Congregation P'nai Tikvah's Newsletter Kol Kiruv - Jan 2014 - Tevet / Shevat 5774

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Congregation P'nai Tikvah's Newsletter - Dec 2013 - Kislev / Tevet 5774 Congregation P'nai Tikvah - Rekindling the Jewish Spirit. Congregation P'nai Tikvah is the only Reconstructionist / Renewal synagogue in Nevada. The community's mission is to "Rekindle the Jewish Spirit" through meaningful spiritual and educational Jewish programming to the Las Vegas Valley through Torah (learning), Tefillah (prayer), Tzedakah (charity), and Kehillah (community). Serving the Jewish Community of Henderson, Green Valley, and greater Las Vegas, Congregation P'nai Tikvah is a joyful warm, welcoming spiritual home for all who are seeking a meaningful Jewish life, blending creativity and innovation with tradition.



(Formerly Valley Outreach Synagogue)

Kol Kiruv

January 2014 Tevet/Shevat Vol. 20—No. 8

Clergy and Staff

Rabbi: Yocheved Mintz

Cantor: Marla Goldberg

Accompanist: Timothy Cooper

Newsletter: Nancey Kasse

Educator: Rabbi Mintz

Bookkeeper: Lynn Pisetzner

Office Administrator: D’vorah Turrentine


Grandma Sadie Is Getting Married ...Again?, The Las Vegas Jew-

ish Film Festival, Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv services at Kraft

Sussman, Torah Study at Rabbi Mintz’s House, Rosh Chodesh at

Dotti’s House, CPT Bookworms at Jane’s House, Tu B’Shevat,

...there is so much going on in our community this month...Kol


Thank you to all the volunteers who keep our community moving

forward. Each volunteer brings their talents to the table to create

this dynamic and vibrant congregation.

Next month, join us as David Aris, Scott Linker, Jennifer Cohen,

Maxine Blechman, Linda Ortega-Kaufman, Gloria Granat, Annie

Goodrich and Nancey Kasse are called to the Torah as B’Nai Sim-

chat Chochmah. They have been preparing for this day for almost

two years and are honored to share their Simchat Chochmah with

each of you!

Congregation P’nai Tikvah will worship on Shabbat, January 3rd & 17th

at Kraft-Sussman Chapel, in the Bank of Nevada Business Park at 3975

S. Durango, Suite 104, in Las Vegas. Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv ser-

vices will begin at 7:30 PM.

Torah Study will take place at 10:00 AM on January 4th & 18th at

Rabbi Mintz’s home. A bagels and lox brunch is served. Please RSVP

by calling the administrative office at (702) 436-4900 or by emailing

Table of Contents

Cover Page 1

Rabbi's Message 2-4

Cantor’s Notes 5

President’s Message 6

CPT Bookworms 5774 7

Women’s Rosh Chodesh 8

Las Vegas Jewish Film Festival 9-11

Save the Date 12

Tikkun O’lam 13

CPT Rocks Nevada 14

MiShebeirach 15

Latkepalooza 16-17

Reconstructionist News 18

Reconstructionists In Israel 19


Updates & Fundraising Nid’vei Leiv—From the Heart


Birthdays & New Members Kidz Korner


Jewlicious Learners & New Talmud Class Yahrzeits Grandma Sadie Getting Married

23 24 25

The Sin City Schmoozer 26

Contribution Form 27

Calendar at a Glance 28

Message from the Rabbi


“Universal Declaration of Human Rights”

Dearest Chevreh:

Happy 2014! (G’valt, how time flies!!) May this secular year be one of peace, good health, se-

curity, and love. May we continue to be there for one another and continue to build our holy


As we begin the secular new year, I’d like to take a step back and provide you with food for

thought for this new year….

Last month, we were moved by the words of Elham Roohani Khomassi as she spoke about the

plight of the Bahai in India. For several years, we have been actively supporting the Women of

the Wall. And we are now actively participating in Nevadans for the Common Good. We are

seeking to repair the world…we call it Tikkun Olam. And, whether it is a teacher incarcerated

merely because she is teaching and is of the Bahai faith;Jewish women being made to move to

the back of the bus; young Nevadan girls, boys, women and men, entrenched in sex traffick-

ing; or local elders being taken advantage of or clearly being abuse…they are all being denied

basic human rights.

So this month, the words I share with you are not mine, but those of an abridged version of

the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. If you wish, you may think of this as a Haftarah

and recite the prayers for Haftarah reading, as the writers of this Declaration include many

prophetic writers, including: Eleanor Roosevelt, French Jewish jurist Rene Cassin, Hansa Me-

hta of India, and Charles Malik of Lebanon. And in our own prophetic tradition, we find this a

call to remember that it G-d who stamped all human beings in the Divine image, “b’tzelem Elo-

him”…yet each of is unique and precious, filled with amazing potential, and deserving of digni-

ty and human rights:

Universal Declaration of Human Rights;

Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 10, 1948

Preamble 1

Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all

members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,

Preamble 2

Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have

outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall

enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as

Continued on page 3

Preamble 3 Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men, Preamble 4 Now, Therefore THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY proclaims THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HU-MAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms. (Read after Preamble 4, which begins with “The General Assembly proclaims this Universal Declaration of Human Rights…”) Article 1: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Article 2: Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, with-out distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opin-ion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Article 3: Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. Article 4: No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be pro-hibited in all their forms. Article 5: No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Article 6: Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law. Article 7: All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal pro-tection of the law. Article 8: Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law. Article 9: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile. Article 10: Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. Article 11: Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees neces-sary for his defense. Article 12: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Article 13: Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. Article 14: Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from perse-cution. Article 15: Everyone has the right to a nationality. And the right to change his nationality. Article 16: Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or reli-gion, have the right to marry and to found a family. Article 17: Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

Continued on page 4 3


Article 18: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Article 19: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Article 20: Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. Article 21: Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage. Article 22: Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality. Article 23: Everyone has the right to equal pay for equal work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions, and to protection against unemployment. Article 24: Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of work-ing hours Article 25: Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection. Article 26: Everyone has the right to free education. Education shall be directed to the full de-velopment of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Article 27: Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. Article 28: Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and free-doms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized. Article 29: Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible. Article 30: Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein. L’Shalom,

Rabbi Yocheved Mintz


Cantor’s Notes:

Each Shabbat we rise up and dance, as Miriam did at the shores of the Sea of Reeds, after singing the Mi Chamocha. The Torah portion BeShalach, where the verses of the Mi Chamocha are, will be read very soon. We call this the “Song of the Sea”, and the Shabbat when it is read is called, Shabbat Shira, the Shabbat of Song.

This portion is one of the more challenging portions for the Torah reader to chant be-cause when we get to the part of the portion where the Song of the Sea arrives, we deviate from the normal chanting to a very different melody. It is more melodic and lyrical than the regular cantillation. This is meant to lift our souls back to the time after we crossed the Sea of Reeds, and place us with our ancestors in rejoicing and praise of God’s greatness.

It is in this portion that Miriam is called “Prophetess” as she goes, leading the women with timbrel in hand, to dance and chant her praise of God.

“Then Miriam the Prophetess, Aaron’s sister, took a timbrel in her hand, and all the women went out after her in dance with timbrels. And Miriam chanted for them, “Sing to the Eternal One, who has triumphed gloriously….” (Shemot 15:20-21)

It is interesting to note that in this verse, Miriam is called “the Prophetess, Aaron’s sister”. But why was she not called Moses’ sister? According to Rashi, “Miriam, the prophetess, Aaron’s sister, took: ‘When did she prophesy? When she was [known only as] “Aaron’s sister,” before Moses was born, she said, “My mother is destined to bear a son” [who will save Israel], as is found in Sotah 12b, 13a)”

Miriam was a prophetess, and she led us all in praising God, in dance, and in song. She still does this for us today.


Cantor Marla Goldberg


Message from the President:

If you did not attend our “Latkepalooza” Chanukah celebration last month, you missed a wonderful evening. I think I must have put on a pound or two tasting the latkes that were made by members of our congregation competing for that Grand Prize of Two Tickets to our January 26th Production, “Grandma Sadie is Getting Married…Again”. Now, you don’t have to make latkes to enjoy the production, but you will need to contact the CPT office to purchase your tickets! Don’t delay, they are going fast! Thanks to Sam Lieberman for getting us the Easter Seals community room for the event and to Dale Gardner for spear-heading this event and coordinating such a great team. Thanks to all who participated to make this wonder Chanukah night! Mazel Tov to Jackie Ackerman for her prize-winning spicy latkes, to all the food providers, and all who went the extra mile to stay afterwards for the clean-up. Special thanks to Doris Turrentine and Nancey Kasse for all their extra work to make it a success. There’s much to look forward to as we round the bend to 2013. Our B’nei Simchat Chochmah Shabbat will be coming up next month, and, believe it or not, Purim and Passover will follow. If you are interested in helping us to do the work be-hind the scenes for these holidays, please contact the office. We will need volunteers to make all these events the most meaningful they can be! This will be the last President’s Message for 2013. I wanted to share some special thoughts that I am sure many of you will recognize. What does it mean to be a congregation? It means to care about each other. We come together as a congregation to share our lives as Jews, to be part of the community of Israel- past, present and future. Here lies the essence of our way of life: every person must share in every other person’s life, and not be independent, leaving oneself, alone, either in sorrow or joy. Each year, we grow a year older. Have we added maturity to age this year? Have we become wiser since last year? Will we be stronger in the year to come? Will we use our time better? What do we want for the coming year that will be worth remembering? May we awaken each morning, feeling blessed, for we have people to love, Mitzvot to do, opportunities to help and feelings to share. Help us O G-d, to realize our blessings ,for if we take them for granted, we will appreciate them only when they are gone. And, yes, if the words written in this message ring a bell to you, they come from our Rosh Hashanah services. As we say good bye to 2013, I wish you all a Happy secular New Year!

Barbara Holland President of the Board

P’nai Tikvah Book Group 5774

THE PARTICULARS WHO: All members of our Congregation P’nai Tikvah community

WHEN: January 16, 2014 @ 6:45 PM

April 17, 2014 @ 6:45 PM July 17, 2014 @ 6:45 PM WHERE: Home of Jane Kusel 2645 Evening Sky Drive Henderson, NV 89052 702-407-5077 (H)

WHAT/WHY: 4 evenings translated into 4 journeys of the senses through shared dissections of the readings below. *Limited to 12 voices-please RSVP in a timely fashion

Remaining Selections for This Year January Book: HUSH Eishes Chayil

Gittel, a thirteen year-old girl who lives in the Chassidic community of Borough

Park, Brooklyn, learns of her best friend’s abuse by a family member. Forced to remain si-

lent, nuances are wrapped in blindfolded faith and Gittel’s exploration of the complex

“outside” world confounds her and the reader as the conflict between tradition and reality


April Book: TOO JEWISH Patty Friedmann

Autobiographical at its roots, this novel absorbs the reader into the heavily assimilat-

ed New Orleans Jewish community. Bernie Cooper escapes Nazi Germany and ends up

in LA only to find himself the victim of a new prejudice against Jews-the kind that comes

from other Jews.

July Book: COMING OF AGE...AGAIN Carol B. Mizrahi

Lighter fare for hot days, the humor, moxie and wisdom of four friends finds its voice

around the table of a weekly mahjongg game. Barbara, Irene, Rochelle, and Syl-

via understand that their carefully orchestrated lives are falling apart and prove that "coming

of age" can happen more than once. It’s not too soon to suggest books for next year. To do so, please send your suggestions directly to Jane Kusel. It’s not too late to join in the fun; all you need to do is read the book and let Jane know that you’ll be there!




Homes are always needed for the vari-

ous activities and meetings of our con-

gregation. Offer a Personal prayer – If you’d like

to write your own, please do so. If you

would like to see it published in the



Women’s Rosh Chodesh Group

Todah Rabba (Thank You) to Judy

Mirisch for hosting last month’s wel-

come to Tevet. More than a minyan

shared a wonderful evening of bond-

ing and sisterhood in the light of the

new moon as we discussed the dark

and mystical nature of Tevet.

We will welcome the month of Sh’vat

on January 5th, at 7:00 pm, at the

home of Dotti Elgart. At Dotti’s we

will get hands-on as we jump into the

stream of creative energy and flow

into a quilting project. The focus of

the Sh’vat get together is “Threads

that Bind.” Please RSVP to Dotti at

435.668.4008 or

We look forward to the upcoming

chances to be together on the new

moon. Thank you for your hospitali-

ty. Save the date for the upcoming

month of: Adar I, on February 2nd

at the home of Dale Gardner

Jewlicious Learners

Classes continue on Monday

afternoons at the Rabbi’s home, from

4:15 to 6:00, January 6, 13, and 27;

February 3, 10, and 24; March 3, 10,

17, 24, 31; April 7, and 28; May 5, 12,19

and June 2. Registration continues to

be open, but classes have begun.

Box Tops For Education are an Easy Way to Support P’nai Tik-

vah’s Jewlicious Learning Program!

Box Tops for Education is a very simple way for you to contribute to CPT’s Jewlicious Learning program every time you shop! Clip box tops from hundreds of products. Each box top is worth 10 cents for the program, and some products are offering double and triple box tops! Bring them to services with you and place them in the “Box Tops for Education” box. For a complete list of products bearing the Box Tops for Education symbol, go to: .

All Box Tops should be brought to Shabbat Services or sent to Dale Gardner

The 13th Annual Las Vegas Jewish Film Festival


Films to be Shown at two Locations

The Adelson Educational Campus

Cinematic Theaters South Point Hotel.

For tickets go to the Las Vegas Jewish Film Festival website

Recommended for ages 11 and up, THE ZIGZAG KID is a delight for every-

one who is young at heart. Nono wants to be like his father, the best police

inspector in the world, but he is constantly getting into trouble. Two days

before his Bar Mitzvah, he is sent away to his uncle Shmuel, who is sup-

posed to get him back on track. En route to visit his uncle, Nono meets mas-

ter-burglar Felix Glick and is introduced to a world of disguises, chases and

a mysterious woman whose deep dark secrets will change Nono's life forev-


The Zigzag Kid Saturday, January 11, 2014 * 7:00 PM The Adelson Educational Campus Theater Belgium, Netherlands, 2012 * 95 Minutes Dutch, English and French with English Subtitles

Blumenthal Sunday, January 12, 2014 * 1:00 PM

The Adelson Educational Campus Theater USA, 2013 * 86 min


Celebrated playwright Harold Blumenthal has passed away after succumbing

to cardiac arrest while laughing at one of his own jokes. Now, Harold's es-

tranged and jealous brother, Saul, must confront his personal hang-ups to

deliver himself from an epic bout of constipation. Meanwhile, Saul's wife

Cheryl and son Ethan must grapple with their own personal obstacles

through a set of circumstances so improbably ironic they might as well have

been lifted from one of Harold's plays.

The Heart of Auschwitz Sunday, January 12, 2014 @ 3:30 PM The Adelson Educational Campus Canada 2010 * 85 min English

THE HEART OF AUSCHWITZ, a handmade gift for Fania Landau, bestowed

upon her in a concentration camp on her 20th birthday, undoubtedly meant

more to her than any present because it restored Fania’s faith in mankind.

Out of utmost love and gratitude, Fania saw no other option than to risk her

life by keeping it with her throughout death marches and camp inspections.

This enlightening film shares what the human spirit can achieve when there

is hope and empathy.


Brave Miss World Thursday, January 16, 2014 @ 7:00 PM

Adelson Educational Campus Mature Themes (16 years of age and above only)

USA, Israel, South Africa, Italy 2012 * 99 min English and Hebrew with English subtitles

Co-presented by Jewish Federation of Las Vegas Women’s Philanthropy Special Guest Appearance by: Linor Abargil

On an official visit to Italy prior to entering the Miss World Pageant, Linor Abargil was raped by a man who was

supposed to be protecting her. A few weeks later, Linor was crowned Miss World but her dream of wearing the

crown was tainted by the trauma of her devastating ordeal. BRAVE MISS WORLD follows Linor’s decision to

speak out about her rape and follows her journey as she meets other survivors of the global epidemic of sexual

violence against women.

Hannah Arendt Saturday, January 18, 2014 @ 7:00 PM The Adelson Educational Campus Germany 2012 * 113 min English and German with English subtitles

HANNAH ARENDT is a bio-pic about the influential German-

Jewish philosopher and political theorist who reported on the

1961 trial of the notorious Nazi Adolf Eichmann for the New York-

er Magazine. The article was controversial both for its portrayal

of Eichmann and for her now-famous concept of the “Banality of

Evil.” Using footage from the actual Eichmann trial and weaving

a narrative that spans three countries, this provocative film turns

the often invisible passion for thought into immersive, dramatic


Cupcakes Sunday, January 19, 2014 @ 1:00 PM

Adelson Educational Campus Israel, 2013 * 90 min

Hebrew, French with English subtitles

CUPCAKES is a colorful and outrageously funny Israeli satire on

the iconic and kitsch institution: The Eurovision Song Contest.

The film follows a group of neighborhood friends as they try to

cheer up Anat, who has recently been abandoned by her husband.

The troop spontaneously composes a song and as a joke sends it to

Eurovision. As luck would have it, the song is chosen to represent

Israel. CUPCAKES is set to an infectious pop score and features a

cast of some of Israel’s brightest stars.

Jews and Money Sunday, January 19, 2014 @ 3:30 PM The Adelson Educational Campus Canada, France 2013 * 96 min English, Hebrew and French with English subtitles

Ilan Halimi was abducted, held hostage under barbaric conditions

and later died en route to the hospital. His kidnappers had demand-

ed $500,000 in ransom, convinced that since Halimi was Jewish,

his family must be rich. In fact, the 23-year-old cell phone salesman

came from a modest working-class background. Twenty-seven

youth gang members were arrested, their subsequent trial sparking

worldwide outrage and exposing the roots of anti-Semitic tension in

the African-Muslim immigrant neighborhoods of Paris. 10

Bethlehem Thursday, January 23, 2014 @ 7:00 PM

Cinemark Theaters South Point Hotel Israel, 2013 * 100 min

Hebrew and Arabic with English subtitles

One of the most unnervingly lucid films ever made about the Israeli-

Palestinian conflict, BETHLEHEM shifts between Israeli and Palestinian

perspectives to tell a story of secret strategies, precarious alliances, and

terrible betrayals. This gripping thriller plunges us into a milieu of family,

terror, and espionage to reveal a perpetual atmosphere of paranoia and

mistrust that forces everyone to question the loyalty of their own friends

and family. BETHLEHEM won Best Picture at the Israeli Academy Awards

and has been named Israeli’s official selection for this year’s Best Foreign

Language Film Oscar.

The Jewish Cardinal Saturday, January 25, 2014 @ 7:00 PM Adelson Educational Campus France, 2012 * 96 min French with English subtitles

THE JEWISH CARDINAL tells the true story of Jean-Marie Lustiger

who maintained his cultural identity as a Jew even after converting to

Catholicism and joining the priesthood. Quickly rising within the ranks

of the Church, Lustiger was appointed Archbishop of Paris by Pope Jean

Paul II. In this powerful position, he found a new platform to celebrate

his dual identity as a Catholic Jew, earning him both friends and ene-

mies from either group. When Carmelite nuns settle down to build a con-

vent in Auschwitz, Lustiger finds himself a mediator forced to choose a


Paris Manhattan Sunday, January 26, 2014 @ 1:00 PM

The Adelson Educational Campus France, 2012 * 78 Min

French with English subtitles

Alice, an idealistic pharmacist, is completely and utterly obsessed with

Woody Allen. She’s constantly quoting lines from his films, engaging him

in imaginary conversations, and even prescribing her customers his clas-

sic works to help alleviate their ailments. Alice’s increasingly concerned

Jewish parents hope to cure her fixation by setting her up with a hand-

some French gentleman but he quickly realizes that he’s no match for the

man of her dreams. A romantic excursion through the city of lights, this

witty endearing comedy concludes with a special cameo by the original

Alvy Singer.

Ida Sunday, January 26, 2014 @ 3:30 PM The Adelson Educational Campus Poland, 2013 * 80 Min Polish with English Subtitles

IDA is the story of a young orphan on the cusp of taking her vows to be-

come a nun in a Catholic order. She unexpectedly learns that she has a

Jewish aunt named Wanda, whom she visits before making her ultimate

commitment to the church. The two women, one an idealist completely

naive to the real world and the other a cynic who can scarcely cope with

the hypocrisy and inhumanity she’s seen, embark on a voyage of discov-

ery where they learn that they can either be trapped by their past or break

free from it. 11

Annie Goodrich, Gloria Granat, Linda Ortega-Kaufman, Jennifer Cohen, Maxine Blechman and Nancey Kasse

SAVE THE DATE 22 ADAR I 5774 FEBRUARY 21-22, 2014


Starring David Aris and Scott Linker

SAVE THE DATE 22 ADAR I 5774 FEBRUARY 21-22, 2014


B’nei Simchat Chochmah Class of 5774 Parshat VaYakhel

On 22 ADAR I 5774

February 21-22, 2014

Join us for full Shabbat services on February 21-22, 2014,

when the B’nei Simchat Chochmah Class of 5774

is called to the Torah.



Tikkun O’lam in Nevada

The idea of social justice has been an issue for a long time. It stands as a part of our tradi-

tion to seek justice in this world.

The term "mipnei tikkun ha-olam" (perhaps best translated in this context as "in the interest of

public policy") is used in the Mishnah (the body of classical rabbinic teachings codified circa

200 C.E.). There, it refers to social policy legislation providing extra protection to those poten-tially at a disadvantage.1

In Nevada, there are a number of faith based organizations, that got together to look at issues

of social justice. This group of people is known as Nevadans for the Common Good (NCG).

Their statement from the NCG website describes their philosophy as:

We believe in relationships. The issues we work on come out of small-group gatherings called “house meetings”, where people share

their stories about issues they’d like to see changed and have energy to work on. We are driven by the

testimony of concrete experience, not pre-conceived ideology.

We believe in citizen leadership. We identify, bring together and develop leaders across our communities, so that we can accomplish more

together than we could apart.

We believe in ownership. We accept no money from government sources. The organization is funded by dues from its member in-

stitutions, in addition to some foundation and business support. This allows the organization to belong to,

and be accountable to its member institutions.

We believe in practical solutions. We work on concrete issues that we can do something about. Once potential issues are identified, commu-

nity leaders do research to develop practical, achievable solutions.2

NCG worked together to implement the passing of Assembly Bill 67 (AB67). AB67 creates a

crime of sex-trafficking. What is unique about this bill’s passing is that there have been

many bills on sex-trafficking before but this one passed due in large part to the consistent

grass-roots efforts of NCG. They identified the power structures involved, met with them and

found common ground. NCG asked themselves the question, “Could they help to create social

justice through policy change?” They did their homework, met with legislators prior to session

and stayed on top of AB67 all the way through its passing. NCG continues to monitor the end-process of the passing of AB67.

Vulnerable elderly is one of the current issues being tackled by NCG. Many seniors who come to Las Vegas to retire eventually face isolation and hardship. The suicide rate

among elderly in Nevada is twice the national average. The public infrastructure for health care, transpor-

tation and other vital services remains a work in progress. Nevadans for the Common Good is working

with community and governmental partners to address these issues.3

To date Nevadans for the Common Good has identified the following power structures in re-

gards to the vulnerable elderly: the Division of Aging,

the Regional Transport Commission,

the Nursing Home Association,

housing developers

businesses that benefit from the elderly

Congregation P’Nai Tikvah, Rabbi Mintz and NCG invite you to participate in this social action

so we can participate in positively affecting change in the lives of the vulnerable elderly. Con-

tact our members, Dr. Meera Kamegai and Nancey Kasse for more information on the upcoming cluster meeting.

Nevadans for the Common Good Website:

1, 12-13-

13 @ 4:48 pm

2 , 12-16-2013, 11:38 am

3 ,12-16-2013, 11:38 am







Mi Shebeirach/”Get Well” Wishes to…

Marie Ackerman

Marjorie Lieberman

D’vorah Turrentine

Edith Rome

Gary Paykel

Elliot Bender

Paul Bodner

Karen Boyett

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

Wendy Linker

Maya Granat

Craig Goodrich

Richard & Eric Wulff

Corey Goldman

Phyllis Zuckerman

Tiffany Freud

Imam Mujahid Ramadan

Andy Holland

Danielle Holland

Rosemarie Chapman

Rabbinic Pastor Shulamit Fagan

Connie Rivchun

Scott Dykstra

Anne Altman

Barry Goodwin

Arlene Cohen

Paul Goldstein

Seth Horowitz

Arleen Gibson

Richard Steinberg

Larry Kamanitz

Danielle Reitenour

Brazyl Monique Ward

Pinky Garcia

Susan Margolin

Joyce Schneider

Bob Mirisch

Salavatore Salzano

Helene Bernstein

Jackie Kolner

Jay Berger

Bernie Gehring

Scott Simon

Esther Schwartz

Seth Axelrod

Survivors of Typhoon Hyaun

Sonny & Lew Mayron

Jay Berger

Barbara Grossman

Deborah Williams

Kathleen Broener



Reconstructionist Movement News You Can Use

What Does The Pew Study Mean For Us?

Perhaps you’ve been hearing a lot about the recent report "A Portrait of Jewish Ameri-

cans" from the Pew Center for Research on Religion and Public Life. Much of the talk—

and the press coverage—took a negative tone, as it focused on the findings that fewer

Jews now identify as religious. Reconstructionist thinkers, however, see the matter differ-


Read about why pride in being Jewish is a great starting place for engagement--and why

historical context is important to understanding the report. Find Reconstructionist respons-

es to the study at

Great New Titles From the Reconstructionist Press

A Guide to Jewish Practice, Volume 2 is now available. This rich, flexible tool offers tradi-

tional and contemporary approaches to Shabbat and the Jewish holidays. (If you don’t al-

ready have it in your collection, you may also want to consider volume one of the guide,

on everyday living; the book helps navigate important contemporary issues, from sexual

ethics and gender identity to end-of-life decisions.)

Chapters of the Heart: Jewish Women Sharing the Torah of Our Lives invites readers into

the lives of 20 women via beautifully written essays. The writers reflect on intimate experi-

ences such as parenting, infertility and illness. Through a Jewish lens, they detail the

meaning they discovered.

These titles and more are available through the Reconstructionist Press


Making It Official

What do a small Jewish community near the beach, a 108-year-old temple north of Bos-

ton, and a congregation that holds services in an arboretum have in common? All three

communities recently decided to become affiliates of the Reconstructionist movement.

We welcome three new affiliates:

Selah in Fairfield County, CT

Congregation Temple Emmanuel in Wakefield, MA

Beit Chaverim in West Palm Beach Gardens, FL.

Read their stories at




UPDATES and Fundraising Opportunities


On’gai Shabbat— Time to Sign up!

We still have a few openings left for those of you who want to celebrate a simcha or commemorate the memory of a loved one by sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat. And for you foodies who want to get your Bobby Flay or Gordon Ramsey on, there’s still time! Check the schedule below; an opening is your opportunity:

January 3 Sponsor-Jane Kusel and Ann Mandell


January 17 Sponsor-Hariet Miller

Caterer- Tiffany Freud

February 7 Sponsor-Delee Family in honor of Meyer’s 3rd Birthday


February 22 Sponsor-Scott Linker in

memory of Scott’s Parents Caterer-

Note URL for Congregation P’nai Tikvah, as well as Facebook and Twitter Addresses

Make our web address, , a favorite! Social networking with our shul is easier than ev-er! “Like” us on Facebook at and follow us

on Twitter at . Thanks to Cindy Fox, Jon Axel-

rod, and Danielle Holland—CPT’s social network mavens—for keeping us current!! Anyone else

Nid’vei Leiv—Contributions from the heart Ann Brandt -In Memory of her mother, Minnie Etkind Sean Lyttle -Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Deanna King -Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Adrienne Rubin and Ruth Kaplow -In honor of Ruth Kaplow’s Birthday -In honor of Adrianne Rubin’s Birthday -In honor of Adrianne & So’s 11th Anniversary Jeff Barton -Chai Donation Patsy Kart Barbara Holland Zelda Goldwater -Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Stella Bialac -Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Rabbi Yocheved Mintz , in memory of Lee So Mintz Thank you to all of the people who contributed to the

To have a “Chai Contributions”…to life! sent out,

please contact the office at 436-4900, or so indicate on

your Mitzvah envelope. Mitzvah Funds and Tribute

Card funds are used to help maintain and grow the

vital programs and services of Congregation P’nai



Rabbi Mintz will lead Torah Study for Parashat Bo

January 4th & for Parashat Yitro on January 18th at the

Rabbi’s home at 10:00 AM.

Please RSVP for Torah Study at or

call —the office at 436-4900.

For $40.00 a prayer book can either be

purchased for personal use or be dedicat-

ed to the congregation “In Memory” or “In Honor of” and

a card from CPT will be sent to the family. The prayer

book plate will be placed on the inside cover of our new

Kol HaNeshamah siddur.

Interested in learning Hebrew? Learn-

ing how to chant from the Torah? In-

creasing your knowledge on the histo-

ry, ethics, philosophy, and practice of

Judaism? CPT has opportunity's for

helping us all live life to the fullest.

Do contact Rabbi Mintz

and expand your horizons.





KIDZ KORNER for January

WANTED: Help in Setting Up

the Worship Area

If we were a wealthy congregation, we’d hire a crew for set-up and take-down each ser-vice; and, since we do not have the funds to do that, we need volunteer sweat equity to help each time. Set-up time is cut in half when a few people pitch-in. So step up to perform this mitzvah (after all, how close are you to the magic number 613?) and call the office at (702) 436-4900 to volunteer.


If you are interested in placing an ad in the

Kol Kiruv, you are welcome to send the ad to The cost is $25 for 1/4 page,

$50 for 1/2 page, and $100 for a full page. Place-

ment of ad is subject to approval by the editor.

Dotti Elgart January 4

Arleah Rush-Giannopoulos

January 5

Cindy Fox January 14


LEARNERS: Our Jewlicious Learners did a

great job singing Chanukah

songs and parti-cipating in

the Latkepalooza. After the

Winter Break, when classes

resume on January 6, the

older youngsters will concen-

trate on completing Likro u-

L’vareith and the younger

students will work towards

finishing Unit 5. Soon the

older kids will be learning

Hebrew script and recognizing

present and past tense. The

younger kids will be complet-

ing reading readiness and

letter recognition. All the

class will continue taking dic-

tation in Hebrew and writing


Studying Tu BiShvat this

month, our experiential

learners will have a great

hands-on project, facilitated

by Nancey Kasse.

New Class Offering: INTRO-


Beginning March 3 and continuing for 10

sessions (no class Erev Pesach), Rabbi

Mintz will teach a series on Talmud.

This series of sessions will cover the fol-

lowing topics:

History of the Talmud

Social and Cultural Context

Layout of a Page of Talmud

Style of the Mishnah

Style of the Gemara

Talmudic Study Tools

A Basic Lexicon of Talmudic Terms

This is an absolute beginner’s guide to

Talmud,. We don’t study Talmud, we

“learn” it and generally do so with a

“chaver,” a friend. The hum of learning

partners fills the halls of learning (Batei

Midrash), and the various issues covered

in the Talmud are slices of life. The fun

of learning Talmud opens our minds to

different ways of logic and this introduc-

tion will serve as a springboard before we

plunge into the Sea of Talmud.

Course cost: $100 plus $15 per text. Call

the office (436-4900) to register.





Sidney Brandt

-Remembered by Ann Brandt

Charlotte Clark

-Remembered by Susan & Rick Bindhamer

Martin Hillman

-Remembered by Anne & Gary Ullman

Samuel Kamanitz

-Remembered by Barbara Holland

Beila Kunis

-Remembered by Arthur Kunis

Mary Kunis

-Remembered by Arthur Kunis

Bernice Kuryk

-Remembered by Barbara Holland

Elaine Lytel

-Remembered by Laurie Lytel

Susan Master

-Remembered by Frank Master

Lee Sol Mintz

-Remembered by Rabbi Mintz

Remembering Friends and Family: If you know of someone who can use a little cheer in their life be-cause of illness or a death in their family-or a simcha -mazel tov cele-bration; the "Sunshine Lady” Phyl-lis Zuckerman would like to send a card. Please contact her at:(702)617-0585 or


If you refer someone to a car dealer-

ship, on behalf of CPT, we can receive

a referral fee. This is a wonderful

and easy way to do a mitzvah for

CPT . More information contact

D’vorah 869-2700.

Memorial plaques are available for your consideration,

To honor the departed,

To inspire the living.

To be remembered in the hearts of those we leave

behind is,

In a sense, to live forever.

For further information, call the Synagogue office at


Mitzvah donations also appreciated






January 3 Tot Shabbat 6:30pm at Kraft-Sussman Chapel

January 3 Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv Services 7:30pm at Kraft-Sussman Chapel

January 4 Torah Study (Par’shat Bo) at the home of Rabbi Mintz 10:00am

January 5 Women’s Rosh Chodesh at 7:00 pm at the home of Dotti Elgart

January 6 Jewlicious Learning 4:15pm

January 6 Simchat Chochmah 7:00pm

January 15 Erev Tu B’Shevat

January 16 Tu B’Shevat-New Year for Trees

January 16 P’Nai Tikvah Book Club at 6:45 pm at the home of Jane Kusel

Janaury 17 Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv Services 7:30pm at Kraft-Sussman Chapel

January 18 Torah Study (Pat ‘shat BeShallach) the home of Rabbi Mintz 10:00am

Janaury 20 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

January 26 “Grandma Sadie is Getting Married...Again? “at 5:00 pm at

The Adelson Educational Campus

February 2 Women’s Rosh Chodesh at 7:00 pm at the home of Dale Gardner

February 3 Jewlicious Learning 4:15pm

February 3 Simchat Chochmah 7:00pm

February 7 Tot Shabbat 6:30pm at Kraft-Sussman Chapel

February 7 Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv Services 7:30pm at Kraft-Sussman Chapel

February 8 Torah Study at the home of Rabbi Mintz 10:00am

February 10 Jewlicious Learning 4:15pm

February 10 Simchat Chochmah 7:00pm

February 21 B'nei Simchat Chochmah Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv service!

February 22 B'nei Simchat Chochmah Shabbat Shacharit service!

February 24 Jewlicious Learning 4:15 pm

Blessing for the Month of Shevat

Winter is here, but beneath the hardened ground new life begins to stir.

May we open ourselves to new beginnings. May we say “yes” to renew-

ing life once again and, in doing so, allow the latent potential within us

to come forth.


Kol Kiruv, the newsletter of Congregation P’nai Tikvah, is available on-line at at no cost. If mailed, hard copy delivery is $36 annually. Please notify us and remit payment .

Shabbat Tu B’Shevat Martin Luther King Jr.

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