Maritime Organisation

Incident An undesired event that causes harm, or has the potential to cause harm, to personnel, the environment, and / or business reputation. The term “incident” includes “Near-misses” and actual “accidents”.

ISM Code The International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention.

MARPOL The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978. “MARPOL is short for marine pollution.

MDR Master Document Register

Mitigation Refers to the stage of the ESIA process when measures are identified to avoid, minimise, control, or remedy impacts. These measures are implemented as part of the process of impact management, together with any necessary adjustments to respond to unforeseen impacts. Both elements are integral to

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ensuring that the ESIA process leads to practical action to offset the adverse environmental impacts of proposed developments.

MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet

Non conformance Non-fulfilment of a requirement (e.g. project commitments, legislative requirement etc.).

NSP2 Nord Stream 2 AG

NSP2 vessels All vessels used by NSP2 in the execution of the services, including vessels engaged in survey and monitoring work (including environmental/archaeological surveys / monitoring), lay barges and the associated vessel spreads, pipe carriers, support vessels, offshore trenching / dredgers vessels.


The sea beyond the Mean High-Water Mark including the nearshore surf-zone. In the context of NSP2 it is the Baltic Sea including Territorial Waters, International Waters and nearshore areas of landfall approach. Offshore work includes that which is marine-based i.e. on vessels which float or are supported on the seabed by legs.

OSPRP Oil Spill Prevention and Response Plan.

Pipelay The activities associated with the installation of a pipeline on the seabed.

Post-permit Post-permit documents are based upon, and supersede, the corresponding pre-permit documents, and include the requirements set out in the national permits for construction.

Pre-permit Pre-permit documents are those for which the Source Documents are the national EIAs, the Espoo Report and Company HSES policies and standards. Where corresponding Post-permit documents are prepared these supersede the Pre-permit documents.

IFC PS The International Finance Corporation Performance Standards are an international benchmark for identifying and managing environmental and social risk.

Safety Exclusion Zone In relation to the avoidance of cultural heritage, a zone encompassing a cultural heritage site or object and within which contact by construction vessels, including vessel anchors, anchor chains and clump weights and taut wires is not permitted. In relation to vessel safety, a zone encompassing construction vessels and within which third party shipping may not enter. This zone is to be monitored and enforced by CONTRACTOR. In relation to munitions clearance activities, the anticipated safety impact range around munitions detonation within which efforts are

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made to exclude marine vertebrates and in which vessels are excluded.

SOPEP Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan. A guideline from the IMO.

SPC Single Point of Contact.

UXO Unexploded Ordinance

VMS Vessel Management System.

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1 Introduction Nord Stream 2 (NSP2) comprises the construction and subsequent operation of an offshore natural gas transmission system that incorporates two 48” diameter pipelines through the Baltic Sea. The pipeline route extends for some 1,200 km from Russia’s Baltic coast in the Leningrad region, reaching landfall near Greifswald in Germany. The pipeline will also pass through the jurisdictions of Finland, Sweden and Denmark. The Project is subject to various environmental and social requirements as follows (further details on these requirements are presented in Section 6):

• Laws and regulations of: Russia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Germany (the five directly impacted countries).

• Construction permits issued by the Regulators of the five directly impacted countries.

• Commitments made by the Company in the environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) documentation that comprises:

o The NSP2 report for consultation under the Espoo Convention (the “Espoo Report”).

o Separate, national, permitting documentation submissions as required to meet the regulatory requirements in Russia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Germany. Note that such commitments are treated as permit conditions by Regulators.

• Policies and guidelines of international institutions that are prospective lenders.

• Other international standards and guidelines where applicable.

These requirements are managed by COMPANY through a series of Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) as part of the Project Health, Safety, Environmental and Social Management System (HSES-MS). The ESMPs are activity specific and tailored to each CONTRACTOR work package. In the first instance, the ESMPs address construction related E&S management controls. Operational phase ESMPs will be developed at a later stage and prior to operation. Each ESMP is developed in a phased manner as follows:

• An early “pre-permit” version (this version) is issued to CONTRACTORS prior to approval of the national planning submissions in the five directly impacted countries.

• The ESMP is updated after receipt of national-level approvals as required and includes the consent/permit conditions attached to those approvals.

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2 Purpose and Scope 2.1 General The purpose of this ESMP is to establish the nature of the ES measures (both controls and management framework) that will need to be developed and implemented by CONTRACTOR undertaking Shallow Water Pipelay, Landfall Germany and Associated Works to ensure appropriate environmental and social safeguards are achieved. The ESMP consolidates aspect-specific commitments, actions and legal/permit requirements from key Project source documents and identifies:

• Necessary mitigation measures and management actions

• Environmental and social monitoring/survey requirements if applicable

• Guidance to CONTRACTOR regarding verification aspects to ensure that the objectives of the ESMP are met

2.2 The Offshore Pipelay ESMP

2.2.1 Scope This document describes the mitigation actions for the following CONTRACTOR work scope:

• Installation of Lines A and B from the German landfall at Lubmin as far as approximately 30km offshore:

o Nearshore Section (inside Greifswalder Bodden) o Boddenrandschwelle section (the shallow water sandbar) o Outer Section (outside the Greifswalder Bodden to laydown/AWTI location)

• Performance of two or more Above Water Tie-ins (AWTIs) for each line in the Nearshore Section and Outer Section respectively

• Pull-In through micro tunnel sections (shore pull) for each line

• Performance of an anchor corridor survey along the pipeline route

• Pre- and post-lay surveys

The last revision of this document addressed the above requirements with focus on pipe-lay and shore pull activities, which are now complete. This revision highlights requirements specific to the planned AWTIs which will be undertaken in both Territorial and EEZ waters. Relevant permit conditions are incorporated in Section 7 below. The scope of this ESMP covers requirements relating to planned or routine pipelay activities and excludes contingency activities in the event of change such as pipeline buckling. It should be noted that this ESMP scope excludes offshore (deep water) pipelay which is addressed separately.

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2.2.2 ES topics The ESMP builds on the minimum environmental and social requirements contained in the CONTRACTOR Information to Tender (ITT) and addresses the following topics:

• Offshore pollution prevention and waste o Spill prevention and contingency planning o Emissions and discharges from vessels o Invasive species o Waste management

• Hazardous materials management

• Construction vessels and marine traffic

• Avoidance of sensitive features (CH, munitions, seabed infrastructure)

• Biodiversity

• Grievance Mechanism and Code of Conduct

• Onshore activities (including shore pull) Key changes to the preceding CONTRACTOR Information to Tender (ITT) are as follows:

• Additional guidance is provided to CONTRACTOR in the development of their Contractor Implementation Plan (CIP) – see third column in Tables under Section 6.

• Regarding Commitment PPW-001.07, 6.1, `Offshore pollution prevention and waste`, CONTRACTOR to note that compliance with the Ballast water Management Convention, which entered into force in September 2017, is now mandatory

• Requirements concerning 6.4 `Avoidance of sensitive features (CH, munitions, cables and pipelines) `, have been simplified.

• Regarding 6.7 `Onshore activities including shore pull`, further guidance is provided on worksite lighting aspects – see RO-34.

• Additional pollution prevention requirements are described (see PPW-16), including the use of Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EALs) in key equipment.

• Additional Requirement for the operation of high-speed vessels within GER TW: The operation of high-speed vessels within German TW in the Nord Stream 2 project requires a WSA permit (“schifffahrtspolizeiliche Genehmigung”) (see 6.3, EPH-015).

• Permit conditions applicable to this scope of work (see Section 7).

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2.2.3 References The documents below describe the scope of Contractor activities and associated HSES requirements. Table 1: Key HSES References relating to this scope of work

Document Reference

Minimum HSES Standards for Offshore Construction


Minimum HSES Standards for Onshore Construction


Minimum HSE Standards for Manned Underwater Operations (Diving)


Pipe Lay and Associated Works: Appendix A Scope of Work


Pipe Lay and Associated Works: Appendix K, Environmental and Social Management


2.3 Linkages to other elements of the HSES Management System

The Health, Safety Environmental and Social (HSES) Management System (MS) of Nord Stream 2, which is aligned to both international standards (ISO 14001 and ISO18001) and those of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), enables it to identify and proactively manage HSES risks of NSP2 construction and operation. The Environmental and Social (ES) Management System is subsumed under the overarching HSES and is depicted in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1 Sub-structure of the E&S Management System

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Important elements of the HSES MS are Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs), which are prepared by COMPANY. These provide both:

• An outline of controls for addressing environmental and social risks; and

• An outline of a management framework required to ensure these control measures are effectively implemented by CONTRACTOR.

The Contractor Implementation Plan (CIP), which is prepared by CONTRACTOR, expands and provides further details of both these outline controls and frameworks, as more information becomes available and there is greater certainty in terms of the layout, construction methods and management structure. The CIP must be at a sufficient level of details to enable it to be used as the main reference document to ensure that all environmental and social risks are adequately addressed. The ESMPs thus comprise a key interface between COMPANY and CONTRACTORS. Further details of NSP2’s ESMS and where the ESMPs and CIPs respectively fit in this system are provided in:

Table 2: Supporting ES documents

Document Reference

Approach to Environmental and Social Management W-HS-EMS-GEN-PAR-800-ESPOLIEN

Health, Safety, Environmental and Social Management System (HSES MS) Manual


Update of Anchor Restrictions and Wrecks along the Pipeline Route in German Waters - Status 19.10.2017


Chance Finds Procedure W-HS-EMS-GEN-PRO-800-CHAFINEN

Health and Safety (HS) elements, including HSE Management Plans, are addressed separately from ESMPs and CIPs as follows: Table 3: Key Company references addressing HS elements

Document Reference

Minimum HSES Standards for Offshore Pipelay W-HS-HSE-GEN-PRO-800-OFFSLAEN

Minimum HSES Standards for Onshore Construction


Minimum HSES Standards for Survey and Environmental Studies


Minimum HSE Standards for Manned Underwater Operations (Diving)


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2.4 ES Contractor Implementation Plan (CIP)

2.4.1 Overview The Contractor Implementation Plan (CIP) is specific to the environmental and social risks associated with the Contractor`s work scope. It defines the actions to be taken to control those risks to an acceptable level. The CIP shall demonstrate compliance to the requirements defined in this ESMP and relevant legal requirements, where appropriate. It is prepared in response to mitigation requirements documented in the ESMP and describes the methods, resources, and timing for controlling the impacts of construction activities, as applicable. Depending on the level of risk and the criticality of the activities, the CIP may incorporate a description of the interface between the NSP2 requirements and the Contractor’s HSES Management System (and that of any Sub-contractors) and can either be detailed in the CIP itself or as a separate Interface / Bridging Document. It may also reference sections in the CONTRACTOR HSES plan, as applicable. The CIP should describe and specifically address activities relating to the Above Water Tie Ins (AWTIs) for this scope of work.

2.4.2 Structure and content CONTRACTOR has the flexibility to provide the CIP in a scope and format which is consistent with their own Management Systems. However, COMPANY requires the following minimum content: • A “roadmap” to the CONTRACTOR ESMS and HSES Organisation and responsibilities

and specifying the manner in which the minimum environmental and social requirements in this document will be met.

• Resourcing requirements for the implementation of the CONTRACTOR ESMS at

worksites (including vessels), including organisation charts, job descriptions and reporting lines, and support from corporate resources as applicable.

• Risk management. Analysis of aspects and impacts related to the work scope. Proposed

or actual risk control measures and means of monitoring and reporting.

• Where existing CONTRACTOR procedures address the requirements in this document, those documents may be referenced.

• Where existing CONTRACTOR procedures for specific topics are lacking, they shall be

developed and provided here.

• Where CONTRACTOR method statements address specific requirements in this document they shall be referenced to demonstrate the manner in which compliance will be achieved.

• Schedules for CONTRACTOR inspections and audits.

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• CONTRACTOR ESMS templates and forms as applicable.

• CONTRACTOR environmental and social reporting arrangements for reporting to COMPANY.

• Master Document Register (MDR) for HSES, listing CONTRACTOR`s controlling HSES

policies and procedures required for compliance with the ESMP. 3 Policies and standards

3.1 Overview This section provides a summary of the policies, legal & regulatory requirements and other applicable standards relevant to this CMP.

3.2 Company policies and standards

NSP2 has adopted an overarching HSES policy that applies to all activities carried out by or on behalf of NSP2 as part of this Project. COMPANY and its CONTRACTORs are committed to full compliance with the applicable Performance Standards of the International Finance Corporation (IFC PS) and supplementary E&S policies have been developed to facilitate compliance with these requirements. These are listed below.

Table 4: NSP2 Environmental and Social Sub-Policies

Document Reference IFC Performance Standard


Commits to compliance with IFC Performance Standards.

Approach to Environmental and Social Management


PS1: Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts

Labour and Working Conditions Policy


PS2: Labour and Working Conditions

Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention Policy


PS3: Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention

Community Health, Safety and Security Policy


PS4: Community Health, Safety, and Security

Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement Policy


PS5: Land Acquisition and Involuntary Settlement

Biodiversity Management Policy


PS6: Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Resources

Indigenous People Policy


PS7: Indigenous Peoples

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3.3 International standards and national legislation A range of national legislation, including that which specifies standards to be achieved (for example, noise, air quality, and associated emissions standards) and permitting requirements (in addition to those detailed in the national permits and described in Sections 6 and 7) will apply to this construction scope of work. It should be noted that key regulatory requirements governing offshore construction activities and the use of vessels, include those of the Helsinki Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area (HELCOM) and the MARPOL 73/78 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships. The Baltic Sea has been designated as a Special Area under MARPOL with specific requirements detailed in the various Annexes. The provisions of the MARPOL annexes will be applied across the Project.

Requirements in the MARPOL 73/78 annexes and relevant pollution prevention regulations under HECOM are reflected in Section 6, however, other relevant legislation is not detailed here. CONTRACTOR is responsible for the identification and compliance with relevant legal requirements pertaining to the scope of work and various jurisdictions under which the Project will be working. COMPANY has prepared an HSES Legal Register (W-HS-HSE-GEN-LST-800-LEGREGEN) which is available for information to CONTRACTOR.

3.4 Company secured permits

Various construction-related permits for the Project are issued by national regulators to COMPANY and are listed below and details provided in Section 7 below. Table 5: NSP2 Construction Permits relevant to this scope of work

Country Permit Status


EEZ Waters o BSH-EEZ, Permit according to Section 133 Paragraph

1 No. 2 BBergG ("Bundesberggesetz" – Federal Mining Act) for the construction and operation of two parallel, cross-border high-pressure natural gas pipelines by the BSH (Bundesamt für Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie or Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency).

o BA-EEZ, Construction permit according to §133 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 No. 1 German Federal Mining Act (BBergG) by the Mining Authority of Stralsund.

Territorial Water (TW) and Landfall o BA-PFB: Bergamt Plan approval for the 12nm zone

(“Planfeststellungs-beschluss”) approval under Section 43 Clause 1 No. 2 of "Gesetz über die Elektrizitäts- und Gasversorgung (Energy Industry Act – EnWG) by the Mining Authority of Stralsund.

In place In place In place

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4 Roles and responsibilities

The responsibility to implement these minimum requirements and standards lies with CONTRACTOR as owner/occupier of the site and employer of worksite personnel. Where work is sub-contracted, these requirements are contractually binding to the sub-contractors, with the main Contractor responsible for ensuring compliance. CONTRACTOR is responsible for developing the Contractor Implementation Plan (CIP), submitting it to NSP2 for approval, and ensuring it is implemented. The main Contractor is also responsible for ensuring that any relevant sub-contracted work is included in the CIP and that supporting sub-contractor HSES Plans are developed and monitored.

The responsibilities for implementation of the specific actions identified in this CMP are distinguished between NSP2 and its contractors in Section 6 below.

4.1 Company roles and responsibilities COMPANY management roles and responsibilities during the construction phase of the project are described in the Health, Safety, Environmental and Social Management System (HSES MS) Manual and are summarised below. HSES management is an essential part of the project. Within NSP2, the HSES management function reports directly to NSP2`s Chief Executive Officer. HSES personnel are directly accountable for establishing the framework for the successful delivery of all HSES Project requirements and report directly to the Managing Director (see Table 6 below). The Senior HS Advisor and ESMS Lead are points of contact between COMPANY and CONTRACTOR concerning Project HS and ES requirements respectively. Table 6: NSP2 HSES Management Roles

Title Function (key elements)

Head of Health and Safety

Establishment of HS elements of the HSES MS. Monitoring of Contractor compliance with Company standards. Advice to management concerning best practise improvements. Focus on onshore aspects.

Senior Health & Safety Advisor

Establishment of HS elements of the HSES MS. Monitoring of Contractor compliance with Company standards. Advice to management concerning best practise improvements. Focus on offshore aspects.

Head of Environment and Social (E&S)

Establishment of ES elements of the HSES MS, including Lender standards. Monitoring of Contractor compliance with Company standards. Advice to management concerning best practise improvements.

Environmental and Social Manager

Establishment of ES elements of the HSES MS, including Lender standards. Monitoring of Contractor compliance with Company standards. Advice to management concerning best practise improvements.

ESMS Lead (Permitting section)

Establishment of ES elements of the HSES MS. Development of Contractor ESMPs. Monitoring of Contractor compliance with permit requirements reflected in the ESMPs.

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4.2 Contractor roles and responsibilities

CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for ensuring that all site operations, equipment and machinery comply with all relevant international and national legislation, legal standards, permits, and any other Company requirements, including those set out in this document. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for any adverse environmental, social and cultural heritage impacts arising from its activities and operations and for putting in place any necessary measures to avoid or, if not possible, mitigate them. Contractor shall also be responsible for promptly reacting to accidental events and mitigating any resulting adverse environmental, socio-economic and cultural heritage impacts as much as possible. Should any such accidental events occur, Contractor shall immediately inform and/or consult Company on the best way to handle and/or mitigate immediate risks and impacts. CONTRACTOR shall put these responsibilities into effect by: • writing a CIP that describes how it will implement the E&S requirements

• implementing the relevant CIP by:

o communicating the contents of the CIP to its workers and subcontractors and training them to ensure that they understand their responsibilities

o ensuring that adequate resources and methods are mobilised, including input from o any specialist resources necessary to ensure effective planning and

implementation of appropriate measures o ensuring compliance by its workers and subcontractors with the procedures

established in the CIP • implementing effective monitoring of the implementation of the CIP, including regular

worksite inspections and maintaining associated records and reporting • ensuring that all environmental, social and cultural heritage incidents are reported and

dealt with effectively • keeping the Company fully informed of any site environmental, social and cultural

heritage issues

5 Management, mitigation, monitoring and verification

5.1 Management and mitigation The management actions and mitigation measures to be implemented in respect of this scope of work in order to minimise environmental and social impacts are described in Section 6, including actions and measures required of COMPANY, CONTRACTOR (and subcontractors) where applicable.

5.2 Verification monitoring COMPANY will undertake periodic audits and inspections of CONTRACTOR worksites, including vessels. Audit plans will address the requirements of this ESMP and will be conveyed to CONTRACTOR in advance of planned audits. COMPANY may request access to CONTRACTOR internal audit and inspection reports relating to this scope of work.

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6 Mitigation measures and management actions The following minimum environmental and social (ES) performance requirements are applicable to this SCOPE OF WORK and are supplemented with further requirements defined in permits that have been separately conveyed to Contractor in list form (see Section 7). "Primary mitigation measures" refer to principal management measures under which "Subsidiary" or supporting detailed mitigation measures may be hierarchically arranged.

6.1 Offshore pollution prevention and waste

ID Primary mitigation ID Subsidiary mitigation CIP guidance

A. Key mandatory requirements: HELCOM/ MARPOL 73/78 Baltic Special Area


All project vessels shall be compliant with the standards of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), Helsinki Convention (Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area) and the prescriptions for the Baltic Sea Area as a MARPOL 73/78 Special Area.


Oily Water. In accordance with MARPOL 73/78, there shall be no discharges of oil or oil mixtures into the Baltic Sea area from Project vessels.

The oil content of discharges from machinery spaces (bilge water) shall not exceed 15 parts per million.

For ships of 400 gross tonnage and above, oil filtration equipment shall be provided with arrangements to ensure that any discharge of oily water is automatically detected and stopped when the oil content in the effluent exceeds 15 parts per million.

Ships lacking bilge water filtration equipment shall be provided with sludge and oily water holding tanks of sufficient capacity for the time spent way from port. Oily water shall be retained onboard for disposal at an on-shore reception facility.

Oil Record Books shall record all oil or sludge transfers and discharges from vessels. Records shall also be maintained for ballasting or cleaning of oil tanks and the discharge of dirty ballast or cleaning waster from fuel oil tanks.

CONTRACTOR shall confirm that the bilge water filtration equipment on all construction vessels meets the oil content requirements for bilge water discharges.

For vessels lacking bilge water filtration equipment, CONTRACTOR shall confirm that sludge and oily water holding tanks are of sufficient capacity to enable disposal at port facilities.

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ID Primary mitigation ID Subsidiary mitigation CIP guidance


Sewage. In the Baltic Sea area, there shall be no discharge of sewage from ships within 12 nautical miles of the nearest land unless sewage has been comminuted and disinfected using an approved system and the distance to the nearest land is greater than 3 nautical miles.

Only if a sewage treatment plant, approved according to the requirements of IMO, is used onboard, can the discharge take place at any distance from the land.

No discharge of sewage from sewage holding tanks shall take place from stationery ships or ships moving at a speed of less than 4 knots.

CONTRACTOR shall confirm that all vessels are equipped with IMO approved sewage treatment systems or in the absence of treatment systems, that vessels are equipped with holding tanks of sufficient capacity to meet this requirement.

CONTRACTOR shall confirm that untreated sewage from sewage holding tanks shall not be discharged from stationery vessels, vessels moving at a speed of less than 4 knots or closer than 12 NM to land.

CONTRACTOR shall provide references to vessel operating procedures as applicable.

It is recommended that for the AWTIs where the pipe-lay vessel will be stationery that treated sewage is retained for onshore disposal.


Garbage. There shall be no discharge of garbage from vessels.

Food waste shall not be discharged within 12 nautical miles of the nearest land.

CONTRACTOR to confirm compliance.

It is recommend that for the AWTIs where the pipe-lay vessel will be stationery food waste is stored and disposed of at onshore waste handling facilities.


Emissions. As the Baltic Sea is a MARPOL SOx emission control area, all Project vessels shall use fuel oil with a Sulphur content not exceeding 0.1 % m/m unless such vessels are equipped with exhaust gas scrubbers as approved by the ship`s administration that is a State Party to MARPOL Annex VI.

Where possible, vessels shall be connected to land-based electrical power whilst in port, as long as it does not compromise ship and/or port safety and/or security.

CONTRACTOR shall confirm that project vessels will be equipped with exhaust gas scrubbers of an approved type or will meet the fuel oil Sulphur content standard for the Baltic Sea and indicate the manner in which the switch over to the low Sulphur standard will be performed for vessels entering the Baltic Sea area, as applicable.

CONTRACTOR shall provide references to applicable vessel operating procedures.


Incineration. Incineration, except for the incineration of ship-generated wastes, is prohibited throughout the Baltic Sea area. In addition,

CONTRACTOR shall confirm that construction vessels will observe the Helcom/MARPOL restrictions for incineration in the Baltic Sea area and shall provide references to vessel procedures as applicable.

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ID Primary mitigation ID Subsidiary mitigation CIP guidance incineration of ship generated wastes within the territorial seas of the Baltic Sea State is prohibited.


Dumping at sea. There shall be no dumping of any Project waste at sea, including cement dust, packaging materials and swarf generated from the milling of the pipe ends.

All Project generated waste shall be retained for disposal at licensed waste facilities ashore.

CONTRACTOR shall acknowledge and confirm compliance with this requirement.


Invasive species.

Vessels shall be compliant with the provisions of the Ballast Water Management Convention (September 2017). As a minimum:

Ballast water management plans shall include measures to ensure adherence to OSPAR/HELCOM General Guidance on the Voluntary Interim application of the D1 Ballast Water Exchange Standard in the North East Atlantic.

To reduce the risk of non-indigenous species invasion through ballast water, Project vessels shall conduct ballast water exchange before entering the Baltic Sea Area.

Ballast tanks shall be cleaned regularly and washing water delivered to reception facilities ashore in line with IFC EHS Guidelines on shipping and the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships Ballast water and Sediments.

CONTRACTOR shall confirm compliance with the international Ballast Water Management Convention that entered into force on 8 September 2017.

CONTRACTOR shall describe the manner in which the discharge of ballast water and handling of sediment will be managed to avoid the transfer of invasive alien species from ballast water. CONTRACTOR to reference BWM certification, BWM plans and vessel and corporate procedures, as applicable.

CONTRACTOR shall specify the manner in which compliance with the D1 Ballast Water Exchange Standards and D2 (treatment) discharge standards will be achieved, as applicable.


No work equipment, cables or other objects shall be dumped into the sea or left on the seabed.

CONTRACTOR shall acknowledge and confirm compliance with this requirement.


Vessel refrigerating and air conditioning system shall be

CONTRACTOR shall acknowledge and confirm compliance with this requirement.

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ID Primary mitigation ID Subsidiary mitigation CIP guidance compliant with MARPOL 73/78 regulations.


In line with IFC EHS Guidelines, antifouling coatings applied to Project vessels, shall be free of tributyltin (TBT) or other biocides that are harmful to fresh or brackish water environments.

CONTRACTOR shall confirm compliance with IMO requirements including International Anti-Fouling System certification.

CONTRACTOR shall provide details of the status of hull cleanliness.


CONTRACTOR and his SUBCONTRACTORs shall fully comply with the “Verordnung über das umweltgerechte Verhalten in der Seeschifffahrt. With respect to any differences in Standards between MARPOL 73/78 requirements and this requirement, CONTRACTOR is required to implement the more stringent standard.

CONTRACTOR shall acknowledge and confirm compliance with this requirement.


Seawater circulated in heat exchangers for cooling equipment on vessels and returned to sea, shall be free of pollutants.

CONTRACTOR shall acknowledge and confirm compliance with this requirement.

B. Spill prevention and contingency planning


Tier 1 oil spills shall be responded to using an approved Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP). The SOPEP shall cover hazardous materials, waste and oil.


In line with IFC EHS Guidelines on shipping, spill prevention procedures shall include but not be limited to, bunkering activities in port and at sea (e.g. ensuring that hoses are checked, spill trays are in place, spill kits are in place, and scuppers are blocked) and hazardous materials handling.

CONTRACTOR shall provide references to Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plans (SOPEPs) and operating procedures as applicable.


Oil spill response equipment, including IMO approved spill kits, shall be held on Project vessels and equipment lists shall be maintained.

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ID Primary mitigation ID Subsidiary mitigation CIP guidance


Project vessels shall be equipped with emergency oil spill response procedures and staff shall be trained in the application of such procedures.


An Oil Spill Contingency Plan (OSCP) shall be prepared for oil spills of greater than Tier 1 magnitude (Tier 2 or 3).

COMPANY OSCP for Tier 2/3 spills has been prepared and should be consulted for details concerning spill response measures (W-HS-HSE-GEN-PLA-800-OILSCPEN).

Contractor shall indicate whether bunkering will be required for AWTIs and if so, frequency of bunkering and contingency arrangements to avoid spills, including relevant procedures.


Dedicated hazardous material stores on vessels shall be equipped with closed drainage systems or secondary containment which prevent any spills from entering the marine environment.

CONTRACTOR shall confirm compliance with requirement.


Intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) storing the chemicals used in the pipeline field joint coating shall be equipped with secondary containment.

CONTRACTOR shall confirm and describe secondary containment arrangements for field joint coating chemical stores.


Repairs to vessels and construction equipment associated with offshore works that are undertaken in harbours in the region will be managed to avoid any chemical or hydrocarbon contamination of the quay side and water body.

CONTRACTOR shall reference corporate and/or procedures and equipment as applicable for the management of spills associated with work in ports.


Prior to deployment to the Project and on a routine basis during construction activities, hydraulic


All hydraulic hoses on equipment to be deployed on deck (or in proximity to water) and in the marine environment shall be checked and replaced with

CONTRACTOR shall reference vessel maintenance procedures as applicable.

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ID Primary mitigation ID Subsidiary mitigation CIP guidance equipment, including hoses, shall be inspected to avoid accidental leakage of fluids.

new if necessary, prior to deployment and an inventory shall be maintained showing the part and date of replacement.

Contractor to note that Company is targeting replacement of hydraulic hoses that are exposed to the elements and are older than 36 months and where a burst hose would result in leakage into the sea.

Contractor to provide a hose register showing part numbers, date of manufacture, and replacement dates for the hoses supplying the ARTI davits.


Oil filled equipment located above or within water, shall be equipped with Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EALs), as technically feasible.

It should be noted that use of EALs is a permit condition in EEZ waters. However, Company has targeted use of EALs on equipment where there is a risk of spill to water.

With reference to AWTI work activities, Contractor to describe for Company approval, the oil quantities and type in use in the following equipment:

• AWTI davits • ROVs (as applicable) • Hydraulic tools to be used (including clamps)

Contractor shall also confirm that anchor cables will not be greased during performance of the AWTIs.


Mobile plant, that includes pumps and generators, shall be equipped with secondary containment or drip trays.

CONTRACTOR shall confirm compliance with requirement.

C. Waste management (offshore and onshore) PPW-011

CONTRACTORs shall develop their own Waste Management Plan tailored to the activities that they will perform.

Supporting plans and procedures shall be developed and implemented for each vessel.


The waste management plan shall include the following minimum requirements:

• A demonstration of commitment to a waste management hierarchy, including the classification system for waste separation categories.

CONTRACTOR shall address the minimum requirements for a waste management plan in the CIP and reference corporate waste management procedures and vessel procedures as applicable.

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ID Primary mitigation ID Subsidiary mitigation CIP guidance • Detailed identification of the types and

approximate quantities and weight of waste to be generated through construction activities.

• Records of quantities and types of waste generated and transferred, and the definition of the process for reporting this information to COMPANY.

• A description of monitoring through inspection and audit.

• A description of staff training needs.


Approved and licensed waste contractors shall be engaged for waste disposal. CONTRACTOR shall be required to audit the Waste Contractor (s).


Identify and evaluate waste contractors for use by the CONTRACTOR, including conducting due diligence checks against CONTRACTOR waste management policy and practice.

Waste contractors are required to meet minimum EU and international waste management standards.

CONTRACTOR shall document E&S assessment of waste management/disposal facilities in the area of operation to demonstrate compliance of the facilities with EU or EU equivalent waste management standards.

CONTRACTOR shall identify Port Agents to be used for receiving waste. CONTRACTOR shall also indicate which Waste Contractors shall be contracted by Port Agents for processing waste generated offshore and approximate waste volumes or proportions of waste to be handled by each.


CONTRACTOR shall implement a system for the minimisation, sorting, and segregation of the different waste streams in order to optimize recycling opportunities and to minimise the mixing of different types of waste.


Waste shall be stored in designated waste stations and appropriately segregated into hazardous waste and non-hazardous waste, and, where possible, into recyclable or reusable hazardous waste and recyclable and reusable non-hazardous waste. Covered facilities shall be provided for stockpiled recyclable waste.

CONTRACTOR shall describe arrangements for segregating waste offshore and aligning this with waste processing facilities onshore with the objective of facilitating waste re-use and recycling and minimising the quantity of waste going to landfill.


There shall be no commingling of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes during storage and transportation of wastes.

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All solid waste receptacles (e.g. skips and bins) shall have covers and be fit for purpose and in good condition. This will protect the contents from rain and prevent scavenging animals from gaining access to food wastes.


All hazardous liquid wastes and waste filters shall be stored in an area equipped with secondary containment. The storage area shall be equipped with fire protection and roofed to prevent the ingress of rain and snow.


CONTRACTOR shall record and report on waste volumes and types to COMPANY

CONTRACTOR to develop model template for reporting waste data to COMPANY. Waste data is to be supplied to COMPANY on a monthly basis.


CONTRACTOR shall provide statement of compliance with national and transboundary regulations regarding waste management.

6.2 Hazardous materials management (offshore and onshore)

ID Primary mitigation measure ID Subsidiary mitigation measure CIP guidance


CONTRACTORs shall develop their own Hazardous Materials Management Plan tailored to the activities that they will perform.


CONTRACTOR hazardous materials management plans shall include the following elements: • Detailed identification of the environmentally

hazardous materials that will be used during construction activities, inclusive of manufacturers’ data sheet on product characteristics.

CONTRACTOR shall address the minimum requirements for a Hazardous Materials Management Plan in the CIP and reference corporate waste management procedures and vessel procedures as applicable.

CONTRACTOR plans and procedures for hazardous materials handling shall detail management and safety controls such as document requirements, equipment

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ID Primary mitigation measure ID Subsidiary mitigation measure CIP guidance • Evidence that less hazardous substitutes have

been selected whenever possible (biodegradable hydraulic oil to be used where possible).

• Procedures for transportation, storage and

handling hazardous materials. • Procedure for tracking the inventory of hazardous

materials and transfer from the materials register to the waste register after use of the products.

specifications, operating procedures and verification measures, including but not limited to: the definition of roles and responsibilities, competency and training requirements, labelling and storage requirements, inspection schedules, audit programmes, risk assessment and chemical approval process, PPE, safety information and documentation on risks and precautions (including basic emergency procedures).


CONTRACTOR shall not use chemicals and hazardous materials subject to international bans or phase-outs due to their high toxicity to living organisms, environmental persistence, potential for bioaccumulation or potential for depletion of the ozone layer.

CONTRACTOR to confirm that chemicals to be used on Project are not subject to bans or phase-outs due to their toxic nature.


CONTRACTOR shall store, transport, use and dispose of hazardous materials, including chemicals and fuels, in a manner to avoid pollution.

CONTRACTOR will design and construct storage areas in such a way that spills and leaks can be constrained or isolated, particularly in areas where there is an elevated risk of spill.

CONTRACTOR to confirm arrangements for hazardous materials (chemical) stores on Project vessels.


Inventories of hazardous materials shall be maintained on vessels and associated Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) shall be held for all

CONTRACTOR shall confirm compliance with requirement.

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ID Primary mitigation measure ID Subsidiary mitigation measure CIP guidance chemicals used on Project vessels. Hazardous materials shall be stored, labelled and packaged in a secure manner in line with the requirements of MARPOL Annex III.


CONTRACTOR will inventorise, store, utilise, and dispose of all sealed radiation sources in a safe and secure manner.

CONTRACTOR to confirm whether any radiation sources will be used for Project. If applicable, CONTRACTOR to indicate arrangements for managing and accounting for radiation sources.

6.3 Construction vessels and marine traffic

ID Primary mitigation measure ID Subsidiary mitigation measure CIP guidance

EPH -007

To ensure avoidance of collisions at sea, CONTRACTOR shall develop, agree, and implement Maritime Authorities Communications Procedures with COMPANY and the maritime authorities for each jurisdiction. .


Maritime communications and navigation systems and procedures shall include (but are not necessarily be limited to) the following: • A maritime communications procedure shall be

developed and implemented to manage interaction with third party shipping.

• Simultaneous operations procedures shall be developed to coordinate the activities of the construction fleet.

• Traffic control & alerts in line with international standards and guidelines and authority requirements.

• The use of navigation aids and warnings including lights and ARPA radar systems that meet national and international requirements.

• Experienced personnel shall be available at all time for watch duty

• Notice to Mariners & fishery bulletins • Contact with the maritime authorities

CONTRACTOR to address these requirements in a 'Maritime Communication, Coordination and Guard Vessel Plan`, navigation systems and aids, and pipeline installation procedures as applicable.

Plans and procedures shall address normal and emergency communication lines and flowcharts, safety measures and responsibilities, required safety zones and vessel management systems (such as AIS for the identification and locating of vessels).

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ID Primary mitigation measure ID Subsidiary mitigation measure CIP guidance • AIS systems to assist with the identification of

passing vessels and provide information on position, course and speed

• Broadcasts on VHF • Continuous radio contact between the lay vessel,

survey vessels and anchor handling vessels • Procedures for actions to be taken when crossing

shipping lanes • Procedures for training of to ensure crew on-

board are alert when crossing high risk areas. EPH-007.2

Maritime communications procedures shall reflect requirements for simultaneous construction activities BY OTHER CONTRACTORS, other projects including 50hz (Germany), and third party shipping to ensure a coordinated approach.

EPH -009

CONTRACTOR shall implement appropriate safety zones, typically in the order of 3,000 m (approximately 1.5 nm) for the anchor lay barge, 2,000 m (approximately 1 nm) for DP pipe-lay vessel, and 500 m radius for other vessels which are restricted in their maneuverability, to be agreed with the authorities.

Only vessels involved in the construction will be allowed inside the safety zone and all non-project related vessels will be required to plan their journey around the safety zones.

CONTRACTOR shall develop and implement monitoring (including tracking of vessels through AIS

EPH -009.1

CONTRACTOR shall implement monitoring and communication protocols to address vessels approaching the Safety Zone.

CONTRACTOR shall confirm safety zone for anchor lay barge and indicate the manner in which this zone will be monitored and enforced in a 'Maritime Communication, Coordination and Guard Vessel Plan`.

Contractor to refer to relevant vessel operating procedures as applicable.

These requirements and associated communication procedures to be reflected in Vessel Management System (VMS).

Consideration to be given to enforcing the safety zone during the performance of the AWTIs, where the vessel will be stationery for a week or more.

Consideration shall be given to enforcing the safety zone during the performance of the AWTIs, where the vessel will be stationery for a week or more.

EPH -009.2

Dedicated guard vessels shall provide 24 hour coverage for maintaining the lay vessels safety zone. The requirement of guard vessels results from the WORKSITE being located in a popular leisure sailing and water sports area as well as the crossing and parallel working of/to several shipping lanes.

The vessels shall be suitable equipped and have sufficient manning for the operations that shall be performed. The following minimum requirements apply to guard vessels in the German Landfall:

• Min of one fluent German and English speaking person on board

• Minimum of two (2) UKW radios and one GW radio

• Minimum of two (2) radar of which one (1) needs to have the ARPA

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ID Primary mitigation measure ID Subsidiary mitigation measure CIP guidance data) and communication protocols and procedures to address vessels approaching the Safety Zone.

• function • AIS Equipment incl. electronic sea charts

visualized together with the • radar • Equipped with radar transponders (X-band and S-

band) • Minimum capable sailing speed of 15 KN.


COMPANY will provide Guard Vessels for AWTI works.

EPH -009.4

CONTRACTOR in consultation with COMPANY will coordinate closely with the responsible authorities (in Germany) for safe and easy operation of ship traffic. The objective is to avoid obstructions of shipping lanes as far as possible or to reduce them to a minimum.


Pull tests and monitoring of anchors of construction vessels will be undertaken to minimise the possibility of a dragged anchor.

CONTRACTOR to confirm the manner in which the risk of dragged anchors is managed. Reference to vessel management system as applicable.


In accordance with § 57 (1) Nr. 1 i.V.m. § 2 Abs. 1 Nr. 10a Of the German Waterways Regulations, the use of a high-speed vessel in German Territorial Waters, requires an operational permit (see § 55 (2) German Waterways Regulations) which will be issued by the Shipping Authority.

Contractor to note additional requirement for the operation of high-speed vessels (such as crew transport vessels) within GER TW: The operation of high-speed vessels within German TW in the Nord Stream 2 project requires a WSA permit (“schifffahrtspolizeiliche Genehmigung”). Note: High-speed vessels are defined according to High-Speed Craft HSC Codes 1994 (for vessels constructed before 2002) and 2000 (for vessels constructed as of 2002). HSC Code 1994: HSC Code 2000: The Application for such a permit requires the following information: - High-speed Craft Safety Certificate

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ID Primary mitigation measure ID Subsidiary mitigation measure CIP guidance - Permit to operate high speed craft - Certificate of measurement (Schiffsmessbrief) - Name and Contact Details of Requestor - Vessel information (Name, Call Sign, MMSI, IMO, Length, Width, draught, BRZ, contact information

(Tel/Email), max crew number, Water displacement on design waterline in m3 and max. speed. - Planned routes including max speed on which routes on an official sea chart - Planned operation duration/ schedule - Reason for operation

6.4 Avoidance of sensitive features (CH, munitions, cables and pipelines)

ID Primary mitigation measure ID Subsidiary mitigation measure CIP guidance SF-001

CONTRACTOR shall implement control measures for avoiding Cultural Heritage Objects (CHOs), including maintaining separation distances from Exclusion Zones established around CHOs and agreed between regulators and COMPANY.

CONTRACTOR shall avoid munitions or objects identified in surveys as potential munitions.

CONTRACTOR shall exercise care when working in the vicinity of cables and pipelines.


CONTRACTOR shall consider the deployment of equipment in relation to CHOs, munitions, and seabed infrastructure, including but not limited to:

• Anchor placement (all vessels) • Anchor placement and anchor wire

catenary for the anchor lay section in Germany

• Pipeline abandonment and recovery • Pipe-lay tolerances • ROV deployment • Pipelay along bends on the route

COMPANY has conveyed information relating to CHO locations, munitions, cables and pipelines, and associated Exclusion Zones through survey data to CONTRACTOR.

Regarding CH see, `Update of Anchor Restrictions and Wrecks along the Pipeline Route in German Waters - Status 19.10.2017` (W-PE-DET-PGE-TNO-968-CHODATEN)

CONTRACTOR shall undertake risk analysis to identify areas where care should be exercised in the deployment of vessels and equipment.

CONTRACTOR shall describe the mechanism for conveying such information to vessel crews and cite relevant vessel procedures.

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ID Primary mitigation measure ID Subsidiary mitigation measure CIP guidance


Where necessary, anchor chains shall be kept away from the seabed using buoys or anchor handling vessels in areas where CHOs are present.

CONTRACTOR shall prepare anchor plans and procedures for the placement and use of pipe lay vessel anchors to ensure that wires and chains are used in a manner that avoids impacts on known cultural heritage sites.

Anchor patterns shall include provisions to ensure that at no time (immediately after deployment, after dragging on the seabed and during recovery/re-deployment) the anchor or the anchor wire are within the Exclusion Zone of any identified CHO.

Anchor patterns to be approved by Company and/or national cultural heritage agencies prior to commencement of construction activities.

CONTRACTOR to refer to `Update of Anchor Restrictions and Wrecks along the Pipeline Route in German Waters - Status 19.10.2017` (W-PE-DET-PGE-TNO-968-CHODATEN)

CONTRACTOR to determine where such remedial measures are required for the lay section in German waters where an anchor lay vessel will be used. Such remedial measures may include the use of mid-wire buoys to limit the length of the anchor wire in contact with the seabed in the vicinity of sensitive sites and existing infrastructure.

CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate how monitoring and control of anchor wire catenary and sweep will be achieved.

CONTRACTOR shall describe the mechanism for conveying such information to vessel crews and cite relevant vessel procedures


Offshore (EEZ, 12 miles zone) / KuS 1: COMPANY in consultation with CONTRACTOR will coordinate measures and activities with the responsible authorities for culture and preservation of historical monuments of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.


For sections of the route where significant wrecks are present, COMPANY will prepare a monitoring programme for cultural heritage objects in consultation with the relevant cultural heritage authorities in affected countries. This programme will be implemented to verify that shipwrecks have

CONTRACTOR to note that pre-and post-lay surveys of specified wrecks in the vicinity of the pipeline route will be required.

COMPANY to advise CONTRACTOR of which wrecks are required to be surveyed. This will be based on the outcome of discussions with

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ID Primary mitigation measure ID Subsidiary mitigation measure CIP guidance not been damaged as a result of construction activities.

the cultural heritage authorities in affected countries; a process which is currently ongoing.


An anchor corridor survey shall be undertaken by CONTRACTOR to identify, verify, and catalogue obstructions or sensitive features.

CONTRACTOR shall implement control measures for avoiding objects (see SF-001)


For CHOs located within the anchor corridor, CONTRACTOR together with COMPANY shall consult the relevant cultural heritage authority and control measures (including the assignment of Exclusion Zones) shall be agreed to ensure that there shall be no impact on these locations and objects.

For noting by CONTRACTOR.


Plans and procedures for the placement and use of pipe lay vessel anchors shall be prepared to ensure that wires and chains are used in a manner that avoids impacts on known cultural heritage sites.


The pipe lay vessel anchoring plans shall include provisions to ensure that at no time (immediately after deployment), after dragging on the seabed and during recovery/redeployment) the anchor or the anchor wire are within 200m (measured on the horizontal plane) of any identified CHO.

CONTRACTOR shall ensure that anchor placement is planned to avoid munitions or objects identified in the survey as potential munitions.

See, `Update of Anchor Restrictions and Wrecks along the Pipeline Route in German Waters - Status 19.10.2017` (W-PE-DET-PGE-TNO-968-CHODATEN).

CONTRACTOR also required to develop anchor plans for all anchor placement and make them available to the authorities in Germany prior to the commencement of construction activities.

CONTRACTOR to refer to relevant procedures in Vessel Management System (VMS) for anchor placement.


The key risk to CHOs is from anchoring activities performed when using an anchor-type pipe-laying vessel. Not only the anchors, but also the catenaries (curves) and sweep of the anchor wires shall be considered in relation to cultural heritage. If necessary the wires shall be held off the sea bed by buoys or tugs in areas where wrecks are present.

CONTRACTOR to describe system for catenary monitoring and control.


CONTRACTOR shall install and operated a calibrated anchor line catenary monitoring system to control and visualise the anchor

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ID Primary mitigation measure ID Subsidiary mitigation measure CIP guidance lines when passing over seabed obstacles e.g. wrecks, pipelines.


All ship wrecks in proximity to the installation corridor will remain and need to be accounted for in dedicated anchor patterns and construction procedures.

For noting by CONTRACTOR.


COMPANY will develop a chance finds procedure to manage actions in the event of chance finds of objects that could potentially be cultural heritage objects, munitions, or existing installations. Such objects may be encountered during construction and may not have been previously identified during surveys.

The Chance Finds Procedure will include a notification procedure to inform the authorities (including national cultural heritage agencies for CHOs) of the find, in accordance with national laws and international conventions.

Responsibilities, including contractor roles, responsibilities and lines of communication will be defined.


CONTRACTOR shall develop a Chance Find Procedure that mirrors Company’s procedure and that is tailored to the scope of works performed by Contractor.

CONTRACTOR to refer to `Chance Finds Procedure (W-HS-EMS-GEN-PRO-800-CHAFINEN) ` for information in developing their own procedure.


In the very shallow section across the Boddenrandschwelle, CONTRACTOR shall under no circumstances, damage or impact historic ship wrecks (“Schiffssperre von 1713”) located alongside, and in close proximity to the installation corridor whilst undertaking the SCOPE OF WORK.


CONTRACTOR shall take due consideration of the requirements for the working draft of the PIPELAY SPREAD within the extreme shallow water depths of the Boddenrandschwelle section. It will not be possible to enlarge the access channel for the lay barge to provide additional width for a supply vessel of similar draft. Also the anchor handling and survey fleet needs to be capable to operate in water depth as low as 2.8m for this short section of the route.

CONTRACTOR to indicate how crossing of this shallow section will be addressed in the VMS to safeguard CH.

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ID Primary mitigation measure ID Subsidiary mitigation measure CIP guidance SF-006

Where the pipeline is installed in close proximity or crosses existing infrastructure such as cables and pipelines, COMPANY will agree designs for safe crossing with the owner of the installations and implement the agreed design. For installation in the proximity of existing infrastructure, operational requirements will be agreed with the owner.

Cable crossing designs will ensure that:

• A separation is maintained between the pipeline and cable or pipeline.

• The operation of the cable will not be


Installation procedures in the proximity will ensure that the operation of the cable of pipeline is not impaired by the anchoring activities during installation.


CONTRACTOR to be aware of and be compliant with CONTRACTOR responsibilities detailed in crossing and proximity agreements entered into between COMPANY and cable or pipeline owner.

CONTRACTOR shall produce detailed (cable & pipeline) crossing, mattress installation, anchor patterns and mooring procedures that conform to the requirements of the CA’s.

COMPANY to make available to CONTRACTOR, all notification, technical and procedural requirements from the relevant crossing & proximity agreements (CAs) entered into between COMPANY and infrastructure owner.


Pipe-lay activities in the proximity of existing pipelines or cables shall follow approved mooring procedures. All anchor positions shall be documented and the anchor wire catenary shall be monitored during installation.

As applicable, CONTRACTOR to incorporate this requirement into installation procedures and implement accordingly.

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6.5 Biodiversity

ID Primary mitigation measure ID Subsidiary mitigation measure CIP guidance

A. Schedule Restrictions


To avoid impacts associated with the herring spawning and seabird resting periods in German waters, the following seasonal permit restrictions apply to offshore construction activities: • The installation work between KP 0

and 16,5 and the construction of the AWTI are to be carried out in the summer (between the end of May and the end of September).

• Any extension of the installation work

to the period of 15 May to 31 December which may become necessary and the construction of the AWTI in the area between KP 17 and KP 10 up to the period of 15 May to 31 October requires the consent of the approval authority.

Contractor to note that this is a BSH-EEZ Permit restriction (see Table 8, BSHRV05).

This is provided as information to CONTRACTOR. The current COMPANY communicated lay schedule in Germany takes schedule restrictions into account.

Note that the German KP system is different to the KP system used for the rest of the pipeline route. Pipelay (Pomeranian Bay) from KP 1142 to KP 1197 (approx. 55km) is the equivalent of KP 0 to KP 55.

B. Other restrictions


To avoid attracting birds and insects, in German waters, illumination of construction work in the dark or in weather with reduced visibility shall as far as possible be of a low intensity nature. Measures to reduce over illumination shall be taken where feasible.


CONTRACTOR shall implement the following measures: • Restrict deck lighting at night to essential

work activities. • Angle deck lighting to less than 60° and

undertake regular checks of the positioning of deck lighting prior to sunset.

CONTRACTOR to confirm adherence to this requirement.

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ID Primary mitigation measure ID Subsidiary mitigation measure CIP guidance


In the German lay section, CONTRACTOR will take care to ensure that the use of vessel thrusters does not result in seabed scouring.

CONTRACTOR to indicate whether thrusters will be deployed in addition to winch and anchor methods for station keeping and pipelay activities in the German section.

Where thrusters are used, CONTRACTOR to indicate how control will be achieved to avoid seabed scouring.


COMPANY will liaise closely with the relevent military authorities with regard to construction activities and progress when working in the military practice areas during the construction period. COMPANY will involve CONTRACTOR as necessary.

6.6 Grievance Mechanisms (labour and external) and Code of Conduct

ID Primary mitigation measure ID Subsidiary mitigation measure CIP guidance

A. Labour and working conditions


CONTRACTORs shall make available a formal grievance mechanism to their workers, shall inform the workers of the grievance mechanism at the time of recruitment and make it easily accessible to them.

CONTRACTOR to refer to the NSP2 Labour and Working Conditions Policy (W-HS-EMS-GENPAR-800-LWPOLIEN) for requirements.

B. Stakeholder Grievance Mechanism


COMPANY has developed a Grievance Mechanism to receive and facilitate resolution of external stakeholder grievances concerning the Project.

A grievance is a complaint raised by external stakeholders (individuals or groups) related to


CONTRACTOR to make construction staff aware of the requirements of the Project grievance procedure.

For information on the NSP2 Stakeholder Grievance Mechanism, CONTRACTOR to refer to COMPANY Stakeholder Engagement Plan for Germany:

• Stakeholder Engagement Plan Germany W-HS-EMS-PFI-PAR-800-SEPGEREN)

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ID Primary mitigation measure ID Subsidiary mitigation measure CIP guidance a specific impact or incident, and which needs to be formally registered and addressed through the Grievance Mechanism. Grievances can result from either real or perceived impacts of the Company`s operations, including those of contractors.

CONTRACTOR shall develop a Project grievance procedure which will include contact details for any written or verbal grievances or complaints received by CONTRACTOR.


CONTRACTOR shall convey to COMPANY, without delay, any grievances received.


COMPANY and CONTRACTOR, shall conduct joint investigations into each grievance received and corrective measures shall be implemented as required.

C. Worker Code of Conduct

GP-03 CONTRACTOR shall develop and implement a Code of Conduct to govern the behaviour of workers and security personnel.

CONTRACTOR to refer to the NSP2 Labour and Working

Conditions Policy (W-HS-EMS-GENPAR-800-LWPOLIEN) and Community Health, Safety and Security Policy (W-HS-EMS-GEN-PAR-800-COPLIEN) for requirements.

6.7 Onshore activities including shore pull

ID Primary mitigation measure ID Subsidiary mitigation measure CIP guidance


All disturbance, including personnel and vehicle movement, shall be contained within the onshore construction site to avoid impacts to the surrounding area.

For noting in Contractor Code of Conduct


Any hydrocarbon contaminated soil resulting from construction works shall be removed for safe disposal at a hazardous waste facility.


A first aid capability shall be available at the onshore pull-in site.

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ID Primary mitigation measure ID Subsidiary mitigation measure CIP guidance


CONTRACTOR to work in conjunction with the regional Police, Fire and Emergency Services in order to plan effectively for any major emergencies.

CONTRACTOR to ensure that Plan is in place and exercises are held.


An emergency response plan shall be developed and emergency response teams shall be established at the onshore construction site.


CONTRACTOR shall ensue that a firefighting capability is available at all times at the onshore Project site.


Temporary ablution blocks and sewage systems shall be provided for the CONTRACTOR workforce at the pull in site.


During the construction phase, black and gray water shall be retained in holding tanks for collection and disposal by licensed wastewater contractors or connected to the site sewage collection system.

CONTRACTOR to specify the manner in which wastewater will be managed.


COMPANY shall establish a Stakeholder Communication Plan and Community Grievance Mechanism; this will create an avenue where the broader community can raise Project-related social issues and other matters.


Construction personnel representing the Project shall be expected to exhibit professional behavior standards as required by the Nord Stream 2 Code of Conduct. Through the Project induction, all Project personnel shall be informed of the expectation that they shall respect the communities in and around Lubmin.

For information on the NSP2 Stakeholder Grievance Mechanism, CONTRACTOR to refer to COMPANY Stakeholder Engagement Plan for Germany:

• Stakeholder Engagement Plan Germany W-HS-EMS-PFI-PAR-800-SEPGEREN)

CONTRACTOR to make construction staff aware of the requirements of the Project grievance procedure.


CONTRACTOR shall convey to COMPANY, without delay, any grievances received.


COMPANY and CONTRACTOR, shall conduct joint investigations into each grievance received and corrective measures shall be implemented as required.


CONTRACTOR shall develop and implement a Code of Conduct to govern the behaviour of workers and security personnel.

RO-16 For transportation of equipment and materials, CONTRACTOR shall carry out a traffic risk assessment and provide a Traffic Management Plan (TMP), in


Prior to commencement of any activities that require transportation of materials with heavy vehicles contractors shall develop a TMP that shall be approved by Company. No vehicular traffic shall take

CONTRACTOR shall indicate loads to be transported and undertake traffic risk assessments and develop TMPs in line with COMPANY guidance in the Framework Traffic management

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ID Primary mitigation measure ID Subsidiary mitigation measure CIP guidance line with the requirements set out in COMPANY Framework Traffic Management Plan (W-HS-HSE-GEN-PLA-800-TRAMANEN).

place before the TMP has been approved by Company.

The Traffic Management Plan shall include the following:

1. Description of Contractor’s Activities 2. Roles and Responsibilities 3. Transportation schedules, inclusive of weights

and load characteristics. 4. List of vehicles and drivers. 5. Procedures to test drivers for competence,

medical fitness and alcohol and drugs use. 6. The detailed route(s) that will be used by

Contractors to transport materials to and from the construction site and/or any intermediate storage yards.

7. A detailed description of the roads to be used by Contractor, including the presence of poorly maintained sections, pot holes, verge conditions, rail crossings, bridges (with load restrictions), pedestrian crossings, statutory speed limits and other restrictions.

8. Schedules of public transport and school buses along the haulage routes.

9. Procedure to obtain information on exceptional circumstances that could affect road traffic (religious events, funerals, parades, etc.)

10. Assessment of constraints and potential risks associated with vehicular traffic with specific focus on the potential risks to people and communities.

11. Specific measures to minimise community health & safety risks associated with heavy construction traffic. These may include, but shall not necessarily be limited to: a. Project specific speed limits in high risk


Plan and the requirements detailed in the subsidiary mitigation measures.

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ID Primary mitigation measure ID Subsidiary mitigation measure CIP guidance b. In Vehicle Management System and

method of monitoring the system; c. Drivers training programme; d. Enforcement system; e. Safety awareness training programs for


Cross references to Contractor’s HSES Plan and Emergency Response.


CONTRACTOR shall implement a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) which will reflect Good International Industry Practice (GIIP), including appropriate scheduling of traffic to avoid any peak times on local roads (for example, to avoid school bus movements).


On-site work on construction plant shall be strictly limited to emergency repairs and servicing shall be prohibited.


For major repairs and maintenance, construction vehicles shall be removed to a dedicated off-site facility equipped with hard standing, grease traps and associated pollution prevention devices. Excavators and cranes with limited mobility, shall be maintained on site, provided the area is equipped with a sealed surface, bunds and grease traps.


All construction vehicles shall be maintained to high standards. Equipment shall be inspected for leakage prior to entering the site and leaking equipment shall be removed from site.


An onshore spill prevention and response management plan and supporting documentation shall be produced and implemented.


There shall be an immediate response to accidental hydrocarbon or chemical spills, with management of surface runoff.


Oil spill clean-up kit locations shall be marked on the site plan and kept on construction sites to address any local spills.

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ID Primary mitigation measure ID Subsidiary mitigation measure CIP guidance


Material Safety data Sheets (MSDS) shall be available at the construction facilities and worker camps to aid in the identification of appropriate spill clean-up and disposal methods, and first aid response.


Spill response materials and equipment (including personal protection equipment) shall be available during all phases and shall contain equipment to combat both chemical and hydrocarbon spills.


Construction personnel who routinely handle hazardous materials and haulage contractors shall be trained in the handling, transportation and storage of hazardous materials and in spill clean-up techniques and practices.


Procedures for refueling of mobile plant shall be developed and their prescriptions implemented. Refueling equipment shall incorporate technology such as leak proof refueling nozzles with automatic shut-off valves.


In the event of a pollution incident, CONTRACTOR will implement immediate control measures (e.g. application of a binding agent, containment) and notify the person responsible for environmental matters on site. CONTRACTOR will also, in consultation with COMPANY, notify the Mining Authority and the Lower Water Authority if applicable.


Onshore chemical and fuel storage facilities shall be designed and constructed in such a way that spills and leaks can be constrained or isolated, particularly in areas where there is an elevated risk of spill.


Any fuel shall be stored in double walled tanks bunds with a design capacity of 110% of the fuel tank volume. The storage area and bund shall be equipped with fire protection and roofed to prevent the ingress of rain and snow and the generation of large quantities of oily water.

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ID Primary mitigation measure ID Subsidiary mitigation measure CIP guidance


Lubricating oils, hydraulic fluids and all chemicals (including gas cylinders) shall be stored in dedicated stores marked on site plans and equipped with secondary containment, ventilation, fire protection, and eye wash stations.


Mobile secondary containment shall be utilised for oil or chemicals temporarily removed from chemical stores for usage onsite.


All mobile plant, including pumps and generators, shall be equipped with secondary containment.


CONTRACTOR shall employ equipment that is capable of achieving a safe and efficient completion of the SCOPE OF WORK with respect to noise and light emissions.

Accordingly CONTRACTOR shall comply with the requirements of stipulations locally in force (notably AVV Baulärm and TA Lärm,).


CONTRACTOR shall comply with the requirements of stipulations locally in force (notably AVV Baulärm and TA Lärm,).

CONTRACTOR to note that nearshore construction activities that could affect onshore receptors would also need to be compliant with noise regulations.


As a practical guideline, the noise levels measured at the (residential) towns of Thiessow and Lubmin shall not exceed fifty (50) dB (A) during day time and thirty five (35) dB (A) during night time. Additionally, noise levels at the adjacent EWN marina shall not exceed sixty five (65) dB (A) during day time and fifty (50) dB (A) during night time.

CONTRACTOR is not required to measure noise at receptor locations.

CONTRACTOR to note that potentially more stringent noise restrictions at the EWN marina may be imposed by permit conditions.


CONTRACTOR shall minimize the impact of light emissions on residential areas that include Lubmin, Wusterhusen, Spandowerhagen and


To minimise impacts on the residential zones of Thiessow and Lubmin where the integrated additional light emission shall not exceed one (1) lx., CONTRACTOR shall implement the following measures:

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ID Primary mitigation measure ID Subsidiary mitigation measure CIP guidance Thiessow by adopting measures to reduce glare. • Restrict light on deck at night to essential work

activities. • Angle deck lighting to less than 60° and undertake

daily checks of the positioning of deck lighting prior to sunset.


CONTRACTOR shall reduce illumination of surrounding areas (including the Pig Trap Area) to a minimum through the utilisation of anti-glare lights or a limitation of the floodlight inclination to 40°, a maximum light source height of 10 m above ground level, turning off or strongly reducing the lighting outside the working hours as well as floodlights pointing towards the construction site.

CONTRACTOR to include such measures in design and site procedures for the pull-in operation.


In order to meet the light emission guide values onshore, CONTRACTOR will adopt the following measures, where reasonably possible:

- The use of lights with low intensity and low mounting heights instead of high-intensity lights with high mounting heights.

- Lights angled inwards to the construction area. For alignment of mobile lighting posts, the direction north-north-west is preferred, as far as possible with respect to the required illumination.

- Floodlights – especially floodlights with high intensity (i.e. > 400 W) should possibly be used in a shielded manner and with the intended inclination, e.g. wide-beam floodlights or asymmetric floodlights with an anti-glare shield.

- The use of symmetrical floodlights should be avoided as far as possible or limited to low intensity floodlights (≤ 400 W) with narrowly radiating lighting and with limited inclination.

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The above applies in particular for 24/7 works, the use of shielded lights, balloon-shaped lights and moisture-proof lamps is recommended in appropriate arrangements. If lights are proposed which differ from those described above, these lights will be assessed with regard to the light emmission guide values.

OG-01 CONTRACTOR will adhere to construction work hours for the pig trap area and the gas receiving terminal (GASCADE).

CONTRACTOR to adhere to German regulations for working hours for pull-in operations. Where extended (24 hour) working hours are required, CONTRACTOR to obtain special dispensation from authorities and permits as required.

OG-02 During onshore works, CONTRACTOR will only use technical equipment and vehicles that meet the limit values for air and noise emissions (German regulations of "BImSchG" and the relevant "BImSchV", especially "TA-Lärm").

OG-03 CONTRACTOR will ensure that the sides and roofs of buildings are made of non-reflecting material and will not use bright or intense colours on walls.

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7 Permit Conditions The commitments reflected in EIA and permitting documentation (see Section 6 above) constitute the basis for Permit conditions. Additional permit conditions may be specified in permits issued by the regulators in each country. German permits with construction related conditions, applicable to this scope of work, are as follows: • German Territorial Waters (TW) and landfall

o BA-PFB. Bergamt Plan approval for the 12nm zone (“Planfeststellungs-beschluss”), Plan approval under Section 43 Clause 1 No. 2 of "Gesetz über die Elektrizitäts- und Gasversorgung (Energy Industry Act – EnWG) issued by the BA HST (Bergamt Hansestadt Stralsund) or Mining Authority of Stralsund. W-PE-MSC-PGE-PER-968-PFB000EN.

• German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Waters

o BSH-EEZ. Permit according to Section 133 Paragraph 1 No. 2 BBergG ("Bundesberggesetz" – Federal Mining Act) for the construction and operation of two parallel, cross-border high-pressure natural gas pipelines by the BSH (Bundesamt für Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie or Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency). W-PE-MSC-PGE-PER-968-BSHAWZEN.

o BA-EEZ. Construction permit according to §133 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 No. 1 German

Federal Mining Act (BBergG) by the BA HST (Bergamt Hansestadt Stralsund) or Mining Authority of Stralsund. W-PE-AUE-PGE-PER-968-BBERGGEN.

CONTRACTORs shall familiarise themselves with the permits regulating their work activities for the Project. For ease of reference, a filtered list of the German permit conditions that are applicable to this scope of work are reflected below (note that this is the same list that has been separately conveyed to Contractor).

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Table 7: Permit Conditions (BA-HST Planfeststellungsbeschluss gemäß §43 EnWG): Environmental and Social Conditions relevant to construction activities in Territorial waters

ID Topic Page Chapter Permit condition (English)

PFBIM01 Immissionsschutz 34 A.3.3.1 The imissions emanating from the construction site of the PD must not make any relevant contribution to the imission guide values set out in the "Allgemeine Verwaltungsvorschrift zum Schutz gegen Baulärm" (General Administrative Regulation for the Protection against Construction Noise) (hereinafter: "AVV Baulärm") of 19 August 1970 (supplement to BAnz. no. 160 of 1 September 1970) being exceeded during the construction phase at the relevant imission locations within the area affected by the construction site.

PFBIM02 Immissionsschutz 34 A.3.3.2 The requirements of the "32. Verordnung zur Durchführung des Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetzes" (32nd Regulation for the Implementation of the Federal Emissions Control Act) (hereinafter: "32. BImSchV") of 29 August 2002 (BGBl. I p. 3478), most recently amended by Art. 83 of the Regulation of 31 August 2015 (BGBl. I p. 1474), are to be implemented.

PFBIM03 Immissionsschutz 34 A.3.3.3 The imissions emanating from the operation of the facility of the PD must not make any relevant contribution to the emission guide values set out in the "Sechste Allgemeine Verwaltungsvorschrift zum Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz (Technische Anleitung zum Schutz gegen Lärm, Sixth General Administrative Regulation under the Federal Emissions Control Act) "Technical Guideline Noise" (hereinafter: "TA Lärm") of 26 August 1998 (GMBl no. 26/1998, p. 503) being exceeded at the relevant emission sites within the area affected by the facility.

PFBIM04 Immissionsschutz 34 A.3.3.4 When contracting the construction work to a contractor, the obligation to comply with the existing noise protection regulations must be imposed upon the contractor by the PD.

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PFBIM06 Immissionsschutz 34 A.3.3.6 In the course of the construction work the emission guide values set out in the acoustic study of 21 December 2016 (cf. application document, Part I2.06, Part I2.07) must be complied with and, if need be, sound protection measures capable of being evidenced must be taken. The following emission guide values must not be exceeded at the relevant places of emission: • Industrial areas: day/night 70 dB(A) • Commercial areas: day 65 dB(A)/night 50 dB(A) • Special area (Marina Lubmin): day 65 dB(A)/night 50 dB(a) • General residential areas (municipality of Lubmin): day 55 dB(A)/night 40 dB(A) • Exclusive residential areas (municipality of Spandowerhagen): day 50 dB(A)/night 35 dB(A) During the night time plus the day time with greater sensitivity (8 p.m. to 7 a.m.) the following minimum distances must be kept by backhoe dredgers and pipe-laying barges in accordance with the acoustic study of construction noise offshore (volume of materials I2.06): • to the nearest point on the coast line in the area of Lubmin - backhoe dredger not in convoy: 4,000 m - pipe-laying barge not in convoy: 1,500 m - backhoe dredger and pipe-laying barge in convoy: backhoe dredger 4,600 m and pipe-laying barge 2,600 m • to the nearest point on the coast line in the area of Rügen / Thiessow - backhoe dredger and pipe-laying barge in convoy: backhoe dredger 3,100 m, pipe-laying barge on the pipeline line. The distances may be smaller if the emission parameters stated in the sonic expert opinion on construction noise (cf. application document, Part I2.06, Table 5) are guaranteed in each case by the respective manufacturer of the device and this is proved beforehand to the Mining Authority of Stralsund by means of a manufacturer's confirmation.

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ID Topic Page Chapter Permit condition (English)

PFBNA02 Naturschutz 42 A.3.8.2 The avoidance and minimisation measures specified in the application documents (cf. application document, Part G.01, Chapter 9, p. 238 et seq.) must be implemented. In addition to the avoidance and minimisation measures, it must be ensured that bird habitats (e.g. moulting sites, bird resting grounds) are avoided when choosing the access routes to the construction site, that the use of the water resources is limited to the absolutely necessary degree in terms of time and space, and that sediment displacement and impurities are minimised through the use of suitable technology.

PFBNA15 Naturschutz 46 A.3.8.16 In addition to action sheets M8 to M11 (cf. application document, Part G.02), light sources with a harmless colour spectrum (e.g. sodium vapour lamp) must be used in order to minimise a light trap effect on insects, insofar as this is admissible under the provisions of labour legislation.

PFBAL07 Allgemeines 60 A.3.15.7 It cannot be ruled out that explosive ordnance may be found occasionally even in areas not known to contain explosive ordnance from past wars. The work must for this reason be done with due care. Should objects suspected of being explosive ordnance or munitions be found, the work at the location of the finds and its immediate surroundings must be discontinued immediately for safety reasons and the "Landesamt für zentrale Aufgaben und Technik der Polizei, Brand- und Katastropenschutz M-V" (State Office for Central Tasks and Technology of the Police, Fire and Disaster Control M-V) must be notified; further measures will be decided in each case.

PFBHI05 Hinweise 61 A.4.5 The general requirements of unnamed network operators regarding construction activities and for the operation of pipelines within the area of their facilities must be observed.

PFBIM09 Immissionsschutz 35 A.3.3.9 The lighting necessary for the installation and the safe operation of the gas pipeline must be limited to the necessary extent in terms of timing and space. The attraction effects on insects are to be minimised by means of suitable anti-glare measures and the use of suitable light sources; spotlights are to be used in such a way that the maximum upward inclination is 40°.

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ID Topic Page Chapter Permit condition (English)

PFBAR07 Arbeitssicherheit 58 A.3.14.7 The requirements of the "Arbeitszeitgesetz" (Working Time Act) (hereinafter: "ArbZG") of 6 June 1994 (BGBl. I p. 1170, 1171), most recently amended by Art. 12a of the Act of 11 November 2016 (BGBl. I p. 2500) and of the "Verordnung über die Arbeitszeit bei Offshore-Tätigkeiten" (Regulation on the Working Time in Case of Offshore Works) (hereinafter: "Offshore-ArbZV") of 5 July 2013 (BGBl. I p. 2228) must be complied with to the extent applicable. In case of any deviations from this, an exceptional permit must be applied for to the competent Industrial Safety Authority.

PFBHI02 Hinweise 60 A.4.2 Any deviation from the construction times documented in the plan documents or from the construction time restrictions and construction technologies requires an application to and permission from the Mining Authority of Stralsund.

PFBHI03 Hinweise 61 A.4.3 If the project is to be changed entirely or partly before its completion, these changes must be submitted to the Mining Authority of Stralsund. The Mining Authority of Stralsund will then decide on the further permitting procedure in accordance with sec. 43d EnWG, sec. 76 VwVfG M-V.

PFBHI011 Hinweise 61 A.4.11 The statutory provisions including related regulations, directives and rules regarding industrial safety and health protection, technical safety, the law governing hazardous substances as well as the construction site regulations must be observed.

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Table 8: Permit Conditions (BSH-EEZ Bundesamt für Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie): Environmental and Social Conditions relevant to construction activities in EEZ waters

ID Topic Page Chapter Permit condition (English)

BSHRB07 Rohrleitungen

Bauvorbereitungen / Planungsphase

4 R.4 If changes arise in implementation planning or during construction that are more than negligible, these are to be reported immediately to the approval authority.

BSHRB09 Rohrleitungen

Bauvorbereitungen / Planungsphase

5 R.6

By way of a precautionary measure in case of an accident, only quickly biodegradable and ecologically compatible oils, lubricants and hydraulic fluids which do not pose any risk to water may be used in work apparatus for installing the pipelines in water. A list of the materials used is to be submitted to the approval authority in tabular form no later than two months before the start of construction. If the implementation of Sentence 1 is not possible, alternatives may be deployed. These are to be plausibly justified.


Rohrleitungen Bauvorbereitungen /

Verlegung und Bauphase

5 R.9

During the construction, operation and maintenance of the pipelines, the permit holder shall observe the recognised rules of technology and take care as is necessary in construction work. The pipelines are to be laid flush on the seabed as far as this is technically possible. The standard distance between the pipelines is approx. 55 m insofar as there are no technical, geological or morphological demands or the protection of legitimate interests in partial areas require a different distance.


Rohrleitungen Bauvorbereitungen /

Verlegung und Bauphase

6 R.12

The installation work between KP 0 and 16,5 and the construction of the AWTI are to be carried out in the summer (between the end of May and the end of September). Any extension of the installation work to the period of 15 May to 31 December which may become necessary and the construction of the AWTI in the area between KP 17 and KP 10 up to the period of 15 May to 31 October requires the consent of the approval authority.


Rohrleitungen Bauvorbereitungen /

Verlegung und Bauphase

6 R.15 The permit holder is to inform WSA Stralsund of the start of work at least four weeks in advance, Tel.: 03831/249-360, Fax: 03831/249-309 or by e-mail to: WSA Stralsund will then have the relevant shipping announcements made (BfS).


Rohrleitungen Bauvorbereitungen /

Verlegung und Bauphase

6 R.16 The vessels and apparatus used are to be supervised and maintained in a good operational and safe condition.

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Rohrleitungen Bauvorbereitungen /

Verlegung und Bauphase

6 R.17 Representatives of the Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration (WSV) are to be given access to the vessels and apparatus at all times as far as work safety permits in order to be able to carry out the required controls.


Rohrleitungen Bauvorbereitungen /

Verlegung und Bauphase

6 R.18 During the works, an uninterrupted listening service is to be ensured on the short-wave channel 16, DSC channel 70 and on the international emergency frequencies 2,187.5 kHz.


Rohrleitungen Bauvorbereitungen /

Verlegung und Bauphase

6 R.19 A constant short-wave voice transmission radio connection with Warnemünde VTS must be ensured. Instructions issued by WSV staff are to be followed at all times.


Rohrleitungen Bauvorbereitungen /

Verlegung und Bauphase

6 R.20

The daily start, termination and any significant interruption and re-start of work are to be reported to Warnemünde VTS on - Sassnitz Traffic via short-wave channel 13 or Tel.: 0381/20671-844 and - Seewarndienst Emden (Emden Maritime Warning Service) by fax, e-mail or telephone. The following details are required: name, call sign, function of the vessels involved, current position, expected path and planned activity indicating the pipelines affected in the 24 hours after the report. Instructions issued by the nautical staff of Warnemünde VTS must be followed.


Rohrleitungen Bauvorbereitungen /

Verlegung und Bauphase

7 R.21

While the work is being carried out, a daily report is to be compiled at the same time every day containing at least the following information: - the vessels used during the working day and their function - the ascertained length of all pipeline sections laid or buried so far - the approximate progress of construction work complete so far in the respective pipe-laying sections - planned activities in the 24 hours from the time of reporting, stating the pipeline section concerned This report is to be sent on a daily basis by e-mail to the BSH and WSA Stralsund.

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Rohrleitungen Bauvorbereitungen /

Verlegung und Bauphase

7 R.21.1

After the completion of meaningful route sections (for each pipeline: section between KP 0 and 16,5, section between KP 16,5 and the border to the territorial waters at KP 31,065 and construction of the AWTI), the exact location of the relevant pipe string is to be reported by e-mail to the BSH and WSA Stralsund by specifying the start, finish and inflexion points as well as distinctive points.


Rohrleitungen Bauvorbereitungen /

Verlegung und Bauphase

7 R.22

In the case of special occurrences which might impair shipping in any way, Warnemünde VTS, Wolgast or Stralsund Traffic and WSA Stralsund are to be informed immediately by telephone, in writing and by e-mail. The following details are required: name, call sign, function of the vessels involved, details of the pipeline concerned, current position, type of special occurrence (disruption, delay, accident, sea contamination, munitions detection, localisation of an underwater obstruction, damage to a shipping sign etc.)


Rohrleitungen Bauvorbereitungen /

Verlegung und Bauphase

7 R.24

Particular attention is to be paid in the course of the work to the shipping signs put on display to indicate the shipping lanes as well as the measurement points and lines etc. Any damage that occurs in connection with the works shall be settled with the respective owners. If any damage occurs to navigation signs owned by the WSV, a settlement shall be effected with Stralsund WSA. Reports are to be submitted according to NB c) R.22.


Rohrleitungen Bauvorbereitungen /

Verlegung und Bauphase

7 R.26 The pipeline is to be laid onto the seabed in such a way that permanent and secure positional stability is ensured.


Rohrleitungen Bauvorbereitungen /

Verlegung und Bauphase

7 R.27 Any instructions/orders issued by the staff of WSV or the Water Police (WSP) are to be followed in the event of imminent danger. Such orders take priority over this permit.


Rohrleitungen Bauvorbereitungen /

Verlegung und Bauphase

7 R.28

Any pollution of the sea caused by oil or other substances that might result in hazardous changes to the physical, chemical or biological composition of the sea water is prohibited. In particular, oil residue from the machine, faeces, packaging, refuse and waste water may not be introduced to the sea. In case of any pollution, this must be reported without delay to Warnemünde VTS, WSA Stralsund and the approval authority.

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ID Topic Page Chapter Permit condition (English)


Rohrleitungen Bauvorbereitungen /

Verlegung und Bauphase

8 R.29

No work tools, ropes or other objects may find their way into the sea or be left behind on the sea floor. After the completion of the pipe-laying work, the applicant must provide evidence to the approval authority and WSA Stralsund by means of suitable measures (e.g. video recordings/side-scan sonar recordings) that the seabed in the route corridor area is clean.


Rohrleitungen Bauvorbereitungen /

Verlegung und Bauphase

8 R.30

Items lost in the course of the work, e.g. anchors or equipment which might impair the safety and efficiency of shipping traffic must be located and salvaged without delay, or, if that is not possible, marked temporarily. The loss must be reported according to NB No. c) R.22 (Vkz/WSA) The tracking of explosive ordnance, objects suspected of constituting explosive ordnance or munitions shall be conducted in consultation with the bomb disposal team. Reporting is to be carried out according to ancillary provision No. a) R.1 (Vkz/WSA).


Rohrleitungen Bauvorbereitungen /

Verkehrssicherung und Arbeitsfahrzeuge

8 R.32 Traffic safety is to be implemented by the permit holder with its own vessels.


Rohrleitungen Bauvorbereitungen /

Verkehrssicherung und Arbeitsfahrzeuge

8 R.33 During the entire pipe-laying procedure, at least two traffic safety vessels are to be provided constantly which are always on site solely for the purpose of traffic safety and which are to carry out permanent observation of shipping (visually and using radar/AIS).


Rohrleitungen Bauvorbereitungen /

Verkehrssicherung und Arbeitsfahrzeuge

8 R.33.1

The traffic safety vessels must exhibit the following features: - ensure the safety requirements of the Shipping Safety Office of BG Verkehr are met - crewed by suitable nautical personnel (nautical certificate in accordance with STCW 95, rule 11/2), - equipped with at least two interconnected VHF radio telephones, one RT-frequency radio set and two radar sets, at least one of which must be equipped with the ARPA function - the serviceability of the equipment must be evidenced by maintenance certificates (not older than 12 months) issued by a service centre approved by the BSH - equipped with AIS: display of the received AIS signals on board on the basis of an electronic sea chart and in combination with a radar display - equipped with a radar transponder approved by the BSH (X-band and S-band). - speed of at least 15 kn.

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ID Topic Page Chapter Permit condition (English)


Rohrleitungen Bauvorbereitungen /

Verkehrssicherung und Arbeitsfahrzeuge

9 R.34 While the work is carried out, an uninterrupted listening service is to be ensured on the short-wave channel 16, DSC channel 70 and on the international emergency frequencies 2,187.5 kHz.


Rohrleitungen Bauvorbereitungen /

Verkehrssicherung und Arbeitsfahrzeuge

9 R.35

Safety messages must be broadcast on the frequencies prescribed by international law (content: position and heading of the pipe-laying unit, necessary safety clearance, malfunctions, special incidents, etc.): - in the event of other vessels approaching the pipe-laying unit/construction site to within a distance of less than 1 nautical mile, if their course does not allow a dangerous proximity to be ruled out. - in other cases where this appears necessary in the light of a reasonable assessment of the situation.


Rohrleitungen Bauvorbereitungen /

Verkehrssicherung und Arbeitsfahrzeuge

9 R.36

In the event of a dangerously near approach by other vessels or if a reasonable assessment of the situation makes this necessary, the traffic safety vessel must take further traffic safety measures. Where appropriate, individual vessels must be addressed directly to point out a possible safe passage. To the extent necessary, the Morse code letter "U" is to be signalled with the Morse lamp and/or white flares are to be fired, and, carefully considering the given circumstances and conditions, all measures must be taken which would be necessary to avert direct danger according to established seafarers' practices. Warnemünde VTS must be informed without delay of the implementation of such measures.


Rohrleitungen Bauvorbereitungen /

Verkehrssicherung und Arbeitsfahrzeuge

9 R.37

The identification of all work vessels and equipment involved as well as their conduct at sea must comply with international collision prevention rules. Apart from those lights and visual signals required under waterway policing rules (in particular international collision prevention rules), the contractor may not attach any signs or lights to the vessels and apparatus that may be mistaken for, or impair the visibility of, navigation signs or that may confuse, or pose a hindrance to, the steersmen by having a blinding, mirroring or other effect.

BSHAL03 Allgemein 2 A.3

The approval authority (Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie – BSH [Federal Shipping and Hydrographic Agency]) is to be notified immediately in the case of alterations, and in the case of alterations which are more than negligible, these are to be submitted to the BSH in good time for approval. This also applies to deviations from the approved pipeline route.

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ID Topic Page Chapter Permit condition (English)

BSHRB02 Rohrleitungen

Bauvorbereitungen / Planungsphase

3 R.1.1

Munition finds are also to be reported to Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania bomb disposal unit (Landesamt für zentrale Aufgaben und Technik der Polizei, Brand- und Katastrophenschutz M-V – State Police and Emergency Services Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania) and the Maritime Security Centre Cuxhaven, the joint control centre of the waterway police forces of the coastal states, the reporting office for munitions in the sea as well as Warnemünde VTS and WSA Stralsund. Explosions are not permitted.


Rohrleitungen Bauvorbereitungen /

Technische Anforderungen

5 R.8 The concrete, technical specifications (design, materials used) of the pipeline system implemented must correspond to the specifications submitted in the application documents.


Rohrleitungen Bauvorbereitungen /

Verlegung und Bauphase

5 R.10

In order to avoid damage to any existing third-party submarine cables or pipelines, the first or repeated construction of facilities and the implementation of construction maintenance work at a distance of less than one nautical mile from the submarine cables or pipelines is to be announced to the relevant owners of these cables or pipelines in advance. The course of numerous submarine cables and pipelines in the area of the German continental shelf can be seen from the latest official nautical charts issued by the BSH. The precise positions may deviate from the details contained in the nautical maps. In case of doubt, information is to be obtained from the operator in question.


Rohrleitungen Bauvorbereitungen /

Verlegung und Bauphase

5 R.10.1 Within a protection area of 500 m on both sides of third-party cables or pipelines, no impact may be applied to the seabed if this has not been separately agreed on with the owner of the cable or pipeline.

BSHSC05 Schlussbestimmungen 14 S.5 The permit does not affect otherwise existing statutory provisions and does not release the permit holder from observing precautionary measures required by the respective special circumstances.

BSHRB05 Rohrleitungen

Bauvorbereitungen / Planungsphase

3 R.2

The permit holder shall submit the implementation plan to the approval authority for coordination with WSA Stralsund at least six weeks prior to the start of construction work in the respective construction sections and phases. This is to be submitted to WSA Stralsund at the same time. The implementation documents include a description of the technology and the construction schedule for

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ID Topic Page Chapter Permit condition (English)

the project, a security strategy for the construction project and a deployment schedule for the vessels and floating apparatus. The implementation plan must include a detailed description in text and drawings of the apparatus, space and time involved in all work stages for each phase of construction preparation and construction work within all the relevant shipping lanes affected so that WSA Stralsund is in a position to determine the necessary back-up measures on the part of the shipping police, including a traffic strategy. For this purpose, the permit holder shall in particular - submit a description of the concrete vessel and apparatus deployment (including any tension anchors, anchor cables) and a detailed outline of the total time and space required for all working stages to be carried out in connection with the construction of the pipeline (construction area and preparation, pipe-laying, interim storage, re-initiation, Above-Water-Tie-In, safety distances required for construction purposes, etc.), broken down according to the individual traffic areas including the consequences arising in terms of shipping (partial or full blocking of the TSZ (Traffic Separation Zone), local bypass, complete diversion, any considerations required, etc.)

BSHRB07 Rohrleitungen

Bauvorbereitungen / Betrieb

12 R.52 Any major changes to the position and major damage to the pipelines are to be reported to the BSH immediately.

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Table 9: Permit Conditions (BA-HST: Bergamt permit for the EEZ): Conditions relevant to construction activities in EEZ waters

ID Topic Page Chapter Permit condition (English)

BBEAL04 General

3 A.2.4 Stralsund Mining Authority is to be provided with daily reports on the status of installation work; safety-related incidents are to be included. The reports are to be sent electronically.

BBEAL05 General 3 A.2.5 A copy of this permit is to be handed to the person responsible for installation on the installation ship and this is to be presented at the request of the responsible authorities.

BBEAL12 General 4 A.2.12 Major changes to the position (> 7.5 m on either side of the respective pipeline length) and significant damage to the pipelines during and after installation are to be reported immediately to Stralsund Mining Authority.

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