Connective tissue and mesenchymal tissue...Connective tissue CT are divided into: 1. Connective tissue proper (dense, areolar, regular,adipose regular and reticular 2. Cartilage (hyaline

Post on 02-Feb-2021






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  • Connective tissue &mesenchymal tissue

    Prepared by: Ms. BR Tsauses

    Anatomical Pathology 2A (ANP611S)

    April 2020

  • Learning objectives

    • Understand connective and mesenchymal tissues in order to describe and apply appropriate staining techniques in Histology.

  • Pre-learning Quiz

    • Please take the pre-learning quiz before proceeding with the presentation.

  • Introduction

    • Connective tissue (CT) is of the four tissue types

    • Derived fom latin word connectere meaning to bind.

    • Is to connect together and provide support

  • Introduction cont…

    • During embryonic development: ectoderm + endoderm = mesoderm

    • This germ layer is known as mesenchymal

    • Mesos means middle

    • Enchyma means infusion

  • Connective tissue

    CT are divided into:

    1. Connective tissue proper (dense, areolar, regular,adipose regular and reticular

    2. Cartilage (hyaline elastic, fibrocartilage)

    3. Bone( spongy or cancellous and dense or cortical)

    4. Blood

    5. Blood-forming (hematopoietic)

  • Connective tissue cell types

    • Fibroblast

    • Mast cells

    • Histocytes

    • Adipose cells

    • Reticulor cells

    • Osteoblast and osteocytes

    • Chondroblast and chondrocytes

    • Blood cells and blood forming cells

  • Intercellular substance

    • Intercellular substance (ICS) is composed of both amorphous(sulfated and non sulfated mucopolysaccharides) and formed elements (collagen, reticular fibers and elastic fibers)

    • The nature of these substance varies according its function (hard or dense or soft.)

    • Classified into: formed or fibrous type

    : gel or amorphous type

  • Formed or fibrous intercellular substances

    Collagenenic fibers

    • Most common ICS found in large quantities in most sites

    • Appear as individual fibers as in loose areolar tissues e. g tendon

    • Collagenic fibers do not branch

    • Collagen types: Type (i) up to (vi)

  • Reticular fibers

    • Provide bulk of supporting network of more cellular organs e. g spleen, lymph nodes, liver.

    • To support individual cell within the tissue.

  • Elastic fibers

    • Elastic fibers are associated with respiratory system, circulatory system and integumentary system

    • Oxytalan fibers

    • Elaunin fibers

    • Lack structure or functional significance.

  • Basement membrane

    • Found throughout the body as resilient matrix separating connective tissue from epithelial

    • Support epithelial cells

    • Support epithelial cells lining blood vessels etc

    • Divided into three zones or layers:

    - lamina- rara (or lamina lucida)

    - lamina densa (basal lamina)

    - lamina reticularis

  • Connective tissue

  • Connective Tissue cont.

  • Connective tissue cont (examples)…

  • Connective tissue cont…

  • Connective tissue…

  • References

    1. John D. Bancroft, Christopher Layton and S.Kim Suvarna, (2013),Bancroft’s Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques,7thEdition, Elsevier, China

    2. J.A.Kiernan,(2015)Histological and Histochemical Methods, 5thEdition, Scion, UK

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