
+Blended Learning to

Advance Student ThinkingA Culture of Continuous



Transform classroom instruction through blended learning (face-to-face and virtual) experiences

Expose teachers to frameworks for blended learning Clarify CCS expectations

Process Ongoing professional development

Payoff Students who are ready to compete in a global


+BLAST Vision StatementThrough the establishment of blended learning environments, the vision for BLAST isto enhance and transform instructionin order to advance student thinking,

thereby preparing our students for careers in an increasingly complex, interconnected world.


+Achieving the Vision

We will build upon research-based best practices by incorporating 21st century skills and tools into our instruction.

+Current Practices

What research-based practices do you already implement in your classrooms? As a table group, select 3 words that best answer the question above.

Table groups share out:

+Are You Ready for the Future?

+Preparing Today’s Students for the FutureWhat will we use to guide us?Let’s not recreate the wheel!

National standards for technology integration

Rubrics for on-going feedback and continuous improvement

Research-based instructional strategies

+Frameworks for Continuous ImprovementNational Educational Technology Standards (NETS)

NETS*S for Students

NETS*T for Teachers

Technology Integration Proficiency (TIP) Charts

+Frameworks for Continuous ImprovementNETS: Roadmaps to teaching effectively and implementing 21st century skills.

NETS*S: Skills and knowledge students need to learn effectively and live productively.

NETS*T: Skills and knowledge teachers need to change the way they teach and grow.

TIP Charts: Rubrics that describe levels of implementation for students and teachers.

Provide on-going feedback via eWalk data

+A Closer Look

Table groups complete the graphic organizer for your assigned strand

Compare and contrast the information in the TIP Chart, NETS*S, and NETS*T documents for the following characteristics:

Student Behaviors Teacher Actions Document Structure Purpose or Use

Summarize key similarities and differences in two sentences.

+To Summarize

TIP Charts, NETS*S, and NETS*T provide frameworks for improving teaching and learning

TIP Charts have levels of implementation for both students and teachers

The “Ideal/Target” level best matches the NETS standards for students and teachers

The NETS*S and NETS*T have additional standards that are not on the TIP Charts


Continued development of moodle courses

Progression towards Ideal/Target on the TIP Charts

Collaborate with grade level and content colleagues

Communicate additional implementation needs

+BLAST Supports

Help Desk in every school

Student Tech Camps

Parent Orientation Sessions

Atomic Learning

Additional ITRT and CO support during first week of implementation

+More BLAST Supports

Division and school-level PD

Reflective Friends, PLCs, Action Teams, and Content Teams


NETS*T Certification


Change is a journey

not a blueprint Michael Fullan

3-2-1 Exit Slip

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