Continental rifting parallel to ancient collisional belts ...

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Continental rifting parallel to ancient collisional belts : ane¡ect of the mechanical anisotropy of the lithospheric mantle

Andrea Tommasi *, Alain VauchezLaboratoire de Tectonophysique, CNRS/Universite de Montpellier II, F34095 Montpellier Cedex 5, France

Received 28 July 2000; accepted 10 November 2000


Analysis of major rift systems suggests that the preexisting structure of the lithosphere is a key parameter in therifting process. Rift propagation is not random, but tends to follow the trend of the orogenic fabric of the plates,systematically reactivating ancient lithospheric structures. Continental rifts often display a clear component of strike^slip deformation, in particular in the early rifting stage. Moreover, although the close temporal and spatial associationbetween flood basalt eruption and continental breakup suggests that mantle plumes play an important role in the riftingprocess, there is a paradox between the pinpoint thermal and stress perturbation generated by an upwelling mantleplume and the planar geometry of rifts. These observations suggest that the deformation of the lithosphere, especiallyduring rifting, is controlled by its preexisting structure. On the other hand, (1) the plasticity anisotropy of olivine singlecrystal and aggregates, (2) the strong crystallographic orientation of olivine observed in mantle xenoliths and lherzolitemassifs, and (3) seismic anisotropy data, which require a tectonic fabric in the upper mantle coherent over large areas,suggest that preservation within the lithospheric mantle of a lattice preferred orientation (LPO) of olivine crystals mayinduce a large-scale mechanical anisotropy of the lithospheric mantle. We use a polycrystal plasticity model toinvestigate the effect of a preexisting mantle fabric on the continental breakup process. We assess the deformation of ananisotropic continental lithosphere in response to an axi-symmetric tensional stress field produced by an upwellingmantle plume by calculating the deformation of textured olivine polycrystals representative of the lithospheric mantle atdifferent positions above a plume head. Model results show that a LPO-induced mechanical anisotropy of thelithospheric mantle may result in directional softening, leading to heterogeneous deformation. During continentalrifting, this mechanical anisotropy may induce strain localisation in domains where extensional stress is oblique (30^55³) to the preexisting mantle fabric. This directional softening associated with olivine LPO frozen in the lithosphericmantle may also guide the propagation of the initial instability, that will follow the preexisting structural trend. Thepreexisting mantle fabric also controls the deformation regime, imposing a strong strike^slip shear component. A LPO-induced mechanical anisotropy may therefore explain the systematic reactivation of ancient collisional belts duringrifting (structural inheritance), the plume^rift paradox, and the onset of transtension within continental rifts. ß 2001Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: upper mantle; deformation; anisotropy; rifting; olivine; petrofabrics; plate tectonics; reactivation; transform faults;mantle plumes; rheology; Atlantic Ocean

0012-821X / 01 / $ ^ see front matter ß 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.PII: S 0 0 1 2 - 8 2 1 X ( 0 0 ) 0 0 3 5 0 - 2

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Earth and Planetary Science Letters 185 (2001) 199^210

1. Introduction

Continental rifting is a complex process thatresults from the application of a tensional stress¢eld to a long-lived and, hence, already structuredlithosphere. In the past years, discussion has cen-tred on the nature and causes of this tensionalstress ¢eld. Proposed models range from purelypassive rifting, in which extension and lithospher-ic thinning result from tensional stresses arisingfrom the force distribution at plate boundaries[1], to active rifting, in which tension develops inresponse to an ascending mantle plume [2]. Theclose temporal and spatial association between£ood basalt eruption and continental breakup[3,4] suggests that mantle plumes play a funda-mental role in the development of major oceanicbasins. There is, however, a paradox between thepinpoint thermal and stress perturbation gener-ated by an upwelling mantle plume and the planargeometry of rifts. In addition, extensional stressassociated with the lithospheric uplift should bemaximum above the plume apex [5]. Locations ofinitial plume impacts are usually poorly con-strained (e.g. Greenland or the Central Atlantic[3]). Yet, continental breakup is generally o¡setfrom either the centre of the £ood basalt province(e.g. Ethiopia and Parana [4]) or the seismic lowvelocity anomalies interpreted as recording theinitial conduits of the Parana and Decan plumes[6^8]. These observations suggest the existence ofadditional extensional forces and/or an in£uenceof the structure of the lithosphere.

Evidence for an active role of the structure ofthe lithosphere in the rifting process also comesfrom the observation that rift propagation is notrandom, but tends to follow the trend of the pre-existing orogenic fabric of the plates, systemati-cally reactivating ancient lithospheric structures(e.g. the Atlantic and West Indian Oceans, andthe Rio Grande, Baikal, East African and North-east China rifts). The evolution of the AtlanticOcean, for instance, is marked by three episodesof rapid propagation of the spreading ridge fol-lowing the emplacement of large basaltic provin-ces. This led Hill [3] to propose that the rise of theFernando de Noronha, Parana and Icelandplumes resulted in reinforcement of a previously

sluggish tensional regime allowing the start of newspreading ridges. It is however striking that, ineach case, rifting was not limited to the regionabove the plume head, but initiated more or lesssimultaneously along segments more than twothousands of km long [9], which follow almostexactly the trend of Hercynian, Pan-African andCaledonian belts (Fig. 1).

Yet, although this so-called structural inheri-tance has been noted for more than three decades[10,11], the physical basis for this phenomenon isstill poorly understood. Large-scale intraplaterheological heterogeneities may lead to strain lo-calisation and control the rift location. Crustalthickening within orogenic domains, for instance,may halve the total strength of the continentallithosphere [12]. If rifting starts shortly after anorogeny, thickened crust domains may act aslithospheric weaknesses that favour the localisa-tion of the rupture process. However, such a pro-cess fails to explain the parallelism between riftsand orogenic belts when rifting postdates orogenyby several hundreds of million years (e.g. theSouth Atlantic), since this time lag allows the ex-cess crustal thickness to be removed by erosion,isostatic compensation or gravitational collapse.Cratonic nuclei, on the other hand, represent sti¡rheological heterogeneities within a continentalplate ; they may induce stress concentration and,hence, strain localisation at its boundaries [13,14].De£ection of hot plume material by the cratonicroot [15,16] may also weaken the pericratonic do-mains, leading to strain localisation. Yet, rheolog-ical heterogeneities fail to explain why riftsformed far away from any cratonic nuclei followthe trend of ancient orogenic belts (e.g. the SouthAtlantic rift and the East African rift north of theTanzanian craton). They also cannot explain whycontinental rifts often display a component ofstrike^slip deformation, in particular during theearly rifting stage (e.g. the East African [17],North Atlantic [18] and Baikal [19] rifts).

An alternative (and complementary) model toexplain the structural inheritance was proposed byVauchez et al. [20] based on the analysis of shearwave splitting data in the Appalachians and thePyrenees. In this model, the source of the struc-tural inheritance lies in a mechanical anisotropy

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of the lithospheric mantle due to the preservation,within the uppermost mantle, of a lattice pre-ferred orientation (LPO) of olivine crystalsformed during the main tectonic episode thatshaped the plate. Olivine is the most abundant(60^70%) and the most deformable mineral inthe upper mantle; it should therefore control theupper mantle rheology. Olivine displays a strongmechanical anisotropy. A crystal oriented to de-form through `easy' (010)[100] slip displays strainrates one order of magnitude higher than a crystalthat deforms through `hard' (010)[001] slip [21].

Analysis of upper mantle rocks brought to thesurface by tectonic and magmatic events suggeststhat deformation by dislocation creep leads to thedevelopment of well-de¢ned olivine LPO withinthe uppermost 200 km of the mantle [22]. Seismicanisotropy data, like SKS waves splitting [23] andPn azimuthal anisotropy [24], suggest that theseLPO are coherent over large distances (s 50 km).If the preservation of well-developed olivine LPOwithin the lithospheric mantle also generates amechanical anisotropy at these larger scales, thismay result in a directional softening that will con-

Fig. 1. Schematic map of (a) circum North Atlantic Caledonian^Hercynian belts and (b) circum South Atlantic Pan-African belts.Grey circles indicate likely locations (inferred from £ood basalts distribution) of the major plumes associated with the Atlanticrifting [4]. Light grey lines in (a) mark the Central Atlantic giant radiating dike swarm [35]. Dark grey circle in (b) shows the lo-cation of the slow seismic anomaly interpreted by VanDecar et al. [6] and Schimmel et al. [7] as the remnant conduit of the Para-na plume. NAGF: Newfoundland^Azores^Gilbraltar fault zone. (c) Schematic outline of the plume^preexisting structures (dashedgrey lines) interaction in the Atlantic. Black arrows indicate the progression of oceanisation; ages for £ood basalt events and ini-tiation of oceanisation at di¡erent latitudes from [4].

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trol strain localisation in the uppermost mantleand, hence, continental breakup.

2. Modeling the rifting of a structured lithosphere

Polycrystal plasticity models relate the aggre-gate strength or deformation to the slip systems'activity and, hence, to the orientation of the crys-tals. They allow therefore an investigation of themechanical anisotropy induced by a preexistingLPO. These models are based on two assump-tions: (i) the crystals that constitute the aggregatedeform homogeneously by intracrystalline slip onselected crystallographic planes and (ii) the poly-crystal (aggregate) behaviour may be calculated asan average of the grain responses. The lower andupper bounds are represented by the stress equi-librium [25] and Taylor [26] models that imposeeither homogeneous stress or strain within the ag-gregate. Intermediate solutions are obtained usingtangent viscoplastic self-consistent (VPSC) models[27,28] or the more recent `a¤ne' [29] and varia-tional [30] estimates. These models allow both mi-croscopic stress and strain rate to di¡er from thecorresponding macroscopic quantities. In the ani-sotropic VPSC model [28] used in the present cal-culations, strain compatibility and stress equilib-rium are ensured at the aggregate scale, i.e. thevolume averaged grain stresses and strain rates (s,_O ) are equal to the polycrystal stress and strainrate ( �4 , �D). Grain stresses and strain rates arerelated to the macroscopic quantities through:

_O ij3Dij � 3 ~Mijkl�skl3�4 kl� �1�

where Mì is the interaction tensor that depends onthe rheological properties of the aggregate and onthe grain shape.

For a given set of slip systems and an initialLPO, the VPSC model calculates the aggregateyield strength (or strain rate), the activity of theslip systems and the LPO evolution in response toan imposed macroscopic deformation (or stress)history. Under upper mantle conditions, olivinedeforms essentially by slip on {0kl}[100] and{hk0}[001] systems, mainly (010)[100], (001)[100]and (010)[001] [31]. Critical resolved shear stressesand stress exponents for these slip systems (Table1) were derived from power-law constitutive rela-tions obtained for single crystals submitted to ax-ial compression in various orientations under hightemperature (1300^1500³C), high pressure (300MPa) conditions [21]. Comparison of olivineLPO predicted by various polycrystal plasticitymodels with those measured in naturally and ex-perimentally deformed peridotites suggests thatthe VPSC model with these input parameters of-fers a good approximation to the peridotites' de-formation under upper mantle conditions [32].

Table 1Slip systems data

Slip system Critical resolvedshear stress da


Stress exponent n

(010)[100] 1 3.5(001)[100] 1 3.5(010)[001] 2 3.5(100)[001] 3 3.5{011}[100] 4 3.5{031}[100] 4 3.5{110}[001] 6 3.5aNormalised relative to d0(010)[100].

Fig. 2. Olivine LPO used in the models: (a) dunitic xenolithfrom Victoria, Australia (2197 measurements); (b) spinel^harzburgite from the Oman ophiolite (300 grains); (c) LPOcalculated using the VPSC approach for a dextral simpleshear (Q= 2, 1000 olivine grains, random initial LPO). Equalarea projections, lower hemisphere. Contours at one multipleof a uniform distribution interval. Maximum density repre-sented by a full square. Full line marks the shear plane,shear direction is horizontal.

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To simulate the preexisting fabric of the litho-spheric mantle we used: a random LPO, olivineLPO measured in two naturally deformed perido-tites (a dunitic xenolith from Victoria, Australiaand a harzburgite from the Oman ophiolite), anda LPO calculated using the VPSC approach for adextral simple shear deformation (1000 olivinegrains) [32]. These LPO patterns (Fig. 2) corre-spond to those most commonly observed in nat-urally deformed peridotites. In all models, the oli-vine LPO is oriented as if developed in alithospheric scale vertical wrench or transpres-sional shear zone [33]. In this case, the shear planeis vertical and both the [100] and [010] maximumconcentrations are horizontal, [100] being parallelto the £ow direction (X) and [010] normal to theshear plane. This assumption is based on SKSsplitting data on continental regions [23,34] : thefast shear wave polarisation plane, which containsthe [100] axes maximum concentration, is usuallyparallel to the trend of orogenic belts, and thelarge delay times (v1 s) suggest that the almostvertically incident SKS waves propagate close tothe [001] axes maximum concentration, i.e. within

the shear plane, but at a large angle to the sheardirection.

In order to estimate the e¡ect of a preexistingmantle fabric on the rifting process, we investigatethe deformation of a pre-structured mantle in re-sponse to an axi-symmetric tensional stress ¢eld,similar to the one expected to develop above anupwelling mantle plume (Fig. 3). Numerical mod-els of the elastic deformation of the lithosphereabove a mantle upwelling [5] show that both ra-dial and tangential horizontal stresses are exten-sional and that, except for the region above theplume apex, tangential stresses are more exten-sional than radial ones. Such a stress state is ex-pected to lead to radially oriented extensionalfractures, like the radially fractured domes ob-served on Venus by the Magellan mission [5] orthe giant radiating dike swarm that predates thecentral Atlantic opening [35]. The use of an axi-symmetric stress ¢eld has the advantage of notfavouring any particular direction of extension;it allows us therefore to isolate the e¡ect of aLPO-induced mechanical anisotropy on the defor-mation. Moreover, the results of such models may

Fig. 3. (a) Outline of the conceptual model. Strain rates are calculated at points at ¢xed distances to the plume apex: just aboveit, at a distance of half of the plume head radius, and above the plume head periphery (black circles). (b) In each model series,all points display the same preexisting structure (dashed grey lines) and the olivine LPO is oriented as if developed in a litho-spheric scale strike^slip fault; this preexisting structure de¢nes the reference frame of the models: X is the shear direction, Y isthe normal to the shear plane, and Z is vertical. (c) Deviatoric stresses induced in an elastic lithosphere by buoyancy forces asso-ciated with the upwelling, less dense plume material.

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also be interpreted in terms of a two-dimensionaltensional stress ¢eld (due to far-¢eld, plate tecton-ics-related forces) applied at various orientationsrelative to the initial mantle fabric.

The ideal approach to study this problemwould be a three-dimensional multi-scale defor-mation model in which an olivine polycrystal isassociated with each grid point of the geodynamicmodel. However, such a three-dimensional model,in which the upper mantle viscosity is a tensorialentity that depends exponentially on both temper-ature and pressure, is beyond our present compu-tational possibilities. Thus, we approach the e¡ectof a preexisting mantle fabric on the continentalbreakup process by imposing an extensional stress¢eld and calculating the instantaneous deforma-tion (no LPO evolution) at di¡erent positionsabove the plume head: (i) above the apex, (ii) ona circumference of half of the plume head radiusand (iii) on a circumference above the plume headperiphery (Fig. 3). The same preexisting LPO isassociated with all grid points. Three model serieswere run: one for each olivine LPO displayed inFig. 2. The deformation of an isotropic aggregatesubmitted to the same stress ¢eld was also calcu-lated; it is used as a reference. Lithospheric stress-es induced by an upwelling plume were calculatedusing ADELI, a three-dimensional Lagrangian¢nite element code [36]. In this model (Fig. 3c),both the crust and the lithospheric mantle displayan elastic behaviour and the upwelling plume isrepresented as an upward pressure imposed at

the base of the lithosphere over a region of radiusR.

3. Model results

Our models suggest that textured olivine poly-crystals display a strongly anisotropic behaviour.The calculated deformation is anisotropic even forthe region directly above the apex of the plume,which is characterised by an isotropic horizontalstress ¢eld (tangential and radial stresses areequal). Under these conditions, extensional strainrates are higher parallel to the dominant orienta-tion of [100] axes, i.e. to the main glide directionfor olivine (Fig. 4). However, strain rates dis-played by textured polycrystals are signi¢cantlylower than those of an isotropic polycrystal sub-mitted to the same stress ¢eld.

The e¡ect of the preexisting texture is strongerat points located above the external half of theplume head, which are submitted to an aniso-tropic stress ¢eld (tangential stresses are higherthan radial ones, Fig. 3c). Fig. 5a displays thevariation in strain rate intensity (Von Misesequivalent strain rate Deq = (2/3DijDij)1=3 normal-ised by the strain rate of an isotropic aggregatesubmitted to the same stress ¢eld) as a function ofthe obliquity between the radial tension directionand the preexisting £ow fabric for points locatedabove the plume head periphery for the threemodels. Domains in which the tensional stress is

Fig. 4. Horizontal strain rate envelopes for points above the plume head apex in an isotropic model (dashed line) and in a modelwith a strong preexisting olivine LPO (full line). Insert displays the orientation of the LPO, which de¢nes the reference frame inthe anisotropic model.

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oblique to the preexisting fabric deform up to sixtimes faster than those domains in which the ten-sional stress is normal or parallel to the preexist-ing fabric. The former domains also deform up tothree times faster than an isotropic lithosphere.

Qualitatively, all models with a non-randomolivine LPO display similar results. The magni-tude of anisotropy depends nevertheless on theintensity of the LPO, which may be characterisedby the integral of the orientation distributionfunction, the J-index [37]. This dependence isnot linear (Fig. 5a). A clear anisotropy is ob-served in the model with a weak, but well devel-oped initial LPO (Australian xenolith, J = 5), butthis anisotropy is not doubled when initial LPOtwice as strong are used, like the Oman peridotiteLPO (J = 10.48) or the modeled LPO (J = 9.29).The higher anisotropy of the latter, in spite ofthe lower J-index, is due to its simpler LPO pat-tern characterised by single maxima distributionsof both [100] and [010] axes.

Analysis of the relative magnitude of the di¡er-ent components of the strain rate tensor (in theXYZ structural frame) shows that the strain re-gime also varies as a function of the orientation ofthe tensional stress relative to the preexisting oli-vine LPO in the lithospheric mantle (Fig. 5b).Domains in which the tension is oblique to theinitial LPO, i.e. those that display the higherstrain rates, deform by transtension, i.e. a combi-nation of extension normal to the preexistingstructural trend (Dyy), vertical shortening (Dzz)

and simple shear parallel to the preexisting struc-ture (Dxy). Coaxial deformation is only observedin regions where the tensional stresses are eitherparallel or normal to the preexisting fabric. Inthat case, however, strain rates are signi¢cantlylower than when the tensional stresses are obliqueto the preexisting fabric.

Finally, comparison of strain rate intensitiesdisplayed by a textured olivine polycrystal located

CFig. 5. (a) Strain rate (Von Mises equivalent strain rate, nor-malised relative to the isotropic behaviour) as a function ofthe orientation of the radial tensional stress relative to the[100] axis maximum of the preexisting LPO for points abovethe plume head periphery. LPO for the three models are pre-sented in Fig. 2. (b) Normal and shear components of thestrain rate tensor (normalised by the Von Mises equivalentstrain rate displayed by an isotropic polycrystal) for themodel in which the initial LPO is the model aggregate (Fig.2c). The reference frame is de¢ned relative to the preexistingmantle fabric: X is parallel to the [100] axis maximum, i.e.parallel to the preexisting structural trend, Y is normal tothe preexisting foliation and Z is vertical. Positive normalstrain rates denote extension and negative ones, shortening.Grey region marks orientations that may trigger strain local-isation.

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above the plume periphery and those displayed bythe same polycrystal above the apex reveals thatthe domains above the plume periphery in whichextensional stresses are oblique to the preexistingfabric also deform faster than points directlyabove the plume conduit. These peripheral do-mains therefore display the fastest strain rates ofthe whole system.

4. Discussion

When extrapolated to the scale of lithosphericplates, these model results o¡er an explanation forthe transition from a radial symmetry stress ¢eldto a planar deformation, the o¡set of rifts relativeto the plume apex, the reactivation of ancientstructures and the onset of transtension withincontinental rifts. The models show that a mantleplume rising beneath a structured continentalplate induces an anisotropic deformation withinthe lithospheric mantle. Regions where the exten-sional stresses generated by the upwelling plumeare oblique (30^55³) to the preexisting mantle fab-ric may experience signi¢cantly higher strain ratesthan surrounding domains (Fig. 5). This may re-sult in strain localisation and development of lo-cal instabilities that are further ampli¢ed due tothe non-linear rheology of upper mantle rocksunder lithospheric conditions [38]. The directionalsoftening associated with the olivine LPO frozenin the lithospheric mantle may also guide thepropagation of the initial instability that will fol-low the preexisting structural trend. In addition,the initial mantle fabric may control the style ofdeformation, imposing a shear component paral-lel to the preexisting structures (transtensional de-formation).

Although the models presented above only con-sider plume-related stresses, their predictions re-main valid for an extensional stress ¢eld due toplate boundary forces. Except when the maximumextensional stress is parallel to the preexistingstructural trend, deformation will be characterisedby a reactivation of the ancient fabric. A far-¢eldextensional stress oblique to the preexisting struc-tural trend will add to the plume-related stressesand enhance the transtensional character of the

deformation, whereas a far-¢eld extensional stressnormal to the structural trend will enforce thecoaxial component of the deformation (exten-sion).

The analysis of the rift systems that gave rise tothe Atlantic Ocean (Fig. 1c) shows that, in allthree examples, rifting is o¡set from the supposedlocation of the plume head apex (which is never-theless poorly constrained for both the centralAtlantic and Iceland plumes) and that the exten-sional deformation localised where the preexistingorogenic fabric is oblique to the plume-inducedradial and tangential tensional stresses. Moreover,at least in the North Atlantic, there is clear evi-dence for an early transtensional deformation[18]. In contrast to the Central Atlantic, in theSouth and North Atlantic, initial rifting did notstart at the plume periphery, but it progressednorthwards from the Southwest Indian and Cen-tral Atlantic ridges, respectively. This suggeststhat extensional stresses associated with these pre-existing oceanic spreading centres contributed tothe continental breakup. Yet, in both cases, con-tinental breakup occurred almost simultaneouslyover thousands of km shortly after the £ood ba-salt emplacement and followed the preexistinglithospheric structure of the plate, evidenced bySKS splitting data in SE Brazil [39,40], easternNorth America [41] and western Europe [42].This suggests that the interaction of plume-relatedstresses with the preexisting structure of the litho-sphere resulted in development of strain instabil-ities in domains where tensional stresses were ob-lique to the inherited mantle fabric. Theseinstabilities worked as `attractors' leading to anacceleration of the ridge development. For in-stance, the South Atlantic ridge propagatedfrom the Agulhas basin up to the Parana £oodbasalt province in less than 5 Myr (Fig. 6); the¢rst magnetic anomalies observed in this domainranging from M11 to M4 [43,44].

Rift initiation o¡set from the centre of the£ood basalt province as well as reactivation ofthe preexisting lithospheric structures in domainsin which the tensional stress is oblique to thosestructures are also observed in the Southwest In-dian ridge and in the Afars-East African rift sys-tem. Moreover, both rift systems underwent a sig-

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ni¢cant component of motion parallel to the rifttrend in their early stages. In the Southwest In-dian Ocean, for instance, this early transtensionaldeformation is clearly evidenced by the length ofactive transform segments relative to the ridgesegments at M22 time (Fig. 6). The Red Sea open-ing also involved a large amount of strike^slipdeformation, as did the western branch of theEast African rift [11], and, although the presentday extension in the eastern branch is roughlynormal to its trend, there is evidence for dextraltranstension during the Miocene [45].

Some continental rifts did develop oblique oreven at a high angle to the preexisting structuraltrends like the Rhine Graben in Western Europeor the Tucano-Jatoba Basin in Brazil. It is inter-esting to note, however, that none of these riftsevolved up to continental breakup and initiationof an oceanic basin. The Rhine Graben is a par-ticularly interesting example since it was probably

formed in response to far-¢eld tectonic forces (re-gional seismic tomography studies do not imagelow velocity anomalies that might be assigned to amantle plume beneath the graben [46]). Thenorth^south orientation of the graben suggeststhat the maximum tensional stress was appliedparallel to the Hercynian structural trend in thisregion (evidenced by surface geology and shearwave splitting data [47]). For such an orientationof the tensional stress relative to the preexistingmantle fabric, our models predict that reactiva-tion is extremely di¤cult (this orientation corre-sponds to the lowest strain rates in Fig. 5b) andthat extension will take place parallel to the pre-existing structural trend. This should result in for-mation of a rift normal to the collisional belttrend, like the Rhine Graben.

Reactivation of a preexisting upper mantle fab-ric is not restricted to rifting episodes. Directionalweakening resulting from frozen-up olivine LPO

Fig. 6. Schematic reconstruction of the southern Gondwana dispersal (modi¢ed from [44]). Spreading centres and transformfaults are shown as heavy and light black lines, respectively. Dashed lines mark the continental platforms. Ages for the Karooand Parana £ood basalt events from [4].

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within the lithospheric mantle may also explainthe long-lived nature of some major transformfaults, which are systematically reactivated duringboth collisional and extensional episodes. An ex-ample of such a major transform is the New-foundland^Azores^Gibraltar Fault zone (Fig.1a). During the Hercynian orogeny, this faultacted as a dextral strike^slip boundary [48]. Sub-sequently, during the early Central Atlantic rift-ing, it acted as a major transform, which accom-modated the di¡erential motion between Africaand Europe. Indeed, the initial opening of theCentral Atlantic ocean, in the mid- to late Juras-sic, took place almost simultaneously from Flori-da to the Azores^Gibraltar transform (the ¢rstCentral Atlantic magnetic anomaly, M25, is iden-ti¢ed along this entire segment [43]), but furthernorthward propagation of the Central Atlanticleading to separation between Eurasia and NorthAmerica did not occur before late Cretaceous.

Analysis of these observations in the light ofour model results points to a major role of thepreexisting lithospheric structure in plate tecton-ics. On the other hand, recent studies [49,50] haveshown that a `self-lubricating' or strain-softeningrheology is necessary to produce realistic platetectonics in 3D convection models. We suggestthat the preservation within the lithospheric man-tle of a LPO of olivine crystals formed during themajor tectonic episodes that shaped the plates (i.e.the preservation of a structural memory at thelithosphere scale) leads to a directional strain soft-ening that may explain the perennial nature ofplate boundaries and their systematic reactivation.This LPO-induced strain softening is particularlye¡ective at strike^slip (transform) boundaries,which are precisely the most di¤cult to generatein a self-consistent way in convection models.


We thank J. Chery and R. Lebensohn for pro-viding the ADELI and VSPC softwares, respec-tively, D. Mainprice and O. Castelnau for stimu-lating discussions on anisotropy of low-symmetryviscoplastic polycrystals, and M. Daignie©res for ashort, but very useful discussion on plume-related

stresses. R. Russo provided a helpful review, asdid an anonymous reviewer. This work was sup-ported by the Centre National de la RechercheScienti¢que/Institut National des Sciences del'Univers program `Action Thematique Innovante1999^2000'.


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